AN E ARTH REDEEMED REV. DR. TALMAGE PICTURES THE WORLD AS IT WILL BE. Tfce Twentr-ftrt Century Will See the Complete GospelUatlon f All the People of the E.rth-Evll Orer 1 come by the Power of ChrUt. Copyright, ixuu a.iv-". - -Washiwgtox, Dec. 3.- By a novel mode Dr. Talmage in his discourse shows how the world will look after It has been revolutionized for, good; text, II Peter iii. IS, "A new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness." Down in the struggle to mate m world better and happier we sometimes eet depressed with the obstacles to be overcome and the work to be accom plished. Will it not be a tonic and an Inspiration to look at the world as it will be when It has been brought back to paradisaical condition? o let us for a few moments transport ourselves into the future and put ourselves for ward in the centuries and see the world In its rescued and perfected state, as we will see it if in those times we are permitted to revisit this planet, as I am sure we will. We all want to see the world after it has been thoroughly arosDelized and all wrongs have been righted. We will want to come back, and we will come back, to look upon the refulgent consummation toward which we have been on larger or smaller scale toiling. Having heard the opening of the orchestra, on whose strings some discords traveled, we will want to hear the last triumphant bar of the perfected oratorio. Having seen the picture as the painter drew its first outlines UDon canvas, we will want, to see it when it is as complete as Ru bens "Descent From the Cross" or Michael Angelo's 44 Last Judgment" Having seen the world under the gleam of the star of Bethlehem, we will want to see it when, under the full shining of the Sun of Righteousness, the tow ers shall strike 12 at noon. , There will be nothing in that coming century of the world's perfection to binder bur terrestrial visit. Our power and velocity of locomotion will have been improved Infinitely. It ''will not take us long to come here, however far off in God's universe heaven may be. JThe Bible declares that such visitation Is going on now. "Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minis ter to those who shall be heirs of salva tion?" Surely the gates of heaven will not be bolted after the world is Eden iaed, so as to hinder the redeemed from descending for a tour of inspection and congratulation and triumph. Evils Overcome. You know with what interest we look upon ruins ruins of Kenilworth castle, ruins of Melrose abbey, ruins of Rome, ruins of Pompeii. So this world In ruins is an enchantment to look at, but we want to see it when rebuilt, repil lared, retowered, realtered, rededlcat d. The exact date of the world's mor al restoration I cannot foretell. It may be that through mighty awaken ings it will take place in the middle of the nearby twentieth century. It may be at the 1 opening of the twenty-first century, but it would not be surprising If it took more than 100 years to cor rect the ravages of sin which have raged for 6,000 years. The chief mis sionary and evangelistic enterprises were started in this-century and be not dismayed if it takes a couple of Mnfnrlao st Atrornnm avlla Via kaira bad full swing for 60 centuries. take no responsibility in saying on What page of the earthly calendar it Will roll in, but God's eternal veracity Is sworn to it that it will roll in, and as the redeemed in heaven do as they please and have all the facilities of transit from world to world you and I, my hearer or reader, " will come and took at wnat my text calls A new .4. V. i t a ii.i. r i x i uriu, wiiereiu uweiieui ngnieousness. I imagine that we are descending at that period of the world's complete gospelization. There will be no peril , In such a descent Great heights and depths have no alarm for glorified as places to be visited by curiosity seekers, as further back in tne anmu of time tourists visited the fortress where the prisoner of Chillon was in carcerated, or Devil's Jsland, wnere Dreyfus endured four years ol cruel ty." .. . After passing on amia columns aim ... 