MR. FARMER, Save your clothes. Wear Key stone Never-Rip Overalls. Makes a neat, comfortable working suit. Will cost you one-fourth as much as you are now paying for your working clothes. , You want a i cutaway harrow. Ten styles at Townsend's to select from. 4t Womble & Wrenn Bros, will erect a new brick store building at Siler City eyes at the cost of his working clothes The niechanics and laborers of all classes have learned that the Keystone Never-Rip Overalls are the cheapest working garments on earth. - Now the farmeri has commenced to open his ffD hn Ay ilPiilif Every Pair Guaranteed. f j If they rip in wear, j You get another pair. Price, $l.r5 per Suit. J I I this spring. M Buggies, buggies, buggies. Several car loads of them at Townsend's, and prices were never so low. ll-2t The police last week rounded up a number of sneak thieves who have been stealing coal and provisions about the city. Mr. B. G. Chilcutt, of Brown Sum mit, Will shortly erect three tenement houses in this city near the site of the one that was burned last week. For church, chapel, school and cabi net organs see my complete stock. 9-tf. j W. H. Eller, East Market St., Greensboro, N. C. Mr. W. H. Pitchford, of Brown Summit, was one of our callers Thurs day. ; He has been suffering consider ably of late with a sore foot that was cut with an axe while chopping. Mr.; .Charles R. Elmore, of Brown Summit, has purchased a desirable lot on Tate street and will erect a dwelling thereon this spring. It has been whis- and wonders why he has not thought of it before, but it is la fact that the Keystone overall is just! as suitable to the farmer as any other working man. See new ad. of Chisholm, Stroud, Craw ford & Rees on this page. They are the exclusive brand. handlers of the Keystone There will be lots of cold weather yet, an dwhil - - . . ..... ' M the cut prices given below will it not pay you to visit our store J provide for cold days? Just read what we offer: Mr. C. C. Holmes, representing H. C. Tunison, of New York, publisher of maps, atlases ana cnarts, was here last week making delivery of a large xiuixiuer ui new btaie maps max ne naa 3 pieces all wool double width Dress Goods, worth recenuy laisen'oraersior. - ine patriot i5c. a yard, at was fortunate enough to secure one of 3 pieces Black Morris and plain 36-inch Skirting, the maps and it is prized verv htehlv worm 15c, to go at. in this office, as it shows everv railroad. 1 Piece Heavy Gray Flannel at river, county, township and postoffice 2 pieSeI 32vlch -ea7y WooAPss G?ods' gray in the state, besides giving much mar- 12C 8C 122C ginal information of interest to business men. We commend Mr. Holmes and his maps to the general public. Mr. Lacey R. Thacker, formerly of Greensboro but for several years a resi dent of Raleigh, where he is baggage and dark blue mixture, worth 40c, at 23 C 50 Men's Heavy Fleeced Undershirts at. 4-3 C 18 fine Black Fur Muffs, worth $1, going at 4-8 C 8 Fur Collarettes, worth 1.50, to close at .... 75 C 9 Fur Collars, worth $1.50, to close at 98C 700 pairs Men's Suspenders, regular 25. 35 and 40c. quality, at 15, 20 and 25c. a p?T. 2 Black Aistrachan Collarettes, $4.50 quality at J 1 Ladies' Silk Plush Cape, price $5, to close at j 1 Ladies' 91IK riusn uape, price $4, to close at 3 Navy Military Capes, price $2.25, to close at 6 Black Cloth Capes, price $1, to close at 1 Black Cloth Cape, price $2.25, to close at 2 27 Black Jackets, price $0, to close at . 