THE GREENSBORO PATRIOT, APR.U 29, 19C8PACE 2. I ON THE FAR Is what every young man who is adapted or can adapt himself to farm life should do. If you are anx ious to become a merchant, save up your earnings, bring them to town, invest in the grocery busi ness, lose what you have worked hard to save, then go back to the farm wiser and - better prepared to enjoy the luxuries and freedom of farm life. But whether you succeed or fail, you must wear Clothes. We sell the ALL-WOOL ALL RIGHT kind. Prices reduced. Chisholm, Stroud, Crawford & Rees SICK ROOM SUPPLIES If there is sick ness in the family, it comes sooner or "later in "every ) home, come and talk over with us about supplies ! which will make the sufferer more comfortable and aid in recovery. BOur store is head quarters for sick roorn necessities, !;also luxuries. gPrices never too high. FARISS-KLUTZ DRUG CD. 3 The Day and Night Pharmacy Telephones 36 tnl 464 Do joa own a horse? Read page 6. Mr. and Mr. P. D. Pe, who. iptnt the winter in Florida, are in vu v. Mr. E. M. Andrewi wa. In Illusion Friday conducting an auction salt or real estate. Mr. G. W. Barbee, of Lexlngton.naa gone to eaate:n North Carolina f aell fruit treea for tbe Greensboro nursery. Farmer'a Bone. Buy it foryour lawns, your plant beds, your garden and field crop. Sold only by Townsend & Co . 2'17t Mr. J. W. Price, of Gaatonia, has come to Greensboro to take a position it. Mnmhv Rrothers. wbo conduct a TV ill j ' stove store on Bouth Elm street. Tbe muilc department of Greensboro Female College gave a reciwi Thursday night. A splendid program was rendered In an auracuve uu artistic manner. To this Issue of tbe Patriot Mr. A. tit .i u . known citizen of t eaiucujri Oreensboro. announces bis candidacy nmrvntl( nomination for JUI tUV -rfcMw,-.w-w county treasurer. Mr. Charles J. Lambe, of tbe etafl of the Dally Record, has been appointed official scorer for tbe baseball games to be played on the local diamond during the league season which opens tomor row. Mr. B. C. WbeaUey, who has been assistant to the superintendent of the Southern Railway here for the past year, has resigned to become secretary to tbe Virginia state corporation com mission! Mr. R. 8. Petty entertained a um berof friends at bis home on Walker Avenue last Wednesday night In cele bration of bis fortieth birthday. The occasion was a most delightful . one In every respect. Rev. Dr. Henry W. BatUe. of Kin ston, formerly pastor of the First Bap tist church lu this city, will preach the Introductory sermon at tbe Southern Baptist convention, which will be held In Hot Springs, Ark., in May. Mr. John A. Tucker, formerly a well known hotel man of this city, but now manager of Hotel Forsyth, In Winston Balem, announces that be will open Virginia Bay b)tel, at Ocean View, Va., June 15th. Mr. Tucker was man ager of this hotel last season. , Mrs. Madeline Clemmons died at the ratrfnr ftf Mr. D. H. JohnSOU. OD Diiry street, lsst Wednesday night. Tbe funeral took place at Muir'e chapel Thursday afternoon, the services being conducted by Rev. N. R. Richardson and Rey. J. A, Bowles. The deceased was 77 years of age. The civil term of Superior court ad journed last Wednesday afternoon. Tbe cases set for tbe remaining days of the. week were continued until the next term, whlcb will convene June 1st. The last case tried was tbe dam age suit of William Sloan against the Guilford Lumber Company, the jury rendering a verdict for the plaintiff for $1,000. The Supreme court of North Carolina last week banded down its opinion in tbe case wherein certain residents of Chestnut fctreet brought an action en joining Dr. John Roy Williams from building a tuberculosis sanitarium on that street. The injunction wss grant ed eome time ago by Judge James L. Webb and is sustained by tbeSupreme court. Mr. M. W. Nash has been appointed general am:ul for tbe Southern Insur ance Compauy of New Orleans and general ageut for tbe Guardian Fire Insurance Company, of Pittsburg, Pa. Mr. Nash is also general agent of tbe Ohio German Fire Iusurance Com pany, of Toledo, Ohio, and tbe Walla Walla Fire Insurance Company, of Walla Walla, Wash. Several new brick buildings are to be erected on Davie street, replacing an cient wooden structures. The junk shop building, on the eorner of Wash ington and Davie, has'been torn down and Messrs. Yarbrough A Bellinger will erect a two-story brick building. Mr. D. E. Thomas will erect a brick building for Fleming Brothers, the liv erymen, lu tbe plaee of tbe wooden one tbey are now usiog. Tbe first meeting of Greensboro Lodge No. 7'i, A., F. and A. M., was held in the new Masonic quarters in the Joose-Taylor building, on the cor ner of North Kim and West Gaston streets, last Thursday night. The meet ing was lareelv attended iand was fol lowed by a social session. The quar ters are iltted up In very hannsome style. ' In addition to the rooms for the Rlue lodsre. the Commandery and Royal Arch chapter, there is a ladles parlor, a banquet hall, kitchen, etc. The Jumping Off Place. "Consumption had me In its grasp; and I had almost reached the jumping oil place when I was advised to try Dr. Klne'a New Discovery; and I want to say right now, it saved my life. Im provement began with the first bottle, and after taking one dozen bottles I was a well and happy man again," says George Moore, of Grimesland, N. C. -As a remedy for coughs and colds and healer of weak, sore lungs and for preventing pneumonia New I - - r r i si uiscovery is supreme MARINE BAWD COMING. 