THE .EDUCATION OF MB. LONG. Made a Mason at Sight. An event so rare as to always at- He Learns Something Not .Very tract marked attention in the Ma. Pleading. But Which Should he 80nic world is the making of a Ma. Helpful to Him. eon "at sight." In the history of T7i .Tnhn n Lorn?.- our secre- Freemasonry in the Old -,-Dominion j m v w - o SStoT. d"ebt o7 'eVeriaeUng gr.ti- tto..w.. l..t ye.rrwben the Bev. tude. By quoting Schley at a ve S "-"nrV.:. T7he" when Grand Master R.T.W. Duke, 7, 2 " 7, .m. Jr.. conferred the Entered Appren "7. hi eni. tice. Fellow Craft and Master Ma- eode is thui described in the press son degrees on Dr.M-jjdlM renorf wooawara, wdobo uuueu ucwowu "Secretary of the Navy Long j to go as ajnedical mUsionary to was the closing speaker, m am ouBu.i, 7"".-; ... wv. M aretarv Loner, ceivine the degrees in any other in love and admiration for the manner. He was anxious before President of the United States, going on his mission of mercy to ofnrifl hftfnre vou. the reDre- become a member of ?the great rtot; nf thatr areat country brotherhood, and- after careful v,a niHna vou are. I am one consideration of the matter Judge with you, also, in your love for Duke decided to exercise the pre your own great state. And I am rogauve. one with vou in vour appreciation The Grand Lodge was accord of the navy of the United States; ingly convened and the most im I thrill through and through in pressive exercises were witnessec admiration for its achievements, by the small gathering. Dr. Wood I recall the fall of Santiago before ward spent several days at hie fh aun of Samnson ' father's home on Grove avenue, "At this noint hundreds of and left last night for San Fran iaa in tVia omwri intArrtintfid cisco. from which Doint be will the Secretary's remarks with shouts sail very soon for his post of duty of 'Schley ! Schley ! Schley ! Dr. Woodward was born in Rich- - tiTha SonrorT nAimad a mo- mond about 26 vears aco. and is ment and then said: 'My friends, the son of Mr.'.-W. JUinor Wood- there is glory enough for all. If I ward, a pastmaster of Joppa Lodge were to attempt to enumerate the No, 40. Richmond Times. of all the erreat naval DEWEY TO TAKE A REST. names or ail tne great achievements, you would never have your dinner before I had' con eluded.-" "There is glory enough for all. West Pointer with Boers. Grand Rapids, Mich., Oct. 32. Dispatches from- South Africa have made several references to Under Advice of His Physician He Cancels all Appointments. Washington, Oct. 21. Admiral Dewey, on the advice of his physi cian, has canceled the dates for his visit to Philadelphia and to At lanta and will accept no more in vitations oft this sort before next spring. , The "following i official statement on the subject was made at his office here today : j'Acting on the advice of his physicians Admiral Dewey finds that it wili be necessary to cancel the engagements he has entered in to to visit certain cities; and to de cline all invitations for the present. He finds that the mental strain in cident, to such visits is seriously affecting his health." It was said ' by one of Admiral Dewey's friends that this is not to be j taken as an indication of any alarming change in the admiral's health, but that to a man of his temperament the excitement and mental strainincident to the vari ous public functions in which he has been a participant have proved unusually trying. He will remain as quiet as possible for the balance of the winter, and it is hoped by next spring he will be able to take a short trip south and visit some the places whose inhabitants been so anxious to welcome Oliver On in d. TS"oclx 3paLe3r for tla.e 017, 0 17 n Prill, laugh' ark's Ouiaway Harrow s Fertilizers, Kfo.ta.ii Pleased. t. So said Schley more than a year an American army officer named ago, and since then there has not Blake who js serving with the been a day on which the Navy De- Boers against the British, and who partment Mutual Admiration So- is credited with having once lived ciety haye not been working, tooth in Detroit. fcnd4 nail, to exclude Schley