PEOPLE'S BARGAIII COmilll I nr.Ai urrMJCt iu . nnfircr cnRM. Thn fitudenta of thA colored A. . I . " I - . . -ruxXV... T & M. College here have organized 4 ei w urwuswra irom r-n.wuu6, Mrs. CathirtefrSlattepy,; wha-mov- I WITH THE COMMISSIONERS. Madkins, J. .W. Taylor, J. B. Neese, Yf. B. Wyrick R. L. FcSlo- Iter, of Interest to Rede of L A -w, xr- three years ago, died at lier home County Business Trarttacuflr ai; - x,x. I xv xwwoWxx x vr i A . I - !- r-.l M.tiM 1 IxUOSOn. a. J. ECOwW. J3. . im at this I - T . - ment. with PrftsldRtit UndlftT. of uie w I . - - - . x nix..vii a r nr. Beading at we persona and firms I nm n.,iavuuwo - l lnsutuuor as the Head. H. B. rar- --v v. i xne reDruary meeung ot -wh wm. t0T nShive advertising contracts day for Florida on a business trip. er an ping talker on religious suffered about a month ago. She was missioners of Guilford county was 3th therwm Mr.. J. j G. Foushee, commissioner matters . ls organizing --the work 71 years ox .Age ana as surviveu held Mondar and Tuesday and was cash In avan . 1 - a to his I ' . m.AM a daughter and : two sonSj. all of I xx . . w n momhorfi nf the I - ) " - ' I auiuug UIB peopiQ OI Uie U)WU iucu I - . - I uvvcuuo mj cut xxc - - 1 V. 1 - I - I nrhnm TniQ MIT I 1 H TUUHiai 1 . m. . ' . - nntl1C T will sell for $225 I 4UUW . will Ue a mass-mng of negroes "" - poara. xne usuai mass ux. For quick, casa Rev. Melton Clark wiU preach at w;.,, iTwtn win be was conducted Monday morning at 9 business was , transacted,, and in ad- a.DwrSs sewing machine repair Bethel Presbyterian church Sunday the movement among the col- o'clock by Rev. Father Vincent Tay- diUion a number of special matters nd supply store. 118 West Market afternoon at . 3 o'clock. ore le of Greensboro. St. Benedict s oauioiic were consWerea street,, Greensboro, w. rnone t. Mr. W. D. Meyer, of Meyer s der The hearing of the argument in church. Interment was maae in Dr. G. P. RoSs, the county su havp taken over the entire partment store, has returned from a c Mrs. Walter J. Benbow Greene Hill cemetery. perintendent of health, filed his re f an exclusive snoe sijore in a i Dusiness trip to wew -lora. 'uv . I 11 V n irn NEWS OF THE OLD NORTH OTATC A Survey of What Is Trancplrlng In the Commonwealth. R. L. Rigsbee, a Durham county I farnrtor vao tir-rvTirn fr-rvm o htlp-p-r In oo-oi v onmmicQiAnAre nf Guil- a nair of shoes made a year ago Dort. which was received and order- r . lu, '"ZZ twT, and will have the ii v w n a hnlrAttiall I . ; " , .J ' - - runaway acciaent m uura&m oat- n the shelves of our swre tvi Tinrham M. C. ' -r r,rC;w.; ntnrv x t WQO o urday and Wllea. rXweek. The stock consists of a r-- -;-staining oraer was issuea oy . pu.? 1 'T; 1 . On Invitation of the Confederate complete line of men's, womenan; I - - lZ' " " , Cooke to prevent he county op- but we wanu xo; 8caxu reoate oi idu yeterana Jude WalUr ciark.acan- children's shoes. They win oe Dy a. j road through rrom spring season wjxn noting ouu a larm nsteo xor waWuxi xix -o" dMflA for thft Benate will BDeak out quiCKay at ox mr. juuu w Garden street, extended, to trie uuu new, wcaui. iresu iwiuue boh lownsmy. w PharlatU Ratnrdav son, Hinkle & Co. move from the Guilford College f . Battle Ground road, was post- and so we are selling outwhat we ' The petition previously filed ask- mTar , ,i : x I ix- , v n .antiv I ... x, . . t of I. - ' J( tmiVi- Jonn x-001, a nauvo ui v wxx w have just receivea vwo cummumi .w wxx w from Tuesday untu some wme carnea over ; irom ; mg ior me fli;uuv,uUuuv0 . soldiers' loaa5...t. tlc NAwell Company. 