TAY ON THE FAR M Is what every young man who is adapted or can adapt himself to farm life should' do. If you are anx ious to become a merchant, save up your earnings, bring them to town, invest in the grocery busi ness, lose what you have worked hard to save, then go back to the farm wiser and better prepared to enjoy the luxuries and freedom of farm life. But whether you succeed or fail, you must wear Clothes. We sell the ALL-WOOL ALL RIGHT kind. Prices reduced. Chisholm, Stroud, Crawford & Rees I A new city directory of High Point gives that place a population of 12,000. Capt. B. G. Fry, of Gastonla, wti In Greensboro the latter part of last week. Mra. D. F. Causey went to Salisbury a few days ago to visit ber brother, Mr. W.H. Jenklna. Farmers' Bone and Baueh's Bone ran't be beat for use on all crops. Bee Townsend & Co. 10-8t Mr. C. D. Ben bow baa sold to Mr. J. F. Stevens four and a half acres of land lu South Greensboro. Hovel Methods Adopted In Line of Relltf : lens Effort. was W. Bcautlfnl Home Wedding Celebrated Last Wednesday Erenlnjr. t m r n.hnm mtfor or urace i xne mamaKo o - " Methodls't Protestant church, in behalf jr., and Miss Mary Paxton Merrimon of the Ministers Association of Greens- last Wednesday evening, w b.ro. has addressed a circular letter to event of wide Interest. Th e ceremony the pastors, congregation, and mis- took place at the borne -of the bride . slonary organlzatlooB of Greensboro in. parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. U. Mern- reference to the young people's mis- m0n, and was witnessed by a large rr l U.ra M na nir f H Aflria Alld relatlVCS. 1 ftO lonary movement. auochc j wuik-uj i it. ntiretv: officiating minister was Rev. Dr. G. 1 The officers of the Young People's Detwiler, pastor of the -West Market . i i Miumant rt lha TTn utrPt Methodist church. Miss Lizzie States and Canada, have Inaugurated Merrlnaon, a sister of the bride, v t a u.. nnmhaiid i..--in.l mntlBrn mr miiiionl I main nr nnuui nuu ux. -- from Miss Virginia Browa a farm of through what is called deputation ana gchencK was Desi mau. m rriHi in Prlend.hln townshlD. rhihltion woik. and the deputation The ceremony was ionoweu ujr t m, o.MnH. h.v. mnvH rommitiee is now negotiating with the wedding reception, aner wnicn ixr. . uiuum . - . - , jj U ri..iaA.f A -! t inti nr ttila rlfvinianrl MM. J UKIlCo OUHfUCU iUO iJUXtLi- iaiuilicia oviv.. - - - viaw of having a deputation and exhl- bound train for a bridal trip to north Lm pitipJ. UDon ' their return to can be made. Greensboro, they will be at home with "The deputation Is to be composed Mr. and G. S. Ferguson, Jr., on Church of three persons, sent by the mission- street. mn.amnt whn hv mifiafnnarvl Th hnde is a VOUDC woman of oausey, ve lectures and various other means, many graces and is a social favorite in stopped in ureensooro on ms return wlllmpart Bucn information as will Gieensboro. where she has spent her from the state Sunday school conven- ffenePai in. LnHr lif- Mr. Justice is a son of telllgent missionary interest. Judge M. H. Justice, of Rutherford ton, "The exhibition will consist of a and has made his home in thld city for movingpieture and stereopticon outfit several years, holding a responsible po of sufficient variety for three programs, sitlon in the banking depirtment of an exhibit of curios from foreign mis- the Southern Life & Trust Company. slon fields and interesting material representing home mission work, also native costumes worn by local workers If their law offices from the 13 en bow Arc id e to the McAdoo building. Mr. W. M. Weatherly purchased the bankrupt stock of Mr. J. Lj. Iticb, plumber, sold at auction last week by Mr. R. G. Glenn, the receiver. Rev. K. A. Craven, of in Greensboro on bis return lion In Burlington and visited his son, Mr. E. F. Craven. Don't waste your time and money on cheap fertilizers or you will surely fall. The best farmers are buying the old tried and reliable brands like far mere' Bone. Quaker Mixture and Baugh's Bone and Potash. Bee Town send & Co. last Rev. J. C. Hhlve. wno recently was Mr. W. O. Doggett, of Brown Sum mit, whose building on Boutn n.im V I. . 91 XI 1. A. In charge of booths representing the sireei was oaaiy aamaseu uy utc several countries, and an exhibit of January, nas speni a consmeraDie um called to the pastorate of Alamance and missionary literature of all kinds pub- in repairing the damage and enlarging Can neither bo measured nor over-estlfnated. It Is praotioally a present-day necessity, its ovldenoe or absence In your business trans actions Joeing? almost Invariably accepted by men as the rule for measuring your business Disposition and Importance. Avail yourself of the facilities at your disposal In this bank and open a checking account today; E. P. WHARTON, President. LA E. L. SIDES, Cashier. 