4 Also Regiment of Cavalry wiu ec w Greensboro Centennial wee n . nlng Great Celebration. Tbe trip of the committee which vis Bed Washington Thursday In an eflort to secure the Marine band for Greens boro's centennial '-celebration next October was more successful than had been anticipated, since the gentlemen comprising the -committee got tbe nmmlm of more than they expected to L n. Tn addition to the Maiine band, there will be a regiment of jav tJry as an added attraction. Arcomnanled by Senator Overman, the committee called on President Roosevelt, who received the Greens boro irentlemen most cordially, and wben apprised of tbe object of their .f.i nmmnt t airreed to send mo Marine band to this city for the cen tnmal celebration. The President ex pressed bis regret that he would be unable to attend the ceaienniai, say ing he was not making any engage ments for that far ahead, tlenator Overman also accompanied the committee to the War department, where an invitation waa extended to Secretary Taft to attend the centennial. Mr. Taft did not make a definite prom ise, but said he would bo very glad to visit Greensboro at that time ana would do so If possible. As showing his Interest in the celebration, he said he would be glad to order a regiment of cavalry to Greensboro during the centennial week, and in addition, said the War department would provide a large number of fiags for decorating purposes. Thursday night the Greensboro com mittee entertained Senator Overman at dinner at the Raleigh betel. The com mittee waa composed of the following gentlemen: Metsrs. G. 8. Bradshaw, I,. J. Brandt, C. M. Vanstory, C. D. Benbow and Garland Daniel. These gentlemen are very appreciative of the kindness of Stnator Overman, who. manifested a deep Interest in the object of their visit to Washington -and ren dered them very material assistance. Tbe presence of the Marine band and a regimeut of soldiers will add much to the success of the centennial, which promises to be the biggest cele bration ever held in North Carolina. The Marine band is the greatest mu sical organization of its kiud in tbe na tion, being made up of strictly high grade musicians. Its last appearauce in North Carolina was at the Twenti eth of May celebration iu Charlotte two years ago. ADVERTISING GREENSBORO. Attractive Literature issued by Chamber. : of Commerce. , The Chamber of Commerce ; is circu lating a new leaflet advertising Greens boro. On the corner are the words: North Carolina's leading city. Fifty two new business firms; $3,251,132 72 capital invested. Residents from twelve other states added during the past twelve months." . The New Greensboro Creed" in six articles is given in the leaflet as follows: Article I We believe in Greensboro, where future prosperity is assured by its natural advantages and progressive development. ' Article II We believe that, before the end of the present decade, Greens boro will be the greatest Industrial cen ter in the South Atlantic states. Article III We acknowledge that Greensboro gives us our living edu cates our children and protects our lives, health and prosperity, and we owe her something besides taxes. Article IV We desire to have our continue the largest and best in North Carolina, and the first to reach 50,000 population by 1910. Article V We believe Greensboro will be the center of a network of inter urban electric lines. Article VI We are proud of Greens boro, U. 8. A. The gateway to the prosperous South. Aa a city to live in, as a city to man ufacture In, as a city to do business in, as a city to invest in, come to 'Greens boro. See Townsend & Co.'s gasoline en gines before you buy. They have them mounted on wheels and unmounted. The price is right. 16-4 1 Be a Good Reporter. In his address at Harvard College. Melville E. Stone, of the Associated Press, said that every individual is lia ble at any time to become a reporter. No matter how. large a force a newspa per employs, nearly all lnformatien must be gathered at second-hand, must be reported to tbe reporter. To say that tbe press is unreliable, is al most equivalent to saying that the peo ple are unreliable, for the people fur nish the news in nine cases out of ten and ought to have pride in seeing to it that the newspaper is promptly and correctly Informed. No one should, complain of a newspaper who has been derelict in his duties thereto The President of the United States is not too exalted in bis position to neglect going to a good deal of trouble to fur nish the press, in a straightforward, re liable and truthful manner, with all information that ought to be published The people who want good newspapers snouiQ iouow nis example. amain tj(wmev . : Your money should not be allowed to remain idle It ought to earn an income. A savings account in this bank is the wisest form of invest ment for persons of moderate means. Deposits