I ..- X.. 4. . . - " ' . -4 .V: .V.- . THE GIUOSKJBlJOnO PATIllbT JCHLT 29, 1915. PAGE 6. --- I. mi m 1! Ill l us if uiiyw soim Effort to in- duce People to VJear Lighter Clothing We have cut our Handsome Line of Mohairs 25 per cent. These suits range in price from $10.00 to $18 00. They will give you two to three sea son's good wear with ordinary care. They are good val ues at the reduc tion. $6.50 Boyden Oxfords re duced to $5.00. $6.50 Boyden Oxfords in Enid and Perfecto lasts reduced to $3 50. $1 Regal Shirts always o BARGAIN at $1. Savoy Shirts $1.50. Boyden Oxfords $5.00 Cr AW FORD Rees 300 South Elm St J FR TICK u yiniuj ! Kit! AT (S a ffi?E) ftoff I ED rug Store. W WWW W' www Bu lu SBOOKSt O. Lu SAJPP 8. CLAY WILLIAMS Drooks, Sapp & Williams Attomeys-At-Law GREENSBORO, N. O. OSm in Dixie Insurance Building DR. J. W.TAYLOR, Fitting Glasses a Specialty. examinations Without "Drops' nCLIEF OR NO PAY Cfftefti Fifth Flew Bamir Bff. L. FENTRESS ATTORNEY-AT-UAW OCfiota with A. Wayland Fisher BnlUUnff Oreens&or, N. G. Notary PabUe. ELHER EL LULL, M. D. C. VETERINARY SURGEON JX Coble & Starr's Stables, 533 South Sim Street. Greensboro. N. C. 6ftto Phone 678, Residence Phone 1602 JUST El CITY ENACTS NEW ' f TRAJETTIC ORDINANCE. The city commissioners Monday I alternooenacjpd a new traffic or dnance, -Which goes into eneci Aug ust 16. Between the hours of 8 A. M. and 8 P. M., Sundays excepted, no automobiles or other vehicles may he left standing on South Elm street for a longer period than 15 minutes, it heing required for the owner or driv er of a car to removeMt a distance of more than 100 feet at the expiration of this time to evade the ruling of the section. Practically every conceiv able manner in which a blockade could occur on the main business street of the city has been provided for in the ordinance, from stating the right of way allowed cars bound in one direction to the suppression of unnecessary noises. The ordinance is as follows: "Section 1 That between the hours of 8 A. M. and 8 P. M., except on Sundays, no vehicle shall stand anywhere on South Elir. street be tween court square and the tracks of the Southern Railway Company for a longer period of time than 15 minutes; and a vehicle shall be con sidered as left standing within the meaning of this section unless it be moved a greater distance than 100 :eet; provided, however, this section shall not apply to, alter or repeal, the provisions of section 458 of the code of the city of Greensboro. "Scetion 2 That between cowt square and the tracks of the South ern Railway Company on South Elm street, all vehicles going in a north erly or southernly direction on the right hand side of said street as they are proceeeding, shall have the right of way over all vehicles going in an easterly or westerly direction. "Section 3 Between court squaie and the tracks of the Southern Rcil- way on South Elm 3treet a vehicle shall back up to the curb only long enough to be loaded or unloaded. "Section 4 A vehicle turning into another street to the rteht shall turn the corner as near right hand curb as practicable. "Section 5 A vehicle turning into another street to the left shall turn around the intersection of the two streets. section b Amouiances and ve hicles of the United States mail and the police and fire departments shall have the right of way at all tiroes in any street or through any proces sion. "Section 7 Horses hitched to a vehicle backed up to the curb on any of the streets of the citv shall ho turned to the right. The shafts of unhitched vehicles backed up to the curb shall be turned to the right. "Section 8 No person in control of a vehicle shall back same without ample warning having been give" and while backing, unceasing vio lence must be, exercised not to in jure those in the rear. "Section 9 Between court square and the tracks of the Southern Rail way Company, on South Elm street no automobile shall be turned, ex cept at street intersections. "Section 10 A vehie'e shall not back to make a turn if it obstructs traffic, but shall go around the block or to a street wide or free enough for the purpose. "Section 11 No person shall drive, conduct or load a vehicle in such manner as 'may be likely to cause a blockade, accident, break down, or injury to man, beast or property. "Section 12 ?Jo person shall load a vehicle with iron or other material that may strike together and produce a great noise, without properly 'deafening' it so that it shall cause no unnecessary noise. "Section 13 That section 227 of the code of the city of Greensboro be and the same is hereby amended by adding after the word 'automo bile' wherever it occurs in said sec tion, the words 'motorcycles or other motor vehicles.' Section 14 That section 4 50 of the code of the city of Greensboro. be and the same is hereby amended by inserting between the word 'car riage' and the word 'to' in line two thereof, the words 'automobile or other vehicle.' "Section 15 That section 451 of the code of the city of Greensboro be and the same is hereby amended by inserting between the word 'car riage' and the word 'to' in line two thereof, the words 'automobile or other vehicle.' "Section 16 A signal shall be given by all vehicles to those behind when slowing up or stopping, by rais ing the whip or hand horizontally, when physically possible. "Section 17 A visible or audible sign shall be given by all vehicles when turning while in motion, or starting to turn from a standstill, indicating tne airection in which the lUfn 18 lo De maae- "Section 18 That if any person dy.' shall throw, drop, plac or deposit5" "How do you spell Schenectady V on any street, sidewalk, public alley, asked the stenographer. ' """ vx patA. ui me city, BUT erl&SS. hrnlron clasa : vTasanm fa. - " ' " t.i,, glassbottles, tacks or other article J .!!. 