VOL- 78; WEDNESDAY, NO. 48. - " - - - ' . . IT SESSIONAL CARDS. tfjl RICHARDSON. KATZ BUILDING. KQE615 W. Q ASTON ST. "I .51 ' piiTSiCIAM AMD SURGEOM. ,lr.ii7 Court Square. ' .fihtfVCE : 404 Asheboro at. KC.fi Y . . ii:30 to 1; 3 to wu. e HMrs tiTePHONE'NO. 1 7- STA3IEY, M. 1). TTI St. ,1.97 & Grisson's Drag Store. J. J. BRYAN nr. - - i II i... i;AfPftional services to the ens or u reeuBuui v, . U J7ESJN0. B. FABISS' DBUG STOBi. 0PPO9ITK BENBOW HOUSE. 1 1,-Wo. 25 North Kim St. : p. B. WYCHE, ENTISTi S6 ith Elm rr i e Savings Bank Building, street, Greensboro, N. C. H. i WHEELEn, rricE Op. Ward's Drug Store. A. 31. SCALES, and Counsellor at Law, GREENSBORO, N.'C. z. Y. TAYLOR, Ittorn-esr GREENSBORO, N. C. fiscwit; adas. ; Robert d. Douglas. UfflS & DOUGLAS. Attorneys - at - Law, 84' ING3 BANK BUILDING, - ilTMM, W. P. BYNUM, JR., fiYNUM & BYNDLI, w and Counsellors at Law. CpXTRT SQTT -R.Tii. S: Nevlin, -PET AHD COUNSELLOR AT LAW GREENSBORO, N. C. V east of Court t in -Wriirht 1lmllinr. to all business en attention given Albert B. Cannady, an ADD COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Offerji his best efforts wherever jnl whenever desired. fiitl Boyd i Brooks, - " ttenienball Building. ill 'FANCY 1899, GOODS. nir a beautiful line noniis, Watches, Cut Glass, ucy He pieces in Sterling Silver, gant Designs in Clocks, and Pretty Designs in Novelties i? ami save monev. nt your trade -, W. B. FARRAR'S SON, ; Jeweler and Engraver. Inspector for Southern Kail war. department is in charge of W. G ate Optician. hf. PRITCHETT, LOCAIj NEWS ITE1IS. 9 IS.. AD SPECIAL AGENT FOR ewuisss, ANY SIZE, WOOD AND ftiXiine Knne specialty. Esti W ej .u'H)n oplication. Has always '"...VAd Hand K.r..o DAilM m YPOEZOLT, i li . 217 - Merchant Tailor, S. ElaSt., QSEENSBO&O. ll LvV of Suitings anc Trous- Good 5-room cottage on ' Ue near Normal School. 81 ldreai W. P. Turner, this tr Mr. C. N. McAdoo went to New York Saturday. Miss Annie Sloan, of Reldsvllle, la visiting In the city. . - Mrs. T. J. Copeland is visiting rel atives In Randolph county. 7-Fresh Vaccine Points at Gardner's drug store, corner opposite postofSce. Mr. John A. Young Is spending a ew days at his orchards in Patrick county, Va. ' -Mr. B. F. "Settle, of Rockingham county, is now with the Odell Hard ware Company. - A re?ival meeting 4s in progress at Mt. Hope church, in ' southeastern Guilford, this week. The Odell Hardware Company has secured . the contract for doiner the plumbing at the Benbow House. Dr. John, L. Brown, of Camilla, Ga., who was called here by the Illness of his sister, returned home Saturday. JudgeS. B. Adama has "returned from Washington, where he had busi ness with the internal revenue depart ment. Rev. Dr. W. S. Ralnsford, of New York, who spent some time in this sec tion bird hunting, returned home Fri day night. " j Mr. P. H. Seawell died at his home at Proximity Monday night. He was fifty-five years old and was a native of Moore county. . Rev. E. E. Gillespie, the modera tor, has called the Orange Presbytery to meet in the Presbyterian "church at Mebane on December 11th. -Miss Allthla Dalley, of this city, and Mr. S. E. Holland, of Danville, Va were married at Pelbam Sunday after noon. It was an elopement. " on tne second page or tnis paper you will una some interesting taut about the Dingley tariff bill and a $10 blue-black beaver cloth overcoat. Mr. G. W. Kotner, a former resi dent of this city, but who is now com missioner of agriculture for the state of Virginia, was nere last Thursday. For Sale. A Lewellyn setter dog, well broken for quail and turkeys. A. J. Clark, 48-2t. Jamestown N.C. Mrs. Samuel Jordan returned to her home in High Point Monday after snendinsr several days here with the family of her son, Mr. Arthur Jordan. While at work in the machine shop at the colored A. & M. College yester day Frank Hawkins.' a student, had one arm almost severed just above the wrist. Because a man can successfully manage a big cotton mill or run a country newspaper is no sign he can shoot birds without first tying them to a stake. . Don't forget that we carry a full line of cotton seed meal and bulls and -all kinds of feed. We pay market price In cash for corn or a little more in trade. Hiatt & Lamb. Miss Susie Ivie, of Leaksyille, one of the young ladies of the State Nor mal and Industrial College who went home sick, died Friday night of ty phoid fever. . The Greensboro postofSce was closed from 2 to A o'clock Saturday af ternoon during