of one dollar , or more are acccpicu uic money is available at any time should necessity require its witnarawai. inicroi u the rate of four per cent, per annum. r ' . . , . . ; ,. , . ., - . ,', - v. . E. P. WHARTON. President. E. L. SIDES. Cashier. at QUAKER 1 GRAIN J f MANUFACTURED BY UNIOH GUANO C0. WINSTON, N.C.f GUARANTEED ANADTSlSl There are no b etter good s made than the old reliable QUAKER MIXTURE For Oats; Corn; Potatoes and all field crops. sold by Commencement at Colored A. fc,H. Col lege. The commencement exercises at the Agricultural and Mechanical College for the colored race, In thU city, will begin Sunday, May 17th, and close Thursday, May 21st. Preeldent Dud ley announce the following program: Sunday, May 17th, .baccalaureate sermon by Dr. W. A. Fountain, pastor of St. Stephen's church. Wilmington. Monday, May IStb. annual address for Y. M. C. A. by Dr. J. A. Savage, m Ait a . - L preeiaeui OI AiOlOU ACiuem, rrau.- inton. TWar1.iv Mv 18th. annual address to the Agricultural and Mechanical so cieties ay Prof. Charles Stewart, of Baltimore. Wednesday, May 20th, Industrial program: Drama by wis: j. a. uuu ley; subject, "How Shall 1 Go Up to My Fatbei?" Thursday. May 21et, commencement address by Hon. J. C. Pritchard, of Ashevllle. The graduating class will probably be the largest in the history of the col lege. The faculty and student are anxious to have a large attendance of their friends during commencement week. nr. Apple and illss Stafford Harried. Mr. James Madison Apple, a well known young business man of Roa noke, Va., and Miss Lake 8 ta fiord, a popular young woman of this city, were married last Wednesday evening at tbe home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Stafford, on West Washington street. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. O. H. Det- wiler. of West Market Street Methodist church, in the presence of a large com pany of friends of the young couple. The groom was attended by his brother, Dr. Troy Apple, of Winston-Salem, as beet man. Miss Mabel Leak was the maid of honor. The ceremony was followed by an elaborate wedding re ception. f Upon their return from their bridal tour, Mr. and Mrs. Apple will be at home in Roanoke. Mrs. Caroline M. Graves, who form- erly resided in Greensboro, died on the 19th ifist. at tbe home of a son in Smitbfield. She is survived by two sons, Mr. Henry Graves, of Hmithfleld, and Mr. George C. Graves, of Carthage. Also three eisters, Mrs. Mary Graves, of Randolph county; Mrs. John W. Whitsett and Miss Maria Foust, of Greensboro, and one brother, tbe father of President J. I. Foust and Superin tendent nomas it. ioubi. Pain, anywhere,- can be quickly stopped by one or vr. Sboop's Pink Pain Tahlpts PAin a! wnvft mpnriR mn. gestlon unnatural blood pressure. Dr. Uhnnn'a Plntr Pain T.klotaalmnlnnn.T congested blood away from pain cen ters. These Tablets known by drug gists aa Dr. snoop's Headache Tablets simply equalize tne oiooa circulation and then pain always departs in 20 minutes. 20 tablets 25 cents. Write )lscovery Is supreme. 60c and 1.00 by j Dr. Shoop. Racine, VLs.t for free pack II druggists. Trial bottle free. age. Bold by Galloway Drug Co. , Wood Wanted. If you have wood to sell call and see me. I tninK we can iraae. 8-tf i, Bam Browne, Walker Avenue, Greensboro. CO MYERS' New Drug Store 350 South Elm St. FULL LINE OF STANDARD PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, STATIONERY. &o., &o. Prescriptions Accurately Compounded C. C. TOWNSEND & GO, GREENSBORO, N. C. MUBM H M a . sT an You Ml to Suffer Any Longer When there is certain relief within your reach? Read the following letter: OFFICE OF HOGSED HARDWARE CO. DEALERS IN HARDWARE, FARM IMPLEMENTS, WAGONS, ETC. . - . . . " . Toccoa, Ga., Nov. 1, 1907. Mr. .Peter P.vYates; Greensboro, N. C. - . mv Dear Sir.-Answering your inquiry regarding the condition of my wife will say she had bejen confined to Jier bed for about six weeks when you sent her one or your xtneuiuauu xuuo. , x ueve c t -son sufler more than she did. J was using every remedy we could, with the doctor attending her two or three times a day, and she was not im Droving at all. She put on your Band and began to improve right away, and in three weeks she was well. When she put on high shoe she removed the Band, and had a slight return of rheumatism, but put the Band on again, and in two or three days was entirely well again , l would not have my wife back in the condition she was in when you cured her for all I am worth. Your friend, D. E. HOGSED. Why don't you profit by the experience of others? Your family doctor Is all right, and will do ail he can for you, but he cannot cure that rheumatism. r I have cured hundreds of hopeless-oases with my wonderful Band, dozens of them right here in Greens boro, and in Guilford county. Write today for full information and terms. You a., know mo. GREENSBORO N. C. . Z. V. CONYERS ' ' '-A- EASY'I As As Gs as (is As As As As (is As m As As As As i GS AEE ILIFE Get some of our nice Roctiers, ranging in price froml$1i50 to SSO . 1 rssife ' , r - !pf-' -' Everything you want in Furniture and Housefurniohings. "THE BIG STORE," GnEETJSBOnO S VvTv? vT vj.