c i F Y O U ,QWLY that low prices were at their low est in our store right now, you wo u I d be h ustl i n g in to take advant age of them. ITS A FACT IOC A T i iT-U Vv underwent a .Leo's hospital that we will sell you a Suit of Clothes, Overcoat or Heavy Und erwearo heap er right now than at any other sea son of the year. Why? J tOME AND SEE and we'll make it interesting for you. - Chisholm, TROUD, Crawford & Rees Yager's'LiInlment for mail or beast. Mr. B. E. Tobio, of Danville, V?, has bought from Mr. E. Bird Hughes the Skreemer Shoe Store. ' - I 'Mr. Patterson Coble and Mies Lillian' Smith, both of Guilford county, were married Thursday by Esq. J. B. Pearce at his residence. . . ' Rev. Edward Ellis Crrf a prominent Socialist leader of Chicago, delivered au address to a small . audience last Thursday night in Union Labor hall, j i Mr. Jj. M. Marsh, brother of Mrs. T. J. Copelandt of this city, ; died at his home in High Point last Thursday: morning after a lingering illness of ty phoid fever. " , , i Mrs. Li. L. Nash, who serious operation at St. a month ago, is improving. She has been removed to her, home, 221 North Spring street. , Mrs. J. W. Parker's mother died ;at Mt. Gilead, Ohio, January 29th v She is remembered in Greensboro by many friends, where she visited her daughter for a year or more. j Mrs. S. G. Fry slipped on the ice last ! Wednesday and fell, breaking the small bone in her Jeft arm " below the elbow and sustaining a painful bruise on the left side of her face. v Mrs. Etta Chilton, of the Pomona cotton mill village, who was terribly burned one day last week while build ing a fire with kerosene, died Thursday from her injuries and was buried Fri day afternoon at Muir's chapel. You want a plow. We are so well COLLEGE, BASEBALL. Here satisfied that we have made that we are wil teat it for one week, and satisfied return it and we will refund the best one ing to let you if you are not Call on Town-S-8t. s 300 South Elm Street. J your money cheerfully, send & Co. : "- At St. Benedict's Catholic church Tuesday night of last week the rector, Rev; Father Vincent officiated at the Leonard and both of Fall i- RJoiitf nop TTaDvynn stop at our store and iet us show you our new line of Syringes and! g hot VJater Bottles. ?'. We also have a fine line of Toilet Goods, . ""l . . j Perfumes, Extracts and Soaps. Vou don9t have buy anything if you don9t want to you will be welcome anyway. to OPEN ALL NIGHT. r-t-tttt t T itttiniiinii , marriage of Mr. Joseph Miss Jessica Watson, River, Mass. Only a few friends wit n eased the ceremony. Mr. Leonard is examiner of masonary work on the Southern Bailway witrj headquarters temporarily at Thomasville, where they will reside. t Nellie Gray, an aged white woman who has been cared for by the county for a number of years, di ed last Thurs day in her room over F. F. Smith's undertaking establishm ent, on South Elm street, where'she has been living some time, being given an allowance by j the county commissioners. She was placed in the county home several times, but refused to stay there. Her age was about 90 years. Chapel Hill correspondence of the Raleigh News and Observer: J. C. Wright, 1905, has opened a law office in Greenrbofo. While "at college Mr. Wright was known as an "all round man," being a member of the 'Varsity football squad, and a representative of the University in two inter-collegiate debates, as well as standing second in his class in point of scholarship. Since his graduation he has studied law at the University of North Carolina and Chicago. ' f Mr. Robert C. Strong, an attorney of itaieign, was last Tnursday elected by the Supreme court judges as Supreme court reporter. Mr. Strong succeeds to the position held by Judge J. Craw ford Biggs, of Durham, who has held it previous to his election as a Superior court judge. Mr. Strongjis a son of the late Hon. George V, Strong, and iswell equipped for the duties of the position. He is a man of splendid character and the selection will be a pleasing one to his many friends. ; r Charlotte Observer, 7th: The stock holders in the