A A (: VOL. 87. GREENSBORO, N.C WED HE'S DAY. JANUARY 15, 1 908. NO. 3 - I I - . . .... . ...... .. . 'V- ' " ; . . - - - - , - " ' ' - "! i , ,....... , ...,.--. w---,.. ... ..... .. . .,,,,. , " ; ' . -, - . ' "i 1 1 1 in ii " ' ..... ' "IMV - . - . .'' Hz W. J.. RICHARDSON orrscc: mcadoo building mir to rotrorrtcc RCStDCNCC: 015 WCST.GASTOn ST. J. H. BOYLES, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 03 la IIol ton Drur Store BuHdlc. occ rixoao ea&. . , CJ.E.WYCHE . DENTIST OFFICE IN CARTLAHD BLOO. ewTM clh it.. ttano. . Dc M. F. FOX PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON GUILFORD COLLCQC. N. G r EX A. BURTON DENTIST 02m In Mrt. WAUIarton balldtax. Neat door to Conyer'g Dru Store. . Cjxtalra. C. W. BANNER. M. D. mcin rorromcn. Prftctlc Limited to the Eye. Cat. Nom and Thro!. Ofi Honra-e A.M.tol P. K4 0 P.M. to I P. M. tfundAT. to 10-30 JL. M. ftren to the worthy poor. Dr W. P. Reaves rvdTTM (loaM 8arjroa New Orleans Ere, Ear, Mom and Throat HotplUX. Practlc limited to Diseases mS Sat ly cf E7. Ear. Noso 3 Throat. Hoars L to I P. ilalAoo Calnr. Next to Postdfloa. Dr. C. TV LIPSCOMB DENTIST Offlc orer Bjfce Dm Ootnpany. Pbone TX. OrJ.R-YfilliamS .Dr.A.F.FQrmnehpon the funeral of Mr. L. M. Mc- Offices-fOS W. Washington. ItOVSbK 13 to 1; S to 4. noma: 8-30 to 10; I to 8. Trtm aialo for Poor uwmnr nurnw i &PitXUW!: five-room cotUge, good barn and out 3 to a, buildings. Address M. M. E. R., care a. v.TvkO. . Taylor O ScaJes ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW cuzxnoio. v. c. jitUrt M- Docf laa. Robert D. Douglas. DOUGLAS & DOUGLAS ATTORNEYS AT LAW sfftta ta Crasr Lata aaA Trust Bit. THOMAS C. HOYLE ATTORNEY AT LAW CUT tl Bssk BMr- Crerastora, V. C. 8elil attention firen to collections. Loans negotiated. Robert C. Strudwick UTORNCY a AT ) COUNSELLOR LAW til Casrt Ittsrt. CEXZ33B0X0. V. C F. P. HOB GOOD. Jr. ATTORNEY AT LAW. 0 In wrffht Dulld!cx. Opposite Court House Oreomboro, N. C S. GLENN BROWN ATTOsirrT at law WrilVt Bunding. ICS North Elas St. Lrrt ft. Boot. 0a. B. McLean. SCOTT & McLEAN ATTCSSSTS AT tfflut ill Ceart Smarc. CresasWrs.WX. GEORGE M. PATTON ATTORNEY AT LAW MS Overt Square. - Greensboro, K.C THOS. J. SHAW ATTORNEY AT LAW Tornend & Co. have the best hay press made. Bee thexxi. . 0-St. Unltsd States Martha! Mlllikan li In AthcTllle on private builne?s. Head Thacker & Brockmanu'a ada. on page two and last page this week. MaJ. Charles M. Btedmaa baa re- tamed from a stay at Mt. Airy White Balphur iprlogi. . Mlsa JLinda Wharton hat resigned aa secretary of the Greensboro Young Women's Christian Association. Mr. B. C. Campbell, manager of the Pelty-Keld Company, la confined to his home on West Lee street by illnesa Mr. J. Arthur Kernodlt, after a visit to relative and friends here, has re turned to hla home at Camp Hill, Ala. The banka of the city will becloaed next Monday id observance of General II. C Lee's birthday, which occurs on Sunday, the 19th. Numerous friends and acquaintances will be interested to learn that Mlsa Charlotte Oorrell Is recovering from a ssvere attack of pneumonia. Mrs,' Annie My rick died at her hom t on Church etreet Sunday morning. The funeral and interment took place at iltuea' chapel Monday afternoon. The market on hide la looking up a little. Bring them to me if you want the highest cash prices. A. C. FORSYTH. Mr. n. N. Brown, an aged and high- ly e teemed citizen of HUlsboro, died yesterday. He waa a brother of Mrs. J. A. Pritcbett and the late Mrs. J. M. Wolfe, of Greensboro. Tbelma, the two-year old daughter I of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Johnson, died at the family home ou Dick street Fri day evening. The funeral took place at Zlnk's chapel Saturday afternoon. lira. L. L. Gaakill has returned to her home In Salisbury, after a vim to her father, Bev. T. J. Ogburn. 8he waa accompanied home y her hus band, who spent Sunday In Greens boro. Berl H. K. Boyer, of Charlotte, a for mer pastor or uemenary -aiemouin church, In this city, spent yesterday af ternoon In Greensboro in attendance Ieeney. , near Greensboro, under gooa siaieoi cuiuvatioo; whi, pnog, rwu witunu, Patriot. 