If you want to get the-- 4 " Highest Market Prices. For your PRODUCE, CHICKENS; BUTTER, EGGS, ETC., Go to S. E. HUDSON, 513 S. Elm St. Greensboro Patriot. ESTABLISHED 1821. TWELVE IA.GES. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 22, 1899. LOCAL NEWS .ITEMS. Sheriff Gilmer went to - Jit, Airy Monday on a snore ousmess trip. Mr. R. L. Chilcutt. of Brown's Summit, gave us a call while in the , city Saturday. . , Two amateur football teams of this ! city will play a game at the baseball ! park on Thanksgiving day. Dr. J: J. Bryan will soon go to New York to take a post graduate course in surgery and mediciner ' - The North Carolina Conference of the Christian church was held at Lib erty last week. The sessions were well attended. Mr. George F. Kent, of Gulf, presi dent of the North Carolina Coal and Coke Company, was In the city Mon day on business. Rev.-Rufus King, superintendent of the Friends orphanage at Archdale, was in the city Monday. He spent yesterday at Guilford College. Thacker & Brockmann have open ed up a new line of ladies-capes in the latest styles and colors, and are selling tbem at very reasonable prices. '' Mrs. Wm. A. Warren,-of Staley, Is visiting at Mr. John Barker's, on North Davie street. She brought a turnip weighing thirteen pounds which was raised by her husband. ""''. The annual conference of the A. M. E. Zion Church convened in this city this morning at 11 o'clock. A large number of colored ministers and laymen are in attendance. We don't have to meet prices; we make them. Its the other fellow that has to do the meeting. Try us and 836 if we are not in the lead. J. M. Hkndrix fc Co. - The Greensboro Hardware Com nanv i' civlnc snAr.lnl" haremfn. in x j r n l . g, guns and all kinds of 'sporting goods. If you are interested in this line you should not fail to call at their store be fore buying. ' c f : f . . m terfeiting at a recent term of Federal court at Asheville, and one convicted a ; ! oi concealing mera, were carried to Raleigh today to serve out sentences in the penitentiary. Rev. James R. Jones,, of Guilford College, returned Friday night prom Baltimore, where he attended the Baltimore Yearly Meeting of Friends. He reports a large attendance and a most interesting meeting. We have received a copy of Bran son's AlmanaaforJ900. As usual it is filled with useful and valuable Infor mation to all classes of people. It is published by Rev. Dr. Levi Branson, oi ftaieign, jx. and Is sold for 10 cents a copy. - - Mr. A. F. Lambeth won the free suit of, clothes given by Will H.Mat thews & Co. to the person guessing earest their cash sales for Saturday, November 4tb. Their sales on this date amounted to $369 and Mr. Lam beth guess was $365.50. -Brave Explorers Like Stanley and Livingstone, found it harder to overcome Malaria,Fever and Ague, ana Typhoid disease cerma than savage cannibals; but thousands have 4 vuuu iuav Xiiecinc meters is a wonder ful cure for all malarial diseases. If you have chills with fever, aches in back of neck and head, and tired, worn-out reeling, a trial will convince you of their merit. W. A. Null, of Webb, HL, writes: "My children suffered formore than year with chills and fever; then two bottles of Electric Bitters cured them." only 50 cents. Try them. .Guaranteed. Sold by C. E. Holton. The Cost of Living in Greensboro. There is nothing of more Interest to the majority of people than what tnev eat and the cost of the same. It a par ticularly so at this season and many good housewives are now carefully es timating the cost of a Thanksgiving dinner. In order to give oor readers an idea of what It costs to live In Greensboro, a Patriot representative has taken the tronble to ascertain the retail prices of groceries and produce on this market, with theLfolIowlng re sult:; ' . -; - Flour, medium, $2 to $2 25 per sack; good, $2 35 to $2 60 per sack. Meal, from 60 to 65 cents per bushel. Western meat, 7 to 8 cents per pound. Large hams, 12 cents per pound. Small hams, 14 to 15 cents per pound. Country hams, 15 cents per pound. Lard, pure, 8 to 10 cents per pound. Granulated sugar,6 cents per pound. Brown sugar, 5 to 6 cents per pound. Green coffee, 10 to 12) edits per pound. ' Roasted coffee, )2 cents and up. Good tea, 50 to 75 cents per pound. Canned corn, $1 to $1.25 per dozen. Canned .tomatoes, $1 per dozen. Canned apples, $1 per dozen. Molasses, 20 cents per gallon and up. Syrup, 30 cents per gallon and up. -Salt, 60 to 65 cents per sack. Keroseneoil,15to20cents per gallon. Cheese, 15 to 20 cents per pound. 0 Rice, 6 to 10 cents per pound. Hominy and grits, 3 cents per pound. Oat meal, 4 cents per pound. Chickens, from 15 to 25 cents each. Ducks, 25 to 35 cents each. Guineas, 15 to 20 cents. Turkeys, 75 cents and up. Eggs, 18 cents per dozen. Butter. 