TWELVE PAGES. I he Green sbqrq. Patriot OL 91. GREENSBORO, 3. C, THURS DAY, JULY 11. 1 9 1 2. NO. 28 -T - , ' ; 1 I IW I PEOPLE'S Bi! 1 Or niTllJ i-OCAL NEWS IN BRIEF FORM. Mr. J. W. Wall, of San Francesco, 1 Ths CUt Kv...w iM .1 . is in cue city on a visit td r. luuuuer, mrs. wan, on North The Patriot Far a N5T- Greene street. Mr. Wall went to Ir. T. A. Hunter and family the- Pacific coast about fifteen have returned from a visit to Moil- months ago and is well ple3sed ; with that section of the country- He Prof. T. E. Whitakery of Oak is a locomotive engineer on the Ridge, was a visitor in the city yes- Southern Pacific Railway, the only terday. , railway system that enters the city Mr. R. G. Glenn has returned from of San Francisco, a visit to Mt. Airy White Sulphur A Philathea class was organized Springs. among the young ladies of the Sun Mr. John Barker went to Mt. day school of Moriah M. P. chuch Airy White Sulphur Springs yester- last Sunday, with the following nf- day to spend a while. fleers:, Miss TnW fihama Twt- Mrs. J. Al. Rankin has gone to Miss Edna Sharpe, vice' president'; Woodleaf Rowan county, on a visit Miss Alma Coe. srAhrv Miss to her sister, Mrs. J. K. Culbeftson. Blanche Aldred treasurer- Mico wa- Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Michaux and rati5 Coe. reDorter: Miss Florence son, of Goldsboro, are in the city Hushes, teacher; Miss Mamie Plunk- on a visit to Dr. and Mrs. E. R. ett, assistant teacher. Michaux. t r-hr, v oik 4-s -ji Messrs. W. S. Lyon and F. C. Greensboro, who has hepn nrartio- Boyles went to Mt. Airy yesterday ing law in Atlanta for several years, oinuuii to hyena a lew aays at 13 a candidate for membership in Whi'e Sulphur Springs. the Georgia legislature. pn,i th At- Mr. W. S. Davis, of this city, ianta papers say hs friends are and Miss Julia Klager, of Ann Ar- confident of his nomination and elec bor, Mich., were married yesterday tion. He is a brother nf Mr ft Fi at the home of the bride. " Smith, nf thk nitv ivrr t. s Advertisements Inserted under thia beading at the rate ot one cent a word for each insertion. Persons and firms who do not nave auvenismg contracts with tne paper wm ue reiivurea 10 pay cash in advance. Has your harness been giving sat isfaction? If not, let Julius Kirk- man make you a set to order Townsend Buggy Company. See Scott about your crimson clover and German millet seed. C Scott & Co. FOR RENT Several good farms V F. Holmes, 114 North Mclver street, Greensboro, N. C. 28-2t. Julius Kirkmah; the old veteran harness maker, is in charge of the harness shop at the Townsend Bug-ev- Company's. New cabbage seed and beans for late planting. C. Scott & Co. WANTED Three or four young white women to work in the Guil ford cafe. , Apply at the Guilford hotel. 2S-4t. Westminster church building, and pews for sale at cost of pews. Seat ing capacity, 300. Address C. C. McLean or E. P. Wharton, Greens- boro. 20-tf. Pure bred Berkshire brood sow, siioats and pigs for sale at reason able price. Arthur J. Hughes, Greens boro, F. D. 6. 28-6t. Seed potatoes for late planting. Come quickly. C. Scott & Co. Thai home-made harness is all to tiie good and is found c at the Town send Buggy Company's! ONE KILLED; MANY INJURED. ROOSEVELT MEN CONFER. NEW T03ACC0 WAREHOUSE!. Engineer Beach Losm Hie 1 xtm. ; Republicans Held M.tini i tv I Will hA r.. n.XI ... . .. . - ' w w WiU Railroad : Wreck Near City. In a head-on coUision between the northbound passenger Southern's vity Monday Afternoon. ing Season. a number of Republicans of the- The Greensbnrn state who were active in the sup- house Company, which was rnrontiv train No. 36 and a freight in the puri:r meodore Roosevelt in the chartered by .the secretary of