" ' ' L . ' - -v 'j i L . . .- ... .... - .. . " . I , - . - '. VOL. 87. f N. C. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 9, 1908. NO. 37 . GREENSBORO - ."..--... . j. i Or W. J. RICHARDSON office: mcadoo building NtXT TO POSTOmCC" . CSIDENCE: 615 WEST GASTON 8TT J, H. BOYLES, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON nfflcein'Holton Drusr 8tore Building. OQce Phone 805. . EeS. 409 W. Gaston; Res. Phone 768. Dr. J. E. WYCHE DENTIST OFFICE IN CARTLAND BLDG. ItUTH tin' T.. ORCCNSBORO. H. 6. Dr. M. F. FOX PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON GUILFORD COLLEGE, N. C. On E. A. BURTON DENTIST Office In Mra. Watlincton building, Woit door to Conyerra Druff Store. Upstairs. VV. BANNER. M. D. oprosirE postotfice. Prctce United to the Eye. Ear. Noie Uis,,t'2 A. M. trt 1 T. M 2JW P. V. tn I i r. m. tuuuaj, v iu-w i Otto. Fhoue 30. Residence Phone 3W. j 'Dr. W. P. Reaves f sara House sunreon JNew umansiye. ..u ?rftctlce Limited to Diseases m& Sur- r7 lA Eye. Ear. Nose tntf Throat. Hours 1.30 to 5 P. M. Adoo Building. Next to Poatoffice. Dr. C. T. LIPSCOMB DENTIST Oflice over Sykea DruCompany. Phone 793. Dr.iMilliams Dr. A. F. Fortune w , . Officei 108 W.-Washington. noras: hoto3: 10 to l; 3 to 4. 8.30 to 10; 1 to 3. Frf- Clinic for Poor Deserving- Patients: Cc2cJiD;non.Mon(iay8andThursaay,3to4. I:s6s oi women, Tuesdays and Fridays, J tO 3. 4. I. SCALE. Taylor G Scales ORKEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW GREKSSB0R0. H. C. 1 : : f i-t.iti hi. Douglai. Robert D. Douglas. DOUGLAS & DOUGLAS ATTORNEYS AT LAW t:t.tt la CreemUore Loan aai jrun giag. THOMAS C. HOYLE ATTORNEY AT LAW City B&t'l Bank Bide.. Greensboro. V. C. Special attention sriven to collections. I oae negotiated. Robert C. Strudwick TTOR NCY mid COUNSELLOR AT LAW 11 Comrt Sgnare, GRZXVSB0R0, V. C. T. P. HOBGOOD, Jr. ATTORNEY AT LAW. !n Wright Building, Oppoflte Oourt House Greensboro N. C. S. GLENN BROWN 1TT0S1TB7 AT LAW d.ju:.v ia rim c I Wright Building, 108 Worfli Elm St. t-rrl M. Scott. Chas. E. McLean. SCOTT McLEAN 1TT0BNE73 A7 IJLW Ctlci 111 CosrtSauare. Greemboro.ir.C. GEORGE M. PATTON ATTORNEY AT LAW USCJourt Square, - Oreensboro, NVO. H Toa. i. shaw CHAS. A. HINCS SHAW &. HINES ATTORNEYS AT LAW OHhmjb: Rooms 207 and 208 New McAdoo Building next to rostoHce. Seed rye and seed oats at Tucker & Erwin's. Mr. John W. Tucker, of Charlotte. WaS here the irst Of. the Week, r airy veicnk timothy, herd and or chard grass. C. : SCOTT & CO Miss May. Kerner, of Winston-Salem, is the . guest of her aunt, Mrs. A. B. Kimball. - See Townsend & Co. before you get your drill. They have bargains to offer you. The Pomona graded school will open Monday. Miss Bessie Howard is the principal. Don't buy a disc harrow, a spike harrow or a turn plow until you have seen Townsend & Co. 36-4t. Mrs. R. O. Pitchford. of Brown Summit, was brought to St. Leo's hospital Monday for an operation. We have a car of nice ripe ba nanas that we are selling cheap. CLEGG COMMISSION CO. Just a few cheap mowers and rakes to offer you. TOWNSEND & CO. I am expecting a nice lot of seed rye the latter part of this week. A. C. FORSYTH. Dr. A. E. B.' Alf ord left Monday for New York to take a final course in medicine and surgery in Columbia University. Dr. G. t Floyd Ross, a recent grad uate in