- : - ". ' ' ' 'j ' ' v tv: t ri tt v -TrS -Tin A r II "TT TT vO;r PJK IkH rA . h VOL. 81 GREENSBORO, N. C, MARCH 19, 1902. NOJ 12. Wt j. RICHARDSON office: KATZ BUILDING. nNCE: 318 WEST GASTON ST. pBEAIiU M. D. MM. m. k HYSICIAN AND SUKUtuiM -j.mthcrn Loan ana xrusi mug. V l Kcsiaene: 4U4 Asheboro St. CFfl CE hours, 11:30 to 1; 3 TO .4:30. TELEPHONE NO. 17. jTl. stamey, m. d. residenqe: 'Ojo West Washington Street. office: iVrdham Grissom's Drug Store. DENTIST rFlCE IN SOUTH ELM ST SAVINGS BANK BLDG. GREENSBORO, N. C. . LOCAL! NEWS. Or. M. F. FOX i riYSiCIAIN AINU ounutw.i GUILFORD COLLEGE, N. C. EDWARD BAUM, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OlHCE 121 S. Elm St., ttreenBDaro. OVER FA1US3' D;RUO STORK.) attention paid o the diseases of the v . . m. v tin A "T" EAR, NOSbfANU innwi- Consulting Hours: 11 a. m.;3 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. pec hi: EYE, Dr. JOHN THAMES Physician and suKbLun fiasst's Twenty-five bushels Herd (or red top) seed at Scott's. Judge I Shaw is holding court in Randolph this week. Mr. Merritt C. Buchanan is recover: ing from a siege of fever. ; Mr. and Mrs. Is. J. Brandt have re turned from Franklin Junction, Va. Fresh shredded co coarrut in pack ages or loose. J. W. Soott & Co. Hon. John R. Webster, of Reidsville, wras here yesterday en route to Fayette ville. ' j Mr. J. C. Bishop has moved into his elegant new brick residence on North Elm street.! , i Mr. Jule C. Watson is the new night eruard at the iail. succeeding Mr.-D. F. Busick, resigned. ' Mrs. Robert P. Dick has, returned from a visit to her daughter. Mrs. Wil liams, at Norfolk. ! A number from here are attending the State Sunday school convention at Fayetteville this week. Afr nnd Mrs W. B. Merrimon have returned to St. Paul, Minn visit with relatives here. Car load of forty-one buggies just un loaded at Townsend's. Prices 40, and they are beauties. Henry Osborne; white, was arrested yesterday for throwing rocks at pedes trians out near the coal chute. Mr. ;T. B. Ogburn, of the iirm o Matthews & Ogburn, is on the north ern clothing market this week. Afr n it MrTCnicrht is nreparinjr to 1.11.1 - - c) X A " ipeciaities: Throat, and Lungs. Fitted. : Office and Residence, 210 W.Washington St. Telephone 13.' Hours; 9 to 11 a. m 3 to 5, 7 to 8 p. m. Or E. A. BURTON DENTIST OFFICE IN M. P. BUILDING, Opp! McAdoo House. Dr. L A. PHIPPS HYSICIAN AND DENTI UAHYILLE, Guilford Co., U. C. after a to Mr. E. P. IrTin, of Pennsylvania, has purchased Mrs. M. E. Howard's book store, in the Hotel Guilford building, and assumed Tnanagement of the busi ness. Mrs. Howard has not been in good health for some time. Bargain C. C. Townsend has a 3- seated - top hack,, seven buggies, two carriages, a two-horse wagon, two Syr acuse and one Oliver plow, a cutaway harrow; some of these goods are nearly new and all will be sold at genuine bargain prices. I 12-2t , City Engineer Bandy has established the grade of South Elm street between the' Greensboro Loan and Trust Com pany's building and Depot street, in order that the Odell Hardware Com pany can put down a concrete sidewalk in front of its buildingsj Guilford county furnishes captains for two prominent Southern league ball teams this year. Bob Stafford and J. T. Bennett, of Oak Ridge, will fill that position for the New Orleans and Shreveport, La., teams, respectively. They are both stars of the first magni tude. The Guilford Chapter of Daughters of the Confederacy have arranged to have Richmond Pearson Hobson and ex-Governor Bob Taylor lecture in Greensboro within the next few weeks. The Daughters have secured Hon. Wm. A. Henderson, of Washington, as Me morial Day orator. : ( Two young fellows who came to the city last week to enlist in the army and put up at a hotel came near being mus tered into the, heavenly hosts. They blew out the