state, Pomona yards Saturday afternoon, recent Pre-convention campaign held was formally organized Tuesday Thomas E. BAarh ann a met4ng in Greensboro Monday af- night by the electio passenger train, received injuries for the PurPose of agreeing -and officers. The organization moot- from which he died a few hours some pian of concerted action re- ing was presided over by Mr. R. G. later. Over 50 ?f the 400 passen- f 1 the course to be taken ' by Vaughn, president of the American gers aboard were injured, most of U emmcan'orgamzaiion in North exchange National Bank, and Mr. C. them very slightly. Carol na, in regard to retaining party C. McLean acted as secretary. Tho The freight. w? " tnn rulttmy WalIe voting f0r Rooe-J following directors were elects! ? stAam on thft cwitnT, veit electors as against Taft elec- Garland Daniel, w t snn ir the southbound and the northbound The conference was the re- Sternberger, W. S. Clary, D. B. Staf- tracks and the switrh n, 1"A a rocent cal1 Y NaUonal rord, C. H. McKnight, J. M. Hondrlx. w TOfl, - x umuiiuteeman Kicnmond mile run from High . Point in less than a mile a minute. The whistle for the signal board was Number 36. was an extra, mde up T ""!euitu Mona Pearson, t. J. Penn and C. A. Bray. The di at Greenville, S. C, because the reg- fl f ma 7 f tne delesates from rectors at a subsequent meeting flo ular train was held bv a frei-ht thlstate to tn recent Chicago con- lected the following officers: Presi- wreck beyond S-artanburg and was " eie yrcaeui. aent, w. S. Clary; vice president, J. running more thrrn twr honr mte . Following the conference, ex-Sena- M. Hendrix; secretary and trcas- belated train approached the r 1 arln, Butler statei that lt was hirer. C. C. McLean. uv 1111a.1l m mini -1 i 1 iax- I . . open switch running close to 40 miles "'J asxea to suomn me The building committee was la- an hour, after having made the 14 . " " "ouseveit s ngnuui nom- strutted to let the contract for tho 1UftUUU 0 tne ttepuDucan precinct building at once.. Several architects primaries when delegates are select- have submitted plans and tho build er for the state convention, which ing is expected to be under way in Will lkelV-tf hv hPlrl in f!rflfln hlnwn hv PnMnn0, to, J - . "'"o""'" veiy suun wuue. i no warenourjo mown Dy engineer Beach and 01 Charlotte ir, Aiifmof ,.,o0 I . Mr. Wilis Booth, clerk in the Smith, of Guilford CoUese. and Mr. ? ngcr train came presented to hft f7,, T f '"" county auditor's ofice, has returned p. B. Smith, of Charlotte. and swerved with tions. which w6r unimn,v 3- n.T, . . . " . t.rk WT-V ,.ffC. qt oYcAnAA e I ir. . . trATT.ndCll et00rl ir,t Tt, - - -v, xtl CVCiJ incuiai. It Will ..wi". uii,4 uocu.v ui -tiw i x lie cu uii-y comiiiissioners nave I "---v -uo leai , . ... I I - i , . .... I weexs on account or illness. granted a ntifi fnv another oi- as me engineer saw tnat ne pirt "Timt or,r,rtr K. . . Mr. John S. Michau,. city clerk, t,on , Jarflestown ." H approacttng; the frefcht; he do,- Lctl- 'of Z, C:!,! '? ? has gone to Montreat to visit his question of lsSuing $l5,000 of bonds throttle, appl ied his brakes 1Icaa conventIoI1 at Chicago or c- accessible location could not have, wife and children, who are spend- to aid In financing the proposed Ran- and sprang .through his cab window. ognize such actlon M m.' ' tlZ fn tL ' dolDh and Cumberland Railwav tiib e lanaeo Dy the side of the track the A revival meeting, will begin at election will be held August 12. At with his skul1 crushed and other ter- SCOn, Wft ' tlm . I ."t.? Peace Lutheran church the third a similar election held in Jamestown 'ible injuries sustained. His fire- of the igsue as . . . . . . ht. T 11. "I"". Sunday in this month and continue and