JWJMWvB.jl,,i, 2rs -iis ?fcsr22r" j t r-n cgTABUSHEDJO or ix rit aira Juage-TciJ.rJ5Haw wherebv that Mr Raniamfn Mnnvon rtiAfi,frt.txvjivii-xiAvr 'UijuMiM! .;Afata ttie western rrtnt- la vurer-wasnmTOnCK. -nci ri'M iti . FA -"T; for is able t twftliiJjnt0e. able .to. spiidj the . - nom ainrtcts. Judge SUaw Ui Mr Davidson Better. ?ount )pfedow;a:,term'Ot Sft6kes-;Stt: vtnr Davidson, who has been quite petifc court to convene-November i I at his home on Douglas street anaivir 'term to convene In this flC , n.nQirc in ImnrovinK. , He, j:'N7AWi. o . 0 Sit up ana noyt- .u uD Vuvj , damage ,Prom Explosion. gas S society Banquets. The tw lite- Ceilin of the first floor or-the Jievr societies of the State Normal hospital building :'oT Drs. w: and nd industrial College the Corne-- cI'R. Reaves, on .West Sycamore !L and the AdelphiaiiheldathBir treenit ual banquets and initiations .Fri- io'tdofc Safuirday;m JnV and Saturday nights. r feV I damage is estimated at about $1,000. Married Yesterday. Mr. jWllliain SeBi plel?ei In the building C. Morton and Miss Lula Wrighti jof at the time, but no one was injured the Battle Grouna Becuuii,-wJu-i oy tne explosion. Tied in tis city yesteraajr arternoon Many StiUs Captured. Reports at the residence of Rev. R. G. Ked- compiled in the office of the internal rick, who .performed the ceremony, revenue agent at this place show that attended Meeting. Rev. Dr. E. C. officers employed in this- division, Murray, Rev. S. M. Rankin, Rev. C.I which embraces all of North Caro- Hodgin and Mr. A. M. Scales spent Una and portions of South Carolina the latter part of last week at Red and Virginia captured 117 blockade Curings attending a meeting" of tfie stills ' during, the . past month . This board of directors of Flora McDonald I is - the lai gest .number of stills ever College. ' j captured in ihis territory in a single Tivo New Men. The Center Brick I month; and it is" doubtful if the re- warhouse lias added two new men I cord" has ever been equaled by- atty to its force in the persona ot Jllessrs. I division in the country. W. C. England, who has been con nected with the Greensboro tobacco market for a number (ot yearsand Will D. Lambeth, a welt known4 young man from the northern section, of the county. v . . To Begrfn Work. The fall term of the Greensbora training school for Sunday school workers-1 will open Thursday night with a public meet ing in West Market Street Methodist church. Prof. W. C-Smith, of the State Normal and Industrial College, will deliver a lecture on "Fundamen tals of Bible Study." Bascomb Ward Dead. Mr. Bas- scene of the heaviest; fighting 'jQt of the various War theater, although sanguinary ; engagements are rau go- dayjcaornlng at 4 o'clock, at the. home of hia son, MrT -J. ",M. -rMiUikahr;on Summits nvpnuo wtiar-4vo Tiarl tv5nt moat of his time recently? While he C" w ' 1 ing7 on wtseriu& ana ; m noxxxjern had been feeble -for- some . Ume, hiP!Bora?2I?rmer of southwestern -UMi-J Ruyiar'ia- strength" failing graduaUy under the Si?18 ien-year-oia son;.xwirns - in;f France, the FrencbTand Ger- weight-of years- the announcement P1 ere Jhstantlyj killed " Satur mansndHneBrttis a of his deathfeame as a "surprise to: dayniing by an Explosion' of dyna- have been hard" at grips in "Artois, the friends of the family And brought t Piie' UBmB',n acexuem- oc- unampagne, Lorraine ana tne ,vos- sorrow to the hearts of many.