4 VOL. 87. GREENSBORO, N. C WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 5, 1 908. fO. Jo c W. J. RICHARDSON S " i orricc: mcadoo ouiloino mcxt to poeTorrtca nciDCNCc: eta west gaston-ct. J. H. BOYLES, M. D. physician and surgeon OSae La Holloa Drug 8 tor Bonding. OSce PsoaeSOa. Bml 0 W. Gaatos; Em. Paaoe TeS, Bt J. E. WYCHE DENTIST . OFFICE IN CARTLAND BLOC, 9VTM T.. CtH0O. . C DcM'F.FOX PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON .cl aUILFORD COLLCQC. N Dc LA. BURTON DENTIST OGm la Mrs. Watllncton baDdtix. Next door to Oooyer'a Dru tttora. Upetaira. C. W. BANNER. M. D. ofTOcm rorrorncm. . Practice) Limited to the Ejre. Ear. Now tad Throat. (XBoe Hourt-9 A. M. to 1 P. SJW P. M. to I P. M. bmulay. to lu- A. M. riven to the wortbj poor. OSae Pfcooe 30. Reaideoce Phone 21. Dc W. P. Reaves Two TMri Houta SurirfOQ New Orleans Eje, ar. Nom and Throat lloeplUtU practice Lbelted to Diieaje 3 Sur f ery cf E. No J Throat. Hour 130 to S P.M. MiAdoo Bulldiar. Next to Potto t2oe- Dr. C. T. LIPSCOMB DENTIST Office OTer P jkea Drug Company. Phone 7KL Dr.J.R.WiUiams- Dr.A.F.Fortune Office 108 W. Waihini'tba. docrj: Horaa: tol:lto4. SJMtolfclto. Free CainJc for Poor Derrtn Fa"XJnU: Oonacmption. Monday and l Thuradra. J i to 4. DiMJM of Women, Toeadaja and Frtdaye, i to a. j. i. scAice. Taylor & Scales ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW CUXISB0X0. V. C. Robert M- Douglas. Kobert D. Doula. DOUGLAS G DOUGLAS ATTORNEYS AT LAW SffUa ta Creestsare lata aae Treat BUf. THOMAS C. HOYLE ATTORNEY AT. LAW City Hatl Bsk B14r- Greeatbore, I. C. Special attention circa to collection. nefouaiea. Robert C. Stmdwick ATTORNEY AT I COUNSELLOR LAW HI Crart Stsara. GRxXISBOXO. B. C F. P. HOBGOOD. Jr. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oflee la WrUrht Dulldinc. Orjlte OeortUouae Oreenaboro, N. C S. GLENN BROWN ATTOnnrr at law . Wright Building. 103 North Elm St. IvertlCSooU. Chaa. E. McLean. SEOTT 6 McLEAN ATTC2KS73 AT LAW ftleat Ul Camrt Saire. Grecatsare.V.C. GEORGE M. PATTON ATTORNEY AT LAW i UBOmjrt Svjuara, - Oreenaboro. N.C THOS. J. SHAW ATTORNEY AT LAW trnci: lot BT. rim St., Grceaitors.I. C Mayor Brandt li a victim of grip. fertilizers on hand at Petty-Held Co.'e, Prices right. Shingle, pine Ur and creosote at Townsend k Co.'s. ' 4 4t. liwnend & Co. hare the best hay preaa made. Bee them. 50-SL Onion seed, onion sets and seed po- Utoas at C. Bcett & Co.'s. 4-3t. We have plenty of good homr-made shoes. - J. T. IlAMKtN & Co. A good second-hind Ross feed cutter tor sale, No. 13. Petty-Reid Co; The highway commission was In ses slon Monday, transacting only routine butlnesa., m Read Towhsend A Co.'s cut price harntea ad en another page and you can tare money. 4-4t. Rer. II. M. Blair, editor of the N. C. Christian Advocate, la laid up with an attack of lagrippe. What is the.UuIIford buggy? The bett one ever made for the money. Bee it at Townsend & Co.'s. 4-4L United Btatet Marshal Millikan is confined to nls home on Summit ave nue by an attack of mumps. Buy shingles and put a new roof on your honse while shingles and labor are cheap. Bee Townsend A Co. 4 4t. Mr. J. B. Moore Is' one of the numer ous v!ctlms of grip. He is confined to his home on Spring Garden street. .Purrslan and Rust stock foods. Noth ing better on the market. 4 St. C. Scott & Co. Beginning next Sunday, a series of revival meetings will be inaugurated at the First Baptist church in this city. Waktkd A gocd farm, with good buildings, near a good school. Address! "Buyer, Box 20, Route 3, Greensboro, X. C." 52t James A. Lang, a young electrician of Greensboro, fell and broke a leg while at work in Charlotte Monday af ternoon. Mr. C. H. Dorsett advertises a "cot- ton carnival" for next welk. He has something to say of special interest to the women folks. , W. F. McNalr, a colored druggist on East Market street, was yesterday placed under a bond of $100 to answer a charge of retailing. ' We have a few pieces woolen dress goods that we are closing out at cost. It will pay you to see them before they are all gone. J. T. Rankin A Co. J. M. Hendrlx & Co. are preparing for a winter clearance sale that will mean much to the buying public. Read what they have to say about it. Prof. M. H. Holt, of Oak Ridge, was lu Morganton yesterday in attendance upon a meeting of the directors of the North Carolina