VOL. GREENSBORO, N. C, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1899. PBOFESSIONAL CARDS. Dr. W. J. RICHARDSON. NO. 49. 7T- : tz r ; 1 I -2 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. Read Ji M. Hendrix & Co.'s ad. Two farms for sale. Apply to M. C. Stewart, 223Sonth Elm street. Rev. Livingston Johnson, Mrs. E. W t w 1 su. .rticnarason, and Messrs. R. W. urooKB ana j, jr. Watson are Id Aahe- ville attending the North Carolina Baptist State Convention. OFFICE: KA.TZ BUILDING. RESIDENCE: 615 W. GASTON ST. W. P. BEALL, EL D.B PHYSICIAN AND" SURGEON. riKFICK: 117 tJourt Square. jihiMU.ii.JNc; Hi : Asneooro st. Office Hours, H:JU to 1; 3 to 4:30. TELEPHONE NO. 17- Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Lee, of New . Misses Queenie and Alma MT)nn- brk. are visiting relatives in the city. accompanied by Mr. J. C. Mur- TbeChattanooga chilled best plow cnl8n a two little sons, left today for & on earth at the Greensboro Hardware Company's. " j Miss Mary Hancock has gone to Washington, J. C, on an extended visit to relatives." Chas. Manning and wife and A.E. m,lla ald Lewis and wife have mnvpd from Tjk. was removed Washington city to spend a few! davs. Mr. Morchison will leave tonight for the same place. - , , A, negro living in the eastern part of the city, near the Crown I cotton to have smallpox. He to the pest house Mon- 630 So-a.t3a. TTI tyv; St. ' OiJ'Jb'ICE s jr-At Staney'& Grissom's Dnig Store. T Dr. J. J. Offe cm BRYAN 3 hi9 professional services to the izens of Greensboro and vicinity CS OVESJNO.B. FABISS' DBUO STOSo. OITOSITE BKNBOW HOUSE. rienee: o. 323 rtortn JUm st. UT1 Or 6f m erty to Rock Hill, S. C. T A TITIT1 V HT Tl k sirong carnage lii pX AilXriX , ill, li. borse. Address, with description, Box 146, Greensboro. Two more bargain days before Christmas on Fridays.the 8th and 15th. JrM. Hendrix & Co. Mr. D. R. Hulfines is preparing to erect a fine three-story brick building on Buchanan street, just west of the depot. ; Mr. Henry Farlss, of Butte, Mon tana, who has been spending some time here with relatives, left last night on his return home. ' - Statesville Landmark: aMrs.A. P. Grace and daughter, Miss Mattie, have gone to Greensboro, where Mr. Grace is now employed." Mr. W. J. Teague, of Asheboro, was here several days last week look ing after the sale of some real estate for which he is trustee. Another big turnip came in last week from Mr. Henry Wagoner, Mc Leansville. It jvas a nice one, but failed to break the record. For Sale. A Le welly n setter dog, well broken for quail and turkeys. .. A. J. Clark, 48-2t. Jamestown, N. C. uon't turn a deaf ear to our bar- Dr. J. E. VYCHE, DENTIST, : i (iftice in Savings Bank Uniming, ' south film street, Greensboro, N. C. J. H. WHEELER, DB1TTIST- FICE: Op. Ward's Drug Store. A M. SCALES, i and Counsellor at law, day, as were several persons who had come in contact with him. Last Friday was observed as Arbor day at the colored Agricultural and Mechanical College. In additdn to planting a number of trees on the cam pus, an interesting program of music, declamations, etc., was rendered. Mr. p. A. Kirkpatrick knows a thing or two about farming as well" as brick-making, his regular occupation. This year he raised exactly two hun dred bushels of turnips on one acre of his farm, the old Brown dairy place. The brick pavement in front of Rev. W. L. Grissom's property on South Elm street has been replaced by concrete. It makes a much more satisfactory pavement and adds much to the appearance of the sidewalk and property. Some one entered Will H. Mat thews & Co's clothing store; some time during Saturday or Sunday night and relieved the stock of a good suit of clothes. . Ah entrance was ef fected through a window in the rear end of the store. From the Asheboro Courier we learn that Dr. M. F. Fox, of Gilmer's Store, has sold a fine lot of hickory timber, two miles north of Asheboro, to Mr. Hugh Scott, of this city. This The