Harry-Balk Brothers Company, of Greensboro, met "at the office'of Belk Brothers here yesterday afternoon. Mr; D R.Harry, the capable manager, at Greensboro, was present and be reported that the past year had been by far the most successful in tne history of the concern. J Officers were re-elected as follows: President, Mt. W. H.' Belk; vice president, Mr. J. M. Blk; secretary, treasurer and general manager, Mr. D. R. Harry. In the Federal court last Thursday Jude Boyd instructed the clerk to pre pare an order setting Tuesday, Feb ruary 26, at 10 A. M., asj the time for the trial of the celebrated cotton mill cases, in which four prominent cotton mill men of Charlotte are charged with violating the United States contract labor lawB by importing cotton mill labor to 'this country from England. These cases have been delayed on ac count of the illness of Mr. C. W. Til lett, of Charlotte, of counsel for the de fense. ..j :. .. Application has been made to the secretary of state for a charter for xthe W. H. Dunbar Company, of Greens boro. This is the title of the new firm which will open a dry goods store in the store room In the Inights of Pyth ias building, owned by Mr. C. E.Hol ton. j The company will have a capital stock of f 20,000, the incorporators being Messrs. W. H . Dun bar, R. S. Petty and R. N. Had ley. , They expect to be gin business I about March 1st. The purpose of the corporation is to conduct a ladies furnishing store lin addition to i a line of ladies' and misses' fine" shoes. Carolina' arid Virginia :to fzj ' oiner Games for Greensboro. - Mr; L.J. Brandt, who has charge o Cone Athletic Park, has contracted with thn mana&rers of the teams of the Universities of North Carolina and VI rein in to have these old time rivals nleet on the diamond here on Satur day afternoon, Apjil 20th. Carolina and Vireinia will "both have strong teams during the approaching season apd the game to be played here wil be exciting and hotly contested These teams have played in this city several times In recent years and they never ; fail to draw large audiences 'manv npnnle nomine here from a" dis tance to witness the games. Hence, it exnected that with favorable wMther.thBv will have a large crowd of rooters when they meet here again 1 Greensboro will haye no professional baseball team during the coming sum mr hnt the followine is a list of the games thus far arranged by Mr. Brandt to be played at Cone Athletic Park: March 26 Guilford College vs. La Fayette University. lvrrh 28 Davidson College , vs. Cornell University. March 30 Guilford College vs. Uni versity of North Carojina. Anril 1 (Easter Monday) GuUfoid College, opposing team not known. April 2 Guilford College vs. George Washington University. V April 6th Guilford College vi.iA & M College, of Raleigh v April 8 and 9 Davidson College vf. George Washington University. April 13 Guilford College vs. David son College. : - Aprir20 University of North Caro lina vs. University of Virginia. Aprif 27 Guilford College vs. Wake Forest. May 5 University of North Caro lina, opposing team not yet known. In addition to the above Mr. Brandt expects to secure some of the National or American League teams for exhibi tion games here on their return from their practice trips South. In the above list it is to be observed that the names of Trinity College and f Oak Ridge Institute do not appear. 'This ii regrettable, from the fact that both of these institutions usually put out teams made up of fast ball players and the further fact thatj both are pop ular here If. their managers could ar range for these two, teams to play in Green sbora they may be well assured of drawing a liberal patronage from lovers of baseball. Guilford County Historical Association. Editor Patriot:, The Guilford County Historical "Association will nom , iw next regular meeting early in March next. All residents of Guilford and all non-resident natives of the county are eligible to membership and their co operation Is desired. In addition to collecting data for a history, written and traditional, the association intends to have a