1 short tan Jacket, price $5, to close at 2 short mixed Jackets, price $2, to cloe atN ' " 5 Child's jackets, price $2.50, to close at 10 Boys' Yoke Overcoats, worth $4, to close at 2 Men's Yoke Overcoats, worth 6.98, to eloJ."; Big lot Boys' Suits from 98c. to $3.50 per Suit ' worth double the money. l 1 XT A 11 11 il 1 1 . I ... pcicu mai mis eueiieui- yuuug geiiue-1 ixiHsier at me union station, was mar- man is"about to commit matrimony. ried in that city last Wednesday morn- Mr. O. S. Stalev. of Randolph, who ing to Miss Xollie M. Tonnoffski. a went west some months ago with the young lady of rare accomplishments. SHOES ! SHO E S ! S H O E S ! 1 1 - l. ... ... . -.1 I IV J-v nrn .-. J" . J 1 T. in ronTifn or motinnPiT nia nnma m i-o r it- i 111c icieiiiii iv vv i ie-rii irii wi ir hov i mi . . ; m mI1m6xvm,uUmt.0 wcvx j -tr j .vv. . . lUG PMCeS Wfi RTfl ClVlTlS' OT1 SnflPS.f'ATITint, rA Tmatrrta1 In V. nirr W V.o-rr Ui U on his native soil. He will try to get J- Ernest Thacker, pastor of theSecond just opened in Ladies'. Children's and Men's-all sties ZlTltv7 AUn nt TL t q"C '.u.ate Tmacoucinn nf Ilia 1 1 -Pr. i u Prpshvtfirian rbnrnh nf NTrrfV-ll- r to $2.50 npr rafr Our hncinocai'a rrrv-, Kn mo nt f i xi t s " lllVt vocvooiwu ui Lias cil lL , aiiU 11 -ilC , '-' iwnma. T c.. xr 1 ' wu.uj.vkJj i gwvA, uui vraub J.b UCltCl itUU UIC XJUaJillli; LilcSo IV W jriCCS H S an- PVtr does nothing vill ever tempt him to projner 01 ine groom, immediately WAW" w leave it again. v after the marriage Mr. and Mrs. Thacker Mr. C. H. Hancock has just com- left for Washington City and other pleted a new corn mill at his home Pmts coming by way of Greensboro, west of the city and will grind meal Tney returned to Raleigh yesterday, for the market. He has installed the At a' meeting of the Gate City Guards famous old Bobby Caldwell corn rock iast week Cant. R. M. Albright in the mill. The plant will be operated Lnnn v, t ; niv apuiuuucilli yJi Ills HO Li- by steam power.; commissioned staff of officers as fol- Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Brower. of lows: First servant Wm A TTna-v,- 3 7 CD" 1 ' ' aauuvUj Franklinville celebrated their golden second sergeant J. J. Smith; third ser wedding anniversary last Tuesday, geant, H. L. Weeks: fourth sergeant. Their eight children, were all present, H. C. Taylor; fifth sergeant, Glenn among them Mrj Charles E. Brower, of Brown; first corporal, E. C. Land; sec Greensboro. The occasion was one of ond corporal, R. P. Turner; third cor memorable'pleasure. poralC. L. Leftwich; fourth corporal, Will ! Priestly, the young colored c- T- Fuller; bugler, Logan Porter; man found in a drunken stupor in the arummer, Ulton Staples. Mr. J. S. bath room at Mr. J. M. Baley's resi dence one night last week was fined rown IEDry Ooodls 214 SOUTH ELM SHREET. from! 1 he . coat is made extra lene'th with -four pockets, including a safety watch pocket in front of coat; also safety watch pocket in apron of overalls. Coat has ad justable buttons. Pants made w ith bib and suspenders. CHISHOLM, STROUD, CRAWFORD & REES. i V " w' . - . . 1 ill TT- il IS -v ' ten dollars and costs by Mayor Osborn. It developed at the trial that Priestly had been in the habit of calling on Mr. Baley's servant. Superintendent J. W. Tyson, of the county convict force, went to Lynch burg last Wednesday afternoon to bring back: an escaped convict named Will Evans, colored, w;ho has been abroad for a month or more. He was A Simple but Effective Remedy. Mr. R. S. Phipps told the Patriot the other day of a simple but effective home remedy for colic in horses that should be known to everyone. One evening last week one of his plow horses came in from the field suffering with a very severe case of colic. When Kuykendall was elected second lieu- unhitched