marriage of Mr. W. A. Devin, of Oxford, and Miss Virginia Bernard, or cms city, last Wednesday night was . a Druuant affair. nil, m- l. I fiowo a t we oome oi me oriae's par ents, Capt. and Mrs. Thomas Bernard, and was witnessed by a number of the friends and relatives of the young couple. Mr. and Mrs. Devin are now on a visit to several Northern cities. They will make their home in Oxford. Commissioners' Heeting. The county commissioners werr ln took rcuna"081 2 MDd t" of the bride's par- C0D8idle amount of bu.l- Among me routine business re ceiving their Attention was the issuing of a number of -outside poor" orders. A committee appeared before the beard and asked that the United States government be allowed the continued free use of the county court honaa fni- The J. Van LIndleyJNursery Com- Federal court porposes. j The commls- pany and Mr. John A. Young have doners have never had any intention presented the state experiment station. of making any charge for the use of connected with the Agricultural and the court house, the only stipulation ecnamcai uouege at Raleigh, with oe,n? tne government furnish fuel specimens of all the trees grown by the and pay for !l8htad3anitor'a services iu uursenes, inciuaing more than uur,"K me sessions of; the Federal five hundred varieties. The gift is a courts Tne government authorities most valuble one and will add much to wU1 hardly object to such an arrane- the effectiveness of the -experiment met. and this will probably end the station, which is doing so mucn for the talk of moving the Federal court from agricultural and horticultural interests Greensboro. . p of the state. The matter of msmikmiTinn. fK xiuiuj, UO road leading out from Summit irnna Mr. G. R. Chrismon died of typhoid by Wharton's saw mill Was taken un fever at his home on East Market street AH is Ready for the New Jail. The magistrates of Guilford connrW Mt. the court h008e Monday and officially sanctioned the transfers of public property involved in the pre Hralnarles incident to the buildlnr of the new Jail, and wlttTwhleh our readers are familiar. Mr. j; s. Cox,of Greensboro,was made rman or the meeting and Mr. R. S. lUsofOAkRIde. secretary. Mr. Wilson and a Patriot represent stive assisted the secretary. There were present from anWJ nJWD6hl-L- R U na o. n. Zimmerman. Rock Creek B. Davidson. Greene-R. D. White and J. F. Coble. Hwth.l80n"'J R Mooro ad W. A. Jefferson-. J. W. Whitt, J. W. For bis, c. M. Pritchett and J. W. Paisley. Clay T. R.Greason and D. H. Ceble. Monroe-G. W. Wyrlck, A. J. Lam beth and C. A. Whitworth. .3mir,7JE;c.KnLbt. G. T. Glaa- w, ... one, A. v. Eckel. J. R. GREENSBORO, N. C. Z. V. TAYLOB, ixttor3n.e37- ; GREENSBORO, N. C. SfisJiEB B. adams. BobertD. Douglas. ADAMS & DOUGLAS. Attorneys - at - Law, SAVINGS BANK BUILDING, gain days. If you do you may reeret ia aaid to be the finest body of hickorv it. We offer voa barsrains worth vnnr timber in this fieri inn tit the, etta I attention.' J. M. Hendrix & Co.: On January 1st, 1900, we shall re- Mr. asd Mrs. BJ. W. Myers, of tire from business. At this time the Chapel Hill, returned home Monday stock remaining must be closed out in i , . , it 1.1 . morning aiter spenaing a lew days ouik. ac a neavy loss, until that time here with the family of Judge R. M. you have a large stock from which to Douglas. Mr. Frank Brockmann died at his tf Fishblatk-Katz Co. home on East Market street last Frl- Rev. James R. Jones, of Guilford day morning. He was twenty-eight College, went up to Mt. Airy last Fri- years old and had been In poor health a7 and began a meeting in the and it was decided to becin th wnrt Pearce. EiicrPn i-vir-i w ol' lt nlf .t n - tt i i i I ... . " I t a t r j t Vi oiraiiora ww M.auv mv w uiuvjb i I n iihii iiuan i an hiiiiii m h Tr m m i ni. a - . fvigiuig, a targe aumoer sick about three weeks. rThe funeral of persons have agreed to furnish teams will be held tomorrow morning and and wagons and haul stone to