VOL. 87. GREENSBORO. N. C. WEDNESDAY. JULY 22. 1908. NO. 30 Or W. J. RICHARDSON OFFICE: McADOO BUILDING stxr to po.Torricc mcsidckce: eis west gaston st. J. H. BOYLES, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON nffloe in Hoi ton Drug Store Building. Office Phone 805. Res. 409 W. Gaston; Res. Phene 768. r. J. E. WYCHE DENTIST OFFICE IN CARTLAND BLDG. ioutn tin t.. aRKKNaaoHo, m. e. Or. M. F. FOX PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OU1LFORD COLLEGE. N. C. Ds E. A. BURTON DENTJST I Office in Mrs. Watlington building, Next door to Conyer's Drug 8tore. Upstairs. C. W. BANNER, M. D. CPPOSIT POSTOTFICX. Practice Limited to the Eye. Eat. Nose and Throat. OfBce Hoars 9 A. M. to 1 P. M.; 2-30 P. M. to 5 p. M. Sunday. 9 to 10.30 A. M. Riven to the -worthy pocr. OUce Phoce 30. Residence Phone 390. Dc W. P. Reaves Two years House Surgeon New Orleans Eye, Xar, Nose and Throat Hospital. Practice Limited to Diseases 3 Sur gaty fif Eye, Ear. Note end Throat. Hours L30to 5P.M. tfaAdoA Braiding. Next to Postoffice. Dr. C. T. LIPSCOMB DENTIST . Ofiioe oyer 8ykes Drug Company. Phone 793. . DUMilliams Dr.A.F.Fortune Offices I OS W. Washington. hottks: HOURS: 10 to 2; S to 4. 8.30 to 10; 1 to 3. Free Ciinio for Poor Deservinr Patients: CoasuKptton. Mondays and Thursdays, 3 to 4. Disease cf Women, Tuesdays, and Fridays, JtoS. a. v. Tff.vj.on. J. I. SCALES. Taylor & Scales ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW . GSZZHSBORO. H. C. xorirt 11. Douglas. Robert D. Douglas. DOUGLAS & DOUGLAS ATTORNEYS AT LAW iftlM s C7tcasBoro Loan and Trust Bldr. THOMAS C. HOYLE ATTORNEY AT LAW City Itt'l Bank Bldr., Greensboro, B. C. Spec.ki attention given to collections. Loaoj negotiated. Robert C. Strudwick ITTOUNEY tad COUNSELLOR AT LAW ill Uart Saart, GRXZBSB0R0, X. C. F. P. HOBGOOD. Jr. ATTORNEY AT LAW. 2iM in Wright Building, Opposite Court House Greensboro. N. C S. GLENN BROWN ATTORNEY AT LAW Writf-tt Building. I0S North Elm St. Levi M. Scott. Chas. B. McLean. SCOTT & McLEAN ATTOENETS AT LAW iitltu ill CaartSamare. Greensboro.V.C. GEORGE M. PATTON ATTORNEY AT LAW 135 Ocurt Square. - Greensboro, N. C. THOt. J. SHAW CHAS. A. HINCS SHAW&HINES ATTORNEYS AT LAW Offices: Rooms 207 and 208 New McAdoo Building next to Postofflee. Is at Mt Mr. Ashley Home, of Clayton, is in the' city on business. Mr. W. S. Diffee is spending his vacation atMorehead City. Mr. J. T. Edwards, of Colfax, was a welcome caller yesterday. Mrs. Lula B. Carr has returned from a trip through the West. Fruit jars, tops and rubbers at the right prices. R. G. Hiatt & Co. 2t Mr. C. H. Dorsett advertises his annual summer sale in this issue. Mrs. C. H. McKnight went to Reidsville this morning for a short visit. Bring me your hides and get the highest market price in cash. A. C. Forsyth. Mrs. L. B. Jeter has gone to At lantic City, N. J., to spend a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Blair, of Boy kins, Va., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. David White. FOR SALE Two good farm horses. Call at Patterson Bros. Grocery, 217 South Elm. Mr. J. A. McAdoo, who is travel ing for the Amfr"! Tobacco Compa ny, is in the city. Mr. T. W. Bickett, of Louisburg, Democratic candidate for attorney general, is in the' city.. Harry-Belk Bros. great semi-annual clearnace sale will begin Thurs day morning at 9 o'clock. A number of people from James-' town and vicinity enjoyed a picnic at Lindley park Thursday. Judge Spencer B. Adams was the principal speaker at a Republican ral ly at Wentworth yesterday. We have eighteen varieties of tur nip seed in stock. . Buy now and get just what you want. Tucker & Er win. Mr. J. R. Holt, a staunch citizen of Greene township, was a welcome caller at the Patriot office yesterday afternoon. Dr. L. G. Coble, of Alamance county, will locate in Greensboro In the near future for the practice of dentistry. Why pay $4 for shingles when you can buy them at half that price from