VOL. 87. GREENSBORO, IN. C. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1908. NO. 44 Or W. J. RICHARDSON OFFICt: McADOO BUILDING NHT to roiTorrict t ISI DtNCt. oi5 west GASTON ST. J . H. BOYLES, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Oflce in Hoi ton Drajr Store Building. Office Phone 805. Reft. 400 W. Gaston; Res. Phone 768. r. J. E. WYCHE DENTIST 'OFFICE IN CARTLAND BLDQ.' IIUTH KLM ST.. CNKCNSBORO. M. 6. Dr. M. F. FOX PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON aUlLFORD COLLEGE, N. C. Dz E. A. BURTON DENTIST 0tu& la Mrs. Watllnjrton building, Nfcjxt ioor to Conye.r'8 Drug Store. Upstairs. ' C W. BANNER, M. D. oposit- PosTorncE. - Practice Li-tited to the' Eye. Er. Nose nd Throat, Offlc Hoars 9 A. M. to 1 P. M.; SL30 P. M. to I P. M. 8aday. 9 to 10-30 A. M. ffiven to the worthypoor. Ofiw Pfcon 39. Residence Phone 39a Dr. W. P. Reaves to r House Surgeon New Orleans Eye, Sar. Nose and Throat Hospital. . I Practice Lunitecl to Diseases and Sur 7 tf Eye. Er. Nose -2 Throat. Honrs 1.30 to 5 P. M. UtXioo Bildinr. Next to Postoffice. Dr. C. T. LIPSCOMB DENTIST C-aoo orr Sykea Drug Compny. Phofte" 793. Dr.JlWilliams Dr.A.F.Fortune OfcM-IOS W. Washington. a.'rtri: hooks: 10 to 2; 3 to 4. 8.30 to 10; 1 to 3. Jre Cl.mc for Poor Deservlne Patients: Coipiiori. Mondays and Thursdays, 3 to 4. Diseases of Women, Tuesdays and Fridays, Jtol i. . r Alton. 4. I. SCALE. Taylor & Scales ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW GKIEHSBOKO. V. C. iLibert ii. Douglas. Robert D. Douglas. DOUGLAS & DOUGLAS ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1-fH u GrtcasWro Loan and Trast Bldr. THOMAS C. HOYLE ATTORNEY AT LAW City 3at1 Saak Bldc. Greensboro. V. C. Special attention given to collections. Loans negotiated. Robert C. Strudwick .7TORHCY ca3 COUNSELLOR AT LAW Uft Csns-t Square, GEZZITSBORO, B. C. F. P. HOBGOOD, Jr. ATTORNEY AT LAW. in Wright Building, Opposite Oouri House Greensboro, N. C. S. GLENN BROWN ATTO-ttTCT AT LAW Wright Building. 103 North Elm St. lTl SL, Soott. Chas. E. McLean. SCOTT & McLEAN ATT02KET3 AT LAW K1mj 111 CwrtSamare. Greeniboro.ir.C. OEORGE M. PATTON ATTORNEY AT LAW 1& Court SQuare. - Greensboro, N. C. HAW CHAS. A. HINCS SHAW&HINES ATTORNEYS AT LAW O-Soea.- Rooms 207 and 206 New McAdoo BuiMiag- next to Postoffloe. Mr. - ICOAl1' aMuayvrS. f Mr. ,w, A. Scott, deputy fir in-. I . TOWNSHIP NOMINEES. 1 , , Mr. Andrew --um a visit trt Pm An,r Shingles 'W W VI. 4.4 l I a u $.5U per one thousand. 4t I 1 n. . ' IX. vw. o it uiu iUf. ana Airs. John N. wiiKn hnvo HI. . -. - - iciurnea rrom a visit to Washing ton. - " "H 4M W Mr. J. Leslie Ahhn.t hao from a business trip to Baltimore ana wew York. Now Is the time to naint All colors of house paint at Town send & Cos, also linseed oil. 4t. Mr. W. H. Stone. Jr. has Pfit.nrnp1 from New York, where he purchased new goods for Ellis, Stone & Co. Just received a stock of hnrm mpai. Call on me if you need any. JNO. W. WHARTON. The Sunday school of St. Paul's Methodist Protestant church, at Rev- plution, held, a rally service Sunday. Almost every load and powder in shells. SOUTHSIDE HARDWARE CO. Miss Margaret Jones, of Walnut Cove, is the guest of Mrs. J. P. Tur ner, at her home on West Market street. Col. and Mrs. J. M.' Goddard have moved -from Fayettev'ille to Greens boro , and , will reside on North Elm street.'- - WANTED A good fresh milk cow. Apply to Rev. H. M. Blair, at the Christian Advocate office. East Gas ton street. The members of the Greensboro Musical Association have begun re hearsals for the festival to be held next May. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Lambe, who spent the summer in Greensboro, have returned to their home in Win- ston-Salem. ta r- i- . . xji. r. a. v. ireiiiiie, wte yipsiucui of thp, fireensborn Fllpptrip Pom nan v. diGd ftt h! home in shehovean. Wis.. a few dars ae- ATai Charlps? M. Stodmnn and Kfoer t Tii5tip nil . YT Messrs. h,. J. Justice and ... V . vjooKe are in rtaieign aiienuiiig me Supreme court. Dr. L. G. Coble, who has been in St. Leo's hospital for several weeks. is recovering nicely from the etrects of an operation for appendicitis. Feed cutters, horse powers, gaso line engines, wood saws, corn shel- lers, feed grinders, pea hullers, at Townsend & Cos at right prices. 