-. . . J - . . 5 -" V -:v N:'-;-'' .' TWELVE PAG-ES.-: " ' ' " r ; Hi m -V I '.o ( V H vol; GREENSBORO, N. C. WEDNESDAY. DECEIVlBER 30, 1908: NO. 53 tk VY. J. RICHARDSONJ office: mcadoo building NCXT TO-POSTOrriCC ftCSlOENCC: 61 S WEST GASTON ST. J. H. BOYLES. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office in Ho! ton Drug Store Duildlru?. Oftce Phone 80ft. Be. 409 W. Gaston; Re. Phono 78. lr J. E. WYCHE DENTIST OFFICE IN CARTLAND BLOG. occMsaono. . e. Or. M. F. FOX PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON aUlLFORD COLLEGE. N. C. E- a. burton DENTIST F Offloe In Mra.'Watlinpton building. Next door to C'onyer's Drug Btoro. Upstairs. C W. BANNER. M. D. OPPOSITE POSTOVFIC. . Ptc&c Limited to the Eye. Eat. Nose md Throat. , Office Hours 9 A. M. to 1 P. M.; 2.30 P. M. to 5 P. Sunday. 9 to lOJO A. M. ffiren to the irsrtiy poor. JHl Feone 30. Rcsideqce Phone 390l Dr. W. P. Reaves fKO ?rs House Surjrcon New Orleans Eye, Jltr. Kose and Throat Hospital. prot'.c Limited to Diseases 3 Sur- Eye. Eat. Nose n2 Throat. Hours 1-30 to 5 P. M. ijti;yi IlaildiD?. Next to Poetofflce. Dr. C. T. LIPSCOMB DENTIST x , , 0.iict over Syke Dru Compufjr. Phone "SR. Or.J.R.Williams Dr. A F.ortusie Offices I0S W. Washington. HOCBS: '' HOURS: 1J to 1; 3 to 4. 8J0 to 10; 1 to 3. Free Clinic for' Poor Deserving Paont3: Oonsucaption. Mondays and Thursdayf?. 3 to 4. , Diseases of Women, Tuesdays and F ridnj6, I to 3. S. I. TAYLO. SCALC Taylor $ Scales ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW GRZESSB020. 9. C. Hittattt M. Douglas. Robert D. Douglas. OUGLAS DOUGLAS ATTORNEYS AT LAW it im. firseasbsre Loan aaA Trast Bid. THOMAS Q. HOYLE ATTORNEY AT LAW City tl Baak Bldr.. Grecnstoro. 1. C. Bpeoial attention given to collection. Loan 3 negotiated. Robert C. Strudwick ATTORNEY ma COUNSELLOR AT LAW a . tart 3aar, GRZEHSB0R0. ST. C. ATTORNEY AT LAW. 3ca in Wright Building, Oppoilte Court Hnvlae Greensboro, N. C. !a S. GLENN BROWN ATTOBNEY AT LAW Wright Building. IOS North Elm St . VT , - .r.r in UtI U. Scott.- uuu. o. dicuchu. 5COTT & McLEAN ATTOEKEYS AT tAW lta 111 Court Sauarc. Greeasboro.V.C. GEORGE M, PATTON ATTORNEY AT LAW 1C3 Coart 8juarer - Oroensboro. N. G. J. SHAW CHAS. A. HINCS SHAW&HINES ATTORNEYS AT LAW U'S,v: Ilooras 207 and 208 New McAdoo A daughter was born s to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Clapp Monday. -: Bring your furs to A. C. Forsyth and get the highest market prices. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. -Watkins and childrerare visiting relatives in New bern. , Mrs. J. M. Morehead went to Dan ville, Va., yesterday on a visit to relatives. x Dr. C. T. Lipscomb has returned from a visit to his former home in Gaffney, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Kimball have returned from a visit to reitives in Granville county. Col. W. H. OsbDrn and Major, Chas. M. Stedman have returned from a visit to Wrihtsville. Judge and Mrs. Spencer B Adams are in Baltimore oil a visit to their daughter, Mrs. Early Feimster. Mayor Mike Schenck, of Henderson viile, is among the many welcome holiday visitors at his old home. - The marked on hides is ? very un certain, but I am still paying the old price. : A: C. FORSYTH. Mr. Ernest Watkins, of Ramseur, was in the city "last night on his way to Chicago on a business trip. WANTED For cash, 1000 minks and 5000 muskrats. New York prices guaranteed. A. C. FORSYTH. . Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Boiling and niece. Miss Maude Boiling, have re turned from "a visit to Winston-Salem. Postoffice Inspector R. W. Hodgin came .in from Tennessee to spend his Christmas vacation with his fam ily. Mr. H. A. Garrett, one of the city mail carriers, has sold to Mr. James Ashworth a small farm south of the city. Mr. and Mrs. David M. Glass re turned Monday from High Falls, where they spent their Christmas hol idays. Prof. J. C. Carson has returned, to his home at Germanton after a visit to his brother, Mr. J. R. Carson, in this ' city. Governor Glenn spent Monday night in the city at the home of his moth er, Mrs. Chalmers Glenn, on East Lee street. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Crutchfield, of Anniston, Ala., are in the city on a visit to Mrs. Crutchfield's mother, Mrs. S. C. Dodson. Miss Hattie Eldridge, who is teach- iiLz-in .the- public -schools oI Washing-. ton, D. C, Is spending the hoildays" with homefolks in Greensboro. .You have as good a chance to win as anyone and it don't cost you any thing to try. - CRESCENT HARDWARE CO. Mr. Charles H. Cowles, of Wilkes boro, the '? Republican congressman elect from the Eighth district, spent Monday and yesterday in Greensboro. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. L. L. Nash, of Gibson, who have been spending some time here at the home of their son, Mr. Marvin W. Nash, returned home yesterday. - - LOST DOG Suitable ' reward for return of small black and white set ter that disappeared from my home on East Bragg street a short time ago. J- L. CARTLAND. Prof. C. L. Jones and wife, of Oak- dale, were in the city Monday on i their way to Pleasant Garden to spend a few days at the former's old home. They visited in eastern Guilford over Christmas. Ex-Governor E. C. Stokes, of New Jersey, is a visitor: in the city. He is one "of the wealthiest men1 and leading Democrats of his state and is prominently mentioned s a can didate for the United States Senate. FURS FURS I have a large or der for mink and muskrat furs which must be filled by-January 10. Want all I can get by that time. Bring them in at once and get guaranteed New York price. A. C. FORSYTH. a fow flfr.t single (iemb R. I. Red i Cockerels for sale to quick buyers at $1, and $2 each. Can spare a iew late hatched pullets at $1 each. J. W. FRIDDLE, 52-2t. Stokesdale, N. C. Mr Melvin Hamby and Miss Annie Scarbo'ro were married Sunday morn iinsr at. the home of Rev. W. F. Staler who performed the ceremony. The nnnri wqH niinl went to Burling- iton Sunday afternoon on a visit tc iivj war vx4 r-- - ... . relatives. t firpensboro post 6f the Trav elers' Protective Association will give hnnuet at the tfenDOW hotel to- morrow night. The banquet win ioi- i low a receptidn to be given In the parlors U the hotel at 8.30 o clock in tha evening.- Mayor Brandt will be the toastmaster The pastor. Rev. J. W. Goodman, ii, v,j o Tvrotrnrtprl meeting at ill " . . , A 'PT-Qciiwt ptM n church next ! Sunday in wHich Rev. S. M. Rankin xti Isslst. The Sunday -services re?ciAiei will begin at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. Weekday services will begin at s and 7 o'clock P. M. Mr. J. W. Wall, of Bluefield, W. !Va a well known engineer ou jNorfolk and Western Railway, is pay- ins a hoiiaay visit vt m Mrs. P. Wall, on North Greene street. Before returning ,to his work In West Virginia, . Mr. Wall will visit a broth at in Atlanta. I Mies Mattlfr e Witt and Capt. Jas A. Mclver were united in marriage last night at 8 o'clock ;at the tome iof the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ! T. J DeWitt, on Fields street. The ceremony was performed. by Rev. bnu ford Peeler, in the presence of the family and a few friends. The bride nd groom go to Sanford today to ' visit relatives. Dr E. L. Stamey's many Greens boro friends will he interested In the statement that he is now located at Hookerton, a short distance from Ormondsville, where he has been liv ing for several months. He went to Hookerton to take the practice of Dr. Robinsbn, who goes West,- and has a very desirable new territory in ad dition to the one just vacated. During the unusual eleptrical storm which visited this section 1 Christmas day lightning struck a hay stack on the farm of Mr. Will Holton, ten miles southwest of the city, and burn ed it to the ground. Mr. Holtonwas away from home at the time and the women of his household had dif ficulty in preventing the flames from, communicating to a barn nearby, . Mr. B. G. King, - who Is connected with the Leak-Halla3ay Company, and Miss Marguerite West, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James H. West, were married at the home of the bride's parents, on North Cedar street, Mon-dayN-night. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. Dr; J. L, White, pas tor of the First Baptist church, in the presence of a few friends and relatives. - . Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Lambeth, who have been living in Richmond for several years, spent a portion of the holidays with friends in Guilford, leaving Monday for Mt. Vernon, 111,, where Mr. Lambeth will take a good position with the Southern Railway which is in the nature of a promo tion.' , Mr. L. M. Julian, of Wichita, Kans., who went with his parents from Ran dolph county to the West 53- years ago, is on a visit to old friends and relatives in this section. Many old and new friends are glad to give bim a cordial welcome to the scenes of his boyhood. Mr.' Julian was a schoolmate of Mr. J. A. Odell, of this city. Mr. Enos A. Mills, of the forestry department of the United States De partment of Agriculture, will be in Greensboro next Tuesday and! deliver two or more lectures on the J subject of forest preservation. He will speak to the students of the Greensboro high school in the afternoon and in the evening will address the public at the Carnegie library. Mr. Mills lectured in Greensboro about a year ago and greatly pleased those who heard him. Christmas was observed in Greens boro quietly and orderly, as it should be. Perhaps it .was the quietest Christmas experienced here since the place was a smalL country town There - was Jittlo - or no disorder, the police having no more work to do than on a normal day. During the week Christmas entertainments and exercises of various natures have been held In the churches, and the presence of many holiday visitors has added to. the pleasures of the social side of life The annual report of the United States commissioner of education, which has just been issued, contains an interesting and instructive sketch of the late Dr. Charles D. Mclver, embodying an appreciation of his service to the cause of education in North Carolina and the country in Prof. Charles L. Coon, at present the superintendent of the Wilson graded schools, but a member of the staff of State Superintendent Joyner at the time the article was written. Scarcely a week passes that the Patriot does not receive unsigned communications designed for publica tion, despite the fact that we have explained soire dozens cf times that ve will not print any communication unless the name of the author is known in this office. This week we consigned to the waste basket a batch of items from Piney Grove for the sole reason that the editor war not in possession of the name of the writer. We are convinced that the millenium will arrive before all the people learn that reputable newspa pers do not publish anonymous com munications. Mr. John M. Hammer, of Asheboro, a well known1 life insurance man, whe formerly resided in Greensboro, and Miss Genevieve Jennings, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Jennings, were quietly married yesterday at the res idence of the officiating minister, Rev. T. J. Ogburn, pastor of Grace Meth odist Protestant church. It was not generally known that the. marriage was to take place at this time and the ceremony was witnessed by only a few close friends. Mr. and Mrs. Hammer went to their home in Ashe boro yesterday afternoon. Rev. Robert Fleming, of Streator, 111., and Mis3 Pennie Ward Daniel, formerly, of Roanoke Rapids, were married yesterday at the home of Mr. and Mes. T. H. Moore, on West Mar ket street. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. Dr. J. L. White, pas tor of the First Baptist church, and was witnessed by a number of the relatives and friends of the couple. The maid of honor was Miss Ada Ward, of Greenville, and' the best man was Mr. Paul Davenport, of Pac tolus. Following the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Fleming left for Chicago, where they will spend a few days be fore going to their future home in Streator. Fine Farm for Sate. A tract containing 45 acres, just outside the town of Randlman In Randolph countye. Land well suited for grain or trucking. Within, one mile of five cotton mille, one mile from graded school, one mile from Southern Railway station, on side or public road. Fairly good 4-room house. Splendid well; also good spring. About 25 acres in cultiva tion, the balance in woods. Can be bought for $2,000. See or write to Rev. R. L. Melton, Worth ville, N. C, I . I - - . . . STATE DENTAL ASSOCIATION. Annual Meeting Will be" Held jn Ashe . ville- in June. A meeting, of the executive . com mittee of the North - Carolina State Dental Association; was held in this city Monday night for the purpose of selecting a time and place for holding the next annual meeting of the association! 