3 2L Mr. Joseph T. Farias, af Oxford, i arrived the latter part of last week on a visit to his mother, Mrs. Annie G. Farias. Mr. - Fariss is secretary and treasurer or the Oxford Buggy Manu facturing Company. Mr. R. W. Smith, of Walnut Cove, and Miss Claudia Pegram were married Sunday by Squire It. W. Jones at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Pegram, near Stokesdale, in the presence of a few friends. Now Is the time to prepare for plant- In? ahrubberv and privet hedge. If m m " a. m a yon contemplate Dcauuxymg your home this spring drop Mr. F. . DuUy, Greensboro. N. C. a card and he will gladly furnish information and est! w w mates. 8-4L Dr. John A. Williams, a prominent young member of the medical profes sion of Greensboro, has been appointed chairman of the section on surgery of IheTrl-titate Medical Society for the meeting to be held In Charlotte on February IStb. At a called meeting yesterday after noon of those Interested in Greensboro's proposed auditorium, It was decided to purchase the Jamestown exposition auditorium, and Mr. C. L. Benbow, ho bad trone to Norfolk to look into the matter, was instructed to close the deal. Fire insurance adjusters representing the companies Interested are expected to be in Greensboro tomorrow to adjust the loss of the Sherwood Bobbin Man ufacturing Company, which suffered such a heavy loss about ten days ago. Insurance was carried on the property in about 25 companies. The handsome new J 1,500 school building erected at Springfield, near High Point, wUl be dedicated Friday. The occasion will be marked by a pic nic and celebration. Prof. J. Y. Joy ner, state superintendent of public In struction, has accepted an invitation to be present and deliver an address. Mr. T. L. Neece, of 'Richland, Iowa, la hsre with bis wife and son visiting friends in southern Guilford and north- . i - .a em itanuoipn, woero us was resreu. Mr.Neece has been living In Iowa since 1S83, and this Is his first visit home In eleven years. Mrs. rieece is a western woman. They will return to Iowa the latter part of the month. FIRE AT GUILFORD COLLEGE. Kin? Hall Burned fton4ay Morning Loss of Valuable College Library. Guilford College suffered a serious lose by fire early Monday morning, when King Hall, one of the principal buildings of the college group, was de stroyed, together with the greater part of the contents. The estimated loan la near $25,000, with only $7,0001nsurance. The fire originated from an unknown source In the basement and was dis covered by the janitor about G 80o'clock. By hard work on the part of students and members of the faculty, a small part of the valuable college library and a portion of the furniture were saved. The building contained the library, two society halls and six class rooms. The library contained about 8,000 vol umes, of which about 1,000 were saved. Many books and records that cannot be replaced with money were burned. Kiug Hall waa a substantial brick structure, and the walls so far seem to be standing almost intact, with the exception of the. octagon shaped ex tension on the east side of the building, which Is badly cracked. The building was erected 22 yeara - ago, takiug the place of the original structure, which waa erected in 1871 and burned in 18S5. The trustees of Guilford College met In this city yesterday afternoon and de cided to proceed at once with the re building of King Hall. Mr. J. El wood cox' was lustructed to associate other gentlemen with himself as a building committee and arrange at once for the erection of the new struct ure. A larger and better building than the old Kiug Hall will be erected. It will contain a fireproof hall for the li brary and will be thoroughly modern in every particular. The new building will cost 130,009. Lee H. Battle Rcslrns as Cashier of the Cily National Bank. The annual meeting of the stockhold era of the City National Bank waa held yesterday, when satisfactory reports of the past year's business were submitted by the officers. The present members of the board of directors were re-elected to serve for. the ensuing year. - y The most Important business to coma before the directors, who assembled following the meeting of the stockhold ers. concerned the resignation of Mr Lee H. Battle as cashier of the bank Mr. Battle resigns tbe position of cash ler, which he has held for the pas eight or ten years. In order to devote his 6'itlre attention to the busluess o tbe Pomona Cotton Manufacturing Company, of which be I president and treasurer. Tbe directors of tbe bank did not elect bis successor at yes terdav's meeting, but will do so in tbe near futare. Other