4 The annual meeting of the , North Carolina Library Association will be held at the Carnegie library in this city on November 12th, and lth. When in need .of anything kept in a first class general store, see us. Prices right. PLEASANT GARDEN CO 3 gone to Dal-i Virginia at a I Miss Eula McNeer has las. Tex., to represent reunion of Confederate veterans be -.-.oo ivo. ing held in the Texas city this week. Mr. J. E. Latham is having plans prepared for .a handsome residence he will build in Fisher park, adjoin ing the home of Mr. G. A. Grims ley. Kev. N. R. Richardson, pastor of Spring Garden Street Methodist church, is assisting in a revival meeting at Zion church, near the city. Buj cresote and paint your metal roofs. Best roof paint on the mar ket, and it only costs 15 cents per gallon or 15 per barrel at Townsend & Cos. 44-4t. Mr. Will Abbott, a son of Mr. J T. Abbott, of this city, and Miss Elizabeth Carson, of Indiana, were married at Montreat, near Asheville, last Wednesday. Mrs. F. E. Ross spent Sunday at Pleasant Garden and delivered an ad dress before the Woman's Home Mis sionary Society of the Methodist church at that place. Mr. Glenn Hudson, a student in thp law department of the Univer sity of North Carolina, is at his honV in this city suffering from an attack of typhoid fever. If it is a gun you want, we have them in the "Ithica" Remington, al so the ' cheaper guns. See us before you buy. . SOUTHSIDE HARDWARE CO. Thelma, the four-months-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Osborne, died in Winston-Salem Monday morn ing. The burial took place at L.ee s nhnnoi vpsterdav morning at 11 o'clock. The Merry Oaks public school, in Madison township, will open Wednes day, November 4th, with Mr. Ernest Tselev as teacher. Barents are urgeu to have their children ready for the first day. Mr. J. C. Powers, manager of the Union News Company's lunch room at the Southern Railway passenger station in this city, was married at West Point. , Va., Thursday to Miss Mabel Mayo. Mr f! F. Thomas, who has been in St. Leo's hospital a week as the result of heing run aown ,uy mi. i ii A. Brown's automobile, is recover ing nicely and will be able to leave he hospital In a iew aays. William Garrefy. a young man who i wnlkin-r from Boston to San Fran cisco on a wager of $1,000, was in k oitv vesterday. He left Boston August 1st and has 18 months in which to make the long tramp. Mr. W. P. Hutton and bride have arrived from vvasningion siaie, where they were married last week. They will board with the family of E. T. Sides until tneir resiaence on Joyner street is ready for occu pancy. . - '.' v - Mr. W. A. Scott, deputy fire insur ance commissioner for thp Rtto for a week been, makimr Granatin headquarters, going out from here to J?Wn! ?,.thi3 section to inquire how th h,i!1HJ 111' their wo;; s '"aors are When hWnH .. .I nnpH fj,"r ."" tu o-cf orv, i . v " w v,44i Ket SnlTlP firof nlncc tnu i -itt ana oicrt - 7 c "icai. wt; also grind feed , of all kinds and crush ear corn for 'same. PLEASANT GARDEN CO., Pleasant Garden. N. C. Dr. J. T. J. Battle. CoL ' A1 Fair brother and Mr. C. E. Holton have secured a charter for the Carolina Slot Typewriter Company, with an author.- ized capital of $120,000. The com- pany is organized to develop a slot inacmne attachment for typewriters. Mr. Charles H. Ireland silent Sun daV -at r!omAlill fl-lonhuro- mm. ty, where he delivered an address in the Methodist church on the lay- men's movement.. Next Sunday Mr. Ireland will present the same sub ject before a union meeting in Lonishnrf " Louisburg. -ue aijuoinimeui or non. a. u. m ' a -v . a w i crooks to speak at Friendship Fri Hnv QftoT.r, ,oo k on Aff l,,ri f lmnni.,i J "--v. .vvu , wcn vauvtucu, ble to meet the appointment. . r"8K "lg rinni - "ci-- -.