VOL. 91 r C. TH U RS DAY. J U LY 4 i ... . , -v ,, . - I : Ti aarlatcr' . T- j. ' f I . PEOPLE' W00DR0W WILSOH THE CHOICE LOCAL NEWS FORM y MT.NQ OF COMMISS.ONERS. . m li . i ... i... . oi a ur i nTMA m eiSfirr&TSitnnSl iSff? wSS "AMED AS DEMOCRACY'S-CANDI- The Patrtot 7 T j m.. from Mr. A. P. -Sams a Winston-Sa- - " ear Cor each Insertion. Persons and firms who do not nave advertising contracts witn tne paper wm De required to pay Education, consists in knowing things know now a range is - made inside ana outside. Call at our store during our special Majestic Range demonstration next week. Greens boro Hardware Company. . - $8 worth of ware will be given away free with every Majestic Range ATE FOR PRESIDENTS New Jersey's Scholarly Chief Exec utive to Lead Demoferatfc Hosts to Victory Inj November Nomination Came on the Forty-sixth Ballot, After Long and Intense Strugg I Mr. W. M Waith, w. . "v, w no was m the city . "vtt, ot iign xuesaay to office of the register of The July meeting of the county Business of Interest to People of County Transacted. in ni, '-r Jie oince of the register of a welcome " eeds- ti to 6penfl hours in commissioners cl J I ICS fjiTTnrvT rvf- rh v. t - li fice. x ue was greatly surprised nouse annex Monday and Tuesday wnen-he as escorted to the proper a" the members of the board being was held in the court WSI esS - ,W th7 Candidate For Vice President Th NEW RAILROAD COMPANY. Was Organized at Meeting Held in Greensboro Yesterday. L A meeting of the stockholders and -purators of the Greensboro, Roxboro and Norfolk Railway waa held in this city yesterday purpose of forming a permanent or- r - . . i viiwa, nacrfSTr. rai tt,.j . i governor Marshall. vf inWia tv,. J UUBl vvimams, records withnnt a ,? ,r n n Ite-aniTatio . .. . . - ' " ae seven-vftflr-A . . . . . xcr o ueia-y. ivir. vx. rwu itoss. who retire f mo meeune was h? I BlIl III IV1T A ' eoma o.aJ , ij. j . j . " " J.- - - w IB P TTT-illJ . ouuio uowaicu ll -If, hA thfl i ht irOEl thft rtffina f-x - 1 tne rOOma K t Platform p1w.,.lu. r-. or HUlsboro, and Flovd hrt ... , " . . . I T w ouyeriawsna-pp, " ' ucvmoer cr ,DQrUr atuart, the 15-year-old son nf a 1U iae slate' ,r neaith at the end of June, "7Tclue ana was ell attended. snld at our demonstration wir ' A Stuart, of Mebane. uxea-ivionaay report, wmch . , 6awiaers be only, beginning Monday July UlZ ernor Woodrow In view of the fact that th.re terI!0?n at her twen Tab- WS reced and ordered spread J68611': Greensboro Hardware Company. Wilson, of New Jersey. Or VlCA PrAsiHot t.uctw mere is i , i .. , . . . . rr-u , . . no Fourth of July celebration r nrii- erui1? Climax, death being due ine minutes. . suKnoiaers elected the fol- vernor ford Battle Ground today mav ltl& lnfarmities of age. She is - A petition, duly approved by the n - airectors- J- W. Fry, R. C. Greensboro people went in. wih uer husoand and one -oi- euucawon, was received, A JT' , 1 w, j. u. lieubow. r ; io nt thie 4..,. . son. me iunerai an1 intorTTioTit ug mat an election f& -ha iUUiUi. a. W. McAliatr r McLean or E. P. Wharton, Greens- I AICer saving been in a deadlock the nAiAhm.ti nf , place at Tabernacle church of whirh tne Longview SDecial school Hfa- J' Jnstice, Garland Daniel. John t . l . I , . u,u uiau uia.u3. I " I - t Til wtv. 20-tr. ; several davs. th rr.