20 to 30 cents per pound. , Apples, 25 to 35 cents per peck. Irish potatoes, 25 cents per peck. Sweet potatoes, 20 cents per peck. Cranberries, 10 cents per quart. Celery, 50 cents per dozen. Kraut, 20 cents per gallon. Turnips, 10 cents'per peck. Oranges, 35 to 50 cents per dozen. Lemons, 20 cents per dozen. Grapes, 20 to 25 cents per basket. Bananas, 20 cents per dozen. Oysters, 35 cents per quart. Mince Meat, 12 per pound. Plum pudding, 25 cents per pound. Raisin?, 15 cents per pound. Mixed Nuts, 15 cents per pound. Mr. W. L. Miles, of Hillsdale, sub mits visible evidence of the fact that Capt. P. Wall, of Scalesyllle, Isn't the only man in northern Guilford that can raise turnips. He brought in one yesterday that weighed 7) pounds, or half a pound more than Mr. Wall's pro duction. Right here we might say that wo won't object if this tornip con test lasts Indefinitely,' as we are devel oping somewhat of a fondness for this sort of a diet. , So long as prize turnips and persimmons last we propose to live high. Will Wagoner, a young man em ployed by Ernest Teague, who lives on the Weatherly farm about two miles south of town, met with a serious acci dent while driving homeward last Thursday. His horse ran away and hurled the young man out of his ve hicle at the Buffalo bridge, breaking his left leg above the knee. The bridge referred to Is unsulted to the demands of traffic along that road and should be replaced by a modern structure. Orphan's Friend, Oxford : "The L. Richardson Drug Company, of Greensboro, N. C, sent us last week a valuable contribution of drugs and medicines for our hospital. We thank them heartily. We assure our breth ren and friends, one and all, that their gifts are appreciated. Such responses as this one received from this progres sive Greensboro firm are encouraging. "Wanted: Purchasers for new or second hand iron safes.vault doors, etc. We exchange large for small safes, will buy your second hand safes for cash. We put on new combination locks and do all kind of expert repair work. Our prices are the lowest. O. B. Barnes & Co., Greensboro, N. C. - SMALLPOX IN THE STREET. Work Is progressing nicely on the addition to the Greensboro Steam Laundry. The addition will be built of brick, two stories In height and will be eighty feet in length. When com pleted the laundry will be refitted with new and Improved machinery and the capacity considerably increased. Danbury Reporter: "Miss Ben bow, of Oak, Ridge, came up last Saturday and was examined by Prof. Harris. She expects to teach in the public schools of this county." v Notice to Sportsmen. During the hunting season, i.e.; from October 1st, 1899, to March 31st, 1900, the Norfolk & Western Railway Com pany will take free in baggage fears, when accompanied by owner, and at their risk, the dogs of sportsmen or hunting parties, not exceeding one dog so each man. "Owners must show their tickets to agent or baggage agent, that dogs may be properly war-billed to train bag gageman, and they must furnish chain, so that dogs may be securely fastened in baggage cars. After March 31st, 1900, the regular uog iarm to apply in all cases. W. B. Bevill, General Passenger Agent. Roanoke, Va, . Sal Three Well Developed Casoo Found in a Crowd, sbury , N.C., Nov. 21 Yesterday in Main street the town full of peo ple, here attending court three negro meni j were located by the health authorities with fully developed cases of smallpox. They were immediately hustled to the pest house. All of them were strangers and each refused to give his name or his home. The county authorities have had a severe tussle all summer .with small pox, and they had sucteeded in check ing it here, but when we find men broken out with the disease mingling freely in a crowd of people, we may expect to have another siege of it. It; Is strange that these negroes will not tell where they are from. If small pox is their commerce and Is being distributed all over the State by tramp negroes, it is time that the- health au thorities of the State were taking he roio action in the matter. Raleigh Post.' . ' - t- THE DEWEY HOUSE AGAIN. the Another Transfer Due to Flood of Indignant Pro- ' I ' v - 'tests. ' ' Washington, Nov. 21 John B. Mc Lean! announced to day that papers transferring the Dewey home from Mrs; Dewey to the admiral's son, George Goodwin Dewey, had been drawn 'up and would be placed on record immediately. It is the general opinion that this is the result of uni versal criticism of the admiral's action in giving it to nis wife. This afternoon's papers here are fill ed with protests against the transfer of the house to Mrs. Dewey. Ed Editor Sees Wonders. tor W. V. Barry, of Lexington, renn., in exploring Mammoth Cave, contracted a severe case of Piles. His quick cure through using Bucklen's Arnica Salve convinced nim it is an other world's wonder. Cures Pilesi Injuries, Inflammation, and all Bodily Eruptions. Only 25c at Holton's. 66 99 HO SOUTH ELM ST., Is a First-Class Restaurant for ladies and