The :i&MMMsm VOL. 87. GREENSBORO, N. C. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 22, 1 908. NO. 1 7 1 . r : ; 1 - Vz W. J. RICHARDSON orricc: mcadoo duildinq hcit to roaaprrtcc HCSiOCMCC: 015 WEST QASTON ST. J. H. BOYLES. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 0e la Hoitna Drux 8 tor BaUdlor. orace rtooe tt. t0 W. Guton; Ra. Phane 78S. Dc J. EX WYCHE DENTIST orrfCE IN CARTLAND BLDG. irw iim sr.. Dn M. F. FOX PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON v aUILFORO COLLCOC. N. C. De e. a burton DENTIST JIRc la Mrs. Watltnrton bulldlof. Nait door to Conyrr'a Drux Sior. Upataira. C. W. BANNER. M. D. orroerra rorrorrios. FVvccice Liauted to the Cya. Car. Noae and Throat. OOw Houra A. M. to 1 P. 2-30 P. M. to S P. M. Sunday, t to 10JQ A. M. tra to the worUiypoor. C3m Phone JO. Rftaldeaoo Pboae JX Dc W. P. Reaves rwo rrs flouaa Burroa New Orleans Kr, &ar. r 00 ana iorui niMpiw. TVdLca Ubnlied to Diacs a3 Sr- mrj f Omt Eye. Car. Nom 3 Throat. Itourt UO to S P. M. ataa.130 BaUdlox. Next to PoaUWSoa. Dr. C. T. LIPSCOMB DENTIST Ofloe orer Srkea Dim Oompaar. Phone 733. Dr.J.R.Yrilliams Dr.A.F.Fortune Offices 105 W. Waihinitoo. K.rt1Jt0(. SJ0 to 1(X 1 t X. Clinic for Poor pnrlnj rrr" r women. Tueadara and Frlda ja. IV) k a .Tiiie. 4. 1. ecAice. Taylor & Scales ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW GUZirSBOlO. v. c. sooart M. Douslaa. Robert D. Dootia ac J rirtrmT AC ATTORNEYS AT LAW l:tee is 6rtara Lata aat Trait Bldg. THOMAS C. HOYLE ATTORNEY AT LAW . .. ..v aur.. CrecaiVare. V. C. Wl . J mm . tLntion airaa to oollecttooi- Lca ae3tlated. Robert C. Strudwick ,?TOBMCY m3 COUNSELLOR AT LAW .11 Caart Saaart. CEXXISI0I0. 1. C. P. HOBGOOD. Jr. ATTORNEY AT LAW. t xrrivht Rulldlor. Opposlta Co art Houao Oreeoaboro. N. C S. GLENN BROWN Writtu Buildiflf. 108 North Elaa Si. Le M.Soott. Caaa. B. MoLoaa- SCOTT & McLEAN ATTCSSTS AT LAW ttUa: ui Camrt Itmare. Crwasaara.l'.C. GEORGE M. PATTON ATTORNEY AT LAW V C.iurt Bquara. - Oreenaboro. K. C. CMa. a. mimcs SHAW&HINES ATTORNEYS AT LAW Koomi 507 aal 2 New MoAdco Bulldlcc next to PotoSoo. " . ioi. John A. Barrlnger spent Mon- day lo Lexington on business K oee IDs Southaida Hard war IV wnen you want screen doors and win. I down. For Balk Extra fine Scotch Collie poppies. Inquire at Gardner's drue tore. 10-tf. n.. r . .. Mits Mamie Walker went t.Mitnn yesterday to visit Miss ' w- margaret . . Barnes Air.J. W. Prkln llvoa n..r . . Reidsville. Is in the cltv on a visit to ireiauves. If you want a satisfactory paint, try the "Davis." sold bv Bouthslde Hard- waie Co. m- r it . ..I iui..uujci o.ujdb dm gone 10 nisi summer home at Blowing Rock to spend a few days. uu nw uiji. Mr. 8. Ij. Patterson of SDrav a well known cotton manufacturer, was in Greensboro Monday. A number of the students of Bcsse mer high school enjoyed a picnic at Luonneirs pond Monday. Miss Margaret Clegg has returned " 1 from Torson, Mexico, where she spent wagon and two two-horse wagons can be bought chesp at Petty-Reld Co.'e. Head our wagon adv. and call and a a m I see the real goods. Pctty-Reid Co. Mrs. Melton Clark, who has been ill I for ssveral weeks, has gone to Colum la, H. C, to spend a while with rela lives. - 1 ... . .... . I Head the "Quaker Mixture" ad on pag7. Beat moderate price fertilizer I laths market. Try it. You will use tt again. 