1 - statues erected in memory u....iuu who have been mighty for goodness in the world's history, the highest and the most exquisitely sculptured those in honor of such as have been most effectual In saving life or improving life, rather than of those renowned for destroying life, we come upon an other group of buildings that must have been transformed from their orig inal shape and adapted to other uses. What is all this?" we ask our escort. He answers : 'Those were almshouses and hospitals, but accuracy in making and prudence in running machinery of all sorts have almost abolished the list of casualties, and sobriety and indus try have nearly abolished pauperism, bo that those buildings, which once were hospitals and almshouses, have been turned Into beautiful homes for the less prospered, and if you will look in you will see the poorest table has abundance and the smallest wardrobe luxury and the harp, waiting to have its strings thrummed, leaning against the piano, waiting for Its keys to be fingered. Yes, we have on the shelves of our free libraries the full story of dispensaries, and crutches, and clinics, and surgery, and what a time of suf fering there must have been on those battlefields of Sedan and Gettysburg and South Africa one or two hundred years ago. . - -A New World Born. , "Hospitals and almshouses must have been a necessity once, but they would be useless now. And you see all the swamps have been drained. The sewerage of the great towns has been nerfeeted. And the world's climate mr s so improved that there are no pneu monias to come out of tne coiu or rheumatisms out of the dampness or fevers out of the heat. Consumptions banished, pneumonias banished, dlph theria banished, ophthalmia banished, neuralgias banished. As near as can tell from what I have read, our atmosphere of this century is a min gling of the two months of May and October of the nineteenth century. And we believe what our escort says. for as we pass on we find health glow ing in every cheek, and beaming in every eye, and springing in every step, and articulating in every utterance. and you and I whisper to each other as our escort has his attention drawn to some new sunrise upon the morning sky, and we say, each to the other: "Who would believe that this Is the world we lived in over a hundred years aero? Look at those men and women ii About the Dingley Bill, the increased de mand for Wool, the short supply, cause and effect", etc., etc. I BUT HERE'S WHAT'S WHAT: TIms Okie Black IS) weaver Obi Overco sit None of your cut short things, but full length 45 inches, lined with superior grade of Italian Cloth and Satijn Lined Sleeves. ; I '.''Wft.'rA gowned and surpllced. Ana we enter the Lutheran church, and we hear In the sermon ; preached the doctrines .of he greatest of German reformers. Ana we go; Into the Methodist church just n time to sit down at a love'feast ana give audible "Amen" when the service stirs us. At least 50 kinds of churches In the twenty-first century, as there were 150 different kinds of . churches In the nineteenth century. O spirit of the twenty-first cen tury, will you not show us something of the commercial life of your time r . He answers, "Tomorrow I will show you all." ', And on the morrow he takes us through the great marts of trade and shows us the bargain makers and the shelves on which the goods lay on the tierces , and hogsheads In which they are contained. I notice that the fabrics are of better quality than any thing I ever saw In our nineteenth cen tury, for the factories are more skillful. and. the wheels .that turn and tne looms that clack and the engines that rumble are driven by forces that were not a century ago discovered. I Honeaty Everywhere. The prices of the fabrics Indicate a reasonable profit, and the firm in the counting room and the clerks at the counter and the draymen at the door way and the errand boy on his rounds and i the messenger who brings the mail and the men who open the store In the morning, as well as those who close nignt, an iook as ii xney w rn- Ur. - nn ,.1,,. Jn were satisfied and weU treated. No COIOr, Witn DrOau VeiVei OUilclI. i kju oo.ii pcijr twcivc UUliarS and ST&rtZT fifty cents for it andjgetthe worth or your moneirDut- underselling until those In the same line are bankrupt and then the prices lifted. No unnecessary assignment to defraud creditors. No overdrawing of accounts. No abscondings. No sharp practice. No snap judgments. But the manufacturer right in his dealings with the wholesaler, and the wholesal er with the customer. No purchasing of goods that will never be paid for. All right behind the counter. No repe tition of what Solomon describes when he writes, "It is, naught. It is naught, salth the buyer; but when he is gone his way, then he boasteth." v "But what Is yonder row of build ings, majestic for "architecture?" The spirit of the twenty-first century says," "Those are our legislative halls and places ofpubl!c