The Greensboro MtmgIv: VOL. 79. GREENSBORO, N. C., WEDOT3SDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1900. NO. 49. SESSIONAL CARDS J. RICHARDSON. ocFICE: KATZ BUILDING. nrCE: 615 W. Q ASTON ST. I P. BEALL, Id. U., PHYSICIAN A FID SURUtun. ,.l V and Trust Bldg. f Kh-I I'KNCE : 404 Asheboro 8t. "nnr: 11:30 to 1; 3 to 4:30. TELEPHONE NO. 17- ft'sTABIEY, M. D. 63 Ss-tli JTl-nn St. GrlafKa'i Brag Store. J. E. WYCflE, ii:ntwt. v.ns Bnk Building, f ' ... ... nrunilwtrn. V. C. nr. L A. PHIPPS. rtfSlCIAN AND DENTIST, G -tlforJ County. N. C- ; BAUBI, M. D. s St., Greeastcro, N. C. . ... 1 ..... . r-kUV A r ...ti.l to the diea.09 of the We ear, nose, throat. M . ; J to 4 anl 7 to 8 1 . M. EDWARD Scales & Scales, tnieys and Counsellors at Law, GRKENSBORO, N. U. 7, V. TAYLOR, GREENSBORO, N. C IOBERT D. DOUGLAS, Attorney - at - Law, iTJNOH BANC BriLPlNO, 'SBOBO, ar. O- ..ITM H, w.r. btwcm.jr. BYNUM & 3YNULI, cmeys and Counsellors at Law. 103 COURT BQXJ-A "RTn. Oliver S. Nevlin, aUEI UD COUNSELLOR AT LAW, .KKENSBORO, X. C. Building, eat of Court .:t t.nti.'n given to all business en- :. u. . W.La. WKILan I Attorney at Law. r ia n.itiv;. ! rh ml KT HtH'SK, GREENSBORO, N. C. DR. BURBANK Oihthala:oUgist. Southern Loan an-1 Trust Co. HuiMing. Uoonift 301-3C3, ttTtensbonv. N. C. Prescription Ola-i Only. 1900. FANCY GOODS. i Nautiful line lllrror rrr.v. nnnt.. Taney Piecesiin Sterlins: Silver, aat Designs in Clocks, and Pretty Designs in Novelties. - - sii'iMTemmifT. u .r our ira-te. W. B. FARRAR'S SON, lniHH-ur for Southern Kailra i... V'. ay. ' l artiuent is in charge of W. G. te Optician. Urry poezolt. Merchant Tailor, : S. Zln St., QTlSiySBOSO. Tf tv!es ' Suitings and Trous- " ff Hiert from. Fit eoaranteed. l0. w. PRITCHETT, .t(,ftiiHboro, TV. C. VJL 4D pECiA. AO 1ST FOB Vs ' e:1 ,U-n appUcation. Haa always ''jt ," ""'' 1 Haa4 Eugmea and Boiler. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. Our Crjital items came too late for publlcatioo this week. CoL James T.Morebead is in A she bo ro attending Randolph court. Mr. Charles E. Brower spent a pleasant Thanksgiving In Mt. Airy. Mrs. June B. Stroud went to Ala mance county Friday to visit relatives, Highest prices are paid for pro dace by Zeb. V. Clegg, 384 South Elm street. 48-2 Mr. II. L. Parker, a civil engineer from Asbeville, has located in Greens boro. Mr. George Brooks has taken a position in the office at the Keeley In stitute. The Wood ward-Warren Company is filling a week's engagement at the Academy of Music. Mrs. A. M. Scales returned to her home in Danville yesterday after a visit to relatives in this city. City Engineer Bandy is surveying a number of streets preparatory to grading and paving to follow. Rev. T. J. Ogburn, of Summer field, preached at Guilford College Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Rev. and Mrs. E. P. Parker, of Glbsonville, were here Friday on their return from a visit to Rural Hall. If you want to keep your lamp clean and have a bright light, use Red C oil. Hi att & Lamb. For Rent A good eight-room two-story house on Keogh street. Ap ply to S. S. Mitchell, 329 Greene street. Miss Nannie Greenwood, of Birch, VaM who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. C. A. Bray, returned home yesterday. Mr. T. G. Elmore, of Monroeton, one of the Patriot's good Rockingham friends, gave us a pleasant call Mon day. Rev. and Mrs. Livingston Johnson . . a wr a. 1 a. f" a a. are attenaiug tne uapust oi&ie oou- ventlon, which convened in Raleigh today. Rev. C. E. Hodgin, pastor of West minster Presbyterian church, is this week assisting in a revival meeting at Winston. Mrs. F. E, Ross went to Washing ton Friday to attend the national con vention of the Woman's Christian Temperance Unien. Mr. T. D. Sherwood, manager of the wholesale department of J. W. Scott & Co.'s store, is in New York this week buying goods. Our Church Record: MBro. D. H. Hunter has so far Improved as to come to the city one day recently a thing he had not done for months." Mr. S. L. Smith has purchased the interest of his partner, Mr. Julius M. Dick, In the