- i i a di rcTfiN A WRECK IN THE TBAKSVAAL. . . - ,.. Tho American Cruloor Coop to m Position Americans Haiaperea piocoo on Philippine The Boer Army Troops on Snort Battens.. r , ,v poof. to Meet Any Brltutt i or i.ndinir of the American November U. 12 20 p. m. Xat. news from J0t under General JVh.aton at felSuStX. cruiser Ch.rl General Jouer lb aea" "w'r . u onn & moaipeci.aui northern cobs ui - iliey fir .Uinnors Time ! . -. , - . , - - That's VJhat the Genuine Oliver Chilled Plows Are! a a a ia.wif.iii - - i . Mar nHB manner, w tawtnff steps to have oeo" r."u- nd " , . . nrlh-west coast . u uviriHii iwv- . i - as ...ic- -.tn block the JJnw" nor::.::ftwiieDt to are "fS iAf Not only boats ral White's relief. J?J: TKo onn. m-a-w KnTmher 7tb.. All on thA navv was compioi.. e ucauaj, -..w. ------ Intainea; rlL v,rd 380. Bo far as mai General Wbtte reet.t .r Ho ka. funeral Joubert got w u-Amn through the surr unaer raou aa tu nwa reach here. aiceo v . . mIatdiv mux- i auoywr - s a a - i ru u mis w uiu www army at Ladysmitn co-ing " beavy- but badly aimed rmero -'- excitement. The VJZZa.a. hut he is concentrating a ne jr , trenches. The !"ir tv. nt a boat to invest!- 5.uu rt of his force bou u xrotu rl(yht and left, "."".n hrlne back offi x ri n vioHiv r . . i.tsvm n m i art i ri i f rn v u - o . . i itaw vuw iu r- . i. n av &ner tuuqj i r ana erew. a blow at Jipe pouriug , " - P-.. Bntsf while his bombara uen- iun,j-.r taainnAd officers. The cruiser ran agrou can meefc u - . while his fleeine nawyeB. The bare fact oi tne lr lAJiTnedand it is not even . i ..ntiimrl. .... whr It 1 a total wreot. Forty Filipino. .,'r---T-. '"" "I Blrroalld a hidden o -i T?ilfnino deaa ana uvo roai - , t nmmftn-1 oovoi r. . i : kn:u:nT thfl macninery aar . A T'V I in I U 1U . 4 A Vm T 1 TT1 111! 14 la. M U 1 www ( ' B' this move - Bftrft. wounaed were iyuu is taking a t:io r- which eznected rein -nnon continue to eral White's position The crew worKea ikr two davs and These Plows, j. ... both in the one and two-horsfe si7fts. took the FIRST PBIZB at last Raleigh Fair d were f puna in a puhu.uB 77.", net0get off, but the ris had suffered considerably hS W-piltad' them to White might advancejn m. " from the bombardin;. , , t j? boate, eyk refoge on a he laces vu r - - Tho town wa - small lsiana nve iuic -.o mu. . iu P.nmi no Washington, JNOvemoor w. "w rcjJciii o, uio visv...w But thev do that everywhere, whether on exhibit or in the field. For durability lightness of draft, ease of management and economy 0f Oliver rlOWS aiWciyo -a.iv vuixC, may cost as ijreaor. in his rear . .1 i f..ai tne nruJY WUlie UO -Awr j .lr AIIO vunw " 1 . . " " -wm a. w a m m.h t 1 a ai ak r w v tkatm nn w a mmmm m an 1 vmBr-m-'a aw - mmt m h at mai -hw , . . from P-, riart s.. KP. t'Ml "-7; .""f: Adaarar. - " j: II 28 iiJ . a , i mitation"- dIow but are cheapest in th W,pra.et keWe ,ted witl. , o --; '-"nrhnaW' She-wm one of a little moreav it , """ fiPMllIMP PUi. , would prooao, - - a fine cover. ; fi...-uio be sent to Manila Th - American iobb.o, i jt - - --, , aiah . 1 . alter tine aesiruoHuu -k--i. v,r- ...n. were ,, 11. MtAnthT Admiral iiewey, iu. ut --- ruuvv 10 vvw. w.. w - .. . , , 4- . A late Ulspatcn iron, nlrtiSJnt utilizing her tor the purpose . n, IVPR" and VOU Will nave no Uciuac w . eg.; bi yuur pur- ,a,. ivh' ww. ' "7. u;r,pw one-hbrse Steel Beam Oliver ? it's a more than iapatcbrom utllizlng her for the purpose , " been raining hard for L gendlng ammunition and other sup- DUy IS, an a week, handicapping .. . r the Asiatic station. Just l... ua nr1 MaoArthur ?"