' HirninT nfiCEMBER 16, PAGE 2 THE vHttuiawt4u -- : I r t 4 1 : - I ' H I , t . , ! V: '. ; i i J i l i i Is ' ' t V.? r f ' i 1 r fv:l i If t i . I I f i t i I I ..(: i ! i -'? I r t !' ' :: f: r : -Ji . i. J: '' 5 I- I ! I:- i . :.'!V 1 ! '1 t - 1 1 'if 11 II-- -1 1 , Can You Stand Kind Treatment? LET US TRY YOU1 We have an Over coat, a good Suit of Clothes and Un derwear that is ALL-WPOL for you. These garments I we are selling at a let live priqe. WeM fit you and please you, if you will let us. Through the win ter our store is al ways warm and plenty of room for you and your fam ily. Come in. Crawford & Rees, Inc i DO YOU EVER TAKE PICTURES r.MUf mm mm mm im nmmmm Mmmmn If not, you should, Drop in the first time you are in town and let us show you how easy it is to learn. We carry everything in the picture taking and picture making line. Kodaks from one dol lar up. Nothing more accept able for a Christmas pres ent. FARISS-KLUTZ DRUG CO. The store that appreciates your business. i f.Aict sock unoae xsiauu Reds for sale, both "combs. Cairat 126 Smith street. Burlington News: Steps are be ing taken by some business men or Burlington looking to the : establish ment of a modern and up-to-date hoteL f t t- nTirH that a joint debate between students of Wake Forest Col lege and Baylor university, oi will be held In Greensboro next East er Monday. -ir t. w Crawford, of New York, - ftf'thA late Rev. L. W. Craw- -a fic- Helen May Meredith r ParnndllP. Mass.. will be carried on the 23rd Inst. Miss Price Farish, of Caswell coun sprpntpd a nosition as sten osrapher for the Greensboro Electric ComDany. She is boarding with her sister, Mrs. George W. Vanstory. at- t p T?nst of Mocksville. awel Vnnwn dmirelst. has taken a position with the Fariss-Klutz Drug Company and will come to GreensDoro wumu the next few days to taKe up lusnew work. Mr. Frank R. Peatrass, who has hoAn pmnloved in the office of the Cone Export and Commission Com pany in this city for several years,, will go to New Yorx January a w take a position In tnat city. Mr. H. L. Hopkins, who is conduct ing quite an extensive automobile business as a side line to his oil bus iness, has organized the Atlantic Mo tor Company. Mr. Hopkins has the agency in Greensboro for several pop ular machines. The Guilford county boys who are students at Wake Forest College have organized a society with the follow ing officers: Dee Carrick, of High Point, president; Henry Blanchard, of Greensboro, vice president; Koyai .White, of Greensboro, secretary and treasurer. Thomasville correspondence Lex ington Dispatch: The many friends of Mr. O. R. Cox regret very much thst he has decided to leave Thom asville and locate in-Asheboro, where he will build a new knitting mill. He Is an excellent citizen and his leav ing will be a great loss to the town. A crowd cf 200 or 300 people wit nessed a professional wrestling match in the Grand opera house last Wed nesday nliht between Tom Ryan, champion middleweight wrestler of Texas, and George Herbert, light weight champion of America. Ryan lost by failing to throw Herbert three times in an hour. " I Burlington News: The new board of county commissioners faces a ve-y l bad situation. There is no money in , the treasury. Several thousand dol j lars in notes are due, and great piles of bills are pouring in. One bill was ! brought in for over $600 that had been held for three months awaiting i the new board conring in. New roads j all over the county have been order "ed opened, with no money to do the work with. The following are among the first round appointments of Rev. W. R. Ware, the new pre?iiin? elder of the Greensboro district of the M. E. ,Churr Perth: West Market Street 'nd Wil:i"t Street, Greensboro, next i Sunday: Washington and South Main ! Street, High Point, December 20; Cer jtenary, Greensboro, December 27; I Muir's chapel, December 27-28; Reho- bch. Pleasant Garden circuit, Janu ary 16-17; Ramseur and Franklinville, January 24-25. The Chamber of Commerce has adopted a resolution requesting the board of aldermen to take charge .! all trees and shrubbery on the iroct3 and sidewalks in the city. Mr. W. W. Ashe, the state .forester, has agreed to coire to Greensboro and superintend the planting of suit able trees and shrubbery. Should the aldermen accede o the request of the Chamber of Commerce, it is understood that the state forester will supply the youn trees and shrub bery and also gi e his services free or any cost. Mr. M. K. Gray died suddenly at his home on Granite street, west of the State Normal and Industrial Col lege, last Wednesday night, aged 72 years. Death was due to heart fail ure. Mr. Gray is survived by his widow and five children four daugh ters, Mrs. Carl Wheeler and Mrs. Steve Wheeler, of Guilford College; Mrs. Florence Kerns, Mrs. Walter Jackson and Mrs.