f , ... . j .-'..,. I.-- .,, ; : . - f - ' -, - . v - - . ' 4 - ' - . - , - . ..... , s. , , - . . . 1 . y ; , THE QnEEMSDOnO PATRIOT, JANUARY O. fOOO PACE 2. ' ' '! - , X, r.: , RETAIL BEICgAWIS MEET. ' I THE FinBHOHS; iffTr Mil) OKI $3 1 1 : i ! 1 ' i i t . : t i ; 1 f . T ! I i f I -1 1. a ' . 1 7" 1 "' I - . I Every Cloud' HAS IT'S Silver Lining Money mat ters are looking better and we have every rea son to believe that conditions will gradually become nor mal. Don't look for a burst of sun shine, but plow your soil deep; fine the, earth, use plenty of stable manure and your crops will be bounti ful and prices good. But. if you want good Clothes at hard time prices, take our :ALL WOOL all right kind. 1 Chisholm, : Stroud, Crawford & Rees J When There's SB (2 KM ESS In the Family Tho medicine chest Is usually drawn upon to furnish which over one of tho old family reme dies tho condition of tho slok one requires. Have you Investigated the con tents of tho oheqt lately to see what Is needed to replenish the bottfcsand boxes? Hadn't you bet ter do this and then bring tho. list to us to bo filled. We are thorough ly familiar with medi cine chest requirements and, besides this, our stock of drugs and medl olnes Is always pure and fresh. Wo also make a specialty of filling pre scrlptlons. Fariss - Klutz r Drug Co. THE DAT A5D RIGHT PHARMACY THREE LICENSED PHARMACISTS Telep&ones 36 tnd 464 SOUTHERN RED TRADING STAMPS. THEY ARE WORfH SAVING I The Thompson LumMr tompiDj, of this city, has been dlecbtrged from bankruptcy. Daring the month of December Beg Werof Deedi Kirk man Uaued fiOmar- riage llcenaea aa agalnat 114 for Decem ber, 1906. The Military 'Club, an organlrauon of Ihe member of the Gate City Guards, gave a smoker in the armory laat Fri day night. Mr. Robert W. Hodgin, one of Uncle Baoi'a vigilant poatofflce inapectora, baa returned to Mornatown. Tenn., after epeodlug the bolidaya with rela tlveu here. Rev. A. H. Shaw, of Charlotte, a brother of Judge T. J.Bhaw, of Greens boro, la la Ixmiavlllt, Ky., aaalatlng Kev. Dr. Egbert W. Bmith lo a revival meeting. Four tenement houaea at the Oaalpee mill- in Alamanee county, were de stroyed by fire on the morning of New Year's day, entailing a loas of about fOOi, which was covered by Insurance. The wife of Prof. Cbarlea II. Moore, a well known colored citizen of Greens boro, died lu Goldsboro laat week. For a number of years she had been an in mate of the asylum for the colored In sane at that place. Juflge Boyd has signed an order per mitting the Carolina Distilling Com pany, a Balliburj booze manufactory which waa recently seized by revenue officers, to resume operatlona upon ril ing a satisfactory bond. The annual New Year'a reception of the Merchants' and Manufacturers1 Club, which was held Friday night, was a aeiignuui social eveui. xumwu- . m . a nrk . fair was attended by a large number of Greenaboro's society people. J Reidsvllle Review: Mr. Thompson, an operator for the Southern at Ruffle, In an attempt to explode a big cannon cn.ck.ta Christmas, had his left hand blown off. lie was carried to a hoe pi tal in Greensboro, where bla arm waa amputated near the elbow. j Reidavllle Review: Dr. J. R. Smith of B ton evil le, one of the county' best known and. most popular physicians, died at his home laat Week. The news of Dr. Smith's' death will bring' aadnesa to the hearts of many friends all' over the county who held him in high es teem. While incarcerated In the High Point calaboose laat Thursday afternoon on charceot laiceny. a negro youth set fire to the bod d lug, and but for the timely arrival of assistance, both the structure and the prisoner would have been burned. As it was, the boy came near losing his life by nutlocatlou. It is announced that, beginning with the 15th Inst., the Southern Railway will discontinue two of Its' fab t pasen ger trains running between Washing tou and Atlanta, known as No. 39 and No. 40. On the same date the South em will nut on No. SI and No. 32 be tween New Yoik and Jacksonville. Local baseball enthusiasts are mani festing much Interest in the prospscta of the approaching season. Greensboro will be in the leaxue rtl be formed of North and South Carolina towns with a winning team, the money to insure a franchise having