- . ' : : , . . - - . v , - , , - - . v - - The reensbprg Sfkiot; VOL. 87 GREENSBORO, N. ,C, WEDNESDAY. MAY 6, 1908. NO. 19 V Dr W. J. RICHARDSON OFFICE: McADOO building mcit to poarornec HCSIOCNCC: 61S WEST GASTON ST. J. H. BOYLES. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ttffloe ia Hoi ton Drag Store BuHdlojr. Offloe Phone a&. . rm. 400 W. Gutoxu Ret. Phone 763. Dc J. E. WYCHE DENTIST OFFICE IN CARTLAND DLDG. ioutm iifi it.. eatcHsaeno. . . De m. f. fox PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON aUILFORD COLLCQC. N. C. Dr Li BURTON DENTIST OSoe In Mrs. Watlinrton bulldlnjr. Next door to Conyrra Drug 8 tor. UpctAirs. C. W. BANNER M. D. orroem roTorriCK. Practice Limit ed to the Eye. Ear. Note and Throat. rm 3nrm a A V.lnlP. U JJO P. M. to 5P.iL eundar. to 10-30 A- M. flTen to the worthy poor. OSee Phone 30. Caaldence fhone w. Dc W. P. Reaves Two reara Boum Summon New OrUans Eje, Kar, rioeeana lamt nwiimu. Practice Limited to Disease 3 Sur gary Eye. Eat. Nose Throat. Hours L30 to S P. M. aCaAdoo Building. Next to Poatofflce. Dr. C. T. LIPSCOMB DENTIST Ofloe over Bykea Drug Company. Phone 7W. Dr.J.R.Williams Dr.A.F.Fortune Offices 108 W. Washiniton. houra: hocbs: 10 to I; 3 to i. 8JM to 10; 1 to X w oiini nr Torr rvurvinr Patients: Consumption. Monday and Tbursdaya. 3 to 4. Dlsoiitfia ot women. iueauj u x- uu.j , 3 tO 4. g. . TAVLOM. 4. . acAtca. Taylor & Scales ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW GRZZIS20R0. V. C. Albert M. Dourla. Robert D. Douglaa. DOUGLAS O DOUGLAS ATTORNEYS AT LAW Kftaa U Greaera Learn aat Trmst Bite THOMAS C. HOYLE ATTORNEY AT LAW City Stfl Bank Bldr. Greenshore, 1. C. -w- SpcUl attention given to collections. Loans negotiated. Robert C. S trad wick ATTORNEY aa9 COUNSELLOR AT LAW ill Caart Ifaart, CEXXISBOEO. H. C. F. P. HOBGOOD. Jr. ATTORNEY AT LAW. in Wrtffht Bulldiar. Opposite Court Houae Greensboro, N. C S. GLENN BROWN ITTOSITST AT LAW Writfit Building. I0S Qfth Elm St. Lt1 M. Scott. Chaa. B. McLean. SCOTT & McLEAN A7T032JS7S AT LAW tUt: 111 CeartStaare. Grceasbs rs.l.C. GEORGE M. PATTON ATTORNEY AT LAW 1 Oourt Square, - Greensboro. N.C T-3 i. tHIW CMAS. A. MINCB SHAW&HINES ATTORNEYS AT LAV Ofljs: Rooms 207 and 308 New McAdoo Bui dins: next to Postoffloe. Cultivators on haud from $15.00 up, at Petty.Reid Co.'b. MaJ. Charlei M. Btedman has gone to Washington on professional business. A prohibition entertainment will be held at the Mouticello eehooi Satur day. The public is Invited. A mass meeting of North Carolina laboiing men has.been called for this city next Bunday afternoon. Townsend A Co. must be'bard up or they would not be almost Riving their buggies away. Read page 6. 19 4t Mr. H. Floyd Coble has awarded the contract for the erection of a handsome residence on Asheboro street. Rev. Charles E. Maddry, of this city, Is conducting a revival meeting in the Baptist church of Thomasville. Lamp chimneys to fit any lamp, also wicks. Crescent Hardware Co. Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Lam be, of Dur ham, are the guests of Mrs. Lamba's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C.Towusend. Yea, Townsend & Co. had a big rush for the cut price vehicles last Saturday, but have plenty of -them left. Kaad page 6. Misses Mamie and K a re on Iseley, of Glbsonvllle, visited relatives in Greens boro last week, returning home Wed nesday. f Mr. E. D. Broadburst, of the Green s boso bar, will deliver the address at the closing exercises of the public school at Germanton. Dr. M. FFox, of Guilford College, and Dr. W. J. Meadows, of this city, are among the latest purchasers of automobiles. Mr. Li. C. Bagwell, of Raleigh, was in the city yeaterday in the iuterest of bis candidacy for the Democratic nom ination far 'corporation commissioner. The John Deere "Elk Jr." cultivator has been sold for five years by the Greensboro Hardware . Company, and it has never failed to give satlafaction. The graduating recital of Misses Ellen McPhlal and Bertha Long, of the department of music of Greensboro Female College, was held Monday night. Dr. C. T. Lipscomb has returned from Gaflney, 