v y j .v r" Z) - ) v1..' ' . 7 v..- 7 v v- 7-'-l . 4 7 " ' " The GrmeMsboS-: ' ; . , .t .... .... , . . . ...... . , ' VOL. 87. GREENSBORO, N. C. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 25, 1908. NO. 13 tts W. J. RICHARDSON Office: MeADOO BUILDING tT to roaTorrica ritbidcncc: us wist gaston st. J. H. BOYLES, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEOW OfiM la ITotton Drur Stora Bnlldln. OScfl Phone SOS. B.4C9 W.Gaaton; Res-PhaoaTia. Dc J. E. WYCH DENTIST OFflCC IN CARTLAND BLDQ. C4.H T.. tt00. ' Dc M. F. FOX PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON QUILfORD COLLEGE. N. . Dc EX A. BURTON DENTIST OSca la Mr. WatliMton baUdta. Kx door to Conyer s Draff iito. Upatalr. C. W. BANNER. M- D. orrimim roerorriCK. Prctir Limited to the Eye. Eat. Now and Throat. OSoe Hours- A. M. to 1 P. MU) P-f.to I P.M. tfundaj. t to 10-30 A. M. ftrea to ttie worUy poor. OSm Pfcoce 3. Bldeoce Phona WX Dr. W. P. Reave rvo ytT FIoum Burvoa New Orlaana Bja, Bar. Nom and Throat HcxpitaL Practice Lbolted to Dueaae 3 Sr gacy ff W Eye, Ear. Note 3 Throat. Iloura L30 to S P. M. MaAdoo Balldiar. Next to PoctofBcA. Dr. C. T. LIPSCOMB DENTIST Ofice over fykf Drue Companj. Phone TO. p. Dr.J.R.Williams Dr.A.F.Fortune OfEce 105 W. Wahinton. aocu: hocm: UtoLItoi 4J0tol0;Ito3. riini for Poor Dotfmnr Patient: Coccutapuon. Moodarand ThurJja.8 to 4. of Women. Tuelaj. and Frtdaja, tun. ..f.TtfioR. j. i. aeiia. Taylor O Scales ATTORNEYS AMD COUNSELLORS AT LAW CRX1SIB0I0. I. c. Krvcrt u. Doula. Robert D. DouIaa. DOUGLAS 6 DOUGLAS ATTORNEYS AT LAV i.hm la CraVr. Laaa aad Tratt lltr, THOMAS C. HOYLE ATTORNEY AT LAW City Vat'l Saak Bllr.. Creeaakare. I. C. epotal attention fiven to oollectiona. If negotiated. Robert C. Strudwick iTTORNEY m9 COUNSELLOR AT LAW HI Caart Maart. GUZISBOtO. I. C. F. P. HOBGOOD. Jr. ATTORNEY AT LAW. URm la VTrtht Dulldinc. Oppoatta Oourt Houm Greensboro. H. C S. GLENN BROWN irrcrnrr at law WdiHt Building. 104 North Elm St. LTt M. Scott. Cbaa. K. McLeaa. SCOTT Cs McLEAN ATTCSiTETS AT LAW tzlca: 111 Caart Staare. Greeaaara.V.C GEORGE M. PATTON ATTORNEY AT LAW tOS Ocrart &quara. - Green bo ro, N. C TMoa. . inw CMa. a. Minca SHAW&HINES ATTORNEYS AT LAW . OSaea: Roorna r07 ani SC8 Xev MeAdoo Baildlfif, next to Toitoflca. , isJ JJ S. Mr. W. R. Odell, of Concord, was in the city Monday. Col. John A. Batrlnper U attending Hu per lor court In Durham. Mr. George H. Roytter is erecting two residences on Church street. Col. and Mrs. W. H. Osborn are spending a week at Jacfcwn Bprlngs. Mrs. W. II. Wakefield, of Charlotte, Is the guest of Mrs. J. L. Brockmann. For Bal Extra fine Scotch Collie popples; Inquire at Gardner's drug store. 10-tf. Garden seed, spring oats, see pota toes everjthlne In the seedline at Tucker & Erwln's. 51rs. J.T. Rankin Is recovering nicely from the effects of a recent operation at tit. Leo's hospital. ' Poultry wire, hog wire, cattle wire, barbed wire and lawn fencing at the Bouthslde Hardware Uc. The Greensboro Female College Dra matic dab will give a recital in the college chapel Friday night. Ground was broken yesterday for the Mclver Memorial building at the Htate Normal and Industrial College. - a Our spring underwear, hosiery, shirts and overalls are naw In. Drop in and see them. J. T. Ran'kin A Co. We have a full line of fishing tackle, sejies and gill netting. utiiside Hardware Co. For Sale Cheap Four good mares. J. F. Ross, Pleasant Garden, N. C. Judge r. J. Shaw and Judge J. C. Pritchard were the speakers at a pro blbition meeting in Salisbury Satur day. Mr. E. M. Land has purchased from Mr. J. W. Grainger 44 lota in the Flab er park praperty, In the northern sec tion of the city. Mrs. A. C. Blg. who was cslled to Danville, Ohio, by tbeillness and death of ber brother, , has returned to her home In this city. Mr. H. H. Lowrcy, of the Coulter and Lowrey Company, will build a reaideuce in the Flaber park property, on North Elm street. Mr. C A. Hines, a recent acquisition to the legal fraternity of Greensboro, was admitted to practice in the United States courts Monday. Rev. Bhuford Peeler, pastor of the Reformed church in this city, preached a special sermon to children and young people Sunday morning. Mr. Victor M. Moon, a traveling salesman for a Philadelphia house, spent Sunday here with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. MockI. Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt, state miner alogist, will lecture at the Carnegie Library Friday eight on "The Mineral Resources of North Carolina. Elliott Thompson, colored, was sent to the roads Monday to work out a fine of i2 S5 imposed by Magistrate Col lins for beating a ride on a train. The schedule of Southern Railway southbound train No. 7 will be changed next Sunday, the train leaving Greens boro at 12:5-5 instead of 1:27 P. M. The Sunday schools of Guilford county are requested to elect delegates to th state Sunday school convention to be held In Burlington April 7 9.' Mr. Frank Dick, a well known farmer living twe miles east of McLeansvllIe, who has been desperately 111 for some time, is lyiug at the point of rieatfi. Dr. C. Alphonso Smith, of the Unl verslty of North Carolina, will address the Southern Society of New York on April lOtbou "Literatureof theSouth.1- Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Morris have re turned from Knoxville,' Tenn., where tbey were called by the death of Mr. J. C. Gillespie, the father of Mrs. Morris. MrC. H. Hartsook has reilgned bis position with the Odell Hardware Com pany and will travel North Carolina for the U. M. C. and Remington tire arms. The Greensboro Boiler and Machine Company has in created its capital from 150,000 to J 200,000, of which amount $75,000 is cumulative preferred steck. American and El wood field fence, Chattanooga plows, Hoosier corn plant ers and the John Deere fctalky cultiva tors at Greeubero Hardware . Com pany's. Mack Benbow, the el evenly ear'-old eon of Mr.and Mrs. O. C. Benbow, died at the home of his parents on West Lee street, of spinal meningitis, Saturday morning. The public is Invited to attend the closing exercises of the Tucker . school, in Fentress township, on April 3rd. The exercises will begin at 10 o'clock In the forenoon. Mr. John N. Staples, Jr., who has i - During the past winter the Greens charge of the American .Ogr Com- boro 'Rallef Association, which- had pany business In Havana, Cuba, Is spending a few days In Greensboro en a visit to his parenta. For Rent One of the best farms in south Guilford. Good grain, grass or vegetable land, convenient to churches, school, market, etc. Apply to B. N. Smith at farm near Center. 12-2t. , The Southern Railway has kbollshed lis commercial agency in Charlotte transferring the work of that territory to the ofiice of Mr. C. V. Palmer, the commercial agent in Greensboro. Ginghams, percales, white goods, table damaek, cbevlotts, bed 'ticking, denims, table oil cloth and everything In Ftaple dry goods, all at the lowest Iprlces. J. T. Rankin & Co. A week's criminal term of Guilford Superior court will convene Monday, with Judge Jone-3 on the bench. As usual, the docket is heavy, the major Ity of cases being of minor importance. f J Mr. L. B. Mansfield and Mlsi Mary Staley, of Ossipee, were married iast Wednesday, the ceremony being per formed by Squire Fawcette. They came to Greensboro on their wedding trip. Mr. Charlie Gllbreath, who was thrown from a wagon and painfully injured several days ago, Is In St. Leo's hospital. It was found necessasy to amputate one of his legs just below the knee. , Mr. W. S. Necdham, who taught a very successful public school near Old Tilnlty, Randolph county, has re turned to the clly, his school having closed last Saturday with a public ex amination. Mr. T. M. Arrasmith left Sunday night for Mt. Sterling, Ky , upon re ceipt of a telegram informing him of the critical ULaesa of his father. The elder Mr. Arrasmith .died before his son reached his bedside. The Edwards-Klrkman property, a farm of 65 acrei located fire miles west of town, was sold at public' auction at tlie court hcue Monday. Mr. J, T. Pruden, of this city, was the purchaser, the price paid being $915. There wa9 a re-sale by the adminis trators of the Dr. Washburn property, at Guilford Battle Ground, Monday. The property, comprising about 1C0 acres of land was purchased by Mr. Garland Daniel for $4,370. , An approaching society event of in terest to a wide circle of friends will be the marriage of Miss Mary Merrimon, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Merriraou,and Mr. Michael Hoke Jus tice, Jr., on the evening of April 8th. Don't fail to learn the advantages of a Perfect churn before youbuy. Over five hundred of these churns bavejbeen sold In Guilford and Alamance coun ties alone. See my advertisement in another column. 