been deposited. The oubllc may confidently expect some fine sport during the dull summer days. A freight train on the A. & Y. divis ion of the Southern Railway was wrecked at a point four mile above Fayettevllle lat Thursday, several cars being derailed aud the track turn up badly. Tne passenger trains were de layed about six hours, the passengers on the Wilmington train for Greens boro and Mt. Airy being detoured by wayofSelma. Rev. John JL. White, the new paator of the Fiot Baptist church cf. this city, has arrived with his family from Beaumcnt, Tex a. He preached his first sermon to his new congregation Sunday aud made a splendid Impres sion. Rev. Mr. White la a native of North Carolina and Is regarded as one of the strongest and most useful min isters of the Baptist denomination. 1 Whiskey Sales In December. During the month of December the three drug stores of this city that have license to sell w hlekey and other intox icants on prescription filled 752 pre- scrlptlons, a decrease of 30 under the previous month. One member of the medical profession supplied one-tenth of the total number of prescriptions filled during December. Allowing a pint to each prescription the average Is doubtless nearer a quart the Greens boro d?ug stores sold 91 gallons of the anii :t during the closing month of the year, it must be remembered, bow- ever, that the drug stores supply, only a f mall portion of the liquor consumed la Greenibsro'. 4 Seven Years of Proof. "I have bad seven years of proof that Dr. King's New Discovery la the best medicine to take for coughs and colds and for every .diseased condition of throat, cheat or lungs," says W.-V. umry, of I'anama. Mo. The world has had thlrty-elght yeare of proof that Dr. King's New Discovery Is the ktt remedy for coughts apd cold. lagrippe, asthma, hay fever, bronchltbj rbsge of the lungs and the early stages cf consumption. Its timely use always prevents the development of pneumo nia. Bold under guarantee at all dmty atores. 602. Wlll Give Hearty Support to Centennial Ctletratlon Aisoclatlon Growing KapMiy, ' The Retail MersbanV Association, In the wor of which a constantly in creasing degree of 'interest is being manifested by many kubstantlal busi ness men of Greensboro, met in regular session last Thursday night and trans acted business of importance not only to the merchants but to the community in Reneral. Perhapsxthe action of nkit int.M.tiia that Hnn. tton of .tronfir resolutions pledging the hrtv and united suDDort of the aseo- elation, both morally and financially, .i. i.i .lahrattnri b hairi J LX D i fcCAJ Ai lm ViCas as awu v w tn nr.n.boro next October. Realizing (UK IUB tliCUIBUUU " WW wru jvr- Stable advertisement for the city and county and of Immediate benefit to the ifWHtl i.tiftinafi Interests, the association took acUon as Indicated by the follow- oh. Be It resolved, that the Merchants' AanMtinn herebv endorse the said movement and pledges the members of ud .Id .iid movemenl io so fJra.may i in .n for tha mamhr may feel able to do ao, in order to make the occssion a success, ana la order that ""J XZSWSZ cuineaPnedmWe h-rnhv Ttend to the board of manaeera the assurance of our appreciation of the jn the work of the Mount Vernon Asso eflorts they are making to make the clation being the North Carolina re- r., otr.tr and nrnfir-ai. ment in their natriotlc Dumose." Resolutions were adopted pledging each member not to sign any paper af- fectlng the retail trade In general until this shall have been passed upon by tha association: also, that no member shall advertise in or on anything un less the proposition shall have been ap- nroved bv the association, with the ex- ceptlon of newspapers regularly issued, streetcars, hotel registers, billboards, fitv 2d BtRta directories. A ratint? avBtem baa been adopted and this meana all the people of Greens- ham are to he rated according to their promptness in paying their bills. More than 4 000 people are already rated and others are being placed on the list every anH dUtrlbuted only to the members of the association. Iu the bulletin is printed the names of all persons who are class!