medicine, has returned to his home in this city to engage in the practice of his profession. Mr. Max T. Payne, manager of the Greensboro Drug Comapny, is recov- erinS froni an illness that kept him confined to his room for a week or Hon A. L. Brooks addressed two!l.W9; Dr. w. G. Bradshaw, 934: O. entnusiasnc auQiences oi , Alamance ham in the afternoon and Burlington a niht. Mr. Tom Sockwell has purchased the W. W. Ellington property, on Edge worth street. He intends to add another room and otherwise improve the house. Mr. C. W. Jennings fs preparing to erect a three-story- brick building on oouin Asne sireei aajoining me ouiiding he erected for the Southern Express Company some time ago. Mr. . A. Wayland Cooke has pur chased of Mr J. TB. Shaw a hand some residence recently erected on Battle Ground avenue, '.Immediately in the rear of St. Barnabas Episco pal church. Mi- f" C TnwnspnH loft last wppV K j.e?8 trip i ih- ps&cikc coitsi, going oy way oi ai. louis. wu hig return he win swing down througt Texas and traverse the Gulf states eastward. " o , coui.ty jail 41 negro men, fdir ne- gro women and. 10 white men. TheiDougan Davis, H. C.' Kearns, A. J. next criminal term oi oupenor UU will convene on the I4th inst. and will I find over 200 cases on the docket, for trial. Roy, of the music department of Greensboro Female College, have returned from a delightful trip to Germany, where they spent the sum- mer vacation with friends and rela- tives. Stoves, ranges, heaters, kitchen cab- inets and all kinds of ware used in the kitchen going at prices that will sail you. Come in and see as and we will save you money. Murphy Bros.. -'The Stove Store," 344 South Y 1 . A A I A Bryan-Kern-Kitchin club was or- ganized'at Guilford College Saturday night with a membership of 40. Mr. Talmadge Swing was elected presi dent and Mr. Henry V. Smith secre tary. The club will work for a big Democratic majority in Friendship township Messrs. J. T. Morehead, Mr., Glenn Hudson. Cliff . Frazier, Martin Doug las, Robert Vanstory, Wyeth Long, C. E. McLean and Robert R. lung, Jr., left Monday for Chapel Hill to enter the University of North Caro lina. The first six are students of the law department. Mr. Thomas H. Vanderford, of Sal isbury, the financial manager of the Democratic campaign in North Caro- una. nas appouueu ,v r. x o. u.- ii-j n t din to represent him in raising cam- Daien funds in this city and coun- w -W- T T X- X -m-m w . I W Mrs. J. A. Pickard, a sister-in-law of Messrs. TV M. and W. R. Pickard, of Greensboro, died Sunday morning at her home in Charlotte. She was a daughter of the late Alfred P. Stroud, of Orange county, and for- merly resided in Burlington, the fam- c " o , I ly moving to charlotte ten or twelve years ago. Mra Fletcher Smith, of Washing- ton state, arrived in the city Monday to visit her husband, who is serv- ing a Federal court sentence in the Oak Ridge F. M. Pegram, T. E. county jail. She was accompanied Whltaker, W. M. Vaughn, D. B. Staf bv her young child and went from ford and T. L. Rumley. Greensboro to Stokes county to visit her mother, Mrs. Kelly Sisk, who is HHf all v ill. nf-i Toiin t. Tfnwerton. a DODular ' nhamarist who has been a resident nManGhnm fnr thfl oast two years, coming from Durham, and Miss Mary this city, will be united in marriage M at the home ot ii. v. . 