r nno) JUUUlln F 0 (3 DO YOU KNOW THAT you suffer from heat on Sundays more than any other day of the week. You go all the week thin ly and comfortably clad, and when Sunday comes you put on your heavy winter suit and stiff bos om shirt and go to church prepared to sweat. j Now what you should have for summer Sun days and other days off from work is muslin un derwear with short sleeves and short draw ers, thin silk sox, a mo hair or Palm Beach suit, a nice Straw Hat and a few of our wash silk ties. You'll be surprised to find how many pleasures there are to enjoy on Sunday. Our prices are not only in your reach but very reasonable. Come in and drink ice water with us and be sociable. i ' LOG A Tt NUWO. Crawford! , Rees Inc. 3 DO South Elm St. WISE ECONOMY Ton will cut down your medicine kills by dealing with this drug store, thm store j that always looks out for ca4 cared for the interests of Its Easterners. We sell only the very best medicines, but we do not charge fcib prices for them. You can prove Gila by coming to this store for next purchase in the drug line. We build up our business by isell t?T medicines that heal the sick and Z. V. CONYERS CX3 COUTH ELM 8TREET, Near the Southern Depot. Dr. Parran Jarboe 121 South Elm St. Kidney Bladder and Rectal Diseases I i Office Houn by Appointment Male and Femle Nu nej in j Attendance. Private Infirmary. PITTS & MRU E DEALERS IN Building Material Can ant sea for pxioea before slae- tss ronr orders. We carry the laxseat rtacac of Rous-h ad Dressed Lumber as r T11 ut the city asd cam fill you STdcrs promptly. T7a nTe a large stock of J'enclajr aaf (Tara Lumber on baad at all times at battosa nice. .Very elose srloes gives ca dr lots. . cries: Corser Boat: Asms street aaf Cawthers Railroad. Administrator's Notice The undersigned having been duly appointed and qualified as admin istrator of the estate of Cyrus C. N'-ece, deceased, hereby gives j no tic to all persons holding claims against said estate to present the same duly authenticated to him on or before the 2nd day of June, 1914, or this notice will be pleaded in bar o their recovery. All persons in-? debted to said estate are hereby no tified to make immediate payment. This May 29, 1913. , C. O. REYNOLDS, Admr., x of Cyrus C. Neece, Dec'd. O. S. Bradehaw, Attorney, j 23-6t moms Mrs. Charles D. Benbow has re turned from an extended visit to rel atives ia California. " I j The annual picnic of the Gresns Iboro lodge of Elka will be held at Li nd ley park tomorrow. Mrs. C. A. Clapp and Miss Clara Clapp, of this ci-y, are among the guests, at Mt. Airy White Sulphur , Springs. The infant sen of Mr. and Mrs. Al D. May, Jr., ol Gibsonville, died Fri day afternoon of a complication- of measles and meningitis. Mr. Tyre Glenn, who is business manager of tha North Carolina san- atorium for the treatment of tubec- , losis, near Aberdeen, was in Greens ' boro Monday. Mr. H. J. Thurman was called to Bedford City. Va., by the death of his brother, Mr. R. D. Thurman. The funeral and interment took place at Bedford Ci:y Sunday. J The two-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Butner died at the home of her parents, on Walk er avenue, Saturday afternoon, fol lowing an illness ot ten days. Mr. Charles L. Osborne and Miss Annie Apple were married at i the home of the br-de on Schenck s-reet Sundav mornine at 8 o'clock, Rev. Shufcrd Peeler performing the cere mony. Mr. Shellie M. Smith, of Liberty, and Miss Ardie Overman, of whs city, were married Saturday even ing, the ceremony be-ng performed by Rev. Shuford. Peeler, pas:or of the First Reformed church. Mr. Maurice Fr2tz?ider, who hss, bejsa identified with mercantile 1 es- . tablishments in th's city for a num ber of years, has opened a new store on the corner of Gorrell and Mar tin streets. Chapel Hill News: Misses Mary and Rachel Donnell, of Greensboro, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Emsley Donnell, formerly of Chapel Hill, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. David E. Patterson, in. Mt. Moriah church neighborhood. Mr. C;aude Ove man, of this city, and Miss Carrie Albright, a member of a prominent Alamance, county fam ily, were married Wednesday aftsr- noon at the, home of the onues father, Mr. Tayio.