-...- cct weep xviver. xne ginned, throw on a trrist of -.- onH following Tiav h-. 1 i toS qZJ.v iaurims-i vv. r. Williams. has. been making vote-getting Demo ton Saturday. I jpthro Sumnor t tvt to,-?c t m i . . fo . - i Cornelia, the .five-year-old daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Johnv son, died at the home ot ner parents on King street yesterday morning. ine iunerai was nem irom me noiue tnis morning at 10 o'ciock, tne ser- vice Deing conducted oy uev. u. ii;. Hodgin and Rev. T. J. Ogburn. . Mr. Hal Murray, who has been en- gaged in the electrical construction hiislnfsc in Ttm7.il for sevpral vears. is expected to arrive in Greensboro the latter part of the week on a visit to relatives. He is in New York at present, having arrived there Monday on a steamer from Rio de Janeiro. Mrs. R. C. Hackett, a highly es teemed woman of the Climax section, died at her home Sunday night. She was 75 years old and had been a vic tim of paralysis for the past six months. She is survived by her hus band and three children. The fu neral was held at Tabernacle church yesterday. The condition of Mr. Thomas Dal ton, Qne of the Central Carolina fair marshals, who was thrown by his horse j and seriously injured on the 13th lnnst., is considered as favorable as coild be expected tinder the cir cumstances. He is still at St. Leo's hospital and hopes are entertained for his recovery. Eighteen members of rfce Indiana party that came to Greensboro for v.o. -nntonnioi o a hnmo fominsr WOpk ?hnie?LaVrid tfili VJzrn LIL JUU'tt" vw mnn(r the vprv hrt nnn rieverest vltofs welcomTd i Greensboro dur- ?n' til rpntZml anS it boiad thf ni? n -fhpm will return i-ain at mat all oi tnem 111 return a?ain at an eariy ui . The congregation of the First Bap- tist, the First Presbyterian, Grace Methodist Protestant and West Mar- ket Street Methodist churches will. join in a union prayer meeting at West Market Street this evening. An address on missions will be de- nvered oy Kev. ur. juiius toper, wno is prominently laeuuuea Aun t-ie young people's lorvvard missionary movement. Col. Walter R. Henry, of Charlotte, one of the leading Republican cam- 29, the county and legislative canni- church this afternoon at 3.30 o'clock, a rracture or thejskull. He was ren paign orators in the state, was ad- dates. Rev. S. H. Hilliard, of High Point, a dered unconscious by the fall anu suf- vertised to make a speech in Greens- Oak Ridge, Thursday night, Octo- form?r pastor of the deceased, will fered greatly. i boro last night, but the appointment was canceled. The Republicans are centering their forces in an effort to work up a big crowd for Messrs. J. Elwood Cox, Thomas Settle and John M. Morehead, who appear here Friday night. Mr. Settle does the oratorical stunt for Messrs. Cox and Morphp.ad. Mai. Charles M. Stedman sDoke to a crowd of two or three hundred n - - people in the court house here Sat- urday nignt, maKing one or tne most eloquent and pleasing Democratic Dl,cC.u.o u.a.u . to r Tr.-V..c hoorrl Viaro Hur ntr H-i -QTn- paign. ne reviewea tne issues oi tne campaign in a masterly fashion and Esq., and E L. Eure, Esq. children two sons and two daugh was especially eloquent in his argu- Sandy Ridge school house, Satur c deceased was a faithful soldiers should .remain true to the Hit? H I, OI-- WW LLy TT JLX J vL.K. V I VA Democratic party. Maj. Stedman was inttotiuced by Mr. R. R. King and was listened to with-close attention, his remarks often, being interrupted by applause. Mrs. M. B. Hurst, a Salvation Army worker en route from Lynchburg, Va. era xtanway auuu iu mi t, urday morning Mrs. Hurst, who had ij " " - 4.C;: typhoid fever, was taken ill on the train and stopped in Greensboro for treatment ane ,i;eo " ing the ambulance to convey her to iug luuui -vu juc o , " panied by her 14-year-old daughter and a co-worker, Mrs Capt, Pringle. The remains were shipped to New York on the advice of relatives there. Peach Trees for Sale. CAroinl tr q ii a f a a r4 fr. i-qVi trees, both early and late, for sale at reasonable prices. F. fi. FENTRESS, Route 1, Pleasant Garden, N. C. Timber for Sale. worker en route irom LyncnDur to Greenville, S C., died in the South-pV I have 500,000 feet of good timber Lnred her comrh quickly and expelled on . the stump for sale at my place four miles east of Greensboro. . -rrr a . 