00000 J SICK ROOM SUPPLIES If there is sick ness in the family, it comes sooner or later in every home, come and talk over with us about supplies which will make the sufferer more comfortable and aid in recovery. Our store is head quarters for sick room necessities, also luxuries. Prices never too high. FARISS-KLUTZ DRUG GO. The Day and Might Pharmacy Telephones 36 and 44 Bethel Presbyterian churches, has de clined the call, much to the regret of the two congregations. It was believed that be would accept the call. The Coney Island Carnival Company will be In Ureensboro next week.show Ine under the auspices of the fire de partment. The carnival will be held on the vacant lot In the rear of the city hall and will open Monday. The congregation of Walker Avenue Presbyterian church has purchased the Rich property, on the corner of Men- deuhall and Carr streets. The family of the pastor. Rev. R. Murphy Wil liams, moved into the manse a few dys ago. The corner-stone of the Mslver Memorial building, at the State Nor mal and Industrial College, will be laid duriug commencement week. The exerciees will be under the direc tion of the Morth Carolina Grand Ledge of Masons. Mrs. Klizabeth L.oflla, aged 64 years, died of dropsy at her home at Groo rue- town on Tuesday, the 7th, and was buried Wednesday afternoon at Red Hill, the services being conducted by Rev. J. A Bewles. Bhe Is survived by ber husband and several children. Dr. Stephen B. Weeks delivered a highly interesting lecture at the Car negie library Friday night on "Racial Element In North Carolina," with special reference to the Qaskers and Huguenots. The lecture was given under the auspices of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Mayor Brandt has Instructed the members of the police force to make a crusade against all disreputable women In the city, and as a result, it is ex pected that every house of ill fame In Greensboro will be closed Ilcatlons of the leading mission boards, mission libraries, curio boxes, maps, stereoscopes, pictures, lantern slides and educational and decorative mate rial In large variety. 'Admission to the exhibition will be by tickets Bold at low rates to be given definitely later and the exhibi tion will last four days. Representa tives of various denominational mis sionary boards will be expected to at tend this exhibition and the surround ing country and adjacent towna and cities will be greatly interested In this great movement, of which Greensboro is now to be made the local center. "The sympathetic, prayerful and active cooperation of all our churches, Bunday schools and vaiious missionary organizations is earnestly solicited by the Ministers' Association of Greens booro, that we may fully appreciate and Improve the opportunity soon to be given this city. To have lectures of the best kind and exhibitions of the most pleasing and instructive charac ter upon the most interesting subject In the world, and at rates easy to all persons, Is indeed a rare treat, of which we should show ourselves proud." and improving the structure. A third story has been added to the part oc cupied by the Benefield Furniture Company and the portion occupied by the Palace of Sweets and the. Greens boro Novelty Btore has been greatly Improved In appearance. The work la about finished and the building pre sents an attractive appearance. QUAKER GRAIN IIXTURE MANUFACTURED BY J ' - - UNION GUANO COS WINSTON, N.C.- GUARANTEED ANAIY5IS! J- - f .-i Thursday night twenty candidates were initiated in-the Paisley encamp ment of Odd Fellows in this city. The degree work was performed by a team from Durham, consisting of G. W. Bryant, C. L. Byrd, W. C. Lindsey, W. B. Bagwell, W. R. Murray, Jr., W. H. Overton, A. C. Melvin, J. M. Law bacher, W. F. Stephens, F. L. Clark and A. J. Lee. BAUK OFFICERS ELECTED. A night Alarm. Worse than an alarm of fire at night is the metallic cough of croup bringing dread to the household. Careful moth ers keep Foley's Honey and Tar in the house and 'give it at the first sign of danger. Foley's Honey aud Tar has saved many little lives and it is the only safe preparation for children as it contains no harmful drugs. All drug gists. SUBSCRIBE TO THE PATRIOT. There are no better goods made than the old reliable QUAKER MIXTURE For Oats, Corn, Potatoes and all field crops. SpLD BY C. C. TOWNSEND & CO, GREENSBORO, N. C. to Commercial and Savings Freparlo? Merge to National Bank. The stockholders of the Greensboro Commercial and Savings bank, which will be converted into the Commercial National bank ta a few weeks, held a meeting last Wednesday afternoon and elected the following directors: E. H. Coapman, W. B. Clary, O. Ij. Sapp, C. S. Lake, Howard Uarduer, Jos. J. Stone, F. C.Boyles, W.J. Meadows. Ernest Clapp, J. W. Jones, K. M. Arm- The police field, . J. Stafford, R. E. Tobln, E. ofllcers havelnstructlons to arrest every Stern berger, W. P. Knight, L. A. Hen- CONYERS1 New Drug Store . 