-,. - ' .. . .. i 1 1 .. i . .... i i , i . ... i increnuitv of barbarism no devil- r h invention of the masters of torture during tlie time of Spanish inquisi tion ! ever . -vilan agony . iWnse. so i tent, . so Jen-e- har- ;ercli My after omn whose distinctly iepi- sine organism diseased. There rU most trvine J ;U ovprv worn i st when a " r , - ,' womanhood; 2d mWbtn ' motherhood ' en tie tapacity for motherhood ceases c iH'i"gy of life.) . - fierce' s Favorite Prescription was , uitto make these three periods safe ni kilnless by restoring to vigorous v'ealtli u;e organs involved. It soothes, frtls Joifrishes. It gives Nature just Tve hirlp it needs. It is the only prepara on Om- its devised by a regularl plaited physician anck skilled spec Iff :o I pvm CPl rvtr a rAfnilarlw on 9 - V-3 . . . , - r 4 J . M-ei-yX - nietiicines are preparations hf'iut standing or success. They are ti,eJiVfstUute3 sold as ' just as good." '.jJvi;lJ no record of their own, when Dr. perci'4 cures are referred to they cry nit! :ne-too, like the cuckoo in a Cui-dcik. Don't accept me-too medi crtt$Nr "Favorite Prescription." li.irnevof Ball Ferry, Shasta Co.,Cal., J.!e V v jihvsician Raul I was suffering from frfirN f 'change of life.' I had heart di--4' f-nalc trouble and rheumatism. My : wvia-4v'lir7:v I could hardly stand up. When iv 'aft I"" t'i rce's medicines I improved right :. 'r j i. t.,..k seven or eight bottles of the ' Pa- 1' trijtion,' a teaspoonful three times a ' 'aj i! V"- ' I'leasant rellets ' at night. I feel 1 r.did. ' I take great pleasure in l,rin'litiJl)r. Pierce's medicines to suffer !. wi-n' n. "I think -that they are the- best 3& are subject to peculiar Ills. The right remedy for babies Ills especially worms and stomach disorders Is , -bM curedhlldren for 50 years. Send Ut iilus. book about thia Ills and the IUW W vas-w jeiue'1 v. Out bottle mailed far U onu. i U A 8. FUET, Baltimore, Md. Security for Money in Any Amount APPLYTO. Southern i " Loan and Trust Company. ties lmviuir monev to lend 1 Ileal Estate Securities ure a Safe Loan, have JnU'ivst Collected Free of iuU All Securities Guar- . lv listinir their moneAr v:! tjiis Company.' E. P. WHARTON, Pres. D1YID WHITK. ifo undTPMS.'. - ALL READY ;? lar we nromifiA rniif washing v'Hrtiiie in the package, acfd just -.'. " v ' ""uesi, must satisfactory lihe water boiling and the irons Ht oul" Place. Give us a call or ;over,the wire. 5NSB0R0 STEAM LAUMDRY. , 'IfllHES YOD EAT TOO "MUCH ft W fc. ' Yon mm Tna wnrn Jmetimes you do both fSi!; taste clouJl brain and general fcy mail f "JFe BOX IO jh U,for ve a-cent atampa. Made at artl oibor'tor," D- PhlPl i u Gardner, Cor. Opp. Tostofflce How Figures Can Grow. When a person keeps a running account at a store the bill that comes in has figures at the bottom, nine times In ten; bigger than the buyer expected, because he has not kept the run of bis purchases. But ths way figures run up and in-, crease in an ordinary store bill is not to be compared to the way they snowball by the process that is called "geometrical progression" that is, doubling' each time. The story about the horseshoe nails, told in the old school arithmetic, is familiar. An ignorant rich man agreed to pay a farrier a penny for the -first nail used in shoeing his horse and double it for each of the thirty-two nails; The total amount was enough to buy an estate, j Ac cording to another story, a king offered to pay to the man who in vented the game of chess any re ward he should demand. He was surprised at the inventor's modera tion in asking one grain of wheat for the first square on the chess board, doubling each time for the sixty-four squares. He was even more surprised when the calcula tion was made to find that he was not rich enough to pay the reward and that there was not enough wheat in the kingdom to comply with the man's demand. The other day Miss E. McClel Ian, of New York, started a "chain" letter to gather dimes for a home for Admiral