Scott s ; Corner. Fruits ! if Pei ;er bea Supn onle would eat more Fruit L meat theywould have bet- th. - " oee you try some of our fine We I Vorthe AH' Virginia Apples ave Ben Davis, Wine Saps, in Spy, Smoke House, Albe- ippine, Mountain btrlped, have big supply of California Evaporated Fruits, SCOTT NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. Hatter; . C We chills leriou Mr! drill : of Interest Reported "by Our brps of Correspondents. McLeansville Items.' are having considerable around here, but nothing Joe Denny purchased a new - i . weeKt ana win maue ine wheat huin now. . It las' been rumored here - that J ill . .LI. L I t the Soutn-ern ,wiii eaiauiiBu a ucset c2ice at tnie piace. Regular services at Bethel last Sunda, conducted by the pastor, Rev. J 3IcL. Seabrookv ReV. Charles Wharton, who has teeo i isiting relatives near this place1, eft for his home in Warren ton last week. The bird law will soon be out, lad tbere are plenty of birds, but gjnngrs would do well to remember the tirfeepaea law. . V One :fce fa of our young men went to ir at Raleigh last week, but :e could not see any more at the Mr than his fair one at home. Our farmers are laying in ajarge ijpply of fertilizers and are taking the. advantage of the fine weather. There will be a large crop sown, n think, this season. MrjMonroe Milloway, who has teen in Cuba for eight months, re 'turned home a few days ago on a three months' sick furlough. He ;is nor suffering from lung trouble. 0:ui postmaster a few days ago received a mail bag without a lock on it. This is the second offense. It was one. of the colored mail tgentk in this division who deliver ed it. J Of course it had to be je ported. . . " i Several of our young men here 7bout a dozen in all went o'pos wnt hunting last week, with six-or even dogs and their horns, and bunted till about midnight and tame out at the little end of their korli. The only way to catch o'pQsimms in this section, is to put the coons on their track, and they fonh stand back for chickens. Ch Lafct week a tramp called at Dr Tan fi)U es Gilmer's house and de manded something to eat, there be- only Mrs. Gilmer and her sr at home. She told him he i have something to eat. He i Wood's Seeds. A Beautiful Lawn joy and pride to the for- possessor. It can be ily and quickly obtained by WOOD'S EVERGREEN wn Grass Seed Ha an; V vl following the full and com- ie directions for preparation, iniT; and 1 care of Lawns, civ in Wood's . liescrintive then asked her if he could sit at the dining table and eat it, to which she consented, at the same time she was quite nervous While he was at the table, she despatched her oervant to a near neighbor, who was not very far off at work. He hast ened to the. house and found the tramp enjoying his repast. He was immediately ordered to leave, which he did in double quick time. He was barefooted. Ladies, keep a good pistol well charged and don't be afraid to use it. Brick Charon Items. Corn sbuckings are plentiful. Rev. H. M. Brown is in Rowan county this week. .-.' ; Mrs. J. F." Huffman, of High Point, visited her father, Dr. W. A. Coble, last week. Mr. George . W. Greason says that he has as fine a lot of Poland China pigs as any man. Rev. Brown filled his pulpit at Low's last Sunday. His text was taken from Hebrews 13.9. Mr. Fred H. Barber, a student at Whitsett, visited in this-section last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. W. S. Clapp, a young man of excellent ability, will leach the school at the Shoffner school house this vear. Messrs. A. J. Hoffman and J. M. Fogleman went down to Raleigh last week to take a look at the state fair. . " Mr. D. L. Huffman has all the work that he can do in the shoe shop; as the hand-made shoe is in great demand. Miss Donna Clapp and brother Johnere down from High Point last week visiting among their many friends and relatives. A Virginia company is thinking of putting a saw mill in this lo cality to cut up persimmon, dog wood, white oak and hickory tim ber. The Brookfield Literary Society doesn't have its regular meetings just now. It has been running a good while and has proved of great benefit to every member. Four of the fruit tree canvassers of this section left last week to finish their year's work for the Greensboro nurseries, leaving two more to start this week. Good luck to them. - - Hinton Items. Mrs. J. R. Pritchett