VOL. 87. GREENSBORO. N. C. WEDNESDAY. SEFTTEMBEr" 30 1 90S: NO. 40 ' i . .. '., J- " -."-" -y - - i . i ... -h .-"I -VI - I . 1 -W fc fr W. J. RICHARDSON OFFICE! McADOO BUILDING NtiT to POSTorricc BlSIDENCEi: 615 WEST GASTON ST. . . Rey- M. Bagby, of Elkin, is in Seed rye and crimson clover seed C. SCOTT & CO. Saturday will be rin v" ; with - o " .-. vue memDers of . the , Y. W. C. A. o this city. Look at the label on vnnp nnnor ouirna nie uaie to wnicn your sub ovripuonis paia. Mr. S. R. Street, jr.: Mrs. s. M. Embry. of this dtv died i T. , . . " cti ms nome in Newbern Sunday. Dr. J. S. Betts Is In receipt of message announcing the death of his nephew, Paul G. Betts," at "Denison iex., yesterday. " io a a rit i a j nrncc in CARTLND'RLnr. xx. wvcnia, uas reiurnea , . , , : . irom. a . visit to. relatives in Rich J. H. BOYLES.lM. D; PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OfBoe in Holton Drug Store Buildhir.' OfSce Phone 80v Beg. 400 W. Gaston; Res. Phone 768. Dr. J. E. WYCHE DENTIST RtCNttORO, N. Cr Dc M. F. FOX PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON GUILFORD COLLEGEN. C. Dr e. a. burton: DENTIST Office in Hrc Watlington building. Next door to Conyr's Druff Store. Upsuirs. mond, Va. : She was i very ill for sev- erar weeks while away. . ,i went jr.. years in business have taught us what Guilford's people de mand. vve keep , what they buy. . ;t 5 J. M.iHENDRIX & CO. Mr. Eli L. Smith and Miss Mary Maness 'were married Saturday eveiv ing. at the hotne of Rev. C. E. M. Raper," who. performed the ceremony. All the; beat brands of guano, bone meal and chemicals always on hand at.Townsend & Cos. Call on them. 36-8t. . Rev. S. M, Rankin, evangelist of Orange Presbytery, has returned from a visit to Alleghany county, where he organized . two ' new Presbyterian churches Take advantage 'of this good 'sow ing season. We have the best seed Vnn rn n rpt Wnnd'c f lrvvor rvo Frscwe wmwc to uic oats, grass, etc. t MM ' I ma inroat. TUCKER & ERWIN na?e Houre-9 A. M. to 1 P. M.: 230 P.M. to ana Airs, inaries noDerson, oi l p. . Sunday. 9 to 10.30 A. M. criven to the this city, and Mr. Wescott Roberson, wcrttjpoor. of Hieh Point, who sient the summer in-Europe, have landed in New York t.sor i'honeSO. Residence Phone 3y0. and are expected to reach home to- v r n n morrow " If it is good shoes you are looking To rears House Surjreon New Orleans Eye, for at moderate prices, we have all Ear. Nose and Throat riospiuu. Practice Limited to Diseases n3 Sur ry Uft Eye, Ear.' Nose cw3 Throat. Hours 150 to 5 P. M. w a &o Building. Next to Postofllce. C. vV. BANNER. M. Ol 0tTE POSTOTTICK. Dr. C. T. LIPSCOMB DENTIST Oftce oer Sykes Drug Company. Phone 793. DrJMIliams Dr. A. F. Fortune Offices 108 W. Washington. HOURS: '( to 1; 3 to 4. HOCRS: 850 to 10; 1 to 3. styles both in home made line and in the finer grades, all solid and re liable. J. T. RANKIN & CO., 527 South Elm St. The manufacturers of the city have been allotted 10,000 feet cf space in the centennial building at the fair grounds for the purpose of making an exhibit of Greensboro made-goods. It is expected that all the space will be 'occupied." . ; Recently the Greensboro postoffice was made the depository of postal supplies for a large territory, postal cards, stamped envelopes, etc., oeing shipped here in car load lots, but on account of high freight rates, the de pository has been discontinued. Mr. Alfred Apple, who is well . i. acALca. AT. Taylor & Scales RNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW GREZ1TSB0R0. V. C. v'rr H. Douglas. Kobert D. Douglas. DOUGLAS & DOUGLAS ATTORNEYS Af LAW . THOMAS C. HOYLE ATTORNEY AT LAW City Bat'l Bank Bid.. Greensboro, I. C. Special attention given to collections negotiated. Robert C. Strudwick 5 .?? Frw Clinic for Poor Deserving Patients: known to the patrons of the Greens Confumrtion. Mondars and Thursdays. 