OL. 78. WEDNESDAY, HO. 44. . ' IN - . ' , - 1 - .:, - ... . - -: . ' - ' i : " . : ... pfeoFESSlONAIi CARDS. w. J. RICHARDSON. Dr. Oj FICErKATZ BUILDING. ' ii "' ; . V . '. S3lpENCE: 615 W. QA8T0N ST. f R BEALL, EL D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON v nr Court Sou are. . DENCE : 404 Asheboro St. i t Hours, 11:30 to 1; 3 to 4:30. TELEPHONE NO. 17- STAMEY, M. D. i 0 3Q So"U.tlx 7FT1 m St. jtasey & Prlsson's Drug Store. Dr. J. J. BRYAN -.n.olna1 torvlrpi tn the citizt'ns"ll-r - vWoTS JNO. B. FABISS' DSUCr STOBi. j ! LrrT)8ITK BENBOW HOU8K. c'e : No. 3'25 Sorth Elm St. . E. VYCHE, T RNTI8T, , c in Savings Bank Building, South Elm street, Greensboro, N. C. Dr. J. H. V, OFF ICE: Op. Ward's Drug Store. L )l. SCALES, tit aid Counsellor at Law, ijREENSBORO, N. C. Z.-V.' TAYLOR, GREENSBORO, N. C. KKlI.AI'AMS. KOBKKT D.DOUGLA8. iDAHS & DOUGLAS, I Attorneys - at - Law j . SAVINGS B1XK BUILDING, "MM, VT.T. BYNUM,JR., BYNUH & BYNUH, s and Counsellors at Law. 94 COtTRT SO.T7AEE. (Oliver S. Newlin, QRKET AND COTINSFXLOR IT LAW. 'iRKttXSUORO, N. C. n Wright lluiUling, east1 of Court 'tf ' atMition 'given to all business en- iiitn. . . . i - HURRAY BROS. :kiai. a;ents for the 3hoenix Mutual Life In surance Company. 10 ee our plans. 1 We can interest you. T. JOHNSON, THKttRKENSBORO SPECIALIST, 4 I 3r-:2 SOUTH ELM ST. lamination'- Free. ( i" ksi a. m. to 12.30 p. nv., 2 to 8 p. m. Published 30 years. B. Farrar's Son R AND ADJUSTER. L 1 t- t .Hi L 4 b .liKMH'ctor of Southern Railway 1 1 '-nr watches a enocialur hes a specialty. Lvirf'Sh.! r-u.K,n?.' specialty. Esti : ' cripi.. -uiucs an Sme and Boilers. : Dr. j QUU PRITCHETT, 3 t-iNJ? Si'ir,AL AGENT FOR J VSS,'ACT SIZE, WOOD AND I t" - a trnma Trnnttd - I i , iiUUAu jnano a.xxjxu.0. Col. John R. Stewart is spending the week in Winston. Mrs. Harper J. Elam is visiting relatives In Atlanta, 6a. - The Odell Hardware Company has a new advertisement this week. , A new line of Elkin home-m&de shoes 'just opened at Rankin & 'Hod gin. - Deputy Sheriff John Weatherly has recovered from an attack of ma laria. Mr. J. W. Causey is rejoicing over the addition - of- a new member t his family. 1 Mr. A. L. Crutchfield, of Spartan burg, S. C, is visiting relatives in this section. Mr. J. W. Lindau is moving into his handsome new residence on Sum mit avenue. - Dr. Charles D. Mclver delivered an educational lecture in Hickory Monday night. Mrs. J. N. Longest has gone to Kansas on avlslt to her mother and other relatives. - ' . Judge Spencer B. Adams went to Patrick ceunty, Virginia, Monday on professional business. Chrismoa Bros the West Market street grocers, are paying the highest prices for country produce. Sheriff Gilmer and Bro. A. G. Kirk man represented the county officials at the Winston horse hair yesterday. 7 Mr. Frank Erwin, of Washington D. C, spent last Friday in the city on his return from the state fair at Raleigh. The nicest line of 25c, 40c, 50c. and $100 lamps In the city. Hi att & Lamb. Plenty of Elkin knitting yarn in all colors, also cotton batting for quilts at Rankin & Hodgin's. For Sale Good froom cottage on Walker avenue, near Normal School. Call on or address W. P. Turner, this office. . , tf Game is said to be more plentiful in Guilford than in years, birds and squirrels in particular being reported in abundance. 1 Rev. James R. Joaes, of Guilford College, is assisting in a revival meet ing at the Methodist Protestant church in Burlington this week. Mr.N. H. Slaughter, proprietor of JarrelPs Hotel, High Point, has leased the Hotel March at Lexington and will conduct it after November 1st. If you Jhave to buy any pant goods and shoes, see our line and prices be fore you buy. We will save you money. Rankin & Hodgin. One thousand yards of newmat. ting just opened at Thacker & Brock mann's. Also new line of rugs, car pets, floor oil cloth and window cur tains. There are now.about sixty convicts on the county road at but Superinten dent Bergman says he could work twenty-five or. thirty more to an ad vantage. - p-The Mt. Airy granite for the re talnlng wall in front of John Barker's property, on North Davie street, was delivered this week and will be put in place soon. 'Friday will be "bargain day" at J. M. Hendrix & Co's store. When this firm talks about bargains you know what it means. Read the ad. for particulars. A shifting engine struck a dray on the Lewis street crossing late Saturday evening, demolishing the vehicle and slightly injuring the driver., The horse escaped unhurt.. - Alston Hall, an aged colored man, was found dead at his home in Warn ersville yesterday morning. He lived alone and had been dead several hours when discovered. Mrs, Shube Murrow, a highly es teemed lady of Sumner township, died Saturday morning. 