is quite sick. Mr. D." M." Causey has moved from this place to Siler City. We shall miss him. jj We are having some - cooler weather, reminding us that winter is approaching. : . Mrs. Thomas Causey, of Greens boro, is visiting friends and rela tives in this community. ; Eugene Glass, of whom mention was made in our last, is still sick. Little hopes are entertained for bis recovery. ; : Rev. H. D. Lequeux filled the pulpit at Alamance church last Sunday. A good congregation was in attendance. I Mr. J. A. Allred was called to the sick bed of his brother, Mr. Pegram Allred, of Mt. Airy, last Sunday. He is not expected to live. ' , The farmers are certainly makin ; use of this fine weather sowing grain. They are taking more pains than usual in preparing the land. A large crop will be sowed. Mr. Vance Dick will teach the next term of the public school at Alamance, Miss Leola Thorn to be his assistant. The committee is to be congra'tulated on securing their services. OBITUARY. the Mttiloeu'e. which is free for the Mihij, or will be mailed upon 1 , ft :cipt of postal request. T. W. WOOD & SONS, tlsmen. Pirhmnnd Vn Nt'or the South, makes a beautiful 1 lvtty sod and stands better ai'fv ther kind in our climated Oak Ridge Items. Students will not attend Winston fair this year. Messrs. Daugbtridge, Tomlinson and James took in the state fair last week. Mrs. Spence and Prince, of Har nett, attended the Case .Frank wed ding last week. The literary societies are doing excellent work now, and each has a membership of about one bun-" dred. Guilford College does not find it convenient to play us this fall." Everybody understands why J it is not "convenient." Several valuable recruits have entered school since our last, Per- son,. btoKes, Forsytn, KocKingnam and Edgecombe sending them. A. D. Ivie, of Leaksville, class of '98, paid us a visit this week. He is en route to the Winston horse fair with some fine stock. Prpf. -M-H. Holt will take a tour of the middle Atlantic and New England states soon, looking into plans of school management and discipline, etc. Horner school will try conclu sions with Oak Ridge in foot ball on next Monday. Will be glad to have a large turn out from Greens boro and the county. - We congratulate Greensboro up on having Dr. R. L. Rierson, O. R. I., class of '84, as a physician in their midst. Dr. Rierson is one of the best all around fellows among our alumni. We commend him. We are constantly being remind ed of the fact that our life in this world is of short duration. By the destructive work of the angel of death the home of Mrs. Mary S. King was saddened on the 28th of September by the sad newt that her son, John E. King, was dead. Mr. King had been, in the rail road service, but in 1890 he mar ried Miss 'Ada Marion, of Pilot Mountain, where he was then agent. Later he gave up railroad "work and located at Pilot Mountain. Having become attached to the road, he would sometimes work in the service for a while. About a month previous to his death j be went 'to Georgia and took a posi tion at Lyons. He had written home saying he was well, and his people were again expecting a let ter when the sad news ef his death came. He had taken fever and died withia a few days. Mr. King leaves many relatives in this vicinity and a mother, sis ter and two brothers. He also leaves a wife and two children at Pilot Mountain, where his remains were interred. J While it is hard to give up our friends and, loved ones, let us re member that God doeth all things well. We tender our deepest sym pathy to the mother, who has been called upon to give up several; of her children, and to the wife, chil dren and other relatives of the de ceased. A. M. F. STATE NEWS. SEED WHEAT. 