. no JhE DOCTOR'S MISTAKE. - -tor made a rmsiaice in trie num- icalte a doctor after she is once acquainted w it n the remedial ;alue of Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription in all diseases and drains common to the sex. Without humiliating ques tions or local ex aminations the cure is accom plished by the use of the -44 Favorite " sup plement ed by free 1 1 if nci&A ot TVl 1 e . m cA 1 rniless in any condition ot tne f . 1 ' ' ml m w i! 1 l. m m a I II 1 1 Y. 3 I 1 . -ate an 0a. a . Pierfe s crite 1 -31 1UM . for tlr 7 afH4 S 1 can Te taken without the 1 .. -i' Tl t'irot nan ctmscuucui.es. aluoii- lliis'kv or alcohol. There is not unvtlnng, narcotic in it. , The ef it gives is permanent. In this it xrarv rcuci xjlujjjji uciucuiu of feeling with narcotics, and erous stimulants they contain appetite .for strong drink, le.iler offers a substitute for Favorite Prescription, re- hese tacts. - : . theic diseases are deep-seated nf ilnir standing, women will find intexesi iuwiuc lj xvr. n.. v. rce. BfiffIo, X. Y., who has had won- Kir advice jrce and invites all iim. Prompt, careful and per- ntion istpaid to each letter, and 11 f-iile afivice is always given. VT ii'miii" s-" auiisiiuK A nine i- bVnrht-ot other sutterers from the io) " says Mrs. II. A. Alsbrook, of uk Co. .'Ark. " I doctored with out nhfvician without any good result, so "vuaiil uried nie to try Dr. Pierce's raedi- h 1 aiu, win wuiiucriui results, ' mnlkelv cured. I took four bottles of Favorite PrescriDtion. four of hia Llirai Discovery' and two vials of his cikts.'" v .... i - o arc a source of comfort. They are a source of care, also. Iff yea care for your child's tJ -ilth. send for illustrated Wok on the disorders to which diildrcn are subject, l and which Frcy's Vermifuge has cured lor 50 years. ; Onojbotua by mni for Z3 eenu. E. ifc S. FREY, Baltimore, Slw. iPPLt Se iurity for Money in liny Amount. TO..... Southern Loan and 1 Trust Company Part es Having: money, to lend ileal instate Securities a soil iro n. ShTi TiOnn lmvfi Intbrest Collected Free of a id All Securities Guar- eel. by listing tlreir money E. P. WHARTON, Pres. WHITE, Sec. and Treas. - SIB THE LOOM OF LIFE. All day, all night. I caa hear tbe jar Of the loom of liteand near and far It thrills with its deep and muffled sound, As the tireless wheels goal way s round. Busily, ceassly, goes the leom, lu the light of day, and the midnight's gloom; The wheels are turning early and late, And the woof la wound in the warp of fate. - Click, click ! there's a thread of lore , wove in; -Click, click ! another of wrong and sin. What a checkered thing will thislife be When we see it unrolled in eternity! When shall this wonderful web be done? In a thousand years, perhaps, or one. Or -tomorrow? Who knoweth? Not you or It But the wheels turn on, and th shut tles fly. Are we spinners of wool for this life web say? Do we furnish the weaver a thread each day ? - It were better, then, O my friend, to spin - A beautiful thread than a thread of sin. Ah, sad-eyed Jweaver, the years are slow, - But each one is nearer the end, I know; Some day the last thread shall be wo ven in - God grant that it be love, instead of - sin! . . ' Eben E. Kexford. ALL READY .rv - Ltt:e promise your washing, CT:'eln the package, and just ri - r if r v"ltest most satisfactory r "nr piace. uive us a can or fertile wire. id 0 STEAM LAUNDRY. !,x M. Dick, proprietor. k 1 DIGESTION Cur eiby John4n,s Dyspepsia Cur ' is iK.i.Cver.two yars with Indigestion and ltps,.a' enable to eat or sleep. I ad-jJ. , ped mc for a short time. .A I !w t , to tak Johnson's Dyspepsia t? Mu-ti-A. 11 hre boxes, and am now N t;i-... - " mu jcais. nave :Vf ; s ep vell and have none of the r: i;a'l-,I, "jirKestjon or Dyspepsia, -while pounds in veight within a iiv f u whuk pleasure iu j c- . Jnnson's Dvstielsia Cure xrhere. hl4rH . eralof my friends are taking Bel . result "-J.. A. Arnold, Cinn. it Ti-... 