officers of the bank were elected as follows: W. 8. Thomson, president; J. Van Lindley. vlce-preeident. Charles F. Cilne, assistant cashier; T. B. Ogburn, mauager sayings department; J. M. Moser, book-keeper; J. A. Williams, note teller; George Foushee, collector. Stockholders and Directors Meet. Annual meetings of the stockholders of the American Exchange Bank and the Bank of South Greensboro, the latter being a branch of the first named Institution, was held yesterday. The business of both banks was found to be In a highly satisfactory condition. All the old officers and directors were re-elected, with the addition of F. H. .Nicholson as assistant cashier. The officers are as follows: E. P. Whar ton, president; J. W. Scott, vice-presi dent; R. G. Vaughn, cashier; F. H. Nicholson, assistant cashier. Directors: J. H. Mclver, Gulf; H. G.. Chatham, Elkln; J. Van Lindley, Pomona; W. C. Boren, Pomona; E. P. Wharton, E. A. Brown, David White, J. W. Scott, A. W. McAllister, J. M. Hendrix, H. T. Ham, E. E. Bain, Z. V. Taylor; A. M. Scales, W. H. Stone, Jr., T. A- Hunter, J, W. Long, J.Henry Gilmer, J. C. Rankin, J. I. Foust, E. L. Sides, W. D. Mendenball, J. C. Watkins, R. G. Vaughn and R. C. Hood. Mr. E. L. Sides Is the efficient cash ier of tbe Bank of South Greensboro. Justice Collins Issues Warrant for Visitor. Justice of tbe Peace Collins yesterday Issued a warrant for Harry G. McNeer, who is charged with obtaining money and goods under false prstense by issu ing a worthless check. The warrant was placed in tbe nanas or uonstaoie Dave Scott, who was Informed, when he went to serve the document, that McNeer had left town Monday. McNeer, who is said to be a lawyer and .secretary of the Alabama state senate, haa been visiting relatives In Greensboro for several weeks. He is said to be well connected in Alabama and is well known In Greensboro, where he has visited on several occa sions. - A SHOCKING TRAGEDY. Ed. Aldred Accidentally Shot and Killed x , by Wni ncAdoo. . v A shocking tragedy was enacted in the Gibsonville section yesterday after noon, when Ed: Aldred, a young white man of this city, was accidentally shot and killed by William D. McAdoo, his companion on a hunting trip. McAdoo and Aldred left Green&boro Monday to spend several days hunting in tbe east ern part of the' county and were at a point about two and a half miles this fide of Glbsonville-when the deplorable accident occurred. McAdoo took from his pocket a revolver which was dis charged accidentally, the ball piercing Aid red's heart aud causing, almost in stant death. - , Mr. McAdoo hastened to Glbsonville Immediately and telephoned Dr.. J. P Turner, the coroner, information of the tragedy, ir... Turner drove through the country to Glbsonville, but after view ing the dead body and talking with witnesses of the shooting, decided that an inquest was unnecessary. rne shooting was, witnessed by four persons, members of the hunting party, all of whom were positive In stating that the sad affair was an accident. The body of the . dead man was brought to Greensboro at a late hour last night and the funeral will be held from the heme of his parents this after- neon at 4 o'clock. : - ' Aldred wss about 21 years old and a son of Mr. and Mrs. D, M. Aldred, who reside on North Greene street. Mrs. Aldred is 111 of pneumonia, and It is feared that tbe shock occasioned by the tragedy will cause her death. Death of Mr. Emsley Sikes. . Mr. Emsley Sikes, a well know citi zen or northern uuiirora, aiea Satur day morning at the home of his slater, Mrs. D. M. Barker, 108 North Davie street, after an Illness of only two days, and. was burled that afternoon at four o'clock at Greene Hill cemetery, after funeral services at the home of Mrs. Barker conducted by Rev. Melton Clark, pastor of the First Presbyterian church. . v . L Mr Sikes waa born. In Guilford about 6a years ago. For many years he lived near Guilford Battle Ground. Satur day of Net week he came to the city to take a position in the market of Hobbs Brothers," grocers, on North Greene street. Wednesday evening while at work he suddenly became quite ill, gradually sinking until the end. He had su fie red for some time with Bright 'a disease, and this brought on comDlications which ' medical skill could not overcome. . Mr. Sikes is surviyed by one sister, Mrs. Barker; a half sister, Mrs. Fannie Booth, and his stepmother, Mrs. Willis