1 The bereaved re latives have the sympathy of a large number of friends. Ladies, if you want to see the best fitting, best looking and longest lasting shoes ever sold in this city for two dollars, go and look at those just put n sale at Thacker & Brockmann's. ' Rev. William L. Kibler, of Chippe wa Lake, Ohio; "who was formerly in charge of the Lutheran mission in this city, has accepted a call to the pastor ate of a Lutheran church in Balti more. . Seed Wheat For Sale. We have 75 bushels of Russian Red and 125 bushels of Improved Kivett Seed Wheat for sale at 95 cents per busheL This seed is pure and clean. V Neklley Bros., 42-3t. , Pleasant Garden. ! collecting tour of the county and Is very well satisfied with the results. The last appointment was at' Friend ship, which was filled by Mr. John W. Cook yesterday. ! Mr W. B. Webster, of Mllboro, was In the city yesterday and gave us a pleasant call. He will begin teach ing the public school at Cedar Falls next Monday, this being his second year as teacher of that school. Ben Jennings, who. was shot by Ben Wilker8on some weeks ago, and whose condition has been critical, Is able to be out a portion of the time. His physician says he is now out of danger. His was a narrow escape f rom death. ! ! Prof. J. A. Holmes, state geolo gist, will give a lecture on 'The Canon and the Yosemlte Valley" in the chapel of the State Normal and Indus trial College tomorrow night. The lecture will be illustrated by stereop ticon views. I The Asheboro Courier says that N. F. Yow attempted suicide by drink ing laudanum at the home of his bro ther at- Cedar Falls one night last week. It was with considerable diffi culty that he was saved from the' ef fects of the deadly drug. j A dispatch from Madison says : "While Will Hopper and Riley Pierson were removing timbers from the new cotton mill at Evalon both were struck by an Upright piece of timber, which killed Hopper at once and fatally in jured Pierson. Pierson is married." ! Burglars visited the pantry of Bro. J.F. McCullochjOf Our Church Record, a few nights ago and relieved it of a 100-pound sack of flour. A person who will rob a combination preacher and editor must indeed be a depraved wretch, beyond the hope of redemption. Dan Packard's opera company will fill a three night's engagement at ithe Academy of Music next week, begin ning Monday night. This Is one of the finest opera companies on the road and never falls to entertain and please tbe public. Esau Holderby, a colored man em ployed as a section hand on the South ern Railway, was found dead just out side the corporate limits of Reldsvllle Sunday morning. His body, which was lying beside the railroad track, had been struck by a train and was badly mangled. i I will pay 74 cents a pound for green beef hides at present, 3) cents a pound for tallow and 20 cents a pound for beeswax. Want all I can get of each. Jas. W. Forbis, Proprietor Stall No. 1, City Market, Greensboro, N. C. ' Mr. T. J. McAdoo, proprietor! of the telephone exchange, has had two cables placed along South Elm street to take the place of the numerous wires. .This is a decided improvement and was made necessary by the con stantly Increasing patronage of the telephone exchaoge. Dr. II . P. Bowman and Mrs. Ar mlnta Kestler, of Gibson ville, were married in Raleigh last Wednesday evening by Rev. Dr. Norman, of the Edenton Street M. E. church. The parties are well known in eastern and southern Guilford. The Patriot ex tends congratulations. The Star says the congregation of the First Presbyterian church of Wilmington has decided to postpone Indefinitely the calling of a pastor to succeed Rev. Dr. Peyton H. Hoge. Rev. Hay Watson Smith, of this city, will supply the pulpit until permanent arrangements are made. . Mr. Wm. E. Willson, a former res ident of this county, is moving his family from Raleigh to Charlotte this week, where he becomes manager of the A. F. Meslck Grocery Company. His children are at present visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.Chas. H. Willson, at Summerfield. j ! ' . - ' i! -i The Hunter Manufacturing and Commission Company Is making some extensive improvements in the over alls and pants factory on Buchanan street. A new boiler has just been In stalled to furnish steam to heat the building, which will be lighted by the company's own electric dynamo. j j Mr. E. A. Miller, manager of the Greensboro Steam Lanndry, has gone north on a tour of inspection of some i of the laundries that are using the lat est and most up-to-date machinery. Mr. Dick, the proprietor, is preparing to install