- Albrizht, near Mebane. Rev. J. W. Goodman per formed the ceremony. - Dr. B. P. Fields and Mi s Ann e Belle Rives were married in Ashe ville last Thursday, the ceremony taking place at the Langren hotel. Dr. Fields s one ot the younger phy sicians of the city and his bride -is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E- A. Rives, of Cou.h Greensboro. Entrance examinat'ons to the A. & College, at Raleigh, will be held by County Superintendent Thomas R. Foust on July 10, beginning at 10 A. M. Young men who expect to enter that thriving institution th's fall will do well to use this oppor tunity to take their examinations before go'ng to Raleigh. Miss Allie Ware, a daughter of Rev. W. R. Ware, of Salisbury, for merly presiding elder of the Greens boro district, has bee.n elected a teacher n the Salisbury graded schools. She is a graauaie . 01 Greensboro College for Women and is well known in th's city, where her parents resided for several years. The ciy commissioners have placed an order for a: conH: nation motor f 're truck for the use of the fire department. The machne com bines a hose wagon, a chemical en gine and a steim pumping engine and will cost $9,000. The truck will be delivered to the city as soon as it -an hp. manufactured, which w 1- be in the course of the next, few months. The interstate commerce commis sion will sit in High Point Moaday, lJuly 7, to hear a case against the Southern Railway involving alleged excessive freight rates on coal. The complainants in the case tre the Co lumbia' Laundry Company et al., cf this city; the High Point Ice and Fuel Company et al. and the Queen Chair Company et al., cf High Point, who are asking for reductions in the rates on coal. An involuntary petition in bank ruptcy against the Reidsville Fert lizer Company was filed in United States court here last Thursday by the Richmond Guano Company, 'the R. J.. Reynolds Toba:co Company and the Graffling Company, of Balti more, Md. The liabilities are sup posed to be about $45,000 and the as sets about $27,000. Jud?e Eoyd nam ed W. F. Burton, of Reidsville, as the temporary receiver and set next Monday as the day for the hearing. ' FIGHTING FLY AND MOSQUITO. E. P. Wharton am Dr. Battje Lesd' ing in Impor Apt Wtork. A systematic and well organized campaign 4s being waged in Greens: boro to rid the , c'ty of f-ies v and mosquitoes this year. In this work the health department is being ably assisted by two of the city's most Dubl c-stiritexi citi zns. Mr. E. P. Wharton and Dr. J. T. J. Eattle, who have been sworn in as ass s tant hsalth off.cers and thereby given the) authority to enforce the execution of needed regulations for the abatement cf the fly - and mo Dr. Battle are serving ' the publ c without pecun ary recompense, their sole object beinj -to give a pr.ictc-1 of four persons . in lireensooro ias year and a great many cas s of sick ness, and if you pr.event us from breed-ng all of that will be saved. "But what we w;sh to impress up on you is th's fact, viz., fair warn- ling, if you force the people to u prive us of our breeding places ana i thus save your city a!i the vexajans of our presence, besides the deaths and sickness, you will make more enemies than yo 1 have ever had te- MM fore. "Yours for a tussl?, ANOPHELES QUADRIMACULA TUS AND CULEX PUNiENS." John Fogleman, Sentenced o Fe-n-i-.tent a ry For 30 Years. The trial of John J3. Foleman for the musdsr of W. H. Tucker, demons tra ion of what may ba (done which was in progress when The j to improve s-nitary and heiUh con ditions in th3 community. Mr. Wha. ton is pay ng attention ,to the fly and is working to rid th city of this jes. by destroying breeding place'. A thoaough inspec tion of s-a.les and other breeding places is being made, and already the go:d elfects of wha work are ap parent. Dr. Eattla .s directing h s efforts in a fisht against the ' mos; quito. He has prepared tbe follow ing imagijary corrca:ondente, which will prove toth in.eresting and . in structive to all citzns who desire o rid the r premises cf th s ubiqu t ous and danserous pest: pair Warning; Given. "Greensboro, N. C, June 17, 1913. ; "Messrs. Anopheles anV Culex, "Mosquito Coast: "Dear Sirs: "All of our citizens recall wi h a vivid recoil '-ct on ; your visits here last summer and fall. I am frank to tell you that our people were very much displeased and incecsed a: the persistence of our nightly serenades, which were very disagreeable and entirely out of harmony with their feelinjs. Also the determination witfc which ' you pio ruded your bil.s in to them was simply exasperat ng. Recalling thoss disagrees b.e assoca tions in which you were unbidden guests, we have decided, and actu ally a law Ts passed, forbTdd ng your appea:anc3 here