i i v x ' . - . - ....;- ; GREENSBORO, N. C. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1908. NO. 7 VOL. 87. A . 1 . aBBBaSialB M - r W. J. RICHARDSON orricc: mcadoo BUILDING MCIY TO fOtWrivi rcsidcncc: eia QIS WEST 0IW" i. J. H. BOYLESt M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURCCON OflolanoUno Prur Pro Bttlldtnx. u Oflc I'bone icti. It. 400 W. Otstoo; Bet. Ibon TW. Dn J. E: VYCHE DENTIST orricc ih CARTLAN D BLOC. c M. F. FOX ojvctr.lAN AND SURGEON GUILFORD COLLCQC H. C Dc E.A. BURTON DENTIST CrSeo to Mrs. WaUlcn bull Neil door to Conft-fi Dro C- W. BANNER. M. D. emurrt ronorrics. Prctic I dim i K Eve. ZAT. and Throat. ra Hour.- A. M. to 1 P. M4 0 J ; . r k rinndir. 9 tO 10-JU A. J. wortbj poor. - OS 00 Phooe 3X BMeoc Pbon 3M. On W. P. Reaves float Sunrfoo New Orlrana Eye, Prmctk Limited to DueJ Sr i7 if E' E' NoM Throt llmir 1 33 to S P. M. MtAdoo BttUdinc. Next to Potoce. Dr. C. T. LIPSCOMB DENTIST i OSc over ?jkf Dm Compaur. !boo TXL Dr:J.R.Williams DUJ.Fortune Office ICd W. Whinitoo. nocu: n0.IHfi , WWI , v!ti . ... a tx a. f.ttfioa. 4. 1. ci. Taylor G Scales ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW CilXIJBOIO. I. C. Kabrt H. Dou!M. Robert IX Dotil. nnilGLAS & DOUGLAS ATTORNEYS AT LAW ttlM U Crtir fm H Trmit BUf, THOMAS C. HOYLE -ATTORNEY AT LAW City lAfl Bmk BUr. Crebr. I. C. BpoclAl attention ftroa to collection, Robert C Stradwick ATTORNEY o AT 1 COUNSELLOR LAW 111 Cart Str. CBlMSBOie. B. C. F. P. HOBGOOD. Jr. ATTORNEY AT LAW. 02 In Wright nulldin. Oppolte Court Uoum Oreenboro, N. C S. GLNN BROWN ITTCSm AT LA77 VYritHt Buildiai. 103 North Elm St. Lart M. Scotc CbA. B. McLcAn. SCOTT d McLEAN tfflc-. ill CnrtStmare. CrecatUrt.B.c'. GEORGE M. PATTON ATTORNEY AT LAW 13 Court 8qur. - Greentboro. N. C THOS; J. SHAW ATTORNEY AT LAW BS BMSMS111H1B111 4 aTi 1TBWS Try a ByrAcuie plow. Bee ad. on an other page. Mivof BrAndt la on a busmesa trip to Fayettevilie. Cutaway harrows on hand, any ilze, at Petty-Reid Co'a. Mr. L. M. Clymer la advertising a very desirable iron feoc. The young ton of Rev. and Mia. T. J.Ogburntaillorpneumooia. . Kep your money at home-by buy ing a GAllford buggy from Townaena &Co. Over forty prione are sojourning in the Guilfjrd county Jail at theprea- ent time. SliVeataCoebaa accepted a poi - - . t . . ntn 4.t tiou at Tbacker cc urocitiuuu wjr goods a to re. Harueia buyers, you can aave money by'readiug Towueend & Co.'a big ad vertisement. rialoone were voted out of Madlaon In an electiou held Monaay, tne voic atanding54 to 27. A. C. Forayth, the produce dealer, 1 t ntih m.rkpt paya tne niumk price for bides at all times. Buv ahmrlea and put a new roof on your house while shingles and labor are cheap. BeeTowusendfcCo. 4 4t. Mra. Walter D. McAdoo la ill at her home on Aeheboro street. Bne la suf fering from an attack of lagrippe. We have a faw shop worn corn dnlla to clone out cheap at once. Petty-Reid Co. Mr. D. W. Oakley baa been made deputtate commander of the Kntgbta of the 5!accabeea, with beadquartera in this city. Mm. P. K. Causey, of Mt. Airy, ana Mb Grace Short, or v aiagsia, , u are in the city ou a enort visit to iur. D. F. Causey. Job lot of harneaa at Townsend & Co.'a which they are selling below the manufacturer's first cost, bee tnem quick if Interested. 4 4t. The North Carolina State Board of Osteopathic Examination aud Regis tration will hold a meeting in this city tomorrow and Friday. An entertainment m the form of a - m. Valentine box party will be given ai the Besemer high achool, east of the city, riaturday evening. Corn plautera 17.60 and up; disc har rows 15 aud up. Onlyarew at tnese prices. Come early If you want a bar gain. Bee Townsend A Co. 7 4t Mr. Rawley Hale, aged 23 years, died at hla home at White Oak riday, or pneumonia. The remains were taken to Fayettevllle for interment. Mr. P. P. Yates, of this city, la ad vertising a remarkably successful cure for rheumatism. The remedy la one he perfected for use in hla own family. Messra. C. M. Coleman and .O. H. Mlllowav, of the Southern itaiiway, left Saturday for Atlauta, Jacksonville, Cuba and other points en a pleasuie trip. J. R. Hill, one of the Bmlthtown blockaders awaiting trial at the April term of Federal