10-6t Mr. E. R. FIshblate. of New York. who was engaged in the clothing buI- I utM in Greensboro for many years, is in the city. X Barbed wire, bog wire, cattle wire. poultry wire and the ' EI wood" poul- ItT and rabbit faT ' Uarav wate uo. President Foust.of the State Normal and Industrial College, left yesterday xf.mnKla Tri n . tn attend an edu cationai mung. 'The Man From Dixie" will appear at Brightwood school house on Satur day, April 25, at 8 P. M. Admission 25 cents and 15 cents. There Is a time for everything. The time to paiut is now. .Let the South side Hardware Co. figure with you. We will save you money. There will be a medal con teat at Bes- . . a a a tl Mmer nlgn scnooi v eaneeaay, pm 29lh, to which the public la Invited. Eight little boys are to speak. We art atlll handling J. I. Case cul tivators and Invite your inspection. Sam nles un at all times. Prof. W. C. A. Hammel, of the 8taie Normal and Industrial College, win deliver a free lecture on wireless teleg raphy, at the Carnegie library, Friday evening. Mr. Daniel Morgan and Miss Minnie Whltt. both of White Oak, were mar u.rrfv nicrht at the home of I lev j -r Squire J. E. McKnlght, who perform ed the ceremony. Mr Paul H. Elkins. editor of the RUer Citv Grit, was in Greensboro yes t.rrf.v on his way to Charlotte to attend the meeting of the JNortn uaro Una Press Association. RHrhtwood school will close Friday, April 24tb, with literary exercises anu a basket picnic. The exercises begin at 10.30 A.M. There will be an aa dress by Mr. A. L. Brooks. Fok Sai: I have a six-horse-powcr onrtable boiler ana engine ior aio. . AT Good as new. . Can be seen at my noi tllng works, corner Railroad and Ashe r . . strew ts. nurA. Mr. William Hodgln and Miss Julia Stubblefleld were married at the home nf tha bride's brother. Mr. George Mtnhhlefleld. near Pleasant Garden, Sunday, Rev. J. W.Goodman official m mtr - w m 1 n tr Mr. H. C. Millttt, of Columbia, B. r haa aucceeaea iir. v. j. . . . . -v T Tv . M m w mm w . .. . , manager for the Greenstxro aistrics 01 the Singer Sewing Machine Company. Mr. Denny -will enter the Insurance basineas. Mr. E. C. Penn, who was transferred to the Winston division from the Southern Railway offices In this city, has accepted a position with the At lantic Coast Line and will have head quarters at Rcky Mount. Prof Charles L. Lane, of Georgia, a bumor'ist, delivered an entertalnlng lecture at the Smith Memorial Bulld aTg Monday night on -The Analysis ,T,nUter The lecture was given of Laughter. , w r T fT under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. Mr. Mason w. Gant. who has been engaged m the railroad business -In Georgia for aom Hm h.. mna his former home at Rtokeada! ...... in ueorgla Mr. Gant held the nosltlon or train-master on the Atlantic Rir miugoara & Atlanta railroad. JmMTiii. t . KsmrniviiU ..tu v ...J.. wi ...v. uuuuar llJKili UJ IUD w rm Vi V . w tVA chief f nniwnr,,. " ' ... . t..--v elsewhere In thl nf ih. p. I - wnmw V l-V 4S. IjtIIapI S ... I i ,ycicruay. ine cnief of police and bis deDUtV wera arratart and 1 -,1 1 . . . . F"vcu unacr DODOfl Of euch. I At a meetintr of the hoard nf man. agersofthe Yountr Wnmna f?hH.ti.n AcIatIon yesterday it was decided to nP'oy matron at the Southern Rall- WJ siauon in this city. It will be-the duty of the matron to look after and "wu,tu wuu vejiug aiooe. Tha fUllfnrd.Ti'nravfVi Hfan nftk. 1 - . u CharIoUo convocation of the Episcopal I CnurCu ITIMti thia tftrnnin In Win. church meets this afternoon in Wins- lon-tsaiem and sessions will continue mrougb tomorrow. The Rev: Thomas u. Jfauikuer, pastor of St. Barnabas Episcopal church, of thia Mtv will da