222 Blandwood avenme, on I at 8 3Q A. M., me. on weanes-1 day, September 23rd, at 8 3Q j j j lit t , an hntir IntPr for an eSe tri;. C Rev. 'A. G. Kirkman ; win offlrfatfl'at the marriage, which MV win h a ouief informal affair wit-piciunney ana i. j. Murphy. - - WArfhvnniv a few-intimate friends. t I ' i - RESULT OF 'THE PRIMARIES. Murphy Defeats Kennett for Legisla ture Kirkman Vins Over Rankin County Convention Will Nomi nate Treasurer. The Democratic precinct primaries Saturday resulted in the nomination of the following candidates: Col. John A. Larringer. for the state senate: Dr. J. R.. Gordon and T. J. Murphy. house of representatives; B..E. Jones, snenrrr A. G. Kirkman, register of deeds ; W. W. Wood; coroner; Rob ert Gilchrist, surveyor; Dr. W. G. Bradshaw, John A. Young, L. A. Wal ker, J. A. 'Davidson and W. C. Tuck er, county commissioners. Neither of the candidates for coun ty treasurer received a majority of the votes cast in the primaries, there by leaving- the nomination to the county convention to be held Satur day. vOn account of. the unfavorable weather and' the absence' of any spir ited contest, a light vote was polled. County Chairman Brown has re ceived the returns from all the pre cincts except South Madison and Greene, showing the total number of votes received by each candidate to he as follows: i v ) State SenateA-John A. Barringer, 1,132. House of Representatives Dr. J. R. Gordon, 1,010; T. J. Murphy, 762; J. C. Kennett, 562. Sheriff B. E. Jones, 1.264. Register of Deeds A. G. Kirkman, ?8; W. H. Rankin, 601. Treasurer J. W. McNairy, 625; G. H. McKinney, 603; A. Weatherly, 75. Coroner VV. W. Wood. 1,193. Surveyor Robert Gilchrist, 1,148. County Commissioners John A. Young, 1,137; J. A. Davidson; 1,113; L. A.W alker, 1,086; W. C. Tucker, F. Ross, 467. Justices of the Peace. Candidates for rthe office of justice of the peace were nominated as fol lows: Rock Creek-B. Davidson, J. H. ! Joyner and H. H. Lewey. Clay W. T. Hanner, C. U. Hin shaw and ,C. C. Curtis. Bruce J. C. Bunch, T. A. Wilson and R. V. Harris. Jamestown W. W. Hayworth, J. D. Garrett and J. L. Coltrane. Oak Ridge Charles Case, R. W. Jones and W. M. Vaughn. Fentress J. A. Allred, J. R. Mc- Culloch and J. A. Coble. . , Friendship -Mi" L. Kendall, Thom as Wakefield and A. T. Millis. Morehead E. P. Land, W. S.Lyon, P. C. Lindley. Samuel Browne.' S. S. Mitchell, J. G. Fowler, L. R. Noah and W. H. Williams. Gilmer J. M. Wolfe, G. T. Glas cock, J. M. Cunningham, J. B. Minor, John- Forsyth, Sr., J. B. McKnight, R. E. Sims and J. R. Pearce. High Point J. M. Sechest, W. E. Johns F A Hnmmpr N W Rppsnn Dodamead and J. C. Welch. nrppnP t t. HoH ' a n Amirir an(j Causey. ' finmnpr T f Flavla T -T in. Cuiston and J. T. Hodgin. Center Grove J. B. Golding. H. C. Brown and T. R. Dillard. Jefferson W. L. Lindsay, C, Pritchett and W. H. McLean. M. Washington W. P. Heath. C m Zimmerman and C. L. Sockwell. Monroe S. G. Lomax, G. W. Daw- son and J. JL.. HawKins. Madison T. M. Webb, J. H. Rudd and W. A. Heath. Constahles. Th . . following candidates for con-1 were nominated in "the various townships: R0ck Creek A. D. May. Clay C. O. Reynolds Bruce J. H. Barker. Jamestown E. A. Guyer. Oak Ridge V. E. Vaughn. Fentress C. T. Ross. Frienushii) W. A. Ector. Morehead W. J. Weatherly Gilmer David