- v - r i ' - - f v .- - .". THE GHEENOBOIld PATRIOT, MARCH S. 1015 PAflE S 35 r J r V tt I i ti ll ' j 4, It 4.' 7:. ft 1 SVi 1 1. Br 3 ffi ft m m PANAMA-CALIFORNIA EXPOSITION SAN DIEGO, CAL. PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. VARIABLE ROUTE TOURS AND REDUCED ROUND-TRIP FARES VIA NORFOLK & WESTERN RAILWAY Karch 1 to November 30, 1915. Very Liberal Stop-Over Privileges. All information upon application to W. B. BEVTLL, W. C. SAUNDERS, Pass. Traffic Mgr. Gen. Pa. A. Roanoke, Va. inly the Only the best of everything in the drug line is carried at Hemdon's Pharmacy, the new drug store on the corner of North' Elm ancr West Gaston streets, Your needs will re ceive prompt, careful and courteous attention at our hands. Give us a call. Herndon's Pharmacy FAOBEZI ZLflOTS Do You Want to Buy or Sell? It is our business to find land for those who want to buy and locate customers for those who have land to sell. Just now iwe have listed with us for sale sevpral desirable farms of different sizes and well located; Also we have some property in the suburbs of Greensboro suitable for trucking and residence property. Brown Real Estate Co. Fisher Building North Elm Street A- L. BROOKS, O. L. SAPP S. CLAY WILLIAMS Drooks, Sapp & Williams Attorney s-A t-Law GREENSBORO, N. C. Oflce in Dixie Insurance Building DR. J. W.TAYLOR, Fitting Glasses a Specialty. Examinations Without "Drops" RELIEF OR NO PAY Office. Fifth Flosr Banner BUtf. Attorney-at-Law 610 BANNER BUILDING, Greensboro, N. C S e si EXECUTION SALE. North Carolina, Guilford County. In the Superior Court. Brooks Manufacturing Company vs. W. H. Chisholm. By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior court of Guilford county, in the above entitled action, I will on Monday, April 12, 1915, at 12 o'clock noon, sell at the court house door of said county, to the high est bidder for cash, to satisfy said ex ecution, all the right, title and interest which the said W. H. Chisholm the de fendant has' or had on or after the 19th day of December, 1908, in the fol lowing described real estae, to-wit: That tract or parcel of land in More head township, Guilford county, being and known as lot No. 4 in square 3, in the property of the Greensboro Secur ity and Investment Company, near the city of Greensboro, said lot being 50 by 140 feet, fronting North street and known as Camp Stokes, as shown by flot of said property in the office of he register of deeds of Guilford coun ty. Thi March 12, 1915. D. B. STAFFORD, Sheriff. J W. J. WEATHERLY, D. S. CHANGES 111 STATUTE LAW WORK OP THE LEGISLATURE REVIEWED AND IMPORT ANT ACTS NOTICED. i Despite the fact that the session of the legislature, which adjourned this month, was charged with being unprogressive, an examination of some of the laws enacted proves that it was constructive and forward looking. Many people, no doubt, are glad that it did not have the idea of what is progressive that some pol iticians profess to have. It was, in fact, a sane progressive body. This article is designed to convey to its readers information as to changes and additions with respect to the body of the statute law of North Carolina, especially that part of interest to people generally. Those who followed the sessions of the general assembly closely sin gle out the following four acts as the most important: 1. The state-wide primary for all political parties on the same day applying to candidates for all state, congressional, judicial candidates, to candidates for state senators, and, in many counties, to all county offi cers. It will apply to every candi date for every office in this county. 2. The Anti-Jug bill. This means that no person can receive by express more than a quart of whisky and five gallons of beer every fifteen days. 3. Act creating the state high way commission. 4. Act creating the state fisher ies commission. An act of interest to most people was that providing ?an appropriation of $20,000 to purchase the summit of Mt. Mitchell and preserve as a state park the highest peak east of the Mississippi river. The state was divided into two ju dicial divisions, so that judges in the eastern part of the state will rotate in the first ten districts and those in the western part will rotate in the 11th to 20th districts. Judge Lyon, who is holding court here now, will not be here after July 1 unless he comes to hold a special term. Judges Peebles, Bond, Daniels, Ad ams, Whedbee, Cooke, Allen, Devin and Rountree will not appear here in the future. Judge Justice will hold the fall courts here and Judges Carter and Ferguson will be here next year. Among the acts of interest to the farmers is that providing for Rural Credit Unions, a progressive step, which to be fully understood re quires a study of the bill and the subject. Another of like interest provides for the organization of Land and Loan Associations, which will be to farmers what the building and loan associations are to city folks. The name of the school for ne groes here was changed from the Agricultural & Mechanical College to the Agricultural & Technical Col lege. Heretofore in sales of real estate under mortgages and wills the sale is not kept open for a higher bid after the auction; now, however, it must wait ten days and if a suffi cient bid is received the property is readvertised. A sufficient bid is ten per cent, increase if the highest bid at the sale was $500 or less, or five per cent, if in excess of $500. Four amendments to the consti tution will be voted on in 1916, as follows: 1. Restricting local, private and special legislation. 