1 1 -(! i : .' for Southern Farmers. v' ?t and niost improved Tarieties, U'ct-d and nnwn for our Southern climate.. Write for Price List and r!ve Fall C&tAlncrne eivinir full infor- 1. uo Ui A ... W f W. wonn & son. Thorn's Mill Items. Miss Maggie Kirkman, . who has been sick with fever, is out again. Mr. and Mrs. John May have a new baby boy at their borne. We had a short but pleasant call from our editor, Mr. W. M. Barber, recently. Our farmers are- progressing ' 1 . I - 1 - 1 r-m nicety wun tneir worK. dome are through sowing wheat. Her many friends will be glad to know that Mrs. Elizabeth Scott. who has been afllicted so long, is able to be out again. She is now with her son, Mr. Samuel Scott. Mr. James Whitely has his new dwelling house completed, having moyed his, family some time ago. He has a nice, convenient home. Among those who have visited here since our last writing we note Mr. Ernest and Terry Sharp, of Guilford College: Miss Lettie Glass, and Mr. Ed. Tucker and family, of Greensboro. The tobacco-growers' state con vention elected J. Bryan Grimes, Mrs.; Jessie Barnhardt dropped dead at her home in Concord Sun day. A valuabe deposit of iron ore has been discovered. near Mooresville, in Iredell county. Brantley Deans was drowned in a mill pond in Johnston county a few days ago. His boat capsized. The National Military and Na val Journal says that steps are be ing taken to organize a camp of Spanish war veterans in .North Carolina." The penitentiary directors have exonerated Lewis Summerell, j su perintendent of one of the convict farms, of the charge of cruelty! to convicts. I Mr. R. L. Steele, the well known mill man of Rockingham, is at the head of a movement to build a large bleachery in his section. It is probable that the bleachery jwill be located at Hamlet. Charles McNamee, of Asheville, manager of Vanderbilt's properties in North Carolina, has been elected president of the North Carolina Agricultural Society, under whose auspices the state fair is held.! A strong delegation will be sent from this state, as representing the newly formed cotton growers' convention, to the Atlanta conven tion. President W. A. Graham and J. P. Allison will also attend. A committee of congress j has completed a draft of a bill Ire modelling the North Carolina courts. It is said that it does away with the circuit judges: and places their duties on the. district judges. It makes the Circuit court judges appellate judges mid way between the District courts and the Supreme court. Statesville Landmark : Rev. D. C. Covington, colored, who figured in the campaign of '98 as the writ er of an infamous anonymous let ter to Rev. J. H. Page, owns a house and lot in Statesville. ; Mr. R. B. McLaughlin, attorney for W. H. Houser. of Charlotte, to whom Covington is indebted by note, has m ft f(2 IBJB I'fciliilil But we do say with confidence that we can show you hpct lino r-f ' - Wk w w V ii I I w - t IBS Ever exhibited in this section, and o ur PRICES ARE RIGHT. Carpets, Curtains and Furniture shown upstairs. Sample Brown Ifeeanti 234 SOUTH ELM 6 06. STEBBT. J. L. KEELING-, ill! Ms, 342 South Elm St., Greensboro. IV eurailnerif Mrs. Gorrell & Dorsett Have just opened one of the Largest and Most - ' -v , Select Lines OF MILLINERY GOODS EVER BROUGHT TO THIS CITY. TIEPDSIT YOUR MONEY IN The People's 5 Cents Savings Bank, r OB1 GirarETN-SBORO, IT. o Establlnhed la 1887. f Pays lattrrat oa Depoalu. Does strictly a Savings Bank business. Has been in successful operation for ten rears and W'3" J. A. HO Dti IN, Treasurer. J. W . v OTT, President. 1 ' ' 1 . . -T ! I - I I to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to When you jare in need of Tools or Farming Implements it is important for you to know where you can get the best article at a reasonable cost. We handle the best articles that moneyand brains can produce. Long business experience Their work Is done in the latent styles, by experienced trimmers, at prices within the reach of all. Call and examine their stock and be con vinced. 109 W. Market St. Mrs. C. O. GorrelPs old stand. has taught our buyer when, where and how to buy to the best advantage. If this is worth anything, then we are will ing for you to derive the benefts. to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to Odell Hardware Co., GBEE1TSBOBO. iT. C. I - - n n Hi MG UK wo Best Grain rills Ue! Pay Tour Money and. Take Your Choice ! begun proceedings to attach the I i y Ply Ska mL . i n mvar i ast r it .i i m l. vi 1 t av a ' m m ti i m r m. it w ! " ai mmmmmlT-r HUFFMAN. d of the world. They are made both disc and hoe. Don't be induced to buy any other untilyou examine them. We only have one pnbe. You buy at the-same price your neighbor paid. Prices are already advanced for next year. Don't put off buying. 1 TJ HIE Our house is full and there are two more car loads yet to come in this month. Don't wait until spring and pay the advance. Myron Gk Newell : & 06. SDSMEN, -4. RICHMOND, VA. oi ritt county, president. property for the debt.