Townsend & Co. and they will last just as long. 30-4t. ' Rev. E. C. Glenn, of this city. will go to Ruff in Friday to conduct a revival meeting in the Methodist chinch at that place. . Mrs. R. S. McClaniroch is in a hos pital in Wilmington recovering from an illness contracted while on a visit to Wrightsvilie beach. Rev. A. C. Hamby has tendered his resignation as pastor of Asheboro Street Baptist church. It is not yet known who will succeed him Read Harry-Belk Bros. " Company's big adv. in this issue, then hitch up old Maud and tell her not to stop until she gets to Harry-Belk's. Good t second hand mower very cheap and new ones from $30 up. Hay rakes, four styles, at prices no one will make. See Townsend & Co. 30-4t. We have a few fine two-seated traps and carriages that we are clos ing out at in . some cases less than first, factory cost. See Townsend &' Co. " 30-4t. The Gate City Gun Club is arrang ing for a tournament on August 1st, when a number of trap shooters from different sections of the state will be present. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Roberson, of this city, and, Mr. Wescott Roberson, of High Point, will sail from New York - tomorrow for Europe, where tney will spend two mmths. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward French died Monday evening at their home on Haywood street. The remains were taken to Rockingham for interment Tuesday. Misses Elizabeth and Martha Crad dock, who have been visiting at the home of Dr. J. E. Wyche, left yes terday for Mt. Tirzah, 'Person county, accompanied by Miss Mabel Wyche. Stock and poultry powders,, seeds of all kinds, buggy whips, fruit jars. When in town pay our store a vifcit. Corner East MarKet ana jjawe streets. Denny's old stand. Ham Grocery Co. - They are going to have a" big rem nant sale at Thacker & Brockmann's next Tuesday and In addition to the remnants" bargains in various lines of summer goods will be offered all over the , store. Mr. W. W. Ellington Vernon Springs. Mr. ; H. W. Wharton has returned from Ashe ville, where he was called by the illness of Mrs. Wharton, who is spending the summer wjth a. sister in that city. Mr. Wharton left his wife much improved. The Republican club in this city is preparing to send a big delegation to the state convention in Charlotte on August 26th. A parade of the Re publican clubs of the state is to be a feature of, the convention. The work of excavating and lay ing the foundations for the addition to the Guilford hotel building is pro gressing satisfactorily. The addition will be four stories in height and will add 60 bed rooms to the hotel. Mr. J. A. Williams,' formerly of the City National Bank, left Mon day night for San Francisco, where he will be connected with the Pa cific coast branch office of the Dixie Fire Insurance Company. The Mclver memorial building at the State Normal and Industrial Col lege is nearing completion and will be ready for use by the opening of the fall session on September 15th. The building is being constructed by John T. Hunt & Co. - Mr. F. R. Williamson, of Fleming ton, N. J., a director of the. Greens boro Electric Company, left yester day on his return home after spend ing several days here on business connected with the company in which he is interested. ' The Southern Collar and Bridle Company, which has been running its factory in this city about three months, has found it necessary to en large its equipment. An addition of 60 feet will be added to the factory. work having commenced this week. Dr. Hess, Wilbur, Knaffl and Cap itol horse and cattle powders, poul try food, lice killer, heave and dis temper remedy, liniment, harness soap dressing, gall remedy, all at j half price, at O. F. Pearce's, 120 ! North Elm street, under the Patriot office. Townsend & Co. have sold over 2,000 Vulcan plows in this and ad joining counties, and their sales show a rapid increase year by year. There is only one reason its the best plow made, and th.3 fa-mer3 have found it out. Two car loads just received. 