if ... I i - ft - . i . I TAY ON THE FAR Is what every young man who is adapted or can adapt himself to farm life should do. If you are anx ious to become a merchant, save up your earnings, bring them to town, invest in the grocery busi ness, lose what you have worked hard to save, then go back to the farm wiser and better prepared to enjoy the luxuries and freedom of farm life. . But whether you -succeed or fail, you must wear Clothes. We sell the ALL-WOOL ALL RIGHT kind. Prices reduced. Chisholm, Stroud, Crawford & Rees igainst the Proverbial Sick Day Which seldom finds us medicinally fortified as we should be to successfully "weather the distress and difficulties which are so pronounced at such a time. Just determine to keep in reach all the things emergency calls for and less trouble will need be overcome. Make a list of what you need and bring to this Day and Night Pharmacy where we are at all hours to serve you. FARISS-KLUTZ DRUG GO. The Day and Night Pharmacy THREE LICENSED PHARMACISTS Telephones 36 tnJ 464 SonUiern Red Trading Stamps Mi 1 i mm mmmmm, J .'Plant bed guano at .Townitnd k Co.'t. Tnebeitia tnecneapeM. . Mr. JoiephJ. Stone U visiting rela tive In BaVannab and VaJdotU, Ga. Mr. a.'M. Scale was In Atbevllle tbe latter pirt of Iat week on bnimeaa A nr. E. Li. Btamey baa told bU resi dence bn Arlington atreet t6 Mr. H. F. HUrr. - . Towntend fc Co. tall Royater'a cele brated Orinoco advertised In this paper. Read It. 21SlT Mrs. S. A. Levy and little eon (have returned from a vlilt to relative in Baltimore. , Tbe market boose in tbe city ball building baa been reopened. Beveral meat dealers now occupy stalls there. Mr. John Brothers, tbe well known miller, who lives three miles eait of JulUu, was amooR our callers Thurs day. Mr. Fulton Moore, of Brown Sum mit, has taken a positlou m the cash ier's office at the Southern Railway freight depot In this city. Why Is the Vulcan plow the best one? Because It turns any soli easier and Is stronger and more durable than any plow made. Bee Towuiend A Co'. In the Superior court last week Gat tie Ballev. administrator, was given a Judgment of 7,000 for tbe death of his on In an accident near this city two years ago. Do you want a spike barrow? We have four styles to select from. If It a disc barrow, we have tfn style. If It' the price you think of, ask us. We will mske It right. Bee Towneend & Co. Rev. H. K. Boyer, a former pastor of Centenary MethodUt church, in this city, but now paitor of Tryon Street church. In Charlotte, was carried to a hospital several days ago for surgical treatment.' Ills condition Is not aerieue. The poke and beodlng works prop erty, located on tbe Southera Railway, a short distance east of the fairgrounds, was sold at public auetlon by Mr. Gar land Daniel last Thursday afternoon. Mr. H.T. Ham bought the property f jr 3,S00. Mr. f! R- Bloxton. of Spout Springe. Appomattox couuty. Vs., died sudden ly last Weduetday night at tbe home of bis son, Mr. J. W. Bloxton, In this city. The remains were shipped Fri- dsy to the former home of thadeceaied for Interment. Mr. Harry Kirk has resigned his io- sltlon as secretary of the Central Caro lina Construction Company and will go to Atlanta, Ga., to engage In busi ness. He will be succeeded by Mr. J. N. Longest, who la at present treasurer of tbe company. , Atameetlagof tbe directors of tbe Greensboro Building and Loan Associ ation last week It waa decided to open subscriptions for the second series of stock, payments to begin April 1st. Tbe association has been In business less than six months and Is In a flourishing condition. Mr. S.T. Wyrick, ef this city, and Miss Lessie Lowe were married last Wednesday evening at the borne of the bnde's parents, Mr. aud Mrs. A. P. Lowe, a few miles uortheast of Greens boro. Tbe ceremony was performed by Rev. T. C. Jordan in tbe preteuce of a few friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wyrlck are keeping bouse on Price street. Mr. Jesse Bishop died of appendi citis at bis borne on Caldwell street Wednesday night. Tbe fuueral wa held from the residence and tbe re mains Interred at Holt's Chapel Thurs day afternoon, Rev. W. R. Cox con ducting the services. Mr. Bishop was ' year old and was married about two months ago ot Miss Lula Rodgera. Ttmter Deal In Federal