court, gave bond In the sum of 12.500 Monday and was released from jail. Capt. John W. Wbltsett, the veteran railroad engineer, has been very sick during the past week, but some 1m provement in his condition was re ported yesterday. Mr. W. L. Frazier, superintendent of car service for the Greensboro Electric Company, has returned to work after an illness of three weeks following a surgical operation. The pastor, Rev. Dr. John L. White, is conducting a series of revival services at the First Baptistcburcb this week. He is being assisted by other Baptitt ministers of the city. 1 Thomas Mcllhenny, a druggist of this city, is under summons to appear in the mayor's, court tomorrow morn ing and answer the charge of selling ccalne without a license. Brace the local news Item on the sec oud page of this issue in reference to W. J. Clifton waa printed, Clifton haa furnished the required bond of 1,000 and beeu released from jail. Rev. Dr. E. W. Smith, of Louiaville, Ky., arrived In the city last night and la stopping at the home of bis brother-in-law, Mr. R. O. Vaughn. He will be In Greensboro a week or ten days. Wanted: To exchange' a' large, beautiful suburban residence lot at Washington, D. C, for a building lot In Greensboro and pay cash difference. Address A," care of Patriot office. Mr. E. E. Bpencer, a prominent far mer of Jamestown townahlp, recently spent alx weeks in Florida, where game is abundant. He killed a line buck, two big wild gobblers and a lot of tmallgame.x ' Rev. Dr. W.W. Bays, of Charlotte, a well known retired Methodist minis ter, will lecture at 8pring Garden Street Methodist church tomorrow evening on Courtship." Dr. Bays is a icholarly man and a gifted apeaker Mra. B. Li. B3all, who has been crit ically Ml of pneumonia at her home in South Gfeentboro, is improving. Her aon, Mr. Charles Beall, who came home from Alabama iaat week sick with meaeles, ia able to be up. The remainder of our grocery stock must be closed out within the next few days regardless of price Come soon if you want to share in the bargains to be found at our store. , Cob Brothers. - Frank Brown, a Sumner township negro, ia in jll charged with having burglarized the home of Frank Gll braith Saturday night. He was com mitted to fall by Squire Davis, of Jamestown, In default of a bond of $ 200H From Bqulre J. J. Busick, of Liberty Store, who was in the city Monday, we learned that a near neighbor of hia, Mr. D. E. Zimmerman, a prominent young farmer of Waahlngton town ship, is critically ill' with catarrhal fe ver. Dr. P. W. Flagg, who came to Gull ford county from the West three or four yeare ago and located about three mllea north of Greensboro for the prac tice of medicine, left Monday night for Springfield, Mo., where he will reside in the future. The Guilford Hardware Company has secured thexagency or the Water loo gasoline engine and trie Frlck trac tion engine and are advertising them in the Patriot. The company also sella the old reliable Lynchburg plow. Be adv. on another page. As an Indication of a general Im provement in buslnesa conditions, it is th.t railroad travel is hhowiug an ' " 7 , .iRMinol T.iffl ' Increase. In this same conuecuuu iuc Greenaboro hotel men eay their busi ness is better than it haa been since the panic struck the country last fall. Get your garden seeds no w, and have them resdy for the earliest possible plantlog. We have received a big shioroeut of Woods choicest seed, al rrttiiii: and cb.u nlease you in both quality and price. Tucker A Erwin. Rev. William Black, synodlcal evan gelist, la conducting a revival meeting al Westminster Presbyterian chureh this week, the opening service having been conducted Sunday morning. Rev. Mr. Black is an earnest and vigorous preacher and is being heard with pleas-, ure. Mrs. Bpencer B. Adams, who has been in poor health for some time, left Monday night for Florida, where she will spend the remainder of the winter In the hope that the change of climate will Imnrove her condition. She was sccompanied by her sister, Mrs. L. B Jeter. A Greensboro physician tells the Patriot that, during his entire expe rience as a practitioner, he has never htnown lagrlppe to be so prevalent as i is at the