-o4 tho oas t.. i . trint in nt -raoenix and T n ts. . - --'wxw.xa.m; -OA, ana Airs. s. i, T'mo-n-r, i -v.ww, iua.u. uwu-.a-irue ana "-ci vriwa uownsniD. on . v Household economy the main J" ,COnve? tion' wnIch nad as- called to Winston-Salem yesterdav to M1? member for many years. th.e Question of repeaUng the spe- Westminster church buUding and Thomas R. Marshall Df Indiana. naws fnv snla a- oner - CJ1- I ' Ul inQlana, ing capacity, 300. Address C. At a subsequent meeting the direc- -ww. w.w .uicvui com hi -rt i I iTiuouu oaiem yesterday to I - mD . . spring to reduce the high cost of en"ea in. Baltimore a week before, attend the funeral of thA fl-a Tne Dereavefl husband is auperan- cual scnol tax. The commissioners K elected officers as follows: T. ming. biart at tne vital point uesaay nailed Governor Woodrow niecA Miae nnn, Z nuated minister of the MAthndt rw,t- ordered the election tn Ary. president; J. W. Frv viofl vnnr rono-Q Kaa mix 1 V.i. I TT7;i , - --"J wu-liui 'Xlem V . LnA I X- J - " - I . " I J j j- ' sie.4 5rlelsbrS HartwSi Com- "T"' E feW Jerf as the party's year-old daughter of Mr. R. P. estant church and Is, over 80 years ngview on Friday, August 2. treasurer; iy. s ror Prent. The nom- Henry, who died Tuesdav ff of age. He is In a very feeble con- ine "al approved a petition for secretary T came on the forty-sixth bal- Dr. Watson S. Rankin. dition. a special school tax election in the M. W. pany. STRAYED OR AH the stockholders of the com- STOIEN -Two lot. Govftmnr wn f , , . " . wrewy oi .. . Iq.o. - ' . . ."v pany at ,.ao hound dos: one whito with tan L;. . i receiving yyo restate board of health, deliver Ad The plowing demonstration riTen uloull,l oumner, township, . ' 'o men ears and large black soot back of L , eb 10 84 cast for Champ Clark, a series of health c.tnr a v by .-.the Guilford Inni.mt rn,n,nv aca ordered the election to be heldW. ' ception of Mr. T. O. right fore leg; other one black with nis cl"ef competitor. On motion of before the wh 0. at Mr. G T. R.nwa , Tuesday, July 23. I . who is president of the Vir- tan Ias-s. Z. Marsh JamPRWn tm n the AlfRsoiifi .. . - - ' . rp, . , - fan Incra r7 TT!J1cVl Tamactmnn XT I th A . i ,'. I - . -i utqeiegwon, wnicn had summer school at the Aericultnrai the city last Thursday was a decided . i remairjAd . i - r --- i - Don't ask us to give vou thA iuwui to Clark to the and Mechanical rvdWe success. a t?htow ii, T T. T Unrl . o- mo wr :- -. r- Huii-u oi ware wim a Jiajesuq nanee uominauon of GnvAmnr ored rarfi faiii-ftBA: " after our demonstration week, as Wilson was made unanimous The ! k . " L X S 6 P were . ' .. I "3 "iae unanimous. ihe members of the iot- used for th wnrir onr? taau spevjw oner applies to that Wilson k .. . . . . .. ' J " t w - ! Patrice -rrr . , ' - ey?a 1 week only. Greensboro Hardware o,., T , over uiarK ment of the Y. M. C. A. who spent were plowed in four hours and a V7 Z v - AUCKerv w. C. Boren, Caswell "uvuiudv ann f onr it ti t j i . j . i , . juiiii it k a-n-n ttt- . . i iuuipitay. i . " "-jb"- f up iviuiiuay, iou uays 2 1 .... The following were appointed dAl- f.:ma Alrne Railway, a subsidiary earates 4. . mne of the C. - C oil null engine I. &Ltue goOQ roads con- n . T ' "" tiuixu f nioi J!!! Ventlon to be held in Charlotte Aue- 0LtneL?:ncIlburg' Danville and Car- ust 1 and 2: Fred N. t1a t t a railway, which has been sur- n r,' rwu rrom