, - , . . . ' - i - ' : - I STAY I ON THE FAR Is what evcxy young man who is adapted or can adapt himself to farm life should do. If you arc anx ious to become a merchant, save up your earnings, bring them to town, invest in the grocery busi ness, lose what you have worked hard to save, then go back to the farm wiser and better prepared to enjoy the luxuries and freedom of farm . life. But "whether you succeed or fail, you must wear Clothes. We sell the ALL-WOOL ALL RIGHT kind. Prices reduced. Chisholm, Stroud, Crawford & Rees Vaon and buggy paints at Town Bend & Cols. ' 8 St E. A. Adklns has bought from Mr. Ctasar Coue a lot ou Maple street. Dr. li. A. Johnson bas told hta resi dence on Psarson ttreet to Mr. M. G. Newell. Have you seen the $15 disc harrow aud the $10 three section spike harrow at Townsend & Co.'e? 8-8t Mr. E. W. Stratford has purchased froui Mr. V. O. Btratford 2o acres of land near the Guilford Battle Ground. Mrs. J. H. Coble has returnea from a trip to northern c'tles, accompanied by her eon, Mr. G. O. Coble, of Kox boro. v lie v. N. R. Rlchardaon, the P"tor, will begin a revival meeting In tipriog Garden btreet Methodist church next Sunday. Mr. I. C. Wright, who formerly practiced law in Greensboro but Is now located In Clinton, was in the city Fri day on business . A regular meeting of the Greensboro Academy of Medlcioe was held Friday night, when several subjects of Interest to the profession were discussed. The four-jear-old son of Mr. Jim Barker, who lives a few miles nottb east of the city, fell iuto a gully and broke his arm while at play last Thurs day. The Vulcan plow fold by Townsend & Co., Is the beit because It la put to gether better and turna the soil easier. Every one guaranteed. All sizes In stock. 8-8t Mrs. C. D. Ben bow and daughter, MIm Mary Benbow, and their guest, MIsa Ethel Perry, of Berkeley, Cal., have returned from a pleasure trip to New York. The annual meeting of Orange Pres bytery will convene in the Presbyterian church at Leaksville on Tuesday, April 14th, the opening session being held at 8 o'clock ia the evening. Mr. C. Lt.. Jenkins has bought through the Quick Exchange of Heal Estate Company a beautiful lot on ELECTION OFFICERS. wmrn Eastman Kodaks from $1 to $20. A complete line of supplies. Everything in the drug line. FARISS-KLUTZ DRUG CO. . Tho storo that appro oiatos your business Come to seo us Florence street, m the Fisher property, dy Fields. near the home or Mr. E. J. Justice. The three-yearoId daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. llanner, of Juliau, died a few dayM ago as a result of being poioued by takiugeome tablets which had been left by the family physician for her mother. Col. John it. Webster, editor of Web ster's Weekly, and several other prom inent citizens of Ileidsville, were in Greensboro Thursday night to hear the diecuion betweeu Solicitor JJ rooks and Prof. J. Alleu Holt. Bob Cauey, Jim Whltls and Henry Barriuger were before Mayar Brandt a few days asco on a charge of retailing aud were held for th tiuperior court. Barringer put up a bond of $100 and Causey and Whltls went to jail. Registrars and Jodtcs Appointed for the Prohibition Election Way 26tn. The county board of elections held a meeting In Greensboro on March 25th and appointed the following registrars and judges In the various precincts of the county for the state prohibition election to be held on May 26th: . .. LIST OF REGISTRARS. Washington township U. A. Tickle. North Rock Cieek J. L. Wbiteseli. Boutb Rock Creek J. W. Summers. Greene G. M. Amlck. North Madieon James F. Doggett. Bouth Madison Li. E. Howerton. North Jefleraon R. Jj. Davis. Bouth Jeflerson H. I. Hanner. Cley D. H. Coble. North Monroe J. J. Mitchell. Boutn Monroe