the horse laid down and tenant to succeed Mr. T. J. Murphy, would have died in a few minutes had who resigned on account of pressure of not Mr- Phipps acted on the sugges other business. The company will be tion of a neighkor woman w ho happen- mustered in at an earlvdate. Bd?art's ea 10 De at nls house at the time. She 1 II 1 I hall will be used temporarily as tan ar mory. . At last it seems that some work is to be done on the streets of Greensboro. told him to burn some cotton rags in a bucket and let the horse inhale the smoke and it would recover. The thing appeared so simple that he w;as incredulous, but he tried it, anyway, and in ten minutes the horse was up eating its feed. . He is convinced that the remedy is superior to any other and is willing that others may know of it. Rescue Mission Opened. Evangelist T. C. Hodgin, who has Three years ago bonds were voted to pave the streets, but, further than grad ing several streets and leaving them in sent up from High Point for burglary an almost impassable condition, noth- and has about half of a five-year sen- ing has been done. Some of the streets tence yet to; serve. are in a most deplorable condition and Constable David Scott was bitten on tne citizens have grown impatient at the hand last Wednesday bv a dog tne deJay in making improvements. uaut ne a attempting to seize under J clrtJ amrin en say, nas oeen recenuy returned trom an extended claim and delivery proceedings insti- unavoidable. At an informal meeting evangelistic tour through the New tuted by C. A, Long, of Proximitv. of the board of aldermen last week the England states, was a caller at th Pa. against Walter Kirkman. Had the supervisor of public works, Mr. W. T. triot office Thursday Since his re officer not been wearing gloves his Sergeant, was authorized to proceed turn from the north he has opened a hand would have been badly lacerated. witu tne work of paving and macad- Rescue Mission at 532 South Elm street He got the dog, however. amizing as soon as possible. Additional up stairs, the first service being held Messrs. A. F. and John R. Hancock, IOCk crushers wil1 be purchased and Friday night at 7:80. A cordial invi forrner 1 Guilfordites, have sold the sveraI forces of laborers put to work in tation is extended to all who are inter- WE HAV E E O D BERNAU, )flhe Jeweler, HAS A SPECIAL Bargain Ring Sale! THIS WEEK He has a few goods left over from last season which he is closing nut tn mve Texas Home Mutual insurance com pany, which they organized two years ago and have since successfully oper ated in Austin; for a handsome consid eration and they are now at work or- dinerent sections of town. The streets most in need of attention will be im proved first. President Mclver, of the State Nor mal and Industrial Coll f!t! Sto.?mpaWlth Washington last week was' so fortu- 1 Ltli xiiniiuii uoiiars wnicn Will tnnitP enter the insurance field. It is next to a certainty that there will in a few days be two rural free de- i , nvery routes out from High Point, paralleling each other as far as Mr. W.' J. Armfield'S home and there separat ing, one going northeast and the other as to secure from U. S. Senator Carmack, of Tennessee, a promise to deliver an address at thp ested in the salvation of the lost. How's This? We offer One Huadivd Dollars Reward for any case of Cararrfc tbat canaot be cured oy Hall's Catarrh Cure. J F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O. We. the undersigned, hav known F. J. SoV,f,r Th' U,st 15 yeaiv:- an( Relieve hiv UUA II in II m f i P TH i w rr ...... obligratitn mad.