DanviUe, Va., through camping near Piedmont naif. The land was plowed "to a Something for no while $S worth of ware is worth your time to investigate, See our big ad in this paper. Greens boro Hardware Company. John C. Kennett. w. n wen, Alamance and Chatham thing is worth ndT convention adjourned Springs returned yesterday, -tanned depth of eight and ten inches. The Fv Wright, John L. King, J. A. Randolpn couhnt k thing is worth Monday night he had besun to in and sunhn:. y.; . ritn - . Hoskins and W. T. Whitsett. - .naoipn county, but has been en- ire ior notmng CTOUn, rt : . evx- .-rrr--o,. T , ' . saged in railroad WANTED A companion for an elderly lady. A suitable person can find a good home with very little to do. Middle aged woman preferred. Write to box 435, Greensboro, N. C People who know are going to buy a Majestic Range during our demon stration week. You would, too, if you knew. Read our big ad 'in this paner. Greensboro Hardware Company. auu wark had made a few temporary railroad work in Virginia grOUnd On thA laet fo.m Y.nllrfCT. I rlannAci o . I ' ' " . . I The f nl 1 rvwfn cr nrn.A J . . -.r auov ion uaiiuus unn vxj.icra fir t no, n oacura ni nni a a n 1 1 m noi -f fnntnni-n oil j-v-r i -u, ncio iriwn t rT inrir i , , . couo duvi- liceuuiu Miu-v.. n-wx vii i.a.1 uici a, vu ui i, t J IOr manv VAaro wnom were aeugntea with what they Su "Vl T1 rm OI Recently the nromoters of mt--- vuxt. ill MUUUSk: ""VJ Harness repairing neatly and promptly done at Llewellyn Broth ers, Koberson's old stand, 537-539 South Elm street. Don't buy- "unsight unseen." Let T-he an who knows show you. all about ranges at our score one week, beginning Monday, July 8. Greens boro Hardware Company. FOR RENT Several good farms. W F. Holmes, 114 North Mclver street, Greensboro, N. C. Superintendent of Health Elected. The county board of health failed to elect a superintendent to succeed Dr. G. Floyd Ross Saturday, post poning the matter until Tuesday for another conference with the county commissioners. At a joint .meeting of the two boards Dr. W. M. Jones, of lish Point, was selected for the po sition and later he was formally elected by the board of health. Dr. Jones has been successfully Practicing medicine in High Point for a number of years and is said o be well qualified to perform . the duties of the position to which he has- been elected. He will move his residence to Greensboro in a few days and take up his work. gams. When the convention assem bled Tuesday the tide began to turn strongly toward Wilson, and it was soon evident that his nomina tion was only a question of hours. a he first break came when Illinois changed her 58 votes from Clark to Wilson. : Wilson jumped from his final vote of 494 Monday night o 602 on the first ballot Tuesday. The figures told their own story. The Wilson dele-ates were jubilant as Chairman James directed the second call of the day the forty-fourth of the convention. The most important change on this ballot was in the Colorado delegation, which had been voting 11 for Clark and 1 for Wil son. This time Colorado divided 10 to 2 in favor of Wilson. Altogether the ultimate nominee gained 27 votes on this ballot. Then came the forty fifth. It was disapDointinsr. in a way, for Clark held his own and Wilson made a gain of only four. ! There were few in the hall at this time who did not