from Blake is a graduate of West thatv glory and cover him with Point and is from Missouri. He odium and obliquy. They have was a dashing cavalry officer and made charges against him in pri- while stationed in a Western- fort vate and through the press became acquainted with a wealthy charges which, if even half true, young society .woman in this city. they deserve punishment for not They were married and Blake re- preferring officially. They have, signed his commission to return to eo far as a petty and transparent this city with bis bride. This was tabal can do it, ostracized and the first known of him here. persecuted him. without remorse or I In 1895 Blake left the city, an interruption. Until the President nouncing that he was going to Af himself intervened, the Navy De- rica upon an extended hunting partment bulletins were used in trip. Divorce proceedings follow. this disgraceful enterprise. Since ed and the unhappy knot was. ua- then, the New York bun has been tied. Blake has been heard of made the vehicle of every cruel several times first as a hunter. and abominable calumny. - that could be hurled at Schley.' He has been recommended for promotion by the department, and is now un- der orders that may take him to South Africa in charge of the most delicate and responsible in terests of the nation. If Schley be guilty of the accusation hereto fore made by the department then as a civil and mining engi neer and now as a soldier again. It is said that over a trivial in cident he took a deep. rooted dis like to' Cecil Rhodes, and this is the cause of his enlistment with the Boers. The Southern Rail waj The pleasure-seeking tourist can ac- clique, then the department com- complish no more delightful rail and mitted a crime in recommending water journey to the North or East via bis promotion, and' has convicted tno Southern Railway to' Norfolk, itself of treason in assigning him thence to Chesapeake Lioe Steamers to duty just described. There "j""""' iub .wbmpmm nne is .a :n0r, t Kio tae last man route, me fleet consists Ja u X -1 JZ : u VV ' of the most magnificient steamships and thoretore it is that the Amer- afloat-City of Atlanta, Charlotte, lean people repudiate Schley's ac- Danville and Baltimore leaving Nor- cusers and hold" them in ineffable folk every, week day at 5.55 p. m. for contempt. : Baltimore, touching at Old Point Com- And to cap the climax of this fort. These ships were especially con- detestable and rile comedy, we structed for the Bay service, and their have the secretary of the navy appointments are as perfect as the most confronted by an indignant aud- ia8u "f can suggest ,eDCe and compel.ed to cover Samp- 'to he son with Schley'B generous and ... . , i chivalric mantle. The Minneapo- The connection, with theSonthern lis multitude would not hear of Railway, arriving at Norfolk at 7 50 a. Sampson as the hero of Santiago, m., permits a day's stop over at that To the Secretary's metaphor they I point, giving ah opportunity to vhh set up the stern fact of popular uia roxm Quort Monroe), Virginia conviction, and Mr. Long found it Be,a,cft ana Newport News. necessarv to nrotect Samnnn h. . 5or raiBS tnrougn ucKets ana other hind SchIey-. inWtar Warn. ttSS&SSSSZ Jhderethar linger Agent. Charlotte, N. secretary of the navy is a most gracious and amiable gentleman. Millions Famine Stricken. His habits are those of the stu- Simla, India, Oct. 23. At to- dent if not of the valetudinarian, day's meeting of the" Supreme Accomplished, cultured, scholarly, Council of India C. M. Rivaz said he cannot be said to live within that the famine-affected areas com- reach of the stress and turmoil of prised 100,000 miles of British ter- this hurrying. world. He is, there- ritory and 250,000 of the territory fore, at times the victim of his en- of native states, each section con- vironment. Beset by selfisfi cour- taining upward of 15,000,000 peo- tierfe, he too often sees things and pie. The situation in the central of have him. The invitations for his Philadel phia and Atlanta trips were can celed by telegraph today and the situation was explained to the Charleston delegation, which was anxious tor him to include South Carolina in hie southern journey. The admiral's indisposition will have no effect on Lieutenant Brum by's visit to Atlanta. Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 21. The news that Admiral Dewey's health would L L t- S M iSlll f ! A prevent aim irom Ulling OlS Atlanta Having qualified as executor of the last will engagement was received here with KKSt-SSf Sincere regret. Jtiear Aamirai are nere&y notified to present tbera to the un C,l t,MT;...M.u; s-s dersigned on or before Nov. 1st, 1900. or this no tion to visit Atlanta, was asked this morning to make his trip next week, filling Admiral Dewey's place. Schley Cannot Go. Washington. Oct. 21. Ranresenta tivoi l.ivinactnn f P.pnr.i. tiKt floor In Greensboro, on Monday. Nov. w' & gtn, lbw. my lana snuatea seven xnuea east 01 reluctantly crave up nis enort to lnauce wreenshoro ana rontammg: acres. There Admiral lwir iHmir.ii Unkiait r I is a koO'J one and hall jtory itama building. " w uv,uio, i good log kitchen and a tobacco barn IT PAYS TO BUY THE BESTl And that's what you'll be sure to get if you buy from us. KTAKEHELD:-- HARIRgfABE .COBaPftliT; II--. ! ----- Executor's Notice. tiee will be plead in bar of their recovery. xms letn a ay 01 octoDer, ivw. 44-6w II. W. RTEELE, -Executor Cornelia A. Steele. NOTICE OF SALE! I will sell at public auction, at the court eo to Atlanta with Lieutenant Brum- place i j . . on the Also a vary good orchard. The place u.. i j . .u . u t.i wan wtterea. i nere are aDout acrei pi ujr,ptuv iCiOKiueu u vuo sumunviBs .OM.Dllie timber and a small meadow.! It there: Pewey will not go. Schley will make a good truck farm. Terms ot sale o. tj v r One-half cash and balance in six months at 6 wuuu Bw, mumujf "A"" per cent, interest. aayr . - - This was after he had received a uuuuor ui telegrams iruiu Auaum i fl 11 ' urging him use every effort to have IMOIICG DV 1 UUjlC3tl0D one on ootn oi tne aamirais mane tne n nAVia vcLeanville, N. ti. trip; and after personal oonferencea with both of them. He learned, how ever, from Admiral Schley that the Jatter would make a trip to Birming ham, Ala., on Nov. 1st, and, as this would take him near Atlanta, he con sented to visit the city at that time. North Carolina, Guilford County. in the Superior Coitr ORDER OF PUBLICATION. Edna L. Case, plaintiff. vs. Li. measures men by their calculated standards, and so, albeit in perfect innocence, becomes a partyto their unworthy schemes. This tour of the country will do him good. It will serve to free him from the tainted atmosphere in which he has dwelt too long, and show him the difference between the overla den air he breathes in .Washington and the strong, invigorating ozone of wholesome popular opinion, Mr. Long needs to know that the eelf-eeeking little retinue which plots and plans in his ante-cbam- rer aoes not represent tne senti ment of the thousands who have no favor tq ask of him and who want nothing but public justice, honor and fair dealing. " " He has had one lesson at Minne- t i uppiio. li ue requires more, ne will get it as be journeys further. Washington Poet. - A sleeping car combine has been cuecieu lurougn me consummation of negotiations between the Pull man and Wagner companies. proyince8, and particularly in Berar, Guzerat, North Deccnn, Southeast and Central If unjtb, Baroda, Indore and Rajputana was distinctly grave. Mr. Rivaz said he thought the ex treme limit of high prices, how ever, had already been reached, and that the food supplies from Nuvma and Bengal would prove sufficient. He estimated that the direct re lief would cost 1,500,000 rupees, in addition to loans until March, and said that a quarter of a million people were already receiving assistance. Will Arbitrate the Claims. London, October 24. Russia agrees to arbitrate the United States' claims resulting in the seizure of Sealers in the Behring Sea, which has been hang ing fire about eight years. A protocol ot the two governments has been drawn. The dual formalities are expected to .be .concluded next month. The arbitration will proba bly take the form of the Venezuelan court. . ' Elmer L. Case, defendant. It appearing from the affidavit of Edna Case in thU action that Elmer L. Case, defend ant therein, is not to be found in said cnuntv As this trip is Only about ten days off, and cannot after due diligence be found in the the admiral would not tbmk of an- naa in8titted for the purWe or obtaining Other trip in the meantime. More- a decree of aid court dissolving the bond of nvAr Ka olt thot. T.lantan.nt Rmmhir matrimony between plaintiff and aefendant ' MW --.v-.