J. A. May. North Gilmer J. J. McDonald, Precinct No. 3 G. H. McKinuey. Precinct No. 4 R. A. Gilmer. Fentress J. A. Ros. Centre Grove W. A. Warren. Precinct No. 2 J. H. Rankin. Huinoer E. F. Paschal. Precinct No. 1 J. Ed Albright. Bruce H. C. Brittaln. Friendship Lee 8. Smith. Jamestown G. W. Johnson. Oak Ridge A. 8. Clark. Deep River J. C. Bull. South Morebead J. W.Cook. North High Point J. W. Sechrest. Soutn High Point 8. II . Billiard. LIST OF JUDGES. Washington township I. R. Cobb and Alfred Apple. North Rock Creek Berry Davidson and Clarence Cone. South Rock Creek J. B. Whitsett and K. B. Wheeler. Greene J. R. Wood and J. Frank Greasou. North Madison G. W. Lemons and J. R. Moore. bouth Madison A. R. Hlnee and J. R. Boone. North Jeflerson W. L. Lindsay and Rsukln Fryar. South Jeflerson J. R. Paisley and D C.Stewart. Clay C. U. Hinshaw and George Garrett. North Monroe E. W. Walker and M. G.Bevill. Boutb Monroe N. J. Carter and A. 8. Voss. Precinct No. 3 J. D. White and E. L. 8yke. North Gilmer C. E. Landreth aud J. J. McDonald. Precinct No. 4 C. C. McLean and W. B. Pembeitou. Feutreea C. T. Weatherly and Rod- Centre Grove John W. Wharton aud C. T. CummltiKu. South Morehead R. W. XH. Stone aud J. N. Baxter. Precinct No. 1 R. G. White aDd J. H. Walsh. Precinct No. 2 Sam Browne and A. H. Stack. Sumner S. T. Otwell and George Hodglu. Bruce R. V. Harris and Thomas Friendship S. W. H. Smith aud Carl S. Wheeler; Jamestown John M. Davis aud Jesse A. Burney. Oak Ridge Francis Pegram and Ca leb Jones. Deep River C. T. Roberson and D. L. Gray. North High Point J. D. Paylor and D. S. Gurley. South High Point J. Robert Parker and li. A. Millis. A. Way la n d Coo k k, Min Nora Penick, teacber of English Chairman County Board of Elections. at Greeutboro Fsmale college, is to be wedded soou to Mr. Hartstieid, of New Mexico. She has gone to her home at Three Notch, Ala., and the weddlog is to take place there at au early date. Don't waste your time and money on cheap fertilizers or you will surely fall. The best farmers are buying the old tried aud reliable brand like Far- tnerV Borie. Quaker Mixture and Baugh's Bone aud Potash. See Town- send & Co. 10 St Mr. John Gardner, a prosperous far mer living about a mile fouth of Po mona, ai.tl Mir Carrie Breedlove were uuitetl iu marriage receutly by Squire W. N. Kirkmau at the home of the This March 25, 1908. Lecture on the State's Mineral Resources. Prof. Joseph Hyde Pratt, the state geologist, delivered au interesting and eutertainlng lecture at the Carnegie library Friday night on the mlntral re sources of Nor Ih Carolina. The lecturer exhibited specimens of the ttate's min eral renouice and riUtrlbutrd copies of his reportM ho-Ainjr the extent and character of the mineral deposits und demonstrating the wealth of the state iu mineral products. Professor PrU H recognized an authority on mineral'" especially on tin, in which re i known as having THE C0K FEDERATE flOHUMENT; Contribution- From' Watire of Guilford ; v Lirlng in Tennessee. ' p Mfss Alice-Nelsoq, chairman of the monument committee of the. Guilford chapter of Daughters of the Confeder acy, is in receipt of a letter from Mr. Samuel R. Shelton, of Covington, Term., a native of Guilford, enclosing a contribution to the monument fund. ah.itAn writes as follows, under date of March 21st: ' .. - - nr Miss Nelson: Although having left Guilford county nearly eixty years .rrr. Titiirhavea warm piace iu my hpa'rt for the land of my nativity. read your appeal iu the Greensboro Patriot or tue iia lost., ns&iu cuu- tributions ror ine erecuou ui a vumcw rflf monument , on court tquare In Greensboro in commemoration of "the brave men who fought for principles that never die " The appeal, touched thetic chord in