GREENSBORO, WC, MONdH AUGUST 191S VOL; 04 WO. O """""""M bi l - - gLr. LOCAL M"0 -7 commenced. today on repairing the . ....... greens boro-Hieh point OF INTKBHisx 'w.xais foPftA h-..- ' ... - . ' "c DBBS OF THE PATRIOT FAR AND NEAR. force beginning at the fair grounds ana moving towards High Point All holes will be filled and the road f cicu i.ri n 7ivan a . a Tin ThP Htv L,, . . " ucllcr amsn. loncrew - - xais work will hair, a nnrnnrl - I w-., vuv, x irau - ' ' i dinners last wccxv Buy ,Pnjmi S625 to ...W in sireei wuirv. Library Closed. The city library .. cioed today and will be closed 15 and Wednesday. The an- IS DGlUg until a time a a fho. i buy a concrete mir to feel aWe t-Zl XTTT. Pract,c I W V .u UIjII A I I SI W I IT r-. l,. . .11 the one that v ii "aa 01 tne corps. The a " mj Jl uuiuua. Off For Encampment. The local military company, the Guilford Greys, left last night for Fort Caswell. where they will spend ten days in Russ encampment. Five other companies of coast artillery will be with them there. The local company is assign ed to the twelve-inch mnrtars for s year. Mai. R .TV TTnr. S ARE SAID TO BE EVAC UATING AND CITY WILL SOON FALL. New Commander Arrives.-Enn - l.C&1 comeany are: W. H. parr OM rat'1' J- ase. i.ieuts. J. B Thorp anri wm eu m me city and Grady Bain. Other officers max to the Austro-German offensive understood to be part of their pro- B. Case, Lieuts. J. B Thorpe Sram- .However, news of this cli- and will nnH , a ' ltlu aiD-. utner r B6UIttr street who will go from here are T.iet in the feast, which beean earlv in J weather Here. The mercury The engi J assiltehv rT' fank L P&ge and P W' Hardie' of iS excte what lit-. pd 103 Friday afternoon, ac- date Huck., dnt tf. 15 f Q.dl" Major Kuykendall's staff. tie information is allowed to leak vxit? XAIUULII Ul AU- ' al inventory B HOT TAKEll YET !!ui!l.back to a 8horter and strong-Iventmwb oBttrom, a MEN ON SPECIAL VRNTT1TS As soon as the present operations . V1IIIS T 'I It "I U are eluded whether Deputy sheriffs were busy Satur- OP Tint f n ov o n n j j a , I . waiui- ouw,ccu iu aesiroyine bnoenAln- ia A anv lartre nrf ,t, - " ' " " oc'vemea - " nuooiau i my . i urawn rrnm th s,,- . it is 0Yn0MQH ... I . . IU tmscoun- turn -to thi l r ueman? W1U 17 t0 serve as s-e-l veniremen, ,T !!iA!wh !rm Which th iT -ill be selected V ' V' "x tt wupie oimoxns ior the trial of the case aeainst Mr tV -Vi,. I Ida Bell Warren, Samuel P. Christy It Will thorafni-n - J - VUIlBty Teuton, -a:U SS'S The anniversary of the outbreak of the wAr passed without the Ger mans oociiraying Warsaw, whioh woe. ffiVil rpnnrt. whinh . -. "" muuiu I Steals Suit r!- . r the season. """I "beri -P- to wno well known n-o; i c Steals Suit Case. Babe Atwater, through is to the effect that the Rus- unensive in France the band. The men are s,,- . situation remains as it has been for bear in Wins.nn.. "TLV"" weeks nast 4- ai.. . I -uuesuay .v,. ' :r'v " wuere ""rnmg. me list of 75 men is drawn enter tho Afmir t j . I TPied For Figliting Will Mangurn New York . ' ;7""6 m was m city court Saturday charged withdrawing to the Brest line, leav- Rd wL tr. uur me practice of drawing the XL Gofden were in the Cty 801umi concthMM a f. 'S. ' witrrr best in police circles,Uans (or several days have been Te to-np In the county. tu yosmons protecting Muenster. under the m-aotw t xJ: J ' . - ,.x. n.ij ""uueu uy 1V11SS An- low nawon u . . . affirms to nrofoor 1 ...t Thursday ior ngniing. umeu nft at pQ11. ac,e,4., . """"f1 eiuursion rram mam armies in ecu.