---. j and a divorce absolute iiom saiu defendant. OUeht to have the .honors Of the OCCa- It is therefore ordered that notice of this ac .Un mt n) . ur tion be publined once a week lor six weeks in c vm yco oii umo uuuuia i jjjQ Greensboro Patriot, a weekly newspaper 8DOUld not be shared Or divided by his puhlihed in the county and state aforesaid. notifying anu requiring ine saiu ueienuani io appear at the next term of the Superior Court of said county to be hejd on the fourth day ; of uecember, isyy, at the court house in said coun tv and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff or the relief therein demanded will be granted. - Witness my hand this ?8th diy of Pertember. 1899. JNO. J NEbSUN. C. S. C. Notice of Execution Sale. own presence. Representative Livingston will ad vise the Atlanta authorities to-morrow that Admiral Schley will be there about October 31st for a day. i I. - Booker Washington's Proposed Ex- I f hibit at Paris. Washington, October 21. Prof. Rnnkflr T Wnahinflrt.nn thrhnnrl nf the negro industrial school at Tus- GSmSKcwr. ! In thc sPerir - kegee, Ala., saw the President to- - w. g Brown, day, regarding the school's exhibit John Gallagher. at the Paria Emnuitinn. There By virtue of an execution directed to the un- sn , F - . . t dersigned, from the Superior Court of Guilford Will be a distinctive negro exhibit county, in the above entitled action. I will on in the American section, but Prof. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1899, Washington wants, if possible, a &i the court house door of said county, sell Small space particularly for the ex- to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said I... ! u m i t . execution, all the right, title and interest which Dibit Of the l USkegee Institute, the said John Gallagher, defendant, has in the whinh ia the Inrfrnat aohnnl nf thn folio wing described real estate, to-wit; The fol- wnicniS tne largest SCnooi OI tne iowing described land levied on by the sheriff of kind in the world. The 'President Guilford county on the 18th day of November, ... ,. . . . , 1898, The following real estate as the property aSSUrea Dim OI DIS interest in the of John Gallagher, situated in Gilmer township, educational work of which Prof. 'JTo. gStf$J Washington is the leader, and re- m block Nos of the Gillespie subdivision f j l v i V i South Greensboro Investment Co. lands and f erred him to Commission Peck, as bounded as follows: -.Lot No. 7 in block No o to the details of the exhibit. ?ems Vhe nT k.I-.J r? " 6tf?et 4 in block No. 3 fronting fifty feet on east side Of Asbeboro street. Lot No. 15 in block No 3 front ing fiftv feet on the west side of Asheboro street WASpiNGTON Oct. 21. The Dew-, fronting south. Also lot No. 17 in block No 3 . . , , m irvuiiUK wtj iced un me biuc ui aeucuoru 6V Committee, Whicn Das Charge OI street fronting south, being the land conveyed thftnnrohftfift of a home for Arlmir- bv tne uth Greensboro Investment Co. to mepurcnase OI a nome ior Aamir- John Gallaeher bv deed dated 13th of .lulv. 1891. from popular and registered in book No 8., pagea US. 116 i Dewey's House Selected. This October 2d. 1893. J. IT GILMER. Sheriff Guilford County. ' al Uewev. bv monev from nonular and registered in book No 8o, paces us. 116 and 1' u i j l 11" of the Register's oflice of Guilford county to subscriptions, has Selected n0U8e J which reference is made. I No. 1747 Rhode Island avenue, N. Y., known as the Fitch house. The house is one door removed