4 v A-luiZ'l'L " itHfsiDriSK.irRATUht.J) TREACHER oVr, or to horses or blasts orpim deft or W atpmowie. jehicief , and shall fail to forthwith remove the. same and place, it in ome jecep tacle or other fftafcer where no danV age or injury rU su)t;itherefrpTn. such person so offending 'shall be subject to a penalty tof 1$ r:: "Section 19 That na vehicle shall emerge from an alleyT fit'abTe, garage or other area or building abutting on a sidewalk without giving ample warning. "Section 20 The word 'vehicle' as used in this ordinance Or in the code of the city of Greensboro or amend ments thereof, or supplemental there to, includes automobiles, motor ve hicles, equestrian carriages, buggios, wagons, and everything on which or runners, except street cars and baby carriages; and the word 'horse' in cludes all animals used as beasts of burden. "Section 21 That any person vio lating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be subject to a pen alty of $10 for each and every of fense. "Section 22 This ordinance shall take effect 20 days after its passage as provided by the charter of the city of Greensboro."' It will be noticed that the ordi nance contains sections that have been enforced in other cities for a number of years, but that fact is not going to prevent the ordinance from being rigidly enforced. As soon as the 20 days expire, on August 16, to be ex act, the police officers will receive in structions to nab every person who fails to observe each and every sec tion of the traffic ordinance. NO EXCUSE FOR ANY ONE CONTRACTING MALARIA This is "malaria season," but ma laria is going out of style. No one ever has malaria these days unless he is behind the times, doesn't. know how to avoid it or is too indolent to escape it. Time was when we con tracted malaria, or "chills and fever" as it was called, about as regularly as summer or fall came around. Not so now. Now we know that by tak ing five grains of quinine daily from the first of May until frost we are ibout 99 44-100 per cent proof xgainst malaria, and by increasing the daily dosag3 To 7 1-2 grains we can make it 100 per cent. Furthermore, many of our people ire resenting th-3 nightly raids cf hese malaria seppelins and are screening their houses throughout .Vith more an ! better fanning, Ave - re gradually cleyrin out and drain ing our sw-iri::5 and low place? and .re therebv de-itroying the naval bases of tr3 little zepr-t'lins. Half cured malaria is worse than i: half tru' i. The only thing to do with a case of malaria is to cure it thoroughly and then stay cured. Many doctors in treating malaria give 30 grains of quinine for the first three days, then 20 grains for a week and taper off to about five grains a day, which is to be continued until frost. The faint-hearted follow di rections only for a day or two or un til their chills are broken, and then quite in the shade. The real story 75 to 90 per cent par value physical ly for months and years. Why run on a flat tire? Why endanger othprs to your own infection? Get thor oughly cured; then stay cured. New Brand of Liquor on the Market. The blind tigers in some towns in the eastern part of the state are deal ing out a new "pizen" as a substitute for corn liquor that seems to have all other concoctions backed off the boards. It is called "rip gizzard" and is highly intoxicating. It is said to have the farfamed "licker" which mc.kes a jack-rabbit spit in a bulldog's eye looking like a dose of soothing syrup. The recipe calls for a peck of meal, 10 pounds of sugar and two or three pounds of dried apples. Five gallons of water are added, and the conconction is set back of the stove or in the sun to ferment. In a few days it has worked, and is then drawn off ready for the consumer. Negroes are making great quanities of "rip gizzard1' and one of them, regarded at an expert, offers the fol- lowing method: One gallon of mpal to . vo gallons of water. Put on the" stove and boil. As soon as the mix ture boils, add two pounds of sugar. Pour into a stone crock and let stand a week, by which time it will fer ment. Add two pounds of sugar and strain off. This, recipe doesn't re quire apples. Other makers use dried peaches instead of apples, and others use molasses. Simplicity. A Chicago banker was dictating a letter to his steenographer , "Tell Mr. Soandso," he ordered 1 "that I will meet him in Schenecta- ' oc vr er er. Tell htm I'll mo tifvri in ilttm i . xaiiivilie- ATR- lanche. ten-year-oldl ' preacher- is ;re- r4. atifce duite a stir in Hedersonylllej IHia name Is Charles Turner, a son of Rey.pj. M, Tumer.vof OrlandoPla. JJ Fourteen confessions are reported at p.ne :meetin; The largest congregation ever known in" the Firsts Baptist church Of Hendersonvllle and probably the Iargestgathering 'to Hea? "a "preacher or speaker since