- u " "oawicu uy tne local , fine of $7.50 and each detend- fif.prs f Tiaay morning. Ac- ..vd one-half the costs. WiI1 . rp8' cording to the evidence, the owner These rear guard actions have de- r oiling Better. Justice of the Schaeffer hMH Ti - .V . 6 the SUit case lost sint of ifc about sloped at many places into fairly u pninn8 whn rntw , ,,Jumu6 ciuD me time he reached Greenshnrn a large battles, as the Russians r nf. 3 1 r li. " " i wnrir in r n - j- I v - ---- : vx. Peae COUIIlV. annnnnpcia k I 3 , , . ni..Li ,pnt an operation at St. Leo's the iri f v, luai U1CUU loia nim that Atwater had 8luuoorn resistance to the Ger uu-' - . I - uuinora countv nnn tT.h. .?ratinS ln the A-tro-I p,pl. o, Greensboro, rih VoZ "ivuici, a.Tin TI1Q , , -..v wuui. are m lfte number. This isrth MRS. M. J. BOREN DIES . ty has ever I rr . " vaucu pon, unaer ai AV"' "X1 x j.-ivS. I tne new statute, to furnish, a inrv - i-ui anomer county. p,,uhle Track Work r". Hail way -The South- Mrs. Mary J. The jury was Boren tfied Friday ordered subpoenaed from this county uu . , ...4-4.i I . UU,UUIU county can- taken it. n q w v 1 1 I I M I r 1 1 li v i rzy,3 v ni f;ix li j i nm f u. 1 i - i tvxxu i inc iiiiw I i i - vj ulii i, v fCip.r : ,mP lla. .tt. .W1" Se" torcat"es water's rom and found it there. counterattacks. For examnle w "'"S " l"e "me h?r Mr- of the allegations ot p;jiu : r"w "wus in ureensboro and tti, I a, ... . I tUv r,,.. . , , . i v. uien, at romona. She was 83 I defendants that tvi . . t5.-a. . l "1UUU6 utiier contents oi tne suitcase '"yj ' i"ccuieu x leia Marshal . . v "" "cnsuayers iiave were a testament, a pint of whiskey von Hindenburg from throwing more .7 I , ?! !ain iS asCnt- puDllslled so much about the affair and a pint of gin. Judgment in the of his troPs across the Narew. re-- -owT " Z , " aa Deen tailin m orsyth county that it would be ase will probably be pronounced to- ulsed Germa attacks to the north- Vh 1 f L " , ' ? S" Dlgh imPsle to get a disin- day. west of Warsaw and driven hnir Vas Jiem yesieraay wresiea jury from the citizens nf - w I ii firninor r nn i . . i a i . r " No Court This Month.-The attor- the river sone of the invading troops w t LI' L Kevs- rnat ty. Most of the seventy- ford College. Pnint 1-P 1 1 - ij. tiit oeonie or the. tw is nun xxx -uuu win give the work the S;,nnn,t nnr1 trQpk nvpr half of the wav I A ... cutuuiauteni it deserves rua ' w XMr'AU win be made in a few day oh ?.he women of the city, as well as the hotels, boarding houses and colleres IllrlnU X 5 1 - 1 report. The city an act of the Wisi O r T-V i , . , I c3--.v,v " utu IJ1CY wuimiBS1uners am not appreciate the denirlri Qt-io In the sonthet tt.,-ii tvt, . i 1 . iivi 11 a. tin v i m i r 1 - a iciu Jiitii h 1 1 h 1 vnn 1 mi , ,flU Lliac r. Kankin submitted tn dar for tho . JMackensen cnntim,oc I X11C ucasea was a native of . . ov-"cuulcu Uio- ttu. . . Kocmngham county and before hr US I marrinp'o wac lVTe. n t T ... v uiioo ivxai j. omitn. .QVl Q nor r -k n : 1 r -i . 1 . . aa 1 xiL 1 r it. r 1 1 1 fir.. n r r- A . it wilJ k a, . r- Hue and the Germo-c i I U""1U1U aL age oi v 1 o vvuuiLiu k. MPinra n im v i . t i . i . i no no ah --a.. i - r. .....,. k . - ... 01- are more tnan nve hundred live cases "..ougu uneim m pursuit ,74 ; ; , ; Z'!" "I. ""tehi - caT. and . many of Th. o this front the retirement of wAuuiiooiuuers Wltn CODies. Mavnr thooo Ua; a , . the Warsaw o-- .