- - . - . -t Ji r, H - i J x - ft t J 1 iV . ' V.V'- - i- 'v.' EVERY MONO AY ACiO?: THUBSOAY v M .a 3 1821 aUUU 4 JrX Ij. f - II ' I ' ! ',.rr!Tsy - - . ; '1 tritrf;M .toot: wnc::r?33 vxre,:. - 'r'v - - ' - '''' ' ' B1 - 10 M OF IVTKBEST TO TJ VJs OF THE PATRIOT FAR AND NEAR. Ifii 20' KILLED Hr AIRCRAFT RAID wuiw ueiween juage m. i. justice antDJu&ke StoVt?wk"ereby. the ZEPPEUN latter wtlV preside , over .the .weeks cVimihaV terttt -of f Oullf OTd Superior courf"to couybub vnextlonday and a Coming. Robinson's tflakTifc-terto "smmmm to participate ATTACK BEACHES '. HEART OF IiONDON FOR THE FIRST TIME. The jury rneKoOO ge suit CARRANZA WttL NOT JOIN TS this direction and will ber 27. Judge Justice will presid In their latest Zeppelin raid over England the of I. E. J ones against the: city of .... . .- . ' j - :t .:- - ' High I'oin mention or wmcn was made in. Thiiriwiair? Patriot, Returned a verdict iitavoV of . the plaintiff. In the Su- CONFERENCE FClR PEACE IN MEXICO. Germans apparently awarding him $3,000. of Jo " Geti.v' ;Venustano Carranzas reply to the appeal of ' the United States and the Latin-American countries for a dnferehce between the leader of the various Mepan factions, having nesboro. formerly of Guil-1 that Mr. J. M. Hobbs. a former memM dispatches which have passed the case, ttfe first having been -held in ew an adjustment of Mexico's Greensboro Septemher over a two-weeks' term of court im uave succeeded at last in striking at perior court ;Friday Judge Justice X Death The intant.diiigb CourfyS f T the heart of London. The inference granted a icfct Ion to set aside, the ver-, to11" n Mrs. Frank K. Trog- Loses Evesiehttt islearned hri4 may be drawn plainly from various diet. This: iWas the second trial of ,.r of JOB. , Matins. A revival meet- I who recently has been emnloved irf nauts dropped bombs-on the old city plaintiff a iferdict . f or $1,375. This unequivocal no. Mil!" ' Tir I . .- . " T it. - j .. . :2.f -. , . - , Vje r- died Saturday afteiyioon. ber of -the Qreehsboro police forcej the censor that the German aero- has spring,! in the region -j. rQntonQrV TVTfttVlO- I k.jjnn a i tti , H rf T .n rn ni-rviMir l-min A I VjCUIVUm. j m IMXB CUUHLrUITIllin ' Wflr 1c T1PHT W9Snd " uvmu.vru UXWWl ,.ic i w " " . . , 2 , ..,h.rHav and v-ill con-IintnTi hn ira Vio aio-v, f v,o o-t,? which contains the hotels, business " lLnn?h the week. Rev. ,W. H. Ley follo wing- an operation . for the! district and the old landmarks, fam . . -L II ' I 1 " I- . tmue . Airv is here to assist! k ous the world over tfhen.the jury gave he internecine struggle, is a polite but of Mt .or yi r F.ev. R- D- Sae.rrill. came imbedded in the organ. The otmaster. The appoint?- ODeratiori was nerformpd in -a Wash f Miss Kennie uiuuuud . Vwa- mgron nospitai. as' 6y i Krvrtn onn mi noon i nf Coliax uaa uccu """" jCiiigagemem, announcea. uapt. tV .postoffice department f in and Mrs. J. W. Pry have announced S1X cnuaren She was recently rec- the engagement of their daughter. An official statement issued in London gives the following list of casualties in Wednesday night's raid: Killed, 12 men, two women, and verdict waatset aside by Judge aytn. Mr. Jones ."was- suing for damages on account oiiBtain sewage disposal from HighnPpint into a stream run ning throurh his property. After thfe ; disposal of the Jones cake it deyfloped that there were no other jury Cases ready for trial, and after healing several motions, Judge Injured seriously, eight men,, four Justice adjourned court until this women and two children. mornirig. Injured slightly, 38 men, 23 wo- It has been announced that the men and 11 children. judgment Vt-the county court house tion were injured. All the other victims court some time ago, will be signed were civilians, . tomorrow . night. Two judgments .No Americans were killed or in- have been prepared and will be pre jured. sented toFidge justice, one by attor- The German government made the neys for , the, county commissioners following report of the raid: and the of her by attorneys represent- f'Our naval airships attacked dur- ing the property owners interested in tended by Congressman Stedman MfcjS Annie Gray to Mr. Frederick , Tp aDDointment. Isler Sutton, of Kinston, the mar- for i.