-Sailie Crutchfield, of this city, and one son, Mr. Robah Gray, of HUh Point. The funeral and Interment took place at Muir's chapel rnaay morning at 11 o clock, the ser vice being conducted by Rev. J. A. Bowles. MANY- NEW INDUSTRIES. Col. Barringer Opposed to Agitating New Legislation. Col. John A. Barringer, state senator-elect from Guilford county, was in Winston-Salem last week, and in response to a question from a news paaper reporter as to w"hat lesisla- jtion would likely be enacted by the coming general assembly, very prompt ly replied that he was opposed to any agitation or new issues being even discussed. The Guilford sena tor stands for conservatism along all lines and if he has his way the next legislature- will adjourn before its term of sixty days expires . "I will be In favor of adjourning just as soon as we can get through with the actual business necessary to be transacted," said Colonel Barringer who confessed that he expected to find members who would want to hold on to the limit as long as their salary was forthcoming. tmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmm Guilty of Counterfeiting. Passing counterfeit money Is no worse than substituting some un known worthless remedy for Foley's Honey and Tar, the great cough and cold remedy that cures the most ob stinate coughs and heals the lungs. Sold by all druggists. More people are taking Foley's Kid ney Remedy every year. Ii is consid ered to be the most effective remedy for kidney and bladder troubles that medical science can devise. Foley's Kidney Remedy corrects Irregulari ties, builds up worn out tissues and restores lost vitality. It will make you reel r??' and look well. Sold by , all druj;;ists. - IN RESPECT, TO MR. CONE. r.fx finvernment and Chamber of - Commerce Adopt Resolutions. The board of aldermen, at a spe Hfli mpetine- last Wednesday after noon, adopted the .following resolu tions as a triDute or Tesyeci vo of Mr Moses H. Cone: . "Whereas, The Sovereign Ruler of the universe has called irom a iue of earthly service our esteemed townsman and most estimable citi zen, Mr. Moses H. Cone, who pass ed away in Baltimore yesterday af ternoon, and -v .- "Whereas, He had been. Identified for many years with a numoer of the leading enterprises of Greensboro and had at all times taken a thought ful Interest In the welfare of the city and its people;, now, therefore, be it resolved by the board of aldermen of the city of Greensboro: "First, That in the death of Mr. Cone the city has lost a citizen whose life was an inspiration to our people; the business Interests of the city one of its most esteemed leaders; his family and relatives an affectionate adviser and .kinsman, and his friends an associate and companion 'for whom they had the deepest venera tion. Learned in the rules of the business world, in which he was eminently successful, he yet found time to study the needs of his city, and in him was found a friend by all who merited his friendship and "Second, That the board extends to the relatives of Mr. Cone, several of whom are among our most highly esteemed citizens, its deepest sym pathy. - "Third. That a copy of these reso lutions be spread upon our minutes, a copy sent to the family of the de ceased, and a copy furnished the city papers for publication." The Chamber of Commerce adopted the following resolutions: "Whereas, God has seen fit to take from us our fellow-townsman, Moses H. Cone; and. "Whereas. The Greensboro Cham ber of Commerce always felt that in Mr. Cone It had a true friend and loyal supporter; that in him the spirit of upbuilding the South as a commer cial factor in this Union of States was ever active, his desire to see North Carolina In the lead of her sis ter Southern states was ever grow ing, and his determination to make Guilford county the commercial cen ter of North Carolina was ever in domitable, while his love aand loyalty to Greensboro and all her interests, especially to this Chamber of Com merce, dated Its continued growth back to the day of his first coming to this city; and, 'Whereas, This present well estab lished organization feels that its very existence was in Its Infancy largely dependent upon the wise counsel and generous subscriptions