the road interment will be made in Greene Hill and It is hoped that many others will cemetery. The Greensboro Fire De- volunteer to do likewise. The amount partment, of which the deceased was of work to be done on tha mtd rtn the interest pend toja large extent on cnus taken in the matter by the citi zens. Mr. J. M. Henri Ht w. o WSUw an active member, will attend the fun eral In a body. Mr. Chrismon was about thirty-two years old and was a most exemplary young man. He was ed to solicit cash subscriptons from the a faithful member of West Market business men of Greensboro to aid in Street Methodist church. A mother macadamizing this road. We are and two brothers are left to mourn his pleased to know that our business men departure. are sbowincr a lively I nti..f U fk. matter bvmakiniriihp ml llh.n.lnflnn. Tti.An j I " " ...Fhwub. " oorvcu Hb n I The comm la Anan I11 t, I , tn .i . I .Mu uo iu seiaiou ucavjr arbiuerjuiaa luree years in tne H. E. P. l recently, re-enlisted for, three years and left Monday for Fort Wood, Bedioe's Island, New York, where he will be attached to Battery G, Fifth Artillery, which has been assigned to service at San Juan, Porto Rico. Mr. Brown was accompanied by K.E. Wall, another recruit who will be a member of the same command. These vounc men are sons of Messrs. H. C. Brown select atpricesjyou won't hear of again, and P. Wall, two of northern Guilford's best men. again this afternoon fnr tha tn t reBu:ar armr. his enlistment expiring considering hlrt. tnr t,- last summer while stationed In Manila, ew count ia.l maZT 0 . v.vu uiu by h number of contractors. snd J. A. Hodirln. T oenwTrWma3ker-A M. Lewis, i khSSP t- f- Hendrix "d w- Center Grove-J. H. Gant, R. W. Wilson, P. Wall and W. H. Warren. Morehead-C. H. Hancock, J. 8. Cox. W. E. Schenck, D. H. Collins, A. H n. shaw and L. R. Noah. mSumner-John T.HodIn, A.O.New man, W. M. Klrkman, D. 8. Hodgln, C-Mu"0 S. P. Hodgln and Wili Ham Shelley. Summerfield -William Deboe, R.M. Stafford, T. J. Smith and G. F. Wln- rree. Friendship-M. H. Ballinger, Lee G. Cummings and J. A. Henley. t maeitywnTA-W' Jones J- A. Gray, J. H. Smith, J. M. Marsh and P. Ii. Hodson. Oak Ridge-Charles Case and R. S. VYiijiams. W.P.BTNUM,JB., BYNUH & BYWUtI, Forneys and Counsellors at Law. some time. . - Miss Susie Reece, of this city, was married at Virginia Beach, where she was visiting, last Wednesday evening to Mr. A. G. Hume, a young 'business man of Norfolk. Rankin, Chisholm, Stroud & Rees Friends church at that place which will continue about two weeks. Mr. Jones' services as an evaneelist i (not the clap-trap kind) are in great de mand and be is doing much good work. Mr. John A. Coble, of Kimesville, has moved his family to Gfbaonvilla. Deep River J. A. Davis. - T,!a..Po,ntT- B- F- Hayworth,M. B. Williams, W. B. Steele and N. W Beeson. Of the above Messrs. B. Davidson, C. H. Hancock, J. A. Henley, D. H. Coble,A. W.Jones and N. W. Beeson were represented by proxy. A motion to accept the proxies of fered was unanimously adopted.' and auaouocea toe presencs of a quorum a maiorltv nf thm hA. -Thanksglvlne day was generally near e"geant's foundry ran into a Mr. w n n u'-L . observed in Greensboro. A11 the prin- through frelghtwhlch was standing board of' Zunij ZrtrtrtMT. cipai business bouses were closed and u , " ana lwo asked to state the purpose of the meet- the streets presented a. Sabbath-like box cars were demolished and the en- ,0f. He said that Inasmuch a, The appearance. Thanksgiving services ine and tender of the oncoming pas- question as to the right of the commis- were held in several of the churches, aeer train badly damaged. Beyond .loners to sell public property without a number of the congregations joining feV"bt " tb8 en,neer f the sanction of the magistrates had In union services. At West Market No' 33 ave Beaver, was not injured, been nlied th utt k. k i, I ITlQ nAn..A T1LM TT . I --..v.. lOOU UBlieU - A Sunday Wreck. A bad wreck