School for the Deaf and Dumb. Mrs. Lizzie Butler died of pneumonia at her home at White Oak Monday. The remains were carried to Fayette ville yesterday for thetuueral and In termeut. , The slxweeks-old infant of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Uilley. or 1'roximity. was found dead in bed Monday morning. The remains were interred lu Reide- vllle yesterday. Mr. .Ernest Clapp and bride, nee Miss Mary Gravely, of Danville, Va., have returned from their bridal trip to Florida and are at home at their resi dence on Summit avenue. Mr. L. M. Clvmer is confined to his home temporarily as the result of pain ful injuries received in a fall in his ma chine shop Mouday afternoon. He ex pects to be'out iu a few days. The second annual meeting cf the Retail Meichants' Association will be held tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. when leports of the past year's work will be received aud officers elected for the ensuing year. The latest enlistments reported from the local recruiting station of the United States army are W. C. Duncan and Leonard Little, who have been or dered to Fort Slocumb, N. Y., to re port for duty. Fire was discovered last night In Gardner & Clarke's storage building, in the rear of the Greenseoro Ice and Coal Company's plant, but was extin guished before any considerable dam age bad resulted. On the 15th Inst. Capt. A. A. Wells, rosdmasterof the Wluston-Salem di vision of the Southern Railway, will move his cilice from Greensboro to the Twin City. His family will continue to reside in this city. Kverythlng In staple dry goods and notions, shirts, hosiery, underwear, overalls, men'e bata andsboes to suit everybody and the prices are righL j J. T. Rankin & Co. Goneira Old Stand. CGUKTY COMMISSIONERS Ilf SESSION Jurors Drawn for February Court Many Road Matters Claim Attention of the Board. The board of county commls&IonerB held their quarterly meeting Monday and yesterday and transacted a great amount cf bneiness, mostly of a routine natupe. The greater part of Monday was spent in receiving and passing on bills against the county. The following jurors were drawn for the c'imlual term of Superior court to convene on the 21th instant: Wm.T. Ridge, G. Crlsman, W. R. Huflman, Thos. Overman, W. W. Lfayfcon, Thos. Roberson, P. M. Gor don, Andy J. Gerringer. J. G. Jobe. J. B. CJapp. B. EMay. D. H. Btewart. J. W. Elmore, A. P. Lowe, N. II. Mor rison, W.CL Simpson, M. C. Hendrlx, I. J. Jordan, M. M. Lee, O. E. Cain, J. S? "t a . mm . v-ar w- M. Fields, 8. B. Matlock. W. H. Bish op, Enoch Shelby, U. IS. Hlggtns, 8. O. Dalton.M. L. Kendall, J. B. Blair, Nathan Wright, Harrison White, D. W. Whltaker, V. E. Vaughrf, Joseph Atkins, J. J. Smith, S. J. Crouch, J. El wood Cox. r Almost the entire day yesterday was taken up with public road matters, much Interest being manifested by the parties concerned. I A petition for a public road running east and west from Ashe to Osborne street, a short distance beyond the southwestern city limits of Greensbero, was rejected. The commifsioners rejected petition for a i ublic rood in Friendship town ship, leading from Richard Jeasup's place to the Guilford College and Battle Ground road. Petitions for public roads In "Friend ship and Washington townships were filed and erdered advert! ed. The board grauted a petition for a change In the public road leading from Guilford College to Friendship. This road is worked to David White's line. The election of a county auditor, a new office created by the special session of the legislature, was deferred. There are several applicants for the position. Mr. D. E. Wagoner, who was re cently eletted a member the high- way commission',' succeeding Mr.'F. Kr Trogcbjn, resigned, qualified before the board and was sworn in. TO HANDLE MAIL BY HEW ROUTE. Rumors That Southern Will Use Only Lo cal Trains South of Lynchburg. A report printed In the Charlotte pa- pers says tnat mall over the mam line of the Southern Railway south of Lynchburg, Va., will be handled only on local trains after next Monday. It is said a new postal route, called the Washington and Bristol, will go Into efiect ou that day, when the through mall formerly handled by the heavy through trains on the Southern Rail way to the south and past Greensboro, Salisbury and Cbarlottte will be chang ed for the new route, which is from