30-4t. One of the features of the decora tions for centennial week will be an arch across Elm street at its intersec tion witn Market. On the arch will be a life-size statue of General Greene. The whole will be decorated and bril liantly lighted. There will also be a number of smaller arches. Messrs. Taylor & Jones have Just completed the enlargement of the liv ery stables occupied by Fleming Broth ers, on Depot street, by the addi tion of about 25 feet on the front and about 25 feet in the rear, making one of the most commodious and con venient livery stables in the city. A few high grade open and top buggies in our stock that we are selling at less than the first facto ry cost. Not shop worn, but bright and nice. We bought them at re ceiver s forced sale. Come at once if you wish to take advantage of these bargains. See Townsend & Co. 30-2t. The executive committee of the North Carolina Postmasters' Associa tion will meet in Greensboro Satur day and select a time and place for holding the next annual meeting of the association. Postmaster Briggs, of Raleigh, is chairman and Postmaster Joyce, of Reidsville, secretary of the association. Murphy Brothers, the stove dealers at 344 South Elm street, are giving to everyone who calls at their store a free ticket that entitles . the hold er to a chance at a $60 Cameron range that will be given away in a few weeks. All that is necessary is to call there and leave your name and address. 29-tf Rev. R. Murphy Williams, pastor of Walker Avenue Presbyterian church, went to Alamance church yes terday to assist the pastor In a meet ing this week. Two services are held each day morning and after noon. Mr. Williams will return and fill his pulpit at Walker Avenue church on Sunday. State Superintendent J. Y. Joyner and wife and Mrs. G. W. Sanderlin and daughters, Misses Pattie and Ro salee Sanderlin, were in the city Mon day night en route from Raleigh to Ashe ville. From there Mr. and Mrs. Joyner go to Jackson county, and Mrs. Sanaerlin and daughters will go to Tate Springs, Tena. ' . ... ' ' The Huntley-Stockton-Hill Company has fitted,up a nice private office for their undertaking department, which is under the management of Mr. George Stanbury, a very capable em balmer and funeral director. At the rear of the new office is the-casket and display room, which is being handsomely furnished. 1 A most horrible accident occurred in High Point Monday afternoon, when a young son of Charles Hairs ton, an employe of the High Point Ice and Fuel Company, had his life crushed out by a heavily loaded wa-, gon driven by his father. A wheel of the vehicle passed over the little fellow and mashed his head into a jelly. "Mr. S. A. Schloss, of Wilmington, who has been in the city several days looking up a suitable location for an opera house, last night appeared be fore the auditorium trustees with the view of securing a portion of the aud itorium for temporary use. The trus tees made him a proposition which, if he accepts, will entitle him to 90 feet of the auditorium building. This will seat a much larger number than the Grand opera house. Mr. Schloss has the proposition under considera tion. The Telfair sanitarium, which is located in the suburb s of Glenwood, will be completed this week, and the institution will be formally opened August 1st, All kinds of chronic dis eases except .tuberculosis will be treated at the sanitarium. A spe cialty will be made of cases of ner vous troubles and drug and alcoholic addictions. Dr. W. C. Ashworth, for merly of Asheboro, who has been conducting a similar institution in Asheville for six months or more, will have charge of the sanitarium. Entertainment at Coble's Academy. An entertainment will be given at Coble's Academy Saturday afternoon and evening, the proceeds to be de voted to a fund for furnishing the new school building. The time from 2 o'clock in the