13 2t WP. Bennett, Agent. Agents Wanted 16x20 crayon por traits 40 cents, frames 10 cents and up, sheet pictures one cent each. You can make 400 per cent, profit or $36 per week. Catalogue and samples free. Frank W. Williams Company, 13-4t 1208 W. Taylor St., Chicago, 111. There will be a flag-raising and Bible presentation at the Groome school, in Sumner township, Friday under the auspices of Greensboro Council No. 13, Jr. O. U. A. M. The flag will be pre sented by Capt. F. P. Hobgood, Jr., and the Bible by Mr. E. D. Broad burst. United States Marshal Mllllkan ar nounces the appointment of S. K. Harkrader, of Surry county, as a dep uty field marshal. Mr. Haikrader was one of the men who captured John Hill, a Smlthtownblockader, for whose arrest the government paid a reward of $.500. k Rsr resentativea of the Moravian church have secured an option on the church edifice, on East .Lee street for merly eccupled by Grace Methodist Protestant church, and it is expected that the Moravians will at an early date become the owners of the building and lot. Walter Holleman and Arthur and Iionnle Moore, three young' white boys, were carried to Durham Monday night to-answer a charge of larceny. When arrested in this city, they bad in their possession goods which they were sus pected of having stolen from a Dur ham store. The private school taught the past two months by Miss Mamie Wilson at the home of Mrs. Annie Brame, four mllea northeast of the city, closed lasi Baturday. The patrons of be school were highly pleased with Jtfiss wu eon'a work, and are already planning to secure her for another term. . charge of tbfr organized charity work in this city, found It necessary to ex pend only $125, although every call was answered. The Tllcers of the as sociation were agreeably surprised to find so little reliefwork necessary. ' In a fit of epilepsy last Friday, the 12-year-old daughter of Mrs. Frank Co ble, living near Monett's school house, fell into the fire and was fearflly burned. The other members of the family were away . at . the time. We learn that Dr. Whltaker, the attending physfeiaV holds out slight ' hope of re covery. N Col. F. H. Fries, of Winston-Salem. and Mr. A. E. Moore, of Gastonia, who wre appointed receivers of the Pomo na Cotton Manufacturing Company on the 13tb, took formal charge o the property last Thursday. The mill has been Idle for a month or more, and It is not known wlien operations wilPbe resumed. - . . The pupils of the Greensboro high' school have spent about one hundred dollars, painting and beautifying the interior of their building. The board of education were so pleased with the enthusiasm displayed by the pupils that tbey have had the outside the building painted, thus encouraging the' pupils to better work. ' The Guilford Real Estate Company, chartered by the secretary of state last week, has perfected an organization by the election of thefellowingofficera: L. J. Brandt, president; R. N. Had ley, vice president; R. G. Glenn, secretary and treasurer. These gentlemen, with J. J. Stone and L. H. Sellars, tute the board of directors. con al Mr. James Edwards, of Sheridan, Ind., is in Guilford, his native county, for a visit, having come east last week with a friend who is now at Southern Piues for his health. Mr. Edwards visits his kinimen and fnei)dfcere every few years, and the pleasure la al ways mutual. We -were glad to bi favored with a call Thursday. 1 Mrs. N. D. Andersou, ihe "woman arrested for shop lifting, as related in an article on the second page of this issue, remained in jail until Saturday afternoon, when her husband, who had arrived in the city, put up a cash bond of $250, to which amount the original bond of $1,000 had been reduced. The couple left Greensboro Saturday night. Mrs Elizabeth Coble, the widow of Emanuel Coble, living in Greene, town-i ship, who, will be 78 years old next August, is the motherof eight children, and has 47 -grand children and 57 great grandchildren. This is a record that few people are able to attain, and if any township in Guilford or surround ing counties can beat this record, we would be pleased to hear of it. The county board of elections is in session today.to appoint judges for the prohibition election to be held on May 26th. The beard will appoint a prohi bitionist and an anti-prohibitionist in each prscinct. It is understood that the