- -WJWulvf pciock on mr. rvrr- igesy vxiast or au Derive, m unam- Mr. Millikan was in- the , eighty- W-a WW r0 ana a na:r es- easx i pagne, and- in the Tosges , the Qer- fifth year of his i age,- having beenl ? w T""1 mans nave vtaKen posmons neiaoy born iiT RandolDh county. Aoril 24. ri5fMtt, uxs son ana a negro i tne rrencn, wnue m iorraine xne 1831. He came from good bid iiuak-l?arP la' namea x-innixjiau irrencn-nave recapturett.trencnes ine ' I .ia tAti'xAAM i .x . I ' .i : i is a i r er stfwlr an1 waa o man nf tr n " ui uiumyB,, car- vienanfls nave neia since ucuoer, character. He aligned himself witlit? em a containing xa 4 ana innictea repulses, on tneir oppp- tbe-Republican party, and while PKl?amUe- Reaching the nenU around Hartmans-Weilerkopf ever took a deen interest in noli tir na 011 a slumP tftal was he uenin asserts mat tne uermans and '" waa recognized as one of the 1&te- sent the man -into have driven the British out of Ver- leadlng men of his party in Ran- a 9oods to cut a stick to be xniliIon' in .Artoia.. but Sir 'John vvruie looting for. a suitable stick cnier, denies this and says tne writ- He served his county most finPAnhlv ast flhpHff anrl olon a a VAnrAnt.ti ir. i.Wi.M' rthe negnvwas startled by the sound ish have improved their positions, and Mr.. Millikan was an humble Chris, oti 1SC osion, and rushing hold all the ground 4hey previously tlan and a devout member of the So- Dacf ?eia. ne round tnat the nao. gamea Civil Service Examinations. The civil servcie commission has announced that the following exam inatipns will be lield in Greensboro on the dates named: November 2 Senior electrical en gineer, interstate commerce commis sion; salaryV $1,200 to $2,700 per annum; senior structural engineer, interstate commerce commission; salary, $10 to$ 2,7 00 per annum; senior architect,- interstate commerce commission;, salary, $1,80 Ot to $2, 700 per annum; senior telegraph en- 4e-j!Tendk ..During a resldeuce t.GiiUford College some years; ago he transferred his church Tnember ship to the Friends -mee ting at-that place, where it remained during the remainder of his life. Mr. Millikan, possessed unusual .strength and vitality for 1 man of his age. Only last year he underwent the fatigue of a trip from Greensboro to JCansas that he might. pay. a; visit at the home of a son, Mr. Frank Mil likan. The body was carried to the old home church at Marlboro, in Ran dolph, where the funeral and inter ment took place Saturday Rev. Al oert Peele, of Guilford College, con ducted the services. gineer and senfor telephone engineer, Comb Ward died Thursday ' at his, salary, $1,800 to $2,700 per annum; senior mechanical engineer, inter state commerce commission; salary, $1,800 to '$27 00" per annum; senior ci viinneer interBtte- -commerce home near Jamestown. He was about 30 years old and had been a cripple for many years. He is sur ire.l by his mother, Mrs. Leonard, with whom he made his homer The Fri ,1 , -v 1 3 A i f: I 1 uuuiiuiiSBiuu, oaiai j , p x , o v v ii v', day at Red Hill. 7rtn onnm Ne-roes to Meet.-A call has been November 3 Associate gas engi- iSSUecl for a mass meeting of the COl- n.r. bureau nf standards: salarv. red people of the city to be held to- $2,000 per annum; teacher of metal morrow night to join in the fight for working and mechanical drawing, the elimination of adult illiteracy. Haskell Institute, Kansas; salary. The movement is backed by the negro $750 per annum and qua-ters. teac .ers of the city, who hope to re- December 8-9 Surveyor, general ceive the co-operation of the minis- land office, salary, $100 to $150 per ters d other leaders of the race. month, and a graduated per diem in i. w . Hopkins Dead. Mr. Thomas rtf nHHt0nn These examinations are open 1 lsticf of dynamite in tha:hM-hflH4 The "Russians aain have been vie- expfoieoV and killed both Mr. Kivett or-ously on the offensiyein the Dvin'sk antl h&Tson. . district and at one place, ccbrding to ;n6y's body was found 50 feet I Berlin, penetrated the German posi- -eaftr-of the shattered box and that of tions "over a