new machinery In his laun dry and of course wants the best ob tainable. Scrap Iron Wanted. We will buy all your old castings. wrougnt iron, plow steel, brass and copper. . wui pay highest prices. G..T. Glascock & Sox, tf. - Greensboro, N. C. Sheriff Gilmer has finished his tax Revs, J. W. Hypes, of Salem, Va., and C. C. Cecil, of Danville. Vt, holi ness evangelists, are conducting a sanctificatlon meeting in a tent on the corner of South Elia and Lewis streets. So far no great amount of interest has been manifested in the meeting, though things may grw warmer as the ser vices progress. The Greensboro Supply Company has just been organized for the pur pose of handling, as jobbers and man ufacturers' agents, all kinds of wood working and textile manufacturing machinery. The company is composed of S. J. Lindau, of this city; W. I. Young, of Winston-Salem, and N. D. Young, of Pilot Mountain. Col. Thrasher, revenue agent at this place, is succeeded by Mr. A. C. Patterson, who has been in the ser vice some time.' The two gentlemen went to Washington Sunday night to attend to the transfer of the office. Col. Thrasher will be transferred to Mis souri and placed In charge of a reve nue office in the St. Louis district. The Winston horse show opened yesterday with an immense crowd of people present. A large number went up from Greensboro. Gen. Julian S. Carr, of Durham, the chief marshal for the occasion, arrived on the vestibule train from, the north and was joined here by the Gate City Band, which acted as his personal escort to Winston. We are showing some extra values in underwear this season, In all sizes and styles, for men, women and chil dren, Including a nice line of union suits for women and children. It will be money In your pocket to see bur line before you buy your winter sup ply. Rankin & Hodgin, South of Depot. The pastor, Rev. H. D. Lequeux, will preach at Springwood next Satur day and Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m. Communion services will be held on Sunday. The second Sabbath is the usual time for holding communion ser vice, but some time ago it was decided to change to the first Sunday when there are more than four Sabbaths in a month. Mr. Robert S. Mebane, of this city, will be married this afternoon at 4 o'clock to Miss Cora Alice Holt, daughter of Mr. L. Banks Holt, of Graham. . A number of Greensboro people went down this morning to witness the ceremony, which will be performed in the Presbyterian church at Graham. The young couple wiU visit a number of northern cities on their bridal tour. Dressmakers and other ladies who have dresses to make will, find at Thacker & Brockmann's a very com plete stock of waist and skirt lining?, silesias, drillings, percalines, nearsllks, cambrics, cotton and linen canvass, double faced linings, crinolines, stays, whalebones, waterproof, brush and velveteen bindings, spool silks and cot ton, hooks and eyes, collar canvass, and in fact everything that goes into a dress. Suit has been entered against the city by Mr. J. Henry phlpps for $46.41, that being the amount claimed by him as due for furnishing groceries to the family of Robert Fentress when thay were quarantined on account of the smallpox scare last spring. Mr. Phipps claims that he was authorized to fur nish the groceries at the expense of the city, but this is denied by the aldermen, who refused to pay the bill. Hence the suit. Aunt Rena Rhodes, colored, wife of Uncle Alex, Rhodes, died at her home near Guilford College on the 14th Inst. She was about eighty years old and held the respect and esteem of the people of the community. Prior to the Civil war she was the property of Mr. Tom Rhodes' father and was a true and faithful servant. Her like is growing smaller year by year, and soon the "old Issue" darkey will live only In memory. - The stewards of West Market Street Methodist church last week voted their faithful pastor. Rev. Dr. J. C. Rowe, a vacation on account of the heavy strain through which he has passed In conducting a two weeks' re vival meeting and in consideration of the further fact that he has not taken a rest during the year. Feeling that he could not afford to spare the time from his pastoral work just now, Dr. Rowe declined to avail himself of the kind offer of the church officials. Job Couldn't Have Stood It If he'd had Itching Plies. They're terribly annoying; but Bocklen's Ar nica Salve will cure the worst case of Piles on earth. It has cured thousands. For injuries, Pauls or Bodily Eruptions It's the best salve In the world. Price 25c. a box. Core guaranteed. Sold by C. E. Holton, druggist. Miss Laura Worth, of Gnllford College, has gone to Baltimore to