3 to 4. I Urm tnho Dgw of women, Tuesdays and Fridaja, posiUon wUn the 'Planters. ware- house, where he will be glad to see all his friends and customers and as sure them good treatment and high prices. The annual protracted meeting at Jamestown will begin next Sunday at 11 A. M. There will be an even ing service at 7.30. During the week the services will be held at 3.30 and 7.30 P. M. Rev. L. A. Falls, of Greensboro, will assist the pastor, Rev. J. A. Bowles. The Sumner township Sunday school convention will be held at Rehobeth church on the first Sunday in October at one o'clock sharp. Ev tM la Greensboro Loan and Trust Bid, erybody is invited to attend. There will be some good speaKing. livery rhool In the townsliiD should be largely represented. Mrs. TW. Bickett, of Louisburg; wife of the Democratic nominee for attorney general of North Carolina, is in SU Leo's hospital, where she underwent "an operation several days azo. Her condition is very encourag ing. During her Illness her husband is making headquarters in ureensDo ro. Rev. A. C. Hamby. the retiring pas ORNEY oi? COUNSELLOR tor of Asheboro Street Baptist church and Miss Nannie Lynch were married on the 22nd inst " the ceremony tak ins: Dlace at the home of the bride near University Station, in Orange county. Mr. and Mrs. Hamby left Greensboro last week for Louisville, Ky. Ladies' hats trimmed by the best trimmers in Chicago. The very lat fsr stvles and prettiest hats that can be had. Then why vait to have your hat trimmed? Come select one, put it on, wear it home, then your troubles are over. I will guarantee to save you money. G. F. Black rr.on. 520 South Elm street One of the busiest places in town these days is Republican state head quarters. . Chairman Adams is giving his personal attention ana au " time to the work of the campaign, having temporarily closed his law of fice on Court Square. A force of i clerks is engaged in sending out a vast' amount of literature received from national headquarters and issued by the state, committee. A - l - W. H: Cable, a representative of a Georgia industrial insurance com pany, was. given a . hearing, in the mayor's court Monday on the charge of obtaining money under false pre tenses and held for the Superior court under a .bond of ?50. . It appeared from the evidence 'that the defend ant went to the home of a colored woman, representing himself as an agent of the - Virginia1 Life Insurance J BROOKS ON THE SITUATION. MEETING OF ODELL CREDITORS. Next Xongressman From Fifth Dis- Reject Proposition of Syndicate inct Finds Democrats Arousedand Formed to Purchase Pmnr an enthusiastic-l nM.4 I , a t. . 1 ' """" viv6.Cw..i,iBjgiius. ntn.ior ixew urder of Sale. "uu; u' trooKs. tn next mem- At a meeUng of the creditors of ber of Congress from the Fifth dis- the. Odell Manufacturing. Company, of tnct, has completed a canvass of Concord, held in tins city Thursday ai ' Person, Durham, Orange, afternoon, the original proposition of amaute tuunues ana is do- a, synaicate formed in June ,to purr ginning his itinerary of the western chase the property was derHnPri i end of the district. Wherever he was a subsequent proposiuon, and it uaa ueeu ue nas iouna tne uemocrats was decided ito ask the court for an aroused and enthusiastic over the" other order of sale, it win w w prospects of increased majorities. Mr. membered that the property was to Brooks is quoted as follows in an in- have been sold on the 16th inst. the tervlew with Mr. Andrew Joyner, the sale having been called otf on ac Greensboro corresponuent of tne Ral- count of the fire that destroped a t46" cwa aim uuserver; - portion or the property. "The general political condition is The syndicate formed in June of as good as it has ever been since fered to buy the property and pay I can remember," he stated, in an- the creditors in full with first mort swer to the question: "How have gage bonds, and in .addition invest you found things politically where $200,000 in the plant. The fire that you have been?' destroyed mill No. 4 disarranged this I have been canvassing this dis- plan, whereupon