- n, ct. r 1 nn 1 i. , ' .msauLs wouiu nave neen ' " is j p . 1 ! hh 1 : 1 r tij-iir- mill iiixi t i w i i vi 11 r-tv .a.. xi. 1 . 1 r - 1UU1 tnat ur. Rankin has mighty glad to have seen their at sumner school remained for the erreatlv PYrot . . Heen ineir at , . a WUU1UUU8- "is tomeys try tnem this month. Be it auu uultldl report Will be filed sr. nr. ,.t.H sairl tn tv.- .-a A SaVS the Germane or.x . Tlio rocnlto Tirill K ,A , " ",,u "cu UCU1L, 1UUI ill e III UCTS OI i-ajiuicu 1I1UI ID an The results will be an- is awaited with interest. thph, 7 95.000 R,,siana u TwmrH in nhnut tPn Have Ti . awolcu eamst tllis action. . " ucl"cc silica .... ... vv. . m lAlIlIfllli' Hit? I'ir-nlr. T1, a : mi- , .... I rnmr o Al, n.n. .i,i. i..,n x..- . uuzens nie jury arawn will be nistructed iiTti oaiuc aioue. -Juus tne neignborhood of Lenox Castle, not to come th t,,. The Russians. acrnrrH., t. -d 1 te 'Acen Washington and Atlanta. rf;-j work between Greensboro and panville is practically finished. Rain Badly Xeeded. Crops are Sli!;e: ;.ig from the continued dry ai. in many parts of the coun tv. Tliere have been local showers county .' s ZT:JrJ "f.1 of There reon Wen except I? "treat .ion, both banks of the v iu luvesii- inai inf u ouu,ilulba 10 aar Ior the term of court scheduled Juai;iien5en continues his victorioi n er view with newspaper men, when to begin two weeks from today. advance. He has forced the Russiai ne came here as a rpnrpsoiitat;n !L n-u tn rafmo t.a, , . s:a:e examinations Wednesday Tiursiay -u auu naa made her home in this county ever since. For the past 15 the Warsaw ri0 .x D"c u fsiaea witn ner son threatened. ll' waose nome she died Thin th a,. - """ ,Tt 1UVCU ana respected by s ..0 uuum ui juiy JrSenm laree mr i 0 y a incuuo, iu w ii o iii tne news of her passing will bring grief cuiviviug are nve sons and two R. D. Rufus daughters. The sons, Messrs. W. C. Envfi if the Fpdpral mni-t io i- i- xi i v,.,,, o uuge justice Will De auiuii.g to jretro- C P R T r Q oi a t o;c r tne teaerai court, is in in Rockingham countv. are niacin, ot fi, , . . L'rad. have stnnnnH n " U- - G- s- and C. A. Boren, Asievi le to hold court. He left this for a big picnic on August iV r Wr ZZr1" l low's advanc 7 T"? T aU side at Pomona. The duaghters morrir? and the actual work of thp to h o q,,- ..., . " " to- are Mrs. H. C. EdwarHs of i u 7 . " -""- caooi and Farmers' Semi-Centennial Sermon.Rev V wara in Vilna-Petrograd railwAv . - ' ; J xt,.i .. . x"c' ttuu iurs-J- A- Bowies, court -vill be commenced tomorrow, Semi-(Vntpnnlnl ttoini.n r,. Vn i - ' " v. A 111V1I. IICV. 1 . union artair and the famous cooks in J. Ogburn preached at Rethel m t Tf Grand Duke Nicholas is to hniri I - - . " I . v . ,11 V T:.P Cilhprf-Wonlrin c lonrl oo. t,t1H I v.a a , a a caoc i iat yau ot me county-are makine- . uc uicu. i s,u, tne term great preparations for the feast -i wi muie. ixuma Keid, Prof. L. N. Hickerson, naa tine inp. The Southern superintendent of education, and J Kailvr. s excursion train to Norfolk R- Joyce, president of the Reidsvillt leturrrd Friday morning. It carried Commercial and Agricultural Asso- 5 people. This was only one of Nation, are to be the principal speak- i-'fee rams operated out of the state ers- . w oriolk at the same time. Two Banquet Wednesday Evening - iwursion trains will go tomor- ine Jnany acceptances received hv 1J ;.