1 7 1 7-tr. - ... w. A. FIELD, jno opiates and 1st in a yellow pack-j - 437 Arlington street, Greensboro. .age. Sold by all druggists. TOWNSHIP NOMINEES. cll democratic Candidates for Justices of the Peace and Constables. , The Dem .,,.. --,.. u-uuieui ng - V. mwT: n.f" w UT ;:irri.u-"lJ eep WTer. -ine i -o ."ecu uummaieu I inQTlrcp i i , i . I w ue nave tlPPn nnminntorl Wo I JUStlCeS nf tho naona l- J i me peace m me various townships - t Washington- W. P. Heath r; r Zimmerman, C. L. Sockwell. Rock Creek B. Davidson J n - Jo?ner H- H- Lewey. . s Greene J. L. Holt, A. G. Amick, J. C?aJu.s?y Madison T.M. Webb, J. H. Rudd, W. A. Heath. .. -eirerson W. L. Lindsey, C. M. I , vv. ti. MCLiean. - L.ir J'f1' Clay W. T. Hanner, C. U. Hin I "w ' lUrtlS. t t T oma ' w - w" ftwr ?afm?;f i lm?rT ''XPle' G,l' G.las- r. n , - .:" ' uumugu, JOnni?or t r .V, Mc igntJ ' feims. J-3 rearce, C. A. Hendrix. Fentress J. A. Allred, J. R. Mc- (Bulloch T A PaWo . - Center GrovA.T nntnB r. U, I . " . I nmwil. 1 K III Inrrl tt 1 ,. . ' - ndIey. Samuel Browne, S. S. G- Fwler L. R. Noah, ., ,7 i.v.. . A. McCuiston, J. T. Hodgin. Bruce J. C. Bunch, T. A. Wilson, it. v . narris. nendship M. L. Kendall, P. D. vv aj-cnem, a. x. muhs. jainesuuwn vv. vv. -tiaywortn, iJ. iu. varreti, j. i. ouram. Oak Ridge Charles Case, R. W. ' w- rl: .d"snn- lllgn .lnt w- - Johns, E. A. Hammer, N. W. Beeson, Dugan Davis, S. F. Wall, Robert B. White, H. C. Yearns, J. C. Welch. me cauuiuaies ior constaDies are as follows: Washington H. A. Busick. Rock Creek A. D. May. Greene Frank Bailey. Madison W. M. Moore. Jefferson H. S. Andrews. Clay C. O. Reynolds. Monroe J. R. C. Bevill. Gilmer David Scott.. Fentress C. T. Ross. Center Grove M. M. Lee. Morehead W. J. Weatherly. . Jethro Sumner C. H. Northam. Bruce J. H. Barker. Friendship W. A. Ector. Jamestown E. A. Guyer. Oak Ridge V. E. Vaughn. High Point J. L. Parrish. DEMOCRATIC SPEAKINGS. Governor Glenn Friday Night and Mr. Brooks Monday Night. --ww c-cc v vicinity are anticiPatinS with mucn pleasure the visit of Governor Glenn, The Democrats of Greensboro and I u-hn will in thP ritv Fridav nizht - - -, . , " and speak with the county candidates at the court nouse' This wiU be GoV- ernor Glenn's only appearance in Guil- -.tr thQ namna ?n anrt Jt ig expected tnat he will be greet- ed by a large audience. Hon A L. Brooks, the Democratic nominee for Congress, who is mak- ing a magnificent canvass of the dis- trict wiu close tne campaign with speech in Greensboro next Monday nignt, November 2. " Mr c A Hines, chairman of the Democratic executive committee, an- UOunces other appointments in the county as follows: Proximity, Thursday night, October Der 29, Hon. J. W. Bailey, Democratic nominee for elector at large. High Point,; Friday night, October 30, Hon. A. L. Brooks. Whitsett, Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock, the county candidates and Solicitor Jones Fuller will make act dresses at a Democratic rally. Kimpsvillp Saturday neiht. octo wmesviiie, "s"";. 7 I ber i, uoi. Jonn a. uduiuec v,a.