museum, in which to pre serve any and all articles which will thmwj- licht nnon the customs and manners"ofour people for the last cen tury and a quarter, revolutionary and colonial. - . . "" ' - . ' As. perhaps a number of the people of the county may not find it conven ient to attend the next general meet- insr bf the association, if they will send their names to Miss Bettie Caldwell, the secretary, Greensboro, with a note expressing a dtsire to become mem hereof the association their names will be enrolled as such. -The association will be glad to receive any old letters, pamphlets, etc , to be placed in the museum, v It is honed that some of the public spirited citizens of our sister city High Point, will Interest tnemseives io forward the objects of the association there are still left in that city some old people who have treasured the tradi tions of the, county ana have 'or. can inform us of the existence and where abouts of interesting relies, documents, letters,etc. James imvioreitead, President or Association. February, 1907. - fo) il) TW1 ft' uU JmK 'fl-. -CHECKING--AGO 0UN1 to s - I SECURITY LIFE HAS GOO a YEAR. Officers and Trustees are Re-Elected at j j ; the Annual Meeting. - The sixth annual meeting of the pol icy holders of the Security Life and An nuity Company was held in the home office of the company in this city Wednesday afternoon at three o'clock: The; principal business of the meeting was the reports of the secretary and treasurer aud the re-election of three 3 " ' members of the board of trustees. J. Van LIndley was chosen chairman of the meeting and G. A. Grimsley named as secretary. . " ' ! The annual re port of decretary Grims ley showed a great increase in business. The amount of new business for the year, 1&06 amounted to nearly $5,000,000, with a net gain of insurance in force of $3,041,600. The amount of, insurance in force December 31, 1906. was about ;$p,000f000. - v . ' The amount of Insurance in force in North Caroliua is more than $7,000,000. Only three of all the other companies doing business in the state have as much insurance in force in North Car- olina. More than $1,000,000 worth of new business was written ' in ? South Carolina' during the past year. The company now has over 6,000 policy holders,! residing in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Virginia. The premium income for the year was over $315,000. The report showed the income exceeded the expenses of the company by about $100,000. The following, members of the bard of trustees were-re-elected for a term of three years: jf m. ilaines and r. H. Haines, Jr., of Winston-Salem, and Col. .W. -S. Thomson, of Greensboro. The other members of the board are: J. Van Liudley, Lee H. Battle, J. W Scott, Dr. J. P. Turner, G. A. Grimsley. of Greensboro, and Col. W. A. Blair, of Winston-Salem. After the policyholders meeting the trustees met and re-elected all of the officers, as follows: J. Van Lindlev. president; George A. Grimsley, secre tary; Lee H. Battle treasurer; W. A. Blair, vipe-presidentf Brooks & Thom son, attbrneys; C. C. Taylor, agency director; Drl E?R. Michaux and Dr. J. P. Turner, medical directors. The Limit of Life. The most eminent medical scientists are unanimous in the conclusion that the generally accepted limitation of human lire is many years below the at tainment possible with ; the advanced knowledge of which the race is now possessed. The critical period, that dR- termines its duration, eeems to be be tween 50 and 60; the proper care of the body during this decade cannot be tnn strongly urged; carelessness then being fatal to longevity. Nature's best helper after 50 is Electric jBitters, the scientific tonic medicine that revitalize PVPM7 organ of the bodv. GuarantAPrf oil druggists. 50c. What Our Beporter Savin New York. A recent visit to one of the largest paint factories in the world, disclosed machinery that was producing 10,000 gallons of Paint, and doing it better and in less time than 100 gallons could be made by hand mixing. This was the celebrated L. ss M. Paint. .. ' . . ' ;J- . ' The L. & M. Zinc hardens L. & M. White Lead and makes L. & M. Paint wear like iron for 10 to 15 years. 