take a medical course In the Maryland Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons, hav ing won a scholarship in that Institu tion, Miss Worth is a daughter of the late Daniel Worth and is a graduate of Guilford College. Later she graduated from the Boston Normal School of Gymnastics and was placed! in charge of the department of physical culture at Guilford College, which department she conducted with, much thorough ness and success. She is an1 energetic and intellectual young woman and de serves to meet with success In the pro fession which she has chosen as her life work. i At the last December term of court Charles Robinson and Ed. and Arthur Orrell were convicted of trespass and injury to property, being sentenced to serve a term on the county roads. The case was appealed to the Supreme court, whloh upheld the lower court but by this time the Orrell! boys bad decamped. Robinson remained on the roads until a few months ago, when he was pardoned. Thinking the matter had blown over, the Orrell boys re turned borne a week or more ago. But our officials are always watchful and Monday they were visited by Deputy Sheriff Weatherly, who locked them up. They have been sent lout to the roads to work out their sentence. A young man giving his name as J. H. Cook was arrested Saturday eve ning for attempted forgery, j He came here two or three weeks ago and ob tained employment in Mr. J. F. Yates' tin shop and proved himself a most ef ficient workman. Last Wednesday he got on a big drunk and remained away from his work the remainder of the week. Saturday he procured a blank check on the Greensboro j National Bank and made It out In his favor for $11.60, signing Mr. Yates' name to It He attempted to have It cashed at Fariss drug store, but Mr. Fariss de tected the forgery at once, and shortly afterward the young man was In jail. He was given a hearing by the mayor Monday afternoon and bound over to court. Being unable te give bond, he was remanded to jail. Cook has just finished serving out a sentence on the county road. j Mr. Lonnie A. Bergman jand Miss Berta Jackson were married at the residence of the bride's parents,. In Sumner township, last Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'olock. The ceremony was performed in an impressive man ner by Rev. A. G. Kirkman In the presence of a number of friends and relatives of the contracting parties. The attendants were: Miss Annie Paschal, with Mr. Walter Jackson, and Miss Lessle Groome, with Mr. C, E. Armfield. Mrs. Marvin Groome presided at the organ and played, the wedding march in a charming manner. After the ceremony had been, per formed and the happy couple had re ceived congratulations the wedding party was driven to the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Bergman, of Pomona, where a sumptu ous supper was served. The groom is an industrious and steady young man and holds the confidence of all who know him. His bride Is a (daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jackson- and a grand-daughter of Mr. Z.; Groome. She is a most estimable young lady. May happiness and prosperity be their portion through life. j j Last. Chance. I We have just received two car loads of buggies, which were bought at the old prices, and our house being full, we have decided to run them' off-at $35 each. They have second growth hick ory wheels, screwed rims. f-Inch steel tire, leather cushion and back, full nickel trimmings and side bar or sin gle leaf end spring. For four years we have sold the sameQbuggy at $37.50 and consider it the best on the market for the money. It has given entire satisfaction. You cannot buy these buggies today at the factory for lese than $35, but we cannet store them, se they must and will go. Come quick. M. G. Newell & Co. A Thousand Tongues Could not express the rapture of An nie E. Springer, of Philadelphia, when Dr. King's New Discovery, cured her of a hacking cough that for many years had made life a burden. She says: aAfter all other remedies and doctors failed It soon removed the pain in my chest and I can now sleep j soundly, something I can scarcely remember doing before. I feel like sounding Its praises throughout the Universe." Dr. King's New Discovery is guaranteed to cure all troubles of the Throat, Chest or Langs. Price 50c and $1. Trial brottles free at Holton's drug store. Ia the Mayor's Court. Mayor Taylor had a full court yes terday afternoon, and as a result the city's treasury is richer by a few dol lars. There Is a city ordinance against riding a bicycle on the sidewalk, but a young man coming through the su-N burbs rode along the forbidden pth. it is probable that his violation of