grocery business of Dick A Smith, on West Market street. As usual we lead the van in the way of good things for the holidays. Stock nearlv all In now. uome to see - - - if us. J. W. Scott fc Co. Prof. J. Y. Joyner, of the State Normal and Industrial Collecre. deliv ered an -address at an educational meeting In Asheboro last Friday night. D urine: the month of November the J. Van Lindley Nursery Company shipped 18,000 orders, representing 500,000 trees and plants, to twenty-one states. The stewards of West Market Street Methodist church have elected Miss Mabel Hill Organist, with Miss Lola Carraway as assistant, for the ensuing year. Mr. Robert L. Wyrlck and Miss Corinna M. Apple were united In mar riage in this city last Wednesday even ing. They went to their home in the country on the following day. Rev. Dr. J. William Jones, the well know Confederate chaplain under Stonewall Jackson, now pastor of the Baptist church at Chapel Hill, will lecture in Greensboro Friday night. You can buy jeans for pants and suits as low as 12v cents at Thacker & Bfockmann's. Better grades, 20, 25 and 30 cents, and fine cassimeres, 40 cents, 60 cents and up to $1.25 a yard. Ladies who want to see something nice in the way of floe shoes at moder ate prices ought to look at the laces and button shoes Thacker A Brock mann are selling at $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00. Hungry thieves visited a number of houses in Greensboro Saturday night. At Mr. M. C. Stewart's, on East Wash ington street, they entered the pantry and took everything In sight save one juicy ham. De Witt's Little Early Risers are the best liver pills ever made. Easy to take and never gripe. Howard Gardner. Mrs. Hannah Osborn, an aged lady residing in the Centre neighborhood, had the misfortune to lose her dwell ing and most of its contents by fire last Wednesday. The blaze was started by sparks which fell on the roof. Prof. N. C. English, a well known educator, and for many years a mem ber of the faculty of Trinity College, was married at Archdale Thursday evening to Miss Jennie Bouldin. Fri day they went to the eastern part of the state visiting. On the 13th Inst. President Mc Iver, of the State Normal and Indus trial College, will deliver an address in New York city under the auspices of the Teachers College of Columbia Uni versity. He will speak on The South ern Educational Problem." Elkin and Gainesville home-made shoes, in men's, women's, boys' and girls' sizes, at Thacker & Brockmann's. If you want a shoe that will keep your feet dry in the worst weather and look nice enough for Sunday wear, try the Storm King waterproof shoe. The official majority of Congress man W. W. Kltchin, as canvassed by the state board, is 1,851. This is con siderably more than was at first claim ed. It is supposed that Mr. oyce has given up all idea of making a contest, as nothing has been said of the matter lately. Chief of Police Scott this morning discovered the dead body of a baby buried near the Finishing mills. The body was wrapped in a cloth and placed In an ordinary pine box. De composition bad set in and it was im possible to tell whether the child was white or black. Miss Mary Chandler died of con sumption Friday evening at the home of her father on Guilford avenue. Her mother died of the same disease two weeks previously. Miss Chandler bad been sick for about a year. She was a devoted member of West Washington Street Baptist church. Mr. W. A. Hays, who conducts a dairy farm at the Gillespie place, just south of town, lost two barns by fire early Saturday morning. The confla gration was caused by the explosion of a lamp in one of the buildings. The loss is in the neighborhood of $1,000 and is partially covered by insurance. Maj. Joseph M. Morehead is mak ing an effort to secure funds for the erection on the Guilford battle ground of a monument to North Carolina's colonial heroes, the first people in America to shake off the yoke of Brit ish oppression. The amount of sub scriptions so far received for the pur pose amount to $225. The Sherwood Bobbin Manufac