lit ! . nver an address on general missions. auo auuuai meeting or me Jbixs' Home Company was held Monday in gut, when the following were elected for the enmin? Messrs. L. J. Brandt, president; J. N. Wilson, vice-president; H. Sternberger, secretary and treasurer; J. V. Cone, T a T f IT.. w v r a Dr. L. M. Humphrey. J. R. McClam roch aud.Ceasar Cone. Hill ir, 1 1 t " r A u u m mm k. mm m-m U lweany company nas been oreanlzed w at Chapel Hill as an incorporated incomorated asrencv of the Southern Life and Trunt - - K m t 1 1 . . . vumpaujr, 01 iuia cuy. me aumonzen capnai is id.uuu, of wnich amount iwwu is suDecnned by rnomas Kuffln "mf - " and C. I j. Lindsay, of Chapel Hill, and ocoeocK. 01 ureensooro. The gentleman who visited the wild """J" r""" lUDIU'' Auuuuajr. night and attempted to tickle one of ins iwui who lus uaua is resunir as 1 W t 1 L. . . I comfortably as could bs expect " I satis neajFaJdlnj' the lion reached his hand through the the cage, and immediately tbeVJon get busy. It It learned here that several Dan ville liauor dealers are preparing to open places in South Boston, Va., which has come to be quite a market for booze. Probably the larger portion of Greentboro's mail order wbUkey business has been going to Danville, and the information that that town had gone "dry" did not come as pleas ant neas to the Morally Stunted here. The basket ball teams of Greensboro Female college and Salem Female academy played an interesting game on the grounds of the former team In this city Monday afternoon, the Greens boro girls winnlug by a score cf 6 to 4. During the progress of the game the grandstand collapsed-and precipitated a large number of spectators to the ground. There was a great deal of ex citement and several young ladies re ceived minor injuries. A dwelling house on Gregory street, some distance out beyond the Holiness church, burned Sunday afternoon, to gether with all ita contents, which be longed to the tenant, Mr. P. C. Heath, who with bis family was at church at the time. The fire was not (discovered until the flames burst throvgh the roof. The building, which was in sured, was owned by Mr. H. M. Pat terson. Mr. Heath bad no insurance on his household goods. Mtrinc Band May Come to Greensboro. The national government is to be asked to assist in making a success of Greensboro's centennial celebration next October by sending the Marine hand to this city during the week of the celebration. A committee com posed of the following gentlemen left Greensboro today to lay the matter be fore the President: Mayor L.J.Brandt and Messrs. G. S. Bradsbaw, C. M. Van story, Garland Daniel and Charles D. Benbow. The committee will be accompanied to the White House and introdused to the President by Senator Overman tomorrow morning. Occasionally the Marine band is per mitted to leave Washington, and it is htliaved the chances are favorable for securing this splendid musical organi zation for the centennial celebration, provided the date does not conflict with some other engagement. Weak women get prompt and last lng help by using Dr. B hoop's Night Cure. These soothing, healing, anti septic suppositories, with full informa tion bow to proceed are interestingly rtid nf in mv hook "No 4 For Women." The book and strictly confidential med- leal advice is entirely rree. oimpiy wHtn Dr. Rhoon. Racine. Wis., for my book No. 4. Sold by Galloway Drug Co. v VNot it;j fbs Of a. - I. . . : . BASEBALL GAJ1ES. ov'Mtf.. - I ... ... Diamond During the Week." 