the law would never have been brought to light had he not come In collision with a portly colored woman. She reported him to the officers and the minimum: fine for the first offence $3.00 was entered against him by the mayor. Tom Turner, a burly, insolent negro, and a female friend had a misunder standing which wound up in a 'scrap.' The woman suffered some bodily hurt and "mental anguish." The mayor charged Tom $7.50 for his little diver sion. Monday night several young white boys and a negro procured a half gal lon of extract of corn and went out to paint the town a bloody hue. The white boys were having some fun at the expense of the negro, who rebelled, and curse words and blows followed. When the mayor Investigated the mat ter the negro was dismissed and two of the white boys were fined $4.00 each.! Of late the officers have been keep ing a "weather eye" on the houses of 111 fame with whloh Greensboro is cursed, and there has been considera ble moving around among the occu pants of said houses, several of them having left town. Louise Allen Is an indelicate but not altogether bad looking female who presides over one of these passion-allaying establish ments, and yesterday afternoon she was summoned into the presence of Greensboro's chief magistrate to an swer for her sins, or a portion of them. When her case was called she waived examination' and was bouncTover to the December term' of court under a? bond of $100.. It is very probable that she will shake the dust of this -wicked city from her feet before the next term of court, but in that event the town will be better off and the officers will have accomplished their purpose rid ding the city of as manv of these un desirable citizens as possible. Bismarck's Iron Nerve Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous en ergy are not found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out et order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. Only 25 cents at Hol ton's drug store. - Coming to Greensboro. Greensboro Is to be visited aext week by what Is. considered to be the best operatic organization entour this sea son. It is the Dan Packard Opera Company and large orchestra composed without exception of the most talented artists now appearingbefore the public. This company has a reputation that is to be envied, and its engagements In other cities have taken the forms of ovations, so large has beea the public's patronage and the press' praise. In the cast Is Gilbert Clayton, with out a peer in comedy, and besides a' character comedian of exceptional abil ity. His associate In the comedy mak ing is Monte Walker, known widely as the merriest jester upon the operatic stage. Miss Carlotta Gilmer will ap pear in all of the leading soprano roles. She has a magnificent voice, and her attractive manners have made her a social favorite everywhere. Warwick Ganor, last season leading baritone with the Grau Grand Opera Company, now holds that position with the Pack ard Company, and his robust voice is handsomely matched with his romantic stage appearance, while Mr. Charles N. Holmes in the tenor roles not only dis plays a splendid voice, but his dramatic talents are highly developed. Probably the prettiest member, and the moit winsome, too, is Miss Josephine Kirk wood, who fetchingly accepts the place of soubrette. Others in the minor roles of the operas are Charles Stout, Jessie Highland, Jeannette Hibbard, Frank Emmerson and Charles Phillips. The chorus numbers nearly twenty voices, and the feminine portion is a bevy of pretty girls. The operas to be sung here are : Monday night, "The Mascot ;" Tuesday, Fra Dlavollo;" Wednesday, Matinee, "Mikado," and at night, Tbe Bohemian Girl." Seats are now on sale at Fariss Drug Store. Prices 50 and 75 cents. There U more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put tojfeth'jr nU until the Ut few years was supposed to be in curable t or a great many years docrs pn nouoeed it a local disease, and prescribed Ujcal remedies, and by constantly fai hog to curt i with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitution al disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured bV F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo. Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It U taken internally in does from 10 drop to a teajpt-n-a It icu directly on the bfood and mucoa iurf ac of the system. They offer one hundred Zuln ffor any case U fails to enre Send for circulars and testimonials. Addres. circular. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. SoMby4rurfrists,-ISc. Hail's Family Fill are the best. 4 I

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