Court. In tbe United States court? last week Judge Boyd beard argument of a mo tion to vacate a Judgment held by J. MIddleby. Jr..of Massacbusetts.against tbe Broad River Lumber Company. Mr. MIddleby sold tbe company 23,000 acres of . timber land situated In llutb erford, Cleveland, Burke and McDow ell counties for $150,000. Tbe company paid $50,OCO of the purchase price and Judgment was procured for $25,000 due Februsry 1st. The company asked tnat tbe Judgment be vacated and that It b excused from further payments on the grounds that tbe timber was not as plentiful and valuable as ad been represented. Judge Boyd ordered the payment of the amount due February 1st. The payment of the balance will be determined when the quantity and value of timber shall have been ascer tained. Mr. K. J. Justice represents tbe plain tifl and Judge W. P. Bynum, Jr., tbe defendant. Marked for Death. 'Three years ago I was marked for death. A grave-yard cough was tearing my lungs to pieces. Doctors failed to help me, and hope had fled, when my husband got Dr. King's New Discov ery," says Mrs. A. C. Williams, of Bac, Ky. "Tbe first dose helped me and Im provement kept on until I bad gained 50 pounds In weight and my health was fully restored." This medicine holds tbe world's healing record for coughs and colds aud lung aud throat diseases. It prevents pneumonia. Sold under guarantee by all druggists J 60c ana 91. Trial botUe free. THE innnnn PATniOTFEBftUAnV S03-PAOg 2, . NGREEBSBR0 LIFE MEETING Prorreime Insurance Company Hikes Splendid Shawinr. " The third annual mestlnr of the atockholdra of the Greeriaboro Life In- aurance Company 1 waa held In tbe company's home office In this city last Wednesday afternoon, when the offi cer submitted reports of all depart ment of the business for the past year. Tbe company, which haa enjoyed a remarkable degree of prosperity since beglnniug buBlness.-tuade substantial galna along all lines last year. The stockholder expressed gratification over the splendid showing made. Secretary Colwell's report showed that, at the close of 1907, the company had In force 5.864 policies, representing paid for Insurance to the amount of $8,899,805, this being a gain or 41 per cent, fer the year. The total Income waa I2S3.004 06, exceedlug the disburse ments by $S0,SG50. Tbe assets are $323,679.76, the gain for tbe year being 46 per cent. The surplus'as to policy holders Is $181,629.46. The company made a gain cf 19 per cent.v in net sur plus and 121 per cent, in interest earn ed, and now baa $2.27 of asset for ev ery $1 of liabilities. The company's field of operation cov ers the following seven states: North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Ala bama, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia. Tbe stockboldea re-elcctei the follow ing directors, whose terms had expired: H. L. Hopkins, of Greensboro; F. R. Penn.of Reidsvllle; F. K. Bordeu, of Goldsboro, and Charlea J. Harris, or DUlaboro. Following th meeting of the etock holder, tbe director met and re-elected tbe officer of the company as fol lows: J. W. Fry, president; R. R. King, vice-president; E. Coiwell, Jr., ecratary; W. E. Allen, treasurer; I. Smith Homans, actuary; A. B. Kim ball, eeneral counsel; Dr. J. T. J Rat- tlef medical director; R. Y. McPher on, agency manager. SPEAKER CAllIIOrt ENDORSED. Republican Executive Committee Wants Native of Guilford for Presidency. The Guilford county Republican ex ecutive committee met in Greensboro last Thursday and selected March 7th as the date for holding the county con vention that la to name delegates to the state convention to be held In this city April SOtb. Tbe primaries for the se lection of delegates to the county con vention will be held March 6th. By a vote of two to one the committee adopted tbe following resolutions, in troduced by Mr. John A. Hodgin, en dorsing Hon. Joseph G. Cannon for the presidential nomination: . 