?.Li. 1 "iV, .irnmnt to that Cnabe. rid fhin .hort of a large army advancing from Dundan. General White is using a flying . column of artillery and cavalry With tniB UO ao -f , .La - , si nnalAiiffhts on the uia.is j rTu,ariaxr (General . . juuAonrla of 1 Anaeles Lia,fw!0kA h.ri nndereone an Boers. ,w"r"'T ...mith "o:u":..inW U :u"r.indavY vard. San White sent word irom anfj Twlac. i-ne; rBBFulw r -1 . 1 L? . uliei Tn nrime huho .Jmant was " .... ,i...n . in . Ka na. I TTfanwUnrt-And than was in prime . . w.r m urn u ii t v m i & m - v m n m m ... - siai . w w m- muwiuw harm, ne wn General L.awton xiopouuc -.r-vv -r-. Atwk VOcAi on.SanWdro.river.togeth.s o,nonSon1anUW annnlies. The river is fed by oi hich is commonly iouVtaibVtr navy .She v too shallow lor navigawuu faad ft fuU complement pi omcer.?au too swift. Mule trains moving crew. The naval register issued at the mpplies : over, the iauaay t rouB beginning ot.tne preseni ide only-two - or three miles a ber ;Commander Captain William E. nauv uuij ti-Li v.A lfnntAnant com- VYXilllUgi .. prow is worth something, isn't it? Be sure that the next plow you ave you seen that the intrenchments were daily grow ing stronger and that the supply of provisions was ample. - a A report emanating from Am. eterdam states that;a British regi- . T7rii1av of last xnent was ueuiuia -t: 8 G.;;r;i. Lawton a"d MaoAr with an extra SLI P share thrown in. vara, oao t. jifflanhv Tn .tne aa- Franblsoo. ana man was .u F"r nnvasi iMaKK.aiuuA.wva''' i . i HQ ciinnlv vour wants in plows. Yours for '"gooa piowmg. 99 week by Free Staters " It is stated , Rno of the liritisn were kill( horses were captured soldiers made day. . , j-.j .v.. ann UBJ' .:a I nnvi.y ant tf rind urocKiine 1 1 . j M anansinii mail uuu i m . a ti annm rMLii ui d i Luauuw m w v - - . - were Kuwuorwuuuuw Tne troopn i aie:e;tt.f . Htarv Allen is acting lillB iBlBE OlHFfifff, ' TKft nnlw nrn rses were capvu. . . much oi tne wmo. w-. r-- tha rvu at PAteraburecorresponaeni i . . wa nifth the country yieias aw4Tr "r.l.. .f. .t his hotel ml u d w v ww' cr ' - w a n a. u b w w i n an a xin a a. var ja. BbaiiUM h - . n- - -n iM i "a i m I iiai v ojuuai - " of the Lokal Anzeiger, oi uornu, areic6f a few chickens ana, dul tba( no message had been HAS A VERY HARD TIME absence of Secre- TTl' i..ih r.nAftto Wrong Po receivcQ dj " ... wnds . report that Russian troops j;,o;"xhofflc.r. Carfy, a supply Tim Fthe nlgnt. , v Ing Waco am? ' "u" are marching toward the Afghan o caah to aj. ttfo natlTet liberally The croleer Charleston, which was Admonlsnea. . mu;. mav Via a move . u.-ii - Uon TTntnAiflAo In looo. baa a niovoinnd. fx-ore8iaent "..trBritIth''-liitereitt in - that WJt Moblands' are cool and the Uisplacementof 3,730 tons, was 312 the Unlted States, found peculiar diffi- adopted may be wortbthe atten- -- r " -:: - . . j i..f7 flhQ in lnnfftn. 40 iee m. mnm n? in exercisiBK 13 I f nnranna iivincr aiontz Eection. -. : - health of the troops guuu. .rrr-.-.TM R inches in c.u7? 4 "V rri, lUCUCiS IU uoaui ---- . , I 1- Of Beclaiming Sand Dunes. A , paper read at a meeting of a forestry association at Los Angeles, Cal., recently reported the success ful reclamation of a large area of drifting" sand dune. The means . z .as ti rnn i . v . - - . The only cnee nuK T- - - General Young has captursa an- r ,.- w . 8teei. having iwo . m : TTi !1! 