again. "This is to gWe you fair warning not to v. sit ih s community again, under penalty of death. "Yours truly. "J. T. J. BATTLE, "Assistant Hexlth OfKcsr.' Patriot w.nt to pr.ss last week, came t3 an end . in the Super or court Saturday afternoon, whsn the jury returned a verdict of guilty in the second dsrse. Judje Feebles sentenced Fogleman to th? peniten tiary for 30 years, th. maximum pen alty for second degree murder. A motion for a new trial was over ruled, whereupon attorneys for the defendant gave notice cf an appeal to the Supreme court. Judge Feebles fixed th3 appsal bo.:d" at $5,000. In order to ; regain h s" liberty, Fogle man. will also be required to rsnw a bond for $2,500 under wh ch he was held in a number of blind, tiger cases at -the-Urns he was arrested on the murder charge. The fol owing gentlemen consti-j tuted the jury that re urned the ver dict o; guilty aganst Fojleman: Foreman W. W. Hayworth, J. W. Pearson, V. E. Walker, G. T. Thom as, G. W. Brooks, H. H. Lay: on, W. M. Little, A. F. Johnson, J. W. Lo man, H. W. Gray, D. A. Powell and T W Hnhhs Th' r verQlCt Wa reached after the third ballot. We want to call your special attention to our superb line of shoes for men. We hon estly believe we have the best stock of men's shoes take it all through, work shoes, fjne shoes and easy wearing shoes, that you will find in the city.. In work shoes we have the new "Scout" kind, light and comfortable, in three grades, sold at $1.50, $2.25 and S2.V5; also the Kromelk shoes, tan and black, at $2.50. Best quality split leather shoes, $1.60. Elkin home made whole stock shoesat $2.1o. In fine shoes we want you to notice our $3 and $3 50 grades, carried in many different shapes and kinds. Nowadays it's not easy to get a first-class man's shoe for $3.00, but we have them right here, shoes that will give you perfect satisfaction in every particular. We still have a lot of odd pairs nd sam ple shoes to close out at $1.50, $2 and $2.5o a pair. f hacker Efbckma n 1 1 it The Reply. "Mosquito Coast, June 2D, 1913. 5 "Dr. J. T. J:- Battle, S Zr., "Greensboro, N. C. "Dear Doctor: "We acknowltdie receipt cf your communication in -regard to our an nual vis ts to your city. in. reply wg wish to siy .hit after consuita- from her body with a razor. She tion and due consideration of your died almost instantly and 'was dead letter we have de2ided it is a re- .before assistance reached her. She Most Children Have Worms. Many mothers think their children are suffering from ind'Sstwn, head ache, nervousness, weakness, costive- ness, when they are victims . of thai most common of all children s ail mentsworms. Peevish, ill-tempered, fretful children, who toss and grind their teeth, with bad breath and colicky pains, have all the symp toms of having- worms, and should be given Kickapoo Worm Killer, a pleasant candy lozenge, which ex pels worms, regulates the bowels, tones up the system, and makes chil dren well and happy. Kickapoo Worm Killer is guaranteed- All drug gists, or by mail. Price 25 cents. Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co., Phil adelphia and St. Louis. Fariss-Klutz Drug Company. adv. High Po nt Wotnsn Commits Suicide. Mrs. J. C. Hill, wife of a work man in a High Point furniture factory, took her life early Saturday morn ing by almost severing her head "Vanity on the highway" still pays a ri diculous toll for automobile travel. But two hundred thousand new Fords will this season go to buyers who prefer real service at reasonable cost rather than os tentatious display at unreasonable cost. More than a quarter of million Fords now in service convincing evidence of their wonderful merit. Runabout, $525; Tour ing Car, $600; Town Car, $800 f. o. b. Detroit, with all equipment. Get inter esting "Ford Times" from Dept. F,, De troit; Ford Motor Co. McGlamery-Mark-ham Auto Co., 111-113 E. Washington St., Greensboro, N. C. Phone 619. 