1 It was - decided to hold the meeting In Ashe ville June 2ird-2Sth. The : committee named the following special committees for the coming meeting: On dental education Dr. A, H. Fleming, Louisburg; Dr. W. H. Hand, Newteriv and Dr. W. B. Ramsay, Hickory; prophylaxis Dr. J. C. Wat kins, Winston-Salem; Dr. W. M. Ro bey, Charlotte, and Dr. R. E. Allen, Lumberton; chemistry and metallurgy Ur. R. M. Squires, Salisbury; Dr. R. E. Mann, Shelby, and Dr. D. W. Parrott, Kinston; materials and ap pliances DrwJ. W. Stanly, Wilson; Dr. R. O Apple, Winston-Salem, and Dr. Caldwell Concord; oral surgery, physiology and therapeutics Dr. R. L. Carr, Greenville; Dr. I, N. Carr, Durham; and Dr. C. E. Smith, Salis bury; orthodontix Dr. J. H: Wheel er, Greensboro; Dr. F. E. Perkins, High Point, and Dr. L. H. : Mann, Washington; porcelain Dr. C. B. Mott, States ville; Dr. F. E. Horton, Winston-Salem, and Dr. -N.G.: Car roll, Raleigh; anaesthesia and ;an aesthesis Dr. C. W. Ragan, Laurin burg; Dr. J. M. Fleming, and Dr. D. C. Mclver, Maxton; prosthetic denis try Dr. B. J. Durham, Ashe ville; Dr. D. D. Patterson, Fayetteville, and Dr.-L. L. Dameron, Newbern; .crown and bridge : work Dr. R. G. Sherrill, Ralejgh; Dr. J. D. Carlton, Salisbury, and Dr. J. R. Edmunson, Wilson; operative denistry Dr. J. W. White, Elizabeth City ; Dr. W. T. Smith, Washington, and Dr.- C. A". White head, Asheboro; voluntary . .papers Dr. J. N. Johnson, Goldsboro; Dr. C. A. Thompson, ; Wilson ; Dr. J. W. Carl ton, Spencer; . Dr. W K. Hartsell, Randleman; Dr. R. S. Cole, Rocking ham; Dr. R. M.;; Morrow,'-Burlington'; Dr. O. J. Bende,- Pollocksville, arid Dr. E. G. Click, Elkin. - . The meeting was attended by the following membersof the executive committee: Dr. J.W. Carlton, of Spencer, chairman; Br, J. C.- Wat kins, Winston-Salem, secretary; Dr. C. F.; Smithson, Raleigh; Dr. D. -L. James, Greenville, and Dr. F. L. Hunt, Asheville, aVtractive free prizes. Derr.i4nitrati6n : of MajestlcRj rgpc at Crescent Hardware Store, The Majestic Manufacturing Com pany, of St. Louis, has an expert from their factory at the Crescent Hardware Company's store here this week demonstrating tile superior mer its of the Majestic range, which is in operation every day during the week. To stimulate interest in the demonstration the Crescent Hardware Company is offering several valuable free prizes to lucky guessers who may visit the store, the guesses to be made on the number of biscuits cooked during the week on the range in operation. To the one guessing the correct number or the nearest correct num ber, they are going to give a barrel of Ballard & Ballard's best flour. To the ore guessing the second nearest correct number will be given $5 worth of anything carried in-their store. It is not necessary to buy anything to guess. Just go in and register your name and guess. Every one is entitled to one guess, and the name nf p r rh nnp usine a Majestic ranee will entitle you to an additional guess. To the one furnishing the largest list of Majestic users will be given $2.50 worth of. anything ; carried in the store. a 3 V V vi ino one party can receive xuurp man one prize and it is runner agreea by all entering this contest that in case of a tie they are to draw for the prize from numbers arranged by disinterested parties. The lucky num bers will be displayed in the ste on Wednesday, January 6th, the week following -the close of the contest, and unless the parties holding these j ucky numbers call for their prizes duriner the day they will go to the second nearest and so on until prizes are disposed of. Hospital Commission Meets Here. The state hospital commission, created by the last legislature hy au thority of the Bickett bill, held a meeting here yesterday to prepare its biennial report to Governor uienn and to make recommendations to the legislature, the members of the com mission present being: Mr. C. A. Webb, of Asheville, chairman; Dr. J. W McNeill, of Fayetteville, secre