2 I UlBiUaaUfffl aw " ' . share oi ijiupinu . f ! and two masts our was British is that, with Y of the army corps aireaay ammuniti6n, which was and with others following close be. amm , bind, lU,uuu men ouguv w to Ladysmith within 18 or 19 days, ready to relieve White if he can hold out until then. If this can be carnea oui, meu left behind Liti ih.. Rh had the fol I W 1 LI1 LLiiiincaajv w inW Armament : Two 8-inch gnns, along the front 8ix 6-inch guns, four fr-pounders, two ef tlicai va I AhlBUlu . . He was obliged to stana in iiuo . .... gQ barren and lone time only to have his vote reiuseu r f .. , Bori of ... a. w mrrtntr nni i- uuui w 1UUK UUIO vw ww I I KonlnsA hA had cone to the wrong poll WWHWW - w . . 1 ing place. When he went to tne yru uf.L ,oa nrrf ored awav ana Splendid Assortment of Hard Rubber crop beyond a growth of six inches. m M a i mam aAT anrnii rum Liin n iuua Ha was Ordered away aim even wuoa www ha Siwovewd he Fmp ho. .ntoa? .te ioucders. two ma- ouUbed by a town official. Success was at first obt. nea Dy .1. trenched with several ohlne guns and oae light gun with rI first place, Mr. Cleveland bad pUhtiog in furrows the roots of atronclv entrencoeu, BO' r" . ou nom- . . j tu. r.r nlace to i . aaa rAlAma.orestis tronoie in nuuiug iJi at hi Tote. According to the local theBsih be saved, andlt 19 now oonuuwu r . been engaged ln ow. ... ---- 7?"" own hine registered in J ... -..VrtLii. I i a 111 a 1 UOUH va mw ' . i.i . another daring exploit. wniie j one place and the other nan likely that it will be. The greatest concern is lest with constant skir mishing this daily ordeal will weaken the men and horses of the garrison, and also lest the artillery should exhaust its ammunition.; arenaia.) The furrows were about three feet apart. Where the dunos wsre too steep for horses pits were dug and the roots were nlanted in them.. Between Novem- . L f w i j a u - V n a a alma tn I Ihnnt 10 o'clock in the morning Air. ber and Marcn ia Qlv Cleveland drove leisurely down tojthe piant, wet weather oeing preiera- ODIOUU at the polls at Odd Fellows' Hall. Aiignting ble. It is desirame ma aU ruu.. j. fiom bis carnage, do iyuuu i enouia tae uuiu a--j. waj-j B0IRS CAN KEEP SUPPLIED. -The Boers can get plenty of sup plies for their guns, as they com- m.nri th railway from Keemen s Pass to scouting with five officers and two TQr Number and Particular jsecond one. men of the Thirty-sixtn inianry Classification Otis' 5iaio- and Lieutenant Hawkins ana iu ment- men of the Fourth Calvary, ne General Otis. has cabled to crept behind aitrsnch containing a be war department the full strength hundred Filipinos, roue uoui Qf ; hg command- nowiln tne rninp- down, killed and wounded men oltjes: excluive nf the hospita ana ' . i i a I ' rvt aa..M tKniBi I autvuii - . .nrl ..ntnrAd 6. lie aiSO DroKu medical ' corps, xne sawmou. uwr,B nH nmea. where ne u..u oft Af.n.an th number of troopi in the rninp- t. anaUki hu time to cast i wav from iteemen b ujw uv ,r n.v... qi hnt tnM that Lweu.7 na.r T" :r' 7i, .l.n Aeuinaldo Is said to nave ion. pines up o jr;- a ballot rass to nninu, TAln ennntrv for a region In dateapart oi tne iHirWvu The novelty ol tha situ! iMnch TAina'a Neck to Pretoria, the Tagalo country ior afca tlninth infantry have arrived at Iv?'0 J!ui. m n. Zu, mi..ui Haa the north, where tn. mouniu- --"W, ba .te ' as sent by " oV '" S .,5 h and enioved i'Tin hAiaht: On the sheltered 'ineV KDOW fcUttV f um ' I rjll J Ial ha mAII AATBIZe . .af ii.i. J COllBM WOU, nuw.