0,!t0 t), PntrW nen . II .x 6 -.!V .Mian's L lAadine home at Raleigh celebrated hla one On eaa tu. xx. I ououu - jvuco I nr K(vforfl JUdSTO .UOOKe a nuiouw". severe uuaeu imxs vrx Bue utjiug a niufeua xnu-m. " I , . tMtov - - i uuu"" ; -"v- - "x i up before Juuge .uouks nm"""'"" Bever? uu i ucu6 v - I VmTidrftrtth birthdav Friday 'business for sale My stock to state that he wiU have the tax A largft number of men gathered in and women's pumps and oxfords in from the 01C stage road at Gold , " .old eon or uuuu of merchandise; also wm sej dooks tor Maaisoa wwusmp au thQ Young Men's Christian Associa- th6 lot; also lease building; jy terms. J-.x- Summit on Saturday, March 16. tion building Sunday afternoon at 4 men's and boys' niiham. Whitsett N. O. . ye are closing out our ladies' ftVink in a mass meeting called in Brockmann., quite a number of jjill and intersecting the Brick. .Th -year-old ton rfr.J4 Mrs. JU. x. xuguiiu, oi viiuiiifowo, His clothing I have just received a quantity of feu bedroom slippers at reduced the interest or the men and religion Thacker & k fMhRrmvillft road. was WA.i-r I VUUA CU1U M ' w ' I . . . - A .x. His- Piayea wun maues. 6 w lanriT- -flfo anH hfl WAS fiQ badly The heavy snow that covered the continued. , hnmd tha h died. caused A. petition was receivea asking n. XU UUUiUCi CHX fcUtM w " l nave juov v- - - i me iuiic9i v vxiw. xuvu i me ucx v jf emww ixc rFaftwood from the world renowneu Drices. the $1 and $1.25 kind at 75 f ftWnr, TOovment. - A' number of 4 i vAsWdav morninsr rJons from thlsT wonderful re- cents; others in. proporuxx. -.iu speeches were made and neara wi- the clty officials to rememDer an or- pno opening ot a Toint Kuet given by Republican State Chalr- V L ardtTAnhure ' yellow & urocKmann. - marked nterest. anfl tne wo w c wWrh reautres ovnerB w iersuuiowumW ucbi- B , ti,i, i.t Pir J nrmft Beauty and TT.r friAnds will learn with pleas- I -x oes ' Rtprf.llT advanced. ri sidewalks on the macadam road near the resi- m u rr ; ?5STS work your .trees and tha ; Mrs. T. R, DiUard has prac- 7 Resided, -and ad" 13 snow, ice dence of the late Dr. J, A. McDean 1. esUmated at 7 u " . . . AnrMOC .1 M. I I -w. I -U ,ys?m. 1 XI nl I in A CTtTfinn r'f K I i I I" iULH cxwuw onnlftS tnat are op. I -i n a second OP" 1 . uars T? G. .. x x i -in nVlorlc 1 tinH runnlne trv a TWint t)n me uiu fiU" --- V -11. I LllCfcllV rCMITClCU x" - I nrASRAs W PrH lllJin ujr uvsw. v I am nrnf rri K Lri It.l.llftlln UY XV I Fipld. Climax, - . I 4, lltldArwent at T I ClallUU BUt3 1 0vvui; Wa have a good line of mens and gt hosnital. boys' sample hats which we are cios meeting of the stock ing curat factory prices. Johnson, Hinkle & Co. " Phone to Charles J. Brockmann, rn K vnnr Diano tuning. 0. """"" - xi x the OCCa5iuun x Hood, E. J. Justice and A. M. Scales. in the Republicans from all sections or the state are expected to be in tr attend a or omer ouutuuus . 77. , it. J2 000. forenoon Several police om- Fayeitevine roag. near -r A1 forenoon. JmT xv I ' wftf Thft osed road The four-year-old son of Mr. Alex. cers were sent to nuuiy x,. . T: n TnlbArt nf Globe. Caldwell county, . . . i. . .(rnnnn i-if nmea ThA laTinR UI JUUU' I owners arrectea oi tn eu x wix - , of tne peo- McLean, J. R. WaU,A. McLean, lTl his He Ukes an country. holders and directors ul - .. Greensboro tomorrow to auuu " the ordinance but mosT oi wpw. mcw, xv. " ' " 7 Taw railed the crindstone ford Battle Ground AscUtion op its object organ- ple ::,whom the notice was E. F. Spider and D. bt!T de.