Washington to Lynchburg over the Southern; from Lynchburg to Bristol over the N6ifolk A Western to Chatta nooga over the Southern again, and from there southward, perbapa, over the Queen & Crescent route to New Orleans. This means that all the mall for Ala bama, Mississippi, Louisiana , and Texas and Arkansas that has formerly beeu handled this way on trains 37 and 43 will be diverted to the new line, taking or! some of the mail cars, they going over the new line too. If the rumor be true, it means that Greensboro and the other towns in this section will be served with local mail service, resulting in much delay, con fusion and actual loss. Buslncss Outlook in Greensboro Encour- aging. Interviews with representative busi ness men of this city indicate that bus iness conditions in Greensboro are sat isfactory, with no ill effects resulting from the recent panic. Money is rea sonably plentiful and easy, as is dem onstrated by the fact that the banka are taking care of their customers as formerly. Several merchants say their January business was greater in vol ume than for the corresponding month last year and others say there has been no decrease in their lines. On the whole, the outlook is encour aging, with the indications that 1903 will be a prosperous year for Greens boro and its business Interests. " Elkln Snoes for Men and Women. Thacker & Brockmann have just opened up a fresh sblpmert of these re liable, home-made whole-stock shoes. They will be carried in stock hereafter all the year round in both men's and women's sizes. ' - Keep your money at home by buy ing a Guilford buggy from Townsend &CO. 44t. WAITIITG JIM SMITH'S CAPTURE. Determined Menlon Trail of rTotorloui Cnajacter No Blockading in . - ! ' Smlthtown. The' government ofHcIala here are I awaiting anxiously news of the capture or the notorious Jim Smith.-wanted fur the murder of Revenue Ofllcer Hen dricks, in the Bmithtown section of I Stokes couHty.' No one doubts that the reward of $1,060 offered by the De partment of Justice will ultimately-re- Bultm the capture of Smith; . Two or three determined men are on bis trail, and one of these days will get the drop on tne 'desperate character. JJesDite rumors to the contrary, it is believed that Smith. has never Jeft his imme diite neighbor hood rfor he Is safer there than he would be anywhere else. An unconfirmed rumor has reached Greensboro to the efieCt that Smith is I ... ... preparing to either surrender to the officers or permit some friend to take him for the sake Of the reward. The population of Bmithtown has been decreased by the arrest of 18 illicit distillers, and of this number eight are serving terms in the Federal prision at Atlanta and ten are confined in the county jail awaiting trial at the April term of United States District court in this city. A revenue officer says that, for the first time in many years, there is no i blockading going on'in Smith town at the present. The capture of so many of the distillers and the action of the Department of Justice in .in structing the district attorney to libel the lands. of all suspected parties has given the Smlthtown people the first real fright they have ever .experienced. BASEBALL CLUB FORMED. Greensboro to Have a Team in the Pro- posed Carolina League. Local baseball enthusiasts have or ganized the Greensboro Baseball Club with the intention of placing a win ning team in the proposed Carolina League of Professional Baseball Clubs. The other towns that will probably be represented In the league are Charlotte and Winston-Salem, in this state, and Spartanburg, Greenville and Ander son. in 1 uoutn uarouna. me aaiary limit has been fixed at 11,000 a month, exclusive of the salary of the manager, and the season is to open either the last week in April or the first week in May; An organization of the Greensboro club has been perfected by the election of the following officers: L. J. Brandt, president;" W. I. Underwood, recording secretary. C. G. Wright, J. F. Cobb, E. G. West ahd E. A. Brown, together with the president, the vice president and the secretary and treasurer, com prise the board of directors. The sum of $2,500 is to be raised as a euarantv fund in backing the local It is probable that James M. McKeJi- vitt, of Grand Rapids, Mich., wilKbe en paired as manager. Mr. McKeavitt t w was captain of the