-': . - , . , i a. www o l . ! m 11 1 1 nD . niLu tuw -w l ritfn i ann nn iilhu ludu i , -. l Mnanii iikia is tvt w UIWUWAW. ' " . Trusses to oi voters ahead of him; and there was no recourse, but to ; taae nis piaoo among a motley crowd of townspeople, his of tha situation soon --. . . i weather sets in. ;vueu mo fou" n Jl-rm'ci were blown out with the dry sand fjrarQI10r S. the ground was at, once replanted. The next operation was to build brush fences across the direction of the nrevailine wind about 100 Corner Opposite Postoffct , including yards apart and from four to six They Know tnat yi uiw ,-w.t u.w- mied with the most savage been reinforced witnin a moiivu, t . . m0gt moun- and. therefore, it is but natural to , .cna-aible oart of r a a.i a.va.a uuuai aai aa ja w w mt expect.tnat jouoert Fuv forth nis most Tigoruui. Maw Bell, with an Infantry overcome him. - LAffmAnt And a small force of cay. A dispatch from London Bays Antered Tarlac without aispinwu 1.-- w- , .a - -1 n fAii ninnrnni i j attacks on the town of Makefing P5eneral MacArthur has taken last week, being repulsed each time. Bamban Ti9 wa8 8Uppo8ed to They lost fifty men. ; be the strongest position except The Boers must strike telling Filipinos in blows this week before the British S iL, The brief ac am n nnnn f nflm Ann ! o - j reiniurcomou r" I AnMa f thA AncrAorement receivea VVMaavo -w "-O-O . . . the late8t,news from the seat of war in South Africa indicates that they are seeking to do this. - The attack is proceeding in four localities Ladysmith, Kimberley, Maf eking and Northern Cape Col ony, near the Orange Free State border. : , ' s - A fight with heavy artillery on both sides occurred at Ladysmith, w . . and 1,288 officers. Adding to this tne late arrivals he has a force of a.J) n.. m.n mnA 1.341 officers. His VMIwww - - statement follows : cavalry. Enlisted Officers. Men. 30 956 ''"".V.V... 43 . 1.263 43 660 Regiments Third Fourth .. . . Eleventh M.wy " 'm I IT. it vastly. When, after long delay J Ur. Cleveland reached tne oanoi-uut liam BrSdy , a town merchant, without loocing up, asked : . 'Your name, please? "Grover Cleveland," was the reply RrorW lnnked ud with a start. "Beg your pardon," he said,"but you are not registered nere. Mr. Cleveland turned ana ibu side of these fences young seedling trees were planted, about five feet apart; The trees were pines . at ' .'.Aam (Pinus maritima;, cyprssB, euca lyptus, willow, elm, oak and maple. The winds blow the leaves off the poplars. The planted trees grow in the sand, barren as it is, till Ho about ten feet high, or until they Total .......166 ARTILLERY. 2,879 laughed good-naturedly as he walked be ln t0 form heart wood, but after First... Third Fourth. Fifth . . Sixth.. indicate that the natives lougnt according to their recent tactics, retreating after firing a f ew vol lvV An officer , of the Thirty- sixth Infantry is the only Ameri- Uotal : can reported Kiuea. . . , , Mf infantry A late report says tnat Agumai- . -. -A tYgm north. I XOlra ao naa no. i0arth but that ne ana a ariuj Sixth nntn BiflAB npRiirreii ai uauvBiuibu. . . , A " . 7---. - rounded, msiast oruern w u . tb imioi,iaBk 1UU4CU-J u.v.-.-9. - ,nsnft commander at a ooofiKArl na in A hUfffi "'f"" uwaw..w O town was pounding away at short intervals. rapgl, , commander at oan juo Twelfth.. ...... . hold San Jose and Oar- Thirteenth all cost. v Fourteenth i .