believe Wil son would win, but they feared it of a period of outdoor life. Mr. Avery N. Tfansou, and Miss saw. Mamie Harrison, both of Winston- Upon the recommendation of Su- L.ret Week- beginning August i2- Rai f0 Nrflk Salem, came to Greensboro vester- perintendeht Mann, the city commis- "Dert A. Andrew, Fletcher Lawson, ' ma, Zl.Zi ?l in61r lln9 flav m.f.. x.. - Al. A. Bowman rii T uiOCuSuwx w a connec- j uu luamuiuujf oeni. rney were wiii-s uave eicuiea me ioiiowiug i-. . ' " """"j u. kj i tion """" o iock in the after' auuit'iOXiai '-eacners ior tne graaea T ' -. xvuuu, jr., and Carolina road t . re- C tion with the Lynchburg, Danville, t ' 7 i xivx iiroLina mart or o t; noon at the home of Rev. Dr. Mel- schools: -Miss. Nettie Fleming, Miss rt. H. . Staley,. W. Hopedale. Aiam.n i i i i 1 1 : . r-. i w i.. t r t- ton -Clark, who performed the cere- Anfta Williamson and Miss J. K. ' vv- H. Stone,. J. sult has been to brina: Whl tV. mony. Friend, for the white schools. Miss Coffln' H-. C. Brittain. W. E. Bal- interests ' of the twoo T i The Patriot had to discard two Friend is a teacher of music. For arhes Covington, S. A. Pe- consolidated comply the communications this week solely be- the negro , schools, H. M. , Faulkner, " Smith and M. J. name of the Greensboro vArti,A n cause we had no means of ascertain- W. i K. Windsor, Sarah McKenzie, . .uu ' and Atlanta .Doiw mg the author of either of them. Lena Marrow, Bessie Foushee, Myrtle -econd week, beginning August 19 ultimate aim of this company is to Room would have been found for Dick. Maria Williams, Grace Nelson, c- W. Summers, Floyd niamv occudv the antirfl . both I if t'no. -nr r, 1 A I TT'rl n o TVTithell TTntf Tto onrl I J Ohn A. Hlffmor, TVT, i I K x.4-. - u nui,clo uau ouiy ai- " --"uoi, ncwvuu iinsmon uj uotn or these companies and tached their names to the commun- Kanerine Donnell were elected. A R. Thomas, WilUam M. Shaw, to immediately undertake the con-- icatibns. ; Mrs. Lula B. Carr has, resigned A- Robertson, . Charles A. Hendrix, struction of a railway line of stand- Mrs. C. Alphcnso Smith, of Char- her ipdsitievith the Guilford ;Insur- - B- TeaSue. A. B. Morgan, E. W.( ard modern proportion from the city lottesyille, . Va., was brought to autre ! and Realty Company with tafrord, J. H. Gant, j. M; Lee, of Greensboro along Haw- river, Greensboro Tuesday vfrom Monreat, which she had been connected . since Charlie Cunningham, Ed. Cox, W. A. through the counties of Guilford, where she was spending the sum1 the formation of that company by Everett, A. B. Dillon and B. C. Alamance, Chatham and Lee, to a mer,- for treatment in St. Leo's the amalgamation of several local Lambeth. ; connection- with the Seaboard Air hospital. She underwent an opera- five insurance agencies. She is spend" The board received a Petition frm Line and the Norfolk Southern Rail- tion upon her arrival and her con- ing 1 Lis week at Black Mountain members of the Country Club re- Way' Tne company hopes with this dition is considered most favorable. and has made no announcement of questing that the bridge to be hnilt mucn of its line constructed that it a wo eminent Metnoaist divines in her plans for the future. Mrs. uarr across North Buffalo creek, and 7 en De ale to extend its line the city Tuesday were Bishop John was ; engaged in the fire insurance along the route