- over on himself and was so badly served followed tbeir own im. mr vy- - . . . died from his injuries uv cierKS in we omw i i - . . 5-tf. b held at the Greensboro Nation- lzng the party in North Carolina ai Bank tomorrcjW afternoon at o.uv fQr Theodore Roosevelt for the pres o'clock. idential nomination. Ex-Congressman in regard to the matter, Mrs. Annie Malcolm, of this city, c TT , t- edar some one in mo x- Kicnard rearsou w convicted in Municipal cuui- - x vn,in- nesdnv nieht WANTED-One hundred I cedar gen fae patrlot an interesUng news of Asheville, . are among the JfBhopimlll5 and sentenced ' '.J 1 a ,t. L. M. Ham, 112 No week which we should promoters of the meeting and rdar workh8e for a period of t, auditor April 1- - MrBoom has reet. . . . , , rt nnhiish if the v t. laclf for to ine . t, ,mr been emDloved in the office of tbe lederaue arxnyfc posts. street. m . Jh S M-k l a r Deeds Rankin, was elected clerk Dr. A. - wntaKe - Davidson, who is to. sician oi r- i " lie was a iiu.-ivo wx surgeon in the Con- have been pleased to publish f the u that, they do not laclf for q Mary CoUilLS) a yoUiig been, employed .. ii .A KaaTI attach" I . v,,, tn Yia. move- 1UU1 . . . 1 roo-iotor nf de( Oil needles parfc .and g. name of the author had been attach- company and Bympathy in the r all Sewing -iu- ,x' I . . .-l l ,1ntirkn I for all. fie s fuWtur store, opposite Kress' to the communication and 10-cent store. a WL- I Mk Luther B. uiegg, a yi . . 0 fnr sevfiral years more 23 f wrtTr,n claiming to hail from register - I the office of the federate armyfc but had lived at Bllt- years, where ne prac ment. Prof. F. S in the and is b. very competent young man. medicine. . , Kcanoke. Va., a companion -- " r::, wrf Wm d- Dr. S. B. Mutt oi Aioemurw. Ear' M' 11 crime, was also convicted and nnea aa new po.aretlred dcntlst, was found dead in - . t . r Qnie-hodied. in- business man of ban - m has ...tA iXripnced farm hand-a arrived in the -city yesterday on . an intercollegiate peace LtrHfc?" - . 2 - Tir XT' I A undertaken the f ormaUon crimei rixiw- . theft was com tary oi associa- an . . 0trvre ff El- sition Hir. room a few days ago. lie was is SUDDOSed the suggestion or, juus j years cwv . Va., ;oVQi titilitv man who can ope- . lt tQ hi3 cOUsin, Mr. W. . ieSg- tion in North Carolina and an i Co. and the women i TiTrtT i HCio - i t fwrtlc nn gnn reiiuuvui i Liiuiv ui uvm . f noar.A. several iwi- . x wnmoii stole a room oe reiuiuiou - - - ,Ant Farm, unmax. : L.ft Mfl, on vears. ' namHn roUeees have signinea i; irtwaist and a the commissioners cuu-. -; u... , n- auanuiy m vv, ... fnmifthines affRrego-- years. cenerai uuuij ' . visn w . . 4., 1 . . fate farm machinery . a Mr. Clegg is a native of tercollegiate oratorical conesL arrested in Lynchburg, ai.naratus. Address inuuux,. - I qti. has resided in Texas tor .1ftct of peace. Several Noriox ' T i oilowinx tilts oix&&70"v - i - - j - - , ? U , r .ot rourt tn have resulted from a sudden at UOOKO iaS'1 wecix "7 . . : 7-7 . rrhn KmthArs refurnished and renovated, tack of heart iiuic. 