gas in their room, and had it not been for the watchfulness of an Base Ball Organization Effected. The base ball fever which has raged epidemic in Greensboro the past fort night has culminated in the organiza tion of a strong association that will promote the national game locally the coming summer. Folio wmg the return from Raleigh of several gentlemen who attended the meeting at which a state league was formed last week, a call was issued for a public'me"etiug, and the result is a splendid organization of Gate City enthusiasts, or "cranks," as they are commonly termed. The officers are: President, Mr. C. G. Wright; vice president, Mr. Garland Daniel; secre tary and treasury, Mr. L. J. Brandt; directors, Messrs. Wright, Daniels and Brandt, Z. V. Taylor, J. P. Turner, Lee H. Battle and J. C. Morris. A site for a ball park was generously tendered by Mr. Ceasar Cone. It will be located on Summit avenue, just beyond the resi dence of Mr. Sternberger. The work of fitting up the park will begin at once. Mr. George W. Kelly, manager of the pennant-winning Raleigh team last year, was chosen manager and captain of the Gate City team, and he will pro ceed at once to round up an aggrega tion of nlavers. His instructions are to get only the best the market affords King" Kelly is easily the best man that played in the state league last year, and Greensboro is proud of her acquis! tion. The teams comprising the league this year are Raleigh, Charlotte, Wil minarton. Newbern. Durham and tJ - 7 , I Greensboro. The season opens May 12th TOBACCO NOTES. Items of Interest to the Grower, the Deal er, and the Manufacturer. MARKET REPORT. The receipts on our market for the manufacturers were kept busy all while handling their purchases. A Vile Nuisance Abated. i One of the most gratifying arrests of the past week was that! of Aaron Reeves, colored, who was caught in the act of perpetrating one of the most objectionable nuisances known to the past week have been as large as tiey city authorities in a long time have for any preceding week during the present season, and our buyers rind he Ml -I i i.1 i ,x 1 rtif ntAiiIrl VlOVO build a dwelling house on the corner or employe oi iuc uutci wcj - l 1 mi 311 1 -r- been aspnyxiatea. iney wm kuu Specialties: Chronic -ai, Epilepsy, Etc. Diseases, liheuma- A. M. SCALES. J. I. SCALES. SCALES & SCALES ATTORNEYS AND COUN SELLORS AT LAW GREEITSBORN, IT. C. . ROBERT D. DOUGLAS ATTORNEY AT LAW GREEHSfeORO, N. C. Savings Bank Bid?, Z. V. TAYLOR ATTORNEY ATr LAW i GREENSBORO, N. C. West Gaston and Eugene streets. The interior of the drug store oppo site the postoffice is being beautified by painters and paperhangers this week. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Fuqua and little daughters, Ruth and Vivian, of Roan oke, Va., are visiting relatives in the city, : I ' ; . Mrs. S. A. Woodward, of Statesville, is the guest of her son and daughter here. Dr. R. W. Woodward and Mrs. Dr. Moore.' Greensboro Day at the Charleston Exposition is Wednesday, April 9th. The city will be well represented there on that occasion. Mr. G. W. Ward has been formally recommended as the successor to Prof. J. Y. Joyner on the board of aldermen from the fourth ward. ' If you wear pants go to see Merritt Johnson Co. The "Dutchess" and the celebrated "New Fangle" pants are sold in Greensboro only by thein. Miss Eula McNeer went t ) Rich mond Monday to attend the lharnage of Miss Huylah Edwards to Mr. W. T. - s . i Richardson, which occurs ton ignt. Orchard grass will be higher, friends in the west write us. still selling at old prices, jr. J. W. Scott durinsr the week farmers nave come in . ij from all sections tributary to this mar ket, and, In fact, we have seen lota of farmers here during the past . two months whom we have not seen I for a quite a while, which shows that this market