Scott. High Point J. L. Parrish. Greene Frank Bailey. Sumner C. HNortham. Center Grove M. M. Lee. Jefferson H. S. Andrew. Washington H. A. Busick. Monroe J. R. C. Bevill. Madison W. R. Moore. Precinct Committmn . , i in xi- I rjjici;uLi ve cummiiiHes ior riift va- nreo.int. wpp rhoSPn Q fT. uen as roi- 1U"" I P. Farington, J. C. Bull. J. J. silth wv 1 -' V fcJ Xy V V 11 A 111,11.1 . I ana j. ju. u.nanes. South Rock Creek J. W. Summers. W. H. Fogleman, A. F. Greeson, L. b. Shepard and D. E. Knight. Clay D. H. Coble,, C. S. Gilmer, H. E. Rankin, G. A. Garrett and C c. Hardin. Bruce J. C. Bunch, J. B. Ogburn, - ". v "nv,u, . jj. wouu'Ui j. M. Burton, C. H. Willson and J. n. .Barker. Jamestown O. M. Bundy. J. T. Suits, E. A. Guyer, J. L. iColetrane and J. A. Suits. Fentress W. C. Kirkman, C. H. L Kirkman, C. T. Weatherly, E. R. Tucker and C. D. Smith. i Frlfinrlshln w at Wnhhe t. a Smith. - S. W. H. Smith. T t Tind- lov and M T. Kpndflii Precinct No. 2-Robert Morrison, ' Hunt and W. B. Ross. Precinct No 4 Thnmn s TOQn I " t V. T v P Sharpe R. Lu Jones, C. C. Mc- Lean and R." M. Gladstone.' - Precinct No. W. .V. Landreth, C. ."u"1.' -w- nencK, u. h. North Gilmer C. E. Landreth.' L. A. Henley, J. D. Campbell, J. P. Scur lock and J. A. Rankin: - North High .Point J. M. Secnrst, J. L. Sechest,. J. E. Kirkman, M. J. Wrenn and Robert Brockett. - Suth High Point S. L,. Davis. G. A. Matton, G. H. Kearns, N. M. Hod son and J. A. Turner. South Morehead W s Fioirf t W. Cook, J. R. M. Baxter, R. W. H. Stone and G. S. Boren. Greene J. Mt Coble, R. D. White, W. H. Bennett, Frank Bailey and J. Holt. : Precinct No. .1 J. Ed. Albright- J. J. Stone, L. R. Noah, G. T. Lane .and John-S. Michaux. ' ; Sumner R. C. Short, C. H. North ham, J. H. " Johnson, M. C. Groome and C. A. Grbome. : Center Grove T. R. Dillard, J. W. Wharton, Jr., L. A. Walker, J. E. Blackburn and M. M. Lee. South' Jefferson C. V. Paisley, H. S.?i Andrew, J. M. Phipps, S. V. Young and H. L. Hanner. North Jefferson-rW. T. Holt, W. H3 McLean, H. L. Cannon, J. W. Paisley and W. L. Lindsay. Washington D. M. Chrismon Z. Chrismon, T. J. Busick, S. L Sum mers and Jt.J. Busick." North Rock Creek A. D. May, F. M. Smith, D. F. Ridge, M. L. Fogle- man and C.'A. Wharton. South Monroe IX J WatHnrtnn R. N. Gilchrist. J. A. May. J 'L. Haw- kins and A. S. Voss. : North Monroe a M "Rpv'ii ci w Apple, C. R. Bevill, M. G. Bevill and ? aid in the work of the organiza S. G. Lomax. 1 tion- The board . deferred final ac- South Madison L. E. Howerton. A. R. Hines, O. W. Hines, J. L. Heath and W. A. Heath. North MadisnnJ Riohnrri ATnnr J. F. Doggett, R. L. Small, G. W.Jin th; Guilford College:'It Tnnarrt oni t tvt wv. was deemed to have the district sur- . . x veyed and an estimate made of the County Convention Saturday. Lost of the necessary work, the sur The county convention will be call- veyor to submit a reDort at the next ed to order in the Grand opera house, meeting , of the hoard. x : in this city, Saturday at 11 o'clock. Committees from the Chamber of Aside from confirming the nomina- Commerce, the Greensboro Retail Mer tions made by the precinct primaries, chants' Association and the Tobacco the convention will nominate a candi- Board of Trade joined a - number of date for county treasurer, Mr. Weath- citizens of the community in a re- rly having