7 . : the nast 20 years. - Save your trees and iriu. ujr - - i -your hair i thin, is "V their willingness to enier and QV silfcvdrfess. test; anae.,mi iu; , ;reranv. formerly an save j""1 v-- ttti enrav I IX yuui " Taompsen-s soluUon Bj-. gJ 8plltt,ns; if your scalp Itches TnttiTS. Sold Dy fli. V..' : .ni.t' With ' dSg l xrriT urn itittivvu - gOQd dandruff. Fariss-Klutz Drug Com- prol)able that Greensboro may a gooa vrtT.rt rirnff Com I nionA for holding i-rIxj with ' nlBKUsUUfa I . j I ttia tniS SUUiife. I ' - ' you, are a""- D arranseu " av LMva in the White Oak cotton Trinv V-Si 7Xro" LTrfor .oldins 70 .' guarantee Parisian Sage to end who for els- years tV;sider anything but good swe- these troubles, or mone, w. P. SUnne, oi . (,ttemE1, on the life of Mr. a ' u:n rv. I I . . n a -k T I x 1 1 1 1 f la - - to the panitfcntiary for for an attemp on the 1 Ceasar ane, the specific any wnere, uu- - :.-tors i ElKnt new mcuiuc- . ion tne roans iui x - . , , . .. ! ctnHinp Mr Cone mal to Put in hands of teamsters. i ocv7 CniiTh uavio Bw-r i - . A. i b - - 1 j.j wj v. otiv eound woras j v norse " . aT,i anV -where, but is too good an anl cents. I was serving a senueu - -- . , ... SDecific act con- Eight new members were ce. tha roads tar retainng ,nf r , n "dlm! Mr. Cone a crude- ... i.-.x KnmK throueh. the 7 ! wthodIrt church at the t was formerly employed ly conuu Gov. COTTON SEEDS-We have a lot Sunday ;morning service. This church Southern Railway as a tele mati a Germany them. Write j&5S. now has a membership of about 1- graph operator and was regarded rnor K.chln Halifax . state many you wane, ou -- . the congTegauon is on competent man uu,j oM rt have made a ww-, , . . J I - . -- i TiriTO I TKrTT. HULL 1",u strug- good record during his four years mungs anu imm-iuu . ' -- 7. a nine ' 4"-. .''r Af JIR50. ! ' sanrord express. i- - ' . epera-: b . :---M m Kaw Hone township, .Chat- Supenor cour .uiu ;V"' th - ia 29 feet ,n cir- the Superior Us 10 'ows: rnmferance 4 feet from the ground, For the weed's . Umb It Apr- l Jesse x.. p-, T , M,f into lumber Smith TT. W. TrOX- IIS tOO , , R convene Boon, J. M. smun, H - ""- ,11 in that neighborhood er, George p. JW, - , 1 Z MUmated that It would 11 x T-k H 11TT1 Tl PS AJJLUjr r. (Wiu A- wlv t ' p Welter. M. B. Dun- make 25,000 shingles VI .x. ----- . ... tv.a waII known . . i , viova hnen J. v. ; - fAW the state. and cnuaren imnr.nnrnetrt clothing man, is witn us - . Gfowart has installed ,iin for an existence, and prooi, . his roller mm on this is what causea w :. " 7 x ctnrfl ti, r? Stewart has nisuiucu eiine for an eiis"-, "7. . I j; v, fflther of days and has on uispw "TTde " ..r mlu cn i., what caused Governor Kttcn- Dr. N. H. wocHimg, a big line of sampie. ui - - a telephone lHvft ciemency. Mrs. L. J. Brandt ana v- manenromnt fOT 3L StlV l.xa uoiit vixiv-i- - Hinkle & Co. aits: Call and have him take-' I Beaver creek, in Jefferson townsm. ln to eIercls6 execuU. at- d,ed suddemy ' Mr. Stewart's enterprise in MOW Robert Coble, of - W . Chalk Level, Va., ,.iTvr,Tit k aT)DreCia.txx i a Saturday Dy epuv nn roller mm eii""" - . i was aijcov-w - - C John weaineru, ne him with an assau a. oma 11T1 iui I ix3 " i i wife. When tne c ..v--- I dt and Mrs. venaoio CXXIVI x. rivnllr r r Wa was 79 years r7.. -.,h0 .rid . "T. :: o a will continue Tv WAatherly. the warrant yeeruay in MeiUnk's home aeposu 7," by msjcuu-. 1 ' lllt nn his of age and a prominenw two - I - ,i iiinUV 1VA1. Via affairs or ms wiumu-, jnas nuiu -j fire ujr . .. x ,tt,h meal . . , on Ugh test sares, gut" au v ax r i to supply bom wcl cnarging mm uu HF!.. rSfi.?r0icanSe South and flour. . 