is extending its influence eLud sellifig tobacco from a larger territory than' it has previously done for several years. The quality of the tobacco which was offered was not fully as good as it lias been for previous weeks, owing to the fact that it appeared to be some of the first curings and was thin and some what deficient in quality and flavor, on, better next time. . Asheboro Anrus: Mr. Will A. Under wood, formerly of Asheboro, now representative of the L. IRichardson Driiir Co.. Greensboro, was last week the recipient of a check for $100 from the Paris Medicine Co. of St. Louis, as a prize for having sold more of their goods than any other traveling sales- man. nis inenas iuabucwiu b1 in know that he is meeting w ith much success on the road. Will Claiborne, a one-eyed negro who has been a familiar character around the Farmers warehouse for several years, was arrested Sunday for selling liquor, the police catching him in the act. He had a jug, funnel and other "bar fixtures" concealed in the ware house stable and was doing a thriving business when the officers asked to see his license. Claiborne was in trouble a year or so ago, having shot a woman. G BYNUM. W. P. BYNUM, JR. The rails and ties for the new " car line are: being distributed along the of con- BYNUM & BYNUM TORNEYS AND COUN SELLORS AT LAW 106 COURT SQUARE. C. G. WRIGHT ATTORNEY AT LAW - -HT BUILDING. OPP. COURT HOUSE. GREENSBORO, N. C. without THOMAS C. HOYLE ATORNEY AT LAW 115 Court Square, GREENSBORO, N. C. ! . r 111 1 streets this! weeK. ine worn structinK the line will be pushed as rapidly as possible. Tucker & Erwin will supply Vou with all varieties of T. W. Wood' & Son's seeds, such as Red Bliss potatoes, Wood's Earliest, Junior Pride, tc, ana seed bats, garden seeds, etc., end. ! Secretaries Webb, of Winston; Tur ...... : j ttij r rentme, of Burlington, ana ivmg, oi Greensboro, held a conferencje here Saturday at which matters pertaining to the fairs of these cities were dis cussed. TIip nollanse of some overloaded shelving caused an unexpected A. L. Daley, the gold brick man, passed through Greensboro Thursday evening with a squad -of convicts en route from the state penitentiary to Mitchell county, where he will work so our at railroad grading, lie nas not given We are up hope of securing a pardon. His partners, Howard and Hawley, are still at Raleigh. The former fell recent ly and broke an arm. Daley had no complaint to make about his treatment in prison. 1. Dicker- The Cigar Factory Assured. If one may venture;an opinion based on what might be termed "circumstan tial evidence," it is safe to say that the establishment in Greensboroof a branch factory of the American Cigar Company is practically assured. The modest res olution submitted ; to the board of alder men last Friday night by Alderman Sherwood, authorizing a change in a portion of the grade of West Gaston street that the big leaf factory on the corner of Gaston and Greene streets might be furnishedwith sewer connec tion :j is, in our opinion, indisputable evidence of an important deal of some kind,' and nothing suggests itself ex cept the cigar factory. Like all vast enterprises, nothing is given out as to the American's plans, but the impres sion is- general here that the factory will pprt-iinlv he established, and at no far distant date. Several hundred hands are employed in each of the company's manufacturing branches elsewhere, and Greensboro will hardly be an exception to that rule. The city will profit immensely by the presence of such an extensive industrial estab lishment. but while this was true, the prices all grades seemed to advance sligh and we regard them tle highest that has been paid for any previous w during the present season, and the trons of this market were highly grati fied for the prices they received their tobacco. A very