the funeral of Vice President Ilobart, which was held at Paterson, N. J. . : Warren Mitchell returned to Char lotte Monday ; evening, and Galther Scott returned home, they having ex changed positions with the Southern Railway for two weeks. -From beautiful and artistic calen dars presented us by Will H.MatthewS & Co., McClamroch Brothers and C.E. Holton we are prepared to believe that the year 1900 Is on the road. The Internal revenue office has been moved from the building oppo site the court house to more commo dious quarters In the Southern Loan and Trust Company's building. Dr. W. H. WakeflelaV of Charlotte, will be in Greensboro, at the McAdoo House, od Thursday, December 7th, one day. His practice is limited to the eye, ear, nose and throat. 48-3t Prof. R. L. Carmichael, a musician of considerable note, died at his home in Salem Monday morning. He had been in feeble health for quite a while and had just returned from Colorado. Did you ever try old fashioned corduroy for hunting and every day hard wear pants? You can buy this and almost any other kind of pants and suit material at Thacker & Brock mann's. This is overcoat weather and CM. Vanstory & Co. call your attention to the fact, that they have them In all styles and sizes and at prices that will move them. Read their new ad. in this issue. - Nearly all the business houses of Greensboro will be closed tomorrow and4" employers and employees will alike observe Thanksgiving day. Spe cial 'services will be held In iteveral of the churches. Mr. M. W. Mitchell, of . Washing- ton, D. C, spent Sunday here, return ing Monday afternoon with Mrs. Mitchell, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Merrimon, at "The Cedars," the past two weeks. Mr. Archibald Johnson, of Thom- asville, editor of Charity and Children, delivered an address at West Washing ton Street .Baptist church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. He Is a brother of the pastor of this church. ' Miss Annie Williams, a popular young lady of Reldsvllle, died at her home Monday afternoon of consump tion. She was a daughter of Mr. R. T. Williams, one of Rockingham's most prominent business men. - The pipe organ recently purchased by the congregation of the First Pres byterian church has arrived and is being placed in position. It is a very fine instrument and will add much to the attractiveness of the church. Mrs. J. C. Pepper died' at her home In Kernersville last Friday in the forty-fifth year of her age. She leaves two children, her husband hav ing diea some years ago. a ne was a member of the Moravian Church. ....-. . . John Philip Sonsa, the celebrated musician and composer, accompanied by his wife and two friends, spent last week shooting birds on Gen. J. D. Glenn's farm in Rockingham county. The party returned to New York Sun day. The Wakefield Hardware Company call the attention of hunters to the fact that they have one of the most com plete stocks of sporting goods ever ex hibited In Greensboro. Read -their new ad. in this Issue and then call on tbem. The congregations of the First Presbyterian and West Market Street Methodist churches worshipped "to gether in the latter church Sunday morning and evening. Rev. Dr. Smith preached two interesting sermons to large congregations. ' Through his attorney, Solicitor A. Lu Brooks, Dr. A. E. Ledbetter has brought suit against the city of Greensboro to recover $2,450 for ser vices during the smallpox scare last spring. The case will hardly be reach ed at the December term of court. . Mrs. N. C. Weatherly has a large stock of millinery goods on hand, and in order to reduce it, she will sell at greatly reduced prices during the month of December. Read her new advertisement in this Issue and be sure to call at her store on East Market street. Mrs. S. W. H. Smith, who had been 111 for quite a while, died at her home at Guilford College Sunday night. The funeral was held yesterday morn Ing. She leaves a husband and several children, who have the sympathy of a large number of friends In their be reavement. The Patriot learns that there is a demand for a good millinery store at Glbsonvllle. A desirable building could be secured there at a very low cost, and It would be to the interest of some progressive woman to investi gate the matter with a view- to locat ing in the town. Mr. James F. Bennett and Miss Mattie R. Voss were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Voss. a few miles east of Greensboro, yesterday evening