the committee on trict ever since 189G, when I was the part of the creditors called a full the Bryan district elector. Eevery meeting of the creditors to apprise two yars since I have made Demo- them of conditions and take new hi eratic speeches' in these counties, in structions. state, national and congressional cam- Representatives of the syndicate paigns, but I have never before seen appeared before the creditors, and more ' enthiisiactic determination to witaout waiving any "of their rights roll up a Us .majority, a more har- as embodied in tne orieinal Dronosi- momous; Democratic unity than is tion or contract, submitted a new snown -at every piace taat i nave proposition to the effect that, if the made speeches. origtnaa "contract should be carried "And do you know." the candidate out. the syndicate would, in addition continued. "I find people everywhere to issuing the first mortgage " bonds more enthusiastic over Bryan than an(j puttine $200,000 in new stock. they were twelve years ago. They also invest the insurance money in feel now that Bryan is certainly go- lae business. 'tins proposition was declined by the creditors, whereupon the synai cate agreed to pay 50 per cent of the claims of creditors, exclusive of in terest, in cash and the balance, ex clusive of interest, in preferred cu- Two years aso Alamance county mulative stock, the first of the stock elected a Republican member of the to mature in five years and the whole legislature and some county onicers. in fifteen years. This proposition This year,. Mr. Broks says, the whole aiso was rejected by the creditors, Democratic ticket will be elected by who thereupon adopted the following increased majorities, and the same resolutions: improvement will be ; shown when "Resolved' That the receiver be re- the election returns from Person are quested to apply to the court for per- recelvea. mission to make distribution to cred- Mr. Brooks was asked this rather htnrR nf available monevs. after the delicate question . by tnis ratner m- insurance losses shall be paid. delicately hardened political oia sau lng to be elected, and it makes theru enthusiastic at the prospect of rea lizing a consummation of this long deferred hope of Democracy and a Democratic president once more com ing into its own HA7INA AT mill cnon rrti i rrre I Six Students Charged With Assault ; ing Member, of Preparatory De partment. v , - .' - That the staid old Quager institu tion . of Guilford College is not im mune from hazing was . demonstrated yesterday, iwhen six upper classmen were arrested tor- navmg nazed a student . of - the preparatory. ! depart ment. , The offence was! committed Tuesday evening of last week and the victim was Rodney Turner, a son of Mr. C. L. . Turner, of. Catawba county. . . . The warrant, which, charged as sault and battery, , named the follow ing students as defendants: Baxter S. Sellars, of Mebane; Samuel D: Campbell, of West Virginia; George Nichols, of Mt. Airy; John C. Whita ker, of Winston-Salem, and Lowrey Stafford and Lonnie Coble, of Greens boro. - ;;. . ' -' ' The warrant was issued by Justice Glascock and the boys were accompa nied to Greensboro for a preliminary hearing by Sheriff Jones. Deputy Sheriffs Weatherly and Crutchfield ana several members of the faculty and student friends. U. r 4 The .warrant -was sworn 'away from Justice Glascock, who sent it to Jus tice Collins. The case was prose cuted by ex-Judge R.. C. Strudwick and the defendants were represent ed .by Mr. R; R. King, r ' Rodney Turner, the victim of the hazing, was the only witness exam ined for the prosecution. He testi fied that he was approached by the defendants, after supper Tuesday evening, September 22nd, and pulled behind, the building in which the Guilford College postoffice is located. He was suspecting such ah . attack and when, he left his room placed a revolver in his pocket. ' Turner testified that, when one of the defendants seized him around the waist, he fired the revolver into