TOD GWaSNMWBO PATOIOT.. HA 'Barnes iiwmdRooserelt" Lte. W b are dfcttfc many large things? TJie AlmighjnaaT-hfi't?;tbpernilt "Party organization without or- n-14- Don't 3L Swallow lUIVem with I Paras z (Rreeim Ge if a i jslardners:) IE . m Co Machinists and Oil ' Engine Experts Let us prove to you that our automobile work, engine and general repairing receive Strict personal attention. PRICES MODERATE m WORK GUARANTEED We have some second hand steam and gasoline engines to be had at a bargain. dream: worthy of a great AND CHIVAIiRCtlJ&BOPI- Is Grand Enbnti to Ur thjHlghest Imaginationi and6lil the f$ Noblest Impulses- 513 S. Eugene St. Phone 121 CLYMER'S OLD STAND 2 ,785 Acres Yes, we actually own and control two thousand, seven hundred and eighty-five acres of land in Guilford county. This land is all for sale, and In any sized tracts wanted and on may reasonable terms. The prices range from $18.00 to $100.00 per acre. Doubtless we could close our office and hold this land five years and make more money than to sell It now. But we are in the real es tate business and prefer to keep buying and selling. So if you want ft farm a good farm and at the right price, see us. Brown Real Estate Co. Fisher Building North Elm Street PANAMA-CALIFORNIA EXPOSITION SAN DIEGO, CAL. PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. VARIABLE ROUTE TOURS AND REDUCED ROUND-TRIP FARES VIA NORFOLK & WESTERN RAILWAY March 1 to November 30, 1915. Very Liberal Stop-Over Privileges. All information upon application to W. B. BEVELL, W. C. SAUNDERS, Pas.Traf fic Mgr. Gen. Pa. A. Roanoke, Va. ' One dozen guaran teed hosiery for $1.00 by Parcel Post, Or der now Peoples Supply Co, Greensboro, N. C. Box 425. A Zi. BROOKS, O. Ii. SAPP 8. CLAY WILLIAMS rooks, Sapp & Williams Attorneys-At-Law GREENSBORO N. O. Q0o In Dixie Insurance Building IF0IEY KroWEVPnj.s 8 v 'o Uaoicach In this country we people of the South are supposed to be hot-bloods ed, rash, combative. Perhaps we have that reputation because as individu als and collectively many of us have proved our readiness to fight and to give life and blood for ideals and dreams and immaterial things, such as honor and liberty. The right of secession was an, ideal and the South ern Confederacy was a dream, its constitution an array of ideals fine and beautiful. Now we are called by the presi dent, a man of the South and of this state of Virginia, to support the high est and broadest ideals and dreams by use of the patience that is the noblest and purest courage; by calm purpose to do the most possible good and be of the most possible use to humanity and the world in the face of gross outrage and wrong and crime abhorrent to every instinct of manhood and every thought of man kind. Let us determine that in this supreme and tremendous test we will prove ourselves. Sneering comment on President Wilson's address at Philadelphia may be expected. He will be accused of uttering cheap and inane platitudes. All great sentiment is platitude be cause it expresses the oldest and dearest aspirations of the human race, and comes to us from the great first cause, the Creator of all things and all laws. Wo may disregard these sneers as products of small minds, of ignoble materialism, of petty political pur poses and base spite and malice. We will be irritated by the arrogant and insolent outgivings of men, who will undertake to dictate to us our duties and who, if unnaturalized, are toler ated spies among us, and if natural ized are merely traitors to our flag and country. Perhaps the most irritating trial of our patience is the message from the kaiser with its few cold words of formal regret for tho murder of our men, women and children and its many words of self-righteous, self-excusing and proclamation of virtuous intent. It is like an as sassin briefly condoling vith the be reft family of his victim and hasten ing to justify his crime. In the South we remember that we were blockaded and starved through years and burned no cities, destroyed no churches and slew no non-combatants. General Sherman and Hun ter have stood with us as represent ing all that was bestial, cruel and hateful in war, but even they re spected sex and infancy. Millions of men fought long campaigns in this country. They were roused to fury and hate by intense fury and hate and conflict of will, and some of them were newly freed black slaves. But from 1861 to 18 65, with all the ferocity of fighting on both ' sides, there was no instance of a woman outraged by a soldier or a baby slaughtered. We were men and fought like men among ourselves, man against man. The Confederate states steamer Alabama ravaged the seas and de stroyed a mighty merchant marine, but she never caused the death of a non-combatant of a neutral, orstruck without full warning. With these memories and traditions we can find nothing but horror and detestation for the man who smugly excuses