turing Company has been organized with a capital stock of $8,000. The stockholders are Messrs. T. D. Sher wood and M. G. Newell, of this city, and Mr. J. C. Marsh, of Ramseur. A factory will be built near the junction of the A. A Y. division with the main line of the Southern Railway. Mr. Henrv C. Curtis and Miss Florence Richardson were united in marriage last Wednesday afternoon at the home of the bride's parents in this city. It was a quiet home wedding, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Dr. J. C. Rowe in the presence of the members of the family and a few in timate friends. The bride and groom left on the evening train for Madison to spend a few days with the latter's parents. The grocery store of Stack Broth ers, located on Lewis street, was enter ed some time during Saturday night and the safe robbed of about $775. The robbers knew the combination to the safe, and after opening it, broke open a drawer containing the money. Tbe money drawer under the counter was also broken open, but It contaiued nothing but some small change. Tbe Messrs. Stack .did not do a banking business, but kept their money in tbe store, thinking this the safer place. The game of football between Guilford College and Oak Rrdge Insti tute, played at the fair grounds on tbe afternoon of Thanksgiving day, was witnessed by a small crowd, owing to tbe inclemercy ofjthe weather. The game was interesting and spicy throughout, both sides putting up a stiff fight. The Oak Ridge team, while composed of good players, was clearly outclassed by Guilford, which won the game by a score of 10 to 0. There were some unpleasantries in connection with the game and several fisticuffs were indulged in, both by the players and spectators. No one was seriously in jured. Fire Works for Christmas. We have one of the most complete lines of fire works ever shown In Greensboro. Wholesale and retail. J. W. Scott & Co. . To Raise a Fnnd of $100,000. Dr. Charles D. Mclver, president of the State Normal and Industrial Col lege, has undertaken a task which means a great deal for the poor girls Of North Carolina who are without tbe means of securing a higher education, and are thus denied the privilege of fitting themselves for the stations in life it was intended they should oc cupy. He proposes to raise $100,000 to be used as an interest-bearincr food to educate from 50 to 100 students atHhe Normal each year. To secure this large amount of moony. Dr. Mclver will endeaver to . find 1,000 men and women who will contribute $100 each. This will mean an average of about ten persons to each county in North Carolina. ; When the money shall have been raised it will be turned over to a board of trustees for investment in the name of the State Normal and Industrial College. The interest only will be used each year, and it is estimated that this will defray the entire college expenses of 60 students or half the ex penses of 100 students. The plan has met with favor in tbe eyes of all to whom it has been men tioned, and a - number of persons in Greensboro and Guilford county haye made subscriptions of $100 each. Dr. Mcjver hopes to secure a majority of the subscriptions before the next com mencement at the Normal. Another Home Insurance Company. The Southern Loan and Trust Com pany has added an insurance depart ment to its business and is now pre pared to insure property against loss by fire. While under practically the same management, the new company will be entirely separate and distinct from the two other Greensboro fire insurance companies the Southern Stock Mutual and the Underwriters of Greensboro. Vhile the two latter com panies pay dividends to policy holders. the new company will be operated along the plan of tbe old line companies. Few people realize the benefit of home insurance companies to the business of the section in which they are located. Through their operations thousands of dollars are annually kept at home which would otherwise go to foreign corporations. The Greensboro insur ance companies now have an aggre gate of nearly half a million dollars