preieut time. The family tnat does not have or has net had recently one or more cases is the exception rather than the rule. Fire in a Pullman car near the South em passenger station Saturday nigh attracted a large crowd of people. The blaze waa extinguished before any con siderable damage resulted. Had the nur hppn nut on a run and tilled with najfcpncers- it is frightful to contem plate what might have happened. Dev. Dr. R. P. Pell, of Spartanburg, S. C; Rev. Dr. Johnson, of Rock Hill.J 8. C, and Rev. Dr. J. H. Cleweilf-u Winston-Salem, held a conference in Greeubboro a few days ago withvMrs. Lucy H. Robertson to discuss the pro gram for the next meeting of the As sociation of Woman's Colleges In Isortn and South Carolina. It is understood that the county com missioners, at their March meeting, will electia county auditor, the position created by the recent special aesaion tf the legislature. Six or seven men are said to be applicants for the position The act describes the duties of the auditor, but leaves the fixing of the s ilary with the commissioners. His friends will be glad to learn that there Is a decided improvement In the condition of Mr. W. H. Worth, ex ttft treasurer, who has been partially paralyzed since last July. He is now able, with the assistance of crutches, to walk from his home to bis office In the government building. Theparaly fit tha, lower Dart of his left limb. ' ; . . rirwi ra!r larcro farm horses for sale .in fnr nirn driver not over .1, oa.N nM aim new J. I. Niesen j , j . Ia koAM two-horce wagon ana auuui j. Robert Boss, -6-2t - Pleasant Garden, N. C. LECTUiES ON EASTERN LIFE. Dr. Stanley. Back from the Orient, Speaks on Phases of Life in the East Scholarly and Entcrtaiiing. Rev. Dr. ; Frederick j. Btanley, of New York, an Oriental traveler and ecturer of note,' has been -speeding several days in .Greensboro lecturing on phases of life in the -countries he haa visited. For several years Dr. Stanley was a professor in a university m Toklo, Japan, and later traveled much In that country. China. Egypt and Iudla. A Sabbath observance mass meeting was held In West Market Street Meth odist church Sunday afternoon,when Dr. Btanley lectured on the subject, Wby Japan Was Victorious Over Rursia. anoy How America Can Wins" The first section of his subject related to the causes which enabled the little empire of Japan to win in a struggle of war with the great nation of Russia, the three principal reasons. the speaker assigned being loyalty to country, thorough preparation and brains. In speaking of how America may win over enemies here at home, the leeturer named Sabbath desecration as one of he greatest evils In this country. Dr. Btanley delivered two other lect ures in Greensboro Sunday at Cente nary Methodist church in the morning and at the First Presbyterian church n the evening. Monday morning he addreieed the students of the state Normal and Industrial College on 'Normal College Dire in Japan," and before' the same audience he spoke again yesterday afternoon on the youug manhood and young womanhood of Japan today. Yesterday morning he lectured before the studenta of Greens boro Female College on "The Japanese Student an Inspiration." During the forenoon he went out to Guilford Col lege, where he spoke on "Japanese - - Dr. Stanley closed his series of lect- urea in mis cny las nigm wn " address in the Smith Memorial' build ing ou The Oriental Crisis Today the New Japah, the New China and the New Russia Since the Treaty of Peace.', Dr. Stanley left Greensboro this utoralrig for AsbevIIIe, where he will spend several days, after which he will go to Tennessee Southern Meres Offices and Shifts Offl- clais. offices of the general superin- - The tendeut and the engineer of mainte nance of way of the Southern Railway, which have been located in Danville, Va., for the past two years, have been removed to Greensboro. Mr. A. H. Westfall is general superintendent and Mr. Thomas Bernard engineer of main tenance of way. The removal of these offices brings a number of new citizens to Greensboro. Mr. W. R. Hudson, for the past thir teen months superintendent of the Danville division of the Southern Rail way, with headquarters in Greensboro, . 