wholesale murder of the helpless. Kaiser Wilhelm stands with us, as he will live in history, with Alaric, the Hun, as a ruthless destroyer; with Nero, as a wanton incendiary; with King Herod, of Judea, as ' a fouteherer of babies; with Pontius Pilate, in hypocritical washing of his hands of innocent blood. Yet patience and dignity, self mastery and the vast courage of pa tience constitute our task and our duty. Coasting and threats are lor the 'ostr breeds without lue law. The most splendid loyalty for all, foreign rnd native born, ? all sta tions and fortunes, is loyalty to lofty ideals and worldwide purpose. That purpose, as told by the pres ident, is not material gain for our selves. It is not peace, dear as peace is, or the saving of our lives or our money. We have pioved well our readiness to give both freely for caThse and rights. It is that we may be leady and in position when the time comes to be the pacificator and benefactor, the healer and the souroe of justice and hope and comfort for the stricken nations of the earth. The ideal of the fathers of this republic was that it should be the place of refuge for all the oppressed. The new and broader ideal is that we may not only offer refuge, but carry rescue. No nobler or lovelier dream can inhabit the soul of a stron? and brave and high-thinking people. . We have made many dreams realities. It may be given us to realize this and make it the most wqnderiul .achieve-. ,ment of all the history of. nations. nf human ftuccess-- ihe mosfstuendous jessing Ijnhe ul crganiratlhat did not m 'S.J ailfce tcom&eUof : JWe fcnst4nofe in otfer fcEJiftfeincfcft. the world's Saviour. It uv a dream (worthy of a,( great people and worthily told by a great representative -man of- thai people. It rises magnificent and majestic above J er-ship all common and little; passions, im pulses and -motives. It is grand 1 enough to stir our highest imagina tions and to enlist our best impulses. For hope of its fulfillment we can well afford to restrain just resent ment, refrain from passion and tum- at all. Unquestionably l toia rtoose velt jthat It is vimposslble ' k?e party government without organiza t ion, )1na need and under good - lead- That was the replr to Roosevelt's charge of bossism , , made by William Barnes, Jr., testifying for himself in hiff $50,000 suit against the ex-president in Syracuse, N. Y. Barnes denied he told Roosevelt protection should be given corpora- nlt. to nroceed in this troubled and ; tions in return for contributions. He perplexing time with ihe decorum ! consigned Roosevelt to the Ahnanias and deliberation and strict regard for humanity's well-being becoming to the greatest of the peoples con fronting a momentous issue, and ap palling temptation and an oppor tunity never before presented to any people. Richmond Journal. Proper Conception of Patriotism. Patriotism, as we conceive it, con sists at the present juncture not in lustily howling for blood and ven geance, or finding fault with the agents we have selected for the transaction of our national affairs because they do not rush us precipi tately into ill-considered action with out weighing causes or consequences, but in calm, temperate trust in those responsible for American hon or to do the wise and proper thing at the appropriate time. We find in some other 'newspapers happily few in number and weak in influence a different conception of patriot ism. They deem this an opportune occasion to make partisan capital out of an appalling calamity that may be fraught with still more fear ful consequences if handled without the irresistible firmness that is based on the unshakable foundations of right, justice and judgment. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. There are fools in control of some newspapers. When they seek par tisan advantage in the situation brought to a crisis by the sinking of the Lusitania their folly smacks strongly of villainy.x-Philadelphia Record. club by denying flatly he ever said "the rif-raff" were not fit to govern themselves. He branded the colonel, not himself, as the boss of -the New York G; O. P. from 1906 to 1910. ntirifln of ponous yas!ematter. . AFa1luri4p ao4his will resUtiik depositsof poison ous waste the circulation becomes clogged and - - sluggish, causing ill health. :- - .... . the kid- neys, liver and bladder, cleanses JbheJbloOdj of all impurities opens the circulation and prevents; Bri&Efs Disease. We reccinmend4HofyouT-use $1.00. CGOTBRf SYiCES, Druggists ; :r TfielJKmc 6fSfS?Cd? the Better Ice Cream. New Machine For Picking Cotton. While the South has been concen trating its entire attention at present on the question of the marketing of this year's cotton crop, a cotton man ufacturer of Westbrook, Mass., has been perfecting a machine which, If what, is claimed for it is true, is of more vital concern to the production of this great staple than all the sub sidies