loaned in North Carolina which, if it were not for their existence, would be placed in Northern and other states. Suit has been entered in the United States District court at this place against tbe Supreme Council of the Royal Arcanum and Mr. B. N. Smith to stop the payment to the latter of a life insurance policy of $3,000 on the life of Mr. F. B. S. Smith, his son, who was killed in a railroad wreck two or three years ago. Young Smith had the policy made out in the name of his father, but afterwards married and neglected to have it changed. After his death his widow claimed the policy and suit was brought in the Superior court of this county to test the matter. The case was carried to the Supreme court, which recently rendered a de cision in favor of the dead man's father. His widow now seeks to get possession of tbe money through the United States court. A preliminary bearing will be held befoe Judge Boyd on the 22nd inst. TOBACCO NOTES. Items of Interest to the Grower, the Dealer, and the Manufacturer. MABBTKT RXPOKT. The receipts on our market for the past week have been large, and but for Thanksgiving we think they would have been very heavy indeed. The quality of tbe offerings for the week has been the best of tbe season, and quite a large proportion of very desir able tobacco for manufacturing pur poses, with a good sprinkling of good to fine wrappers oo the sales. Prices on all grades are fully up to the high water mark with a considerable amount of activity in the market and a gradual advance in prices. LEAF DIALERS AND MANUFACTURERS BUYING TOBACCO ON THK GREN8 BORO MARKET. . Bray Brothers. G. O. Wilson fc Co. J. F. Jordan & Co. John W. King. H. C. Berger & Co. W. H. Rankin. . J. H. Whitt & Co. Smith & Gamble. E. J. & A. G. Stafford. Southern Tobacco Co. Berger-Wood Tobacco Co. W. P. Pickett & Co. Sheriff Jordan's Deputies. The following are the deputies so far appointed by Sheriff Jordan : B. E. Jones, of Greensboro, office ! deputy; W. J. Weatherly, of Greens boro; J. L. Parrisb, of High Point; C. S. Gray, of Jamestown ; C. H. Nortbam, of Freeman's Mill; J. H. Barker, Sum merfleld towosbip; J. M. Coble, Greene township; George Lane, Morehead township; Charles O. Stewart, Friend ship township; S. F.Jones, Oak Ridge township; H. S. Andrew, Jefferson township. Other appointments are yet to be made. Christmas Goods at Wholesale. We offer to our wholesale trade : 50 barrels plain Candy. 200 pails French Candy. 50 boxes Raisins. 25 boxes Nuts. 0 boxes Figs. 25 boxes California Prunes. 25 boxes California Peaches, 25 boxes Citron. J. W. Scott & Co. World's Champion. ul tried many remedies to core piles," writes W. R. Smith, of Latham, Illn "but found no relief till I used Buck len's Arnica Salve. I have not been troubled with piles since." It's the only champion pile cure on earth and the best salve in the world. 25c per box, guaranteed by C. E. Ho Hon, druggist. The crowd attending court is con siderably augmented today by tobacco farmers. Mr. H. W. Johnson, of Chatham county, was here with tobacco a few days ago. Our warehousemen and buyers are always glad to see the Chat ham farmers. The Pittsburg Press says there are over one handred firms in that city en gaged in the manufacture of stogies. The largest of these produces 75,000,- 000 stogies every year. W. P. Pickett A Co, of High Point, have come on this market to buy leaf tobacco for their factory in Hi eh Point. Like all other High Point in dustries, their plant is successfully operated. The retroactive tax case, through which tobacco manufacturers hope to get back a large sum of money from he government, is expected to come up before the United States Supreme court soon. Messrs. L. L. and F. F. Scoggins, of the McLeansville section, made splen did sales on the Greensboro market a few days ago. The former sold two grades of wrappers at $20 and $35 and the latter one grade at $39. Mr. W. J. Blackburn, who went over to Stoneville to represent the Ameri can Tobacco Company, found the tobacco on that market of too dark a grade for his company's use and has gone to