widtn or onehattaiion. nisVijeS feet to the west. Both South o the Dvinsk-Novo Alexan bodiesWere terribly mutilated. Their drbvo line Berlin says the Russian aU faces ad been blown away, indlcat- tacfe. was put down with unusually tag tttat$hey were probably looking heavy. losses into tfae?box when the explosion oc- Progress of the Teutonic allies und curredtMr. Kivett had probably the Bulgarians In Serbia Is recorded been Jtamirilng a dynamite capwhich VInna and Berlin. Eery where, it dfsch-eauafne tfiA AvninafAn is asserted, the Serbs are being Mr.rKlvett war 4t var nirt d i driven before. the invading armies survivey his widow and eight chil- 1 dren. Was one of Guilford's best haa been captured by the Germans, while on the east the Bulgarians have taken several positions in the moun- Datnltbday'i ordered Ue4 trialvby.; r- - .VA,.'T",'--1 - V--' c-'- t INTERNED GERMANS TRY TO IiEAVB COUNTRY. ' iK i.-. SMAIiTj TARIFF ON Hopkins, one of the best known tizns of Rockingham county, died st Wednesday at his home north Brown Summit. He was about 75 yfars old and had been infeeble health for some time. Mr.HODkins to la of men only. Death of Mrs. J. W. Jones. MrslrJ. WJones, of Brown Sum- as a reDresentative of .ii hte-h tvn mit; died afclbef home Saturday af of citizen shin and Anim4,i th mm. terhoon at loelocfcv She had been tritizerid- and -most progressive farm ers. Hftnbved to' the High Point sec tion ffplxTLibeTty about 12 years ago. Thefuheral of Mr. Kivett and his son waTheld from the First Baptist church of rHigh Point yesterday after noon 4$ o'clock. The services were cfehdurfedbv Rev. Dr. A. W. Ciaxon. Newport News, Va., Oct. 15. Sev- rthe nastor ad Rev.' A. G. Dixon.-of erai sailors rrom the; German auxil. Uhelettiodist Protestant church. lary cruisers Jtronprinz Wilhelm-and LPrJnaUBatefc Friedrich intmfdrth; Norfolk navy yard, attempted to se cure pasage today on the Dutch freight steamers Mennikendam and Maartensdijk about to sail from this port for Rotterdam. One of the men was arrested aboard the Maartensdijk at the request of her captain and is being held by the police for the com mandant of the navy yard. The others are supposed to have returned to their ships. The Dutch captains reported the incident to Collector of Customs Hamilton, who issued a statement saying rigid precautions would be taken in the future to prevent the interned Germans from escaping. The -disappearance of six members of the crew of the Wilhelm who re cently troke a leave of absence grant- curtaaartiavj otiR arAdmiil-TaP: nyoivinginegiect. ann careless, metn- ; idlneconduciothx inapectortt. taachlneryat : the F?re - ItvVr Sfilpbtd cey MassInpctoMMU cnsfatiofTf'e K-2." ;The court "will meet -at . the Sos torf s.navy,ryard -s October ls.;nd wilV be coimposedtof Reat rJza!rafe r . iisKe, ieim, arKS, vyonningron. Gleavesland sDunnU and Paymaster . General Cowle and teuCbmman- der A. W. Johnson aa Indge advocate. The "action of the department-ia this ;Case,f t says a; -stateinent tjptfua by -Secretary Daniels, -"ta ordering: the trial by generar court-marita!l-6f. ; nnpffiJ6er whohaa 'Jben TeUIkftl, . aiiaming me jaine navai rans on charges relating Witftfea performed prior tbJ retirement ia Sotmewltat rad ical juid arrests, attention.' - 1 1 can be accounted forVnly fas"an evidence of the department's determination, that thevlnspectidn-of ship's 'ttnderwn struction for the. jiavy shall be con- The K-2ifcfeS in. Januaryr , batteries nave developed since tjiat tfme!' i Navy rf5ciais aafa'iodafSAi fectiye installation ! ratber:Hliande aign.fvhadv caued short dLrcttitin. Tb)e boat., was contacted., for .hjthe Electric BoatCpmpany -and con- tructed-by the Fore River plant.