'Resolved, That for tb&.Oext Presi dent of the United States, we unequiv ocally express our preference for, and pledge our unwavering support to", that sturdy, broad-minded statesman Whose modest patriotism, earnest endeavor, unquestioned business judgment, un impeachable integrity, and distinguish ed services through forty years of con spicuous life have endeared bim to all true Americans Joseph G. Cannon, of 11110018." The fight against tbe adoption o( tbe resolution was led by a deputy marshal and an employee of the internal reve nue service, who argued that it would hurt the party for the committee to give an expreseiuu of its preference for the presidency. The gentlemen were reminded that the state committee bad not failed to endorse President Roose velt, after which the resolution Mas put to a vote aud carried with the above mentioned result. Guilford county has eighteen votes In the Republican state convention, and a member of the executive com mittee has made the assertion that ev ery one of these votes will be cast for Cannon. The fifth district Is entitled to 112 votes iu tbe state convention, and the same gentleman says that these votes will be cast for Cannon. To Open Business in Cuba. Mr. O. C. Wysong, president of the Wysong A Miles Company, is in Cuba to investigate trade conditions on tbe Maud and to open a branch, house for his company In Havana. The Wy ssng & Mi es Company manufactures an extensive line of wood-worklngma-chinery, making a specialty of a sand belt machine and a mortising machine for furniture workr the patents of which are owned by the company. At pres ent the firm is selling its machinery principally in the United States, Eng land and Mexico. County Sunday School convention. Tbe executive committee of tbe Guil ford County Sunday School Associa tion announcea that tbe annual con vention of tbe association will be held at the Reformed church, this city, on March 20th. There will be three ses sions, the first commencing at 10 A. M. An intermission of an hour for dinner will be taken and an afternoon session will be held at 3 P. M. ' - v Several of the leading Sunday school workers of the state are expected to be present and make addresses. Tbe Vulcan plow sold by Townsend A Co., Is the best because It Is put to gether better and turn the soil easier. Every one guaranteed. All size in stock. 8-8t 'EHCOtfRAGIHG REPORT. SBlcBdU ConditIinvof rtbllc Scnoolf of .' Oak Ridre Township. : Prof. Thomaa R. Foust, county sur erlntendent of public instruction, 1 in receipt of a milt encouraging report of the public thol work of Oak fudge township. Thi township baa four white and twa colored school, and every building7 is new.' It I a local tax district, and in sending In notice of .i.. .-.innTnnt'm(lB to the various Bcbool Mr. Charls Case, chairman Of t a .Wt Ivnawf who hll the lownsaip i;uv - occupied that position forWenty-five year, recit the fact that not only waa eyery member of the echool ' commit tee present, but each one expressed himself well pleased with'tbe. work of tbe school in his district.' The amount apportioned by this meeting, out'of the local tax fund alone, waa 950. This neat sum supplement the. amount allowed from the general fund ofTV?9o. making a total of -12,048 for these six schools te expend Jn one year.. This r.nt onlv Insures 1 longer school terms, hut better paid teachers-and more of i them. I , Concluding his report of the school work of the past year aa gained from his own observation and from reports of the members of the committee, Chairman Case adds this significant postscrip: "In my opinion better work is now being done In the schools of the township than at any time since tbe civil war." ! ' First Class Farm Implements at reasonable prices. You save Labor, Time and Money when , you . buy Implements that wear well and work well. The kind that we sell. We issue one of the best and mot complete of Farm Implement Cat alogues. It gives prices, descrip tions and much interesting infor- rl mation. Mailed free upon request. Write for it. The Implement ,00., 1302 East Main St.. RICHMOND, - VIRGINIA. We are headquarters for V. Crimp and other Roofing, Wire Fencing. Barb Wire, Poultry Netting, etc. Write for prices on any supplies or Farm Implements you require. CONYERSV New Drug Store 350 South Elm St. FULL LINE OF STANDARD PATENT, MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, STATIONERY. &0..