of Moses H. Cone, and that in his death we have duffered the loss of a loyal friend and wise counsellor; now, therefore, be it "Resolved, That while the members of this organization bow In submis sion to the decree of an All-Wise Providence, it Is the sense of this meeting that we and each of us mourn his death and express our sympathy to the stricken wife and bereaved family; and that a copy of this res olution be sent to Mrs. Cone, a copy to Mr. Ceasar Cone, a copy to the jreensboro Telegram, to the Indus trial News, to the Greensboro Record, to the Charlotte Observer, to the News and Observer and a copy be spread upon the minutes of this meeting." LAW TO EE ENFORCED. All Taxes for 1203 Must be Paid by May 1, 1903. The county commissioners have de termined upon May 1, 1909, as the final limit for the payment of 190S taxes, and instructions have been ?iven the sheriff to enforce this rul ing to the letter. , The commissioners have previously indulged the taxpay ers of the county by allowing them a year of praee. The law fixes the limit on March 15 for personal prop erty and May 1 for real property. Af ter these dates the sheriff can at will levj upon the taxpayers for the amount due. Heretofcre the commis sioners have allowed the sheriff to be lenient and no levies have been made by the present sheriff. In the future the law must be com plied with strictly, and unless 1908 taxes have been paid by May 1, 1909, the sheriff will be compelled to levy. The taxes for 1908 have been due since September 1. The 1907 taxes have been subject to levy since last May and a number have not as yet paid their taxes for 1907. These delinquents will be re quired to pay the amounts due at an early date. Big Factory, Wholesale Shoe House and Creamery , in Sight. Mr. J. ; S. Kuykendall, the optimis tic and enthusiastic secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, reports that many good things are in sight .for Greensboro In the way, of new enter prises to be located here. He men tions the following as a fw evidences of the substantial growth and devel opment of this city and county: A wholesale shoe house is about-to be located here. , ; . . Another narty contemplates estao ltshinjr a factory here for the manu facture of woodsplit pulleys and shaft ings, which will require a , DUiiaing 300x60 feet, two stories high. The plant will require the installation of a one hundred horsepower boiler and engine and dry kilns of 5,000 feet capacity a day. ' A man in Tennessee has written to the chamber concerning the estaonsn ment of a nreparatory school for boys. Application has been received for a large house suitable for a boarding homA for women boarders only, to be situated near the business section of the city. ..: ; r K m V 1.1 tr C. a. iJorsey, or lyncnourg, va., has been here some time looking over the field preparatory to establishing a modern cream dairy with an ice cream manufacturing! department. Mr Dorsev is a graduate of Indiana Agri culture College and is now in charge of EdKewood farm, near Lynchburg. James Ashworth, of Pittsburg, Pa., who visited Greensboro, two weeks ago, has bought a" farm south of the city, and will become a permanent citizen of the county. Will Move to Wilmington. Mr. M. "W: i Thompson, one of the mostprogresslve young business men in Greensboro, will move to Wilming ton . January 1 and egnage in busi ness withv Mr. W. E. Worth, .. with whom he has been associated here for a number of years as secretary and treasurer of the Greensboro Ice and Coal Company. Both he and Mr. Worth will retain their interests in the ice and coal business they have conducted in this city. Mr. Thomp son has served aVa member of the board of aldermen and for the past two years has been the 'efficient and active president of the Chamber of Commerce. His resignation as the official head of that body has been accepted with expressions of regret. AFTER 33 YEARS experience mil lions of users of L. & M. PAINTS, claim; First, it wears 10 to 15 years Second, it only costs $1.20 a gallon Third, its the best they have ever used Fourth, sixteen thousand agent certify to these facts. Gibsonville Hardware Co., Gibson ville, N. C, L. & M. Paint Agents. The Patriot has a scholarship good for a business course in one of the highest class commercial schools in the South. The scholarship will be soid at a reasonable price. If you desire a really high graae course, ad dress The Patriot for further particu lars. 31-tf. If you wish to avoid the risks and annoyances of loaning money, and