otner .toWnshll)8 in the countv man Clink ScaIes. a whit raan' f o1' f ul nominee. Taft or Roosevelt, hv f , " .7.7.; " " , , T " k "u, " throgh the week, with two services LAVproi mrintha.fl(m thn nmnnsiHnn lowed his engineer from the train wnv .r,r u I , . ...V y . . I l-wf AAA W M.. A-Aw7 UMVJ - w U j LA WX I I t . sa a A.J A Z7XXIX I I 1 11 III FTI " III" L. U Tl U- ll-kA 1 1 FOR SALE-Four mules. one each day. ffas in n5hin and landed, sustaining only Severe nrimarips .t";,::;; "uuao. 1 ue iur horse, one fresh milk cow. junus ,; r . T,oft,i T. 7 ' . V . J . r.". DW' . tne saie ot toDacco auring tne com F. Ross, Pleasant Garden, N. C. 28-3 ' where it was voted on, except High . The resolutions seek to bind the ing season. Then . . u a vISH nuiu vuuutu, miM., wUCiD Pomti vvnen tne trains met, tne engines two factions to abide by the action That cider mill you are looking he has been engaged in the cotton At meotine- of PrnTimitv loee crushed their way the one into the Lr for is at the Townsend Buggy Com- business as a representative of Mr. No 158 Knights of Pythias. Tuesday other and telescoped. The passenger vention and call for instructions pany to. It e Latham. I t t I noafhps omck o otanH Mirith a crash I v.in4in 4-1 i.r ,1 a. i I xixgxlt. nit3 tuiu v ilig oinwcia were Jii . w - . u uuuu umuiug tut) twcivo cici;i.uis lu uc TVTt. T A n rn'Ir' o n rl foTtlllV I ... . . -- I Ai i . .. .. i t a vTPn a Pnmnrninn for an - stalled for the ensuing term: j. wiufu uirew.. yery passenger out or cr.osen Dy the convention to vote . 1 J . Si- n rmr I haVfi ffOTlft t.O TVTt AirV . WTlitft SUl I Tir T Jl l 1 U - J ' T I Mc. onlt on1 Kmlra rllcc r- I T- . 11 j, t J 4- eiueriy A. suiuia yeiauu vo." o - vv. xxiiis cuauueuur euiuuitiiimsx ; o. "io u.uu , ui c t-i 6iti.oo Liuui iui xvjuseveii ior i)riuuk , as vxxo find a good home with very li"le phur Springs, where Mrs. Glascock A Honeycutt, vice chancellor; C. and window imthe train. rightful and only legitimate candi- fta ?I1SSle irrSmTc and thQ children wiU spend the re M. Strickland, prelate; W. A. Tur- Every available physician in town date .of the party for the I presi- u nte to box 4Jt, ureensDoro, xx. v. joinder of the slimmer. . . . . . - uer. master or worn : o. Hi. Aiajsc. i wnc on rnx ecana Tow mmiiios ueuty. IT- T T TTnAn O 4- V. TInmn I " I I . ... I PnQltfnrf AAtmfwi llallf Anlnf rvrt irnrnn f n nut a laree stock of cider h J- - n-ura. Ui lUB .xluu"' keeper of Tecords and seal; C. W. after the wreck to attend the wound- North Carolina, it was statea, win I - " ' '. "r" " mills." U you need one come quick. Savings Bank, who has been in poor Strickland, master of finance; R. E, ed. Engineer-Beach and the more not be officially represented at the T. liner, Asnevme; secretary or Townsend Buggy Company. health for the past six or seven Sims. - master of exchequer; J. C. seriously, l-wounded naafsenrQ were Rooseveltconventi0n in Chicago, the I". , w. weatneny, ureenaooro. months, and who was considered Turner mastr' of arms: Will Burcesl'l "r-Z t. ' ktoi ---wi, Lslatb onnvftTitioh bein? held after it auditor,- D. Stuart, Spencer; trear See Scott about your turnip seeu seriously ill recently, is considerably inT1 ?na. t" n whm outer m p' a, w, , Jks -. . urer W. II. Taylor, Winston-aiem; - w - w. - v v - . .- 4. J. V I Watch the Greensboro tobacco mar ket grow! Socialists Name State Ticket. A state convention of Socialists was held in Wins ton-Salem on tho 4th and candidates were named aa follows: .Governor, H. E. Hodges, the kind that makes turnips Scott & Co improved. A brass t St. L5nr o niVor mill iurnisn mi euard. nViooir nt r,,t tt,v o or.