registrars for the last election will be continued. The board of elections is composed of Messrs. A. W. , Cooke, cbairmau, and F. N. Tate and A. A. Holton. Mr. F.jJ. Muir, who has held a re sponsible position with the Cone Ex port and Commission Company for the past five years, has resigned and on April 1st Mil go to Fay etteville to-be-come general manager of the Holt Morgan mills. His family will remain lu Greensboro temporarily. Mr. Muir lis an expert cotton manufacturer, hav ing had a varied experience in Cana dian, Northern and Southern mills. Friends in this city were surprised to learn of the marriage, in Atlanta on March 11th, of Mr. J. K. Norman, formerly with the Caliahan-Dobson Shoe Company, and Miss May Banner, a daughter of Mr. and Mra. W. F. Banner. Miss Banner left Greensboro to visit frieods In Ohio,.'bntuanged her mind and went tb Atlanta to meet her lover. The bride and groom are at home in Birmingham, Ala., where Mr. Norman has a position. In the million-dollar damage suit brought by the receiver of the Whitney Reductien Company against the T. A. Gillespie Company, for breach of con tract, Judge Boyd signed a consent order directing United States Marshal Mllikan to open two big mercantile stores of the Gillespie Company at Whitney.' Marshal Millikan has a deputy at Whitney In charge of all the defendant company's property in that vicinity, representing a monetary value of about $2,000,000. Wood Wanted. - A If you have wood to sell call and see me. I think we can trade. , -1 8-tf Sam Browne, v 1 Walker Avenue, Greensboro. SUIT AGAINST CITY. Bis: Case on Trial in the United 'Circuit Court. States Judge Boyd convened a special term of United States Circuit court in ihls city Monday morning and immediately toook up the case of the Southern Pav ing andoDstruction Company against the cltjr of Greensboro, "this being a suit for the recoVfery of a' balance of about $13,000 alleged to be due under contract for the paving of South Elm street. The cfry is resisting the pay ment on the ground that the work was done improperly and is setting up a counter claim of $12,000 against the paving company for violating the perms of the contract. in an amended answer to the bill of complaint the attorneys for t,he city charged that Mr. W. G. Potter, who was cily enginear at the time the work was done, and who passed on the work as the city's agent, was either deceived by the paving company orentered Into a collusion to defraud the city. Just before the adjournment of court yesterday afternoon Judge Boydj made a ruling on the admissibility, of certain evidence that practically knocked the props from under the city's case. It is apparent that a verdict will be rendered against the city, in which event the case will doubtless be carried" to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals. The paving company is represented by Judge W. P. Bynum, Jr., and Wil son & Fergusoci. City Attorney Shaw is assisted by Msj.Chailes M.Stedman and Mr. 'E J. Justice. ' ; The peciaKeroi of the Circuit jcourt will be followed by the regular April term of District court, during which will be tried the eases against the noted Smitbtown blockaders. 'if the grand jury should return a true bill,. Jim Smith and Oacir Sisk' will b&tri-:d for the murder of Revenue Officer Hen dricks, in the Smithtown aeighber hood, last December. TO MAI! AGE CAMPAIGN. " J. C.-Kennetf to Have Charge of the rro x hiDltion Forces In the County. 'r. Mr. John C. Kennett, of Pleasant Garden, one of Guilford's best known citizens, has been elected secretary of the central committee and will direct the work of the prohibition forces in this county in the impending cam paign. He has opened headquarters in the law offlse of Mr. T. J. Murphy, in court square, and will proceed at once to perfect an organization in every township in the county. Mr. Kennett is a man of wide experience in cam paign work and will give a good account of himself in the contest that will end with the election of May 26th. It is the purpose of the committee to perfect an organization in every town ship in the county and arrange fcr speakings at central points. Judge Jeter C. Pritchard, who is taking an active part in the campaign, has ac cepted an invitation to make a prohi bition address in this city within the next few weeks, and whilelio date has been decided upon, it is understood that be will speak in the