&0. Prescriptions Accurately Compounded You all know rrio. Z. V. CONYERS Weal' Iffii.dlmeys "Weak Kidneys, rarely point to weak kidney Kerres. The Kidneys, like the Heart, and the Stomach, find their 'weakness, not in the oryan Itself, but in the nerves that control and guide and strengthen them. Dr. Snoop's Restorative is a medicine specifically prepared to reach these controlling nrves. To doctor the Kidneys alone, is futile. It is a waste of time, and of money as well. If your back aches or Is weak. If the urine scalds, or Is dark and strong, if you have symptoms of Brights or other distressing or dangerous kid ney disease, try Dr. Shoop's Restorative a month Tablets or Liquid and see what it can and will do for you. Druggist recommend and sell Tiff, GALLOWAY DRUG CO. V Administrator's, Notice. Having qualified as administrator of the .estate of lawrence E. Whiteseli, I hereby notify all persons having claims against my intestate to -present the same to mp as re quired by statute on or before the 22nd day of February. 1909 or this notice may bar their recovery. All persona indebted to my Intes tate are requested to pay at once. This 18th day of February, 1908. D. a. lULLIMS. 8 6t Admn of Lawrence E. Whiteseli. Dir. : Mil warn ROAD NOTICE. , A petition having been presented to the Board of County Commissioners to make public the road or cartway in Washington township leaving the Underwood Ford road east of J. J. Boon's house and running north easterly and crossing Haw River at the new bridge, and thence easterly to the Alamance county line east of J. Y. Jones house, this is to notify all persons objecting to same to ap pear before said board at the next regular meeting on Tuesday, March 3rd, 1908, and state said objection. V" J. A. DAVIDSON, Chm.B. (X C Is a fre business invitation a term em- ployed betweerbusiness men; a siire indication that ; the man the request a bank-be- Uever himself and that he is addressing a man of like b and would like to open one; the facilities, con- yeniences and courtesies of this bank are at your disposal. Suppose talk it over? w C P. WHARTON, President, Id) V .' -'--.;'-' -if - - mm HELP M T .... - ' ' inr IC A D A fT You CAN be cured of 11 lo A rAv l that Rheumatism "Head this letter, then prove it for yourself AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, ! OF HARTFORD, CONN- GEORGE E. LEE, DISTRICT AGENT. Aaheville, N. CM Dec. 26, 1907 Mr. Peter P. Yates, Greensboro, N. 0. - . ' My Dear Sir aild Friend: I beg to write and thank you for the good the Band you placed on my leg ob December 21st, five days ago, when you explained to me the good you could do me. 1 could scarcely give crddit to it, yet I knew you so well t had faith in your remedy. I would sav further the rheumatism has disappeared and also the neuralgia from which I have been a great sulFerer. I trust yon may be the means of reaching tbe many sufferers in this broad land and be , able to bring to them the same good results that have come to me, which I only wish I bad known of yearns ago, and.I shall bold to this Band so long as I live and would not part with same for any consideration. v; ; Thanking'you again, with hih regaro s and very best wishes, i Your friend,- ; ' . - ." : ; G. E. LEE. Ob not bo disoou'raged. failed, wear ono of my Bands and bo cured. I have hundreds of testimonials from people 1 have oured, many of them here In Greensboro. , Write today for full particulars and terms. 1 GREENSBORO, N. C. fry. it --j .. it 1 1 j !$fe A'tfrf nn 1 il T M i & STASVJEY SAWITARIUIVI I GREENSBORO, N. C. FOR THE TREATMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS E: L STAMEY, M. Cosby Patent Air-TigM Baker and Heatet IT DOES DOUBLE DUTY it warms the coldest and largest room in the house, making it- cozy. The busy housewife can cook, or bake . any thing from light rolls to a Thanksgiving or Christmas turkey. Still it looks just as neat as any heater made. It is air-tight and a great fuel saver. Thousands are be- : ing sold. Thousands of housekeepers are enthusiastic. ' Fine Cast Iron tops and bottoms, making it last for years without repairs. Made only by ( " " UNION STOVE CO:, Inc.; ox 2745, RICHMOND. VA. HUN") - SOLD BY Both tii&Patridt and M WSvM ..: C L. SIDES.' Cashier. After every thing else has j A D Medical Director - IT MEAT S . GCjpil TOO. The Most Convenient,! Useful and Economical Stove for the Home Ever Made. . . . . i I V v. , LJ LEY-STOCKTON-HILL1 COM PA NY. r. ' ! I. 1 n hi i 1 ;l: fli i X- 1- 1 '5-'

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