'AS " " a large crowd witnessed a earn e of miuBweu a mj mm w w mmmm a m ir- mm mmmM r w a vnaa Ww" aa w w k r . wu iUe kauh u! tuo ftBi -s" f I rill. . cu " I uuuu( I Qfl . ..rco ucpeuaea upon in result, th nr..u... ' I -W iaOCUBUUriJ team winniner bv the score of8 to 2. ar I Score hvlnnmn.. R. H. K. 1 . - w , t,i . , - Italelgh 001 000 0102 3 9 v-.vv-.uuiu JIZ. lAil II ft Saturday aftemnnn k vrv amaii wvnv. nuuoiieu h very gooa gatoe De tween rV i r-i t nrrtnrH nri. . w . jxhuuq auu uiccuiuuru 1 proiessionai team. Oak Ridge winning ujr iuo score or 3 to 2. The bad weather wj mo interfered ..v..v.i.u nnuguuu piling, iiiaougn. aaiuM..!.. l . .... ii i Rrmran ttr 4 7 . j .111 1 wuaiuctlug me circumsiances, ootn teams did very well. Rvt-o i Score by innings: R. fa. E. Oak Ride a nmnrn nona in o Greensboro nnoi bnt nnn o I o . V WW vw. vvr KM IV t 1 ' . warf vw vw Arf 4 3 in one of the nrettiest and hardest fOUht frames wltnpapd nn thn Innat diamond In a long while, Guilford de- w - . - ,.ww feated Davidson -Monday afternoon by the score of ft tn 1. u va n tnUr - a. ww mm j.fcwUwA a . .uv a uu uuiv Biiguuy 1 110 V rri . 4.UB ursi man un for (Juiiford wan hit by the pitcher, Doak bunted safe and a base on balls filled the bases, with no one out. ... r . I i, . I aBV W HI I MM I W KJ - I V W V V B-K n fifth innincr i I ' O wa.uaawva W SBjl3 CIU" van red Otl a aarr!fp nH ernrari trhan 1 " O .M.. .lUgltV4 vancd on a sacrifice and sen txt o a a rl R TVir 1 - . u.uuv.u ct uaiu-uib 4ljr IAJ 1 cl k " neid. Score by innings: R. H. E ui iuouu ...... .UUVI U1U UUV 1 Davidson .000 010 0001 2 0 Guilford ...... 200 000 0013 5 3 Batteries: Price and Sharp: Barr and 1 r 1 Bherriil. Attendanceover 2,000. . 1 B "7:: :,7: " " I" .r: ::".0 W.H.w VW .i. 13 kCalil U1EL iirceiiMininrH I . . - vonctfe (.earn met ureensooro's league team m a brilliant exhibition of - iMItltB an n 1.11-211. . nan playing. After ten innings of rr. 1 r --- - -m .. . J?-, wvu dj me awio ui o. score in the ninth Inning. 3 to 2 In fa ' m AW . W vor of the visitors and two of the locals out, Hicks bit for two bases, scoring RIbbod from second and tieing the score. In the tenth, with two out, Sisson hit safe, scoring Cook and win ning the game. Hoore hv innings: K. H. E. Greensboro ... 001 000 0111 4 12 2 Delaware 000 102 00003 10 3 Batteries: Fry and Walsh, Schmidt and Adams. Doane and Adams. Um pire, Malone. Time, two hours. The same teams are playing again this afternoon. At Guilford College yesterday after noon 81. John's went down before the Quakers to the score of 12 to 3. At no stage of the game was there any doubt as to the outcome. Hobba pitched an excellent game for Guilford, allowing five hits, while-WUHs was hit for fourteen safeties. Other features of the game were me nemmg ox "uei;f a . ij 1 . a? a -J A M mrmtr w-k a a nnanron nrnar inBmafi 1 v, t not h- impuoaiuiw wonuwc-. hi, H .tlolr wnrb- torn throP-haBA ucvt ' uu. ..i Mm U1U ueiuK viounsu Batteries: St. John-Willis and Bris- . m--w m CI 1 fX7n.. ,.uwHftKK0n OUUCft uui ujr hub f, ... Base on balls OH Willis 5; oft Hobbs 3. Time, 1.45. Umpire, Wilson Hobbs. Bargain prices on Wood's Selected Seed Irish Potatoes. We want to close out the remainder - of our stock of Wood's selected seed Irish potatoes before the season is too far advanced. We have: First Crop Extra Early White Rose; Earliest (Maine grown); Early Ohio, (Maine grown); Red Bliss, nymg at eacn oin -(Maine grown); Irish Cobbler, (Maine gers. - ' grown); White Bliss, (Maine