Grand opera house on a Saturday afternoon. Ex Govern orAy cock has agreed to fill a Sunday engagement, the date to be announced later. So far the ''anti-prohibitionists in Guilford have been' inactive, but there are indications that they will "get busy" in the near future. It is report ed that a live and energetic Citizen of Greensboro, a gentleman who has a wide acquaintance throughout the county, has consented to take charge of the anti-prohibition campaign in this county. Mr. A. H. Boyden, the mayor of Salisbury, who has charge of the anti-prohibition forces in the state, was in Greensboro a lew a ays ago loos ing for a campaign manager. Judge Boyd has signed an order con firming the report of W. U. iirwin, special master, in the case of the Im plement and Supply Company, of Statesville. The matter was pending upon tbe petition of the Walter A. Wood Company to have certain notes in tbe bands of the trustee in bank ruptcy turned over to the said corn pany orvthe ground that these notes had been pledged as security for the pnrchasemoney for machinery sold to the bankrupt company. Judge Boyd overruled the petition and adjudged that the notes belonged to the estate of thfTbankrupt. Standard Seeds. " We are handling a full line of stand ard garden and field seeds. The Ferry and May garden seeds have givehsat isfaction for over fifty years. Wood 'a fielcf seed's are unsurpassed. If you want the best, come and see us. - ll-4t c J. R. Chrismon & Bro. - 7 ; - " ' " i. We have a full line of builders' hard- ' . . ... j . Ware.painis, ous snu varuisuca. Southside Hardware Co. ; AMERICAN EXCHANGE BANK C A PITA L.$300,000. ; Greensboro, N. C SAFETY JHE FIRST CONSIDERATION ' In estimating the.safety of a bank, it Is always well to remember that the oaryital and surplus, in other words, the bank's own money, is that which gives security t;o the de positors. In view of the f inano lal disturbance through whloh the coun try has just passed, se curity 1 s the f eat u re which should merit the v first consideration. Jhe large cap 1 tal ($300,000) of this bank, together with the stockholders liability ($300,000) form a fund th'at Insures abso lute security to those who entrusttheir money to US. . 7- , ,' We pay four per cent, interest on savings and time deposits. American Exchange Bank ' GREENSBORO, N. C. Capital - - S300.000.00. B. P. WHARTON, President. J. W. SCOTT, Yice'President. R. G, VAUGHN, Cashier. . F. H NICHOLSON, Asst. Cashier. J. W. CASE, Mgr. Savings Dept. illllC Change in Galloway Dm? Company. Mr. Max T. Payne, a well kaown and popular young druggist of this city, who has been connected with the Farias-Klutz Drug Company for the past few years, has formed a company which has taken over the business of the Galloway i Drug Company, the change becoming effective today. Mr, . Payne, who will manage the business, is one of the best equipped young drug gists in the state and haa a host of friends who will wish 4iim success in his new position. Mr. Rawley4-Galloway, who retires from the business, has under consider ation two or three propositions to en gage in business elsewhere. For sev eral years he was a successful traveling " drug salesman, and he may return to the road. ; ' ' - ' To Meet in Joint Debate. Solicitor A. Ii. Brooks has accepted an invitation to meet Prof. J. Allen Holt, who has an appointment to speak in the court house in this city tomorrow night, and the indications are that the debate will be heard by a large and interested crowd. This will be the first joint political discussion heard in Greensboro in quite a while, and the fact that the debate will be between Democrats will add addi- tional interest to the event. New lot of low cut shoes for men; women and children. The prices are right. Come in and let us nt you witn a pair. j. t. hankin oc o. 527 South lIm street. ... - 1 M tA BREACH IN YOUK I EARNING CAPACITY , -' ." ' - . " ... Can best be met with a savings account. A checking account at the City National Bank;will give you something substantial to fall back on in case ofJ sickness or other misfortune. It will also help you to spend less than you earn and teaches you systematic business methods. Four per cent:, compounded 'quarterly, paid on your savings accounts. CIH IIATIOIIAL BAHK Capital, $100,000; Surplus, $10,000. GREENSBORO, N. C. . . ,- . - . VT. 8. Thomson, J. Vast Lindlxy, President. . Vice Pres. .J -