- fled bv the merchants as deadbeats. or r r, nnohia fn nrtiionr 1 1 1J LA A TV UU LLI U - W MA W VaMVW W I bills. If the secretary of the assoeia- tlon Is unable to collect the bills, they are then turned over lo their attorney. The association now has ninety-eight members, the membership having been doubled within the last three months, Mr. H. C. Huntlev. of the Huntley- Stockton-Hill Company, is the etacient resident of the association. The de- tall work of the body is in the capable M.A cm a a au&. &abaww av m w w mtm mm mm mm mm m u the secretary. Hunt Family Reunion, j Deferred from last week. i A reunion of the children and grand children of the late Rev. Moees J. Hunt was held at the residence "of John T. Hunt, 003 Walker Avenue, last Wed nesday. All or these were present ex cept E. T. Hunt, and three children, of Oregon, and Mrs. Frank F. Jones, a grandchild, of Charlotte. After the arrival of the guests the parlor doors were thrown open and a Christmas tree. -lighted with candies and loaded with gifts, was In view. There were presents for all and these were at once delivered. Members of the family residing in the city had prepared a regular family dinner. This is tho secoud reunion of the family of ten children and grandchil- dren, the first being in Burlington on Christmas day of 1900, when all of the children and grandchildren were pres ent. In July following the first reun ion Mr. Hunt died wnne visiting in this city. - Those who enjoyed the hospitality of the Greensboro members of the family Christmas day Were: John T. Hunt, wife and three chlldron; Mrs. S. J. Hunt and three children; Henry and Misses Jennie and Llla Hunt; Mrs. L. B. Sadler and seven children; Will B. Hunt, wife and five children; J. Mar vln Hunt, wife and two children, all of this city; the Rev. Robert E. Hunt, wife and child, Btauntonsburg; C. W. Hunt, Charlotte; a nephew, P. M. Hunt, wife ahd five children, and Mr. and Hamp Cousins and Mrs. J. A. Cousins, also of Greensboro. nclver Memorial Volume. m 4 m. mm a many naiienng nonces nave ap peared in the press of North Carolina and other states concerning the memo rial volume of the late Dr. Charles D. Mclver, recently, issued under the di rection of the board of directors of the State Normal and Industrial College. it is a very band some volume of 2S6 pages, bound in morocco. The book is a compilation of a great deal of inter esting matter concerning the life and work of this highly gifted and useful son of North Carolina. ine dook was compiled and edited by a committee of the faculty of the BUte Normal and Industrial College consisting of Prof. W. C. Smith, Mrs. Mary Settle Sharp and Miss Viola Boddle. . Wood Wanted. If yon have wood to sell call and see me. I think we can trade. . S-tf ' 8am Brown, Walker Avenue, Greensboro. Two Aged Ladles Pass to the Great Beyond End of Promising Career of i oung ' : Attorney.' ; V MISS 'liOUIA LINDSAY. ; After a long and washing Illness, Mies Ijoula JLindsay dlea at ner noma uu South Greene street late last Wednes day afternoon, aged 60 years. The funeral was held from the home Fri day morning at 10.30 o'clock,. the ser vice beine conducted by Rev. Melton Clark.of thefclrstrresDyterian cnurco, Lr which the deceased had been member since girlhood. Miss Lindsay was a member of on of the oldest and most prominent fam iliPB nf this section and was a woman i -w- - . of lovable and attractive personality, Rhn f survived bv two Blstere Miss I - " Lizzie Lindeay, of this city, and, Mrs. H. W. Reld, of Mt. Airy. MRS. lettie h. walKEB. Mrs. Dettiel H. Walker, the eldest Uhiid nf tho late GevernorJ. T. More- head, died at her home in Sp.ray last I Wwln-sdav mcrht. The funeral waa Kjgj ln tnat place Friday afternoon Walker reached e ripe oia age I of fLS-vears. retalnme all her racuitlea to the last. She was a highly gifted woman and was often honored by patriotic .oclet.e. of which .he wa. a member. She waa especially Interested gent Of that DOdy. ' Mrs. Walker was a cousin of Maj. Joseph M. and Col. James T. More- head, of this city, and often visnea in Greenaboro. " CHARLES W. SAPP. The funeral of Mr. Charles W. Bapp, whose sudden death was briefly noted In the last Issue of the patriot, waa held ln Kernersville, the former home of the deceased, last Thursday and was attended by a large number of people who had known and loved the deceased. The death of Mr. Sapp was peculiar My ead. Endowed