- A number of Roosevelt suDDorters, ,UJl,u'1'"' s band has been engaged to Mr. W. W. Davies, who resided in ried to his home in Alexandria Va however, declared their intention of Kev- G- E Hunt, Lexington; auor ausic for tha Farmers' Union Greensboro mahy years ago. died for tha funomi anA ntArrnt a being present at the Chicago conven- ney general, W G Gregson; corn- right on them this year, speaking and rally at Guilford Col- Saturda at the home of his daugh" number of brother engineers accom- tion- Committeeman Pearson stated Issloaer of agriculture, Bruce An- lege next inursaay. mere wm oe Newport News, Va. The body panied the remains and attended the at by reason of the action of the ------ - a haskAt nicnic. An invitation is ex- r i ncKr. Mor u i I nnnformpp v niiAatinn tjoosa- bor and printing, ueorge x. vvu Harness, repaixingneaUy -and tended to the public to'be present. and interred bv tne side of the wife ... ..... ... velt or Taft in ths state would be son' Forsyth counXy; corporation ! Mr. I. L. Blautein is having an nf .. in thA First Presbv- I , ... ... up-to-date bundle delivery and cash terian church DUrying Rev. Z naD !" the sentiment among Republicans of boro. and V. T. Grubbs Stokes system installed in his store on M ArHon rnark ronductin the L ' . .... ....... South Elm street. It is known as L ',pM nt 4 o'clock in th after- LJe&IS 13 WaSine .f.Mvelt, and declares Roosevelt support- H. Lane, Beaufort county. bee t We are Townsend Buggy Company Llewellyn Broth ers. Roberson's old stand, 537-539 South Elm street. Stock of buggies, surries and de livery wagons at reduced prices. .If a raii and see the Lampson airline cash system no0n Mr Davies was a brother of ZtnT0rYi Com- and is said to rbe the most modern Mrs. . Bobertson, president of that Ume equipment oi tne kiuu m UBC. Greensboro Female College. He is 1 Mr. J. C. Morris, a well known w ... . f th serious consequence with which he was connected during all aers will be in control of the state convention. pany. FOR SALE The ,home place of builder, and contractor of this city, Qlder residents of the cit the late Rev. li. w. oowmut. . v h begun work on a pretty nome 1 H o -i tarns 126 acres near macui iu Mrs rharles A. Sisson Auiiferrf a5 tw rsww!.. Kimesvilie. waiiyi'y - ' " r. Officials of the Southern began an County Road Force Moved to Brown investigation of the . wreck Monday Summit. In an effort to place the blame, but Mj. j A Davidson, county audi- did not reach any conclusion. The tor and rQad superintendent, went to investigation will probably be con- Brown summit yesterday and had a C ! T 4-. lrnni tireensuuru i . . x x. i x j - -m S I A m4m. oTla A I rtTl I flC. Ill I 1.1 I I ... . . mm : i - MrAn TATn niiusc. i fin HriiiinLiiu , 5 ii sc- vu. uv -v - i irhiv. Mif w.atit n c 121111 maji ana pnone. oevcu 4 r .. - . uca.. iC muo ol.1 . 0 nrf I - " rastiire orchard, and crossed Moininf? the residence or Mrs. csis- fn1 tw wm on wi,iahia v'"uvu m " uaf y4 " survey made for some macadam roaa by. two public roads. $25 per acre sons parents Mr. and Mrs. George ciUzens in the persons of Messrs. f"!? to.:the sner officials at work the county commissioners have t t, " t 4v.tir m n - oerseoui, f. m. Peterson ana a. w. -ugn, 01 xj. oywmau, xxwx - j , , - . . n. AV htof deDUtV In I . . xii. . i. - 1 Kast ivicivefisoort- ra.. wno win 10 You Can Oe emus Prosp Fruit jars, jelly glasses, extra tops the United States marshal's office, cate near Climax Mn peterson was and jar rubbers. C. Scott & v,o. ordered done in that community. The convicts have been moved to Brown a m I Summit and work will begin at once. Harness made to your notion in the old fashion way. Townsend Bug gy Company. waQ oallfin to Erwin. Tenn.. Mon- . u nnnv laa onA ,nax &se suit growing out of the wreck , . t vet been determined just day by a telegram announcing the a d Rev. t r. Hutton for . i ; the office of the how mucll work will be done at J desperate illness of his elder broth- fc. inUrcnase of l65 acres of land. 0 Te r. . this time. t er, Mr. William Baley. His brother Mes3rs. Peterson and Pugh, who are fT , . ' ' .