'Comoiete Stock Firestone tires" A Worker Appreciates This. r Wm. Morris, a resident of i Flor ence, Oregon, says: "For the last fourteen years my kidneys and blad der incapacitated me for all work- About eight months ago I began us ing Foley Kidnev Pills, and .thev have done what other medicines fail ed to . do. and now I am rtnlna- ant feeling fiue, I heartily recommend roiey maney Pills " Foley Kidney jrms ao not contain fleet on upon : pur character and voices. We do not hesitate to say to you that we hiv3 a sufficient number of friends in your city who will provide us wi:h all. the breed ing places wg wish, such as tin csns, bottles, jugs, cus, et., in their back yards, and around the fac tories are barrels of water in wh'ch we can rais millions of our tribe. Wq prefer stagnant watr, but we can raise our young in any "water that is not much disturbed for two weeks, such as horse troughs, etc. "Again, you hive three or four branches in town, and wherever a little pool is formed we can raise them there. It is true that the branches could be straightened and ditched and thus break up our places but it won't be done, for the own ers of them are our friends. The cow and horsa t;a?k in the marsh es are all we w sn, as the grass growing over th:m keeps away the mosquito hawk from our young ones "The guttering around the houses, thanks to th.3 bui.deis and tinners, very se don drain themselves, and we f nd those splendid incubators for our e?S. , It is true that a great many : of your people have had thir houses screened, but we have consulted all the hardware firms and find hat about 98 psr cent of the screens are made of 12 or. 14 wires to the inch. Wlrle these may turn bumble bees away, we can crawl through them with ease, in fact, anything below IS to the inch. So your screens won't keep us out at all, thanks. ' "Last wint.r was very 'mild and many of our tribe pa?sed through it unharmed, and besides these we are, sending out our scouts to spy out the water in which we can. lay our eggs, which in a few days will be wiggle tails and in two weeks full grown jnosqui toes. "You were so frank and open! in writing to. us we will be the same with you, and do not hesitate to say that if you have all bask, yards cleaned up, and , tbe barrels of water which are kept for fire purposes covered with kerosene oil, the mar shy places drained, the branches had made several similar attempts and was being watched on account of her extremely ill health, which rendered her hardly responsible for her acts, and it was thought by j members oi the family that she had quit thinking of anything of the kind. This time, however, she made her plans deliberately, going to an outhouse near her home in the sub urbs, and wheij her daughter reach ed her a few minutes later, she was dead. She was fifty-two years of age and leaves five children. ViaKit. trif miner i a 7 - i & "uj umtucvt, viae; ui au.uco arugs are ionic In actimr. auick t n -..ti m. results. They; will help any case ,7 ?' , eiw of kidney trouble not beyond staSnant pools drained we can; medicine. Conyere & mt raiee our young. adT. I "It is true, we caused the death Guaranteed Eczema Remedy. The constant itching, burning, red ness, rash and disagreeable effects of eczema, tetter, salt rheum, itch, piles and irritating skin eruptions can be readily cured and the skin made clear and smooth with Dr. Hob- son's Eczema Ointment. Mr. J. C, Eveiand, of Bath, 111., says: "I had eczema twenty-five years and had tried everything. All failed. When I found Dr. Hobson's Eczema Oint ment I found a cure." This oint ment is the formula of a physician and has been in use for years not an experiment. That is why we can guarantee it. All druggists, or by mail. Price 50 cents, Pfeiffer Chemical Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis. Fariss-Klutz Drug Co. adv. Hew Machines $15 lip Second hand $10 and down. Don't order or buy from an agent till you see me. I do repairing on all fam ily machines. Also needles and supplies for all. East oil on the market. Needles shuttles and parts by mail. . 73. VJOiGUT 114, E. Market St., Greeneboro, TlDhn E74. Application For Pardon. Take notice that application will be made to the governor of North Carolina for the pardon of Phifer Cannon, a negro boy 13 or 14 years of age, convicted of larceny in two cases in the Municipal court of Greensboro and sentenced to the county workhouse for 18 months on July 27, 1912. All persons who op pose the granting of said pardon are invited to forward their pro tects to the governor without de lay. , 2G-2t; This June 25, 1913. L GILES CANNON. I PNElHLHl left me with a frightful couph and TrOriT tirno lr Tliuil rnnlln nViiri I'riI'lli hardlv breathe or speak for 10 1 20 1 minutes. My doctor could noth !p me, but I was completely cured l DR. ECSWG'S 3Irs. J. E. Cox, Jolict, 111. 50c AND $1.C0 AT AL! DRUCC!5 T V 2 'j ! ... ........j.i.i . 'L. u.,. : .. . i. ...... .,j,,...i ,,......,, , ,. i u . ...ii. ii. i .....I ,,....,....,,., i , .-- - - - - . . V ... " r s ' - ' "XT BUG G IES, WAG ON S A N D HARNESS I-Put On Rubber Tires TAYILO