350 South Elm St. FULL LINE OF STANDARD PATENT MEDICINES, . TOILET ARTICLES, STATIONERY, &o &o. lewd woman In their jurisdiction. Mr. E. M. Armfield, of High Point, well-known banker and manufac turer, was In Ureensboro a few days ago aod talked noperully of the bus! nets outlcok. He y the furniture manufacturer, who have passed through a erlod of great depression, are experiencing a business revival. During the month of March the Greensboro police department Issued 106 warrants. Oolyoueof these was for a charge of drunk and down, but thirteen were Issued against persons charged with retailing. The remain ing cases were for assaults and aflrays and for violations of various city ordi nances. The uniforms for the Greensboro baseball team have been received. Each player has two suits, one for use on the home grounds and the other when playing on out-of-town dia monds. The home suit is out of white, with cardinal stripes, while the colors for outside u?e are gray, with black trimmings and stockings. A quartet composed of Mrs. Myra Albright, Mrs. Janle Foushee, Miss llo Few and Miss Nan Wood, assisted by James ilrown, pianist, and F. E. Dufly, baritoue, gave a concert Thurs day night at Thonuasville in behair cf the building fund of the Methodist church there. Prof. R. Bllnn Owen accompanied them and directed the concert. The Jnmpln Olf Flace. "Consumption had me In its grasp; and I had almost reached the jumping ofl place when I was advised to try Br. King's New Discovery; and I want to say right now, it saved my life.' Im provement began with the first bottle, and after taking one dozen bottles I waaa well and happy man again," says George Moore, of Grlmesland, N. C. As a remedy for coughs and colds and healex of weak, .tore langa and for preventing pneumonia New discovery Is supreme. 60c and 11.00 by luiuuu, xiimi uoiue tree. ley, James Bangle, F. B. Kicks, D. R. Hufilnes, It. G. Campbell, J. Q. Barker, of Andrews; It. E. Osborne, of Waynes- ville; C. H. Hobba, of Asheville; Paul Chatham, of Charlotte; C. M. Hicker son. After the stockholders' meeting there was a meeting of the directors, who elected ofllcers as follows: F. B. Kicks, president; E. J. Btaflord and C. M. Ulckerson, vice-presidents; F. C. Boyles, cashier; 1. F. Peebles, assistant cashier. Mr. Hickercon, the new vice-president, comes to Greensboro from Ashe ville, wbere he was engaged iu the' banking business. The Commercial National bank will hive a capital of 1200,000. Prescriptions Accurately Compounded You all know me. Z. V. CONYERS Oan You " .Afford to Suffer uriif lnl D il II hi w 0' Longer f When there is certain relief within your Teach? Read the following letter: OFFICE OF HOGSED HARDWARE CO. DEALERS IN HARDWARE, FARM IMPLEMENTS, WAGONS, ETC. Toccoa, Ga.f Nov. i, 1907. Mr. Peter P. Yates, Greensboro, N. C.,, Dear Sir: Answering your Inquiry regarding the condition of my wife, will eay she had been confined to her bed for about- six weeks when you sent ber one of your Rheumatic Bands. I never saw a per son suffer more than she did. I was using every remedy we could, with the doctor attending her two or three times a day, and. she was not im proving at all. Bhe put on your Band and began to improve right away, and in three weeks she was well. When she put on high shoes she removed the Band, and had a slight return of rheumatism, but put the Band on again, and in two or three days was entirely well again. I would not have my wife back in the condition she was in when you cured her for all I am worth. Your friend, D. E. HOGSED. Why don't you profit by the experience of others? Your family doctor Is all right, and will do all he oan for you, but he oannot cure that rheumatism. 1 have cured hundreds of hopeless oases with my wonderful Band, dozens of them right here In Greens boro, and In Guilford. county. , Write today for full information and terms. GREENSBORO N. C. Dr. R B. Williams and Mr. John R. Robinson nave opened a modern and up-to-date sanitarium in this city for the treatment of patients addicted to drugs, alcohol and neuristhania. Dr. Williams has given more than 12 years to this special line of woik, and his pa- tients throughout North Carolina and elsewhere are his living witnesses. Mr. llooinson, as manager, is especially fitted for his part by experience. Dr. Williams says the institution is to be conducted on strictly ethical lines, the management trusting to honorvand character for success. ' The languid, lifeless feeline that comes with spring and early summer. can be quickly changed to a feeling of oouyancy ana energy Dy tne judicious U9e of Dr. Snoop's Restorative. The Restorative is a genuine tonic to ! Urea, rundown nerves, and but a few doses is needed to satisfy the user that Dr. Snoop's Restorative is actually reachiog that tired spot. The indoor lire or winter nearly always leads to sluggish bowels, and to sluggish circu lation in general. The customary lack of exercise and outdoor air ties un the liver, stagnates the kidneys, and oft- iimes weasens me Heart's action. . Use Dr. Snoop's Restorative a few weeks and alt will be changed. A few days j teat will tell you that yon are using the ! ngni remeay. will easily and surely note the -change from dav to day. - Sold by Galloway Drug Co. $ (is ft as m i as I!S i!S. is qs eh (is, Cis (is t GS GS 6Y Get some of our nice Rockers, .ranging in price from SI .50 to S50 pO,U )5 tWaniiDtfll' J -1. p4 Everything you want in Furniture and Houoefurniohings. vr 3 OS O CB 3 O 5 O v2" 3 O O 003 3

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