3 '!, or live icen( suiddi i r J0"NSON LABORATORIES. Inc. J. HILADttPHIA Gardner. Cor nnn pmrnffl 9 a VBVWV t IN WOMAN'S REALM. J f Cecil Rhodes's sister is, next to Olive Scbreiner, the most interest ing woman in South Africa today. Her eccentricities are numerous, and she is as famed for her dislike of men as is her brother for his of women. She is so decidedly of the masculine type as to at once attract attention. In complexion. and man ner she closely resembles the Eng liih squire of sporting prints, and she has been endowed with a voice to match. Indeed, there is nothing feminine about her except her de ference to tbe social conventionali ties in always having, a woman companion in close attendance upon ben As she has an ample fortune, many peculiarities are forgiven her, while her impulsiye generosity wins her many friends. Gn board a steamer going down to Cape Town recently she-regulated the handi caps for the runnihg-matohe8, um pired the chicken fights, and was particularly active in inciting to extraordinary efforts the contes tants in a tug-of-war. Her home, Groot Schur, is a beautiful country place near Cape Town, where she has made a zoological collection that includes almost every wild animal native to South Africa. She has a better understanding of the politics and statecraft of South Africa than many a member of the Colonial office. Of course her views are the exact opposite of those of Olive Schreiner, the Boers' champion. - In the death of Mrs. Mary Baker the town of Stratford-upon-Avon has lost one of its most interesting antiquities, who claimed to be a direct descendent of theHathaways' of Shakspere's time, and the visitor to Anne Hatbaway-S cottage was shown the time-worn family Bible where her pedigree was recorded. Old travelers in Warwickshire treasure the memory of her quaint manners and her simplicity, and I ill 1 . 1 11 .1 .... L . I - 1 J win De inanKiui mai tney uave uhu pointed out to them by such a kindly guide the ancient settle, the stone in the garden upon which Charles Dickens sat, the oaken beams whose solidity evoked the admiration of Oliver Wendell Holmes, the passage and the door that William Black has associated with Judith Shakspere; indeed, one of the chief charms of Mrs. Baker's guidance was her rambling recollections of tbe. many distin guished visitors to the cottage. - All black costumes are to be fashionable again this year, but thev are not tote made entirelv- in black, unless intended for mourn ing wear. Those velvet trimmings that have just been, described are used to brighten the black gowns, and, besides, there ia a great deal of black and white used with the black. This may not be very new, but tbe way in which it :s combined with the black is very different from anything that has been seen before, and there-are a great many novelties in the black and white trimmings that are absolutely new. The smooth-faced cloths are- used for the rather smarter black gowns, while, for regular head wear the cheyiots, camel's-hair, and serges are extremely popular. There are also a great many black jackets that are made to wear with differ ent skirts as well as with the skirt of .the gown itself. The black cos tumes for afternoon and reception wear can be made extremely elab orate simply by the way in which the revers are trimmed and by the waist jvhich is worn with them. A great many of the lighter-weight cloths are used, and are made warm enough by the interlining of wool or chamois, and also of fur. It in quite remarkable hew many more fur-lined coats there are this year than there have been for many ears past, and it is still more re markable to see how cleverly the fur is put in so that it does notrin-j terfere with the jacket fitting well.! A Housewife's Soft Hands. . A certain little housekeeper who does all her own work and yet has the lily-white hand that one reads about, tells thus how she keeps her hands in such good condition : - "Tomatoes will take on any stain. You know paring apples makes your hands frightfully black. I discovered that the to mato can be used to take off this stain, and since I have found it out I keep one on my kitchen table and apply it always after paring fruit. In winter I use canned to matoes. Rather a queer cosmetic, isn't it? ';'''' I "Then I am careful to wear; gloves whenever it is possiblethe rubber kind when I