to the club property tne Nrfolk and Western, at C. Kilgo, of Durham, and Rev. Dr. l -;finess in Greensboro for a num- be of concrete. The commissioners Roxbor( and then to Oxford on the T. N. Ivey, of Nashville, Tenn., ed" l er of years, having been at the later received plans for the proposed east- and to nville and thence to itor of the Christian Advocate, the bead of the agency of O. W. Carr bridge, but all which were submitted the ther sreat eastern and west- wouia WKe a long while for him organ orthe M. E. Church, South. & Co. for qu'te a while. to attain the 725 1-2 votes necessary They were the guests of Rev. E. A . . .1 w . to nominate. It was realized that iv. Mccarty, of West Market Street Driven to Insanity bv Drink. x . I -w - a - . 1 . tnere must be a decided "break' in Netnoaist church. were rejected. The board ha ern coal carrying lines of Virginia. tempiated either a concrete or steel bridge at this point, expectihe to aMa4MM4vA Mose Bledsoe, a young white man, an expenditure of about $4,- UUU. TflA mnttor Ttri 1 T . mx wjjjct Up iigain the TTnrlar'nrrifiil irtr V i r. j l .ij I : A mootinor rf Via i I wvx , wc, vyu-u ixau. iieiu .w wx kUO jjciioiuii uiMiu I Whf) has been hofnro Ti tt-,, firm from the beginning, before any of Guilford county was field--at the on innumerable occasions on the a"" a future meetin& of the board. man coma win. uuur. nouse lvionaay and a number . The xwu ... ..... I . . . I " WJ- uutuiiiess, anu wno nas .Is wivu.v,aiuimai'UDiic Service When the forty-sixth ballot had or requests heard and passed upon signed the nled 9imnat . Company w3, n , honn A 1 O mnp.wr.Ji.ir n.i.nc. e 1 A " " " " xl " . a uoiitmso 10 U,UCICU ocikxii rjaiiH.iieU, Ol suiuieia. OUently. was carrio vtov extend its p-as main, 01 lahQma o.mn j.t i I Ine m am Kqtc? nroeont t.i- . T -r I -. r , In 0 1 x, auvcu Liiw sge ana """" iV-ovv I aio reran ton to ha ojmni roads of tho ,1T,f TT,, . Welch f P,n T1 U! . T , . . " "" " . c vu ueiegaies. ' ' - " tuoumau, xv. state hosnital fr ta cot. ti T t, r . Wo ni oo r,. I c rirt whitsot t ur . moa"c- xvicAQow, coiorea, was ei- wuuitcu uj' oeuawi OCUlie, " , VV . I SOG TOt fill his laaf r 1, rrTt. of Missouri, who released ail th Scott, of Greensboro. " U "I A .. num me payment of poll w" i i a, j i u., was a.rresr.eri 1 n q ctoto f delegates who had been pledged to Tne employes of the White Oak, stupefaction. Jud-e Eure ordered speaker Clark. "As for Missouri, ttevoiuuon ana proximity mills are him locked up until he should be A Saving s Account Will h Help You in Business. o o o O A Big Blind Tiger Raid. Tha t,i..roc.t um-a : .-j however." he added "sho win ndct being entertained bv the Messrs. I - - i- - V O U U1IIII1 LI k. H I I V- I II i.fl H I I J MMyi If 1 C4,0 I " " I III f I J I I I I I I.Il Tl T CV Tl1 O I A ttn n -i -n . -uv- . w I I v w v i-A. a t, I -A 1 U-II I H Mill tax on account of physical infirmity. A petitiion was filed asking for the opening of a public road in Gilmer township, beginning on the Except for a high sense o 4) of honor, there is nothing t .. . i tnat counts so much in g lanen niace in this section in a UC1 votes, ior om unamp tjiarK to doauuaLra L"uay at ins in his nel1 fn . rt . ffl1,ahrtrrt A - Inn- u-hii ... .... the onH " ATai-nr itoi ro- the usual Fourth of .Tiilv ninnip at . v ..',v" " IZ . .. " iWU DuarfH store, near . 