Schley. She wrote a letter to a friend, asking for a dime, and that this friend should write to three others, asking for a dime from each, and that each of these should write to three, and so on up to No. 40. Mr. B. F. Bond, of Hugeratown, Md., has taken the trouble to calculate the results of this "chain,". should none of the links be broken. He finds that Miss McClellan would, receive no less than $607,884,790,579,425,570, a sum so vast that it would per haps buy all the homes in the world and have enough over to hire a . French cook. Mr. Bond, who is a paper manufacturer, also finds that all the paper mills in the United States, making 9,000,- 000,000 pounds of paper a year, would require 6,500,000 years to make enough paper and envelopes to write all the letters that Miss McClellan requires, and it would require 2,000,000 carscarryihg 50 tons each, to transport the paper. Mr. Bond further .estimates that each person in the world who can write, even if there were 1,000,000,- 000 .who can do so, would have to write 60,000,000 letters in order to complete the full number. There- fore, of a necessity, there will be a break in Miss McCIellan'e chain. She Cornered Him. A Connecticut family being much troubled about good servants and on a visit to some friends in Ten nessee, noticed one of chose negro cooks (who are to be found here and there,) whose demeanor was as quiet as her work and person was cleanly. They persuaded her to enter their, service and in due time she arrived in Connecticut. On the following Sabbath, armed with her church letter recommending her to the kindly consideration of any sister-church with whom she might affiliate, she, after much sur prise at finding herself the "only darkey in sight forniles," to say nothing of an African M. . church, asked for permission to worship with the "white folks" and put her letter of good standing in with them. She was told to come around on the following evening to the business meeting of the offi cial board. r ' Arrived, she was given a seat while her case was discussed, with the result that the whole board, ex cept the pastor was in favor of re ceiving her into fellowship, hers being an exceptional case and she herself so evidently respectable that there was no reason at all for say ing otherwise. The pastor, however, as presi dent, vetoed it, saying : "No, breth ren, I do not believe these people are human, or will even go to Heaven. More than that, I should be unwilling to go there myself if they also be admitted." Here the woman interposed: "Well, honey, if you doan't want to go to Hebbin' wid niggers and you go to hell, you'll find plenty of niggers dar, too ! Philadelphia Pre 88. ;. .', - : ; - ' Peoples who fight must eat and as a consequence the exports of the United States of breadstuffa and provisions to South Africa are not likely to be diminished in the event of-war. As a matter of fact, ex poits of foodstuffs will probably increase; but there will be a cur tailment of the profitable trade in mining machinery, agricultural im plements, building material, ve hicles, etc. The, trade with that section of the globe now amounts to over $13,000,000 per year, and gives promise of steady improve ment, particularly so far as com merce with ports on our Pacific coast is concerned. ' . Obedience of Orders. The following dialogue, current at the time, between one of Stone wall Jackson's soldiers and the provost guard, illustrates Jackson's tact at eluding his enemy, and also the obedience rendered and the confidence reposed in him by his troops: . :J The orders read on dress parade the evening before Jackson left the valley to take part in the seven days' fight around Richmond were, that in case the army moved be fore further orders, the answer from every soldier to any and 'all questions from those not connected with the army shall be "I don't know." On the march the provost guard found a soldier in a cherry tree helping himself, when the fol lowing took place: - "Who are you?" demanded the guard.