trust and, if you would like it, I will show you the po litical circles, the modes of preferment, the styles of election, the character of public men In this century." "Thank you," 1 reply. "I can easily under stand how' gospelization would im prove Individual life and social life and commercial life, but I would like to see what it can do for political life." Let me tell you." says the spirit of the twenty-first century, "that 1 have read about political chicanery and cor- This is a raw edge garmentbeautiful, lustrous, . dank blue f OUR PRICE' IS SIO.00. -r 111 g m inl ttll Ml Salesmen : J. W. Crawford, "W. S. Bees, Harry S. Donnell, Will. B. Bankin. Jon T. Bee. 300 South Elm St., Greensboro. dence have come to pass, and all the Davidic, Solomonic and Paulinian and Johannean prophesies have been ful filled, and that the earth, instead of being a ghastly failure, is the mighti est success in the universe. A star re deemed! A. planet rescued! A world saved! It started with a garden, and It is going to close with a garden. What a happiness that we could have at the laying of the cornerstone and at the dedication and leave less Induce ment for the heirs at law to prove in orphans' court that when the testators made their last will and testament they were crazy. The telegraphic wires in the air and the cables under the sea thrill with Christian Invitation. Pho nographs charged with gospel ser mons stand in every neighborhood. . . mntlnn of more than a hundred years we pass on tne roaa. now improved i . the human1 race! Such beauty! strength! Such gracefulness! Such geniality! Faces without the mark of one sorrow! Cheeks that seem never to have been wet by one tear! A race sublimated! A new world born!" But Ijsay to our escort: "Did all this merely happen so? Are all the good here spontaneously good? How did you get the old shipwrecked world afloat again, out of the breakers into the smooth seas?" "No, no," responds our twenty-first century escort. "Do you see those towers? Those are the towers of churches, towers of reforma tory institutions, towers of Christian schools. Walk with .me, and let us en ter some ofthese temples."" We enter. and I find that the music is in the ma jor key, and none of it in the minor. "Gloria in Excelsls" rising above "Glo ria In Excelsls." Tremolo stop In the organ not so much used as the trumpet stop. More of Ariel than of Naomi. More chants than dirges. But I say to our twenty-first century escort: "I cannot understand this. Have these worshipers no sorrows, or have they forgotten their sorrows?" Our escort responds: "Sorrows! Why, they had sorrows more than you could count, but by a divine Illumination that the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries never enjoyed the"y under- spirits. We can come down through stand the uses of sorrow and are com- you lived here but the low political caucus has gone from the face of the earth, and the stuffed ballot box, and the hrfberv bv money and by promise Itation has no power to detain ascend of office, and the jobs got through legis- ing spirits. Up through Immensities chasms between worlds without grow ing llzzy and across the spaces of half 1 a universe without losing our way Down and farther down we come. As we approach this world we breathe the perfume of illimitable gardens. Florali zation that in centuries past was here and there walled in, lest. reckless and dishonest - hands pluck or despoil it, surges its billows of color across the fields and up the hillsides, and that Which was desert blossoms as the rose. All the foreheads of crag crowned with flowers, the feet of the mountains slip pered with flowers'. Oh, this perfume of the continents, this aroma of hem ispheres! As we approach nearer and nearer we hear songs and laughter and hosannas, but not one groan -of distress, not one sob of bereavement, not one clank of chain. Alighted on the redeemed earth, we are first accosted by the spirit of the twenty-first century, who proposes to Cuide and show us all thatwe desire to see. Without his guidance we would lose our way. for the world Is so much changed from the time when we lived In it. First of all Jie points out to us a group of. abandoned buildings. We ask this spirit of the twenty-first. cen tury, "What are those structures whose walls are falling down and Whose gates are rusted on the hinges?" Our escort tells us: "Those were once penitentiaries filled with offenders, but the crime of the world has died out. Theft and arson and fraud and v vio lence