the ground to frighten them. . He was then thrown to the ground, after hav ing been dispossessed of the weapon, and choked and beaten. The boys closed the program by placing Turner across a cabbage crate and beating him with barrel staves. Justice Collins fined Sellars $10 and Hi niw i i - . . . i . , ; i. ; . i.l. a .r' - " y " !; : .. -.: - The mianagement of ? this bank has endeavored t t to pursue a progressive J t policy, to be Uoeral in ite ? treatment, and to adhere strictly to the legitimate t Ikies of banking. Its bus- iness is confined exclu- t J sively to mat ;of bariking, J having none of its funds" invested in stocks, bonds or real estate. Accounts oficonsefva- ; r : : i It : ... .... ... y tive peoDle. who desire- & fVi cat-rrir'oo rf .- -Troll X equiprjed ' ahd safely con- ll - Hurt fr ' incfi-nfir " . a : "Resolved That the receiver be re- of a correspondent: "Wouldn't the n.,pstftd t nhtain an order for the the costs: suspended judgment upon defeat of Bryan make things a great gale of the property, such sale to be payment of cost, as to Campbell, dealr better for youT" made nnt earlier man November 15. Nichols and - Coble, and dismissed "What-do you mean? he respond- -Rpsnlved That the received be re- Stafford and Whittaker. there being ed. "I mean that if Bryan is de- quested to operate the plant until no evidence to show that the two feated you will have no responsibili- Ume of saie and thereafter, so that last named were connected with the ties except to draw your, salary in nv mrchaser can take the property-hazing. Congress and cuss the Republican I ine. rnnrern. 1 A warrant" was issued against I Vivaaaa'a.?a minlntMnInn It O la u1Q(nH I 0 . . ... I rw, i ... . I ttuuuiuauauu". " .jjio.h is i-i-cw ''RQCn voH That tho thnnira ni tne i vounE-rurner. CQarsiuE mm wun car- "- --- -h, . ..:-. . . there will be ten thousand good"em- Hlt0T.0 ' olrton tn Mr. Ceasar ryine concealed weapons, and he was ... ,,,, I V.V,UW1.3 CH VA..U. - . . I . ' " ocrats in tnis district naming io Conp for hls able manaffement of the held for the Superior court under, a places mat oniy aoout one inousanu nrftn(3r.v Q! receiver bond of 525. It appears that Tur- ing accounts. Four per cent, oh sav t American '- i i i Exchange' Bank GREENSBORO, N. C. " Capital, ' - - ! 1300.000.00. E. P. WHARTON, President. J. W. SCOTT, Vice President. R. G. VAUGHN, Cashier. . F. H. NICHOLSON, Asst. Cashier. J. W. CASK, Mfr. Savings Dept. Death of Mrs. Rebecca Shaw. can fill, and you. as congressman n .roHitnrc- nnm- her hrousht. the revolver with him . u-ca isnaw ciea at ner . r ,iictr)M win i,a, vuCu, w - U" ," t. nome in Ureene township on the 22nd w i rnitte r rnntinued Wltn Power iu w uuiiiuiu liuiu ms uuuic iui i ... . - - , , Won't that add l1" ?VHof.i ttJL which purpose of usine it in defending him- Mpst. after an illness , of a few ays' v 11 uuj v " - I i greatly to your burden and mighty ghaU arise in connection near run you crazy? That s what I opration of the plant ar said Mr. Brooks replied: "I had rather be embarrassed by the responsibility of seeing one thousand good Demo duration. She was the widow of the ' - I nLr Viovinr : KnT, 1011? mv. of the property, bit without power to Solders Comm3 for the . Centennial. f-'wTs held at Sh i oh church on with the self against hazers. and the saie.. ill A- oino tne creuituis lu tiy .v Mr G g j3ratisiiaWt president or the day following her death, the or extension of their claims. the centennial board of managers, is service being conducted' by Rev. J. if u'oc ctarort in me meeLiiiii Liiat i j . : j. i v.. n,To u T3..r i fTnit-H Qt nm insurance has been adjusted sai- d tment notifying him that the The deceased is Survived , by a United States officially than any otn- . f Qtn or,n it it understood that I k v Lrio,, if!n cn... worM ? hv SSn ilindlni t Bmn the 'settlement will result in the pay- Lrnment for Greensboro's centennial whom she made her home, and two world.