tary, and Messrs. E. F. Aydlette, of Elizabeth City, and J. H. Weddlngton, of Charlotte. The commission decid ed to ask the legislature for author itv to advertise for bids for the erec tion of three colony buildings at the state hospital for the Insane at Mor ganton, the cost not to exceed $30, 000, and for the erection at the cen tral hospital in Raleigh of a build ing to be used as a common dining hall, the cost not to exceed $10,000. Reward for Lost Dog. I will pay a . good "reward for the recovery of a beautfiul lemon and white setter bitch which strayed from my residence last week. 53-tf. ; J. F. JORDAN, Greensboro, N. C. . . Congregational' Meeting. ' , , The annual congregational meeting of Buffalo Presbyterian church will be held next Sunday , morning at li o'clock. The roll of members will be called, and everyone identified with the church is urged to be present. WINS DONKEY AS PRIZE. Valuable Present From Meyer's De partment Store for Deris Goiter. - Little Miss Doris. Goiter, of .121 Frisco street, won the live donkey which was given-away by Meyerfs de partment store for writing the best letter to Santa Claus. The following is the letter which she wrote: - ' Dear Santa Clau3 I don't know if you will read my letter as I am just j a little English girl, my dada says l was born in London all among the smoue, but as I have lived longest out here r perhaps you will forget I was born over the sea. I saw such a sweet little donkey outside Dick's Laundry with a pretty red cover on it and a real. live Santa Claus lead ing him, and a horse saw him and was so afraid that he "kicked and wouldn't go at all, but the little don key wasn't a- bit afraid of (the horse: Mama: says you are to .give : him to some little girl or boy, I would like him to ride to London ., to get my dear old granny and bring her back on the ' donkey cause she is afraid of the sea. I want her to see my baby brother. He's a little "Mexi can man." - God sent him to mama, but He : forgot baby's toothiesy and so he can't eat or walk; I would call the donkey Neddy Meyers, cause mama says he stays there. I was bad last week. - I got under mama's bed hf!inwi,i ...;n and cut my hair all on one side. -lJPlace Where Ut Will bnng hasn't got any ; dada fixed it on ; the wall, and said Santa would see it and not give me anything, but mama said if: I was good and played with baby she would take it down. I did try to be good, so mama . took It down,! Dear Santa, I would.; like a nice book and a doll too, and please put some thing in all the poor little girls and boys' stockings, cause .their mamas and dady's have no money, and give baby brother a drum ; he don't like dolls, arid some toothies as well, and mama says I must not write too much or you won't have time to read all the little boys aiid girls letters. If I get Neddy Meyers I will put him in the stable and give him some corn and sing "Gee-up Neddy, gee-up Ned dy," the best little donkey that ever was born. Now good-bye dear old Santa, don't forget I'm Doris Goiter. Goodbye. P. S. I forgot to say there was a mean old brick in our chimney, but mama had it taken out, so you won't get hurt when you come down. - "DORIS GOLTER." DISTRICT STEWARDS MEET. Conference " V of Methodict -Church Workers J-f eld Here Yesterday. - f ' " A meeting cf the. Methodist stew ards of- the Greensboro district was held in West Market Street Metho- dlst church, yesterday for the purpose of apportioning the conference ments and mapping out the work of the coming year. The meeting was presided over by Rev. W. R. Ware, the presiding elder, with Rev. N. R. Richardson, pastor of Spring Garden Street church, this city, acting as secretary. The salary of the pre siding elder and the regular confer ence assessments were fixed the samt as last year. Presiding Elder Ware, Rfv TV R Rirhardsnn rmrl Mr J A. Odell were appointed a committee to j apportion the additional assessments placed on the district by the recent session of the Western North Caro lina Conference in Asheville. The district stewards' meeting was followed in the afternoon by a meet ing of the district laymen's mission ary movemnet. The meeting was pre sided over by the district president, Mr. G. H. Miles, of