V . ' THE CHUSBOiPA J, 101S PAOT 2 i.... - . - ... - m Hslping Kidneys By Blearing Blcod A Filiation Greatly Assisted By a Well-Known Remedy. ,.,.n:..flt;OT ntl'RK THIS KXiKX IV nwir UUftiwii""' I . asvrrrlTEr rrTTT MONEY. I 'AKOTXtrvo w xxus dwuiu. STATE BJJH Most rraders will bo Interested to more lerly understand why analysis of urine Is 9 Important. In the use of S. S. S. to purify tin- blood, its action is a stimulant to the myriad of . fine blood vessels that tnake up the constructive tissues of the kidneys. All the blood from ail oyer the body must pass through the kidneys. They act as testers and assayers. And according to what they allow to pass out In the urine, both as to quantity and materials, the health of the kidneys and the quality of the blood Is determined. The catalytic energy forced bv S. S. S. is shown iu the urine. It la also demonstrated In the skin. And as the blood enntinr-s to sveep through the kidneys the dominating nature of B. S. S., acting as it dues through all the avenuea of elimination, shows a marked decrease of disease manifestations as dem onstrated by urine analysis. This assist ance Is a great relief to the kidneys. The body wastes are more evenly distributed to tHa emunctories ; tueir elimination is stim olated by the tonic action afforded the llrer. lungs, Bkin and kidneys. Thus, In ease of rheumatism, cystitis, chronic sore throat, huskLnes8 of voice, bronchitis, asth ma and the myriad of other renex lndlca tlona of weak kidney action, first purify jtrar blood with S. S. S., so It will enable the tissues to rebuild the cellular etrength And retrain the normal health. g. S. S. Is prepared by The Swift Specific Co.. 527 Swift BIdg., Atlanta,, Qa., and If joa hare any deep-seated or obstinate blood trouble, write to their Medical Dept. for free advice. A. . . .A. The Washington correspondent of Secretary iouon, ox ne J?P? h Charlotte Observer writes that inent or agricmtur,,, Representative Pace's bill to au- $rea effort to help the Sorn thorize the secretary of the treasury farmers of the cotton regions to get Hht foot after the set to audit and adjust certain cia.im ui. ---- Mnrth Parolina crowinK out of tl war of 1812 will not he considered North Carolina, country-bred man by the Congress at the present ses- and knows something about the ion. Mr. Page will reintroduce thf needs of his people. He cannot be oill next session, and the house com- stampeded, or swerved from his mittee on claims will then take it up. course by calamity howlers or po Senator Simmons will interest him litical agitators. The one constant self in the bill in the senate. knock he receives is because of his This bll, its friends say, should be disinclination to turn-out Republi- passed in order to place the state of cans and put in Democrats. His North Carolina on a parity with the mind is not on patronage but the other states of the union in the mat- tiller of the soil. ter of the refundment to her of mon Mr. Houston is preparing to put ev and expenditures in the payment in motion some machinery that will :md enuinment ot the state militia help the Southern farmer market to EGG To make your Hens producers feed them EBeeti Scrap, Granulated EBone, (BharcoaB, (Grot, Lee's and other Egg makers. railed into the service of the United Stales during the war of 1812 to I815. It provides that the secretary cf the treasury be authorized and di rected to reopen, examine and audit the claim of the state of North Caro lina on account of advances and ex penditures made by the state in the war of 1812-1815 with Great Britain and ascertain and determine the amount remaining unpaid and due to better advantage than ever his eggs, his poultry, his garden, truck, and his butter and cattle. m He realizes that the farms of the South are pro ductive of many things that are de manded by the cities to feed their growing populations but cannot sell what is produced at the right sort of profit. He would connect the farmer with the consumer. Within Critical Days For the Nation." New tork, Feb. 26. Robert Lan sing, counse Hp r for kp state depart-. ment. in sf speech at the annual "ban qpet o afumni ot Amhenft College here tonigbt declared these were critical days for the United States, "how critical only those who are in intimate touch with affairs Can real ize." The European war, he said, had raised a series of problems which had never, before peen solved "anil ihe liability of error, the d.iu ' r of i mntentiorai partiality and t.c onstant n.mnjairit i:t one of an other of the belligerents makes the path of neutrality rough and uncer tain." American citizens, he concluded, could not be too thankful that they had a president "whom we can trust to deal with the momentous and dif ficult problems of the hour with wis dom, justice and patience, having equal regard for all and favor to ward none, uninfluenced by poular clamor, unswerving in his determina tion to maintain the strict neutrality which this government has pre served throughout the war." Cm M MiHi ISiJi 9 Hot Water ag hat yontllBp or Durst Leaky nibbef goods are a nuisance and never a comfort