-Silt. I hp forp frnm n-na-. tne Cnamher of rnmmnn a w ... waaa Ulceus- - viiuuicn;c LU III Vita- toro is S3 65- tions to the banquet to be held at the Petition Filed. In Federal oonrt State Normal College Wednesday Sam y -1 t- - . . . I O Vn 1 n or a i a ai a petition in bankruDtcv b -uat tne attendance "led against the Southmont Wl11 be very lare- Secretary of the Spoke. Handle and Hub Company, of Treasury W. G. McAdoo will be the Sout::r.iont. Davidson county. An or- PrinciPal speaker. There will be V?.i iceiil Short SnOOph oo Ktr n -u a- i -, .ooucu inquiring tne com- v iiuiiiijer oi ieaa- -fHcii ucit; on AUgUSt 1 (J " . rcupie Will De -0tt cause, if any it has. whv nere from eVGry section of North Car- onna in tact, from rP-r--r.. T 11. I church, near Oak Ridge, yesterday 116 Bst llne aer his Retirement Smith, of Guilford College -t c-j ;m . I from Waracth . i i I ' u""tu vwiiege, n, '"'-nuiiai sernon. in Aug- .usuiuteiy neces- Smith. of Georgia nio ust, 1865, Mr. Ogburn. then a hov sary that General von Euelow's of- K Georgia, also preached his first sermon. After ensive should be'arrested, for should MR. AND MRS HULL ARE half a century in the ministry he re- reach the railway he would seri- FOUND GTTTTrv rw w turned to the church of his boyhood y mterfere with the Russian com to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary it- . ue Pinion sh u .AWL, uc gi ctULtJU. 'tanviMe Man Dies Here. Mr. R. cal bus a aey, 0f Danville, died in a lo- nitarium Fridav Qfto--- 2! "i a-.-,ii. ith. He was a nrominont - .uv. man of his home town and ' ln;erested in th tni, u re camp iic..n hk i , e iiupiug ta oenent Health, ti. . .ic u-juy was carried A TI'1-P 1 , ... drpri " several chil- 'JVC. Mai l.AAA-,. IX ilavr, , "ean Mlss Leland 3ocK,b baturday afternoon at Iear U111C ot ner rather 5outh rft, KnU scho1- Ave miles 11 t t lP oif,. mi- ed to r ne Dody was car- nerai a oaiuraay and the fu- hm D,' Sunday at 11 o'clock feasant Grove ohi-, T ils'n ghter of Mr- and Mrs. G. Chan li " 21 f banged . tte Chem V"i main linG f tyest.J Railway went into ef- the time ' 35 is running on 4. merly made by No. 43. Vriv ZTS about on time 5. NO. 43 is rln- ,0"aeriv al.Work as No. 35 did Yn No. 46 waits here until Ralei?n. ,ITT f the trai 'rom L"en goes on to Dan- V- gZ? Position. Mr. Ma- nt. clerk of the S,,no-i- a Mrs- Gnt d trin a, it,v,. ' LU L"e Panflm0.Dlfl o ' a a auu i - Y or fi.. w, . . Bark San vr . of the s-.-i- trin;;?; 1 have ret"rned 4r W,at 'Uinv other noirts in tbo and "Uerc, renort a u th. l!nd eoyable trip. Aside tnn '"posltion, thev aw lrl ... ySl SOIllPthir, 1 oth p.. "i aii' "ni- Vla 'S Of intercat Tv.-- ica? . in(i dis" lue day after the Qf'n ti. th' er- and Mr. nt UIK Of reCOVerincr h sr'lD nn ai- & uuulc 8iti0 sav, ihe Second day. The iata.A &dS Mr r a h,tl ever hri VJtxul- is the i almost every county. Miss Hal brook Passes. Miss Mary Elizabeth Halbrook died Saturday evening after an illness Of three weeks. The funeral was held from the residence at 45 Walnut street, Proximity, yesterday, and interment was in Deep River cemetery. She was 30 years of age and is survived by her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Hal brook; three sisters, Misses Edna and Martha and Mrs. Flossie Mat thews, of Jamestown, and three brothers, Lee, of Danville; John, of this city, and Branch, of the United States