-" goes to wasniugw". tiage p uikb piace in rsoyemDer. rne the noai- I C P'THQIUcI . -3 I yivsbbVlf C UI1UC Ch XlXgUAJ' VUICUXCU of city editor ot tne ureensooro' young woman and a popular member Sews several months ago, left of Greensboro society. Mr. Sutton is r. wo chin ert on to become JjSt cu"o I vuwq n ; ui tt'ugbyu auu t at the national eapital for tne asubvuib v.iucus . . xo ooua Jw tjnurcn. ine xsortn il Practice Here. Mrf Bainks Carolina Christian Advocate says: ... vphane. son of Dr. and Mrs. "The congregation at Gethsemane. on k TTvonc wVin haa 1 nat been Itho QTr,,i ing the night of September 8-9, with the litigation 1a,-,'?J A. Jicuauvi j I uv iuuuusiuviu vi.m bt UOO J ' T - ' I " V hr thP Snnreme court. nas to ftrert a new hmiQP rf wnrahin anrf i5wuu iCOUiw,,kuv f " taken the required oaths of an at- I work on the new building is expected tomey before the Guilford ; Superm to begin soon, ; , Rev. T. B. Johnson, eourt and will open an oince m iflu the pastor, has just recently held re fjty. I vival services at this church, assisted To Restore Trains. It is an- by Rev, , Starr Hoggins and Brother nouEced that the Southern Railway Gordon, local preacher.' has arranged to restore fast passeff- , . Automobile Accident. Mr. Mere ger trains Nos. 31 and f2y-jwhich dith Turner was run over and pain were taken off some time ago. These fully injured by an automobile in Winston-Salem Thursday and is con. fined to the home of his parents on West Gaston street. It seemsgthat he stepped back to avoid a big tcuring car just in time to be caught by a runabout coming from the opposite direction. He received several se vere cuts and bruises. H. W. Steele Bead. Mr. Henry W. Steele, an aired and waII known rHi- zen of eastern Guilford, died Fridav no reference toroperty damage, aa In a note, issued by Foreign Minis ter Acuna, General Carranza has told the diplomats that he can permit of no interference whatever by foreign governments. He explains that e is in control now of all Mexico except the states of Chihuahua and" More los, and a part of the state of Sonora. The signers of the note to Carranza are invited to come themselves or to send representatives to some point along the Rio Grande for a confer ence at which the affairs of Mexico One soldier was skilled, and' three case, which came from the Supreme h?ay be discussed "solely from an in city of London,, the great factories near Norwich and the harbor works and iron works at Middlesboro. There were heavy explosions and numerous fires were observed. to licee wash-women . . and servants in city. ternational point of view," and with the idea that Carranza's government be recognized as the de facto, govern ment in Mexico. The diplomats are told .tfcat the first chief of the Constitutionalists now commands an army of 150,000 men; that the . functions of public. service have been restored,, the .rail ways repaired and railway .traffic rer; sumed, , The note .adds, that in. the fields , and, the cities there have been MEXICAN BAITS"DEtAW; i 9 KAWaOM FOR A5flGIUCAN . - . "' ' -r. ' i,t ' ; '' it 1 , i. 3 1 i. 1k.T (ams win De operaieu ueiweeu j.-ew York and Augusta and will go back into service October 3. I : D. 0. K. K. Meeting. It is an- ..l i L J . 