W. J. Bryan visited Hendersonvllle two years ago, pack ed the church building Sunday night until all standing room was occupied in an effort to see and hear the mar velous preacher, who treated t h hearers to the story of the rich man and Lazarus. The seven-year-old boy showed a,wonderful familiarVty with the Bible and its teachings-' and ,b!s every-day illustrations would lead one to think that he is much older in his experiences. While delivering his sermon he was perfectly con tained and showed originality. "When I was small," the seven-year-older in his knee trousers started to illustrate with a personal experience, but he had to pause at the ripple Of laughter and then asked, "What are you laughing about?" His father ex plained: "You are little now." "But I used to be smaller," he continued with his message exhorting his hear ers to accept Christ without delay. In relating the story of the boy's conversion and his life, Rev. Mr. Turner said that while he was hold ing an evangelistic service his son at four years -old was converted and baptized and announced that he was called to preach and immediately be gan, his first sermon being on "God is Love," when he didn't know -a let ter in the alphabet. He entered school and in 10 months made six grades. For about three months he has missed preaching one sermon a day for only 10 days and on many days he has preached as high as four sermons and as many as two on every Sunday. He is ordained. Two thou sand of his converts have been bap tized. An Easy, Pleasant Laxative. One or two Dr. King's New Life Pills with a tumbler of water at night. No bad, nauseating taste; no belching gas. Go right to bed. Wake up in the morning, enjoy a free, easy bowel movement, and feel fine all day. Dr. King s New Life Pills are sold by all druggists, 36 in an original package, for 25 cents. Get a bottle today enjoy this easy, pleasant laxative. adv. n A aere itpifiP eonPAuiiD. J $f b 'jhfefl m Ajwld take in, Dooit neglect your scaip. n-u uceas a good hair tonic gt it. ..: .. ... - Dike's ; 'Quinine and Sane Compound will chase dandruff. No case -of dandruff is top difficult for Dike's (Quinine ond iSage. Oi?85SS!ff? M4;;gegd;for the hair, toning h up and driving away ui ovuip 50 cents for GCPYERS & SYfCES, Druggists ;mmM6me of "Sy-Co" i'- u 'Zi J'. il headquarters in Ashe HPV fing a unique and inter- estitk j'opment of 400 acres it owe!,., itincombe county. ThV, elopers are now cutting the timbetffrom the tract, and it is hoped that it" will be finished, by this fall. The money realized from the sales of timber will be immediately used for developments of the property. It is located within four miles of Ashe ville's public square, and within a half-hour's walk of one car line and 20 minutes of another. When the timber has been cleared from the land it will be cut into tracts of five to fifteen acres each. Modern improvements will be placed within easy reach of the purchasers. Then each tract or "farm" will be planted in apple, peach and cherry trees. The land has been so laid out that all the houses may be built on a ridge, which borders the prop erty in horseshoe shape. This will -leave room in the center of the afea for a small artificial lake to be con structed. x A' Oough Remedy That Believes. It's prepared from the healing TPine Balsam, Tar and Honey all mixed in a pleasant, soothing Cough Syrup called Dr. Bell'; Pine-Tar-Honey. Thousands have benefited by its use no need of your enduring that annoying cough or risking a dangerous cold. Go to your dealer, ask for a 25 cent original bottle Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey, start using at once and get rid of your cough and cold. adv. mm Wk vili Paint Your Own Carriage You can do it yourself and at little expense. It's easy to give it a beautiful, hard, brilliant, varnish-gloss finish in black or rich appropriate colors. ACME QUALITY Carriage and Automobile Paint (Neal's) is made especially to give to buggies, carriages, auto mobiles and vehicles of all kinds, a tough, durable, glossy finish that will look well and wear well. An ideal finish for settees, flower stands, porch furni ture, garden tools and all surfaces that must withstand exposure and hard usage. Ready to brush on and thd label tells how. uuu uau uiseuses. a large bottle. the Better Ice Cream. 2,785 Acres Tea, we actually own and control two thousand, seven hundred and irhty-five acres of land in GuiLfora county. This land is all for sale, and in any sized tracts wanted and on any reasonable terms. The prices range from $18.00 to $100.00 per acre. Doubtless we could close our office and hold this land five yean and make more money than to sell It now. But we are in the real es tate business and prefer to keep troytns a.nd selling. So if you want a farm a good farm and at tae right price, see ui. Brown Real Estate Co. rtsScr Dnflding North Elm gtreet Work Monuments, Mausoleums and Headstones furnished b first-class style and reason able prices. Seventeen years actual experience. Artistic lettering and carving guaran teed. F. E. TIPTON, nnwno. VaWIi 171m .nil da cn. C. VXSA UV& 11V11U M Jt 111 UU UMIVU DM 1 Try Coble's Croup and Pneumo nia Remedy for all cold trouble. It's liquid; you rub it on. if it fail to relieve instantly, yuu get your money back. adr. Cemetery