have quitted the earth7 People have all they want, and why should they appropriate the property of oth ers, even If they had the desire? The -marauders, the assassins, the bucca neers, the Herods, the Nana Sahibs, the ruflians, the bandits, are dead, or, transformed by the power of the Christian religion, are now upright and beneficent and useful. Prisons are r of no more use in this world except forti'd with a supernatural condolence i siifh ns nrevlons centuries never exne- X . m rienced." . Prophecy- Fulfilled. I ask again of the interpreter, "Has death been banished from the world?" The answer is, "No; but people die now only when the physical machinery is worn out and they realize It Is time to go and that they are certainly and without ddubt going into a world where they will be infinitely better off and are to live in a mansion that "But how was all this effected?" 1 ask our escort. Answer: "By floods of cos pel power. You who lived . in the nineteenth century never saw a re vival of religion to be compared with what occurred In the latter part of the twentieth - and the early part of the twenty-first century. The prophecy has been fulfilled that a nation shall be born in a day' that Is, 10,000,000 or 20,000,000 or 40,000,000 people con verted In 24 hours." As you and I see in this terrestrial visitation of the coming centuries that the church has, under God, accom plished so much, we ask pur escort, the spirit of the twenty-first century, to show us the different kinds of churches. So we are taken In and out of the churches df different denomina latures and congresses by lobbyists. The last corrupt judge of election was burled 50 years ago, the preacher offi ciating at the obsequies taking for his text Proverbs x, 7, The name of the wicked shall rot,' or Jeremiah xxii, 19, 'He shall be, buried with the burial of an ass, drawn and cast forth beyond the gates of Jerusalem.' "Our laws are good and well exe cuted. Men do not In our century have to wade chin deep through moral slush In order to gain office." I End of Infidelity. As In company with our escort we pass down from the heights on which! these buildings stand, I see a dis mounted cannon planted on the side of the hill, and I go to examine It, and 1 read the inscription, cut In letters of bronze: "This is the last gun that was. fired in the last battle of the last war that will ever be fought. Presented by the last regiment of war Just before disbanding. Glory to God in the high est, and on earth peace, good will to men.' Then I look up, and our escort says: "Do you see that large structure on our right? That was a fortress, but now it is a college, and instead of guns aiming out of the portholes are looking the students of a higher literature and a wiser science and a grander civiliza tion "than the world ever before Imag ined. And those students are taught by a professorate of men as renowned for piety as for science. Archaeolo gist's hammer and geologist's crow bar and chemist's laboratory and explorer's journey have joined' In a confirmation of the truth of tithe Holy Scriptures until there is not an unbeliever in all the earth. The astronomer through his telescope has seen the Morning Star of the Re deemer, and the geologist has found the Rock of Ages, and the geometri cian has demonstrated that heaven is the city which 'lieth four square, and the length and the breadth and the height of It are equal.' " "What!" 1 say to oar escort. seen this old world after it was righted The 5,000,000,000 of the world's inhab itants in that century are 5,000,000.000 disciples. "But," I say to our escort, the spirit of the twenty-first century, "you have shown us much. But what about in ternational conditions? When we lived on earth, Jt was a century that bled with Marengo and Chalons and Lodl Bridge and Lucknow and Solferino and Lelpslc and Waterloo and San Juan." Our escort replies, "Come with me to this building of white marble and glittering dome." As we pass up and on we are taken into a room where the mightiest and best representatives of all nations are assembled to settle international controversies. As we en ter I hear the presiding officer opening the council of arbitration, reading the and before it burned, for its internal fires have nearly burned out to the crust, according to . the geologist, mak ing it easy for the theologian to believe In" the conflagration that the Bible pre dicts." The Universal Sons;. And now you and I have leftour es cort as we ascend, for the law of grav- and by