- . ;.: "I don't know," replied the sol dier. ; j I "Where are you going?" "i don't Know." which was no doubt correct. "Where have you been? "I don't know." "Where is your command?" "I don't know." "To what command do you be- long?" , "I don't know.'V "What are you doing in that cherry tree?" '.! ! "I don't know." " j "Are those good cherries you are eating?" "1 don't know." j "Is there anything you do know ?'' "Yes." : "What is it?" r "Well, the last order I had from old Stonewall was that I was not to know anything until further or ders, and gentlemen, I would see you all damned before T will know anything until Old Stonewall takes that order off." Dry Salt Baths. A dry salt bath is said to tone up the general system and reno vate the complexion as if by magic. "I never had anything to do me so much good," said a lady who has tried it. "I get that feeling: of fatigue which oppresses me nearly every summer. My physician ad vised me to avoid tonics and to try dry salt baths instead. j ! "I fill a large earthen jar with the coarsest salt I can get, and add enough water to this to make a sort of thick paste, but not enough to dissolve the mineral. Every morning when I get up I take this up in handfuls and rub it briskly over my body. Next I jump into a tub of clear, cold water, and take a thorough but quick dousing. This being done, ' I take a brisk rub down with a Turkish towel. J i - "The effect is delicious. It gives one a sense of exhilaration. But the best part of the dry salt bath is not the feeling of freshness and renewed life that it imparts, but the soft, satiny texture of the skin." .';. , ' ! -: ; Jewish. Population of the United States. In the- American Jewish "Year Book" for 1839-1900, its editor, Dr. Cyrus Adler, makes a i4tentatiye estimate" of the Jewish population of the United States, with the re sult of a total of 1,034,800. In the list of States, New York leads with 400,000, followed by Pennsylyania and Illinois, each with 95,000, Ohio with 50,000, Maryland, California and Missouri, 35",000 each. The Jewish immigration for the first six months of the present year was 14,372, of whom 1,463 landed in Baltimore, where, up to July 1, 1899, 20,140 Hebrews disembarked since 1891. Reflections of a Bachelor. Most men's wives are nearly as big a help to them as porous plast ers. - j I Before be gets married a man swears to love always; afterward he loves to swear. j . Old bachelors sometimes kiss babies, but generally they would a lot rather take castor oil. j ) The average woman would man age to wear a fresh scalp tied onto her belt if it were only in style. Skirts are a terrible trouble to a woman in life. When she isn't holding them . up she's holding them down. 1 j Arrangements have been made for the unveiling of the monument in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, to Miss Winnie Davis. Hon. B. B. Munf ord, of Richmond, has been chosen orator for the occasion; which ib November 9. Saved His Wife. Mr. C. E. Henderson. Poolville. Terl writes us as follows: My wife had been troubled many years with constipation She had used nearly all kinds of reme dies, but failed to receive any benefit until she tried Ramon's Pills and Tonic Pellets, sold here by W. I. Ballingtonl She is now in better health than fori a longtime. We use no other. I W. I. Ballington. Druggist, Poolvilie, Texas, July 17, 1897, says : I sell more of your Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets than of all others combined, and I han dle fifteen or twenty different kinds of puis, jror sale by Howard Gardner. The 'Hot Springs' of Arkansas. Via. Southern Railway. . Will eradicate from your system the lingering effects of grip and other ailments caused by the severe winter, and malaria, rheumatism, neuralgia, catarrh, stomach, kid ney, liver and nervous disorders, paralysis, blood and skin diseases, and, chronic and functional de rangsmehts. The mountain cli mate of Hot Springs is cool and delightful In summer. 