8. C, where he was called to attend the funeral of his brother, Mr. B. S. Lipscomb, who died Saturday morning. Mr. Pauhc. Llndley has sold Mr. F. H. Nicholson seven acres of very de sirable land near Llndley Park, just west of the handsome new residence of Mr. C. O. Burton. The North Carolina Classis of the Reformed church will hold its next annual meeting in the First Reformed church of this city, beginning the first Sunday in May, 1909. We still have a few seed potatoes on hand. Come in quick if you want some of them at the cut-rate prices ad vertised last week. Tucker A Erwin. A negro named Carl Wilson is in jail in default of a f300 bond, under which be was placed by Justice Williams, at White Oak, in a case charging him with assaulting Bolton Clark with a knife. Miss Mamie Culberson, the daughter of Rev. R. W. Culberson, a former pastor of Buflalo, Midway and Bethel Presbyterian churches, died at the home of her father in Mooresville Sat urday. At a called meeting of the board of aldermen Monday afternoon, Alder man John L. King resigned as a member of the fire commission. Al derman E. E. Bam was elected to suc ceed him. The vehicles advertised by Townsend & Co. on page 6 are all brand new and are selling like hot cakes. In addition to these we have fifteen second-band buggies ranging in price from $5 to $50. See us. O. C. Townsend A Co. High Point correspondence: Df. Dred Peacock has bought the large lot on North Main street known as the Johnson plaee. The lot is large enough for four houses, but Dr. Peacock will make it into one and build a modern residence thereon. In a letter to the Patriot Mr. P. E. Stroud, formerly connected with the United States army recruiting station In Greensboro, but who has been sta tioned In the Philippines for several years, writes that be hopes to visit North Carolina during the summer. Mr. A. J. Klutz, of the Farls-KIutz Drug Company, was called to Balls bury Monday by the death of bis sister, Mrs. John R. Crawford. Mrs. Craw ford bad been ill for severaLweeks, but her death was not expected. The fu neral la to be held in Salisbury today. C0UHTT COMMISSIONERS MEETING, Jurors Drawn for Two Terms of Court Road Matters. The county commissioners were In monthly eesfeion Monday and yester day. The "'entire day Monday was spent lu the transaction of the usual amount of routine business, in drawing jurors and appointing tax-listers for the present year. The following jurors were drawn for the civil term of Superior court to con veue June 1st: First week Lewis S. Summers, Al bert Ingle, G. W. Staley, J. D. Smith, H. D. Kellam, M. W. J. Coble, J. F. Davie, T. C. Hunt, C. F. Hackett, J. W. Pearson, J. S. Dixon, J. L. Mc Lane F. W. Doggett, J. G. Knight, Plato Freeman. John C. Bowman, W. B. Parrisb, R. F. White. Second week Boston R. In gold, James Gerringer, T. M. Troxler, T. M. Webb, G. W. West, H. E.Rankin, W. R. Robinson, R. J. Holden, J. W. Weatherly, G. D. Clayton, 8. T. Cog gins, F. B. Davis, J. B. Ogburn, J. Frank Warren. D. J. Hendrix, W. J. Robinson, Peoples Webb.H. C. Shields. Jurors for the criminal term of court to convene June 15th were drawn as follows: C. M. Zimmerman, James M. Loy, W. D. Hammer, Jacob Wagner, John A. Lineberry, J. F. Shoflner, J. W. Johnson, George T. Way nick, J.B. Causey, J. W. Whitt, W. C. Welker, John A. Fogleman, D. R. Pitchford, A. S. Voss, R. L. Wyrick, L. L. Glas cock, D. N. Woodburn, John Brewer, J. W. Stanley, W. Y. Warren, T. D. Sherwood,J. K. Osborne, T. B. Groom e, N. F. Anthony, Henry Sutton, Iverson Stanley, K. L. Blaylock, G. M. Stan ley, A. W. Harris, J. M. Dillon, R. W. Jones, A. W. Stewart, A. W. Brown, A. Jl. Shields, James M. Taylor, W. H. Ragan. The following list-takers were ap pointed for the various townships: Washington C. A. Tickle. Rock Creek C. A. Wharton. Greene W. A. Bowman. .Madison J. Jtlcbard Moore. Jeflerson C. M. Pritchett. Clay D. H. Coble. Monroe G. W. Wyrick. Gilmer J. Leslie Abbott. Fentress J. R. McCulIoch. Center Grove T. R. Dillard. Morehead J. H. Whltt. Sumner E F. Paschal. Bruce T. A. Wilson. Friendahip Dr. A. T. Millis. Jamestown J. Lee Armfield. Oak Ridge