received a sufficient num- oer of votes to prevent either Mr. McNairy or Mr. McKinney from re- ceiving the nomination in. the prima- ses. ing the matter, but took no action. Every loyal Guilford county Demo- a petition for a change of the pub crat who may attend the convention j'c r0ad leading from Climax to Ju will have a voice in the proceedings, Han was granted. - . ; and it is expected that the convention An appropriation of $10 was made will be one of the largest held in this for the road leading from J. J.. Bu county in several years. sick's to the county line.- ' .A special attraction will, he, the Superintendent Tysohwas instruct- preaetice or ex-Uovernor AycocK, wno will make a speech of -interest and inspiration to all Democrats. As a public speaker Mr; Aycock has no superior in North Carolina. He does not come to Guilford as a candidate for any office or in behalf of any candidate, but to make a Democratic speech to Democrats. It has not been decided whether he will speak before or after the business of the convention shall have been transact- ed. . f MR. BROOKS' APPOINTMENTS Democratic Congressionaf Candidate Begins Tour of District. The following appointments have been made for Hon. A. L. Brooks, the Vifth rtlctHPt nomnrrntiP nandidfltP. uv; prt;;;v;r a m tiu nr . - - jiceuuiuic, vii cvii v nit: tu mi l j , muii- , lay, September 14. Stem, Granville county, Tuesday, September 15 Oxford, Granville county,) Tuesday, SaPtember 15. nifrht. Tor.aa n,oxr!11 m.mfv WaHt,PS. " V W"""J day' September lb. c""V"k 17 epititiDer k. , neiena, rei&uu uuuuij, x 1,. tember 18. TTI n T7-Jo- 0rv East Durham, Durham, county, Sat- uraay, sepiemDer iy, uiguu Mangum's Store, Durham county, Monday, beptemoer ti. Caldwell Institute, Orange county, nesaay, aepiemuer . foneniems oiore, urange couulJ'' luesaay, faepiemper z, nigm. - i r ri r I rTrn I iron Ck pnnnTV w Pn 1 vcuoi viu's vi nesaay . mgnt, aepcemoer ah. . ... n x i nt I rrospect Hill, uaswen .couuijr, Thursday, September 24. ' Mebane, Alamance county, riaay, beptemDer zo. - . Chapel Hill, Saturday, SeptemDer 26. ' Challence for a Joint Canvass. - " Mr. T. C. Hoyle, chairman or tne cownti diC has A -w jMn 4 a A111T1 I Tl I II I I 1 ua 111 ,1 nr. t t nnnhnw w n- LV' Qoi ' nf t; TtPnhH- Can committee asking for a joint can- v,.cs of the district between Messrs. A L Brooks and John" M. Motley, npmonrntip. and Republican can didates for Congress. - So far he has received no reply to the communica- received no reply to tne comuiumta- Jf0 but ?in Democratic circles it is not expected that the challenge .will be accepted. ; , Warning! Warning! The survey of Guilford county now being made is for the official county map and will not be complete before December 1st. An unscrupulous agent trvine' to nalm off cheap state maDS as the map for which this sur vey is being made. This is false, and no one snouia accept a inay from fSeL7 d0eLi nfZ Liolo All o o-oTitc talrinfr nrnrs for the official map as authorized by the V .""V.