army. Convention at ALamance The Jef ferson Township Sunday School Con vention was held at Alamance Pres byterian church Saturday. Among those on the program were Messrs. J. D. Clapp, S. P. Rankin, B. H. Brown, Dr. C. S. Gilmer, Prof. J. V. AnkeDy, Revs. P. L. Town send, T. t?. Brown, T. M. Johnson, R. E. Red ding, E. C. Murray and J. Walter Long. The dinner on the grounds at noon was by no means the least at tractive feature. There was ya large attendance and the reports showed J substantial progress in Sunday school work in the township. All Held For Court. After hear ing the evidence in the case against the Flack brothers and C. Self, for an affray at Brown Summit two weeks ago, in which deadly weapons were used, 'Squire J. B. Minor bound all four of the defendants over to September term of criminal court. The hearing was held Saturday after noon and was attended by many peo ple of the Brown Summit section. The evidence tended to show that the three Flack boys entered the store of Self, where a difficulty soon arose. All three of the Flack boys attacked Self, who drew a gun and shoTtme of them. The injured young man, who has been at the hospital, is much Im proved. of For- S. W H. and John survive. neys of Greensboro aeain set aside wtl crossed the Vistula to the smith ' ana ai- e men subpoenaed from this coun- f the Wisiat,, whon t of Warsaw. . .ie' erent was at Guil- ty will go to Winston-Salem Tne evening. Following is a list of the i,,- . ... " " urwn and the townships from which they come: v wum8iua' J. A. Boon, J M Loy, H. A. Busick. Rock Creek G. W. Barber, M. A Huffman, B. A. Iseley. s Greene D. I. Shoffner, Brothers, W. L. Fogleman. Madison Green Gordon, Gordon, Robert R. Smith. Jefferson-R. c. Whittington, J. P. Browning, A..B. Holt. Clay C. Floyd Fields, C H Coble, William M. Shaw. Monroe T. F. Albright, J. F. Ful ton, W, C. Booker. Gilmer C. V. Clark, Julian Tur ner, R. M. Gladstone, T. L. McLean, H. E. Ballance, R. P. Gorrell, J. L. Griffin, James R. Donnell, H. C Gil liam, T. A. "Grascockv entress E. H. Kirkman. Allred, M. L. Allred. Center Grove A. P. Wall, w r Clayton, E. A. Cain. Morehead W L. SDencer. a-r Wakefield, David White, R h Brooks, W. F. Alderman, S. J. Walk er, A. W. Watson, J. S. Whittington, M. W. Thompson, H. C. Curtis. bumner W. M. Clark. R. T.Davi Lee B. Coletrane. ruce J. B. Smith. G. free, J. W. Atkinson. Friendship David H. Jones. M T, Kendall, H. S. Hankins. Jamestown Robert Robinson t H. Billings, W. W. Mooney. Oak Ridge M. J. Parrish. A. Crews, S. J. Atkins. Deep River S. S. Bull, E. Charles, J. A. Fitzgerald. High Point W. A. Davis. T Wagoner, C. W. Wiggins, JohnReece, w. n. ttagan, M. J. Wrenn, L A Ritchie, H. H. Culler, J. A. Tinsey. FOUND GUILTY OF CHARGES. munications. of his work. There was a large con gregation, including many .people from Greensboro, High Point, Wins One nf tl-ta m n-i -: a L It is not yet certain www L. ,1 , 1UM" eSLmg cases Dlie . . ncaiu m tne superior court at Wins- IT fT3 Ca" make g0Od their ton-Salem last week was thaT In retirement from Warsaw. Certainlv . . u una. xvepneiius null, ton-Salem XC Drn orpin' 1 In f 1 T : .3 the Austro-Germans nm rii-o. i. T ... , . iOTlilCf wdiv muge, - -"-" 01 vernersviiie, were charged with Stokesdale and other places. The fst to and have' moved the larceny of a quantify of clotles annual revival of the church began S reinforceme to dress goods, embroidery hats etc