2. To prevent delays in trials by providing emergency judges. 3. To prevent special charters to corporations by the general assem bly. 4. To prevent special charters to cities, towns and villages. These were among those submit ted last year but went down in de feat, along with the other proposed amendments on account of the tax amendment and the opposition to the latter. The pensions for Confederate Vet erans their widows were increased $4.00 in each class, so that the pen sions by classes now are $76 $64 $52 and $36. Candidates for license to practice medicine may be examined on behalf of the course before they finish the other half, so as to make the exami nation lighter for them. County commissioners were au thorized to call bond elections for school districts under certain con ditions without further legislative authority. County commissioners are author ized to provide for treatment in hos pitals of poor people at the expense of the county. A bill was enacted to provide ex pert cotton graders for the state. Wholesome amendments to the in surance law and for the protection of forests were adopted. The first Friday in November was set apart as Arbor day, when the school children will plant trees, etc. It is made criminal, to speak or write anything that in effect charges a bank with being Insolvent or causing a "run" on; any banking in stitution. The public school law was not amended to any considerable ex tent. r Provision is made for the regis tration of farm names. Guilford farmers wishing to give their farms a distinctive name and protect their products may comply with this act and prevent themselves against un fair competition. Sheriffs and their deputies may now subpoena jurors and witnesses by telephone. It'is a misdemeanor to give a pv son under 17 years of age a drink of intoxicating liquors. To prevent the spread of hog cholera, all hogs dying a natural death must be buried two feet un der earth. Where a judge issues a rule for contempt on account of remarks or newspaper articles as to his fitness to hold office he must make it re turnable before another judge. Architects must be examined by an examining board and obtain li cense before they can practice in the future. Those now engaged in the business may pay the fee of $10 for enrollment and will not have to stand the examination. A probation system is provided for juvenile offenders. The county commissioners may appoint a proba tion officer. In the future those who enter the state hospital for the insane and are able to pay for the treatmust must do so. Bills of lading may be offered as evidence in cases against common carriers. Women may be appointed notaries public. The Supreme court will soon pass on the constitutionality of this bill. One may post lands by placing one notice at the court house and three others at conspicuous places on the land. Artificially bleached flour must be marked in the future. Confederate veterans, printers, linotype operators, dentists and mill ers in charge of grist mills are ex empt from jury duty. Where diseased cattle are ordered killed by the board of health the county commissioners must pay a reasonable price therefor. The governor is authorized to take steps to prevent the spread of the foot and mouth disease among cattle. Wagons, buggies and automobiles carrying intoxicating liquors may be seized and confiscated by the offi cers. White women cannot work as nurses in negro hospitals in the fu ture. The fees of solicitors were in creased about 20 per cent, the fees ranging from $5 to $25 in each case, according to the charge against the defendant. A legal weights and measures act was passed, providing the weights to bushel or barrel of most all farm products. It is a misdemeanor to misrepre sent any article in an advertisement. Nearly 3,000 justices of the peace were appointed by the session. County commissioners may work convicts on farms if they so desire. Counties and towns may send in digent tubercular patients to the state sanitarium by paying $1 a day. It is a misdemeanor for a physi cian not to instill in the eyes of a new-born baby a weak solution of nitrate of silver. This act is to pre vent blindness. Wages df railroad shop employes must be paid twice a month. Failed to Pass. Among the bills that failed to pass were the following: An amended child-labor bill. A state-wide dog law. Woman suffrage constitutional amendment. Segregation of negroes. Amend homestead law. Permit bankers to charge 8 per cent interest. All amendments to divorce law. Taxing bachelors. The legislature had 48 farmers, 37 lawyers, 5 merchants, 6 doctors! 