occurred on the yard of the Southern Railway at this place about 6 o'clock Sunday morning, re sulting in the loss of one life and the destruction of a considerable amount of property. Train No. 33, known as the "Florida special," due to arrive V. . sr v . . ... u' "fc .w was ,iate on tms oc casion and as it came around the curve near sergeant's foundry ran Into which place he will make his home in it)d T say this is overcoat weather and they have the overcoats. You have the the future. He has bought property cash and they are ready to effect a sat- ia this thriving little town and will COURT SO.UABE. Oliver S. Nevlin, nORSET AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, f.REENSBOKQ, N. C. in vriirht Buildintr. i eat nf Court attention given to all business en- -!ltW him. Albert B. CsmnMv. Rkm AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. vffeP8 hi4 best efforts wherever and whenever desired. Tith Boyd & Brooks, -. Hendenhall Building.' 1899. FANCY GOODS. wins a beautiful line Monds, Watches, Cut Glass, . cyTieces'in Sterline Silver. egant Designs in Clocks, and Pretty Designs in Novelties. fgjis and save mon ey. Kant your trade.' W. B. FARRAR'S SON, Jeweler, and Engraver. u n inspector for Southern llailwa I . 11 . I II t I lMH T T T r W W W n fc M I t -mm ftiioal IVntrtm-iit i. in w A' W. PRITCHETT, V reeilHhnro. TV. L AND SPECIAL ' c. AGENT FOB rT' Ali i MAX, VVUUJJ AMJ n 02SINa HACHINESY. JiirkViine Engines a Bpecialtj. Esti- 4fi? H-r, rt i,Tn application. lias always "f r ianu ngineB ana Asoiiers. IS. ." Y POEZOLT, isfactory exchange. Mr. W. B. Stewart, one of Uncle Sam's faithful city mail carriers, is off on a vacation of a week or ten daysJ Mr. Willie R. Denny, of McLeansvIlle, has charge of his route. The cold wave has arrived and if you are not flxed for it you can find a full stock of cold weather underwear for men, women and children at Thacker & Brockmann's. -f-Dr. W. H. Wakefield, of Charlotte, will be in Greensboro, at the McAdoo House, od Thursday, December 7th, one day. His practice is limited to the eye,ear, nose and throat. - 48-3t We are gladto know that our Brunswick correspondent has again come to life, but regret that her items reached us too late for publication this week, as did Mlllboro also. A. J. Lambeth has purchased the interest of W. D. Lambeth in the store of Lambeth Bros, at Brown Summit. J. J. Lambeth will continue to manage the store until the holidays. Don't forget we have a full line of seeded raisins, currants and citron for fruit cakes, also a barrel of nice brown sugar at 5 cents a pound. - Hiatt fc Lamb. - INotlce. We do not wish to buy any more wrought scrap or plow steels. Will continue to buy old castings. G. T. Glascock Ss Sons, Greensboro, N. C. We understand that former Clerk of the Court A. A. Holton, of High Point, is to receive an appointment in the Census department. He has been to Washington looking after the matter. Our Guilford College correspon dent notes the death in Charleston. erect a handsome dwelling house at once. He has sold his mill at Kimes ville to Mr. William L. Spoon, of Ala mance. Big sales have been held at the warehouses during the past week, the heaviest breaks of the season occurr ing Friday and yesterday. It is often the case that big breaks cause a slump in prices, but this is not the case on this market, for the reason that there is a demand lor all the tobacco that can be brought to Greensboro. j When a thing must be done drastic measures may be necessary. We must retire on January 1st. We must meet our obligations. We must have money to do it. We must sell an immense lot of clothing. You must see that this Is your advantage,- and if you are smart you will seize the opportunity. tf. Fl8HBLATiKATZ CO. Another shipment of Gainesville,' Gl, and Elkin, IT. C, home-made shoes Street Methodist church Rev. Dr. Smith,- of the First Presbyterian church, preached an appropriate ser mon. The congregations of -South Greensboro worshipped together at the Friends church, the services being conducted by Rev. T. E. Wagg, paetor of Centenary Methodist church. Mrs. M. B. Coble, known to many people in this section, died at the home of one of her sons in Richmond, Va., Sunday morning. Theimmediate cause of her death was paralysis. She was seventy-four years old and was mis negro fireman, Phil. I Hanna. ott.tu .nt.i.. - V "Z T?t, a ..j . . ' .1--- .vuvn uo saie or mo uivuwvuu, iicuiptsu to save nimseii Dy jumping, but was caught between vuo eugiue sua lenaer. uis legs were crushed in a horrible manner and it was more than an hour before he could be released. One of hi. - was amputated in the afternoon and he died soon after. With the excen- tion of a fireman by the name of Cald well, who was in the caboose car of the through freight, no; one else was hurt. Caldwell was not aerimmlv in. propertv involved, provided the propo sition met with their approval. Mr. J. N. Wilson explained the legal aspect of the matter and the following resolution was offered : Resolved, That we hereby assent to the sale by the board of commissioners of Guilford county of the real estate belonging to the county of Guilford, situated on the corner of North Elm and Gaston streets, In the city of Greensboro, and known as the jail property. Commissioner W. H. Ragan, Messrs. jurea. mouga it is a miracle that he escaped an ve, ror tne caboose was liter- ai. scanord, K. S. Williams, J. S. the mother of Messrs. George and. Will alI7 torn into kindling wood. Cox and ethers spoke In favor of the uooie, or tne Southern Railway, and -a. wrecKing crew worked faithfully resolution. Mr. Stafford was rather Mr. D. A. Coble, of Goldsboro. She -during the forenoon and until 3 o'clock "olicltous as to the fate of the publlo was a most estimable ladv in ererv in the afternoon before the track was hitching lot on North Elm. bnt wu cleared. assured that there was no Intention The wreck was probably caused by 00 the Part f the commissioners to do the negligence of the flagman on the awaJ ; with this lot. through freight. He displayed the When the question was called It was danger signal only a short distance In unanimously carried. the rear of the freight train, when the . Mr- Ragan said that as the matter of rules require it to be placed about half hitching lot had been discussed he a mile back. would like to Inform the mtrltrt that the lot directly opposite the respect and leaves. a large number of relatives and friends. She had resided with her son George for a number of years, moving with his family from Greensboro to Richmond about a year ago. The remains were brought to Greensboro Monday morning and car ried to Coble's church for interment. new The Oak Ridge boys covered them selves with rlorv in Ralefph 1at -fri . t , t. . - juawvpcucuai, AuuerttArocKmanne. Thursday, when they defeated the These reliable lines of shoes wilt be Agricultural and Mechanical College sold at old prices until Januarv 1st. frwfhoii ram k ia n I 'www .. m-mmmmm w j mm OwV. W W A V HI l Housekeepers will be glad to know Ja,l 8ite, and now owned by the con- that they need not longer be troubled gregatlon of St. Barnabas church, by the annoyances incident to rusty would soon be vacated for church par- tinware. A brand of ware from poses and could be boueht at a reaaon. which this objectionable feature has I ble PrIce It Is almost equal in size for 2 S. Ela St., QEEENSBOSO. S. C, of Mr. C. J. Dundas. a most Merchant TailOr, hIghly "teemed citizen of Guilford. "I III. fV. ft, l . j-iio ucoiu ubb uruuguv sorrow to many hearts. Your attention is invited to the Fishblate-Katz Company's new ad. in this issue. The firm will retire from business January 1st and during this month the stock wiir be sold at very low prices. Styles Of Sllitinfra and Trnna. select from. Fit guaranteed. pale Good 5-room cottage on avenue. near Vn.m.l C,Knl address ... W. P. Turner, thla ' tf w m v ' I I !.'