grown). Second Crop Earliest, (Virginia grown); Red Bliss, (Virginia gron). IxRans Rural New Yorker, first crop; Burbank, nrst crop; Uiany ioee, m, m . -rm a "fc first crop. The guarantee of T. AV. Wood & Sons is back of these potatoes. They are all going this week at $1.25 per bushel. Plenty of standard melon and vege table seeds also. Tucker & Erwin. Neighborhood Favorite. Mrs. E. D. Charles, of Harbor, Me., speaking of Electric Bitters, says: "It is a neighborhood favorite here with us." It deserves to be a favorite every where. It gives quick relief in dyspep sia, liver complaint, kidney derange ment, malnutrition, nervousness, weak ness and general debility. Its action on the blood, as a thorough purifier makes it especially Useful as a spring medicine. This grand alterative tonic is sold under guarantee by all druggists 50c. - . - I THE REVIEWERS' CLUB. . L" ' I MWW.A At UVU1W VI Mrs. Thompson. oil uuuerme auspices of the musical K - - a . b- . - - uejjaruaeBi oi ine .Reviewers' club a ueiignuui musical afternoon was Held at thn hnmo nf M M-nomP80D. on Worth J2Im street. I Thursday. Mrs ThomDson's npnta L UAfuaJr- axn' Anompson s guests. together with tho i C3 v v-v m mmm m MtM W La K m&A K 11 C UE B1 . Illlllll I L. . J a . - . : . uereu aoout ininy-nve, and it was one I va, vuj jjrauio uvukBIUUB Ul I WtiniA troov T'Ko - i i j puioujH were ia nlnk and whi tua ik i .'- fcUCO cuiors were earned out m the re- u t ... iresnments and th decorations: At ' wiMuo. I the Conclusion of a charm In rr nrnirnim 1 wo -- ciwuuua, iue nosiesa " WUiW W1 uaiuv feueuumeaH, 1 wu.iiiiiu k. via i 1 1 1 i Ik niiii w hum ithh m - ' v,..-, I ffUlt Cake TiJahfenrt nrafaM ' ninlr , w u wblte mts, Coffee and :;whipped cream. Mrs. A. B. Kimball had charee nf the program, which was as follows: Paper American Composers and thoii- fnd di . 1 iUl, XkUUCl ii 01UUBV, I u hh:i.t J 1 oouk juikuiv ItaKS rbDSe IS Mrs! Fred Sparger. Instrumental. HAlkntn. ft T" Aiuuiua, xseuuee1. Good Night," Nevin, Mrs. Kim- ball. Vocal "Maryland, My Maryland," T7 1 - i. TT 11 ttr r-.i ' ! p Kjitxa at nouie, - iurs. onarpe. "Scherzo No. 3 ' fhndivfb- Mr I r arrar. I readings "unurcn Scene." from Mrs. I . Vocal selection, Mrs. Thomas J. Mc- Adoo. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT, Verdicts Rendered During Past Week Next Court in June. The civil term of Guilford Superior court, wnich has been in session since the 13th, will adjourn Saturday. Dur- . . , . i !g lmJ tot, c have 1 been rlfniViapr! nf Mirarolnf nrhinh nDo Z rr LZ o, , "" Lhntlv cnnlAatad Sinea . the Iat iaan a rendered in the folio wing casesr "1 . - - - 1 W. Dver aeainst the Norfolk & Western Railway and the Southern Railway, for damages , received by horses in shipment, f 950. John H. O'Neill against the Western Union Telegraph Company, a mental anguish suit, $200. F. M. Keith against Aivin Holmes, a case on appeal from a magistrate's court, $17.98. " n Jonathan A. Maden against the North tCarolina Railroad Company, for damages to gooas in snipmeoi, ao. -mr mr . 1 . . WW . reter vaiin against waiter uunmau. $62 50. G. M. Tidwell against the Southern Railway, $50. J . W. Rain acrainst the city of Greensboro, $290.06. The next civil term of court will con vene on June 1st and continue for two weeks, Ilfwill be followed by a week's criminal' term. Rcpuhllcan state Convention Next Week. The least discussed subject in politi- ia Whnnmlno- Re- uiruica uwo iv" o . 