4 T7m 41 K tlT. A IUU - A. T S T r 1 mjm I 1 1 . - rfthK who has been n hearing before Justice ui. QftArnoon for ChalK iSXTOUTKrS-g; n.anrage; TVe Touilford hotel for .Si attend" funeral, wh fSallv invited to call and see for leaVe in a few it developed that a reconciliation n held today. They were ac- themselves that these are wV' : r?,v,7:.r1.U. mi he will en- Wn effected between tne ""V"- OTtw daughter of safes manufactured. ?ve clays ror . ss The wVereuiKnitae warrant was dismiss- Tlia Lipscomb, edR one for me prww- gage in tne, - .1, nnhle and their tne Qeceasw, . , r ninhlAfl . ! nniifftrd and tne m ed. Mr. anu - . preservation of valuables. j lease on the Guilford and the . In- Mrs. Coble and tneir had been in returned to their home of Danville, V a., who days. The claim of the city of Greens . lf VA Atlt. ' T tt TriiHe Harvey U. , Rev. R. L. uavis, xu ThT a,B. Smith, J; the North Carolina AnU- , , oMeoniTpn in wwi"w Harry Dick. David H, iu.- K.,h Stride- (xViouuay x- "ww. - O Riley, John C. Fields, W. L. Morton, J. W. weoo, j. v. peth, H. L. Bergman, W. B. Weath" erly, A. A. Kirkman, mers, S. H. Troxler, uuver 6u., Henry Crutchfieldt M. C. Holton, H. Clay Briggi, H. D. Voss, vvim-" Vaughn, E. B. Watkins, O. - T At kins. E. C. Elder and Mcuaw vxu. die land, whose name aaa ueeu v ed by a local paper as among those receiving large shipments of Uquor Strickland blamed Davis with giving out the information. While suffering from what is be lieved to have been an attack oC toental abberraUon, . Mrs. Walter A. Harrison shot and Kinea nei ., x f he -civil k. oo W lav in bed at their nomo Jmto convene April IS-William P ln Asneviile Tuesday Andrew, Wallace Ingle, G. Hub , nad T JNeesw, xau tvx vx ' ouumcju - - - itil Xm . ' x m x, t,,mo,i from a hospital t nr fireeson. J. J-i. mm - xeceuny - - bard, J. Tfnmishinxrs of the house have me children returneo io U.AAnshoro on a visit for several My Barred Plyinoutu r-rz " . ... Mr Henry Fariss, who a uuited and apparency . xAeginS ; . ruije, m C.:! o eord of 210 r- -., ThA nolice officers of ureensuu " ,mtv for the r fivee ro?TerTuneU have layed paru-g was an, otr ciHes are investigating the - arrU and trial of 'offenders from 195 to 23S egg m nS? . Bird; S. Coler, or here L,artion of two young babies who cosu b.en M. n-icners and layers. tv ,n Greensoorv -SDent wcre le(t at the homes of two prom- m uw washear1 0131:.-67 K. No.J Ts looking over the lnent . Durham -en-Msrs W ookeTln SuperU-r rt xrth Oarolina Public Erwln and . ------ .ttonn. The adjusaneu- III . X Tl U I A. TTll IV I rt.L. Ill U.U w cu. - Georae Stuart Coming. - corporation and Is mak ng night. While of matter was referred to Thorn" A letter from Rev. George I lar trip over the couu, ea tneir ; - motherB ae s. Beall, a memoer or tho do .M.J ... - . tjujo T WranK . t,Tmont for menu J; "rfS BDavis. Tas no trouble between the 7 i Hilton, A. K. Moore, Ed. ana it appears that a t. nharles - thA result of the Coleman. J. H. A-esru. . vrAjr - and C. Dunbar. For the second week of the civil term, convening April '.I" he has accepted an I- insoecting the va- knoW; the identity or l , WM authoriZed to invesu to lure at SP Street Methodist cnurcn Greensboro sysm - - Wku- - -. Greens- the county and to " den and possiblyto '? part. with a series of snort - announcement tias pleasure to the many that the two women . . - x riTiil- I . w ail k u. -w-k w . mm m i 1 1 in. ui I a. crpAat I ur. -u- . . aa- nroaVo nrior to uit? Cituacvi o I . .. on interview m - and Mr. Stuart will find welcome in Greensboro esident of Guil friends and ford College . d observer babies in January. 