f If The -Far piers Of this immediate section will buy a pure bred Perche ron Stallion, we'll take $100.00 stock in him. Don't ask us why we'll do this, but go to thinking. If the farmers of this section want to buy good clothes at"farmers"prices we have the Suits, Overcoats and Un derwear that will satisfy. When you come to the fair drop in and talk over the Stallion proposi tion. Chisholm, Stroud, RAWFORD & R One new mower at a bargain at Townsend &. Co.'s. Mr. Ceasar Cone spent the past few days in New York on business Wp can suit you in boys knee nants afr 5 to 17 rears. R. P. Gor- rell. 526 South Elm. Those shop-worn drills are moving foaf hfans the Drice is right at Tonwnsend & Cc's. Mr John M. Dick is in Cincinnati in attendance upon the National Laun- drymen's Association. The Home of Good Shoes bids you welcome to an investigation of ts values. J. M. hisndklx. & uu Mr. and Mrs. Robert Irwin and children, of Jackson Springs. are visiting Mrs. Irwin's Darenta. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Merrimon. A hie' and well selected stock of dry goods just opened up at R. - Gorrell's, 526 South Elm street Prices right. Call and examine. Mr. John A. Suits and Miss Min nie Rnmftr were married last Wed nesday, the ceremony being perform ed hv Rev r, R. M. RaDer at his residence. Prof. F. S. Blair, of Guilford Col- leE-e the nominee of the froniDition party, for Congress in oDened his camDaign at day night. It 'is now time to buy fertilizer, and you should see lownsena Ac v,o. before you buy. Prices lower man for several seasons past. We sll the Roberts Johnson and Rand and the Red Seal shoes, for service they are the best to be had. Prices are always right. K. P. uor rell, 526 South Elm street. Miss Sarah DeButts, a daughter of Capt. and Mrs. D. D. DeButts, or tnis city, and Mr. G. H. Trumbo, of War- . IT. I ren county, va., were marneu u Front Roval. Va.. September 24th. Eleeant cloaks and coats for wo men now being displayed here. High est type of tailoring and the very latest designs. J. M. HENDRIX & CO. Don't fail to get a pair of our boys and rises' Star tva .i school shoe One pair is all you need for the win ter is the report from many families who have bought them. R. P. Gorrell. 520 South Ejh.. Partial ' It is not fair to sit at home and tell the old woman those buggies and surries are no account that Townsend Greensboro next with the centen- of at con- this district, Elkin Thurs- THE GOOD ROADS CONGRESS. : ; ' . Program of Important Feature of Cen tennial Celebration. The following program has been oVr-onp-eH for the erood roads con gress to be held in. week in connection nial celebration:, ' V Tuesday, October 13, 3 P." M. 'ahhmm of welcome Hon. Francis D Winston, lieutenant-governor North Carolina, who will preside oil Tneetinera of the good roads gress. : "'. ' :- : Response to address of welcome Hon. M. F. Ansell governor of South Carolina. Election of permanent secretary. Calling of roll of states represented. Appointment of committees from each state represented for the. con sideration of a bill tb be recommend ed to the, legislatures of the South ern states. Wednesday, 10.30 A. M. Stereopticon views on good road construction, by Hon. M. o. uriage, from the government s good roads ae partment, Washington, D. C. "The Effect of Good Roads on Se- curing uesirauie iiuiuiBiawuu, uj V Richards, land and industrial agent Southern Railway, Washington, D. C. "Good Roads in South Carolina, by Hon. E. J. watson, commissiouei of agriculture, of South Carolina. "Good 'Road Building in AiaDama, ....... i- i J by Hon. William rucnaru&uu, co- J A 1 gTessman rrom Aiuuama. Thursday, 10.30 A. M. "Good Road Building in North Car olina," by Dr. Joseph -Hyde rratt, North Carolina state geologist. The Necessity of Trees to Good Roads Maintenance," by- Hon. w. w. Ashe, North Carolina state forester. "The Effect of Road Building in the South Upon immigration irom the West," by Hon. T. P. Keator, ed itor Farm. Loan and City Bonds, Chi cago. . - Addresses by other prominent meh of the Southern states on the va rious questions concerning good roads in the South. Object lesson in road building. Report of committees. Permanent organization. Beautiful F2ll Wedding Celebrated. A pretty fall wedding was celebrat ed in St. Barnabas Episcopal cnurcn last Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock when Miss Winona Fluharty became the bride of Mr. Temple S Horry. The chur6h, beautifully decorated for the occasion, was crowded with the friends of the young couple. The words of the beautiful Episcopal cere mony were said by the rector, Rev. Thomas. G. Faulkner. t V -TIi3 bridal party was preceded into the church by the vested choir, sing- ine Lohengrin's "Faithful, and True," the accompaniment being Tendered by Miss .Alma Ashley. The bride, attir Ad in a beautiful creation of Grecian satin and white lace, entered upon the arm of her father, Mr. W. J Fluharty, who gave her in marriage. The maid of honor was Miss Daisy Fluharty,' of Baltimore, an aunt of the bride, and the best man was Mr. R. H. Breese. The ushers were: Messrs William Fluharty, R. D. Douglas, J. E. Mann and W. B. Harrison; Little Miss Alice Womble was the flower girl.' i Following the ceremony and a re ception;, at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Horry boarded a late train for Norfolk, Washington and other cities. GREENSBORO IN SEPTEMBER. Saved His Boy's Life. "My three-year-old . boy was badly constipated, had a high fever and was in an awful condition. I gave him two dozens of Foley's Orino Laxative and the next morniner the fever was gone and he was entirely well. Fo ley's Orino Laxative saved his life." A. Wolkush, Casimer, Wis. Sold by all druggists. - GONYERS' New Drug Store 350 South Elm St. FULL LINE OF STANDARD PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, STATIONERY. &0..