1 1 .na,ln(DnHant nf the Rlrmmeham division, with headquar- n, 1 A Ia TTo la ciirl ceeded by Mr. P. G. Walton, formerly mm 111 .' 111 ill 111 Ac. uaiui .am trin.mftster of the Danville division. n.fr a n Rh.lton is nromoted rrom me . - . nhJpf train disDatcher to " position succeed Mr. Walton as train-master. Our Midwinter Clearance Sale. We are proud of tne pnenomeuai ar nrouu OI IHB uucuuuituai nf.,r annual midwinter clear- ance sale which opened last Wednes- nrii Thnrsdav. . The genuineness of the bargains we are offering has crone fmm mouth to mouth, from bouse to house and from town 10 10 wu, and the big sale is attracting people - A . rom far and near. Our entire stocK or dry goods, shoes and cioimog in cluded in the sacrifice, as we musi oil mir winter goods into casn right away, as spring goods are coming The first floor of the building is occu in rtaiiv Follow the crowd and come nied bv Mr. H. M. Coble's dry goods LU1U, an vi j to the-biggest and best sale ever held Or-Pn.haro. tt . tjtt- ruac ('n. Announcement. mv friends that 1WBUllu aj " . " I Comnanv who bought out the Wake- 1OmpSUY, wuo .i.u u..r. fnmnanv's nusiness. ""A kTs at the same iJS t 11 h irlad to see my V in ft hfltter nosition now lriCUUI. . X r tn nave them money' iuau to save tnem 1 j ..a ha8 de- - oir.r hotnrfl omU to rfo.e out all the old stock at Bt0od that the amount already eub ereaiy reduced price,. ThU meane 8Crlbedi8 onlyS.OOOor I4.O0O en.rt of greatly money to you if ou will see me Chas. Fields. once. Annnnncemcnt. w have moved to 118 North mrn strVet, where we.will our customera. special rn our couniry jxicuu &IJLI JklliUlCU Call in and see us when in the city. 6-4t Miss feEiiA Lamb & Co.- FRAZIER JUNES RETKIEYED, Condemned Wife Murderer Snatched from Jaws of Death at Last Moment Gover nor Glenn Criticized. 1 Frazier Jones,' colored, w no was to have been hanged Saturday at noon for the mTurder of his wife, was snatch ed from the very jawa of death by a re prieve that was received by Governor Glenn only a few minutes before the time set for the execution. The con demned man is reprieved until next Tuesday, the 18th. i - v The prisoner had made all prepara tions fordeath, the undertaker's wagon that was to have conveyed the remains from the i ail had arrived, . those who wejre to witness the execution had as sembled, and the colored ministers" were conducting what waaaupposed to be Frazier's last religious service when r Sheriff Jones entered the jail and in formed the condemned man of his re prieve. C 1V? announcement was re ceived with great emotion, the prisoner of course expressing- much -joy. Ap parently he was calm and collected in the face of death, but when told that he waa not to hang, he lost his nerve completely. When the naws of the reprieve was first received it was presumed that Governor Glenn would commute the sentence to life imprisonment, and when the chief executive announced he had no such iutention, his action in tne matter was the subject of consider able criticism. Many people have ex pressed the opinion that, if the gover nor did not intend, to conynnte the sentence, he should not have reprieved the condemned man at the last mo- ment only to have him again ex pen- ence the agony of mind in anticipation of an'execution.' DEATH OF W. W. RANKIN. Ap-ed and Well Known Cltiztn of Rock ingham County Called to His Reward. Mr. W.vW. Rankin, bne of the oldest and best known citizens of Rocking ham county, died Tuesday, the 4th in tntit: At the residence of his son. ex- Bherifl Thomas F. Rankin,' with whom he had made his home since the death of his wife a few years ago. The- funeral was conducted byev. J. R. Hutton, of Greensboro, the burial taking place at Fairview church. Mr. Rankin lacked but a few days if hoincr RQ vears old. He waa a man of high character rand sterling worth, 0 and was one of the most highly esteem ed and useful citizens of his county Lbout a month previous to his death. Mr. Rankin suffered a stroke of paral ysis aud received a bad fall, and from. that time his condition was critical. In additiem to numerous relatives the deceased is survived by three sons ex-Sheriff Rankin, of Rockingham Mr. William R) Rankin, of Greens boroVand Capt. A. M. Rankin, of High Pnint Ail nf whom were with him when the end came. WhiiA attendincr his father. Mr. W. I t o.ni,in nntnnto nnnmnnia and ha8 been critically ill for a week.His j...