We guarantee all our articles of rubber to give satisfac. tion or we will refund your money. Ever try rubber gove8 to protect your hands when cleaning with strong solutions and soapy water? CON YERS & SYKES, Druggists The Home of "Sy? Co" the Better Ice Cream. Welcome Information. Most middle aged men and women are glad to learn that Foley Kidney der weakness and rheumatism. They get results. Contain no harmful drugs. Conyers & Sykes. adv regular appropriations made by Con gress for the support of the army. Further refundments were made un der an act of Congress, approved March 3, 1317, directing the pay ment of "balance due certain states." Additional refundments were made under special acts of Congress, in cotton becretary Houston sounded a which each particular state was warning, and told the farmers to made the beneficiary. Subsequent turn from cotton to other things, to these refundments of the principal As a resuIt of the good sense of the of the sums thus expended by the states. Congress has from time to ime made provision for the payment of interest rharg-js incurred and paid by those states which had found it nei-essary to borrow money to meet he original obligations. Provisions have been made by Congress for the readjustment and farmer and the advice of the fed eral and state authorities the South is going to have more small grain than any time before in years. The number of milk cows will increase. Colts and calves will be looked after. Farmers will make more at home, and buy less from the storekeepers. Mr. Houston thinks that the war, HOWARD GARDNER Druggist and Seedsman. PANAMA-CALIFORNIA EXPOSITION SAN DIEGO, CAL. PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. VARlAULE ROUTE lOURS AND REDUCED ROUND-TRIP TARES VIA NORFOLK & WESTERN RAILWAY March 1 to November 30, 1915. Very Liberal Stop-Over Privileges. All information upon application to TV. B. BEVILL, W. C. SAUNDERS, Pass. Traffic Mgr. Gen. Pa. A. Roanoke, Va. B. L. FENTRESS ATTORN EY-AT-LAW OftlcM with A. Way land Coke Fisher Building Greensboro, N. C. Notary Public. A. L. BROOKS, O. L. SAPP 8. CLAY WILLIAMS Brooks, Sapp St Williams Attorneys-A t-Iaw GREENSBORO, N. C. OUce in Dixie Insurance Building DR. J. W.TAYLOR, Fitting Glasses a Specialty. settlement of the interest accounts unless it; goes too long ana too far, of the states of Virginia, Soutli Car may Prove a blessing in disguise by olina, New York, Pennsylvania and swithing the farmer of the South Delaware in accordance with tne so- from tne one-crop to the many-crop calle Maryland rule. Massachusetts system- He advocates the making and Maryland had already had the of tne aome supply first, and cotton benefit of the rule provided for the as tne money crop. adjustment of these claims. Another thing that will be done North Carolina has not had the to helP the farmer by Secretary benefit of this rule, and it is estimat- Houston is to take the knowledge of ed that Uncle Sam owes her about tne department expert to the indi- $200,000. vidual farmer. For instance, if a The federal government lias rec- farmer finds that his peach tree is ognized the proper expenditure by Deirig attacked by an insect he can the state of North Carolina for the cut ff a sPriS, or tear off a bit of the payment and equipment of militia affected bark elsewhere and send it during the war of 1812-1815 and to the department for an examina- has refunded to the state the sum of tion- Franks will be furnished for $77,000. No settlement. however, sucn work if the farmer asks for appears ever to have been made them- with the state for the interest A Ietter to the department of ag- charges which she incurred and paid ricuIture wil1 Set expert information on monies borroved in order to meet on any SUDJ'ect that pertains to the . these expenses. The records of the farm garden or 'orchard, and there state show that. North Carolina was wiI1 be no charge for it. Washing- a short while the office of informa the state of North Carolina, on ac- tion, wnicn nas Decome quue a vaiu- , r-ms, give lenei num laimuucoo, count of advances and expenditures, able institution, will try to tell the stiff and sore muscles and joints, nnH flnnrnnriatps whatever mim i? producer how to reach the ultimate puffiness under eyes, backache, blad- found to be necessary for the pay- consumer. ment of said claim. For instance, Mr. Houston will During the war of 1812-1815 with conduct a campaign of education to Great Britain, the several states then continue the sale of Southern eggs comprising the union made certain through March, April, May and, per- advances of money and expenditures haps, one or more summer months, in the payment and equipment of Fr many years because of poor their militia called into the service handling the Southern egg has of the United States. A large por- aroppea out or tne iNortnern mar tion of the expenditures so made kets early in March. If the market was refunded to the states out of season can be extended a month or 60 days it will mean hundreds of thousands of dollars to Southern poultrymen. Last fall, when nine out of ten public men were