-'-"The soprce: of trouble iaveiss filj class;1 -teVfete- ineMt ibbntlnuea Hk ieatfiemiS- Mect bt close . investigation by the r - 9 . - - tain country. " j navy depaxtmentJ As a result tba de- Great Britain has declared war ' partment has been led to believe against Bulgaria. that the inspection of the K-2 while While both Rorrie and Vienna j.bildini at the Fore River Shipbufld claim success foj their forces along ' ingXjmpany wasjiot conducted with the "AuBtro-Italian front, nc impor-r sufficient care and thoroughness and tant changes in the line have taken iaceoxdlngly has ordered Admiral iiitv place, i . . - - tle;who wss responsible foTinspec- A rpm.GoThageniarethat boat destrojr nd a torpedo boatr ' MrDanielsr-aaid e-lad relye4?a,r have been sunk off the Danish coast letter from Admiral Little sayirig-he: by a British submarine. . : had. been assured by the buUdera? .that any fauK-with the batteries -ef REPORT ON IiANDSLIDES the K-2 which developed after her IN THE PANAMA CANAL. ! acceptance would be rectified by the company at- its own .expense; and had A detailed account of the land- recommended her acceptance on that - Washington, Oct. 16. President Wilson is strongly considering the advisability of recommending a small duty on wool as a means of raising revenues necessary to meet the ex- ' slides which have caused the Panama basis. It- was learned today that the pres- canal to be closed indefinitely to com- fidence and esteem of all 4rhovknew KV declining healths for al year vor- him. He took an active interest Iri fTOor and. a few.daya previoua,to her Public affairs and had represented t death was forcied take to her bed. Rockingham in the legislature. Late Thursday afternoon she suffered- Yimng Friends' Rally. A young a hemorrhage of -the stomach and it Friends' rally service was held at was realized that -the end was ap t e Asheboro Street meeting house proaching. ; last evening at 7.30 o'clock. An in- Mrs. Jones was about 7 i years old teresting program was rendered and and is survived by her husband; Dr. the exercises were enjoyed by a good J- w- Jones; two sisters, Mrs. W. H. congregation. Short addresses were Rankin, of this city, and Mrs. Marga- delivered as follows: "The Present ret Patterson: of Arkansas, und a Missionarv Sitnaiinr, o Tt Anneal brother, Mr. James BroAn, who re- Youne FriPnda " hv nlara T Sides in the West. cox, of High Point: "What It Means to rp a t, t nlace yesterday afternoon at Fair - 1 11CUU. II V IL AI IL . . - HI. J M nr Hobbs; ident will probably incorporate a h bee cabled t tn recommendation of this character in department by Major General Goeth 11 t. 1 i. 1 ..,111 j 1 me message wuicu ue win eiiu vu ajg The dispatch Said : Congress asking for suspension or me Mass of material involved in the j with a letter from President Pierre provision of the Underwood-Sim- break of October 14, 1914, which had Font," of Andorra,; tfcefdrd&tind-al tariff law, which ptits HUgar on the been gliding gradually into prism, most the smallest republic in the moved precipitately.- This, combined wtrld, to President Wifedh, as' heacf Smallest Republic For Peace. New York, Oct. 16.-rrLawrence Grant, of London,- arrived here ?oaa3' 1 free list on May 1 next. Members of Congress have been in formed that Secretary McAdoo is in clined to favor the restoration of a ed: them 'for a cruise in a power yawl , . , . , , , . , , ; . sion of the free sugar schedule and they had bougbt has resulted in an order from the navy yard against the granting of any further shore lib erty to the German sailors. Since the cruisers have been interned their commanding officers have, been al lowed to give leaves to their men at will. - - that he has urged this course upon the president. It Is known that the matter has been