stellar and lunar and solar splendors which cannot be -described by mortal tongue we rise higher and higher, till we reach the shining gate as it opens for our return, and the questions greet us from all sides: "What is the news? ; What did you find in that earthly tower? What have you to report in this city of the sun?" second chapter of Isaiah: "They shall Prophetic, apostolic, saintly inquiry beat their swords into plowshares and And, standing on the steps of the house their spears into pruning hooks; na- of many mansions, we cry aloud the tion shall not, lift up sword against na- news: "near it, ail ye giorinea Ajnns- tian workers of all the past centuries! We found your work was successful, whether on earth you toiled with knit ting needle, or rung a trowel on a ris ing wall, or smote a shoe last, or en dowed a university, or swayed a scep ter; whether on earth you gave a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple or at some Pentecost preached 3,000 souls into the kingdom. In that world we have just visited the deserts are all abloom and the wildernesses are bright with fountains. Sin is extirpated. Crime is reformed. Disease is cured. The race is emancipated. The earth is full of the knowledge of . God, as the waters cover the sea.' The redeemed of the Lord have come to Zlon with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads." Tne Lord God Omnipotent reigneth, and the kingdoms of the world have become .the kingdoms of our Lord Jesus Christ.' Let the harp ers of heaven strike the glad tidings from the strings of their harps, and the trumpeters put them In the mouth , of their trumpets, and the orchestras roll them Into the grand march of the eter nities, and all the cathedral towers of the great capital of the universe chime them all over heaven." And now I look up and see the cast ing down of the bejeweled and radiant crowns at the sacred feet of the 'en throned Jesus. Missionary Carey is casting down before those feet the crown of India saved. Missionary Jud- son is casting down the "crown of Bur- tion, neither shall they learn war any more." Questions which In our long past nineteenth century caused quar rel and bloodshed, as when Germany and France were deciding about Alsace and Lorraine, as when the United States and Spain were deciding about Cuba such questions in this twenty first century settled in five minutes, one drop of ink doing more than once could have Deen accompiisnea by a river of blood. But we cannot stay long In this hall of arbitration, for It is almost time for ns to retrace our way heavenward. This voluntary exile must soon end. "But," I say to our escort, the spirit of the twenty-first century, and you and I say to each other, "we must go home now, back again to heaven. We have staid long enough on this terres trial visitation to see that all the best things foretold. In the Scriptures and which we read during our earthly, resl- TJNCLE SAM'S HOT BATHS. 1831 Seventieth Year. Country 1800 Gentleman! The ONLY Agrioultuial Kpp AND ADJIITTEDI.TTHI Leading Agricultural JonraalofMofli Every department written by btirnest authorities In their rehctue lion No other paper pretends to compete with it in qnaliflcatfons of editorial ntaff. Gives the agricultural NEWS witliier of fullness and completeness not even itttmjtri Best Review of the Crops. Best Market Beports. Best Accounts of Meetiirs. Best Everytliiafr INDISPENSABLE TO ALL COUNTRY RESIDENTS' who wisn TO - KEEP UP WITH THE TIMIS Single Subscription, $2; Two Subscriptions, $3.30; . . " , Jour Subscription!, i jy Special Inducements to BaL-moM rer Clubs. Write for Particular n thu ro s Club Agents Wanted Every wheie. Four Months' Trial Trip,50cesu. SPECIMEN COPIES Will to mail!-! frt nn ri'!illC!-t anvbodr interested in anv way in O'Ct'T ' to send for them. Address the publl.-beT. LDTHER TUCKER 4 SOH, ALBANY, XT' The Hot Springs of Arkansas. Via. Southern Railway. Will eradicate from your system the lingering effects of grip and other ailments caused by the severe winter, and malaria, rheumatism, neuralgia, catarrh, stomach, kid ney, liver and nervous disorders, paralysis, blood and skin diseases, and chronic and functional de- n ma saved. Missionary Abeel castinir rangaments. The mountain cli- I . - . I . m -r-w . skeptics? No infidels?. No agnostics?" His reply is: "Absolutely none. The last fool who 'said in his heart there is no God' . was buried a half century ago without any liturgical service." In response to my question as to what had wrought all this change obliterated all the evil and fully in augurated all the goodour escort, the 'spirit of the twenty-first century, tells me that gospelization had directly or down the crown of China saved, Da- mate of Hot Springs is cool and - ' June 23, 1S09. WINSTON-SALEM DIVISION. E CKPT SUN DA V. DA ILT A A.M. 8 20 Lv. Winston Ar.K-S; 33 9 02Lv.WalnutCoYeAr. OS 9 35 Lv. Madison . Ar: i;i! P.M. 5 00 5 6 11 !T39 Lv. Mavodati - it 7 10 10 41 Lv. Martinsville Ar. . g . . . . 