3 a muue aDout a muei , w t - - - -- - - - uegau k snow signs of insanity, and Holt's chapel and runnine- north and frr.m xx'i,:. a. . . trn ti.nn fn,moiiw mithr White flab mrk. Fttens ve nronara- . . I uaptsi, auu running north and ".T, mve uaK aturaay mormng -------y ----- v.. as ne conunued to grow worse it west to the point where Summit uepuiy Sheriff Hobbs and Clark. uor oss, or massacnusetts, rrom i - p ' " u xor tne was decided to send him to the asy- nue is intersected by Phillins ave- Tue officers arrested Sam Carroll, further consideration. The name of event during the past month, and the ium. y nue. he neon PhlUips ave a U'hit. , " .1 .-.i- . . . fiovernor Tlnrmnti rf OTiin - toco nnt day TirOmiSes tO be One Of linallOV- T31Acml . . - . " . pennon was approved by n,, 1UW a a v. J.o : Ud ni.afim. L . ; --ww ia ulUdU lfle unm township road commis- - iuu gallons of corn whiskey. au u iwv x, vuit . traae ana a very capable workman sicners Tii..- t-. ,1 , on thA last haiiot I Mr. J. A. Williams, for the Dast I wor. i , . . .1 - lt, cvvu ou-ei"iuu Darreis, - . . x , nu,u:",ei uas.a wire ana several tv, six well mi it It was a foreonfl conclusion what M-nree years superintenaent of tne fimfln WM UMC11U mauo au appropriation iiixLi giiiiuu J UK 3 ana I i i iunui cu, I r-F 0 "Art 4-i x. . , f-l quarts and pints. The whiskey tbe result would be as the last call Spencer graded schools, has been ?2'00 to the health department of found in Carroll's barn. Pfltne states began. Alabama, which eiectea principal or tne Greensboro insurance Company Coming August 1. , ToL T . ;T "scai i: a-rail i,ro , j x., t..4 naa 5?tarted everv otner ran witn 24 ouwi, mo ciuuu iuiae 1 . . , . ... ' ' w- w m. cameu ueioio jusuw - - - - -- , . -t a meexins: of the directors nf I rn-nt otvt, Dy vne city commissioners upon the f. i-xx-j ouuueu ui uum ana recommendation of Superintendent atanaara Lite msur- ?200 to be applied to incidental ex- Mann. He succeeds Mr. A. H. Kin. IZT. . VplIiy' wmcn was neld in Penses of the superintendent. of tae Peace Rogers for a prelimi- votes for Underwood, changed to nary hearing and held for the Su- Wilson, and state after state follow Penor court nni0r o k i aaa ed suit. It was just 3.15 P. M. default of which he was commit- when the solid 76 votes of Pennsyl- led to jail. The whiskey was also vania carried Wilson over the win locked in jail for safe keenine. ning Une, making his total at the . " j time 733 votes. Suicide is Suspected. The stampede did not end until Reidvsille, June 30. M. S. Burch 990 of tho 1,088 votes in the con dled Friday night at his home on vention had been cast for the nom Franklin street under circumstances inee. Missouri with her 36 had been that led to a coroner's inquest be- joined on the last ballot for Clark lg held last night. It was decided by 24 of California's 26 votes, by b-v the jury that Mr. Buret's death' five delegates from Florida, two from as caused by strychnine poison. Louisiana, all six from Nevada, four T. E. Balsley appeared before from New Jersey, the home state 'ho Jury and stated that there was of Governor Wilson, six from the evidence of suicide..