Charles Case. Deep River J. Lee Charles. High Point J. D. Paylor. The board decided to have religious services held at each of the convict camps twice a month, the county to defray the expenses of the ministers while engaged in such work. Mr. John A. Young was appointed to meet with the Miuietere' Association of Greensboro and arrange the details of the work. . It was decided tb make an appro priation of $500 toward defraying the expenses of the centennial celebration in Greensboro next October, and the county treasurer was authorized to pay this amount to the centennial commit tee. Business Changes. Johnson, Hinkle & Co. is the title of a new firm that will open a new clothing Btore at 516 South Elm street today, the proprietors being Mr. C. C. Johnson, formerly with the Memtt Johnson Company, Mr. A. A. Hinkle, formerly with Mr. R. P. Gorrell, and Mr. John A. Hodgln, the two first named well known gentlemen having the active management of the estab lishment. As announced in our ad vertising columns, clothing, shoes, hats, caps, gents' furnishings,' etc., will be carried. The new stock has been coming in rapidly for a few days and will nearly all be in for the open ing today. The old familiar firm name of M. G. Newell & Co. greets our readers again this week after a lapse of several years. Mr. Newell and one or two associates have purchased Mr. John R. Coble's big stock of vehicles and harness and have been busy all week taking stock preparatory to opening today at his old stand. It is needless to say that Mr. Newell's many friends- will be pleased to learn that be is again iden tified with the mercantile interests of Greensboro. He is widely and favora bly known, and nothing we might say could give him better standing than he enjoys. Mr. Coble will take life easy for a while at his old home in Greene township, and will probably not en gage in business again before next fall. We still have a few John Deere cul tivators on hand. If you want one this season, come quick. ' This is the ma chine that always gives satisfSction. Greensboro Hardware Co. ' . . v . - - 1 Those Who Will Hare Charge of Work In Various Precincts. The following have been appointed managers of the Democratic precinct primaries to be held in Guilford on the 16th instant, in accordance with the rules andTeguIations adopted, by the county executivecommittee; North High Point J. Mat Sechrest, A. R. Hammer, J. L. Sechrest. Sumner E. F. Paschal, R. C. Short, C. A. Groome. ' Bruce C. H. Willson, F. W. Dog gett, H. C. Brittain. South Jeflerson J. M. Phipps, C. V. Paisley, H. I,. Banner. Feutreas J. R. Ross, J. R. McCul Ioch, W. C. Tucker. Oak Ridge D. B. Stafford, 8. F. Jones, A. 8. Clarke. North Rock Creek-J. L. Whitesell, H. B. Owen, C. A. Wharton. South High Point-F. N. Tate, 8. H. Hilllard, Henry Kearns. South Morehead John W. Cook, J. R. M. Baxter, G. B. Boren. Precinct No. 2 J. R. Cutchin, Rob ert Morrison, J. R. Rankin, Sr. Precinct No. 1 Joseph J. Stone, T.. Gilbert Pearson, J. Willie Smith. South Madison L. E. Howerton, W. A. Heath, J. H. Heath. Washington T. J. Busick, John L. Cobb, C. A. Tickle. Jamestown John M. Davis, C. C. Covington, G. W. Johnson. North Jeflerson W. S. McLean, J. W. Paisley, R. L. Davis. South Itock Creek Ed B.Wheeier, J. W. Summers, D. E. Knight. Precinct No. 8 E. D. Kuykendall, J. T. Abbott, J. B. Minor. Precinct No. 4 J. I. Scales, R. A. Gilmer, M. C, Workman. Clay D. H. Coble, G. A. Garrett, C. (J. Hinshaw. Friendship Lee 8. Smith, T. T. Dudley, Dr. M. F. Fox. North Monroe M. G. Bevill, 8. G. Lomax, J. J. Mitchell. South Monroe R. A. Gilchrist, H. CLRudd,;J. A. May. North Madison J. Richard "'Moore, J. F. Doggett, G. W. Lemons. Center Grove J. W. Whartou, Jr., L. A. Walker, W. H Warren. North Gilmer Seymour B. Jeffreys, J. E. McKnigut, J. J. McDonald. Deep River 8. G. Whiteheart, J. W. Ingram, J. C. Bull. Greene R. D. White, W. A. Bow- man, G. M. Amick. L The first named in each precinct is chairman, and the respective chairmen are required to look after all such de tails as roping off and arranging poli cing places, erecting booths, providing allot boxes, etc. The