am washing1 dishes, and loose old kid gloves when I sweep. I think, with pro per care, any woman can keep her hands soft and white, even if she does housework." Huge granny muffs are gaining the ascendency over smaller ones, and boas long enough to reach the ground are driving out, collarettes and the smaller capes. f . '.. ' In the days of autumn house parties some of the most beautiful dresses finished are tea gowns. One of delicate green crepe covered with violets embroidered in their natural colors is especially note worthy. The long, trailing robe is worn over an underdress of violet mous8eline de sole, frilled to the knees. Around the shoulder is a drapery of crepe with long ends falling on each side in front, like a stole; The neckband is of helio trope velvet curiously, harmonized with the other colors. , The polonaise and princesse gowns are exceedingly beautiful and very smart, and now that they are so universally worn, even the cheaper dressmakers are able to turn out very good imitations of tbe style. A well-made princesse dress is the most beautiful garment a woman can wear, and a badly made one is the worst. - i ; . ! Now oenes the maiden down the aisle, Upoa her face behold a wiasome smaisje Foil of glee; For she knows her new fall staisle Will raise the other maiden's baisle,' And she'll be envied for awhaisle, Don't you see. A Matter of Coincidence. Original Observations. Speaking of strange coinciden ces," said the talkative man, "I ran across one this afternoon that I do not think has ever been dupli cated. I was taking lunch in a downtown cafe today, and at the table next to me were seated four men. They were strangers to one another, but, under the spell of what the waiter had set before them,' were talking like old friends. ( 'By Jove!' said one of them suddenly, hbiB is my birthday!' " Why,' exclaimed the other, so it is mine !' . 5 14 'Mine, too,' said' the third. " 'And mine, too,' added the fourth man. "They stared at one another for a moment, and then the first man said : . " I am 53 today.' . " 'Why, that is my age !' exclaim ed another. ' " 'Mine, too,' said the third man. " Gentlemen,' exclaimed the fourth man, 'that is my age, too !' " 'A- strange thing about my birthday,' said the first speaker, 'is that I once broke my arm upon that day, and since then my arm always .pains me upon that day.' " 'What birthday was it?' asked the second man in a strange voice. " 'My seventh,' answered the first man. " 'Gentlemen,' shouted the sec ond man, 'I broke my arm on my seventh birthday, and "ever since upon that day my arm has pained me!' " 'I have had the same experi ence,' returned the third man. " 'And I also,' said the fourth man. " , " 'I fell from a hay mow,' said the first man. " 'So did I,' came from the three in one voice. " "Gentlemen,, said the first speaker, 'it lacks but one thing to complete this strange coincidence. Upon my birthday I always find myself unable to speak the truth.' " 'It's the same way with me,' promptly returned the second man. " 'Here, too,' said the third. "And the fourth man broke . the spell by asking what it would be." Bears the Signature of Tha Kind Yoa Haw Always Bought The life of a sportsman - may be an idle one, bat it is not aim less. It is a mistake to hang a drunkard a drop too much has no terrors for him. The man who knows the least of himself assumes to know the most of other people. Dewey who is an admiral now, will soon be a rear admiral he's going to be married. Some men make money, others make mischief, while a large majority make fools of themselves. Thank the Lord you are llvin', and be happy on the way 'possums are gittin' fatter and 'simmons ripening every day. ' The head of the household finds it impossible to sidetrack the appropria tion bill for new bats and bonnets for the feminine portion of the family. The . maiden walks the strand no more, enjoying the ocean breeze, where the tiny wavelets kiss the shore, and the sand is alive with fleas. Life is a lane runninz from the cradle to the coffin. Sometimes it is straight and smooth, with silverv streams and fragrant flowers, but most generally it is winding and