&0. Deposit your money, with us at once so you will get interest from the First of October, which is our regular interest period. We give you SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS security for your money. : This with our con servative management and the character of the men behind the institution makes security un questionable. r v J N What better guarantee do' you1 want than what we offer you?, E. P. WHARTON. President. E. L. SIDES, Cashier. k r t The Little Store Around the Corner! DENNY & ELLINGTON Record in of the City's a Month. Growth & Co. are advertising so cheap. Come i neir c J Announcement ! in We take pleasure informing the public that we have secured the ser vices of Mr. Clark Porter who will as sist us in our pre scription depart ment. Mr. Porter is con sidered one" of the best drug men in the state, having been raised in the drug business, and he will be glad to have his friends drop in and see him at any time. Remember our store is" the drug store in Greens boro in which. you are always wel come at any hour day or night. FARISS-KLUTZ DRUG CO. The store that closes. never and see and be convinced, guarantee goes with each one. Mr. W. H. Brown died of tubercu losis at his home at Proximity last Wednesday afternoon. The funeral was held from the residence Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Mr. Satterfield. Interment was made in Greene Hill cemetery. Mr. W. H. Swing, of Guilford, re cently returned from a six-weeks trip to Indiana, where he has a daughter and two brothers living. He traver sed a considerable portion of the Hoosier state and met many native North Carolinians and their descend ants. ' The Patriot has a scholarship good for a business course in one of the highest class commercial schools in the South. The scholarship will be soid at a reasonable price. If you desire a really high grade course, ad dress The Patriot for further particu lars. 31-tf. Moor of the pudding is the eat ing. Messrs. Thompson- & Sons, shoe makers, 500 and 502 South Sim St say that our North Pole and Con querer shoes for men's wear are the best all around shoes for the price that ever came in their shoe shop for repair. Prices $3.50 and $4.00. R. P. Gorrell, 526 South Elm street Mr. M. V. Fulp and Miss Maud Hooker, of Kimesville, were mar ried last Wednesuay night at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. John J. Reeves, in this city. The ceremony was performed by Rev W. M. Biles, of Kernersville in the presence of a few relatives and close friends. After, the ceremony, the young couple left on a bridal trip that will include New York and other cities in the North. The report of Chief of the Police Neelley shows that for the month of September 434 whiskej' prescriptions were filled as against 368 for August, an increase of 66 prescriptions. On ly 10 prescriptions for beer were fill ed, there being a decrease of 18 pre scriptions over the preceding month. The prescriptions were written by 55 physicians, the largest quantity of whiskey prescribed by a single physi cian being 43 pints divided among 27 prescriptions. Mr. Clem. G. Wright, who is de voting nis entire time to working up interest in the good roads congress to be held in Greensboro next week, says the congress will attain great er proportions than was anticipated when the movement was inaugurated. He is in receipt of letters from coun ty officials and other leading citizens from all quarters of the state an-, nouncing their intention to be pres ent and participate in the proceed ings, and the number of visitors from other states promises to be large. Mr. J. U Sams, a clerk in Mr. E. S. Wills' book store, has just been awarded the third prize in the past few months for window decorations j with copies of the Ladies' Home Jour J nal. The contests included the en tire United States, and the fact that Mr. Sams . has within the past few months won three prizes in contests representing so broad a scope of ter ritory is evidence of his gift as a window decorator. Mr. Sams will take a special course in window decorat ingand prepare to devote his time to that work later on. are gleaned secretary of of Com mere The following facts from the report of the the Greensboro Chamber for the past month: ' During September 68 deeds were recorded, the total value being $72, 320.80. , Of this amount, 67 vacant lots were transierred for a consider ation of $22,905.30. an average of $340.07 each. Permits were recorded for seven teen dwellings, the consideration be ing $27,500, an average of $1,600 eac h. One thousand five hundred andsix-ty.-two and one half acres of land were transferred during the monui at a consideration of $23,305.50, an average of $13.27 per acre. Bunding permits inside the city limits were issued as follows: G H. Walker, nine-room house, on South Park drive $ 2.500 Thos. Sockwell, improvements, Edgeworth street 2u0 J. H. White, nine-room house. Eugene street 5.200 W. H. Stone, six-room house. between North Elm and Church 150 Henry F. Sterunst, four-room house, McCulloch street.... 400 A. E. Holton, brick store house on south uavie street i.nuu Mrs. M. H. Chrismon, addition on East Market street 500 W. H. Bailey, store room. South Elm street 250 C. W. Jennings, brick business house . . . . 