-, oy their firm. yesi oc xraui, w holesaie UDIO. TO OUR NEW ROOM! TWO DOORS NORTH OF OUR OLD STAND IN THE NEW BEN BOW HOTEL WHARTON BROS BOOKS mid STATIONERY; D EEP any wrug-tfists, Toledo, commencement of the college in May, oKhk)?1111 Wnole8ale ;Drug. wnen tne decennial celebration of the down in your heart vnn admire Gold Glasses, J don't you? They are pretty, ihodest. neat, tnstv rl fact, are the very best, because they are the solid stuff. Then, too tLo just them perfectly to the eyes arid face uiiu ube oniy me very finest lenses. Our skill is well known. We hive all styles of Frames and Mountings, in cluding the best in baser material Drs. Moore & Woodward IMPORTANT SALE OF LAN in ejrinij!!ir.i ;ou. to nl )urt h'.mseA m Sontb Elm Street. Over Hendrix & Co 's Store. institution will be held. Dr. Mclver iselighted with the prospect of Sena tor Carmack's visit. "The gentleman J? i m ... irom lennessee" is said to he on t of Hall's Catarrh flu , . w uivu 1UIC11 aiJY. ML Ir rnce 7oc. tdi Testimonials free. rectlv unnn tho KlH r faces of thiTVtAm "i"iV"r" Hall's Family pills are the best. 10,000 PAPERS BUIST'S .1 GARDEN SEEDS Georgia cane syrup is mad-e of pure cane juice. Try it. Hiatt & Lamb. rnnm fnr maw ctnv it will pay to examine th o-nnc -.c uw nas oeen sur They are Solid Gold, beautiful stones, etc.! veyed by Mr. Joseph S. Worth, civil the brightest men in the upper branch lit a H ttlf mit nf Ctvl i nA crn. on nfinonn T4- Zr 4 11. 1 1 . .. c . . , . . . w. v jit iv, aU L U L11C ill UNI. vutiuvti . I L 13 I 1 1 J I IM 1 1 1 H T. fl fl T rlTT A --i I II II 111 r Tl l T IriTI O I I orvic InrnwX .3 1 I T. - " " I w-v y A. 17A 11 t- "UU1 t-tiS3XLLlIt: Mill! 119 niXm II IU OVnontnrt -t-1-..r. . TA1 ... 1st the service wU1 be inaugurated. mand of English Js unexcelled by any eotuTXrill Tecommend Tfifver John Mason, an industrious oolnrH member of the ausrust bodv of .-hinh standard for the currency of the amhi- man livino- rm ( '1 Arj j i he is a tnPTnhpr A ci oT i i I pciayu . 0 vw. .uuicucau h piace ' 1 "iaiur ne lias on Reedy Fork, ten miles north of the ffw Peers- Our congressional delega city, had the misfortune to lose all his tion wJn attend the commencement personal property by fire one night last and Participate in the celebration, week. Two mules, a horse, all his feed. a TT7"T farm implements, etc., were included .u "Tl in the . -i yji me oiuie iormal nnri In- $1.00 Rings at 50c. $1.50-l.r5 Rings, TSc. $2.50 Rings at $1.50 R C. BERNAU The Jeweler New Benfcow Hotel. in the loss. Mason had nearly finished y-v . - a 1 paying for a farm of his own. and he is , "Z" 8 Ken m handsome eon-IZZTTH .i". ' -a 1- lit; GREENSBORO NURSERIES GREENSBORO, X yt N. C. F OR first class Fruit, Shade and ruamemai Trees, Vines and .Plants mail jdve them to our ae-ents or come to the Nurseries. We have no telephone communication but JnHe?1Sted us a Grape Vine," iin irthe.,PaP,ers aQd the "dear people" wilflet the "City Fath- kI gr,nt .us a franchise we hope to be able to talk to you in the chat. FapeS and have a social JOHN A. YOUNG !w Proprietor & very discouraged. A tribution was liindp him w i . UCUUJH 0linJ , 1,1 . . of this city to give him another s W "i J" -"" prevent lamps from ex- ' piuumg. io snow that thp MV T WT- TTl T.- . . ij , . 