my heart and I cheerfully contribute $10 to help the noble and patriotic daughters of Guil- rnrH nhnnter in tneir lauaaoie auu praiseworthy undertaking. Yours truly, Samuel U. Bheutok, Moravians to Purchase Grace M. P. , Church Property. Rev. Edgar Holton, who is leading the movement to ebtablish a Moravian church in this city, con Arms the report that the old Grace Methodist Protest ant church property, on East Lee street, is to be purchaeed by the Moravians, the purchase price being f 4,000. In speafcing of the matter, the Union Re publican says: The money to purchase the church will be borrowed , but the forty-odd Moravians in Greensboro propose to proceed at once to raise the money and will do it. The building is a bargain and is so conceded. The Moravians iu the Southern province are thoroughly aroused to au effort at church exten sion in the home field, and the Greens boro work ia the beginning ia the more densely populated fields. For forty-odd people to raise 14,000 is no small matter, but tbey will rind willing hands and kind assistance in their laudable work, aud their struggle will be but the great er victory when tbey shall have can celled the debt. We might add that a Sunday school will be organized on April 5th, at which'date there will also be preaching by Rev. Edgar Holton, morning and evening. Representatives of the Greensboro and Raleigh high schools will meet in this city In a joint debate Friday even iug, April 17th, discussing the question, "Resolved, that United States senators should be elected by the direct vote of the people." Raleigh will have the affirmative and Greensboro the negc tive side ef the question. On the after noon preceding the debate the baseball teams of the two schools will play a match game at the Cone Athletic park. Farmers' Bone and Baugh'a Bone can't be beat for use on all crops. See Townsend & Co. 10-8t COSSSYERS' New Drug Store 350 South Elm St. FULL LINE OF STANDARD PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, STATIONERY. &o.f &o. In a i s 1 Can neither be m easu red n qr bver-esti mated . j B 1 - ; can neither be measured n gr over-estimated . It is praotloally a present-day necessity, its evidenoo or absence 1 n . you r business trans actions being: almost Invariably accepted by, m en as the, nil e to r measurin g your business disposition and I m portahoe. ' Aval I y o u rse 1 f of the facilities at your disposal In this bank and opena checking account today. ' ., E. P. WHARTON. President. - E.L. SIDES. Cwhier. QUAKE GRAIN v fVIIXTURE MANUFACTURED BY UNION GUAN(XC0 WINSTON, N.C. GUARANTEED ANAIYSI5K There are no better goods made than the old reliable QUAffJER MIXTURE For Oats, Corn, Potatoes and airfield crops. SOLD BY TOWNSEND & a GREENS BORO, N. C, Prescriptions Accurately Compounded - You all know me. 2. V. CONYERS ifou Mori M Longer to Suffer When there is certain relief within your reach? j Read the following letter: OFFICE OF HOGSED HARDWARE CO. DEALERS IN , HARDWARE, FARM IMPLEMENTS, WAGONS, ETC. Toccoa, Ga., Nov. 1, 1907. Mr. Peter P. Yates, Greensboro, N. C. . Dear Sir: Answering your Inquiry regarding the.condition of my wife, will say she had been confined to ber bed for about six weeks when you sent ber one of your Rheumatic Bands. I never saw a per son suffer more than she did. I was using every remedy we could, with the doctor attending her two or three times a day, and she was not im proving at all. Sbe put on your Band and began to improve right away, and iu three weeks she was well. When she put on high shoes she removed the Band, and had a slight return of rheumatism, but put the Band on again,. and in two or, three days was entirely well again. I would not have my wife back in the condition she was in