large proportion of this c has already been marketed and there is very little more tobacco remaining in tne larrners' nanus; comsequeuiiy, the buyers will begin to wind up their business for the year earlier this season than thev have done heretofore, and eek pa- for op For two or three months some one has been writing the most obscene language im aginable on the sidewalks and fences of the Southside. A number of people, including the police,, have made repeat ed efforts to capture the miscreant who did it, but it was not until Thursday night that success attended their ef- . forts. Officer Crutchfield stationed himself in a house that night which afforded a view of Gorrell street, where ' of late the writing has repeatedly ap peared, and was rewarded about two o'clock by seeing a man stoop down and commence scribbling on the pave ment. It proved to be Reeves. He placed him under arrest, but had quite a struggle before he would j consent to" go to jail. On the way there he oilered the officer five dollars if he would re lease him, promising never to do. any thing of the kind again, j Reeves ai peared before Mayor Osborn Friday evening and, was bound over to court on two charges, committing a nuisance and resisting an officer. He has been employed as a laborer at the niail transfer office at the Southern depot for some time., working junder Mr. Tomlinson, one of those most active in trying to apprehend the perpetrator of the nuisance. j we would, therefore, advise all farmers to market the remainder of their to- bacco as early as convenient, believing that the sooner they market it the bet ter the prices will be. Mr. A. B. Bray, of Statesville, spent C. Sunday here with his brother, Mr A. Bray. Mr. E. J. Ross, of Alamance, market- niptures: , J X11 1 .1 I eaool pouuuB oi ieai iieie iuc viuci "DEAR Miss Gould's Souyenlr. The State Normal and Industrial College has received from Miss Helen Miller Gould two very handsome copies of well known paintings by Lawrence Alma-Tadema, "The Coliseum" and "Reading from Homer." The latter picture is among the greatest works of the artist, who is a Dutchman by birth and education, although a naturalized British subject. ; The following letter accompanied the that brought him S126.66, an average of taken the liberty of sending to the Nor mal and Industrial College in your care two copies of Alma-Tadema's paintings, and I hone the girls will enjoy these ton buyer for the David Dunloptobabco picturesque glimpse of life .in olden over 19 cents. . Mr. D. Robertson Dunlap, the Wins- was on factorv. : Petersburg:, a sales yesterday. Mr. S. W. Porter, a well-known &Co. street The bank case against J. E son, of Ashe ville, which is to be heard in the Federal court here, will hardly come up at the April term, owing to the fact that the term can continue on ly one week. The jury in the Breese case, after being out since Saturday failed to agree and were discharged yesterday morning, making a mistrial. Breese, Dickerson's partner, was con victed on the first hearing, but secured a new trial. bp.: R0! attention given to collections. '!!. Loans shoes at the Ward Shoe Company's west of the depot, and died in a few Will Ezell, of Haw River, was injur ed at that place Sunday night by at tempting to board the Southern pas- drop in ssnser train No: 15. on the bridge just monsville, S. C, living for a few years Mr. H. W. Lambeth, of Gkiilford, sold the past week 1,799 pounds of leaf S258.83 an average of over $14. prices ranged from $9.75 to $34. Rockingham furnished a numbef well-pleased patrons for this market past week. Among them were & Mateer, W. M. James, P. S. DNon, D. I. -Cummins, J. S. Sharp, Thos. Slade, J. N. Southard, J. M. Turnef, J. Doctoii MclVEit: I have hilr times. "Our visit to your school will always be a nleasant memory and I am glad to- that you invited