wrinkled, rough with rocks and loathsome with polluted pools. - All have to travel this lane. Let us lighten every burden with a smile of sweetness oi look of love and thus help the traveler on the way. In the forenoon of life a man has an idea that it would take a mighty big church to hold his friends, if they should all be drawn to the same sanc tuary at the' same time, but ere tbe dentist has put in his second set of teeth be has come to the conclusion that one of the short pews near the stove would not be crowded if they should all sit down together to warm their feet. Orange (Va.) Observer. UNCLE SAM'S HOT BATHS. The Hot Springs of Arkansas. Via. Southern Railway. Will eradicate from your system the lingering effects of grip and other ailments caused by the severe winter, and malaria, rheumatism, neuralgia, catarrh, stomach, kid ney, liver and nervous disorders, paralysis, blood and skin diseases, and chronic and functional de rangaments. ' The mountain cli mate of Hot Springs is cool and delightful in summer. 100 hotels open the year around. For illustrated literature, con. taining all information, address C. F. Cooley, Manager Business Men's League, Hot Springs, Ark. For reduced excursion tickets and -particulars of the trip, see local agent or address W. A. Turk, Gen'l Pass. Agt., . Southern By., Washington.' D. C. It will not be a surprise to any who are at all familiar with the good qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, to know that peo ple everywhere take pleasure in re lating their experience in the use of that splendid medicine and in telling of the benefit they have re ceived from it, of bad colds it has cured, of, threatened attacks of pneumonia it has averted and of the children it has saved from at tacks of croup and whooping cough. It is a grand, good medicine. For sale by C. . Holton, Druggist. Bears the Signature of J. WILLIE SUITE. EOBT. 0. OAHBLS. The Kind You Haw Always Bought N RY. ocneaue in Lieci June 25, 1899. WINSTON-SALEM DIVISION, DAILY EX CEPT SUNDAY. P.M. A.M. P M. A.M. 5 00 8 20 Lv. Winston ' Ar. 9 35 9 00 5 38 9 02 Lv. Walnut Cove Ar. 8 55 8 20 6 0S 9 35 Lv. Madison Ar. 8 18 7 45 6 11 9 39 Lv. Mayodan Ar. 8 12 7 42 7 10 10 41 Lv. Martinsville Ar. 7 10 6 40 1 10 Ar. Roanoke Lv. 4 35 WESTBOUND. LEAVE ROANOKE DAILY. 4.55 a. m. (Vestibaled Limited) for Bristol and intermediate points, and Knoxville and Chattanooga, all points South and West. Pull man Sleepers to Memphis and New Orleans. 4.23 p. ni. for Bluefield, Pocahontas, Kenov, Columbus and Chicago and all points west. Pullman Sleepers from Roanoke to Col umbus, also for Radford, Bristol, Knoxville, Chattanooga and in termediate points. Pullman Sleeper Roanoke to Knoxville NORTH AND EAST BOUND LEAVE ROANOKE DAILY. 1,40 p. m. for Petersburg, Richmond and Norfolk. 1.45 p. m. for Washington, Hagers- town, Philadelphia and New York, 12.35 a. m. for Richmond and Norfolk, Pullman Sleeper Roanoke to Norfolk and Lynchburg to Rich mond. 12.35 a. m. (Vestibuled Limited) for Washington and New York. Pullman Sleepers to Washing ton, Philadelphia and New York .via Lynchburg. DURHAM DIVISION Leave Lynch , burg daily except Sunday, 4 00 p.m. (union station) for Durham and all intermediate points. Leave Durham daily except Sunday, at 7.00 a. m. for Lynchburg and intermediate poiuts. For all additional informatloo.apply at ticket office, or to M.F. BRAGG, W. B. BEVILL, Trav. Pass. Agt. ' Gen. Pass. Agt., Roanoke, Ya. V' : Greensboro, : fl. C. Smith 1 Gamble, Props. We desire to announce to our friends of Guilford and surrounding counties that we have assumed management of the old reliable Banner and that we will be glad to serve you at any time day or night. 