yesterday. Rev. W. F. Kennett, the aSten their encircling movement, from the millinery establishmnf of pastor, is being assisted by Rev. E. lhe aPPearance of fresh troops also Mrs. Carter, at Kernersville G. Lowdermilk, of Reidsville, who sufests that the German staff will A large number of witnesses were preached yesterday afternoon. not be satled with the capture of examined, the testimony being to the Premium List Out. Secretary the cit or even the destruction of effect that Policeman Lamar actine Garland Daniel has received from part of the Russian army but, should unon infnrmo .,.' 5 Brst nne'Tnd'lle Tu Search the home of STe Brest line and endeavor finally to Hulls, in Kernersville, and 'there crush the entire Russian forces. found the Prnnr? a oil rrmA a 1 1 owv. ancgcu lu nave Deen stolen the printers and is mailing out the premium list for the Central Caro lina fair to be held the second week in October. Despite the reduction of the appropriation of he state agri cultural department, the premiums in the department of farm products will he higher than ever before and the prizes will be greater in number. Miss Grace Shaeffer, agent for the canning club work in Guilford coun ty, will have charge of this work in connection with the fair. Mr. E. H. Anderson, county farm demanstra- tor, will be in charge of another new department of the association and prizes will be offered the boys of the county for the best pigs. The fire works at night will again be a fea ture of the week. The same com pany will be here that will be at oth er fairs of the Carolina circuit. Death of Miss Wheeler. Miss Elizabeth Wheeler, of Whitsett, died at St. Leo's hospital Saturday evening at 8 o'clock, following an illness of several weeks. For several days little hope of her recovery had beenentertained. When the end came her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. B. Wheeler, were with her, and had been with her nearly alt of the time she had been in the hospital. She is survived by her parents, three brothers, Cyrus, Edro and Glenn, and two sisters, Misses Elsie and Ila Wheeler, all of Whitsett. The fu neral will be conducted today at 11 o'clock at Springwood Presbyterian church by the pastor, Rev. R. E. Redding. The deceased had been a member and the organist of this church for .a number of years. She was 26 years of age and had lived at Whitsett all her life. For a number of years she had taught in the music and primary departments of Whit sett Institute, She was a young wo man of loveable disposition and had a large circle of friends. A. S. Win- War News of Friday. Mrs. Tartar r, i, ,-.. ,."' The Russians now are facins the to be . ' iT' problem o, Warsaw and The state imeT the store was en ?! !U"!UndlnE OUntr whut tered at Ight with a keTmade hv Major and Mrs. W. W. Wood are visiting friends in Elkin. Z V "IT' tne AUStr- Fu' ther evidence that' he Z Z I 1 "Jawing a supreme had bought blank keys. effort tn p-ot qsi-.