1 I C aonnceu tnai a ceremonial session ui m Temple No. 73, D. O. K. K., will be held in Greer sboro on October 7. The D. 0. K. K. is a branch" of the Knights of Pythias and the coming erent will attract delegations of Py- tbians from a number of towns. Death of Child. The two and a half-year-old child of Mr. jand Mrs. A. H. Hinshaw died at the home of the parents in this city Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. The funeral Tas held Friday afternoon from Palm Street Christian church and inter ment made in Greene Hill cemetery. Officers Returning. A letter re ceived yesterday from Sheriff Staf ford, vho, with Deputy Sheriff Phipps, left recently for Seattle, to., to bring back O. C. Kling man, vanted here on a charge of em-, teement, stated that they expect ed to arrive in Greensboro Wednes fe' or Thursday of this week. To Furnish Rooms. ThelGuilford ttapter of the United .Daughters of and ft wo sisters tte Confederacy is to fnrnisi a rooini Ti3o Win-Salni Wfeayi forCthe e confederate women's home tunerai and interment-, low jnder construction by the state Enrollment of 725. The State a;Fayetteville. The members of the Normal and Industrial College will hapter are making an appeal to the open Wednesday with the largest Put;:: to nnmp tr tVioir oiH in fh I number of fitndf-nls thai evr nnrkliaH for admission to any woman's college in this state, the number registered to date being 725. There will be over 300 new students and it is stated f10'- at his farm in Guilford county, that the dormitories will be fihed to He thinks that the use of theplow their capacity. Guilford leads all the Xll 30lve the drought problem Mr. other counties of the state with 47 Isolds uses mnripm mtirida nn students. Rowan is second with 2fi farm, operating five gasoline en- and Mecklenburg third with 21. - . ' City Bays Property. The city has purchased from Mr. C. A. Bray his home place on South Spring street was and will utilize it for school our- poses. The lot has a frontage of 119 1-2 feet on Soring street and meeting tend City There was a lare at- depth of about : 300 feet. There is 3.nce and the sessions wak of An I wran if an a 4-va vv. croc 7 '-naracter. Delegates were school building and the location is u'U0rd Collpe'a otiH wBat The cit commissioners have, taken reborn the activities of normal life an advanced step in the matter of Stress is laid on the assertion that "Our airships were heavily fi-ed at communi sanitation by deciding to soon' the entire country win be at by hostile batteries but all returned enact an 1 ordinance requiring all Peace- . safely." wash-wonn and household servants The reply insists that the first chief The Germans, in their Zeppelin m Greensboro to undergo a physical is actuated by the highest motives in attacks,, have aimed repeatedly at examination and be licensed before declining to participate in the con- Washington, Sept. 10--Stateaixd war de4rtntent officials weaias ed todayoWr tiie kltfnapffig" St tXa-r AmBncaaciaikDj Aiexicau Danaita at Columbus; .WM. Jofin Lornen-' buck, a'' rannhman, was seized hy a band of Mexicans, said to be osoldiers, carried across the border from Co lumbus and ' word sent back that he Inf orMatlotfof nnr Incident " Was first communicated to the war de partment. It was at : once . taken up with Secretary Lansing, who sent representations to General Villa through Consular. .Agent Carothers, demanding? Jhat.th: ranchman. re leased. Columbus is on the border of the state of Chihuahua, which is under Villa control. The administration has reports in-dicating-ithatWl of some of his forces in northern Mexico and.4hat many o th (bqU diets have broken away from .their commands and organized into' ' bel" ligerent bands, adding to the menac ing conditions along the border Assistant Secretary of War'BVeck enrid g'e conferred with Secretary Lansing, about the' situation, it .was stated that no orders had been 'sent to American comman'derj'. on 'the bor der. There was, liowever, an inti .mation that United States' forces' would not hesitate' to cross the' bor der" to rescue . the kidnaped , Ameri can ' if his whereabouts could be ascertained. London. They have succeeded pre viously in dropping bombs within the metropolitan district, but so far as is known no earlier attempt produced the effects of Wednesday night's raid. It appears significant that the British authorities, in announcing the result of the attack, confined themsleves to an account of the casualties, making y,-0 A. T i t . JT.. . i -r -T- i . ixt iiis ii'jiiie m jriusonvjiie. e iiaa been in feeble health for several years arid his death was hot unex pected. For a long time Mr. Steele was the leading merchant of Gibson ville, but in recent years he had not been engaged in business. He leaves two sons, Messrs. R. L. and Garland Steele. T. L. Farrow, Jr., Dead. Mr. Thomas L. Farrow, Jr., of Winston Salem, iied Thursday night in a local hospital, where he had been a pa tient for the past . .v three. ,or . four months. He was 30 years old and a son of the late Thomas L. Farrow, a well known citizen of Winston-Sa-lem He ifir survived by a brother 'eg "S ft "-I "51 iwujt was Ccsr? Was done in earlier announcements of the kind. Reported ti Washington. A cablegram confirming press dis patches that no Americans were kill ed or injured in the Zeppelin raid on London has reached the state depart ment from the American embassy at London. While the state department offi cials did not care to commit them selves to an official opinion on the aspect in international law of an at tack of airships upon London or any other such city, it was indicated that presuming the presence of a defen sive force in the city, there can be n& legal objectioiL?by a neutral power whose citizens ijwjere killed. The state department's interpretation is that the fact that the place is "defended? is sufficient to relieve the attackers from the necessity of giving noticed: In the case of London, regardless ference. It is stated that the fact that the Revolutionists had entered into a pact at Vera Cruz with the old government was one of the weak nesses of President Francisco I. Ma dero's arrangement for the rehabili tation of Mexico and that this alleged trafficking with the opposition was me of the reasons for the disagree- iisfecntedn the tragic battle in Mexico City in February 1913. Incidentally it is stated in the note that "some foreign diplomats" were involved in that affair. The reply of General Carranza ex plains that a conference with any "conquered faction" would mean the sacrifice by Carranza of the first chieftaincy of the army and his executive power, and a betrayal of the faith and confidence now reposed in him by the people and the army That Carranza represents the army they accept such employment. This is in linewith suggestions contained in an article printed in a recent is sue of Tfra Patriot setting forth the desirability of such action on the part of ajjmunlcipalities. The ori)ance which is being pre pared by Jtjety attorney and will be enteAnaVfeWidaySr .wili provide that all tt servants Undergo a thorough exami nation by the city superintendent of health, upon whose recommendation the licenses will be issued. The ordi nance will also provide that the homes of all licensed wash-women and servants be examined by the su perintendent of health at least once every 30 days. In case a contagious disease shall be discovered 4n any of these houses, then the license held by the occupant shall be automatical ly revoked until the disease is stop ped ahd the premises have been thor- in making such a reply is indicated in a paragraph of the note in which the diplomats are told that they will be able to observe from the answers they received to their notes from the military chiefs and the civil subordi nates of Carranza that the first chief the transition of George Jones, sent "Is the only authority that could de cide, and who, in fact, does decide" matters submitted to them. oughly disinfected. From Penitentiary to the Pulpit. Moundsville, W. Va., Sept. 10. From the prison cell to the college campus and the minister's frock was to the state penitentiary for life from Wyoming county for murder, who walked forth a free man today, pa- of the question of fortifications, it is roled by Governor Hatfield. Jones Matter with financial assistance. Plowing by Motor. The Wihston- Saleis Journal says: "Mr. C. A. aolds is testing a motor driven pointed that there are many thou sands of British troops in the