when you cured her for all I am worth. Your friend, -' D. E. HOGSED. Why don't you profit by the -experienoo of others? Your family doctor is all right, arid will do all he oan for you, but he oannot ou re that rheumatism. I navel cured hundreds of hopeless oases with wonderful Band, dozens of them right here in Greens boro. and in Guilford county. Write today for full information and terms. EBTBB GREENSBORO my the moft expert and comprehensive bride's f-ther, Mr. Xoah Bieedlove, knowledge of any mineralogwt in the country. He in also an expert on mon- near Hilltop. Mr. Jack '.Albright, who is well known to many people In this section, ha sold the Mount Airy Leader, a uc ceaful weekly paper he has conducted for beveral years, to Mr. T. B. Garner. Mr. Albright will continue to have charge of the local column of the pa per. , MadUon Herald: John Williams, a colored man of Madison, died Sunday afternooq in a piece of woods near his home. His death was quite sudden and was due to some heart affection. azlte, a mineral used extensively in electrical work, acd of which large quantities are found in North Carolina. Confident of the Result. Mr. John C. Kcnnett.who has opened prohibition campaign headquarters. in this city, expresse-i entire confidence of the success of the cause at the election to be held May 26. When asked as to the probable majority, Mr. Kennett said it was too early to make anything like an accurate estimate, but he thought the Thomas Kallman and another darkey r0"01 8D0U,d Rive rrohibition a ma were paesiae and heard a uoiee and Ju llJf rttlu8 "ol" " -."W- when thev reached Williams he wt. Io the 8tate election of 18S1 Guilford in a dvlne condition and onlv lived a Kve majority of 1,487 against prohi- few fetcouda after they reached him. Walter Hoileman, Will Webster and Arthur aud L.ounie Moore, the four bitlou. At tba annual meeting of Greensboro Lodge No. 602, B. B. O. Elks, last white bovs who confessed to breaking Wednesday night, the following offl into a freight cr between Greens- cer" were e,ected for tn9 ensuing year: boro and High Point last week and John VWllsoD. exalted ruler; G. 8. sttallug a quautity of merchandise, Bradhw. esteemed leading knight; were giveu a heariug before Justice D. W T Gyle, esteemed loyal knight; H. Collins, who bound thtm over to W. I. Underwood, secretary; T. L. Mc- Gullford Superior court in bonds of $200 LeaD treasurei; Isidor Scbiflman,ty each. In default of bond, the boys were committed to jsil. ler; Garland Daniel, trustee; D. H. Col lins, representative to the grand ledge; L. J. Brandt, alternate representative The lodge now has a membership of 280 and is In a very flonrishing condition; A Klrht Alarm. The Jumping Off f lace. Y "Consumption had me in its grasp; aud I bad aliuoat reached the jumping fl place when I was advised to try Dr. King's New Discovery; and I want U say right now, it saved my life. Im- Worse than an alarm of Are at nleht ..w. iu lus utmi ooiue, i is iuo meiainc cougn oi croup brinirinz and after taking one dozen botUea 1 1 dread to the household. r'rfi was a well and happy man again' era keep Foley's Honey and Tar in the ;ays ueorgt Moore, ef Grimeiland. bouse and give it at the flrst sign ef ti" A.a- mj for coughs and danger. 'Foley's Honey and Tar has colds and healer of weak, sore longs saved many little livee-and ft Is the and for preventing pneumonia New only safe preparation for children as lt fi.,Ume?c!."d100b contains no harmful drags. All drug all druggists. Trial bottle free. eists. i , is A m to (is TAKE Get some of our nice Rockers, ranging in price from SI .50 to $50 m (US u N. C. V - - .': .: I W I V j Everything you want in Furniture and Houocfurmshings. mm " THE BtG: STORE," GREENSBORO .... J r