chairmen are also required to call in person on the chairman of the county committee not later than next Thursday, May 14th, for tickets, poll books, etc. If any pre cinct is without a ballot box, the chair man of the managers , shall at once no tify the county chairman. By order of the executive committee. E. A. Brown, Chairman. D. H. Coixins, Secretary. Policeman Has LlveU Fight With Negre. Policeman Hobbs had an exciting encounter with an unknown negro on North Greene street, about 3 o'clock yesterday morning. While patrolling his beat, the officer observed the negro approaching with a heavy burden, which was hastily deposited in the ehade of a telephone pole at sight of the blue-coat. When the officer at tempted to place the negro under ar reat, there was a fight that lasted all the way from Greene up Clay to North Elm street, where the negro succeeded in making his escape. An investiga tion showed that the negro was carry ing five ten-pound caddies of plug to bacco and three boxes of cigars. During the night the wholesale gro cery store of Elmore, Maxwell & Co. was broken open and a quantity of to bacco and cigars stolen. It is evident that the negro who gave Officer Hobba such a lively time was the thiaf. v TsfX Sales. At the court house door Monday ex Sheriff Jordan sold at public auction about 125 pieces of real estate for delin quent taxes. .The sale was attended by a large crowd. When ex-Sheriff Jordan began advertising the delin- nn.nt tax list in the Patriot. thereh was a much larger list of delinquents than when the day of sale arrived, many having settled their taxes before that time. Mr. R. M. Rees, city tax collector, sold 86 pieces of real estate at auction yesterday to satisfy unpaid taxes. ( Wanted to Exchange. I want to ; exchange well-rented Greensboro property for a farm. Fine mercantile opening. Address . 19-2t - J. C. Bishop, 342 N. Elm St., Greensboro, N. C, PRIMARY MANAGERS. t SWEEPS THE DECK. Solicitor Brooks Achieves Great Victory In Three Counties. - The Alamance county Democratic convention was held Saturday, and in Durham and Person counties the pre cinct primaries were held, the latter county holding its convention.' Mon day. These are the first three counties in the Fifth district to give an expres sion as ta Congressman Kitchin's suc cessor, and the result shows that the strength of Solicitor Brooks is greatly in excess of the combined strength , of all the other candidates for the nomi nation. The three counties mentioned have a total of 91 votes in the district convention, and of this number Solic itor Brooks receives a fraction over 74 votes, or more than 81 per cent, of the total. Prof. J. Allen Hoi t receives a fraction over six votes in Durham and Alamance. He does not get even a fraction of a vote from Person. - In the Durham primaries 1,733 votes were cast for congressman as follows: Brooks, 1,171; Holt,; 270; Royster, .223; Buxton, 69. The county convention will be held Saturday, when the votes will be apportioned among the candi dates In accordance with the strength developed by each in the primaries. Alamance has 38 votes in the district convention, and in the county conven tion they were divided as follows: Brooks, 35 and a fraction; Holt, one and a fraction; Royster and Reid, one each. Thev Person convention was held Monday, when the county's 19 votes were divided as follows: Brooks, 15$; Royster, 3 . No other candidate was voted for. f In each .of the counties Solicitor Brooks received a larger vote than he had expected to receive. Naturally the result is highly gratifying to him and his friends. With the strength he has in the other counties in the district, it is apparent that it will be impossible to defeat his nomination. It is freely predicted that, when the district con vention meets in Greensboro on June 10th, Mr. Brooks will be nominated on the first ballot. WOMEN'S CLUBS. North Carolina Federation in Annual Convention Here This Week. Greensboro this week has the pleas ure of entertaining the annual conven tion of the North Carolina Federation of Women's Clubs, an organization composed of representative