city and that there are many anti-craft guns in place for the special purpose of repelling attacks. fmes there." The farm referred to 38 situated in the Colfax section. Quarterly Meeting. The New Gar- ucu friends Onaitoriw n.AAn iIJ UiCEI lUg held tern first m Winston-Salem Saturday af- oon and yesterday, this being the Boy Shot Himself to Death. San ford, Sept.' 10. Howard. Adams, 16-year-old son of W. A. Adams, was found in the woods near his father's residence, just southeast of town, about 1.30 this afternoon, unconscious, with his right thumb shot off and the load from a single barrel shotgun having entered his head behind the ear. The boy was carried home and later to the Cen- Ambassador Dumba Condemned. A mass meeting of former subjects of Austria-Hungary in Chicago yes terday adopted resolutions condemn ing the action of Ambassador Dumba that caused the United States to ask his recall. The leaders of the meet- in st ware officers of the Bohemian 11 vuuioSicui Bmmtti, 4U Natlonal Alliance and Croatian League of Chicago, the Serbian Na tional Club and the Slovak Guards. The resolutions resent' the refer ence Ambassador Dumba made to the Austrians in America as ignor ant and uneducated and declare loy alty under any conditions to the United States. Similar action was taken at meet- went to Kentucky today, where he will enter a college and prepare him self for the ministry. Anxious that his past should be forgotten to all but his closest friends, Jones refused to name the college in which he will study. It was learned, however; that it southern part of the Blue Grass state Jones' release was obtained through the intercession of Miss Em ma Davis, sister of United States So licitor John W. Davis, who has been engaged in prison relief work f or many years and became interested in Jones through letters he wrote her M. P. CHURCH AND UNITED BRETHREN WON'T UNITE. Unifin Of the Methodist Protestant and United Brethren churches, which has been under consideration for sev eral years, has practically been made mpossible. The death knell, it ap pears, .was sounded at a recent meet ingt of the bishops, of the United Brethren church in Indianapolis when they announced the purpose p the ooara or oisnops xtot ra submit the union proposition to the member ship of the church. - , .. ... ing ministers pt ; the iMethodis't- Prot estant church, that decision practi cally set at rest r.ll concern over te rroposed union in both denomina tons. Rev. Dr. W. M. Weekley, one of the bishops comprising the, board. of bishops of the United Brethren "hurch, lias just made a statement, in which; he "say "the actifK of hoard of bishops, as, J ,-und.erstar.d it, means that re'ferendutn vote will not be taken ' this side of ojir General Conference, which meets next in 1917." '.. ; . , ; ' In last week's issue of the Metho dist Protestant Rev. Dr. FV. .TagE the editor, ' and a"' leading7 ciergynran of that denomination, says: "That certainly puts an'end alljgc tions for phujeh '-yUZLiqn .with the United Brethren church, so far as thei aasis ?Agrs4dqtipton: hyti&$8tit commission, is concerned." in behalf of other nrisoners. When tral Carolina hospital, where he died TftllM w.a wah in ia nenlten- . - I " " ww. I. . A J 1 A 4- at 3 o'clock. . n inofQ kv of 20 gs neiu yesteraay oy uauves oiaiu- tna-iiungary in xxew xorK ana ob- TrA annnnnir nixjr rran Tim' tot i - . fmm n 1 . . . - i wtio. could neither read nor write. 