afternoon until S in l.tne evening will be devoted to base ball and social amusements. At' o'clock the drama, "Under the Lau rels,'' will be presented by the lo cal dramatic club. An admission fee of 15 cents will be charged, chil dren between the ages of five and ten years being admitted for five cents. Refreshments, consisting of ice cream, sherberts. etc.. will be on sale. . p Presidential Candidates Expected in Greensboro. It is altogether probable that, tjie presidential candidates of both the great political parties will be in Greensboro during the celebration of centennial week in October. It is practically certain that Mr. Taft, the Republican nominee, will be here, and a cordial invitation will be extended to Mr. Bryan. The Democratic can didate for vice nresident. Hon. John W. Kern, who has promised Hon. A. L. Brooks to make several speeches in the state during the campaign, may visit Greensboro during the cen tennial. Buys Father's Interest in Business. Mr. J. Leslie Cartland, junior mem ber of the firm of J. E. Cartland & Co., has become sole proprietor of the business, having purchased the inter est of his father, Dr. J. E. Cartland, who retires from active .business on account of the condition or nis health. This is the oldest tailoring concern in Greensboro and enjoys a wide patronage. The new owner has been connected with the concern for a numuer oi years, is m expe rienced and successful tailor, Ijavihg a knowledge of all parts of the busi ness. j. TT J nvna. Young Man Commits Suicide. C. B. Welborn, of High Point, who held a position as cierK in a store at Henrietta, committed sui cide by shooting himself Monday af ternoon. No cause has been assign ed for the rash act. The young man was 27 years old and popular with all who knew him. The deceased was a son of Philip Welborn, of High Point. The remains were grought to High Point yestexday afternoon and the funeral will be held at Abbott's Creek today or tpmmorrow. Eye Troubles. If you have trouble with your eyes and want comfort in glasses, it mat- ters not the failure or others, a visit to Dr. Taylor, a specialist in this line, will give you relief or your money back. ' Office: Greensboro Na tional Bank building. 30-4t. V Back From National Convention. Mayor .- Brandt, one of the alter nates from the Fifth district 'to the Democratic national convention, . and JH9n. A. 12 Brooks and father, Dr. Z. T.'. Brooks, who attended the conven tion as interested spectators, have returned and report a most pleasant and profitable trip. Mayor- Brandt came back by way of Dallas, Tex., and ' attended the meeting of the Grand Lodge of Elks in his capac ity as district deputy for the wes tern half of North Carolina, v Mr. Brooks and his father extended their trip to Colorado Springs and other points and came back through Can ada. , Mr. Brooks had the pleasure of meeting Hon. John W-'; Kern, the candidate for vice president, at the home of Mr. Bryan and secured from, him a promise to come to North Carolina., and make several speeches during the campaign! He also secured promises from several other Democrats of national impor tance to visit this state during the campaign, provided satisfactory .dates can be arranged. , New Tribe of Red Men for Burling t ton. Keywanssee Tribe No, 97, Improy order of Red Men, of BurUn.tpr;, was instituted in this city Thursday night, the degree work being conferred by the Red Men of Greensboro and Rev olution. The new tribe starts off with 29 charter members, represent ing well known citizens of Burling ton. Officers were elected as fol lows: A. F. Barrett, sachem; J. R. Hoffman, senior sagamore; Clyde m May, prophet; W. D. Foster, junior sagamore ; A. Cheek, C. of R. ; J. G. Pritchett, first sanap; E. L. Mur ray, second sanap;. M. L. Holton, G. of W.; A. A. Iseley, G of F. The officers were installed by Mr. E. A. Ebert, of Winston-Salem, great prpphetT of the Gr6at Council of North Carolina. . Odd Fellows Install