women from all sections of the state. Nearly 100 delegates are in attendance and are being entertained by the members of the six federated clubs in Greensboro. The opening session was held in the Elks4 lodge room yesterday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock and was well attended. After an invocation by Mrs. Lucy Rob ertson, president of the Greensboro Female College, the address of wel come was delivered by Mrs. Mary Set tle Sharps, of the faculty of the State Normal and Industrial College, who extended to the visitors a cordial greet ing and gracious welcome to the homes of Greensboro. The response was made by Mrs. J. E. Reilley, of Charlotte, a leading spirit in the federation. The niembehrwere delighted with an ad dress by Mrs. Emma A. Fox, author of Parliamentary Usage -for Women's Clubs," who spoke on the work of the general federation. Miss Margaret Lovell Gibson, of Wilmington, presi dent of the federation, made an inter esting and inspiring address on the usefulness of women's clubs and the splendid work accomplished in North Carolina. Last night the visitors were tendered an elegant reception by the women's clubs of Greensboro at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Wharton, on Asheboro street. Two business sessions are to be- held today at the State Normal and" Indus trial College, when reports of - commit tees will be received and several ad dresses made en pertinent-topics. This evening Dr. C. Alphonso Smith, of the faculty of the University of North Car olina, will lecture before the federation at the Elks' Club. Tomorrow the dele gates will be the guests of President Lucy H; Robertson at a luncheon at Greensboro Female College, and in the afternoon they will be entertained by the members of Guilford Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revo lution at Guilford Battle Ground. . The Lucky Quarter. ! . Is the one you pay out for a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. They bring you the health that is more pre cious than jewels. Try them for head ache, biliousness, constipation and ma laria. If they disappoint you the price will be cheerfully refunded at all drug gists. - - '. Cash, counts. - Read Townsend & Co.'s adv., page 6. - 19-4t ' EC A DESIRABLE J INVESTMENT A Convenient form of: jj investment for persons n who desire absolute se- H ciirity is the Certificate r of Deposit issued by this institution which bears I 4 interest from the day ; it is received till with- v drawrj, proyided it re I mains "three months or longer. This bank af- g fords an absolutely safe 1. place for the deposit df 1 idle funds, large or small. American Exchange Bank GREENSBORO, N. C. Capital, - - $300,000.00. E. P. WHARTON, President. J. W. SCOTT, Vice President, ' E. G. VAUGHN, Cashier. F. H. NICHOLSON, Asst. Cashier. J. W. CASE, MfT. Sayings Dept. Memorial Day Exercises Saturday. The "Daughters of the Confederacy are making extensive preparations for the exercises of Memorial day, which will be held next Saturday, owing to the fact that Memorial day falls on Sunday. Elsewhere. in this issue will be found a call for all members of the Guilford Camp of United Confederate Veterans to assemble at the county court house at 9 o'clock in the morning for the annual meeting of the camp, which will beheld prior to the exer cises under the auspices of the Daugh ters of the Confederacy. .These exer cises will ( be held in the Grand opera house and the orator of the occasion will be Hon. A. L. Brooks. The follow ing program has been arranged: V Music by Elam's orchestra. Invocation by Rev. Thomas G. Faulkner. Vocal selection. Orchestra. . Address by Hon. A. L. Brooks. " Orchestra. Vocal selection. Presentation of Crosses of Honor. The program will be concluded with the decoration exercises at the cemetery. Confederate Veterans! Meet at the court house at 9 o'clock A. M., Saturday, May 9th. Be there prompt or you will miss the meeting, whicn will not wait for those who are late. J. Y. Whitted, W. W. Wood, Commander. Adjutant. Guilford Camp, No. 795, U. C.,V. 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