..Coat iijiat is the king of rain coat to buy. Our rubberized cement ed seam rdin coats tui n the water and unless a coat turns the water it has no right to the name rain coat. These coats are light in weight, dur able in service and good lookers on a rainy day, $5.00, $8.00 and $10.00. $1.00 Regal Shirts, al ways a bargain at $1.00. Savoy Shirts $1.50, Boyden shoes $6 50. Crawford & Rees 300 South Elm St. POULTRY TONIC for Molting builds up their tired-out, runT oown organs and makes feather growing easy. There is no cayenne pepper or any other harmful ingredient in Confcey's Poultry Tonic; it is lust pood medi cines that help 'nature do its work. Get a Pallor PacTc age and see for yoursetf. Money back if you are cot satisfied. Your name here. GARDNER Opposite Postoffice GREENSBORO, N. C. 4.. fiOOOKB. O. L. SAPP S. CLiAr WILLJAMfl Orooko, Sapp & Williams Attorney a-A t-Law GREENSBORO, N. O. WS&x in Dixie Insurance Building Jr. Daniel Dees Dr. Ralph Dees Dr. Rigdon Dees. DOCTORS DEES General Surgery and Diseases of Women. McAdoo Office Building Next to Postoffice. GREENSBORO, N. C. Attorncy-at-Law OlO BANNER BUILDING, DR. H. KEMP; FOSTER DENTIST Office Over Greensboro National Bank. Greensboro, N. O. Telephone 1013. CHARLES A HINES ATT OH N E Y- AT- LAW Office n V right Building. Sba fit. Opoiu Court Hta I I If THff OCCOMIUEY CO fl I 1 1 ft HOWARD BESf YETf-SOMB OF ti rontmi naronna lair iu fair be held here next week will be the big gest and best fair in the state this year. This is the positive statement of Garland Daniel, chief mogul of the fair, and he is supposed to know 11 Wi JVM.M -w - irwhat he is talking, about. .."We axe going to give the public an exposition worth while," said Mr. Daniel in speaking of the fair and its pros pects. "Every department has been, looked after in every detail, and pvprv denartment is full. This year's d commer- aericultural. industrial an ol ovhihitq and disDlavs Will be thavor hnfnre. Maenificent fireworks will be displayed Wednes day, Thursday and Friday. "The farmers are taking great in terest in our fair this year, especial ly members of the various clubs. These we are desirous of encourag ing. Whilo our fair is run with a view to entertaining, at the same time we endeavor to aid in the edu cational and industrial development of our county and state. You can not afford to miss this fair, as we will have lots of free attractions. "The horse racing this -year will be up to the minute. The new fea ture of giving motorcycle racing wi he very interesting, as this will be in 20-mile dashes, and we are in hopes of having from 20 to 30 contestants. We want every one to patronize our fair. Every year the manager strives to make the Central Carolina fair bigger, broader and better. It takes more money to do this, but we are anxious to make it the best in the state. "The Southern Railway has given special rates on all their lines and have made arrangements to run a special train into the grounds each day of the fair. "The great war spectacle, the bat tle of Tripoli, followed by goregous fireworks, will be given. They will constitute the most significant il lumination ever seen at the Central Carolina fair. More than an hour will be required to put on this gor geous pyrotechnic show. The battle at the time was considered one of the world's greatest. The Turks, having held the fort for many years, were ousted by the Italians. "Tripoli, capital of the Turkish re gency of the same name in northern Africa, on a promontory stretching out into the Mediterranean, forms a small crescent-shaped bay, which shelters the harbor from the west winds. A line of small ancient forts protects one side of the harbor and the citadel the other. In the 16th century the Tripoli pirates became the terror of seamen of the Mediter ranean. Half the states of Europe seemed at one time or other to have sent their fleets to this harbor. Later a misunderstanding be tween Turkey and Italy came about, and Italy succeeded in taking the strong fort of Tripoli, which gave to the Turks great protection. After Italy had succeeded in taking this fort an agreement was easily reached betwen the two nations. This fort and its surroundings will be given in fireworks, use being made of 300 feet of scenery, which represents the water and a fort of 30 to 40 feet high. This fort is attacked by the Italian vessels, and after a tierce bat tle it surrenders. After the surren der will occur srieanti firAwrtrto consisting of shells, set pieces and noted men, golden blossoms, diamond stars, sparking caprice and the flow ering aloe showing the leaf, the bud and the bloom, will make a beautiful spectacle. Rainbow wheels will be shown, as will silver glory and the Niagara falls. This magnificent show will be put on three nights of the fair Wednes day, Thursday and Friday. The Southern Railway, which has install ed 1,000 feet of trackaee in rmr grounds, will operate special trains both day and night." Killed by Automobile. Mrs. Laura Stewart, aged 61 years, died at her home in Winston-Salem Monday afternoon from injuries sus tained Sunday afternoon, when she was struck by an automobile. Mrs. Stewart had left her home and was waiting for a street car when she was run down by the automobile. The funeral took place at Pilot Mountain Tuesday. Thirty-Six For 25 Cents. Dr. King's New Life Pills are now supplied in well-corked glass bottles, containing 3 b sugar coated white pills, for 25 cents. One pill with a glass of water before retiring is an average dose. Easy and pleasant to take. Effective and positive in re sults. Cheap and economical to lis Get a bottle today, -take a dose to night your constipation will be re lieved in the morning. 