-- I date for state senator. TaDernacie, uray s" per 01 . and Snanes ' ,:" eor ( 'PTlIPr SCnOOl UUU.B, aiui ..j . v:; 01 Twac s Rpall. nigut, uuu.d ox, . . itrht October 31. C. C. Rom. uctouerox, v. v.. hardt, Esq., and T. J. oom, sq.fuu- elector SUPERIOR COURT IN SESSION. Two-Weeks Term for the Trial of two-weeks civil term of Guilford Court convened Monday, R B JoneSf of Winston- Salem, on the bench. The first case. ' th lt of Fannie Roy- ai vs. Charles A. Humnes, wmcu wt ai yesterday, when the jury verdict for the plaintiff. The plaintiff was suing to recover pos- sessiu Huffines, claiming she ion of a piece of real estate sne .as frightened into signing me ueeu. pas 11 nf .tAn ir, favor of the , rendered in the case of PlalfnWo, vc n stadiem and L. ' The case of U. a. vviiKinsou va. . - i John Pegram will be conciuaea toaay. Several cases have oeen oonuuuu DV consent. ,, .,!. Woman Interrupts roimcai HC,RCI l A "vvell dressed woman interrupted I a political speaker recently oy con tinually coughing. If she had taken ttoIpv's Honev and Tar it would have the cod from her system. The gen- ino TTnlpv'a Honpv and Tar contains A BIG VICTORY IS ASSURED. F'"h District Democracy Will Roll I up uood Maioritv field a the election indicates i -"- t e e-ucracy or the Fiitl Itrin , i j -"t iue imocracy or the Fifth dis fnf I triCt Is In en pnd M ohn. j lori o iu. yicu.uia saape and nre- I j . . ic- I nari ' . v. . . i""ea w roil up a Dig majority for the entire -ticket; next Tuesdav -vhl same . en2iS5Sf; ,TU!?laJ; Zh " all the other congressional -districts in tho Ktnto m-k ,,, send to Congress a snlid nmoT.QH delegation to uphold the hands of William J. Bryan, who, if all signs do not failwill be inaugurated president of the United States March 4th The Democracy of the Fifth district is making an aggressive and effec - tive campaign, and the indications are that the Democratic vote will be I . .vv, i.c nm UX m.creased m every county in the dis- ript Hon A. L. Brooks, the candl- Jaje for Congress, and Hon. P. W. - uimeweii, the nominee for district factor, aided by other eloquent and forceful speakers, are makine a cam paign that will result in a flood of mo m. 71 , T .7 I. -1 xuiumu nave no amer cnam- I mnno 4 XTU n j.r ii -"0 ... iWHU VyCll Ullllit LI1UI1 lUCSC I .wi.iv juuu& icrixiul - Mr. Brooks, who will succeed Hon W. W. Kitchin in Congress, and who uaim ayeecues since ne was a hoy on the farm in Person county has ex- celled himself during the present cam- paign. He has made a thorough can vass of the district, winning votes for tne ticket wherever he has spoken. His speech at Yanceyville last week ns pronounced the greatest political speech made in Caswell county since tn days of reconstruction. He elec trified a big crowd in the court house in Winston-Salem Frid av Tiierht with what Hon. Cyrus B. Watson, an old warhorse of Democracy, calls one of tne most masterful speeches he ever listened to. Notwithstanding the fact that a strong Republican county has been placed in the Fifth district since the last election, the election of Mr. J Brooks is assured by a majority of 4,000 or more. This is the opinion of all the political wiseacres hereabouts. Brooks is simply irresistible and will be elected be an overwhelming majority, despite the large amount of money and the questionable methods that are being used against him in the campaign, DEATH OF W. S. HILL. One of Greensboro's Oldest Citizens Called to- His Reward. Mr. W. S. Hill, one of the oldest and best known citizens of Greens- ", died at his home on West Mar- ket street yesterday, in the , 81st year Qf ns age. He had been in fee- year oi nis age. ne uau ueeu iu ice- We health for several months and had been confined to his room for a "a. Mr Hill was born in this county had been a resident of Greens; b0r0 for more than half a century, -n ,.2T- he practiced law here, and at one time he was solicitor of s judicial riistrirt. Hp was nossessed of much real estate and was a director and vice president of the Greensboro Na- tional Bank. He leaves a ' large es- tate Mr. Hill never married, and the only surviving member of his imme- diate family is a sister, Mrs. H. H. Tate Df this city. The funeral will be held from the West Market Street Methodist conduct the service. The pall-bear- ers wni e: Messrs. Vv. E. Allen, Neil Ellington, C. H. Ireland, A. H. Alderman, R. M. Rees and Col. jonn Uj staples. Death of Thomas O'Connor, Sr. Mr. Thomas O'Connor, Sr., who had ritir.allv ill of cancer of the , oc,,OT.o1 w1Airs Hitd at K I I 1 1 1 1 i I . 