-i ii. i I J The defense did not introduce any stimonv. HSCortinir Vi4 a-t -a met ith o,.ti . ... ... ' tne state ui.icia. report stating able doubt the guilt of the defend that Field Marshal Von Mackenfcen. ants. The verdict Mrs HuU ZZZXZSJ -..ty of.larceny and Hu.f gu.Uy Z receiving goods knowing them to B E. the Chelm-Lubliir railway, about mid way between those two cities, and that southeast of this, as far as the Bug river, the Russian front had been "shaken." The success of General Von Mack ensen in getting across this railway after having been virtually stopped by the Russian counter attack denies at least one line of retreat to the Rus sians who might still be between him and Warsaw and also places the Ger mans in a position to move against the Bug river front should this be decided upon. British military critics, however, refuse to believe that Grand Duke Nicholas, commander in chief of the Russian forces, has not provided for all contingencies or that he was not fairly sure of the safety of his troops before indicating to the -world that he had decided to take up a new line. Dispatches received say that the country around Warsaw has been put to the torch, while the city itself has been denuded of everything that might be of use to the Germans if it falls into their hands. It may even be some days before the Teutons oc cupy the Polish capital, for the Rus sians are still delivering heavy blows at their opponents and are gaining we local successes. However, mil itary eritica say these local successes will not affect the Russian plan xf have been st olen. Bayonne Strike Ends. The strike at the Bayonne, N. J., plant of the Standard Oil and Tide water Oil Companies ended Thurs day, when virtually every man who walked out ten days before returned to work. The plants of the Vacuum Oil and General Companies, which were closed during the rioting in which three strikers were killed, also re sumed operations. Jeremiah J. Baly, who led the strike until arrested, sat in an auto mobile with the sheriff and watched the men return to work. He was re leased. The sheriff also said lie would re lease Frank Tannenbaum, the Indus trial Workers of the Wold leader, ar rested last week. Eight Killed; 12 Injured. Eight men were killed and twelve injured at the Patterson mine of the United Coal Company, near Eliza beth, Pa., Friday afternoon when a cable hauling twelve cars up a steep incline broke. Among the killed was Samuel M, .Dough tery, the coal company's superintendent. Dr. W. T. Whitsett was here from Whitsett Thursday. YEARLY MEETING OF FRIENDS THIS WEEK. The two hundred and eighteenth Yearly .Meeting of Friends will be gin at Guilford College Wednesday afternoon and will continue until some time next week. Sunday will be the big day in point of attend ance. A program of interest has been arranged. Among the speakers will be Rev Thomas Newlin, D. D., L. L. D., the newly elected president of Guilford College; Rev. Sylvester Newlin, D. D., formerly of Pasadena, Cal., but who takes charge as pastor of the High Point Friends church the first of next month, and Rev. Robert L Simkin, of New York, but now an English Friends missionarv tn ni- The officers of the Yearly Meeting are Dr. L.'L. Hobbs, of Guilford Col lege, who for the past 25 year ha been clerk and presiding officer: H A. White, of High Point, treasurer; Dr. L. L. Hobbs, of Guilford College, David White, of Orfensboro, and Al pheus Briggs, of iigh Point, trustees. As usual the meetings -will draw large crowds from this section and most every state in the union will be represented, as well as two or three of the foreign countries, through rep resentatives and epistles. Mrs. N. E. Rankin and daughter. Miss Annie Lee Rankin, have gone to Asheville for a visit. From , there Miss Rankin will go to the San Fran- : Cisco exposition.

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