100 hotels open the year around. for illustrated literature, con taining all information, address C. F. Cqoley, Manager Business Men's League, Hot Springs, Ark. For reduced excursion tickets and particulars of the trip, see local agent or address W. A. Turk, Gen'l Pass. Agt., Southern By., Washington. D. C The postal service of Cuba, which was in very bad condition, has been thoroughly reorganized. Among the new features introduced are the registry and money-order divisions, both of which have been highly successful. Of 600 em ployes 500 are Cubans. It will not be a surprise to any who are at all familiar with the good qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, to know that peo ple everywhere take pleasure in re lating their experience in the use of that splendid medicine and in telling of the benefit they have re ceived from it, of bad colds it has cured, of threatened attacks of pneumonia it has averted and of the children it has saved from at tacks of croup and whooping cough. It is a grand, good medicine. For sale by C. . Holton, Druggist. GLARELIONT COLLEGE FOE GIBLS AND Y0UN3 W0HE2T. HICKORY, N. C. Noted health resort. Pure mountain air and water. Ten schools in one. Chartered by the state. $400 Piano given to beet music graduate. Home comforts. Faculty of 14 University men and women. Students from nearlyevery South ern state, also from Canada, western and Northern states. Reasonable rates. Write for Catalogue. S. P. HATTON, A. M Pres. Splendid Assortment of Hard Rubber Trusses - to Select Fr om, at Gardner's. Corner Opposite Postoffice. B&aa Schedule in EfTsct June 25,1899. WIN8TON-8ALKM DIVI8ION. DAILY EX CEPT SUNDAY. -P.M. A.M. . P M. A.M. BOO 8 20 Lv. Winston Ar. 9 35 9 00 5 38 9 02Lv..WalnutCoveAr.8 55 8 20 6 08 9 35 Lv. Madison Ar. 8 18 7 45 6 11 9 39 Lv. Mayodan Ar.12 7 42 7 10 10 41 Lv. Martinsville Ar. 7 10 6 40 .... 1 10 Ar. Roanoke Lv. 4 35 WESTBOUND. LEAVE ROANOKE DAILY. 4.55 a. m. (Vestibaled Limited) for Bristol and intermediate points, and Knoxville and Chattanooga, all points South and West. Pull man Sleepers to Memphis and New Orleans. 4.23 p. m. for Bluefleld, Pocahontas, Ken or, Columbus and Chicago and all points west. Pullman Sleepers from Roanoke to Col umbus, also for Radford, Bristol, Knoxville, Chattanooga and In termediate points. Pullman Sleeper Roanoke to Knoxville. NORTH AND EAST BOUND LEAVE ROANOKE , DAILY. 1,40 p. m. for Petersburg, Richmond , . . and Norfolk. 1.45 p. m. for Washington, Haters town, Philadelphia and New York. 12.35 a. m. for Richmond and Norfolk, Pullman Sleeper Roanoke to Norfolk and Lynchburg to Rich mond. 12.35 a. m. (Vestibaled Limited) for Washington and New York, Pullman Sleepers to Washing ton, Philadelphia and New York via Lynchburg. DURHAM DIVISION Leave Lynch burg daily except Sunday, 4 00 p. m. (onion station) for Durham , and all intermediate points. Leave v Durham dally except Sunday, at 7.00 a, m. for Lynchburg and intermediate points. For all additional information apply at ticket office, or to M.F.BRAGG, W.B.BKVILL, Trav. Pass. Agt. Gen. Pass. Agt, Roanoke, Va. J. I , J,U"" enounce io our iriends or Guilford and surrounding counties that we have assumed management of the old reliable Banner and that we will be glad to serve you at any time day or night We have an excellent corps of buyers, who are wielding their unit ed efforts for the best interest of the market. They have almost un limited orders. Our manufacturers are daily increasing their output. They want your tobacco; and no farmer need hesitate in bringing his tobacco to the Banner, for he may be sure of getting as high prices as can be had anywhere, r ; Out accommodations; are unsurpassed. We are well prepared at the Banner in every way to handle your tobacco and to take care of vou ana your team. Uur auctioneer, men or experience know wnat us a for you everv time. Give bring its full market value. Drive