8 itaieiB". . . i- tvvU t a neitJ' i oo--"t nen came to ureeiw the city nen cwu rtl,nt rwomnense to go te tne ciy horo and lived together ior - rvlce rendered- It is al- hirtn oi lii r posts leged that the total aiuwu- - . i i xv. . Aiintv IS De due tne city Dy - the j uoiAicrn irjnx7 .dmirers of the great angellst here reasons why he be- Frank twe6n ?2,000 and $3,000. x. I - v.n TOQTn Vina r." r,;rw Wilson to be tne Greenshoro j, uevea " "w x the UAn v,n hA will arrive m uio-- I .x , c,taa x0 ,x. 1 1 mtecL u'-"-1'" It is a matter of local interest to Senator Ipnmo n (irftAILBUUi". I i j-iv.i anninato w u . . " stuart to most i avi thA'nres- oQtrdav with a buncn or conc I . . .rtTltana. has 1 no last visit o f nmnrratic nomination iui ,. . . Vl work of Joseph m. uixtu, Greensboro, when he and the ate fe" Hobba .ees in Gov- and that lmed.ately tt work m vt r . mv v Aw n nil Tl IT J m- 1 1 I - x.w J . 1 . 4 I v-tC7 rf"V w I - It l ifi t-ii auu w ill I int. a ernor j Wilson a M. 1 .1 1 H. w tfVVI Till -y W wv . x. havine believes ne can fev , n, L-hL win he undertaken. iW'UU4,v"u ' v. , and itv of tnat Vxxixo - ,antionea iui ' souawuu 14-,- Onr,otnr TliTMl was ..t of a local op'lon any other m- I course 'it will only be Pren--- Snow Camp section of elccUon. Tt was to the efforts awoke yesterday work that Manager uoy J Mamance county and graduated from these two men largely that the city Oreensborc people ti to for the first e c He rel ., H remained so several morning to. find the gr sn(jw days but lt-ls understood that t . riose friends In this sec- befo the advent of .state- or --g y and con. wuj . of stat6. He MjWj. i,i- :rti,?hutnn " j Tt was re- ing ior wuv , - i nooinc trift rtninion tnu iu.u.u-. . hrn.ip-h aunuajr. x - , k-o- tne first OI Ayu I cv"" 1 . -NTtVi late Tuesday afternoon and mon.n anu mcM to do inated, Roosevelt win carry newed late Tuesaay f tb entire squad is expected to rHna in the November election, continued through a good - Portion working out. Of Carolina in the Nove Had the grouna t Manager Doyle will but senator uixon occasion of pre VtT. art Clapp. Rickard, from the state so g and not be able to propeny gu6? ical sentiment in Tarheeldom. B. ranged mind o Mrs. Harrison. SUBSCRIBE TO l HE PATRIOT. Statement of Condition AMERlCflN EXGRANGE WflTIONilL Of GreensDoro, an. v. nAd from report to the Comptroller at the cloce of business, February 20th, 1912. RESOURCES: ' $1,705,316.79 Loans and Discounts ; . JQ OveroraiTs, scuuicu cxi - in 164 93 Furniture and Fixtures. . 253,868 55 U. S. Bonds. ....... . - ' qQ2 877 78 Cash on hand and in Banks. ........ . r LIABILITIES: - dnnono oo Capital Stock. . ... - 770.29 - J 1VTx "D -(4-o - - . Surplus ana anci. x-xA r 250.000.00 Circulation . . . . . . ... ' ' ' V 147.850.00 Bills payable and reaiscounxcu. 792.54 Deposits ly wounded George D. Parker, at the nigh I a m few days fr0Zen, as on tne T.-1 j T J Mum v a ' , lvruuiu. v . - ' cnws of tne 1 77, 7 t..ii- ttip'a Tinman aiiu- yiuuo - wor to I ware. ui7i, Security Service. We want your business, large or snSifwill te appreciated and have our carefta attention. t r 7 ATTfVHN President. F. C. BOYLisfc, vaonicr. J. W SC0?V-Pres F. H. NICHOLSON. Ast. Ccshicr aKo is ren. Brown is &round woul" have n wife and five ennaren. i& vatV l a mucn MAgTar n Hum . xv. I xxw. T-Trvner- under arrest.

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