Officers. At a meeting of Buena Vista Lodge No. 21, I. 6. O. V., last night, the following officers were installed for the ensuing term: Vander Liles, no ble grand; K. J: A. Ljung, vice grand; E. L. Clarke, recording secretary; J. R. Cutchin, financial secretary; J. L. Thacker, treasurer; S. A. Levy, war den; C. D. Sellars, conductor; E. M. Sellars, right supporter to the noble grand; J. G. i.ay, right supporter to the vice grand; T. B. Gaskins, chap lain; W. M. Maxwell, inner, guard. The officers were installed by Act ing Deputy Grand Master R. W. Mur ray. Charlotte Girl's Sad Case. Miss Mattie'Havis, a pretty young stenographer, disappeared j from her home in Charlotte Friday Vinorning and was missing until Monday afternoon, when relatives located her in Colum bia, S. C. It is said that her mind is unbalanced, though she had shown no signs of mental derangement be fore leaving home. She has been brought back to her home in Char lotte and is in a precarious condition, both mentally and physically. Stray Calf Taken Up. A small red calf, with hair clipped off tips of both ears. Owner Can have same by proving ownership and paying charges. Emmet Huffman, on John Young'te place. 30-2t She Knows Where. When you hitch up the old mare to morrow just tell her to take you to the big sale. She will come right to Harry-Belk Bros, store. Jim Clemmens, a negro, who two years 'ago entered the home of J. D. pencer, of Martinsville, during the night and shot Spencer to death, was captured in Roanoke Saturday and placed in jail. Spencer was aroused by an intruder and got out of bed to investigate. He met Clemmens in a hall and the negro killed him and fled. There was a reward for Clemmens, and, had he been caught at the time, a lynching would prob ably have followed. He denies the crime. - Lightning destroyed the Kerr bleaching and finishing works, at Concord, last night, entailing a loss of over $200,000. The plant, was op erated by Capt. J. M. Odell and his son, Mr. W. R. Odeft. - Free 10c package Conkey's Lice Powder and 25o Poultry Book. Bring ad. to Howard Gardner, Greensboro, N. C. Mail 7c.-; - " . ; -20-tf :: -,' i ' r . ..' '. ''-;: , " ft1 ii , - : . g siiiii X 4 The large capital, and ft c onservaii ye mana ge ment of this bank afford absolute security for all money entrusted to its care, ; ' Four per cent, interest 5 on savings deposits. We cordially invite your patronage. e Bank GREENSBORO. N. C. Capital. - - f 300.000.00. E. P. WHARTON, President. J. W. SCOTT, Vice President. R. G. VAUGHN, Cashier. F. H. NICHOLSON, Asst. Cashier. J. W. CARE, Mrr. Savings Dept. MARKET REPORT. Butter . 10 to 25 Eggs 11 to 13 Spring Chickens, per lb 12 to 14 Hens . . . ... ................ . 25 to 35 Ducks , . . . . . . 25 to 30 Geese ............ ... i....... 30 to 35 Turkeys 12 Country Hams. . ; 14 to 16 Sweet Potatoes. . ... . . 90 Irish Potatoes 60 to 75 Corn 85 Wheat...... $l.qfl Oats..... ..65 Cotton....... 12 Green Hides..... ...4J Green Sheep Skins 20 to 35 Dry Hides, salt. 6 to 7 Dry Hides, flint . .......... . 7 to 8 Beeswax ........ 1 .. . . . . . . . .... ... 23 Tallow. ..... 4 Wool, washed ...... T. ...... . . 22 to 25 Wool, unwashed 16 to 18 HOW'S This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be obred by Hairs catarrn cure. . - F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O. - We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him Serf ectly honorable in all business transac ions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. . w aiding-, Kinnan as Marvin, wnoiesaie urug- ests, Toledo. Ohio, all's Catarrh Cure is taken internally. met ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the svstem. Price 75c. ner bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Tate nail's Js amiiy ms tor constipation. Rubber tires applied by Oettinger 25-4t. Buggy Company. This Space r 4 is Reserved for the .'..'',' "-'-: ' Commercial National - Bantu American Exchang t r X A : '