36 for 25 cents, at all rdugsigts. . . adv. Read our special October subscrip- 1 tion of CT on third page. The qttfcry wmcmwiu. De uvtM-g bership WthJli&Jschooi uepn Union -df Nofth Carollil is "KBr solved, that the United States should adopt the policy,of greatly enlarging the navy." A bulletin of sixty or seventy pages containing outlines a,nd arguments on ..both sides of this 4uer and references to sources f ram Jcfc secured will be sent tree of charge to all schools which are mentners of the union. This bulletin wttl reach the schools not later than November 15. Every secondary and high school in the state is invited to become a member of the union and participate in the contest of 1916. Every school that enters will, as in the paBt, be grouped with two ethers for a trian gular debate, each school putting out two teams, one on the affirmative and the other on the negative. The schools winning both debates will be entitled to send-their teams to the University to compel for -the state championship and th: Ay cock memorial cup. The .triangular de bates will be held throughout the state the latter part of March and the finat contest at the University early in April. The exact dates for these contests will be decided upon later. Since its inauguration three years ago by the literary societies and the bureau of extension of the Univer sity, the High School Debating Union has met with splendid suc cess. Three comprehensive state wide debates have beeti held and schools and communities alike hfave been benefited by them. Last spring the state-wide contest was partici pated in by 250 schools and 1,000 student debaters, and it is a safe esti mate that fully 50,000 people from first to last heard the discussions over the state on the question of sub sidies for the merchant marine. The committee hopes that this year every school of secondary nature in the state will enroll in the union for the discussion of the enlargement of the United States navy. E. R. Rankin, secretary of the union at Chapel Hill, will be glad to hear from you as to your school and the debates. Winner of Aycock memorial cup, 1913 Pleasant Garden high school. Winner of Aycock memorial cup, 1914 Winston-Salem high school. Winner of Aycock memorial cup, 1915 Wilson high school. The Value of Trap Frienlhip. To have a true friend is toe rich, no matter how poor we may be. Friendship's exercise in tlse home sweetens every association and its cultivation among kindred spirits is a privilege imposed upon us by the necessities of our nature as well as by a correct forecast of -vhat lies be fore us in the journey when the gold en bowl of youth is broken and we come to the days of loiely waiting. No memory thar comforts and iheers in later life is so sweet as the mem ory of cherished friends who walked with us in the halcyon lays of youth. To be without tl.ese Memories is to confess to a life largely wasted or else spent in some supremely selfish pursuit. The posses3ior; of many friends is possible, but rarely accom- plishe.l. Life at best is short and full of labor. Few people are so rich in leisure cr m afTertion that they can go about drawing men and women to them with hooks of stee. Nor is such a course either wise or profitable. In friendship there will be a constant winnowing process by hch the wheat and chaff are separated. In the first bouyant years of life, when merely to live is joy, the forming of friendly ties is an easy pastime. We swear eternal allegiance and with high hopes and cheerful words set out upon the journey hand and hand. One by one the ties are broken and we discover that to be and have real friends means something more than words of mutual praise and aims that seems to run along in the same chan nel. Pittsburgh Gazette Times. Will Not Convene Senate. r-resiaenr vvnson practically has decided not to call a special session of the senate before the meeting of Congress in regular session. Al though he is desirous of having the senate's rules amended so as to give the majority power to limit debate, he is understood to have become con vinced that it is better not to call the senate together at this time. Constipation Curea Overnlgiit. a sman aose or o-Do-Lax to night and you enjoy a full, free easy bowel movement, in the morning. No griping, for Po-Do-Lax is Podophylin (May Apple) without the gripe. Po do-Lax corrects the cause of consti pation by arousing the liver, increase mg the flow of bile. Bile is nature's antiseptic in the bowels. With proper amount of bile, digestion in bowels is perfect. No gas, no fermentation, riof constipation, fcoii't be, sick, ner vous, irritable. Get a bottle of Por Do-Lax .frdm your drueeist now and jvuav juu vuusupauon overmgnt. kI' WtWt? it requested to 'jwrinr Uttt following eoncprnms vp1 babies contest 'lue vcuvi r"T liifa fair net xfiek: , J? .