-I have been standing tobryan i lon. . .. fllll arrirmri nf $2l0.t)00 I , . ; . i, r,-n WM qt,c, twco. -r w . .j nnm , . . ... . . , I u" y - I iicic XiUt lalcl mail vyv-i.wvci xui.fi iv uuutt. kj nc nao nuiuau ui ir; beuou. ana it wui ue tue . t f one week The infantry, 1 markable vitality for one of, her age, oay or my uie wnen i witness uis iu- kprn'q VISIT TUESDAY. cavalry and artillery branches of the retaining all the faculties of mind aUguration On the fourth Of next MR. KERN S VIolT TUWUMY. ry Presented and in and hndv nntil the lflt ,1Vfr 'Rhaw r v . i . .1 I i ov.t ic . , I . ,. - - wtat Iwinte a Coming of Democratic Candidate for addition the Navy department will became a member of Alamance Pres- t nTuse at reorLentatil" Vice9 President Will be Made Big send a crew of men to man the port- bytenan church 74 years ago. able searchlight loaned by 'the. gov- AT LAW U Crt Sqare. GSZZVSB0K0. B.C. F P. HOBGOOD.f Jrv ATTORNEY AT LAW. ' its in Wright Building:, Opposite Court House Greensboro, N. C. S. GLENN BROWN ATT0SNE7 AT LAW Wright Building:. I0S North Elm St. r- M. Scott. Chas. 1 MoLeaJil SCOTT 6 McLEAN ATT0SNE7S AT LAW 'V r.r Kiw: 111 Court Satttre, Greenibtro.H.C. GEORGE M. PATTON ATTORNEY AT LAW 108 Court Square. - Greensboro, N. C. ThO. J. SHAW CHAS. A. HINCS SHAW & HINES ATTORNEYS AT LAW Oaot Eooxaa 207 and 208 New MoAdoo Building- next to PostoSloe. . " Z THE DEMOCRATIC CAMPAIGN. , ernment as an attraction for the cen- Battle Ground .Train ) Schedule Cfor The visit of Hon. Jonn . f" tennial. The soldiers will be accorn Next Tuesday. l k ieiiiuvji tiLi taiiumu i lioniort tr q rp?imPTirR nann in nil- i mi. . ri ..ii. . . i . Canvass'of Countv Will Beain Tomor- " n,poncnnm anrl Guil- "Y flT" k a ue oouiuern ttaiiway wm operate . - i"iuc"s . ... i union to me auiuiei s immsucu "J I trains between the We?t Market row and End October 30th All Vo- I a ia nort Tuesday will I . , A i, .i v . ueiweeu me webi Mttmei - iuiu gallic v - I tne government, mere win ue U1 crossing And rriiilfnrrl Rattlo Hrnnnrl ters Inv.ted to Attend Meet.ngs. De the biggest event of the campaign If comDanies' of the North . Caroli-4 ?rtV?2S2S- The Democratic county campaign in this section and tnfor"3h na National Guard. The troops will Q QQ 9.40 and 10.20 A. M., Re .i i .v" I DYnpftpH tn attract a large number u ot. ot tho fair pmnnds. I .tr 'i . j: win open in caiiicai loiuurrow, wueii n ur-A oiirrnnnd- MC h."- -" turning, is.uo,; Z.40 ana, 3.30 f.M. the candidates will appear at Concord "i yeupie num """r" h7v; . . . ., - Fare for round trip, 25 "cents- school house, in Sumner township, M"S UUM' V oegms Business i omorrgw. an;wAll.cloS ft Sat: KS tta id The Foster-Moffitt Produce Com- ' For Sale. rIucJfLTO"VA1r the Southern will operate a number of pany, recently organized and incorpo- 50.acre farm: , suitableV for', truck ?rSi-"l 'i": ."u Uneoial trains between Graensboro rated with a capital or . ?afuu, win in or dai located two miles from ,VPd The" Renublican cannidateJand the Battle Ground. There will open its doors tomorrow at tne cor- the c'0Urt house, and bordered by two wnrd dinner and two bands will ner -of J? macadamized roads. Good school S t" m I furnish music. P ie.e.w- "" "ao convenient. , i For further -information h J hih WV? Mr. Kern will be accompanied by BiraD Qrs mf. h a. see ;H,A. Garrett, at j the Greensboro noZnt the Citation Col. J. Hamilton Lewis, of CMcago, . Tn Pstofflce " - i , in 1 o cnoofh Atnnnsr i new wuiuou . mi. j. a. vcuoo The schedule of. appointments as t7 n,lr7 will be Go ernor vice president and Mr. John R. Fos arrane-eH hv the Democrats ennntv the Other speakers Will De wvwwi f . fM9Wllw. Mr Pns , nioiiHo iv ir.fr n i lci ouvitai j a.uu vi fl ' IQT1 II .1111 V 1 II VACLUUC I - 39-tf. execuUve committee is as follows: t""61.r " ter. who is well known to the trade. MS v jv-k r I . V -V r I II I M 7 -I. I I I I A J -r T " Concord school nouse, Thursday, in ;,5X ni a swille. will, direct the affairs of the concern, rrr:;: nr elec: which promises to become an impor- October 1. Pleasant Garden, Friday. October 2. ana one oi """a factor in the business life of Tabernacle Saturdav Ortnher 2, tor at large. All the State omcei Col: Coble's placeMonday; Octo- and candidates for ?r-- ber 5. oeeu . "Hi,! Manv Veterans Corainq. XT t Dfltioviiio wdnocHov rkot". dates irom liumuiu auu ' Vv t , - I rminLies. I Lumeum ate vciciauo cicit ai I . , 1 A rTl1 TV.fr I i ' . 