-' Colonel Hayes has captured sixteentn. were to The result is not positively known, a 1",. -iLretarv and Major Seventeenth k T nnnnn war nffieft nrof esses t Aguinaldo s secretary, ana J"M . tMntn to be-dent that GenerafWhite C "SS oJ'hi. W ith Eighteenth Nineteenth..... a is fiafe. r" ;rIL Te.,oa Twentieth - i - a a. v n w- m -r ar a xj atm i . n It is not believed in London that "?J "nf r fteneral La . iwen.y-nrs. .......... GeneraUToubert has much prospect Visaya The son ot G V Jwenty-second . . ... . . .......j.-.T..mSTV, -? Brtn. nares anu """J . w i - xweniy-mira l copvuuug jroiaavaa ..a rrh rAnprAl barely escaped. T-Anttr-fnurth . . . i : . la.w. Ann An nfftrlt.rv AttACtT OQ & " ' " " the British intrenchments is ex- Twenty-fifth. . . i Twenty-sixth i -MnTta t? aid ao1 "hv Police in France pected. - - . . . n a MiniatAriAl Twenty-seven T Z a 11.1 ' IT IAlf h 14'alAATIOV I T1K1M. - L w x Liieuu-vyui. v. ia. ii.iu-iiwwuv 7 . . . . I lniriiein an several other British officers crisis is likely to be the outcome of Tbirty.second.,., were killed in a skirmish near Bel- a grave mistaKo mau uu i. Thirty-third... mont. Cape Colony. of the government today, in which, Thirty-fourth mka na will rinTA tn h Aatfth bv rude intrusion into nuns private Thirty-sixth. vi onArAtinna.-aa the British are apartments, the entire Catholic Thirty-seventh nected to have 12,000 soldiers on church was offended, if not antag this week. onized. 4 12 5 4 43 63 44, 43 24 43 44 41 43 44 42 43 45 43 46 43 45 17 26, 49 51 50 39 49 49 48 46 1,085 5 .a m ATriaire. The crowa louoweu him as he drove to Chambers street, where the second polling place was sit- uated Loud cheering greeted Mr. Oleve. land there as he walked towsrd the polls with determined lace. "h.Uk into the building, he stopped amnmont mt-lk with a fellow-resiceat of the . . z t . -r na recountine nis viciw w- , T . tudes at the other polling piace. iusu .Hon PtAr Mehan. the tovrn constable who was clearing the space between . a a ak a ai 1 1 a ..ilifioa lcftdlncr no iw iuo tuo laiuugx - c ca a in a loud voice : Von will have to get out of here, my manr This place is meant for voters, anl we can't have any loafers hanging about blocking up the passage Ai.mip mnirA ulnn?. AlvUaf aaaw w ------ o m A wild roar of laughter broke from KornwAt the constable, evi j aa nt rAo.oflrnize Mr. Cleve- UBUSljr vaV '-- . Tho AT.nreaiaen dubuou 1BUU. r - i . lla nA was allowed to cast nis uauut, .uknnt fnvthAr hindrance. There W u. a a a a a H - a mm W w w 1.038 nAM mnrA cheers for Mr. Cleveland as 1.081 u iBM m arriacre anddrove away 1 943 I .... u. ?ntri PrincetOD. N. I JK laSl UO UOva - i288 J.. Dispatch, 7tb, to Baltimore bun. 1,299 1 - ' j 997 A Munininal Pawn-shop. 1qo I J- a.a...- -a- h nubile 1299 jttunicipai v UDto"r t i .r . 1 041 utilities as gaa, --r- " - 895 water, is a system .w-, A " iastified Itsell, navmg pruu 111 399 132 126 1,161 1,932 1,415 1,425 1,514 1,427 1,480 1,453 1,587 1,445 1,448 1,412 1,486 1,478 1,374 1,548 1,203 that they show signs ot- uinw and will perish unless fertilized. For several years the California experimenter has been fertilizing his sand plantation, with the result of a vigorous growth of his trees whArever he spread loam, manual and other good rich dressing, -at present the pines, cypress, euca- lyptus, etsvare ieei uigu - grove of 700 acres is ooiaineu, .uiw formerly there was only drifting sand that moved witn every gate, often to a depth of three feet in 24 hours. HARRY POEZOLT, Merchant