. . . - mi) si itatsie r-i its hi ?'2 QP W OP GAYS CIVI1. which rra sides cjin FEEL PROUD. KTntIftn thft. SDlTU Of the D7PU. th ' VMfiPfcWIWSp I undertook, r&h a&t seeiriedi has I priled. jjovernor jo I J OOP Brpwxrf ot 5 rowni TO:tUejkJ?pon Slaton. iTrno mtttedhefc-sentence Of,. Le PronkL Brown also assaiiea juurw Who needs a dtrbng, warm and oerviceabie g a r ment for fall and winter will make no mistake if he selects his trous ers from our new stock of Key Stones. If they rip in wear you get another pair the buttons won't come of f. $1.50, $2.00, $2,50 and 03.00. The best Keystone Cordu royfor$S.OO. Take a look vat our special offer ings in y o un g men's suits at $15.00. Washington, Sept. 28. Veterans of the Civil war here for Ike annual nf the rirand Army of eUCttWpulcuv vr. m. , the Republic were formally welcomed to the capital tonight by President Wilson, who told them their battles fifty years ago . were fought that the greatest instrumentality for the up lift of mankind the world has ever seen might riot be impaired, r The president spoke amid scenes of patriotic fervor in the crowded convention hall into" which the old census building had been converted. Col. David J. Palmer, commander-in-chief of the (J. A. R., introduced him amid thunderous cheers and inform ed him that the veterans stood solid ly behind the administration's con duct of the present-day foreign prob lems and that their sons. Would sap port him in any steps he might take. The president was frequently in terrupted by applause as he spoke to the veterans, their families and friends. He did not touch directly on the European war or on problems growing out of it, but devoted his ad dress to the mission of the United States, and the lessons taught by the Civil war. He spoke of the war as one of the few in history of which both sides could be proud. The meeting marked the formal opening of the Grand Army encamp ment; which will continue during the remainder of the week, with the great parade and presidential review tomorrow. The president's address in part fol lows: "It .is a singular tiring that men of Crawfor I 3 & Rees 300 South Elm St. J ft thc ce. con ner oTH POULTRY TqNIC fens builds up their tired-out. runT down organs and makes feather growing easy. There is no cayenne pepper or any other harmful ingredient in vonsev-8 roultry Tonic; it is just good medi cines that help nature do ita work. Get a Pailor Pack age and see for yourself. Money ubcjc ix you not satisfied. been practicable and that we nave .Uu, ORp ROr orr . world g&TMenfcmain-TAaamj, oi wraunp, zm mu. w www, w og each- 1 i u oi mva t art A Via fall A1 I ' and that we have W uri in the , . j -trr anami unneia siaion a cuuibo, . , tAnjfenfttiroke Smith -to maie an conscience ana wi general cuufiv- v-- . . I "unambiguous aeciarauon ml 'So 1 iidndihM not! to welcome views tnuth. aius: caw you to the nation's cagital as if . JUitojgnjr jsm host, but merely to wei- ipe b"ui ui , Smdh indorsed the, course tasen oy. were your come you .to your own capital because am, and am proud to be, your ser vant. I hope I shall catchj, as l nope we shall all catch, from the spirit of this occasion, a new consecration to the high duties of American citizenship." Jailed For a Murder, in 1899. Frederick, Md., Sept. 28 Believed to be Harrison Thompson, wno in 1899 murdered Town Sergeant H. Milton Seaton. of Middlebure. Va., a negro, who for a number of years has lived in this section under the name of Charles, or "Shade" Knight, is in the Frederick county jail, awaiting the arrival of the Virginia authori ties. He was arrested at the M. J. Grove Lime Company's plant, near this city, by Sheriff Conard, who re membered the description of the murderer sent out by the Virginia authorities at the time of the crime. The sheriff also remembered that the negro had attended every base ball game here this summer and that the negro who murdered Seaton; was a baseball fiend. Several peculiar scars on his face are regarded as the principal means of identification. Slaton. Brown devotes much attention to the Connection of Slaton with the law' firm of which Luther Rosser. .one of Frank's attorneys, is a mem ber. He says that money is not the only influence that could have work ed upon Slaton. He asserts that the friendship, the common interest, and the association of Rosser with Sia ton could well have influenced the governor in his action. . AWo hhve" placed on Oalo all "Toothbrush all GUA RANTEED. Money back if brushft8ia m m m m m ' v nofesatistactory. The Hbmepf 'Sy-C6w tht' Better Ice Cream. Cor. Elm and'Washihgtbnf Streets McAd oo WUl Xot Abandon Neutrality. A cablegram from Stockholm to the New York Times says rumors that have been current regarding Sweden's impending abandonment of her neutrality and intervention cn the side of the Germanic powers are totally unfounded and are strongly contradicted from an authoritative source. I Call I - M. X Over Greensboro National Bank i GREEN i - "T,f'fH ' . 1 i ' 1- J.U .. J iaiJ oavo nothing by I vaHlng your eyes examined. HARRISON, Optometrist Cor. Elm and Washington St SBORO, N. a X X 4s Ml: it-. ..'