under discussion with Democratic leaders In Congress. The sugar and the wool schedules have always been regarded as the most important features of a general tariff revision, and the belief is growing here that it will be next to impossible for the administration to In I make important changes in these . Not After Marshall's Scalp. A Washington dispatch says: commenting on the gossip in circu- j schedules without opening the field lation that -Wilson Democrats do for efforts frT nthr fHre.fHnn- The funeral and interment iook not waht Thomas Riley Marshall for vice president in 191 6, and are look-I - Thimn MArHfM. J I '-a . lf.ll..Jll D.tut.t ntinMh J - - . . - I Friends' Attitude Towards l rovc mtiviw 1 ing for another candidate, it was said 4 Mr. C. M. Ward, of Thomasville, ar," bv p p pvo-h,. the services being conducted by Rev. few Arrests Made. The officers I W' F. Ashburn 01 the law had but little extra work to do last week on account of the J'entral Carolina fair, this state of af- Creased attendance on account ot the bad weather and the absence of an' considerable amount of blind 'r nquor. A few automobile! Peeders and drunks -were- arrested, Jut on the whole the people were on good behavior. It is said there less drinking in evidence Vthan ad ever been the case at a fair here. The Morehead PoTtrait.The com- Uee having in charge the arrange (;ents for the presentation by the TUllford bar of a portrait of-CoL James T. Morehead to the Supreme Urt of North Carolina has selected -Judge R. c. Strudwick to formal Present the portrait. The JBXer es v-'iH take place in the Supreme and November 2, at 10 o'clock' a win be attended by a majority Lfle members of the local bar. Serious Automobile Accident. Messrs. K.vM Jjzment and E. u. with a similar movement from the break which occurred just opposite, on the west bank, in August, causes present conditions. "Length of channel involved. 1,300 feet, of which 200 feet has present j width ot 25 feet and depth of three to 15 feet. "For week ending October 9, 209, 000 cubic yards of material were dredged out, but, as the movement continued, the result, has been to maintain only what slides left in the first instance. Canal, is therefore, physically closed temporarily. "On the east side the bank is up ward of 300 feet above canal level, and on the west Vide Varies from 300 to 400 feet above. Material is set tling and moving creates earth waves of the largest r3publlc. " The letter, r- congratulates President Wilson upon the stand taken by the United States for neutrality and, also upon the ma--terial aid rendered tb Belgians. The president of Andorra; also states that "Jfiis.re public, ii "always- ready to lend its feeble voice toward a peace conference."- : Andorra, which is on the southern slope of the Pyrenees, adjacent to France - and Spain, -became; a repub lic about 790. It contains 175 square miles and has a populition of ap proximately 6,000. " at the White House that "the presl- and Miss Georgia Bruce, of Rbcking dent has never discussed the vice ham county, were married in Greens presidency with anybody , boro Thursday evening at the home to tuts was added that the rela- of Rev. R. E. Andrews, who per- tions between the president and Mr. iformed the ceremony. Holder,- employes of the North Caro- Marshall are of "the most pleasant Mr. Whitfield N. Gordon and Miss i p..hi HATxifi Comnanv. were auu cuaracier. j ciauae Angel, of the Stokesdale sec- knocked down and run over Thnra- It has befen plain thnt President tion, were married in this city Thurs dav nieht br an automobile driven j Wilaon himself has not been indulg- day afternoon by Justice of the Peace hv H. cl Williams, of Kernersville: ng in taiK anout tne vice presidency. 