6 teachers, 2 ministers, 2 dentists! and a few miscellaneous professions. There were 34 Methodists, 22 Bap tists, 13 Presbyterians, 10 Episco palians, 2 Christians, 4 Lutherans and some miscellaneous denomina tions represented. The sensation of the session was the resolution providing for the Carter-Abernathy investigation. Should be in Every Home. Coble's Croup and Pneumonia Remedy should be in every home. It is the new liquid treatment for chil dren and adults for croup, pneumo nia, sore throat, hoarseness and all cold trouble:, and all inflammations. You just rub it on and inhale the vapors while it penetrates; not mes sy to use and does not stain the clothing. Tt relieves instantly; your money back if i fails. Sold on guarantee by your deafer at 2Zc.A 50c. and $1 a bottle. adr TmAV AND NUBIA IN HANDS OF DERVISHES nerlin, March 20. It is declared that the whole of the Sudan, and also parts of Nubia, are in posses sion of the Dervishes. The statement of the traveler giv ing the information are published in the Berlin papers. He describes also an engagement near Fashoda last Deceraber, in which General Hawley, of -the British army, and a number of other officers, together with al most 2,000 men, lost their lives. A story of alleged uprising of the Senussi tribesmen' in November was described. He says they destroyed an Australian camp near the Pyra mids on November 10, killing 200 Australians and capturing many guns ant: provisions. Lr.ter, in large force, not less than 80,000, they overflowed the entire province of Fayum and destroyed all railroads, including the Cairo-Assuan line. De cember 1 they destroyed the Alexandria-Cairo railroad near Daman hur. Thousands of tribesmen respond ed to the appeal of the Dervishes and on December 13, 40,000 of them marched in the direction of Fashoda, on the White Nile, where General Hawley opposed them with 6,000 troops. Of the men under Hawley all the naval soldiers deserted to the Dervishes, leaving him with only 2,000 men. Most of this contingent was killed, and General Hawley and all his officers fell. Nabur-El-Asl, commanding the Dervishes, had all his prisoners decapitated. As a result of this victory all the navy chiefs joined the Dervishes, who on January 1 took possession of the important military post at Naser, in the district of Sennar. This information declares further that the Dervishers destroyed all telegraph lines in lower Egypt. N word of the conquest cf Sudan has teen allowed to out Quick Action Wanted. When one is coughing and spit ting with tickling throat, tightness in chest, soreness in throat and lungs when head is aching and the whole body racked with a cough that won't permit sleep he wants imme diate relief. Thousands say Foley's Honey and Tar Compound is the sur est and quickest acting medicine for coughs, colds, croup and la grippe. Conyers & Sykes. adv Strar.gs! "How did you like the Eskimo jirls'" "Found 'em rather cooL" Come Hip ifpu Want a Hot Water Sag that tont Leak or Burst Leaky rubber goods are a nuisance and neyer a comfort We guarantee all our articles of rubber to give satisU Hon or we will refund your money. Ever try rubber g0vf to protect your hands when cleaning - with strong solution and soapy water? CONYERS & SYKES, Druggists The Home of "Sy-Co" the Better Ice Cream. L, M. Ammen C& Co., Funeral Directors and Em balmers, have moved from their former location at 600 South Elm street to new quarters across the street at 607 South Elm. next to Lowe's grocery store. We have added to our business a department of Picture Framing and solicit the pa' ronage of the public. L. M. AMMEN & CO. Day Phone 4SS GOT South F. E. TIPTON, f 1 NAME. A WM tic' 3 Watch Your Label and Don't Let Your Subscription. Expire j IjjQ iwiiPi Paint Paint half your job Devoe; paint the other half whatever you like. If Devoe doesn't take less gallons and cost less money, no pay. The cost of putting it on is about two-thirds of the job. If Devoe doesn't wear a year or two years or three years or four years longer distinctly longer and better we'll give you enough to do it again. But we warn you how it will all turn out. The bes half of your job will cost you so much less than the other half, and wear so much better too, that you'll never divide it again. You won't get your paint free, you'll get what is better. You'll know Devoe; you'll know strong points; you'll know weak points, and the question is settled. IU1 mm i Night Phone 1521 Elm Street. 3 Monuments, Mausoleums, and Headstones. New marble yard corner North Elm and Gaston. Seventeen years actual experi ence guarantee artistic lettering and carving. Corner N. Elm and Gaston Sts. 8iippsi

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