with a ibrilliant mind ahd blessed with a gracious per- eonallty, it seemed that life held much i "tore for him. He came to Greensboro Ave years ago, Immediately after being Incensed to oractice law. and at once entered upon the work of his chosen profession. He grasped the intricacies ef the law readily, and It was predicted by the older members at the bar that I hft would reach & high place ln the ranks of the profession. Among the new enterprises the New Year brings to Greensboro is the Fur nlture Distributing Company, which has been chartered by the Secretary f State with a capital of $10e,000 to man ufacture, buy, sell, Import or export all grades of furniture, ine company, which is under the management of Mr. M. Li. Bloomberg, has offices on the second floor of the new Bevill building. Tow n send; & Co. have the See them. best hay press made. 50-St.. Nineteen-Eight. That's what It is. nineteen hundred and eight. 1907 is a thing of the past, and its up to all of us to look forward and not backward; up and not down. At this store we have every reason to be satisfied with last year's business, but we certainly don't expect to "let well enough alone." 1907 was a good year and we want 1903 to be still better. To begin. right, we want a good lively trade all during January. .Lota of goods here in every part of the-store, AND THEY ARE ALL PAID FOR. SO W6 are m a position to quote tne lowest possible cash prices. - You can depend on buying desirable, reliable dry goods; shoes, carpets and notions here, and we promise our best efforts to please you ana give you a equare deal every time you trade at this store. CONVERS' New Drug Store 350 South Elm St. FULL LINE OF STANDARD PATENT MEDICINES, ! TOILET ARTICLES, j STATIONERY, &o &o. Prescriptions Accurately . Compounded s ! You all know me. - 2. V. CONYERS Mm falfj Gipy 326 Sonth Elm St, Greensboro. ' Up-to-Dato Jewelry of Every Description. Y ; is Qtz&at ainertatat ef Seels A&uUi fa Willing &n& Hrtiiiy Prcxiats. i Call and exa-nlne our roods, it's pleasure to show them t STOLEN: Six Hundred Dollars from aman .money. S60O forever - savings aeparimeuii. E. P. WHARTON. President, yh. E. U SIDES. Cashier. 'yr - ' . 1 new v T M B D-- mrm B II kl l aa B irl B II If 1 II II B B A .new store and well-equipped repair shop have benen established at the Fentress Mine at Center, 11 miles south of Greensboro. NEW STOCK OF GOODS Special sales Wednesdays Jand Satur days. SHOEING AND REPAIRING DONE. Cash paid for Cord wood. Wood choppers wanted. Steady work and see us. THE FENTRESS i! !i il i STA1VI EY SA W ITARI U li GREENSBORO, N. C. FOR THE TREATMENT OF TUBERCULOSfS E. L. STAMEY, r.l. v. Cosby Patent Air-tight Baker and rieatet The IT DOES DOUBLE DUTY - It warms the coldest and largest room in the house, making it cozy. The busy housewife can cook orbake anything from light rolls to a Thanksgiving or Christmas turkey. Still it looks just as neat as any heater made. It is air-tight and a great fuel saver. Thousands are be ing sold. Thousands of housekeepers are enthusiastic. Fine Cast Iron tops and bottoms, making it last for years without repairs. , Made only by ; UNION STOVE CO., Inc., ox 2745,' : RICHMOND, VA. SOLD BY HUNTLEY-STOCKTON-HILL COMPANY. Worth-Sherwood 701 EAST WASHINGTON STREET Highest Cash M. S. SHERWOOD, Pres. who didn't believe that a good bank is the best place to keep An estimable and hard working farmer who Uvea in this vicinity recently suffered, the. loss of six hundred dollars, by theft, because be ; thought that in hie possession the money would be safer than in the bank. This loss has been a lesson to the man and should serve as a warn ing to every other man wbfo hoards his money at home. Deposit your money with us, where it will be surrounded by every financial safe guard, subject to check or drawing four per cent interest, compounded quarterly, in on - A. m, - p. -..-,.. - r . -1 J n v n mid M q n a i ir b n n for good men. Call V MINE yr .5S5S ' VmJX. V ti ' t J -X Jf. f i D., Medical Director Most Convenient, Usefiil IT MEATS .and Economical Stove 1 for the. Home Ever. Made. . . . ! .! " lmmmim.' TV'!' Qj 4 WW.' Shuttle Block Co. Prices Paid for HIRAM B. WORTH, Treas. x 1 i. ; V v . ' . I-

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