-rr missioners will have these certificates Boara 0i jciuucauuu aoiu v.wuui.j iVl. miLixv,, Engineer In Charge. Seed oats Appier, Turf ' and Rust Proof. ' C. SCOTT. & CO. COMMISSIONERS IN SESSION. Circus Not to Interfere With Fair . and Centennial Road Matters Con - sidered Preachers Not to Pay Poll - lx. , ... v '., ' TV:. ri; The . September meeting of the county commissioners was held Mon day, and yest .y, ajl the me hIuts of the board being present nt Chairiian Davidsdn, who was detain ed at home by, illness. In the ab sence of the chairman, Commission er Tucker presided over the meeting. A committee from the "Central Car olina Fair Association appeared be fore the board and asked that a pro- nibitive tax be placed upon the sale M ' x i l . - - ul toy wmps : during tne ap proaching fair. . In the : past the sale of these whips has proven a great nuisance, and the au thorities desire to prevent it this year. The ' board placed a tax of $250 on any one offering whips for sale within a -radius of a half mile from the fair grounds. J. W. King, a Confederate veteran who recently came to Greensboro from Cumberland county, was ex empted from the payment of a ped dler's tax. ' On account of his physical condi tion, Jv K. Osborne was exempted 1 from road duty. - .' L A committee. from the Chamber of juommerce asKed that the county maKe an appropriation or $o00 a year "on on-the matter. - . citizens or tne community asKea that the board arrange for better drainage lacuiues on riorsepen creeK, quest that the public road leading from Summerfleld to the Rockingham county line be macadamized. The board spent considerable time in hear ed to work the public roads running through Guilford Battle Ground with the convict force for a period of time not to exceed two days. a committee representing the Cen tral Carolina Fair Association - and the board of managers of the centen- nlal requested the board to take ac- on to prevent any circus from ex- hibiting in the county during the fair d centennial, week. The board adopted a resolution to the effect that no circus be permitted to give any performance in the county be- tween October lst.and JUtn. The board adopted a resolution ex- empting from the .payment of poll tax aiL minisiers pi me gospei I crn o-oH in tho flntlVA Work of the mill- f",r "mTTv "'Th0 slinl nnnronriation of S50 was . . . r r;: . r;nu:u . maae to tne Korin muau1CuB i i i 1 1 1 1 a-m i-ii-'iv "vm" v,.wrf. THE SOLDIERS .ARE UUlviliNU. War and Navy Departments to Aid Nn Centennial Celebration. Thomilttarv fpatiire of the centen- . " . ,11. ii i. 11 mai expeciea w aaa gruauy w success of Greensboro's gala week in uetober. in aaaiuon to ine lanri infantrv to be supplied by-the J r . , government, the Gate Gity Guaras cavoroi rtlii" nmraTiifis of the N tional Guards will be here and par- ticipate in parades and sham Datues. Mn G. S. Bradshaw; president of Uu nAntpnnifli hoard of managers, is ln rArfiint 0f a letter stating that the secretary of war has issuea oraers commanding a troop of tne rwettn cavalrv and a company of the. seven- . . i x a. 1 1 -n I tppnth niamrv 10 report m uiccuo- " - I horn for the Week. The company of , - t m be accompanied, by the full regimental, band.' Throuch the efforts of Senator Overman, who. by the way, is mani- festing a deep interest in the centen nial and doing everything in hispow- nlA Via mono romont thf NaW Sent has granted a request i.. . nn "gM. The searchlight will be w w nrruai aiuacuuu. Rag-Tags Will be There. Editor Patriot A . worker for Mr. J. W. McNairy for county treasurer said today that nobody but the rag tags and bob-tails voted