us to make it. My bacconist. is here on a visit from Tim- only regret is mat i coum noij wv- ' li , ,-v,-,t-i it onnrunoiinTi ni I iih I 1 1 where be has been O P1?80 for His ! Of the Minor dial welcome the students gave me and make a nice address When they were in the assembly roomy but the gift of words has ben domed me. ! "With kind regards for all I met at the institution, I remain, Sincerely, Helen Milleis Gould." Greensboro people are still hopeful of the successful passage of the nieas ure before Congress; providing lor an appropriation of $75,000 for improving m. Wray, Michaux & Strader, W. and enlarging the government buna- Lester, J. R.Jones and Isaac McLoniani inerat this place. It is felt that the cir- Th f0ii0wiosr Alamance farmers cumstances make this a specially ur- from ten to fifteen cents e-entcase. It is not only a matter of their gales nere the past week: J importance to this congressional ais- jefrries, Jefiries & Fogleman, Mrs. tnVt. but is of interast to all the people T , S M. Cooper. Miss Mol- in this division of the western judicial n Cooper, C. L. Enoch, J. H. King, H. on It. -THE 0F.GREENSBOR0, N. C. I store last Thursday morning. No dam age was done, aside from disarranging the stock. ! At a meeting of the board of alder men last Friday evening D. FJ Busick ' tr snnoeed J. R": .TefTievS On the police force and Charles Hiatt was elected cemetery Greene resigned. keeper, vice Walter hours from the injuries. He was on the bridge, which has several offsets in it for pedestrians to step out of the way of the moving trains, and as the train came by he attempted to board it and was jerked under the wheels. One arm and leg were horribly mangled and he received an injury to his back. Hi! !.-! nessful operation for -The onlv bank in ; other than a strictly Savings uMness. Pays 4 per cent, com interest on time deposits. Vt Deposits Dec. 7, 1901, $19'7,8?1.8r In; est 1 jeinns ent. T. the first of J. AD. HODGIN, Treasurer. CUItE-NO iy all druggi flLL TONI( J11! i Iho oil Hrno-o-lRtR Sell GROVE'S At the meeting of the directors of the A competitive examination of appli- Centrai Carolina fair association last cants for appointment w; mc Wednesdav afternoon an executive the citv Academy at Annapolis will be held in committee composed of Messrs. T. M. the court house by i-roi. fliunui Arrasmith, W. C. Boren and J. D. and Prof. Wharton on Saturday, March Helms was named to co-operate with 29th at 9 o'clock. Secretary King in the preliminary ar- A large baked ham was stolen from rangements for the next fair, which West's restaurant Saturday night, the gUrpass all previous events of the fourteen-foot fence and fcind attempted by the association. nrizine open a window td get to it. A eacn lot of silverware lying beside the ham was not disturbed. Rev. Livingstone Johnson and wife, of Raleigh, spent Sunday here among their many friends. Rev. Johnson oopH to inrere fonsrreeations Sun- . . 1 1 t ai f r t A Ul- UlVlj yVll-l"0 parts of the seventh and eighth dis- f ov.h omhrflpin? thirteen coun- ties. These thirteen counties have a population equal to 17 per cent, of the population of the entire state, it ouiu aimearthat this showing should entitle Greensboro to special consideration. a enooioi fmm Tin rliii ffton savs the Al.nmance Loan and Trust Company, which was organized at that place re cently, has consolidated with the Bur lington Banking Company, under the name of the Alamance Loan and lrust . . i T XT I Jrtlf vrncl- rtiinanv. with uoi. j. xx. nun, i- rlent:J. A. Davidson, vice president M. Fix, treasurer; J. C. Staley, sec- -. s i T 1 f ril-OOTlC. retary. Mr. it. ij. v augun, ui iorrl rf directors. ne UOIU, in 1 1 li-it; uvui paid up stock is $45,000 and an auth- ciinanoo. Stock was encrerlv sought for by local linanciers, which attests the good feeling towards it. ,-QTiiirQ rrVl V W ill continue the banking business of the liurnngion Banking Company, in the same build ing, which will be remodeled and ar ranged especially for the baiiKing uuh- ew P- m r.;'rr V;ViljV 1 V ,l i i 1 n in dav morning ana evening at mc t.