4 Cad England. W. I out tne ract is tnat several influential Mr. J. Cody Hedrick and Miss aiie n uicu iv"- e m 1- . . . . -. . Kn.,lviiftermi(taiJrht - Hill; both Of High FOint, - 1 J senate, have been sueeesiinr the lifcA Ivcira marWo u hA nffla nf thtt ,. - J Vimaainff tHA PnniT noliRfl I . r --. - " - - 1 r. . m mo viuv wi. wo -e iaiiare' when the accident occurred. w. C B aeeos saturaay anernoon 1 HL nx for Wilson in 1916. at 4.30 o'clock. Souire England offl-1 Ozment' haa noin- b8 . oroneu auu iiri." iririttioT received : at number oft Harvard Professor at 10. Army Men Cant Go on Stump. Secretary of War Garrison will not tolerate political speech-making by army officers either when on dutv or' with deep depressions behind . those; on-leaves of absence, aa 'tadicated a being some 600 to 600 feet from' the few dajs ago? when he ordered an of- caumx priBixi, wm eieiauuBB OX DV U I fn f.VA hA tfnmn. SLwia. elating. 100,000 Are Immune. One. hudred thousand North Caro linaians have been - immunized Lajrnitir citite and bruises about the I pambrldge.Mass., Oct. lB.Nor- head and body : , - ' ibert wiener, ninteen yeare of age, " tur "WIlHtima. the driver Of the all- I wna flnrwilntArl an- A.Rn1oiA.nf wmt Asanr tnmobile was arrested and ' placed of nbilosonhy "at Harvard CoUeee to-1 t typhoid fever iir campaigna conauciea iuring in summer, mkt cording to the estimate of, the state board of healtlv The board conduct some men under bond- for -his appearance at a !iay. He will instruct preliminary hearing, which will be 1 older thanhe. ytt-Katx fhA 4n1ntw1 men ata a.hlA I - A -tifAAn WIaiioi" - nuAlvA1 ITia UCIU. W1K-U Mw 1... .lr'.MtW. . . . v . . . - .iw I,: - " 11a. a...; . J J AimaA M haohalni nf nrtr frnm 1WM I .v", Aiik. w wi ..A,f (hA r!o I county ueaun ooi5er-xxv t Mr, W; A. Watson. Sr.. n one to t rrr" r.'.rj.r. 72T.:.:whll, In thevkeveitr-sU reijuJntaS SO Teet above water surface. ' These waves undoubtedly -counterbalance weight of broken mass on: either side, and, when removed, may cause - an other similar movement; hence im possibility .of making any prediction as to date of reopening until after waves-which' now block- the charnel have been removed" and actionof "re maining material determined.-Heavy rains materially affect movement. Whether- light-draft ships can pass in advance of 3 0-feet-draft ships must depend on conditions when rea sonably secure - channel is attained." State Sunday School Convention. The committee having the matter in charge baa decided that the State Sunday school - convention t.will be held in SalisburyrKovember 2 2r: 23 and 24i- An: earlier rdate had- been, set, xbut waa- abandoned because :no speaker of national note could be se- tary Garrison holds that even though an officer is on leave, the depart ment's jurisdjctipnatill extends over his conduct. - - r . A precedent was established. when the 'secretary ; of i war; telegraphed to Capt. Charles H7 Morrow of the elev enth infantry, to refrain ..from cam paigning in the interest of hisbroth- ef) Edwin Pj MorVoV, who Is a -Can didate- for governor jof Kentucky on the Republican - ticket; May Extend xVo-Treatlns Ord.-rg. ' Now that- London has accepted the . n entreating regulatiojis . with jauch food grace- and haa.aho wn ; such- w-a marked .iuctionin .tliercnsnci tion of al cohollc beverages as well as in cases ef .drunkennessy. great Tmpe " tna has been" given - to tie Exovexaent T: lwjulcli K&bezi;ntikHe& ftct hav the notreatlni ,prder- apslied.oTerthe e-:.-rz-.. .r, -4 ' decJded!tiMaand4thi"A v "18- s. Bradshaw, Thomas CO: and R- R. King constituteithe Jenkins. - . ... -VV- .i. . ' . - f.-j J.LU U A AAA W UA 0A 9tJ . w lttee on arrangements. v.

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