1 ' " ' " rrom tne uee county court nouse, n.v ha ninH.rv well- ton. purposes. The city paid Mr. Bray where the report of a gun was heard $8,530 for the property, exclusive of the residence and other .buildings now on it. ed IiaHv TYo.i if t x. . -wj. ii.r. ivxary xs- th 6 Bond died Friday afternoon at abe v,0me f her dauShter, Mrs. EHr t Ditman' in the Hamburg mill Canity, following a brief illnes?. i.p , irs oia ana naa mpfle ti ome with her daughter for some Fire was discovered shortly after olrt The body was shipped to tiie 10 o'clock Thursday night in Mr. y ome of the deceased in Green- Roy Wharton's building on South ia- 0.. for the funeral and inter- South Elm street, occupied by Blau- nt stein's department store and other W1" E'orce LawOwing to h a?? rlt in. cowiderable at 11.30, two hours before the boy was found. It is believed that he was out huntiifg and stopped to eat some grapes and picked up the gun by the muzzle, striking the hammer against a tree causing the accident. He never regained consciousness. educated man of 40, ready to enter college. Pleasant Garden School Breaks Its Changes In Drug Business. Mr. R. J. Sykes, who has been manager of the Conyers & Sykes drug store since he and Mr. Z. V. 0l room togs of in the pubUi , scboot !ack uiid t. Possible this year for the authori se att the 8tate'law requiring Ueen e,ndance f all children be m.. he aSes of eieht and 1 '2 ve.irs. ue sphri- . " ;uul8 are opening today and it. damage. The blaze started in a stor- ra ihat- Z - uz, more nunils have volun- tor Lenrolled than can be provided damage has not firemen extinguished the flare be- "" . ' f.. fore a great deal of damage was done was unaccompanied by an officer to' the building. Mr. Blaustin's expected to be received -into the pen to me UU4.U . itentiary today. The sheriff of. Wa- StOCK OI gOOQS was uaumgcu a . - .. deal, by water. hpen 1 to the authorities. ri. frh school Conyers purchased the business six h opened for the fall term with the W f 8. . 'rc.a ""l largest attendance on record. 240 gtatereat In the buaine of pupils being present on the opening ???eL?.!!! . r . ,v.a it 7 I Kim, ana win oe hclivcxj x . -r TTT-ii. .j ttt-j. I Hnv Wfidnendnv Of this numDer xLitl ' KODeri la. wans, 01 wmauga coyn- ; . . f that store In the future. He re- or almost -one-half the total enrou- - - . oae . ment are registered in the high tains an Interest in the business of ment, are registered m tne nig Ctmym-ik Sykes. Mr. C M. Ford school department. Last year Eleas- VUU'WB C' 'Kttn TirVir haa MiirnhflAAd the StOCK OI i jrr iii r jsss f , Bunuuio llic k otaro Admitted to Penitentiary. ty, who went to Raleigh a week ago to serve a term t three and a half years in thpZJtentiary for man- Little Pellet Yielded IjWOCfc 3 A little round ball of paper which Mrs. Charles R. Vincent, of Pnnad phia, dug out of the ppeket pf an old sweater she was washing made ner heir to real estate valued at $600. The paper proved to be her husband's will. - Vincent died on March 29. His widow knew he had made a will, but a five-months search failed to reveal where he had put it. . ; Recently she took down the sweat er her husband had worn, and which had been hanging in a closet since his death. She washed it and was about to wring it out, when she no ticed a lump in one of the pockets. Mrr. Vincent unrolled fche paper, dried it and ironed it out. . It be queather real estate at Pine Brook, N. J., to her. The widow took the paper down, to the city hall and "had it admitted to probate Much Gold in Germany, German journals announce that there is at least $250,000,000 in gold still in Germany In private hands. The special correspondent of the Echo de Paris at Geneva, however, says that it is very likely that this gold already has crossed the frontier. For some time German capitalists have very prudently been putting with Jamestown as a close second, this frying the first time this distinc tion had come to Guilford county. . Tnui. .riiii.l For several vears the hOnor had gone The ambtint of the wus xuuu,, . AV8u - ascertained day to formally aenver tne prw . . - - . on account of aia health. s I county. . business of Conyers & Sykes. Mr. :; witnm Charles O. Pickard. who has been , respondent. Swiss banks with the Justice Drug Company, be- celve4 ,s9rWiMW'' comes a member of the firm. Mr. 1 000 in gold,?lfPenpslts In other, neu- Conyers to retiring from active busi: trai countries are saw w u greater; -j- s-. ?r j . ; cmfortably. yei. .1-.- Jt .fatiM a'.f 'nit I

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