1 1 1 lit uv-. f vi mi ww ' .--- --"-1 on South Elm street ex- tension Sunday morning, aged 73 vears He was a native of Ireland and had resided in Greensboro f: - , r - ,- tne past quarter ul x wumij x survived by his widow and four ters. The deceased Bpnedict's Catholic whir.h nlaP ihe funeral was held Monday morning at 11 o'clock, the service being conducted by the rector, Rev. Father Vincent Taylor. DO NOT GO TO WINSTON-SALEM Without seeing Boyles Bros. Cos bi line of men's and boys' clothing. 0ur buyer has just returned from New York, where he purchased over 600 suits, all Drown won double and single breasted, suits were bought fully frc 33 3 per cent. off from the early buying. Let us show you. Boyles Bros. Co., Winston-Salem. Cotton Ginning Days. Beginning Thursday, October 8th, rn -tt11 crin -rvtrTl ovorv Tnt-fsd tt v BTid . Wo h9vthe - rinrnvpd mMhlnerT and ,1 give you entire satisfaction, and buy vour cotton at market price on the da ia Bring us your cotton. PLEASANT GARDEN CO., . Pleasant Garden, N. C. 41-4.t Wood Wanted. i you have wood to sell call and ,-t twnir -r o-, -L. - W--I o.x -1 .uc '8 - tf SAM BROWNE . Walker Avenue, Greensboro. A WORD TO I FARMERS I f Every farmer ought to put his surplus money in S 'a bank. It encourages t $ thrift, insures safety, in- creases his independence, . vuviMk u uiui d.ll VV CCK. ,ccMa liiuinn, ana watcn $ the account grow. We J give the depositor a small bank book in j which isv ? $ kept a record of the ' t money deposited and t -. A -..l . 4 " . J taken out, and I this book ? $ is valuable to keep, since Z it shows i the amount of money you handle., t Then encourage your , boys and girls to have a bank account. Many of the best farm- f ers in Guilford ! county have ; favored us with their patronage. If you have not opened an account with us, do ; X so now. $ American $ .- Exchange Bank GREENSBORO. N. C. Capital. - - ; $300,000.00. t t t E. P. WHARTON, President. J. W. SCOTT, Vioe President. R. G. VAUGHN, Cashier. P. H. NICHOLSON, Asst. Cashier. J. W. CASK, Mr. SavinRs Dept. SERIOUSLY INJURED. Young Man Falls From Train and Is ,n Critical Condition.! i j I William L. Richmond, a young man xviumnona, a young man from Union Ridge, Caswell county, is in St, Leo's hospital ' seriously injured as the n-ai.lt Q,ni " 'm - w, .Ai6 ul idumg from a rapidly moving train last night. The young man land Miss Mary Phil- lips were passengers on the train finTn poini- , . Greensboro to be married. - As the train was passing through' the eastern section of the.' ritv .ho porter announced Greensboro as the next stop, whereupon the couple left- their seats and took their position on the car steps. It is not exactly clear whether they stepped or fell from the. train. ine young woman escaped with slight bruises, ! but her fiance was seriously injuredj His head struck a rock or some other obstacle, causing Dr. E. R. Michaux,! the Southern Railway's local I surgeon, attended Richmond and had him removed to me nospiiai, wnere a thorough exam- -nation was made. The young man was accompanied by Miss Phillips. 'v Good fiftv-arrp farm thro nH nna. - r - V- V-' &l.-V& V JLJLV half miles from city. Good buildings. Apply at Patriot office. 43-3t. SAVE your money and;, start a Bank Ac count while you are young. You will be surprised to see how rapidly your BANK ACCOUNT will grow when you once get used to saving even a little, systematically. No safer place for your money could be found than this Bank. We pay four per "cent, 'interest. compounded quarterly. HOME SAVINGS BANK Opposite City Hall GREENSBORO, N. C. C. A. Br&y, Pres. Tyre Glenn, Ceuhier

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