are satisfied with four per cent, interest place, your funds in this bank. E. P. WHARTON. President. E. L. SIDES. Cashier. I. in iiiiai 7 Read the Following Unsolicited Testimonial CONYERS' New Drug Store 350 South Elm St. FULL LINE OF STANDARD PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, STATIONERY. &o.,&o. Pomona, Guilford County, N. C, March, 27th, 1908. Mr. Sides, Dear Sir: I am thinking you would like to bear how I am getting along after using the new remedy you and Mr. Yates bo kindly had me to use. After nearly four months of suffering with rheumatism and kidney complaint, and everything done for me which only relieved for the time being, I am now asing the Band, which seemed to help me at once. At the-time my feet, knees and hips were so swollen that J could not walk a step. As soon as I put it on there was a heatiug sensation all over my system, and in one week I was surprised that the swelling was going out, and I could sleep . In two weeks I could walk around the room, the third' week I could go where I pleased. I feel stiff in my knees pome what, but that is going out fast. You may think this is quick work, but it is nevertheless true. My family and neighbors will testify the same. They all know I have sufleredx all winter, and I feel very grateful to you both, for ,w bat this remedyhas done for me, and will recommend it to all suffering as I have. Respectfully yours, (Signed) A. D. V. LEIGH. Why don't you profit by the experience of others? Your family doctor Is all right, and will do all he pan for you, but he'eannot cure that rheumatism. I have cured hundreds of hopeless oases with my wonderful Band, dozens of them right here In Greens boro and In Guilford county. Write today for full information and terms. GREENSBORO N. C. Prescriptions Accurately Compounded You all know me. Z. V. CONYERS mm :4 I Make a Specialty of Placing Fire Insurance On food FARM PROPERTY in strong old line companies. Come to see me for Information and rates when you are in town. R. W MURRAY 3083 SOUTH ELM ST. One of these Coupons if worth from $1.00 to 15.00 f m9 to every person needioi b our services. 2 F;F. Smith Son -3 - FUNERAL DIRECTORS O AND EMBALMERS O Gre ENSBORO. N. C. I Full line of Coffins and Cas kets. Prices reasonable. tops the cough and heals lung Working for Pythian Orphanage. The Chamber of Commerce has joined In the movement looking to securing for this city the location of the orphanage to be established by the North Carolina Grand Lodge of Knights of Pythias and has appoint ed Messrs. C. C. McLean and V. C. McAdoo members of a committee to co-operate with committees from the local Pythian lodges. It is under stood that similar action will be taken by the Retail Merchants As sociation and that a strong and united effort will be made to have Greens boro selected as the location of the orphanage. The special committee appointed by the grand lodge to se lect a location for the orphanage will meet In Charlotte early in February. Preventlcs, the new Candy Cold Cure Tablets, are said by druggists to have four special specific advant ages over all other remedies for a cold. FirstThey contain no Quin ine, nothing harsh or sickening. Sec ondThey give almost instant relief. Third pleasant to the taste, like candy. Fourth A large box 48 Pre ventlces at 25 cents. Also fine for feverish children. Sold by Greens boro Drug Co. Timber for Sale. I have. 500,000 feet of good timber on the stump for sale at my place four miles east of Greensboro. , 37-tf. . , W. A. FIELD. 427 Arlington street, Greensboro. When making out your list of Christmas Presents, why not include in it some presents which are really useful and which for this reason will be the more appreciated. You'll be surprised to see the number of useful presents that a little ,bit of money will buy right here at our store. Velocipedes. Express wagons. 22 Cal. Rifles. Air rifles. Shot guns. Leggings. Hunting coats. Shell belts. Shell vests. Pocket knives. Razors. Razor strops. Shaving Brushes. Boys' axes. Scissors. Shears. Carving sets. Silverware. Nickel plated ware. Enameled ware. Meatchoppers. Oil heating stoves. Wood heating stoves. A nice steel range. A good cook stove. These are a few of .the many articles you can get, and remember that the prices are no higher now than at any other time no fancy pricing just because the Holidays will soon be here. Buy some df these and make some one happy, yourself included. , .',. . . . -. r - ' - . . " " . . srialtflanhw Implement So. liL IT 5v se .th, u