Lynckburg, Va., team in 1906, when that team won the pennant. Last year be managed the Danville, Va., team, winning second place for Danville in the Virginia League. Frazler Jones Must Hang Saturday Frazier Jones, colored, who murdered hie wife at Gibsonville on Thankegiv Ing day, 190G, must pay the penalty of his crime with his life Saturday, Gov ernor Glenn having refused te interfere further with the execution of the sent ence. It will be recalled that he was renrieved about six weeks ago, since which time an effort has been made to hflVA the sentence commuted to life imprisonment. When informed that there was uo further hope and that he must die Saturday, the prisoner,dis- pUyed no special emotion further than expressing regret that his sentence had not been commuted to life imprison ment. Sheriff Jones will conduct the execu tion, with the assistance of two or three of bis deputies. He will use the rope that was used in the execution of Frank Bobannon on February 8th, 1907. The hanging will take place in the jail about noon Do You Want to Sell? Ve are having inquiries for several improved farms on instead am road 2 to 7 miles from town, containing fiom 75to200 acres. If you have such a farm and want to sell, let us hear from you. Cunningham & Osboknv Home Savings Bank Building, 5-4t Greensboro, N. C, This is Worth Reading. Leo F. Zellnski, of 68 Gibson street, Buffalo, N. Y., says: "I cured the most annoying cold soie I ever had, with Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. I applied this salve once a day fer two-days, when every trace of the sore was gone." Heals all sores. Sold under guarantee by all druggists. 25c. Lynchburg plows for salejcheap-. Petty-Reid Co. COUflTY SCHOOL MATTERS. To Increase Special Tax Rate Jn South Buffalo--lhree Hew Buildings. . The monthly meeting of the county board of education was held Saturday in the office 6f Prof. Thomas R. Foust, secretaryto Jhe board-and county "su perintendent. Ail the members of the board .were present as follows; Prof. W. T. Whltsett. of Whitsett, chair f man; Mr. pharies H. Ireland, of this city, and Mr. J. C. Kennett, of Pleas ant Garden. .v"p':'vr A delegation1 from the South Buffalo district appeared before the board with arpetition asking that the school' build lag be removed from its present loca tion to a point on the north ede of the creek, not far frqm the corporate limits of Greensboro. The proposition was opposed by another delegation with a' coua ter . petition. The two petitions, both am regarded the Bumber of; signa tures and the school children repre sented, j Indicated that sentiment is pretty evenly divided on the matter. x At the sehool building is iiow in the center of the district,' the board decided that it could not entertain a proposi tion looking to its removal. As a. re sult iof this decision, the people of the district have inaugurated a movement for an election. to increase the special tax rate from 20 to 30 cents in order to provide sufficient funds to maintain the present schoel and also have a school for primary and lower interme diate work at some point between the creek and the city limits of Greensboro. Prof. Foust has prepared the petitfon and doubtless the election will be or dered In the near future. Mr. C. G. Dorsett was appointed a school committeeman for South Buf falo district to succeed Mr. G. L. An thony, deceased.. ' The board received . reports of the completion of new buildings for the following schools: Coble school, white, in Clay township; Jackson school, col ored, in Madison, and a colored school in Greene. An appropriation covering' half the cost of the, buildings was made. " " Possibility of Another Monument at the ! f Guilford Battle Grouad. - i v Hon. H.' A. duPont, one of Dela ware's multi-millionaire representa tives in the United States senate, has written Maj. "Joseph M. Morehead, president of the Guilford Battle Ground Association, a letter inquiringif a mon- ument has been erected to the memory of the' Delaware soldiers who partici- at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. patedinthe battle of Guilford Courf and Mrs. A. A. Teague, in Liberty, and House. Maj. Morehead, who never was performed by Rev. W. L. Grissom, permits interest to lag in matters con- of this city. Immediately after their nected with Guilford Battle