- The- body District of Columbia and one from a-s sent to Richmond for burial. Ohio. This little handful readily Mr. Burch had for some time held joined in the chorus of acclamation a Position in Winston-Salem and had when Senator Stone moved that the en here only a short time on a nomination be made unanimous. Jt viit to his wife. He was married was 3.35 P. M. when Chairman James sorjie time ago to Miss Mabel Pal- officially declared Mr. Wilson the a daughter of A. L. Palmer, a nominee of his Dart'y. There was an Prominent and influential farmer, re- I- ; . siding n?ar Reidsville. I '. Continued on Page Four. for several years. Mr. Z. L. Wall , of Madison, died Mr. who hao Koon nHnrinai f th chi RalSh Tuesday afternoon, it was 11 .All C71 1 Ul I 1 1 1 1 7,tA ThA h-rv-tA Affi'AAn 4T I V 1- 01 Marriage of Miss Butler and mo uumyoiiy irom tnat city to fi-reenshoro A nonet -1 rm.i yesterday morning at 1 o clock at followed several mti;r - A marriage that came as a sur- St. Leos hospital, where he had hoJders directors Teld recently prlse to th friends of the young been a patient for some time. He to wnMn ot CUPle took place Sunday afternoon was fi Vears old snd on a of thQ leaH- Lue question Of movine, ,,. . - rf , frm T?nloio-1, v i v u uiWJt at ine noma or thA Of ins citizens of hJ8 section: The bod7 wCTl fMattag minister. Rev. T. J. o (- I waa." a & n I -. I 1 f l mil I CM 'III I"W ' w C3 was carried to Madison yesterday x ' . . ww hum th afwnoon tK. o, Q" . I aturaay in Greensboro making I ' . r1 ue" . .v ooiu joxx invoat. r,Qtinni, J. . iur. x. A. Hiamondson and Miss ment. whicn tt take place this af- -,,5: tL ! Irma Butte. Only relativ and , tornAT, widow iV o cin. til - , . . . u.- -x,. .. i '-"jr mo xuexiiuers or -ne committeA i :: "- mrs. 1. n. latam, 01 tnis city. w . .. Prised In; advanA r ,t, " wwueu Dy oniciais of the J "fw loal life onH i i event. r,l i i ii. i,: j I " " mo JiiJsui anvo CU1U" I I , panies and other citizens. rne bride is the attractive daugh ,uuuV uu wuere ne was , nf ,Tt. w . , . . . .. j. I a A. I I XV. uuxx.x. 1.1 LLUO serving a teiTn oi rour montns tor . noes the word fo on 0.7 ' ; . . I - - oiiuMvu Aju.cix 1 vi "u iiuiuerous inenas wno aajr, WttS mvugu. , Jail 1 uesaay anything to you? Ston and thinlr will he intt T v and yesterdawas carried out to the and figure and you will know why marriage. ThA T . 5 wuauicsa fcis uocs a Dank account. f! Prove this to yourself Account with this strong 5! bank. Deposit a certain l amount regularly each payday, and with the 4 g per cent, interest that we J add every three months, JJ you will soon have a good working capital. jj $1.00 will do to start o with. c American Exchange uauonai uani; n. c. ' I .Si.v auvi JVU Will itiiovy camD to. finish his sentence. TlfooT'A It. Trii x i r r; 7 me majwc itange n.asthe repu- wasarrest2ypecial officer ol tatlon of being not only the best but the Southeri Railway at Glen Raven, tne least expensive. Let the man under suspicion of having broken from the factory show you. See into tho Southerns station at that our big ad in this paper. Greens- place. hnm TTnmlwaTy Mr. M. H. Edmondson and a young man of fine traits of character. J Upon their return from 0 bridal trip, Mr. and Mrs. Edmond son will be at home at 509 South QREEN8DORO, - . Tlxc Danlc for Your J I Capital, J C. TAUGHT, Pre. J J.W.SCOTT, T.-Fre. J T. C. B0TXZS, Cailiier P. H. -SXCSOLSOT, lut Culler - f Bravnch: South Greeniboro- a W. P. nUTTON, Casilcr. j Spring street.

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