panic-stricken over the cotton situation, and clamored for a law to reduce the acreage of Wood's Seed Oats are all choice, recleaned stocks, much superior to oats as ordinarily sold. Oats are one of the crops that promise profitable re turns. For best crop results, sow as early as practicable. Write for "WOOD'S CROP SPECIAL," giving prices and special information a bout the most profitable crops to plant at this season of the year. Mailed on re quest. T. W. WOOD & SONS, SEEDSMEN, - Richmond, Va. Wood's Descriptive Catalog for 1915, telling about all Farm and Garden Seeds, free on request. Write for it. TL. M. AMMEN & CO. f Fann(Biitsjll HDfiFection'S and EtnmBssiBimiGB's Have moved from their former location at 600 South Elm Street to new quarters across the street at 607 South Elm, next to Lowe's grocery store. We have added to our business a de partment of Picture Framing and solicit tfie patronage of the public. L. M. AMMEN & CO. 607 South Elm Struct Day Phone 483 Night Phono 1521 THE PARCEL POST Is one of the greatest conveniences the government has ever provided for the people. Why not make use of it? The next time you want anyining irom a arug store anu uun i ieei iiKe coming to town for it, write us or call us up over the tele phone and we will fill your order by the next mail and we'll pay the postage. We guarantee satisfactory service always. Greensboro Druig' Co. Cor. S. Elm and West Market. Sts. Telephone 926 0 WlPd U Lb 7 III TIE obliged to resort to loans in order to meet these obligations. The public treasurer, by various acts of the leg islature during- the period from 1812-1814. was authorized to. and did, borrow large sums of money to meet the above-mentioned expendi tures, as well as for expenses of the state ton Correspondence Charlotte Obser ver. Senate Passes Farm Credits Bill. Washington, Feb. 2 5. A farm credits bill, providing for govern ment loans to farm owners, was at- the operating tached to the agricultural appropria government. tion hill tnH The records of the treasurer's office through the senate. Presented bv show that the state was borrowing Senator McCumber as an amend- from tne banks and paying interest ment, the provision was incorporat- on approximately $100,000 during ed without a record vote, at a time parts of this per od i v, t , : . when but tew senators were in the - uI1(eilUeU Tnat t,)e state of chamber -orui c arolina is entitled to a settle ment and refundment, of the interest charges incurred by her on these loans and in accordance with the same rules as have been applied in me ocut-iiitijiL oi line accounts ! other states. of RELIEF OR NO PAY OfTIe, Fifth Flr Banner BH. S.dSBenn USrovim Att o r n ey-at-La w 610 BANNER BUILDING, Greensboro, N. C. Try Coble's Croup and Pneumo nia Remedy for all cold troubles. It's liquid; you rub it on. If it fails to relieve instantly, you get your jnoney back. adr. Stokes County Home Robbed. Robbers broke into the home of Jonn Tuttle, an old man who resides three miles east of King, Stokes county, entered the room where "vlr. and Mrs. Tuttle were sleeping and carried off a trunk containing about $700 in casli and some valuable papers. Should be in Every Home. Coble's Croup and Pneumonia Remedy should be in every home. It is the new liquiu treatment for chil dren and adults for croup, pneumo. nia, sore throat, hoarseness and all cold trouble?, and all inflammations. You just rub it on and inhale the vapors while it penetrates; not mes sy to use and does not stain the clothing. It relieves instantly; your money back if it fail. Sold on a guarantee by your dealer at 2! Sc., 50c. and $1 a bottle. adv The McCumber amendment would create a bureau of farm credits in the treasury department, to make lop.ns of government funds through national banks on farm mortgage notes. These loans would run for ten years at five per cent and would be not less than $30 0 or more than $10,000 to individuals. Issue of United States twenty year- 4 1-2 per ; cent bonds to establish a permanent fund of $10,000,000 appropriated to j cover such a loan would he aUor- ! ixed. The measure will be perfected fin y iy in conference betweeu rh house and the senate. Then an effort -.ill be made to shape a rural credits plan acceptable to the house and to the president. By Spraying Now With owkefs lime Sulphur They Know It's Safe. Parents who know from experi ence insist upon Foley's Honey and Tar Compound when buying a medi cine for coughs, colds, croup and la grippe. C. T. Lunceford, Washing ton, Ga., writes: "I have used ft for bix years ana it never has failed. I,; think it Is the best remedy made lor cougar aaa colds." Conyers & Sykes. av Just as the buds are swel ling and before they show green at the tips. Bowker's concentrated Lime Sulphur will destroy San Jose Scale, bark lice, leaf blister mites, the eggs of many insects, and the fun gus spores and lichens, cleans up trunk and large branches, and gpesa long way towards putting the tree in good condition at the opening of the growing season. Spray Now and Improve Your Fruit Sold in Any Quantity Me tap'? Complete Stoch of Spray Putnpo liiuw