- s .n.A.,.hot: ho hH tint 1 1:1 11 111 1 liuu AO w bcaa appriBed cf his father's death, Mrf4. Rankin is with hernusnana, wno 1 .- ... & a a.1 iH ,wivincr everv nossiDie aueouou I" , . ot tna hnme of his brother. ex-Bherin Rankin. 9 Fire on South Elm Last Night. The D. R. Hufflnea building, on H,ith mm street, below the railroad, rne 1J. Xl. uuuiuco Uuu.u&, wlw the ecene of a stubborn fire last nil?ht. The alarm wras turned in shortly before 10 o'clock and was responded to Uromritlv bv the firemen, wno iouna the blaze to be between the ceiling.and rnnr The location of the fire made it difficult to reach, but quick work on tha nart of the firemen extinguished h. Kia7 with Blight damage to the huildiner. 7 f 8tore and his stock of goods was badly damaeed by water. jar.WDie uu- Uhu tn eav whetner ni8 lnewrauueiB sufficient to cover tne loss. " iJ - Auditorium tuna wrewmg. oninterf to fiolicit stock for Greensboro's proposed audi- .v, . ;aff river nraiXKM Much interest is being manifested in torium reuun v o-- the nroiect by the city's public spirited citizens, and it is believed that the I - . V.a onW I .ntmint flT mflTl HV IltCUCU Win, "" 0luuu" - " bribed in a short while. It Ib under- ai the total sum necefcry w vjr . proposiuon to a succeuBiui cx. 1 . 1 A nangcrou n...AM i8 the removal of the ' appendixbya frientful ordeal. They worK soquicujr I Hnn'f TPPI T nPITl- A ilC.V WUiB vu you don't feel them They cure stipation, I malaria. headache, biliousness; ana 25c at all drug stores. ' St -AMERICAN EXCHANGE BANK ' C A PITA L, $300,000. -Greensboro N. C. . ' v ; Financial INDEPENDENCE l - - u This is a big word but is j u st asblg in i t's mean ing. Protection against adversity, old age and Jth e many tim es u nf o re seen things are upon you. A portion of eaoh amount you get can be safely and securely de posited where it will earn for you four per cent, intere st compounded quarterly. . 8 American -Exchange Bank GREENSBORO. N. C. Capital. $300,000.00. E. P. WHAHTON, President. J. W. SCOTT, Vice President. J K. G. VAUGHN Cashierr J. W. CASE, Mgr. Savings Dept. Fitzgerald Advertising Service. I: BlDle and Flag Presentation. -A Bible aud flag will be preeented to Montlcelio public school, near, Brown Summit, Friday by Greensboro Coun-r ell No. 13, Junior Order of United American Mechanics. The presenta tion speeches will be made by Prof. W. H. Swift, superintendent of the Greens boro public schools, and Mr. E. D. Broadhurst, of the Greensboro bar. The speech of acceptance will be made by County Superintendent Foust in be half of the school. A large number of members of the Jr. O. U. A. M. in thia city will attend the exercises, which ' promise to be of a delightful nature. Dinner will be served by the patrons of the school. ' , Do You Want to Sell? We are having inquiries for several imnrnvpd farms OD macadam road ' 2 U 7 miles from town, containing ftom I IK tn OfMl unrM Tf VOQ haVC SUCh a. ..w farm and want to sell, let us hear from you. uuNNiwaiAja v, I w w- r-f s n A 1- "Daiifrf Innr riome oaviugts dbub. uuuuu6i I . TWT 1 5-4t ureensDoro, a. v. The Greensboro bar held a meeting Monday afternoon in memory of Mr. nu..i. w Uonn hn'crnt vnuncr attor- 1 vuauo . t 0 ; nev. who died a few weeks! ago. Af propriate resolutions were adopted ana Mr. A. B. Kimball spoke on tne me member of l and character of the dead the bar. Read Townsend & Co.'s cut price harness ad ? on another page and you can save money. 4-4t. ' ' THE FIRST STAKI iU- WARDS WEALTH And ease in life consists in saving a portion of what you earn. ; Saving simply meins spend ing less than you earn. Thia practice continued throughout your earning period means com fort for your old age. ; Our Savingspepartment guar antees absolute safety and four per cent, interest compounded every three months. - CITY NATIONAL BANK Capital, $100,000; Surplus, $10,CCO- GREENSBORO. N. C. I " W.8.THOMspy, J. Van Liwdixt, PrMidentX" Vice Prea Lax H. Bavtub, Cashier. I. 0 imcXi 111 I. Zla St., CrceaiUr.B. C ':V 7