1 10 Ar. Koanoke WESTBOUND. LEAVE ROAS0 4.55 a. m. (Vestibuled I;!;1!' Bristol and intermediate . - r i (Mil-"- all points South -and I W -- m a v oonrr) LU New Orleans. 4.23 vid Livingstone casting down at those feet the crown of Africa saved, Mis sionary Brainerd casting down tha crown of this country's aborigines sav ed. Souls that went up from all the denominations in America in holy ri valry, seeking which could soonest cast down the crown of this continent at the Saviour's feet, and America saved. But often you and I who were com- tlons. and we find that, they are just Indirectly done It. It was a practical ns different in the twenty-first century gospel that had not only changed the delightful in summer. 100 hotels open the year around. For illustrated literature, con taining all information, address C. F. Cooley, Manager Business Men's League, Hot Springs, Ark. . For reduced excursion, tickets and particulars of the trip, see local agent or address W. A. Turk, as they were different In the nine teenth, when we worshiped In them. There is unity In them as to the great essentials of salvation. But we enter the Baptist church, and it is baptismal day, and we see the candidates for membership immersed. And we go into a Presbyterian church and see a group of parents around the baptismal font holding up their children for the christening. And we enter the Episco pal church and hear the solemn roll of heart, but made the man honest a practical religion, which did not ex pend all its energy In - singing "Fly abroad, thou mighty gospel," but gave something to make it fly. , Sin Obliterated. panions m tnar expeaiuon irom heaven Gen'l Pass. Agt., Southern Ry., ::nt' r 7 VT : k Washington. D. U. the river that rolls through the para- Qise or God, will talk over the scenes we witnessed In that . vacation from tne skies in our terrestrial visitation we who were early residents In the nineteenth century, escorted by the The good work was helped on by the Plrit of the twenty-first century, when fact that it became a general habit Richmond, Va., June 10, 189$. Goose Gkzask Liniment ConGBKZNSBORo,X.C. Dear Sir Some time aco you sent me one dozen bottles of Goose Grease Liniment to be used in our stable amongst our horses, and we beg to state that we have used this exclusively since receiving it, and would state frankly that we have, never had anything that srave ns as ooa satisfaction. We have used it on Cuts. among millionaires and multimillion aires to provide churches and schools and institutions of mercy, not to be built after the testators were dead, we saw wnat my text desfriKoo na n ir new earth, wherein dwelleth H.k, JlNecko, Scratches and nearly every . . V, ,UKWUr lutscoec a iiorse can nave ana it nas worked Glory be to the Father and to nann; Ve need more at once. Please let me jmuw u juu nave n pui or any larger packages her liturgies, and her ministers are butbuilt so that they might be present ness the Son and to the Holy Ghnt oo i 552? Hare it Put P in "7 larger bottles . . - . ut ut lancer dbciiitm mm t and also prices. Yours truly. STANDARD OIL COMPANY. Uj l.C. West. was In the heginnlng, Is now and ever nau De, world without end. Amen." ian the ones sent us p. m.' for Bluefleld, iffotf Kenov, Columbus and :;ji3 and all point C Sleepers , from Roane .A umbus. also for Kadfort p , l8. Knoxville. Cbattanoc - ,:jl8 termediate P0,,;tSK-noxv:'':' SleeDer Koanoke to Ko " c,-HW- NORTH AND EAST HOL"NI Li- DULL 1,40 p. m. for Petersburg and iorioih.. 1.45 15 p. m. for Wwblngoft , ' town, PhilaiUlpbia 12.35 a. ml for Richmond oa - .. Pullman Sleeper - . Norfolk and Lynchburg mond. . T, -jrcJ- l ' Vrstibulea i.'- vo" 12.35 a. m Washington Pullman .Sleep?" ' N(f ton,PbiladelpbaaDa . - via r,yncuuu.ft. veij-:, nTmnAMDIVblON,,,,; burg daily eepj J? union station i f ana an iu-v pt ? Leave Durham dftllTe;0cb T.rOC,ra m. ior - intermediate poi ti,o r ForaTl aTdltional lin JrA at ticKet oHici;, v. W. B. BEVILU J. y. en. Pass. Agt, Beanos Oen p5-

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