this city; and was devoted principally to a discussion of the best methods to be used in ad vancing the missionary spirit through out the district. The principal ad dress was delivered by Mri W. B. Stubbs, of Nashville, Tenn., general secretary of the laymen's movement in the Southern Methodist church. Last night Mr. Stubbs addressed a large audience in West Market Street church on the work of the lay men's movement. Ex-Judge Sponcer B. Adams, chair man of the Republican state execu tive committee, is being urged as tha successor of the late Judge Thomas R. Purnell as judge of the United States District courts in the east ern district of North Carolina. ' He Is strongly endorsed by what is pop ularly known as the Republican or ganization in this state, and, it: is predicted by many that he will re ceive the appointment. His only for midable opponent is District Attorney Kerry Skinner. A majority of the members of the Greensboro bar have signed a petition endorsing Judge Adams for the appointment.' It is expected that the appointment will be announced within the next few days. Would Mortgage the Farm. A farmer on Rural Route 2, Em pire, Ga., W. A. Ford by name, says: "Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured the two worst sores I ever saw; one on my hand and one on my leg. It . Is worth more than its weight in gold. I would not be without it if I had to mortgage the farm to get it" Only 25c at all drug stores. Mixed Peas for Sale. We have 100 bushels of mixed and colored peas for sale. Better buy now while you have a chance to get all you want at the right price. FOSTER-MOFFIT CO. WANTED White oak timber for hogshead hoops. Call at Wilson & Cos factory, 245 Bellemeade- street. 51-4t. A. A. CHANDLER, Secretary and Treasurer. PROTECT . YOUR SAVINGS T Hoarding your money J earns yon nothing. 1 By hoarding vou assume risk 4 nf 1 nss frnm r a rel eosr tQ" ? v thieves, fire, and poor in- vestments. Your savings are absolutely safe in this bank. Why not open n f account and earn an in- jcomejrather than hoard J money in an insecure . J you nothing. We pay four per cent interest on sayings com- pounded quarterly. American f Exchange Bank I t GREENSBORO. N. C. X Capital, - - S300.000.00. E. P. WHARTON, President. J. W. SCOTT, Vice President."1 K. G. VAUGHN, CasLier. P. H. NICHOION, Asst. Cashier. J. W. CA8F, Myr. Savings Dept: Engineer Satterfield KUIed in, Wreck. A misplaced switch caused the de railment of mail and . passenger train o- s5 on the bouthern Railway at assess-jStokesland, Va, six miles south of Danville, at 5.50 P. M. yesterday. Engineer A. P. Satterfield, of Spen cer, was killed and Fireman Davis; colored, and three postal clerks were injured. No passengers were injured. The train ran into a switch that was turned into the Danville & West ern tracks which connect at that point with the Southern, although the signal light was properly displayed. The engine, baggage car and mail car turned over. Telegraph Operators Wanted. Geensborro Telegraph School opens in Southern Life arid Trust Building on January 1st, in charge of railway operators with years of experience. We have received a telegram asking for fifty operators at salary of fifty dollars per month,, eight hours work a dav. Our school in Danville. Va.. jnas learned and secured'' positions for fifteen operators in the past few months. Southern Railway main line train and message wires run direct to our school. We have every known facility for quickly teaching students. For further information address the undersigned or call at the ' school room. Greensboro Telegraph School, Box 514. ' Timber for .Sale. I have 500,000 feet of good timber on the stump for sale at my plac,e four miles east of Greensboro. S7-tf. W. A. FIELD, . 437 Arlington street, Greensboro. A barrel of Ballard? & Ballard's best flour and a lot of merchandise given away at our store. Be sure to come in and let us tell you about it. v CRESCENT HARDWARE CO. A PRIZE OF .a Will be given to a Guilford county farmer next year. Watch for further particu lars" in this , space next week. ommercia GREENSBORO, N. C. 111 - I . 1. I it Building next to Postofflco. 1

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