-ci r 11 TL 1 1 ry-. It AIIU1LIS .'!.. -v.n iirm I niinrHii itvn Ab. it to bitter "nauseating toniw. Price 50 c New buildings will be erected, others enlarged or improved, and everything will be done to promote the success of the fair. The date has not been defi nitely fixed as yet, owing to the fact that the State fair opens a week later than usual. Secretary King will open an office in the Scott building, on North Elm street. mes G. R. Maynard, E. L. Lindley, al ker & Jeffries, C. B. & B. F. Trolii ger and W. R. DeBrula. Guilford growers, have been comimg right along the past week. Just a of them were Anthony iong, fumniins. Annie Graves. Morehead & Mason, Pearson & Causey rJ. E. Wy&tt, V. H. Rankin, Lizzie Jeffries, Tatum & Pearson, W. F. Dawson, H. B.Smith, J. W. D. Michael, G. ol Hpskius, J A. Smith, W. O. Doggett, A. W. Seoggmis, A. S. Clark, Hunt & Simpson, D. A. Smith, J. R. Kernodle and Andy Ger ringer. Mr. G. W. Webb, one of Alamancje's successful farmers, sold here last week and expressed himself highly. pleased with results. Other Alamance farmers who sold here were Messrs. Cooper, & Coble, Hornaday & ShofTner, G. R. Hornaday, Jim Martin, S. M. Cooper, Gilliam & Bain, Boston Cable, Wilkes Cable, R. C. Dickey, A. G. & G. W. Wright, A. L. Slade, Christian Isely, A. J?Ross, J. H. Ross, W. F. Iseley, J. J. &. T. A. Barnett, J.H. Thompson, j A and E. F. Lowe, W. H. Ivahs, Dickey & Gant and Rufus Dixon. Commencement Exercises at Greensboro Female College. Monday Evening, May 19, Elocution Recital. . . Tuesday Morning, May 20, Annual Sermon; by Rev. T. F. Marr, of the Western North Carolina Conference. Tuesday afternoon., meeting of Alumnae Association and Alumnae Banquet. i Tuesday evening, Address to Alum nae, by Dr. Edwin Minis, of Trinity College. Durham. Wednesday morning, May 21, Gradu-' ating Exercises. ; ; . Wednesday Evening, Annual Con cert. ' The Can't Keep it Secret. sr.lendid work of Dr. King's New Life Pills is daily coming to light. No such grand remedy tor iiver aim Bowel troubles was ever known before. Thousands bless them for curing Con stipation, Sick Headache, Biliousness, Jaundice and Indigestion. rlry them. 2oc. at Holton's drug store. ; CITY N ATI Q Sj AL BANY GREENSBORO, N. C. , Annual Meeting of Farmers' Mutual. The next annual meeting of the Far- j , -r.-x l t TncnratiPP AKSOCia- mers luiuai x1 iic auxc..- - tion of Guilford County will be held in the court house in Greensboro at 11:30 A. M. on the last Saturday m March, the 29th inst. It is highly important that there should be a full attendance. J. R. Wharton, . 12-2t Secretary and Treasurer. plenty of feeds of all kinds, Dan Valley bran and ship stuff, the best on the market. Get our prices before you hnv Tucker & Erwin. . Would Smash the Club. T r m OTTl vpr nf the "Hav Fever As- L X 11AV1-LLWV v - J j cAniotinn" wnn k use ur. mng s ew DvtiuuvtA - CAPITAL.... $100,000.00 SURPLTJS AND PEOFITS ' 21,500.00 TOTAL ASSETS, 0VE2 600,000.00 If you have money to deposit we offer you King's would go to pieces, for it always SAFETY AND SECURITY this malady, ana ivsiuma, mc baffles the doctors it whony that drives from the system. Thousands! of once-hopeless sufferers from Consump tion Pneumonia, Bronchitis owe their lives and health to it. It conquers Grip, saves mue one irux X , vr. WALES 2. Polite attention to all business. We want your accouut. wvmnnincr Cough ana is m,orantftftd for all Throat and Lung troubles. 50c, 1.00. Trial bottles ftee at Holton's. LIE H. BATTLE, Cashier. . J. VU LINDLEY, Vice-President.

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