gentlemen. Oysters in any style. All kinds of game in season. Fine Ci gars and Fancy Groceries. The only first-class bread sold in Greensboro. We deliver goods anywhere in the city between the hours of 6 A. M. and 10 P. M. . Your orders solicited. EDGERTOH & MAtlH, Managers. M. Wingate Simons, SPECIAL AGENT FOR THE ovident Savings Life Insurance Society. pC7See him, for he can save you money. J, R. Chrismoii & Bro., GROCERS, 122 WEST MARKET STREET. "New Club" Loaded Shell, 40c. box. BRING US YOUR PRODUCE! Highest Prices Paid Cash or Trade. pVe are payinc 15c. for Eggs. iversfoGked! We are overstocked on Green Coffees and will make the follow ing rates for the next 15 days : 8 1-2, 9 and 10 cents per pound. COBring us anything you have to Bell and receive its yalue. Smith & Llurchison, ! I . 5U South Elm Street. Qortgage Sale. By Tirtue of a mortgage deed executed on the 26tu day of April, 193. by Z. F. Crocker and wife, Mary A. Crocker, to J. C. Welch and as signed to McDaniel Gordy.the same being duly recorded in Begisterof Deeds office in Guilford county, book 98, page 261, etc., I win sell at the court house door in Greensboro, N. C, on I SATURDAY, DEC: 30, 1899, at one o'clock, P. If., the following tract of land in High Point: Beginning at a stone, Francis 01irers corner, on Willowbrook street and running north 11 degrees west 75 feet to a stone in the lie of said street, thence south 79 degrees west 270 feet to a stake, thence south 11 degrees east 75 feet to a stake, the northeast corner of F. Oliver's lot. thence north 79 degrees east with said Oliver's line 170 feet to the be ginning, containing acre more or less. Terms of sale cash. This Nov. 22nd, 1899. S ! MeDACTEL GORDY, Assignee of J. C Welch. as (is (is as (is (is (is .OS OS (is (is (is (is (is (is Ms (is (is (is (is as (is (is (is (is (is iv II BO-AIM JDA1T Is What We Want to Talk to You About This Week. -y We hare introduced what is known in larger cities north as "Bargain Day." On th day everything is sold at a bargain. In other words, it is simply a feast of bargains w have had two Bargain Day Sales this fall, and our store was simply packed each day f morning till late at night; but our customers were nearly all from town. This wag can01? r country iriends, or at least but few of them, knew of these Bare rtnotice. So this time we have decided to give our count f,5?iQ J "CQU rrom the ract'tnat ou Days, on account of short plenty of time to learn of Our Next Bargain Day WHICH WILL BE Friday, DeCi 1st. 0 V V v Vjf ! ! And to accommodate. our country friends we will continue the Sale through the following Saturday. Now remember, that everything in our store will be sold at a bargain; and also iciucuiuci, iuak rttiiji.a wis ju.ah.ih uaauuaixi uai will wur am uuuu on ami OTuER day. We VI would adviso vou not to wait until Katurdav if vou can attend on Fridav. W n ,!; . ' V - , - J - -" . wug J Of fear too many might wait for Saturday, and we would have more customers than we could wait. on. Such has been the case with us on Bargain Day. ' Hoping to see all the readers of the Patriot and many of their friends on December 1st and 2d, we remain, J Yours truly, Hendrix Go t!. I - ' . M THE : 22 1 South Elm St., PEOPLE'S : MONEY ; SAVING 3 , STORE GREENSBORO, N. C. r V luJUinr Cost is no Consideration, 1F(0)1I Value is no Gonsideralit Profit is no Consideration. The objective point of our business at this time is to realize cash from our goods and accounts. We have prices on our stock which ought to move it in the limited time at our disposal- This is our side of the question FROM Price is eration. some These Y0TJR STA-TDPOIM consideration, value is greater consid two elements, combined as they now are in our store, are arguments clear, cogent and convincing. Greater values for less money than you can approach elsewhere- If we have what you want, we can be of substan tial benefit to you. Call and see us. - f lu f isplalKate . Company, LEADING CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. Retiring from business. Selling for 60 cents on the dollar. BEDFORD'S TASTELESS 1 rPTTTTTITTTT MNP S - r.i A PflGi'lma Pfironsnf dnrl Effflfilnol Hnra fnn flfclllo anJ Pans? T And : a : General : Tonic. O It is more effective thati Quinine, and is an antiperiodic, alterative, tonic, etc. Owing to its pleasant and palatable taste it can be taken by the most delicate and sensitive stomach without any nauseating effects whatever. It combines Iron as a tonic and blood purifier, which is an advantage over any other chill remedy on the market. Itis positively guaranteed to cure or your money back for the asking. oU don't have to send 500 or 1000 miles away to get your money back in case it does not enectacure: come to i? arias. ' " . j in Jolni B i?"ariss, Druggist, Successor to Richardson a Fabiss, ' -, , ' x I ! .... " . ' ' i 121 South Elm Street, - Opposite Benbow House.