Ground, marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Crutchfield will inform Senator duPont that this battlefield of the- decisive struggle of the revolutionary war is unadorned by any shaft to perpetuate the memory of the Delaware troops who assisted Gen eral Greene iu bringing about the be ginning of the end ofthe war for Amer ican independence. The letter to the Delaware senator will also convey the information that there are several pret- tv sites for such a monument "and ex- v " v. 4. D i press the hope that its erection may be brought about.. Failure of Judicial District Bill. Among the local lawyers and many other people much regret is expressed over the, failure of the special ses sion of the legislature, to create a iudiciai district of Guilford county. The need of more courts m uuii ford ; is pressing, and the people interested in the matter believe the most effective remedy is to be found in making this county a separate judicial district. The proposed measure naa the united and enthusiastic support of the Guilford bar and doubtless would have been enacted into law but for the fact that similar measures came up from several other counties. Doubtless the bill will come up again at the next session of the legislatuie. So congested U the civil docket of the Superior court of Guilford that an action ' instituted at the present time would have slight chance of coming up for trial for two years, or more. j ' Announcement. We nave moved to 118 North Elm street, where we-jWiii be giaa 10 see an our customers. Special attention given o our country friends and kindred. Call in and see us when in the city. Miss Sklma Lamb A Co. . Good pair large farm horses for sale, nr will trade for nice driver not over rIt veara old: also new J. I. iNissen wo-horse wagon and double harness. J. Robert Ross, 6-2f ' Pleasant Garden, N. C. -Try a Clark- cutaway harrow. No better disc made. S6id by Potty-Keld Before you buy see the Guilford buggy at Townsend & Co.'s. 4 4t. - AMERICAN j - S : . - . .... EXCHANGE BANK CAPITAL, $300,000. v , Greetisboro, N. C ' Financial INDEPENDENCE This is a big word but is just as big in It's mean i n g. Pro te otion gai n st adversity, old age and them any t j mes u nf o re seen things are upon you. A portion of, eaoh amount you getoan be safely and securely' de posited where It will earn for you four per oent, i n ter est compounded quarterly. . f ' . Bank J: GREENSBORO. N. C. Capital; - - 300.000.00. B. P. WHABTON, President. J. W, SCOTT, Vice President. R. G. VAUGHN, Cashjer. ." J. W. CASEMgr. Sarings Dept. Fitegerald Advertiflinir Service. !iiiniiiiiiniii::hmuuwj Marriage In Liberty. . . Mr. C. E. Crutchfield, of this city, a conductor on the Atlantic and Yadkin branch of the Southern Railway, and Miss Pearl Teague, the company's popular? agent at Liberty, were married yesterday. The ceremony took place came to Greensboro evening southbound, bridal tour. and boarded an train for their Notice to Jurymen. Notice is hereby given that jurors summoned to appear on -February 10, 1908, will not be needed until Tuesday . morning, February 11th, as no jury cases will be taken up on the first day oi ine lerm. v By order of J; L. Webb, judge vpre- siding. 13. K. Jones, 4-3t Sheriff Guilford County. i i, - Mrs. Jo. Hardie. of Brown Summit. arrived in Greensboro Saturday night on her return from Scotland, the land of her nativity, where she spent several months with relatives. -Col. Hardie, who went . to Scotland Christmas, accompanied his wife back to America but stopped in New York , for a few days before coming home. To Break in New Shoes Always TJie Allen's Fobt-Fase, a powder. -It prerents ligrhtness and Blist-eringr, cures Swollen. ' Sweating:. Acbing- feet. At all druggists aDd shoe stores, 25c. Sample mailed fbeb. Ad dress, A. S. Oltristed, LeKoy, N. Y. 6-4C , n IHfc MAK1 IV- WARDS WEALTH And ease in life consists in saving a portion of what you earn. A Saving simply means spend-. 4ng less than you earn. This practice continued throughout your earning period means com fort for your-old age.' Our Savings Department guar antees absolute safety and four per cent, interest compounded every three months. 1 CITY HATIONAL BANK Capital, $100,000; STirplus, $10,CC0 r ' GREENSBORO, N. C. W. 8. Thomson, President. Vice Pres. . Iax EL Battue, Cashier. American Exchang r. is ' It it It i! ; - V