Tailor, 217 S. Sin St., GSEENSBOSO. Mrs. HannieWeathetl! Millinery Headquarters- i WHEBB VOU WILL fL"? Latest Styles of Suitings and.Trou The UteSt StjlCS JDd erlngs to select from. Fit guaranteed. Executor's Notice. I w.n onalifled as executor of the last wil rid testament of Cornelia A. Steele, ueceaseo. ana testamen w " -minllt ..jd deceased nto vvnt them to the aa- ersignorlfo - tice win De iieau in u. This 16th Say of October, 1899. TEEL Executor Cornelia A. Steele. rtf. MABKET 44-6W Total Catholic opinion in FrancerWhloh g"S" '.H The school directors of Union nas oeen larger w'v T ! county think the public schools of government, was ehocked by tne u- Qhnnifi hA kent onen authorities sending police en dom- kUO VUUUVJ i -1 I . . , . 1 r,nntinnniiBlv as Ions as the funds iciliary visits to rougniy inrcu .1,.- than thAt thev nuns and the fathers of the As UOIUIIU anouwa . j - , , V.. iiririarl ntn tWO BDOTt SUmDlinniBI. Uruci ouu. vtw the office of La Croix, a Catholic tiesr This is wise: Much waste newspapej-, upon the offensive sus . mnnatr lo noiiBPfl hv sion that thev had all been con dividing a school term of four or five monib.8 into two sessions .with nf from two to NO CURE-wu 33,124 288 fft-,1 Koth A3 to coa aua, 1 W,.- .k.Mtra. orinntea ana pruuoiijf a - DUW'BUU 247 aged, but Chicago has gone a bow-snot in advance of anything ever heretofore Aggregate officers, 1,288 38,465 war the officials thA following Thirtv-second Infantry, zl omcera and 209 men ; Thirty-ninth mianiry, nndArtalcen in this ftonntrv in establishing Notice to Contractors. Seated bids will be received by the a ... v. , m innnrir i nmuiiaaiuuvig direction -in this oara oi -'w n ntil 2 n. m. a municipal Gulllora county, rol Decern eedy can U on f h 0oVDaeCnTw Since the receipt oi tne auuv ho bere tbe n i r i s a L a. .a.i. . ha - . iiir uw department nas peen uuuuou , 1 1; Der Cent. a monm,iur vir.uiwii i arrival of more troops. Kffi.ta.h- P.K Md S. ffildln haveaaaea io xms in.; The cash capital xo atari. tt i .; .anffi,fl Qf i a a a 1 1 i - Ma la ann iiikbmbb liiq v AOTfl n I laillllf II m Will I J KA - ' 1 Mrrirk : l a s thA . s.u t ' sv. nffloor unri isa men. mo.iu& w nectea in some way wi.u - - ----- m,e .. oQ ifi2 enliat. alist plots against the government ?T ;77 : , an intermission four weeks. The way to secure a regular attendance is to have a regular school term. North Caro lina Journal of Education Tht Uha var all drillfBtS Sell Vltl V JU O TASTELESS CHILL TONIC lor unuis, Jjerer drugjris TONIC mnti xrniayia Tt Rimniv iron ana uoiiiuie in & tasteless form. Children love it . Adults pref ex; it to bitter nauseating; tonics, rnce, owe. Bears the Signature-ex Tba Kind You Have Always Bought will be' found the Register oi $50,000, and the doubtless prove a oenenceuww gCu r - . " wavdenr Wheeler i a. ..aftKiMflr i rna 111 ir.n w j men who need easn ana n.Yii Arehitects. Charlotte, H. u., to put in hock ; nu T,.ll alter the 25th of Novem- a ha rnpnvuixcu aa aa auwu.w money - ;rT..IWA tni fnrAPe ber. 1899. pal lunction lui"---i r . t ill nrA T nnnlrl rr 11 bids. Jecfc BUJ v r W. C. BOREN, Ch'm'n. County Com. Charlotte Observer. 109 CHOOSE I0OR DEW1; A drneirt canf- f..f. , I 'ti' 0 " f ft a A MA ,w .w. i j Ta thA ricni iu te- i . in i Ti i - i n nuaiu awjw.iwm o u. nnQinesa win enu. i huuiu i appear on its face to be -carrying the Irise rf no T.RrnHIiBlU -w. tuca w menamSJi'-ii.. InicwckandRetVns- an!. oaSouai?.tf,tcfun5. Choose your-