-V "The- fetter babies contest will be one of the features of the fair thif yetir, as it was last year. .The age lfmif in. frhhi one to- four years, and the hours of examination will be from lO juntil 3 W&xxxui cxne-air offers $125 in cash prizes. . .....I "Dr. W. M. Jones and Dr. J. T. J. Battle will examine all f babies, and the information gained by the moth er regarding her baby will be well worth while. Give the baby a fair start in life by finding out its de fects and curing them. See just how your baby compares with other babies. "You can enter your baby by send ing a postal to Dr. W. M. Jones, Greensboro,' giving the age of the baby and stating what day you will visit the fair. This is not absolute ly necessary, but it gives us an idea as to the number of nurses to secure each day. The rooms will be heated and a physician or nurse will exam ine each baby for contagious diseases. "Call telephone 561 for additional information. "Pictures of the babies will be taken." New Orleans Needs $500,000. New Orleans, Oct. 4. Mayor Behr- mah announced tonight that he will ask the city council for authority to borrow $500,000 as an emergency fund with which to clear streets and repair municipal property. Jt was announced all schools would be closed this week because of the dam age to the public buildings. Governor . Hall has ordered the ad jutant general of the Louisiana na tional guard to issue all tents in the state arsenal to relief parties going into the stricken districts below here. A Doctor's Prescription For Cough An Effective Cough Treament. One-fourth to one teaspoonful of Dr. King's New Discovery, taken as needed, will soothe and check coughs, colds and the more dangerous bron chial and lung ailments. You can't afford to take tlie risk of serious Ill ness, when so cheap and simple a remedy as Dr. King's New Discovery is obtainable. Go to your druggist today, get a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, start the treatment at once. You will be gratified for the relief and cure obtained. adv. a GET Don't U and see food with us and fair grounds prepare her are already would like to 4-)? f C.!, Bib S mm V fi ' acc on blmZbc- to if. : rxt- "(' GUARANTEED. Money back if brushes 9 I CONYERS The Home Sy-Co" Cor. Elm and Washington Stredta waiting Call and have your eyes examined. M. HARRISON, Optometrist Over Greensboro National Bank Cor. Elm and Washington fit GREENSBORO, K. C. Valuable Farm For Rent NEAR SPLENDID SCHOOL.. As 'attorney in fact, for the heirs at law of W. O. Donnelly deceased, I will lease for the year 1916 a part of the old home-place, lying along the macadam road, between Sumiker Oeld and Oak Ridge and wittilnTfrom three-quarters to a mile of 'the; cele brated Oak Ridge school, .Will lease to proper party the whole or any part of three hundred and nine acres and more, if desired. "The neighborhood is healthy, the farm well watered, with a seven room, two-story resi dence for the lessee and good otut buildings. Is adapted to the raising of corn, wheat and tobacco an.d has good curing barns. Will prefer to lease for money rent. Interested parties may apply to the undersigned by letter or Jn person at the office of King & Kimball, at Greensboro, N. C. A. B. KIMBALL, Attorney In Fact. OR. J.W.TAYLOR, Fitting Glasses a Specialty, examinations Without ''Drops RELIEF OR NO PAY. Office Fifth Floor Banner Bldg. MKCUAiATtSI Kl ONSYS AM O KIA0CS IT AT ODELL'S QUALITY When You Visit the mmcssD Fail to Call at Our Booth cooked in a fireless cooker. Mrs. Herr will be demonstrate the Ideal Fireless Cookers at the by doing actual cooking in them. She will foods and cook them while you wait. If yu a user of the Ideal Fireless Cook Stove and ask questions, visit Mrs. Herr at our booth. all Toothbrush J SQ& t 2Sc each shl & SYKES, Drueeisfc thBetter Ice Cream McAdoo you bqvo nothinn bv ID I . . a n wv. uai ii nn . i lann i irar t . t m . 1 1 M m W . W w M . a I I I w v wmi.k - t i kj ayuin. l t r i . xxrfKr i rii in iirHRTisnnrn k sale at soecial low nrirM Trms if wanted. WWW IMIW WVl 103 Eat Market Street, L. ATTORNEY JkT-tAW OtHcCS with A. WayUfii Ges&i fisher Building Greestsbor, N. G. Notary Public . mm w mm mmm mm M VETERINARY SURGEOJf Kt Coble & Starr's Stables, 533 South Elm Street. Greensboro, N. C. Office Phone 678, Residence Phon 11 FIRST if Macs Bid, 9 Hi FENTRESS .-Ul-J-1,.! JJ.JUI-J3TT 1 - - ' i 7 , -iff - ; - 1 J - - t i J 1c t '-'1 '

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