and bond issues that the fed eral government could be induced to grant. This is a cotton harvester, recently demonstrated at Fairwold, S. C, where it picked cotton suc cessfully by sucking the lint out of the bolls by compressed air, some what on the order, apparently, of the vacuum cleaner. Its economical val ue has not been proved, and it is al so said to have the defect of pick ing dried leaves along with the cot ton, but the inventor claims that this objection will be overcome by the employment of expert operators. Boston Transcript. Our Greatest Chinese Center. Keeping up with the remarkable development of San Francisco since the disaster of 1906, the Sunday schools of the "New Chinatown" have grown in numbers and develop ed in methods until they compare favorably in nearly all respects with their American counterparts. This quarter of San Francisco is the greatest center of Chinese in Ameri ca. Everything in its streets speaks of progress and the adoption of American customs. On one corner of Stockton street is the Methodist church. Near by is a modern hotel and next to it the Chinese National League of America. Across1 the street is the Chinese Y. M. C. A. Churches of practically all denomi nations have religious directors in the city for the Oriental work, and the larger denominations have build ings in the heart of Chinatown where are located the church and Sunday school rooms, night and day school headquarters, dormitories and so cial halls. n A Seventy-Year-Old Couple. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Carpenter, Har risburg, Pa., suffered from kidney trouble for many years but have been entirely cured by Foley Kidney Pills. He says: "Although we are both in the seventies we are as vigor ous as we were thirty years ago." Foley Kidney Pills, stop sleep dis turbing bladder weakness, backache, rheumatism and aching joints. Con yers & Sykes. adv May Resort to Universal Service. Addressing the house of lords Thursday, Viscount Haldane, lord high chancellor, intimated that the British government was considering the necessity of departing from the voluntary system of military enlist ments and resorting to universal ser vice throughout the kingdom. For the present, he said, the hands of the war office were filled with the men they possessed, but it might be nec essary to reconsider the situation in the light of the tremendous necessi ties with which the nation was con fronted. This appears to confirm the idea prevalent that, while recruiting has been satisfactory, the heavy fighting in Flanders shows that many more men will be required if victory is to be attained. Watch the date on your label. L. M. Ammen C& Co-, Funeral Directors and Em balmers, have moved from their former location at 600 South' Elm street to new quarters across the street at 607 South Elm, next to Lowe's grocery store. We have added to our business a department of Picture Framing: and solicit the pa ronage of the public. IU Day Phone 488 M AMMEM & CO. Night Phone 1521 607 South Elm Street. I f-T ; : .J - M F. E. TIPTON, Monuments, Mausoleums, and Headstones. New marble yard corner North Kim and Gaston. Seventeen years actual experi ence guarantee artistic lettering and carving. Corner N. Elm and Gaston Sts. Subscribe to The Patriot low You i let Your f his Year? Warning Against Flies. The state boacd of health is cir culating throughout the state a spe cial warning for every precaution to be taken against permitting flies to come in contact with babies, their food or playthings, flies and heat be ing declared to greatly increase the death rate of babies with each re curring summer season. The dread baby summer complaint is declared to be a preventable disease, a fly borne disease that also finds convey ance in impure water and milk. "Slowed Up" at Middle Age. The hard working kidenys seem to require aid sooner than otherinter nal oreans. At middle a&t m a n v man and women feel twinees of rhp.nmftlti tism, have swollen Or aching joints and are distressed with sleep disI turbiner bladder nllmenfo ' Pniovfi a - WW JL J. I Kidney PI lis are safe, prompt and D uc ucpeuueu on to give reilel. Convent avfi& M - c! fa . r n " T s Will you stick to-the laborious, back breaking method of setting it by hand, when there is an easier way ? By using a MASTERS PLANT SETTER you not only save labor, time and prevent lame backs from stooping but you set your plants nature's way every plant is rooted by absorption. One man with a Masters Plant Setter can set, water and fertilize more plants than three men can set by hand in one d y. Plants are set, watered and fertilized all in one operation. These setters may be used equally as well for setting out toma- toes, cabbage, cauli flower, sweet potato slips, etc. If you have never used one of these plant ers call and let us show you the principle of operation. v II : 7 fi I n.n n MllWif; f Hill I m h II. i 1 to