1"UB1 . m.iuh, 01 x3unmgton, has " reany ao what he claimed for it sold to the J. Aan Lindlev NurPrv he would nut a littlp f u i, n , . j - At, 1L1 a laniM vauj d pcui nee 01 iiis own origin. Mr. Holt originated the stock by graft- wiiu umerent mnds of pears and the result was the "Erne Holt" pear, of which its ordinary fruit weighs six- tccu uum-es ana large ones considera bly more. The fruit is a late variety and very luscious. It was named for Mr, Holt's daughter, Effie, and Mr. J. Van Lindley will continue the name. I Thefyice of Nagging- Clouds the happiness of. the' home, but a nagging woman often needs help - mS: 60 nervous and run-down m health that trifles annoy her. If she is melancholy excitable, troubled with loss of appetite, headache, sleepless ness constipation or fainting and dizzy SSVhS EIeetric fitters, the most wonderful remedy for ailing ' wo men, .Thousands of suflerers from fe- IStfoUblesLne-ous troubles, back ache and weak, kidneys have used it 9o!YiJSM nun 1JUt iue ournmg wick down in the oil. Of course the blaze was extin guished. The same test can be made with safety with the commonest kind or kerosene, as it will not explode until it, IS fipntorl cnffininntl - "kvvi ""luucuujf to generate a i a ue uemana lor the wonderful non-explosive agency is said to have been exceptionally good. Curiosity prompiea some one to make an analy sis of the powder and it was found to be common salt colored with a little bluestone. The versatile agent has promised to come Jback in a year with a fresh supply ; of powder at tv,o tW old price, but he will find little or no demand for it, as salt can be purchased aimost airt cheap at eery.; any corner gro- Oood paying roller mill, fine water power, 482-acre farm, good hniidmtm sale, one mile from Jarntnwn for Bargain. S-13t. O. C. Benbow, Jamestown, N. C. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood in your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. The kidneys are vemr Diooa puntiers, they fil ter out the waste or impurities in the lood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do their work. Pains, aches and rheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid in the kidney trouble. lu "cS'ecxea Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady th?vrVb!f LS' and makes ne feel as thlugh they had heart trouble, because the heart Is over-working in pumping thick kMncv PinedH lood throughPveL and Vrtedesf It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to thJtoZ DUt now modern ?r.o . . .. " 1Jr.s an conStittio.i At":zzsi.:.v1 "ear,y . : . - u,"c nave ineir bee nmg m kidney trouble. s If you are sick you can make no mistaW by first doctoring your kidneys. TnTM and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer', dwamp-Koot, the great kidnev soon realized. It stands the highest for its Jrr stressing cases by all druggists in fifty cent and one-dollar siz es. You may have a iel MCJ.ou how tofiSd ju nave iKianey or bUdder trouble Mention this taper vfien writing Dr. Kilife & Co., Binghamton. N. Y. "Jr Just received. Our , year is price this ONE CENT A PAPER We also have a variety of Bulk . Seeds Beans. Peas and : Onion bets. GRISSOM & FORDHAM Leading Druggists and Seedsmen . i Mm Jewelry Cempaay 326 South Elm St., Greensboro. Up-to-Date Jiswelry of Every Description. An Elegant Assortment cf Goods Adapted for Wedding and Birthday Presents, , Call and examine our eoods pleasure to show them. By virtue of the power of ro-salo undersigned Commissioner bv tht- ' "rj" ease ,f wiucio, Biiaii ouer ior sale at theci. door in the eity of Greensboro on Wednesday, April 2. 1902, at 12 o'clock M., to the last and Whi-t tor cash the following tracts of lauu In Washington township: First Tract Adjoining the lands ,,f mon snn nrhpn anrt K,..m,i..j .. . r , ginning at a stone on Geo. Chris'illlm i"w3 cttai, jj poies 10 a Hickory "i Kernodle's west 64 poles to a stuk. north 'fl nn an .