Sikes, all . residing here. He was brave soldier during tbe civil war and was buried with the konors aue sur vivo re of' that memorable struggle. His pallbearers were members of Gull- ford Camp, U. C. V., while many com rades'm arms were in attendance upon the funeral services. Postmasters Form County Association. A number of representative fourth class post mas tersof Guilford county met in this city yesterday afternoon and formally organized the Guilford County Fourth-Class Postmasters' As sociation. The meeting was presided over by rostmasier niaiocK, or uas Ridge, president of the North Carolina Fourth-Class Postmasters' Association, and tbe organization of tbe county as sociation was perfected by the election of the following officers: W. E. Bow man, of Colfax, president; W. J. Thompson, of Whltsett, vice-president; Numa R. Wood, of. Uibsonvillej secre tary and treasurer. Postmaster Robert D. Douglas, of Greensboro, was elected an honorary member of the association. Tbe association is organized as a branch of the state and national or ganizations. 1 i Alleged narderer Arrested. Unless it should prove to be a case ofJ mistaken identity, Deputy Sheriffs W. J. Weatherly and G. P. Crutcbfleld made an important arrest yesterday, when they placed in custody W. E. Perry, a white barber employed in this city, charged with the murder of Lang- don L. Boozer, in Chester, S. C, In March, 1905. A reward of $1,000 is outstanding for the capture of the mur derer. Perry, who denied vehemently that he committed the crime for which he was arrested, was lodged in jail to await the arrival of an officer from Chester. ' Defective Eyes. Dr. Taylor will examine your eyes and properly fit your glasses without ee for examination. Satisfaction-guar anteed or money refunded, Office in Greensboro National Bank Bld'g. 2-tf A BARN BURNED. Fire at 'Squire McKnfght's Monday Even ing Probablj, of Incendiary Origin. ' Fire at the home of Mrv John E McKnight. who resides a short dis tance north of the cjty, near Buffalo church, Monday evening destroyed bis barn and a Quantity of feedstuff. The fire was discovered by , a colored boy about 7 oclock, just as the flames were shooting up through a quantity of 'hay in tbe back shed, and in a few moments the building was In a mass of flame. By quick work, the horses and cattle were removed frem the barn, but all the feedstuff was burned. . . Mr. McKnight was away from home at the time of the fire, being- at Man chester on a fox bunt;' -'4 -;: .V';J iWioes is estimated at from $400 to $500. The barn and its contentswere Insured for $200 in the Guilford branch of the Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Association. ' , " ,v:,r ;W The indications point to the fact that the lire was of incendiary origin.; The. building was erected nineteen years ago to replace a barn that was burned. v 'In the first fire 'Squire McKnight lost seven horses, three cows large amount of, feedstuff, farming implements, etcj. : -' ..'.XVJ ; . 4 : .-v-.--;-'V..:: President. A. Rankin, of the Guil ford branch of the Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Association, aski the Patriot to impress upon all delinquent members the necessity and importance of remitting at once the assessment levied about three weeks ago. The asso ciation has several obligations to meet and the officers desire - to pay them promptly. ; Foreigners Invited to Greensboro. , The Chamber of Commerce has taken upon itself the task of attempting to bring to Greensboro a party of 50 or more immigrants who settled in the vi cinity of Cumnock, .in what is now Lee county, a short time ago. It is under stood that these people are very much discouraged over' the prospects con fronting them in their new home and are anxious to move to a more favora ble location. Mr, R; C. Bernau, repre senting the Chamber of Commerce,' will go to Cumnock this week and in vite the foreigners to settle in the vi cinity of Greensboro, wberp they will be able lo procure on favorable terms lands, suitable for truck-farming." In addition, tbe women of the party will be offered employment as house ser vants in Greensboro. Three More ,smitntown Biockaders Ar ' rested. . That' tbe revenue officers have not ceased their activity In the vieinity of Smithtown is indicated by the tact that three more blockaders from that notori ous section of Stokes were brought to Greensboro and 'placed in jail Satur day. Tbe new prisoners are Lewis Spencer, Arthur Shelton and Henry Herber. The last named is a colored man, and it is said that for the past five years be has been in the employ of Jim Smith, the alleged murderer of Revenue Officer Hendricks, and for whose caDture the government has offered a reward of $1,000. , ; There are now seven Smithtown blockaders in trie Guilford county jail, and the capture of others is expected at any time. 1 . 