3,500 E. A. Wiles, addition on Men- denhall street S50 C. P. Frazier. 14-room house on South Eugene street.... 3.500 W. G. Hook, six-room house West Lee street 1,000 Prescriptions Accurately Compounded You all know me. Z. V. CONYERS .n liif o Stomach trouble is but a symptom of, and not ta itslx a true disease. We think of Dyspepsia, Heartburn, and Indigestion as real diseases, yet they are symptoms only of a certain speciflo Nerre sickness nothing else. St yna this fact that first correctly led Dr. Snoop In the creation of that now very popular Stomach Bemedy Dr. Snoop's Eestorative. Going- direct to the stomach nerves, alone brought that success ana ayox to Dr. Snoop and his Restorative. With. out that original and highly yital principle, no such lasting accomplishments were ever to be had. For stomach distress, bloating, biliousness, bad breath and sallow complexion, try Dr. Snoop's Restoratjye Tablets or liquid and see for your, self what it can and will do. We sell and cheer fully recommend IEWEILERS 103 W; MARKET ST. A nice line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Etc. Repairing: promptly and properly done. Total .' ..$21,450 Forty-nine marriage licenses were granted during the month .of Septem ber, 27 of which were white and 22 black. Several new business firms were organized here and a dozen or more families located in Greensboro during the oast monih. ir. GREENSBORO. DRUG CO. Read the Following Testimonial Unsolicited f - ' Pomona, Guilford County, N. C, ' ' March, 27th, 1908. Mr. Bides, Dear Sir: v ; I am thinking you would like to hear how I am getting aloDg after using the new remedy you and Mr. Yates so kindly had me to use. - After nearly four months of suffering with rheumatism aDd kidney complaint, and everything donef or me which only relieved for the time being. I am now using the Band, which seemed to help me at once. At the time my feet, knees and hips were so swollen that I coukl not walk a step. As soon as I put it on there was a heating sensation all over my system, and in one week I was surprised that the swelling was going out, and I could sleep. In two weeks I could walk around the room, the third week I could go where I pleased. I feel stiff in my knees somewhat, but that is going out fast. You may think this h quick work, but it is nevertheless true. My family and neighbors will testify the same. They all know I have euffered all winter, and I feel very grateful to you both, for what this remedy has done for me, and will recommend it to all suffering as I have. N - Respectfully yours, (Signed) m A. D V. LEIGH. Why don't you profit by the experience of others? Your family doctor is all right, and will do all he can for you, but he cannot cure that rheumatism. I have cured hundreds of hopeless oases with my wonderful Band, dozens of them right here in Greens boro, arid In Guilfor'd county. Write today for full Information and terms. GREENSBORO N. c. vs . , -- J nr nnnnn' i mnnnnnm ggfr uuuuu uuuuu II THE I Siickney She Likes Good Things. Mrs: Chas. E. Smith, of West Franklin, Maine, says: I like good things and have adopted Dr. King's New Life Pills as our family laxa tive medicine, because they are good and do their work without making a fuss about it." These painless puri fiers sold at all drug stores, 25c. It is no joke. Townsend & Co. have the best cheap buggies you ever saw. They also sell fine buggies and carriages. Work of the Audubon Society. Mr. T. Gilbert fearson, secretary of the North Carolina Auuubon So ciety, wnose .Dusy season will open in a short while and continue through the fall and winter months, says the state is better organized for game protection than ever before and that the benefits of the restrictive legis lation are oeing recognized and ap preciated more by the public gener ally. While he never expects to see the day when people will not kill game out of season, Mr. Pearson says a. f i - a 1 j. -y ' : 1 me law in tins respect is oeing ob served much better than it was for merly. During the past month there were only 12 arrests in this state for killing game out of season. The work of the Audubon Society is being extended into Virginia, and dur ing the next few months Mr. Pear son, who is also secretary of the national society, will make several ad- aresses in tnat state, speaKing in Danville. Roanoke. Lynchburg . Rich mond and other places. O000OO000O CELEBRATED asoline zonnnonnnnnr - w w w - w WWW .... i.T-l .i - ' ss- II ngines Why James Lee Got Well. Everybody in Zanesville, O., knows Mrs. Mary Lee, of rural route 8. She writes: "My husband, James Lee, firmly believes he owes his life to the use of. Dr. King's New Discovery. His lungs were so severely affected that consumption seemed inevitable, when a friend recommended New Dis covery. We tried it, and its use has restored him to perfect health." Dr. King's New Discovery is the King of throat and lung remedies. For coughs and colds it has no equal. The first dose gives relief. Try it! Sold un der guarantee by all druggists, 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Will be on exhibition at the Central Carolina Fair. These engines are made by the oldest and largest manufacturers of gasoline engines in the United States. Highest grade engines in the world, j - See them at the Fair or at our store. Guilford Hardware & Machinery Co. GREENSBORO, N. C. Popular among the ladies are our voile and Panama skirts. and fashionable. J. M. HENDRIX & CO. 1 II 000000000 oooooooooo V Q00OOdD00lfO i

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