4 We have an excellent corps of buyers, who are wielding their unit ed efforts for the best- interest of the market. They have almost un limited orders. Our manufacturers are daily increasing their output They want your tobacco; and no farmer need hesitate in bringing bis tobacco to the Banner, for he may be sure of getting as high prices as can be nad anywhere. J Our accommodations are unsurpassed. We are well prepared at tbe Banner in every way to handle your tobacco and to take care of you and your team. Our auctioneer, Bill Brandon, and our entire force are men of experience know what your interests are and will work hard for you every time. Give us a trial on your next lot every pile shall bring its full market value. Drive in at the Banner, you are always welcome. Your friends, 1. MERCHANTS Will find it Draws Trade to their Stores TO HANDLE OUR HIGH GRADE FLAVORING EXTRACTS AHD BOTTLED GOODS. Lowest Wholesale Prices on everything. Write or call to see us. THE L. RICHARDSON DRUG CO., WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURING DRUGGISTS, GREE1TSBORO, IT. C. TEE G GILFORD ROLLER MILLS, H3ZE3 1ST. O. We solicit the trade of this section and guarantee satisfaction on custom work. We make a specialty of "Our Patent" and 4Battle Ground" Flours, Meal, d:c, which for the money cannot be equaled. Remember the place, "The Hill at the Depot." GUILFORD ROLLER MILLS CO. DO Id fl J E imt DO Hum IU If you intend to build or enlarge your house, come to us tor an estimate on Material. We will surprise yon on prices. We make a specialty of Now don't think for a minute we are selling below cost, as no one can do business on that basis. Our motto : Large sales, small profits. we can show you the largest stock in the South. Guilford Lumber Company, Greensboro, N. G. 2s' it Siusaab? TeuWaat ? A"e IxsLTre It sill Islsicid jEct2rila3.grtT7"eatla.erTsoarcll33.gr, 3ET.oo3dLaa.gr, Oelll3a.gr, also t3a.e "best li-eart rlred. Or-"' press cx3a.cL T-vajaiper! st3a.d. sailed Fl3a.e S'h In grles. . Sash, Doors and Blinds in stock. Door and Window Frames, Mantels, Stair Work and all kinds of house finish made to order.. If you are going to build anything from a hen house to a mansion come to see us. We can fix you up and the price will be right-. " Cur country friends will find; they can reach our yards from the center of town by crossing fewer railroads than any other1. Come to see us. Cape Pear nariiJLfactTjLriDCLg: Co. JOHN A. HOL GIN, Secretary and Treasurer, Greesstcro, U'.C. OCHOOL BQOKg 1 If. -you-wish to save money on School Books, come to see us. We carry in stock a large supply of new and second - hand books, and. will buy your old second hand books if they are in good condition. We also have Slates, Tablets, Pen cil, Stationery, Ink, etc. ' t """" WBJlRTDi BR B I ISooksellers & Stationers. Desirable Farm for Sale. Nest deer to Jo&isen & Ccrsett Q ifcuD ftp Q&M Beil&ble Denoni of a mechanical or lnTentlre mind desiring s trip to the Paris Imposition, with good gaiarr aod expense paid, thoald write i .The PAxELSil iiCOIU lialtimore, Md. 175 acres oHiighly improved land well adapt ed to the growth ot Vc heat, oats. Corn. Tobacco, and esjjecialiy Clover and Graewtt 30to 40 acies now in Clover and Grae. Tbe farm is well wa tered by springs and mall streams running through it. Gcod.well of water, "-room dwell ing, Inrjre grain and feed barn, and all neceary outnuilding. Fine early Peaph OTcbard; ali an Apple Orchard of selected variety of apples : I'ears. Plums, alo line selection 01 Grapes, all just coming into bearing. The farm is located conveniently to School Churches. Mills. Mar kets and Railroad, and in one of the healthiest localities in the state, a family of 11 having re side I on the farm ten year and not having re quired the services of phvsician during the time. An adjoining 50-acre tract can be obtained. Terms to suit purchaser. Apply at Patriot office tf To preYent La Grippe take a dose or two of Dr. Miles' Restoratire Nervine daily. i Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-J ent business conducted tor MODCRATC FCC8. 4 Oun orncc is Opposite U, S. Patent Orncc J and we can secure patent ia leu tune than taokcj remote from Washington. t Send model, drawing or photo with descrip-j tion. tdvise, if patentable or But. free of! cnarre. irar ice not ouc ua paicni n iccorru. 4 ITn tn CiUts'tn Iafnt " with I cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries sent free. Address, r a ori Ainr jp rn 5 Opr. Patent Orncc. Washington. D. C. Dr. Miles' Nerve Pistibs cure RHEUMA TISM. WEAK BACKS. At druggists, oolj&c.