for Weath erly or McKinney In the primary. Maybe, but these same rag-tags and bob-tails, by which is meant the' men of no influence or standing, will be onnauu ai tue tuuvCuuuu - -1 uraay ana wiu rememuer waai ua been said. ttt -r Tim a mTTnn T "V I W- J. W J!i A 1 XI J-iVlJ I , I Might Do an I n justice. Editor Patriot The communication in the Record of yesterday signed by J Mr. W. J. Weatherly Is calculated to do me a great injustice and to prej- udice the friends of Mr. A. Weatherly against me. Some one may have I nfade the remark he referred to, but I do not know who did: so and I was j in no way responsible for same. 1 . 'TarKS rTnmSSvmy WANTED A ) good all-round f ami-1 ly horse. I J. C. MORRIS, 37-3U , 203 North Mendenhall St. . - - ... i '. . . .... - : : : 1 POUCV The management of this bank has endeavored 7 n n II II II II Ml) Z to pursue a progressive policy to be liberal in its v treatment, and to adhere J X strictly to the legitimate t , J lines of banking. Its bus- -; iness is confined exclu- J t sively to that of banking, . -- - ? having none of its funds t ' invested in stocks, bonds or real estate. t Accounts of conserva- aZ 1 t jt : ? a uvc ucuuie. wno aesire jl J. - V- J the services of a well j equipped and- safely con- ducted institution; are Z cordially invited. ' t Four per cent, on sav- ing accounts. ' American Exchange Bank GREENSBORO, N. C. A Cpital. - - ISOO.GOO.CO. ' E. P. WHARTON, President. J. W. SCOTT, Vice President. & -B. Q. VAUGHN, Cashier. ' . P. H. NICHOLSON, Aest. Caahjer. J J. W. CASK, Mgr. Savings Dept. DEATH OF. MRS B. N. SMITH. Passed Away i Suddenly at Home Thursday; Afternoon.-. Mrs 3 N Smith an "aged and w n known woman' riteri suddenly .TSrJSat' 52? the southern part of the county. She had not complained of being unwell on aHon ,,,ni duties to the hour of death. The re- mains were brousht to Greensboro: itho f " i; n tne funeral held from the home of a daughter, Mrs. Keeling, on West I n.- li i ' i . . i, .v. 5lo f S3Un,a "V". " " J.V uuueu uie service ana luiemeui wiw- made in Greene Hill cemetery. - naM n - ixl. i z j i . mi s. -Qmim , is survueu oy a nus? . , , . , .... ,;'ii-' a Emma Keeline of this ritv- Mra J., A. Clinard and Mr. J. Glenn Smith," of Charlotte ; Mrs, ' Jennie . Lucas, of New York; Mrs. Walter Sergeant, of nr.,i,;nninn. t t..ij jc- . ui. "ttaumgwil, JU11CI. OJUHU, : Ul Norfolk; Mr. R. G. Smith, of St. Louis, and Mr. Parks H. Smith, of Dallas, Texas. All the children were iiv,v.m, ax. -iivs luiici ci Just Exactly. Right. "I have used Dr. King's New Life piUs for! several years, and fitfl them Must omotw rip-ht C9va mva a" Felton nf HarrisviliA v v Npw Life Pills -relieve without the least discomfort. Best remedy for consti- pation. biliousness and malaria. ' 25c ... at a i nniesnsri!. IT IS CAPITAL To watch the sure and steady growth - or one s bank account. The idea or CQvIny hoAnmoct rwi qo ctrnno whpn . . . r uue uas starteu iue uuie yue oa ita V. A J XV. lli-t way, knowing that every dollar will : earn interest. If you have not been of . v. . . . - . a ;-"5 ui start. We will take care of your ac-. ... , , count securit and good Interest, too. HOME SAVINGS BANK Opposite City Hall GREENSBORO. N. C. C. A. Bray. Pres. Tyre Glenn, Cathtef t ' t ,6 :jj.k-

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