4 gallons L; & M. mixed with 3 gal ons Linseed Oil makes 7 gallons of paint at a cost of less than $1 20 per gallon. If any defect exists In L. & M. Paint will repaint fiouse for nothing. Donations of L. & M. made churches, s . : Sold by John A. Coppedge, Greens-. boro; Gibson ville Htidware Co.. Gib- sonville. . .. . " - , Recruiting Station. Greensboro is' to have a recruiting station for the United States army. During the Spanish-American war there was one here for some years. Capt. E. T. Winston," who is here, has he matter in charge and will leave Corporal Alford in charge. The station is at 330 South Elm and was opened last Wednesday. 'All males who are between the age of 18 and 35 are. elig ible for the examination. is indeed a business necessity and he who tries to get along without one is at a great dis advantage. It is not required that a person should have a large bulk of business in order to open an account. Pro fessional men; farmers, and even many women, are rurj ning Checking Accounts. If you have never done business in this.way and are not familiar with the plan, - come to us and we will get you started. A tissue builder, teconstructor, builds up waste force, makes strong nerves and muscle. You will realize after tak ing Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea what a wonderful benefit it will be to you. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Hoi ton's Drug Store. lo) HK OF South Ireewsooro - E. L. SIDES, Cashier conyers' "What -Went With.That Tired Feeling?" New Drug Store 356 South Elm t. . ' . FULL LINE OF STANDARD PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, STATIONERY. &C.. &0. Is what you will say afte you have taken a few doses of Cfi JULY WEED Prescriptions Accurately Compounded You all know me. . Z. V. CONYERS r Pins & MONROE DEALERS IN Building Material Call and see us for prices before placing yourordera. We carry the largest stock of Rough and Dressea Lumber and Shingles In the city and can fill your orders promptly. ' We have a large stock pf Fencing and Bars Lumber on hand at all times at bottom prices. Very close prices given on car lo s.V Office: Corner South Ashe street and South ern Railroad. regulates the action of the LiveF an Kidneys, purifies the Blood and tones up the whole system. The best remedy known for chronic Constipation. Call for booklet telling you what if has done for others. FoRDHAwi's Drug Store 514 SouUi Elm Street, GREENSBORO, N. C. It's What You Receive That Counts. Note the benefits to the policy holders of iie Provident iavlnffs lm Assurance. Society of Jew York EDWARD. W. SCOTT, PRESIDENT. 326 South Elm St., Greensboro. Up-to-Dato Jewerry of Every Description. &a Eltz&ni Atssrtaeal ef Goods AlzsUl f:r Wtddlng ad Birthday Frtssats. Through the agency of Gold & Gold, Inc., and their predecessors has been l, Qfma ApoIc? holders in ten years over $500,000, besides loaning 'i00'?00- fLnd at Dresent protecting them to the extent of nearly DT 8AVINGSrLlFEPraC results of Life Insurance in THE PBOVI- Reliable men wanted to' represent us in every county in North Carolina. GOLD & GOLD, Inc., General Agents, Successors to Peacock & Gold Co. GREENSBORO, -N. C. Call and examine otuT&rooda. pleasure to show them It's a DR. J. W. PETTY !NC0fiPORAT& DOCTOR OF VETERINAY SCIENCE RALEIGH, N. C. Bullen Buildlnir. CHARLOTTE, N. C Piedmont Ins. Building. BusiTr Education. OldeS hvwSnlS H Nth rojina. Established. Positions guaranteed, backed DV Written fOnt,r rt PJrt xronatln-n TnlllJ x . SI. uw v, Physician and Surgeon of Greensboro M. W -M III IJI I I HTT ITTIH T" V AVI AA . Tfc.T m m ' - Oo.0.. ...n X-X m ' . , wuuact, ro vacauon. indiv dimi inctntinn wai,;u t?.v. Consultation and Sureerv Sit.. wS?nJ!P :SM.liBeiid for Home Stndy Rate.. QUIET PRIVATE HOSpW - Address, - ""riW.T.iSS " , '--.. w v m m j Back of. McClammnh Mnntoi i rv- . mrnmrn WIU" I ; . pany's Store. , Hospital Phone 642. Eesldence PhonA ioea s - Raleigh, N. C, or Charlotte, C. Subscribe to The Patriot NOW. '