1 . y-v x 1 1 Gibsonville, Wednesday, October 7. Tuesday nignt fir;. f centennial- ana xair ucwuer. fitu s,,n,mOr'0 i,ni ThnrcHnv nfo o Lewis will speak in this city. promises to be one of the biggest and ivfort- nav PrMaxr HMnh q - most interesting days of Greensboro's Pmwn's Summit Satnrriav nVtn. Mew Tea Store Opened. gala week. Maj. W. W. Wood, who r 9 . , . . i rt , J ber 10. , o r, xc.nnv riomnanv. widely 18 8.." !"6iw unionolfl inr,Ho,r nfK no 7 receiving commumcauons irom vie- 1A111WUUIV, HlVUUtt 9 VVtUICl Am Summerfild, Monday, October 19. Stokesdale, Tuesday, October 20. Friendship, Wednesday, October 21. Colfax, Thursday, October 22. , Jamestown, Friday, October 23. High Point, Saturday, October 24. Proximity, -Thursday, October 29; 7.30 P.- M - - J fict known importers, nave yu" 1 ? rans far and near saying they will.be class tea store in the K. o r. duuo- nere tQ snare in the pleasures of the fn? and will cater to tne wants oi , ing and win cater to tu day. . it is earnestly desired that Confederate veteran in reach i fee suerar. etc. Tne ivenny uLuyaj . p.rooI,cKnrn hq hora n tho Hav operates seventy stores a large num- Let apart in honor of the faithful fol- v.t- rr rnem in I lie ouuiu. ouu a 1 t TnbcAn . . ifo I luvvci a ui aim iomoviu. of the most prominent coucerus jx r.J 5 TTnitoH StatfiS. IVir. Jl. IT. SAVE your money ; and - start a Bank Ac count while you are. young. You will be surprised to . see how rapidly your BANK ACCOUNT grow when you once' get Used to Greensboro, Friday, October 30, 8 Wh been with the At- Passing Examinations Successfully. -, -.. - f it AliW wwu., " , I , ai. r - - honta hranch the past ten years, is jas Donahue. New Britain. Conn.. Whitsett, : Saturday, October 31. ; Lt manager of the Greensboro writes "T tried several Tridnev reme- Rtore. Assisting him are Messrs. nies and was treated by our best I. Wood Wanted. . v.rtTnn PiWard. ' C. L. Shaw and! nlivsifinTifi frr dinhetes nut " HiH n nt I W111 If you have wood to 'sell call and Wendell Spencer, of this cy- improve, until I took Foley's Kidney saving, even a nittle :systematically. lanta branch, was here several any showed improvement, and five bottles "? -y w vu. last week helping to get tniust iU cured me completely. I have since be found than this Bank. y. ni.!n ehana fnr- tho "nneninST. '. nflBood flVfirfil olrnminfltirtn frr life I : - . S' . st I 1 s I . - . . I .Wo nav Trtiit"- nar !ronf- t Inraracr see me. I - think we can trade. " , 8-tf SAM BROWNE, .;. , Walker . Avenue, Greensboro. "; Fresh Milk Cows Wanted. The Patriot has a" scholarship good J cures backache and 'all forms of kid-J compounded quarterly; Company - and collected U in ' pre- cows' at once.- CalLon or write miums on a policy ,sne neid in j:nat companyr.CablQ contended at the trial that he couected tne money a an A . want tq buy :" several - fresh milk for a business course in one of the ney and bladder troubles. All drug- 40-2t. C. W. TATE, y- Greensboro. N. C. highest class commercial schools in gists. the South. The scholarship win De sold at a reasonable price.' If you 'Fashionable." footwear-;1 for women. desire a really high graae Course, ad- j They WILL have it,-so we get that advance payment on a policy to'bei, Gping fast those slightly shop-1 dress The Patriot for further particu- which is serviceable as well as com issu;byTihVGeorgiar'compa Jlars. , ' . ' ; 31-tf. fortable. J.V M. HENDRIX & CO. HOME SAVINGS BANK Opposite City Hall GREENSBORO, N. C. C. A. Bray, Pres. - Tyre Glenn, C&sMet

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