. in tact mis arm, oy verv careiui man- The game was exciting and hotlr con- Deen entirely eliminated is now on the lo 108 present hitching lot and could aKeujco-, win uuw unveio put up prices tested throughout and was witnessed n and is giving universal satis- 08 uiuized ror a like purpose, as tha on any of their great stock of shoes, as by more than a thousand people. We Action. It Is sold In Greensboro by present facilities are perhaps inade- tdey Dougbt plenty to supply all de- congratulate the O. R. I. boys on their tD Greensboro ' Hardware Company, quate. mands before the advance in prices. j splendid victory. In a two-column who Kle a written guarantee with Several magistrates favored the pur- The Woodward-Warren Company report of the game the News and Ob- eacn article purchased. If rust should chase of the church property, no one is playing to crowded houses at the server said : "While the game was niake Its appearance the ware will be 1 offering an objection, and the dlsens- Academy of Music this week. The nar-l played it was clean throughout, replaced free of all cost. Watch for members of this company are not 0ak KidKe whether at baseball or tQe Greensboro Hardware Company's strangers to Greensboro people.having football, always plays a sportsmanlike ntw advertisement giflng further par- appeared hre before, always giving ad gentlemanly game and everybody "cuiars, wnicn will appear next week. satisfaction. It is a first-class show at knows that the A. and M. team has second-class prices, this prices of ad- played clean ball throughout the sea mission being 10, 20 and 30 cents. 8on- Oak Ridge had the better of the Seats can be secured at Fariss' droe argument, but It was no walk-over. store. ' The game was fairly won and honor- -At a meetincf of the directors of MJ lo8t and whiIe lt KTe k Wdge the City National Bank, held Monday the sUte championship, the A. and M , Mr. W. S. Lyon left Monday on a business trip to Norfolk and other points in Virginia. morning, Mr. Lee H. Battle,' of WiU mington, was elected cashier of the bank to succeed Mr. R. G. Vaughn, who goes with the Southern Loan and Trust Companv Januarv 1st. Mri Battle is a banker of experience and is at present cashier of the Atlantic Na tional Bank, one of the most success ful banking institutions in the state. generously congratulated their rivals." Paid Dear For His Leg. B. D. Blanton.of Thackersville, Tex., In two years paid over $300.00 to doc tors to cure a Running Sore on his leg. Then they wanted to cut it off, but he cured it with one box of Bucklen's Ar nica Salve. Guaranteed cure for Piles 25 cts. a box. Sold by C. E. Holton, Druggist. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured bv ' . w J HESEY CO Toledo, O. we, the undersigned, have known F. J. Che ney tor the last 15 years, and believe him to be perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations -uww uj i i Til urin. West 4 Tarax. Wholesale DragUts,Toledo,0. Waldixg, Kiss & Marvin, WtuDlesale Dru&jcists, Toledo. O. 1 Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials free. Price 76c. yT ooia oy aruKgists. 'ills are th Hall's Family Pi the best. sion ended with the unanimous adopt ion of the following resolution : Ilesohed, That the justices of the peace of Guilford countv recommend to the board of commissioners of tha county that If they can secure the lot at the corner of Gaston and Greene streets belonging to the EnUcoDal- Church for 1 1,000, that they purchase the same. Mr. Boren asked the magistrates to co-operate with the other county au thorities In suppressing the smallpox which had appeared at the terra cotta works, urging them to Impress the people of their communities with tha importance of observing reasonable precautions against the spread of the disease. He said that only two new cases bad recently developed and It was thought the disease could be read ily stamped out. No deaths have re sulted from It np to this time. 4 k