1 Elks Move Into Handsome New. Home. 1 The Greensboro Elks have moved into their handsome new home, which has been in course of construction for nearly a year. The home is located on the Lindsay property, at the southeast corner of Greene and Sycamore streets, and is one of the handsomest and most commodious buildings in Greensboro. It is admirably adapted to lodge and club purpos'es and will make an ideal home for the Elks. It is decidedly the handsomest club building in the state, and it is doubtful if there is an Elks' home in the entire South that will compare with it in beauty and general utility. The property .represents an In vestment of $40,000. : - --v : .. ; Frizes Awarded ty Prof. Peele. Miss Annie Moseley, of AVentwortb, won the first ($520) reward in the con test given at the Peele School of Com merce on Saturday, January 4; ansa Sallie Fentress, of Climax, the second ($10), and Miss lsteiie JNeeee, uiimax, the third ($5 J. Quite a large number of the contestants succeeded in getting certificates. ' The new enrollment; is the largest In the history of the school and everything points to a most suc cessful year.' - . V Watched Fifteen Years. 'For fifteen years I have watched he working of Bucklen's Arnica Salve: and it has has never failed to cure any sore, boil, nicer or burn to which it was applied. it nas saved us many a doc tor bill," says a. it. naray, 01 Jiast Wilton, Maine. 25c. by all druggists, AMERICAN g EXCHANGE BANK CAPITA L, $300,000. - Greensboro, N. C financial BNBEPETJESErJCE , This Is a big? word but Is just as bigr in It's mean ing:. Protection against adversity, old age and the many, times unfore seen : things are" ? upon you. A portion of each amount you get oan be safely and securely de posited where it will earn for you four per eent. interest compounded quarterly.- . American Exchange Bank ' - i . 'A-' -; : '?W J- "! . -.'r i. GREENSBORO, ff . C. Capital, $300,000.00. E. p. WHARTON, President J. W. 6COTT, Vice President. . E. G. VAUGHN, Cashier. J. W. CASE, Mgr. SariofiS Dept. Fitzgerald AdvcrtlMoa Service. Carolina Valley Railway. 1 The contractors who have : charge of tbe construction work of the Carolina Valley Bail way are reported as saying that cars will be running over the com pleted line between High Point and Thorn asville by summer. It is the purpose to connect . these two towns first, so as to enable the company to get out its timber, ties and poles for the building of the electric iine,&nd also to give High Point ah opening for the timber in and above Denton. Death of Young Traveling Mad. - Mr. L. M. McNeely, a young travel-, ing man 33 years of age, died in Char lotte Monday morning of Bright'a dis ease, from which he had been a sufferer for about a year. ' The remains" were brought to Greensboro and carried to the home of Mr. J. L. Winningham; the father-in-law of the deceased, where the funeral was held yesterday after noon. He v. Dr. U. H. Detwiier con ducted the service. j Change at County Home, j Mr. W. W. Whlttington, 'the newly elected keeper of the county home, has moved to the heme from his farm on rural free delivery route No. , 2 and taken possession of the property eom mited to his keeping by the county au thorities. Mr. S. J. Scott, who iresign the position of keeper of the , county: home, after serving acceptably for sev eral years, has returned to his farm on route No. 6.' - "'- ' j.rl EXCEL IN THE LITTLE THINGS IN LIFE And you ': master a few " Great. . - What is more important than saving a part of" what you earn each week or each month? j To be poor is too often a self made shame. A bank. account helps you to save.,. Four per cent, interest, compounded quar terly, paid in our savings de partment. CIH HATIOHAL BAHKJ. Capital, $100,000; Surplus, $32,109 GREENSBORO, N. C, ' W.8.THOHSOIT, ..President. J. Van Liksijit, Vioe Pres. Ida H. TJATTiiK, Cashier. of the 3 1 STfXCZ: 1M 7. Zla St Crceartert. V. C.