from the corner of Connecticut avenue. I 9 in what is regarded as the most desirable section of the city. It is understood that the amount of the subscription was sufficient to cover the cost of the house, its furniture and all incidentals. A. K. MAWKES, Atlanta's Famous Optician. ; JJirect from the home offlce of this Gre,at Optical House, or one of b!i practical Opticians and will remain at the store af his agent, Jno.B. Farise, Druggist, - ; 4 Days Only, Beginning Nov. 1st. - ' This will give the citizens of Greensboro and vicinity ajrare opportunity of havingtheir EYE SIGHT TESTED FREE ! By one of the most renowned and successfuPas 'well, as reliable OpJ cians in the XL'S. Mr. Hawkes has the modern appliances or scita tific adjustment of glassen to the eye. There is no Optician in the U. S. who enjoys the confidence of the people more than Mr. Hawkes. H name is a familiar word throughout a section of country inhabited. by over TWENTY-FIVE MILLIONS of people. Mr. Hawkes has probity adjusted glasses to the eyes of more people of national and ihternaticnl fame than any other optician living. This firm was established in In). Is often the cause of headache, dizziness, nervousness and dimneti cf vision. This can be cured in many cases by the correct fitting of fc Crystalized lenses to the eye. Call early, he positively remain! but four day 8, as he has other engagements for later dates. , CAUTION. I would caution the public against buying ipectacei from peddlers, going from house to house with a lot of spectacle, rep resenting them to bo Hawkes' or selline the-same grade of g1- Hawkes spectacles are NEVER peddled. - Many of the inferior glin that. flood the country are positively injurious to the eye. From Ex-President of U.S. Oroyer Cleveland. Executive Mansion, Washington, Dec. is. - suited to my eyes for Jar seeinjr. And I shall enjoy them on my ihooMn v., Yours very truly, ; ORovEKtu""- ; The Great Warrior and Statesman. Mr A. K. Hawkes. Dear Sir: When I require the ue of gla? l?4 your pantlscopic Crystalized Lenses. In respect to brilliancy and clearer vision, they are superior to anv glasses I have ever used. . m' Kespectfully, Fitzhuoii Lee; Consui oen i One of Our Greatest Statesmen. Mr. A. K. Hawkes.-Dear Sir: The DantiscoDic, classes you furuibeJ - some time smcenave given excellent satisfaction. I have tesieu i - , and must say they are unsurpassed In clearness and brlllianry by any - have ever worn. ' Respectfullv. - Gen. John B-,;i,R!';BIMr. . ' Ex-Gov. of Ga. and I Ml Late reports say the aspect of affairs in Samoa is indeed far from reassuring. There is trouble brew ing and it will come Boon if the three powers do not come to aid the government and the distracted officials. The three consuls who ARE DOLLARS WORTH 100 CENTS TO YOU? We Handle Auction Goods of All Grades, and Make a Specialty of FURNITURE and HOUSE FURNISHINGS. We can sell you these articles good goods in first-clasa condition at from Yi to X on dealers' prices, and some times at less price. We buv all kinds of above crnnfU . . . I . . were leit tnere as a provisional when in good shape and will be clad to government by the -commissioners see anyone having same to sell. See are finding their position by no when you have anything to sell of i . -r vaiue. ! means a bed of roses. It is a mat ter of report that the feeling be tween the members of the provis ional government is strained. E. D. GOLDEN & BR0., 103 E. Market SU Greensboro! Xext door to Pickard's. ! . RECEIVED r Highest Award Diploma of Honor . j? For Superior Lens Grinding and ExceHencv in the Man -faC.1 j.ti Spectacles and Eye Glasses. Sold in over 8,000 cities and town . u.&. established 1870. Caution. These Famous uia peddled. are WAIT FOR HAWKES And not only get glasses scientifically adjusted to your eye?, a pair of his Crystalized Lenses, the most brilliant spectacle. but f'-r: (3 3 existence. Inventor and Sole Proprietor of all tbe He will positively remain but FOUR tJ, The Patriot and the Atlanta Constitution Both One Year Osiy

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