Your welcome. SMITH MERCHANTS Will find it Draws Trade to their Stores " ' ! i . - TCi IT avht r nur HIGH GRADE FLAVORING EXTRACTS AND BOTTLED GOODS. Lowest Wholesale Prices on everything. Write or call to see us. THE L. RICHARDSON DRUG CO., WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURING DRUGGISTS, OEBENBBOBO. iT. C. - - THE GUILFORD We solicit the trade of this section and guarantee satisfaction on custom work. We make a specialty of "Our Patent" and "Battle Ground" Flours, Meal, fec, which for the money cannot be equaled. Remember the place, "The Mill at the Depot." - GUILFORD 1 VA If you intend to build or enlarge your house, come to us lor an estimate on Material. We will surprise you on prices. We make a specialty of Now don't think for a minute we are selling below cost, as no one can do business on that basis. Our motto : Large sales, small profits. - i " ; we can show you the largest stock in the South. Guilford Lumber Company, Greensboro, N. C. T7e 3a.sfsre It eull Irl-nrl h IF'm.m 1 n G'Xr'eat33.er'bcarr3 1 n g SFT-oorlsigr Oelllxigr, also t3a.o est ja.eart risred. Oy press and JPwnlper and sa-wed Pine Slain gles. n n i. j mi 1 T itf! i r i rtt oasu, joors auu Diinus in block, uwr uuu luuowr rames, i)iauiei8, oiair work and all kinds of house finish made to order. If you are going to build anything trom a hen house to a mansion come to see us. We can fix you up and the price will be right. . Cur country friends will find they can reach our yards from the center of town by crossing fewer railroads than any other. Come to seeus. I JOHN A. HOEGttT, Secretary gCHOOL BOOKjjj If you wish to save money on School Books, come to see us. We carry in stock a large supply of new and second-hand books, and will huy your old second hand books if they are in good condition. We also have Slates, Tablets, Pen cil, Stationery, Ink, etc. WMHTOI BROS.. Uoolcsellers A Stationers. - 1'ext deer to Jofcrsen & Cersett. 1Q fFTrQ wM) Vaii.Kis nmnninf mrhinbAl op f nTentlTd mind desiring trip to tha Part Exposition, with gooA gmiarr jd nvv p1d. ihoald write T7XLLX2 S1HTE. 02?. 0. QA1MS. q n nnnn Z5 m ID LULU Greensboro, : N. C. r Smith & Gamble, Props. Bill Brandon, and our entire force are your interests are and will work hard trial on vour next Int rir nil a 'Vtii in at the Banner, you are always friends, - cSc I. ROLLER MILLS, ROLLER MILLS CO. nun and Treasurer, Greensboro, 1? .C. Desirable Farm for Sale. 175 acres of highlj improve! Iiml well adapt ed to the growth of Wheat. Oat. Corn. T6bacco, and especially Clover and (iraes SO to 40 acres now in Clover and Grasp. The farm is well wa tered by springs and fmall ft teams r twin ins; through it. Good well of water. 7room well ing, large gram and feed barn, and all necessary outbuildings. Fine early Peach Oi chard ; alo an Apple orchard of selected variety of apple: Pears, riuma, alro line : selection ot Grapes, all just coming into bearing. The farm is-located conveniently to Schools Churches. Mills. Mar kets and Railroad, and in one of the healthiest localities in the state, a family of 11 having re sided on the farm ten jears and not having re quired the services of pftvsician daring the time. An adjoining tO-acre tract can be obtained. Terms to suit purchaser. Apply at FaTeiot oSce - tf To prerent La Grippe take a dose or two of Dr. Miles Restoratire Nervine daily. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat- Kr..;namndacted for UonrillTC FfCS. oum amct is OproaiTC U, 8. FaTCfrrOrrict .Vraiin:re caieat ia ie Uiao uuu wnc remote xrom wwaiowa. i 1 r- i ai rin nr nhntiL. with decnt tion. Va advise, if patemLlo or not, lrc of i . - .. n rin. 1:1 mfrnt M ITCDrfO. rnirrr, vi - I -. " ,, . i - .4 i r . rtk. Ifnt ' wita 'ccft ctiameia'the U. S. and loreiga counuies a J J .mm ;C.A.SNOW&CO, Opf. PartuT Omet. waannioTOii, o. y. ryr. Miles' NraTB PiasTCts cure BnETJlTA WEAK liACKd. Atdruxglaw.oaljl5c

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