-. i. . puoi UilK; IIIC'IICI' ( poiuB xo a epanisn oak on Troki i-vico w uiB ueginnmg, coutainiuL' :hj more or less. , , oewuu J-ract Adjoining tlu ai.ove bounded as follows: ileginuing at a s;r uiitiauu vunsinoQ's land; thence wet oa on the Harris line; tian. oM,, bcott s line to a chestnut; thence east taming 6 acres morn nr lesa .v, , i,t vu mu uunueusi corne )t tract and conveyed by K. U. Scoti.v v miVS ino recorcrs in the cou uiru iraci A rllnlnino- e""4u a u BWKe, BCOtt'S cornerr thi xiritK kJ 1 . - . ;V " UB, ime east yy. poles an thence 7o Doles to mri nob- o. .1, ling; thence southwest to the begiimiii',', ft "J" res more or less, lourth Tract The tVillnwin.r tr.,-., ,.f ""-."afu ttuuuu cou yarus north j! iliea.' oaxu irauta ana Dounded as follow- U. nlng at a stone on T.nviri 'im,.,,.,.,,,.., . 1 . . - x iiuim j nidi, thence west 5. poles to a stone; ttu h a 1 With 7lTnmAiVv.n..1- 1 t .,. ' .t wiuuicimiiU g line, hi tunc in gum bush; thence east with Uu -nii poles to a stone on Jacob Zimmerman thence1 south with th C(.i,i 1;., YA - l- 1 . auuwjpyrts io.cne nrst station, -ni.ta tt"u u Poles more or loss. lifth Tract-Adjoining tin; lan-N oi .lmmerman and others iimi lm., OW8: Uee-innlntr at a i.ior.u- 4 1 Iseley Scott and K. w. Kerno.!'. tnence easts fhnin nnri i ui-o t.. , ,.. . thence north 7 chains and be Jinks -..a oak, Mrs. Cllmer's corner; them. ,; c -8,a Post oak; thence north Mi au2 V.1K8 zo a stake; thence w esr r. and 71 links to a stake on . C, .-..t ueuee soutn witn his line to tli 1 chains and 80 links, containing or less. nhnn 1. i iucDc iauusare weil watered. conV' ni situated and a portion thereof well.iim auu uavegooa dwellings and out lioud tuern. maning will bein at $l,J .n i ZACilAltlAH CIIKI-MoN T , , C'omiiii i" John A. Barringer, Attorney. -TTV-- J MORTGAGE SALE? Pursuant to' the power vested in the u signed by a certain morttrsiiro deed exeel by jW. J. Atcherson nnd Mrv F. Ateh to David L. Stafford, deceased. u tin day pf May, 1896, and recorded in the riegister of Deeds for Guilford emu, a book No. 1ft;, Pac-e 393. etc.. I will c.: l " at the court house door In the t it . boro on Monday, April 7, 1902, a certain tract of land in fumtn-!: ship as the lands" of W. J. M , 1 tainlnsr eiirhtv noraa mr,. - ing the lands of Henry Barker. .! and others and known as the a-v e the waters of Moore's creek. At the samn timootiri r.i.wr. number one gold watch ana t tools, also one mule as the proj n t Koberson, mortgaged to said dt- recorded In honk- n or r.u,r,. w a 1 sell the right to sell in GuiJiord at. counties the Rocking Chair Cluir'n. ters patent number is 4h,013. x eoruary 8th, l'.nrj. K. M.STAFl-OKD, Adm ': teres It's a 1902, VERY LOW RATES TO THE NORTHWEST JHAKUii 1st to APRIIi 30th, The Norfolk & Western Railway points at exceeding low rates t thWwi,1, to PM?Xte?g V, e,t Tm never be so ehean " cholce ot three route? Write for rates and schedule- sir to what point you are mw'8H our nearest station to this line ee any agent of N. & W.ByjT; 1 !l ' M. F. BRAGG, Trav. Pan. A- wnnuftc, VA. . : QUA 11 ANTE E To Extract 'J Without Pa i And without any pain, s,.-pUi::l' 10. lowing. A new prepaifctiot; 'nti eucaineor anythih i'ht will m ; the svvtem. Sow is voiir tune t,, l-. ' 1 troubleKme te-th vn,njr '. 1 N. past two year. I h&ve tnel evervtr u mrf ei tr in 10 And eomethin's it what this preparation will do. it 1 tnmg and no other dentist in Gtnif. et it- Uon't -lake, no good." There are none. Give me .1 11 you don't find it as I Bay, iteo.-tj DR. GRIFFITH, DENTIS urer llaiTv.Belk Bros ' i ) ;t M lie If u'"t St"! e. !W. B. BEVILL- Gi. Pmu. Aent, VICICS YELLOW PIME CURES 25, DtSiSSslorativci enna bsky wo, uirtBT r.oUGH AND LUNG DISEAS VERY TIGHTLY BOUND J