Pilot Mountain to buy for a few months. Among the Alamance growers here with tobacco within the past few days we noted the following: Sawyer & Chaudler, Joseph Ross, A. G. Garrison, Sterling Foster, E. A. Smith, J. W. Loy, W. T. Barham, J. W. Ingle, Brown & Kernodle, and Mint Pinnix', colored. Tbe full quota of Guilford tobacco farmers have been here during the past few days. Among them we re call A. H. Crutchfield, W. F. Dawson, J. A. Cook, W. B.Tucker, C. E. Roach, O. A. G. Wood, H. D. Kellam, J. W. Gray, W. A. Green and D. L. Thomas. One of the best pleased farmers here in a long while was Mr. Harvey Dick, who resides southeast of town. He was here some days ago with a load of tobacco and made one of tbe best sales of the season. He sold 495 pounds at prices ranging from $6 to $40 per hun dred. Alamance county was well repre sented on the market yesterday, and without exception we believe the far mers were well pleased. One gentle man was overheard to remark to a friend that he got considerably more for bis load than he anticipated when he left home. A quantity of tobacco from the good old county of Rockingham has found its way to tbe Greensboro market within the past week. Some of the farmers here from that county were : J. B. Dawson, J. M. Wray, R. D. An gel, A. H. Williams, T. W. Price and J. W. Knight, Considerable interest Is manifested in the deals which have taken place in Winston within the past few days through which the plug factories of the Brown Brothers Company, P. H. Hanes & Co. and B. F. flanes fc Co. hare been absorbed by the R. J. Rey nolds Tobacco Company. These sales throw the bulk of Winston's manufac turing industry in tbe hands of one mammoth concern, doing away with the heavy competition on the warehouse floors. WE FOR $1.00 A BUSHEL T OTIS 5c. A POUND. m. OH" 10c. A POUND. Jo Jl raOEEUH The new Methodist pastors in Greensboro Rev. 8. B. Turrentlne, at West Market, and Rev. II. K. Boyer, at Centenary will this week move from Charlotte and Mt. Airj, respectively. Rev. T. E. Wagg, the former pastor of Centenary, left with his family yesterday for Morganton, where he will be stationed during the ensuing year. Rev. Dr. J. C. Rowe, who is the presiding elder of the Char lotte district, will reside in Monroe, leaving for that place yesterday. Rev. J. R. Scroggs, the new presiding elder of this district, moved from High Point to Greensboro yesterday. Rev. P. J. Carraway, who is stationed at Waugh town,wilI continue to reside in Greens boro for the present at least. Rev. Dr. F. H. Wood and family will leave Fri day for the former's new field of labor in Wadesboro. Hows This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any Cae of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall' Catarrh Cnre F. J. CHENKY A CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersijrned, have known . J. Che ner for tbe last 15 years, and believe him per fectly honorable in alt business tranaaction and financially able to carry out any obliga tions made by their ilrin. West & Tbuax, W holesale I)rursrists,Toledo.O. Wai.dixg, Kiknan & Marvin, VV bolesale Drug gists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Testimonials nent free. Sold by Druggists, price 75c per bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the bet. STATEMENT 07 CONDITION City National Bank OF GREENSBORO, II. C. AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS APRIL "36, 1900. Condensed from Beport to Comptroller of the Currency. RESOURCES: Loans and Discounts.-. , 1291.224 Of Overdrafts (secured and unsecured) . . T,179 M U. S Bonds and Premiums 164 J81 II Banking House. Furn. and Fixt 8.000 00 Revenue Stamps... 5 Cash on Hand and in Banks W Total IttVIT JS LIABILITIES: Capital Stock flM2 2? Surplus and Profits, Net M52 i Circulation .000 00 Bills Pay abl e0000 w U. S. Deposits I 4T.KO 00 Other Deposits... 171,550 89 lUOM Total i ..tS4S,TlT SS COLIPARATrVE BTATET.TENT : Deposits April tn, 1S99 2 Profits ts Deposits April Kta, 1900. JJ?'2 S Piofita 0i m ! i , 4 f

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