.: are r'Ycur new here. a single generation should have witj nessed what you have vitnessed in the. . crowded fifty years which you celebrate tonight. You took part when you were young men in a strug gle, the meaning of which I dare say you thought would not be revealed during your lifetime, and yet more has happened in tthe making of this nation in your lifetime than has ever happened in the making of any other nation in the lifetime of a dozen gen erations. "The nation in which you now live is not the nation for whose union you fought. This nation was from the beginning a spiritual enterprise and you have seen the spirits of the two once divided sec tions of the country absolutely united. A war which seemed as if it had the seed of every kind of bitterness in it has seen a single gen eration put bitterness absolutely out of its heart, and you feel, as I am sure the men who fought against you feel, that you were comrades even then, though you did not know it, and that now you know that you are comrades in a common love for a country which you are equally eager to serve. "This is a miracle of the spirit so far as national history is concerned. This is one of the very few wars in Which in one sense everybody en gaged may take pride. Some wars are to be regretted; some wars mar the annals of history, but some wars contrasted with those make those an nals distinguished, show that the spirit of man sometimes springs to great enterprises that are even great er than his own mind had conceived. "Yet set the nation free for that great career of development of un hampered development which the world has witnessed since the Civil war. But for my own part I would not be proud of the extraordinary physical development of this coun try, of its extraordinary development in material wealth and financial pow er, did I not believe that, the people of the United States wished all of this power devoted to ideal ends. There have been other nations as rich as we; there have been other nations as powerful; there have been other nations as spirited; but I hope we shall never forget that we created ims nation, not to serve ourselves, but to serve mankind. "I hope I may say without even an implication of criticism upon any other great people in the world that it -has always seemed to me that the people of the United States wished to be regarded as devoted to the pro motion of particular principles of hu man right. The United States were founded, not to provide free homes, but to assert . human rights. Th'is flag meant a great enterprise of the hu man spirit. Nobody, no large bodies of men, in the time that flag was first X 1 1 3 . act up Deueveu witn a very firm be lief in the efficacy of democracy. Do you realize that only so long ago as the time of the American revolution ucmuwttuy was regaraea as an ex 11 xuiuv iii iuc wunu. ana - WP wpro 5- nSllrmm FIRnStoPAn rerded as rash experimenters? But - in it, we snowen our; belief was well founded and that Pet Seals Enrich Woman. Booth Bay Harbor. Me., Sept. 28. -Mrs. Janet MacDonald, 77 years old, is about to retire wealthy after 20 years in the business of seal-catch-ing, with three men in her employ. ' The seals of Maine waters are not valuable for their skins,, but are eas ily tamed and are in demand for pub lic and private collections and aquar iums and zoological collections. The catching is done at night, with the aid of nets, and Mrs. MacDonald has caught many personally. Often they follow her about the house several days after capture. The usual price is $25, and her catch has averaged 100 in a season of six weeks in the late spring and summer. Live Ghost Attends Mass. Poughkeepsie, N. J., Sept. 28. Like a ghost, Andrew O'Brien ap peared in St. Peter's church,, at 9 o'clock Sunday. At the earlier mass prayers had been said fcr him, and no one doubted it was he who had been buried Friday in St. Peter's cemetery, following the finding of his supposed body in the Hudson river. The dead man was positively iden tified as Andrew O'Brien, who had not been seen for several days. Af ter the excitement due to his appear ance had subsided, O'Brien said he had gone into the country last Mon day to work on a farm. The body of the man buried as O'Brien will be exhumed and photo graphed for identification. , Subscribe to The Patriot. RUPTURE EXPERT HERE Seeley, Who Fitted Czar of Russia, Called to Greensboro. F. H. Seeley, of Chicago and Phil adelphia, the noted truss expert, will be at the Huffines Hotel and will re main in Greensboro Friday only, October 8. Mr. ' Seeley ' says : "The Spermatic Shield as now Used and approved by the United States gov ernment will not only retain any case of rupture perfectly, affording imme diate and complete relief, but closes the opening in 10 days on the aver age case. This instrument received the only award in England and in Spain, producing results without sur gery, harmful injections, medical treatments or prescriptions. Mr. See ley has documents from the United