at o'clock. Rev. J. B. Tabor performed the ceremony in the presence of the family and a few invited friends. Every magistrate' in Guilford county should come to Greensboro next Monday to attend the joint meet ing with the board of county commis sioners. The matters to be considered are of Interest to every citizen of the county and the commissioners will ap preciate a full attendance of the jus tices. The two weeks term of December court will convene next Monday, with Judge Brown oo the bnch. All the warrants have not yet been returned to the clerk of the court by the mayors and magistrates, though it is thought that there will be about one hundred and twenty-five cases on the criminal docket. There are no capital cases. The prize Guilford county turnip, so far as tne f at riot is aware, was raised this year by Mr. W.D.Kirkman, of t Pleasant Garden. It was grown from T. W. Wood fc Sons', Richmond, seed, and weighed 9l pounds. It measured 26 inches in circumference and was admired by many before it succumbed to the fate of all vegetables that come our way UETHODIST CONFERENCES. Pleasant and Profit&'hiA R Some of the Appointments. The Western North Carolina Con ference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, met In Central church, Concord, last Wednesday morning and adjourned Monday night. The !ses- sions were presided over by BitboD Air. Marvin uarr ana miss Blanche Joseph S. Key, of Sherman, Tex., Boyles were married at the residence of the bride's brother, Mr. F.C. Boyles, last Thursday evening. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. E. Woolsley, of Randleman, after which the couple left for the home of the. groom's par ents at Trinltyr The marriage was a great surprise to the friends and rela tives of the contracting parties. - Wanted: Purchasers for new or second hand iron safe&vault doors, etc We exchange large for small safes, will buy your second hand safes for cash. We put on new combination locks and do all kind of expert repair work. Our prices are the lowest. O. B. Barnks & Co, Greensboro, N. C. one of the ablest men in the church. a great aeai or business was trans acted and the reports indicatedjprogress and development along all lines. The last session of the General Conference ordered that a fund be raised through out the church, averaging sl.00 1 nr w o a t jr member, to be known as "the twen tieth century educational fund." This At Guilford College next Saturday gives to the Western North Carolfna evening at 7 30 o'clock the young ladles Of the Pbllagorean Literary Society will give an entertainment for the benefit of their new society hall. The exercises will be held in the auditorium and the admission will be 15 cents Refreshments will be served. The i I young ladles hope to make the enter tainment a very enjoyable affair. We wish to notify all our friends and the public at large that we have bought Mr. S. A. Kerr's stock of gro ceries at the Houston Brothers old stand, where we hope to do a large re tail business, giving all our customers the worth of their money and allowing them the highest market price for their produce. W. L. Wharton & Co. The names of all persons in Guil ford county who arelable for a spe- Conference the allotment of $70,000 to be raised by January 1st. 1901. iThe j - - - presiding bishop made a stirring ad dress on education Mondav morning. after which ho galsed a collection amounting to $10,185 for this fund. The board of church extension ! rec ommended that Rev, W. L. Grlssom, of this city, be appointed field secretary in the interest of church extension. This report was concurred in br the ap- conference, Mr. Grlssom being poioted missionary secretary. Before the conference adjourned Rev. L. W. Crawford, D. D., editor of the North Carolina Christian Advo- i cate, published in this city, made a talk regarding his paper and asked for volunteers to increase the subscription to the paper by securing ten subscrib ers at $1.60 each between this time and clal license tax, and who have not paid February 15, 1900, More than fifty the same by next Monday, December 4th, will be presented to the solicitor, who will indict them for their failure comply with the law. This tax is glad to know that Dr. Crawford is - i to the sheriff and applies to ceiving the united support of 1 1 to payable persons responded to this request. The Advocate fills an important place in the work of the church and we are ce-his lawyers, doctors, photographers, wood and coal