7ifnh will PUWUUaU BltllO wuywUwv, " ' I , , , , from assemuie iu r?h. .Tntv I tnmnrrnw. Anril 61)111. ine ceriaiuiijf of the action that, m all probability, will be taken reduces the interest in the event to a minimum. That the nnnventinn will instruct for Taft with a whoop and endorse Chairman Adams I - -" . M . without reservation is a roregone con- elusion. . I m . a - x iu D AMnkllnan me situation m me uuu,u camp in this state is tne reverse oi what it was pnorto me meeuuK w convention two years ago, wnen tne Aaams ana uifuuiu ww. Muslc Festival Next Week. ... . in, Greensboro and lrinltv ftre looking forward withmuch interest to the music festival to be held - - " . . in this city next Monday and Tuesday, under the auspices of the Greensboro Musical Association. The association will be assisted by the New York Sym phony orchestra, under the direction of Walter Damrosch, who is accompa nied by Mme. Mary Hissem'DeMosa and a chorus of strong and ample pro portions. Mme. DeMoss was here at the festival last May and made a fine impression upon the people cf Greens boro. - - , Potato Plants for Sale. All parties desiring same-for early setting will do well to see us at once. Prices reasonable. 17-3t A. J. & B. C. Draper, Koute 2. Guilford College, N. C. We have a few Farmers' Friend corn drills 'on hand yet. Remember the old reliable. Petty-Reid Co. AMERICAN EXCHANGE BANK "Capital, $300,000. 4 Greensboro, pfcc A SAFE BANK Abso I u t e se o u r 1 1 y, should be the first con sideration in selecting a bank. Other induce ments such as liberal ao oommodations. satisfac tory rates of interest and polite treat ment, which valuable in themsnlvAs. fetre of seoondarv imnnr. t0 tan be. This bank with Its large capital offers Its depositors the highest form of security and at the same time extends every courtesy and facil ity. American e Bank GREENSBORO, N. C. Capital, I30O.OOO.OO. J .B. P. WHARTON, President. ' f j. W. SCOTT, Vice President. ' K. G. VAUGHN, Cashier. F. H. NICHOLSON, AssU Cashier. J. W. CARE, Mgr. Savings Dept. WE Plcasant.GardJ mencement. - The commen Oi eui exercises ui a j - Pleasant Garden high school, of which Prof. O. V. Woosley is principal, will hegin Sunday, when the annual ser- m0n will be preached at 11 o'clock by Rev H m Blair, editor of the North (jaroHna Christian Advocate. Monday night the children of the school will L,ive an entertainment, and Tuesday m0rning at 10:30 o'clock the annual address will be deliverea oy iar. juocko I mrmtm Ma Craig, of Asheville. Tuesaay ariernoon will be given over to baseball and other sports, and at night the commence ment will be brought to a close by a concert. Judge Prltchard Saturday. Hon. Jeter C. Pntchard, of Asne- ville, judge of the United States Circuit court, will make a speech for prohibi tion in Greensboro Saturday afternoon. He will speak in the Grand opera house at 2.30 o'clock and doubtless will be heard by a large crowa. juage Pritchard is one of the foremost advo cates of the state prohibition bill to be voted on May 26th . and has entered very actively into the campaign. He is an eloquent speaker and will in terest all who hear him. Suffering and Dollars Saved, a Twiner, of Marilla. N. Y., says: 1 am ft narnenter and have had many severe cuts healed by Bucklen's Arnica Saved. It has saved me sunenng ana dollars. It is by far the best healing salve I have ever found." Heals burns, sores, ulcers, fever sores, eczema and piles. 25c at all druggists. This Space is Reserved for the Commercial Natidnal BanU. ... w . . - Exchang 4 'i t. V.