States government, Washington, D. m 9 j mm m . .' u., ror inspection, ah cnanty cases without charge, or if any interested ii in . can ne win De giao to snow same without charge or fit them if desired. Business demands prevent stopping at any other place in this section." Valuable Farm For Rent NEAR SPLENDID SCHOOL. As attorney in fact, for the helra at law of W. O. Donnell, deceased, I will lease for the year 1916 a part of the old home-place, lyiuK along the macadam road between Sumxaer- field and Oak Ridge and within from three-quarters to a. mile of the cele brated Oak Ridge schooL Will lease to-proper party the whole or any part Of three hundred, and nine acres and more; If desired. The neighborhood is healthy, the farm well watered, wJtJa seven :room,.:tw4tor7. reai deqee Jor the leVf. and cood. out buildings., Ib Adapted; tij the raisins corn, wheat and tobacco and ha tpod. .curing barns Will prefer to lease' for.'xapney rent. ...... Interested parties may apply o the undersigned by letter or in person at the office of King & Kimball, at Greensboro, N. C. A. B. KIMBALL, : Attorney in Fact. , AT SPECIAL PRICES ' 77 acres, with new house, 3 1- miles from city, worth W,HM), now offered at $3,500. r 136 acres, two sets build ings, 9 miles from city, beea heltf at $425U, for quick sale We have others. Brown Real Estate Co. .ki- lOS Kat Market Street. B. L. FENTRESS ATTO RN EY-AT-LA W. Drt.J.W.TAsYLOR, Fittizs Ghsses a Spcs&tj. examinations Without "Drops" SI. I RELIEF OR NO PAY Ofrtae, Ffftft Fleer Bmmt Subscribe to The Patriot. vith A. WftTbat N. C. Cak Notary Pnbli. ELMER E. LULL, H D.C VETKRIXAKY SURGE02I Cobl St Starr's Stables. 533 South , TClm Street, Greensboro, N. C OfOo bpne 7t. Residence Phone 1IC1 ER HOWARD GA Opposite Postoffice GREENSBORO, N. C. $k Mu BROOKS, O. Ii. SAPP S. CLAY WTTJJAMfl Crooks. Sapp & Williams Attorneys-At-liaw GREENSBORO, N. O. CSe In Dixie Insurance Building Allies Would Aid Greece. A report from London savs: While the intentions of Bulgaria continue to be surrounded with considerable mystery, it is clear that should that vascillating Balkan power venture to attack Serbia, she will immediately nna nerseir arrayed also against the army of Greece and in all Jikelihood that of Rumania, aided by a formid able force of British and French troops. Advices from Athens iriti jnate that this aid has been offered to Greece by Great Britain aud France, and that in the event of hos tilities Salonikl will be used ns a base by the entente expeditionary corps. Ml Dr Pasiel Dees Dr. Ralph Dees Dr. Rigdon Dees. DOCTORS DEES General Surgery and Diseases of Women. McAdoo Office Building Next Postoffice. GREENSBORO, N. C. to if You Have B Beef Cattle. Veals, Fresh Milk S Cows or Green Hides for sale, g O J. C. OLIVE, 8 Phone 713 City Market 3 AttMnoy-at--Lav CIO BAITER BUILDING, 4 SamtEUMATlSM KlONCT3ANO AkAOCCk a nation as poWerfuVMas apy In the world could be Erected upon the will of tbbplerthatVeed,efe!was a potret in sti;K3a featibn Vhat'dwett n no other nation unless also in that Fire Prevention Dav. I The state department of insurance and the state department of eri na tion are flooding the state with liter ature on the observance of "fire pre vention day," which is to be Novem ber 9, the special effort being to' so impress the people of the state through the schools and the school children that there will he progress made in the reduction of fire waste in this state. Should be in Every Home. Coble's Croup and Pnn Remedy should be in every home. It is the new liquia treatment for chil dren and adults for croup, pneumo nia, sore throat, hoarseness and all cold troubles, and all inflammations. You Just rub it on and inhale the vapory while it penetrates; not mes sy to use and does not stain the 'clothingl It relteves instantly; your money back if it falls. Sold on a guarantee' by your dealer at 2Kc, 50c. and $1 a bottle. adr GET IT AT ODELL'S QUALITY FIRST till! I Ii Ire There are many occasions during: the week when you desire to do a little ironings and if you are using the old style sad iron it necessitates your building a fire in cook stove or range. .... Then, too, besides the using of fuel, the trouble of tend ing it and the heated kitchen your irons are continually cool ing and must be reheated. TOflE (D&rJd&jkT SElLF-DtiiEA TTBRIdS 4 gasoline iron which we have recently added to our line does away with all the above inconveniences and can be kept at ' any desirable temperature for hours. This Comfort gasoline iron is double pointed making both ends front ends a new feature in irons weighs six and one half pounds and operates five hours on one filling, the capacity being three quarters of a pint. This iron is easily and quickly lighted, all parts are ac cessible and quickiy interchangeable. .J '3 lid HRETML IPfiHKBE $2?.(Q Call and let one of our salesmen explain this iron to you. fut id ;43 Iron imbedded in concrete in Ger- many, has been found to be free from rust after more than 4 1 years. Read our special October snbserip-' tion offer on the third page. r