-TJ 1 1- The commissioners have decided to J I I II llim US I mm Mil W lair A.I llllll I I I I 1 9r I I. a T 1 j 1 in x rs,.;i- 1 " " If you will only ave your money, deposit it where it died shortly before Mr. Baley reach- brothers-in-law, will move to Guil 000 for Per- build a sand clay road from Hardie's J Stole Shoes From Sleeping Negro s ed Erwn. ford during the fall and engage : The Majestic range demonstration dairv business. They have a at the Greensboro Hardware Com- fl . r . . jersev cows which they Probably Greensboro has as many pany's store this week is attracting win bring with tbem to stock the different kinds of petty thieves as the attention of many or tne farm. can be found in any place on the friends and customers. The aemuu , Before returning home Mr. Peter- in sonal injuries and mental anguish. miu by way of J. Richard Moore's, He is represented by Col. John A. L. th RoCkingham line, a distance Barringer. oI ab0ut four miles. The road will It is expected that a number of have a width of 12 feet and on other suits will be brought, but either side there will be a well drain probably most .of them will be for ed dirt road. The cost of the sand a .. - I .. . . i ai P.arl I . , j. . small amounts Tha most serious Uio.. nA nsHmatoH nt Jrlrtft map They seem to make it a con stration is m cuaige ui 1 son expressed himseir as aengntea . . 1 '"J :u- " . - stant studv and from the ingenuity RiW. who has been with the Ma- th this section, and especially with case reported is that of a young mile. 00000000000000000000 C .1 o t will be safe and draw a lib- eral interest, and accumulate enough to enable you to take advantage of some of tho good business and Invest- o meat opportunities that are o daily offered. y But you can't by put- ting it oil until touiorrow or often displayed some of them have jestic people a number . of-year. Guilford conty. He beUeves a great reacbtd the graduating stage. They Mr. H. H. Fletcher, who was em- and profitabie dairy industry can ill steal anything they can get ployed by the largest mercantile be developed in this immediate sec- tne-r bands on, at any time and nn- firms in Charlotte for a numuer tion, if only the proper effort be put der a-v circumstances. A case in years, is now connected wim 1. -m. forth. ncAn ,,r. ar0ftnboro Satur- Rionstoin's store. Mr. Fletcher has ay.hft .i Jim heine a negro from a wide experience in the mercan.- j Blockade Still Captured in Sumner. the r,.t. wi,o n m a to town with tile business and will prove a vaiu- Deputy Sheriffs Weatherly, Shaw a load of' vegetables and fruit. Af- able addition to Mr. Biaustems and Crutchfield, accompanied by Dep- ter C-isT)osingof his produce, he vis- force s , uty United States Marshal Blaylock, u a "store and purchased a tight- Mr. Paul C. Lindley has returned made a raid dawn in sumner town- fitting pair of tan shoes, wearing from a visit to the Lindley Nursery ship Sunday evening and captured a them ck to his wagon in the coun- Company's peach orchards at South" blockade still of 35 gallons capacity. hitching lot After eating his ern pines. The yield is the heav The outfit was found in a ravine mid-day "snack " he lay down in iest ln years, carloads of the lus- in a rather secluded spot and was his wa-on for a nap first unlacing cious fruit being shipped every wee. ready fQr business. The officers left U shoes in order that h might Mr. Lindley saye ten cars ormor Greensboro late in the afternoon foWv When he I will be Shippea irom . and reacnuig me sun, seciuaea thmselvea to await the exDected L niS . . - . . . . thecw,oic,ar. Thecoun-1 -Capt. John R. i-eDoy, wuu ' j coming of the biocsaders, out no vw frv 1 . A. - f ? Avmir WOrJL I . x. .. aoke he was in his stockingf eev- 1 this weeic earea- xu 1 - , AS. 4 1 a " ' .... Wisearo knowing: something of the the head of the fcaivauou ju one appeared on the scene. After wiles and tricks of a certain class in this city ior swue.