dealers, undertakers,laundry- men, etc. i i j j Mr. Howell Cobb, proprietor of the Carr-ollna Hotel, Durham, has leased the Benbow House from Mr. B. H. Merrimon and will assume the manage ment upon the completion of the build ing. Mr. Cobb hopes to have the hotel open for the reception of guests by the first of February, and from the progress now being made on the building this would seem a probability. He will continue to operate the Durham hotel. The A. M. E. Zion Conference, which held its sessions in one of the 1 1 ' colored Methodist churches of this city, closed Monday night. The conference Was presided over ,by Bishop J. W. Hood, or ayettevme, wno is recog nized as one of the leading colored i i ministers of the South. The confer ence was attended by a large number of ministerial and lay members and much interest was manifested in the business brought before the body. II Mr. R. A. Harvey, a well known printer of thlscity,died at his home on South Ashe street about 4 o ciocic yes terday morning. About four weeks he was attacked by fever, which brethren. The next session of the conference i will be held in West . Market Street Methodist church, this city, and will convene on Wednesday before the fourth Sunday in November, 1900. Greensboro Methodists and our people In general will welcome this oppor tunity of entertaining the body. The last time conference assembled in Greensboro was In 1889, when the North Carolina Conference was di vided. ' ' ! The following are the appointments on the Greensboro and Wiuston dis tricts for the ensuing conference year: GREENSBORO DISTRICT F. P. E. H. WOOD, Street J WIffSTON DI8TRICT P. f P. E. II ago was followed by other complications.' He was about thirty-five years old and had spent much of his life in this city, where he learned the printer's trade early in life. He leaves a wife and two small children. The funeral was held at Mt. Pleasant church' today at noon. i The Greensboro Loan and Trust Company has just Installed a new vault Which is the wonder and admiration of all who have seen It. It is the Mos- ler make and Is absolutely fire and burgler proof. It might be possible for expert burglars to blow open the outer doors, but the inner door is protected by a strong combination and three time locks and no burglar can ever ohen it. So closely does this Inner door fit that oil cannot find Its way through the crevice. The vault is a most wonderful piece of mechanism and is the third of the kind to be brought to North Carolina. Its weight is between twelve and fifteen thousand pounds. r Vacancies in the A. & LI. College. it- - i Young men desiring to enter the A. fc M. College at Raleigh may e ex amined Saturday, December 16, 1899, at the county court house of this county, at 10 o'clock a.rnby the county super intendent of schools. The subjects of examination are arithmetic (complete,) algebra (to fractions,) English gram mar and American history. 1 1 There will probably be about twenty- five vacancies in the college, and young men will be selected to fill these va cancies who pass the best examinations and have the best endorsements as to character. This is a rare opportunity for this reason we publish the for worthy boys to fit themselves for Ing: success in life by means fa practical education. Those desiring to be ad mitted would do well to write to Presi dent Winston, Raleigh, N, C. Greensboro, West Market C Rowe. v Centenary T E Wagg. Proximity V L Marsh. West Randolph Greensboro Circuit R S Webb, J P Loring. Beidsville Station J B Brooks; Wentworth Circuit E J Poe. Ruffln Circuit W S Hales. Pleasant Garden R F Bryant j J F Craven, Supernumerary. Ramseur J F England. Liberty E Eaves. Randleman Station J B Tabor. Naomi Station S D Statney. Asheboro Station A W Plyler, Asheboro Circuit Supernumerary, F Allred. . Uwharrie Circuit T S Ellington. Jackson Hill Circuit J P Davis. Randolph Circuit J M Price. High Point Station J B Scroggs, G H Crowell. j Editor North Carolina Christian Ad vocate LW Crawford. Professor Greensboro Female Col lege T A Smoot. r ' v Conference Missionary Secretary W L Grlssom. J. CARRAWAT, Centenary T F Marr. Burkhead WC Wilson. Grace W H Willis. Winston Circuit J C Mock. Forsyth Circuit O A Wood. Kernersville Circuit B A York. Madison Circuit Z Paris. Danbury Circuit W H Perry. Davidson Circuit M H Hoy le.! Summerfield Circuit P E Parker. Mocksville Station H H Jordan. Mocksvilie Circuit W H L Mo Laurin. Farmington Circuit M H Vestal. Walkertown Station Wm. Curtis. Jamestown Circuit T H Pegram. . Thomasville Statldn L A Falls.' i Transferred : C W Byrd to Louis ville Conference and stationed at Set tle Chapel, O wensboro. J P. McFerrin to North Alabama and stationed at First church, Birmingham. Many of our readers are interested in the appointments of ministers with who whom they are acquainted, or have served charges in this section, and fellow- Henrietta and Caroleen J. A. Bowles. Central church, Concord J. A. B. Fry. ! Albemarle station N.R, Richardson. Lexington station J. D. Arnold. Shelby station H. M. Blair. Lowell circuit S. T. Barber. Mooresville station G. T. Rowel j THE U. P. COXrXRKXCK. Another religious assemblage in which a large number of our people are interested Is the North Carolina Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church, the seventy-fourth annual ses- ' slon of which convened in Friendship church, near Plyler, Stanly county. last Wednesday. Rev. J. S. Williams, of Henderson, formerly pastor of Grace church, this city, preached the annual sermon. The conference was well at tended and the various reports made m were very encouraging. The conference recommended that a twentieth ceatury fund of $3,000 he raised and applied to church extension in North Carolina. Strong resolutions were adopted against the seating. th the house of representatives of Congressman Rob erts, the Utah bigamist. Rev. T. J. Ogburn, corresponding secretary of the board of foreign mis sions, reported the gratifying fact that the assessment of $1,800, assumed by the conference last year, was more than paid by $60. This Is more than $400 In advance of the highest sum ever con tributed to foreign missions before by . the conference and speaks well for the missionary zeal of North Carolina Methodist Protestants, as well as the; perseverance and energy of Mr. Og burn. The conference extended sympathy to the president and faculty and the students and patrons of the Stat Nor mal and Industrial College in the trouble which has overtaken them. Among the conference visitors were Rev. Dr. T. H. Lewis, president of Western Maryland College, Westmin ster, Md.; Rev. Dr. D. S. Stephens, chancellor of Kansas City University, Kansas City, Kann and Miss Anna For rest, a returned missionary from Japan. All these made addresses. The next conference will be held at Pinnacle. Asheboro, Randleman and other places asked for the next session. Revs. W. F. Kennett, of Stokesdale, and T. M. Johnson, of this city, were re-elected conference president and secretary respectively. The following were elected delegates to the General Conference, which meets at Atlantic City, N. J., next spring: Ministerial T. M, Johnson, J. F. Mc Culloch and J. R. Hutton, Greensboro; Wj A Bunco, Tabernacle; W, F. Ken- net, Stokesdale; T. J. Ogburn, sum merfield; G. F, Mlllaway, Liberty, and C. L. Whltaker and C. A. Cecil. Lay Prof. J. Allen Holt, Oak Ridge; J. Norman Wilis and R. H. Brooks, Greensboro W. P. Pickett, High Point ; R. T. Pickens, Lexington, and W. C. Whltaker, Dr. J. N. Hadley, A. J. Harris and W. K. Hartsell. The following Is the report of the stationing committee, which, has In charge the assignment of ministers to the various charges : Greensboro T. M. Johnson. Greenville D. A. Flsbell. Guilford J. H. Stowe. Halifax P. C. Battle. Haw Rlvejj C. A. Cecil. Henderson J. S. Williams, iligh Point W. RLowdermllk. jlvie P. D.Moore. LaGrange J. L. W. Bollowav jLlberty G. F. Mlllaway. Lincoln J. E. Hartsell. Littleton H. L. Powell. Mecklenburg J. F. Dosler. Mocksville G. H. Austin. Mt. Hermon W. E. Swain. East Guilford C. E. M. Raper. Orange D. A. Hlgbfill. Plymouth D. A. Braswell. Randleman J. F. Austin. Randolph H. S. B. Thompson. Richland J. H. Bowman. Roanoke J. D. Williams. Saxapahaw W. Yl Amlck. Spring church J. H. Totten. Stanley A. E. Plyler. Surry A. L. Hunter. Tabernaele W. A. Bunch. Uwharrie W. C. Hammer. . Vance W. M. Pike. Wadesboro J. L. Giles. Winston circuit N. M. Modlln. Winston station W. L. Harris. Why Not W. D. Fogleman. Yadkin J. N. Garrett. Editor Our Church Record J. F. McCulloch. , Ashevllle J. Central " church, Weaver. Monroe station W. M. Bagby. Brevard Street, Charlotte J.E. Gay. H. 1 - Hade Young Again. -One of Dr. King's New Life Pills each night for two weeks has put me in my 'teens' again" writes D. II. Tur ner, of Dempseytown, Pa. They're the best in the world for Liver, Stomach and Bowels. Purely vegetable. Never gripe. Only 25c at Holton's Drug Store.