-uaio, waiung a reasoaaow lengin oi umw, of town negroes reported the mat- ing recently to take work with the the officers poured out two 50-galr to the police In less -than half Congregational church, was married ion tubs of beer and came back to an hoar an officer found Fred Mack- Monday morning at 10.30 o'clock to town with the worm and kettle. un, a negro well known to the po- Miss Jennie Allen, The ceremony The location of the blockade still Uce. wearing the shoes he had stolen took place at ine aiUVttUWU w anout 11 mues irom ureeusDoro. om the sleeping negro's feet, barracks ana was pwiutuj w Later he drew a sentence from Judge r. El Andrews, of the Wesleyan Eur of four months on the roads Methodist church. Mr. J. M. Millikan lost a splendid horse by death Saturday. married woman who was a passen- ger on the train with her three- Speaking of public road work in weeks-old baby. For several hours the county yesterday, Register of after the wreck she was hysterical, Deeds Rankin said there is enough and later it is said she became vio- granite and other stone in the imme- lently insane and was carried to an diate vicinity of Brown .Summit to insane hospital for treatment. supply the needs of the county in road-building for the next 100 years. He thinks it would be a good idea to establish the crusher at Brown next week NOW Is the Gen. John Gill Dead. time to start, and thii strong bank la a splendid place to t make the start. Here your o eavlngs will be secure and ) draw 4 per cent interest, t compounded quarterly. . . o . . o i t m ) C. o National Dank QRCCN8DOR0. N. Gen. John Gill, of Baltimore, onejsummit permanently and ship the of the South's leading financiers, crushed stone to sections of the coun J died last week at a summer resort ty where it might be needed. AmonPQn Cvrhanna in New Jersey. Gen. Gill had made 5 nniunuuii UAUiiuiiyu many business and pleasure trips I First Meeting in 60 Years. to Guilford and was well known to Mr D j Patterson, of Des Moines, the, people of this county and sec- j . left thJs section for the tlon.j He was receiver of the Cape West over half a century ago, is Fear, and Yadkin Valley Railway, eitlng his sister, Mrs. Mary Julian, which he operated very successfully w,,lw Dftn.ortn to ar- in conjunction with Capt. J. W. comT)anied hv his daughter and they IS Fry, the general superintendent. He WftrA. m.t in Greensboro Tuesday f X. 6. VAUCETI. Fres. was one or the original stocKnoiaers i, . ... M , s Deviney. of of the Greensboro Loan and Trust Julian; Mn patterson is 82 and Company and served as a member of Mr Julian 9o TMT3 flf un- the board of directors until he re- til their meeting this week they had tired from active business life. Gen. not seen one another for 60 years. Gill was fond of outdoor life and for M. Patterson and his daughter will , . - . spend some time visiting relatives a number of years came to Guilford " rZnf- p9n1flinh hfnr re- Tlie UnnU for Your Savings. t , J. W. SCOTT, T.-Prt. 1 j T. C. rOTXr3,Cal!fr F. n. fflCSSLSO a. Asst. Cet Her Branch: South Qtventborj V. P. CUTTCN. Clcr. on a hunting trip every season. f turning to their home in Iowa.

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