v - , . - PUBUSHEO -EVERY-WONDAYAWD-'-TKURSDAYc -:.-.---- f VSHED 18&1 gSTAB 1 GREENSBORO, N. C, UOWDAY, TJOVEr.lBER 1 5, TOIS i ;: -r , ' J i -'fA'V. ;-i4.trv -''-r-f 5- 0, mmm OF INTBRBfiT TC FAB AND NBAB- Naders of the paxkiot JPARMERS CALLED TO MEET J IN GREENSBORO SATURDAY. A call has been issued for a meet ing of Guilford county farmers tp be neld in the. court house in Greens boro next Saturday morning at 10. SO O clock to effect a reorganization of BRYAH HEARD LAST HIGHT ADDRESSED A LARGE AUDIENCE ON FIRST COMIANDMENT GIVEN TO ISRAEL. For the second-time in the past few t hv Orphans. The singing rrnhanaee Will be I i,v . , . , . -nriinm y rmrnn nVi( nf tue UA1,J r tlfe county iarm oureau, wnicr. nas "cm nuim o. mjau iMi .meui (l5 x TridaV night and give V.o.a v, j: I dHvoroH 9-lwtiirB in nrAPTishnrn Tpensuui w " I ui 1.11c xni 111 ucJiiuiian auuu 1 " - -- .. - - w " . Orand opera nouse. w.u; T7in, gt 111 1 in. wic iuuui,jr. ruuumug Another Lawyer. Greensboro has the eaU fQr the meeting. is f n lparal frater- Mr - B- Stainback, a native Pldon and a recently licensed at of nas located here for the prac- . fnaainn 0f lllS pruicooi"" we want you to-attend a mass meeting at the court house, Greens boro, Saturday, November 20, at 10.30 o'clock. The object of this and was heard by an audience that filled the Grand opera house to "over flowing. Mr. Bryan spoke on the first of the Ten Commandments, "Thou shalt have no other god before me," and handled the subject in his own TEACHE WW C00I1TY:IIEET MOONLIQHTSCROpii WORK AND OTHERTlMEXlf SUBJECTS DISCTJSSirD.' AtlE The Guilford Qounty Teachers' As sociation ;hellthe second meeting of the year, first since all the schools of the ccfUnty have opened in the Carnegie library at 10.30 o'clock Sat urday morning with a full attend ance. Devotional exercises -were, con ducted bj Rev. R. Murphy "Williams. Countyf Superintendent Foust pre- meetine is to discuss tha future of Was 71 to u. xue wwvu farm demonstration work in Guilford the Greensboro and bails- COunty. lice Score teaKls i flavor! a. srame in liign scuuuio Htv Friday afternoon that re XlULl in a score of 71 to 0 in favor M-ne local chasers of the pigskin. Z Brittain's Condition. The fPi;,lition of Mr. H. Clay Brittain, of Cmerfield, who had a leg ampu- at St. Leo s nospitai io,s proper to style it a sermon, was de- now for two years, and we want to have the experience of those farmers who have come into direct contact with the work, and discuss ways and means of making it more valuable to all the farmers of Guilford county original and masterful manner. The sided over the meeting and discuss lecture, or perhaps it woulQ be more ed with - the teachers the ramifica tions or rtne compulsory attendance law. The teachers were instructed that the Teport to the attendance of fleers mist be- sent on , the fourth Monday bt the calendar month and 'This work has been under way livered in compliment to the minis- tated and how the farmers may have ar ..j ha n satisfactory as I Ai -- -jpporicU I ai;iivc yai i ui uiicuuug 111c nui a.. linrior Ttlfi r.irCUUl- iittt u 1 J 1 x i I 1 jid ue expeuicu i we wuuiu ntve lu bcuu a oy cjicii invitation to every farmer in the . . -r:..rv Tii tenth dis- I v.... ..i k nn th Kniahts of Py- ifvicr an wo oro Q jrirocr. selected from the various churches ; v ill be held in this city Friday this letter to you and several other of tne city' furnished music i t. December 10. The following men in your township, and earnestly Lo comprise the tenth district: urge ,that you be present and do all Hicli Point, Liberty, Ramseur, Reids- you can to insure ag many men from ters of Greensboro. The white churches of the city were closed for the evening and as many of the mem bers of the congregations as could nt the fourth Monday of the school, do so crowded the opera house to reporting ,oniy tnose wno, accordm hear the distinguished apostle of to law f D,e excused. It is said peace and righteousness. tnat the Attendance law is working Mr. Bryan was presented to the admirably this year. I rrCL- nl.1!L 1 1 i audience by Rev. Dr. C. W. Byrd, Aue TUUU8Ul scaoot proposition pastor of West Market r'treet Meth' odist church. A choir of 100 voices, Bulbars aiid tORKS wo and Mr. G.-' A. Short;: pf the Summer- i field higii school, ;Wro appointed , as I kinroeram committee; for the high school department if'the associatton. '. PnOTESTs.rO ; CEcp.CAGAixfi.a The erammar efade denartment 1 CONTINUED .LANDING .OF met in the T. .W; & A: rooms, where ALLTEI TIMOPS. 4 thflv lparned - a Thankseivine sons and listened to a paper oh busy work "The continued landing! o? . British by Miss Eva Cox, of x the Bessemer i and French troops at Salonikl is caus- high school. Miss Cox teaches the inf s0?1!68 to Bulsaria nd third;and fourth grades. , She gives lUTKey.ana tne ministers or tnose her pupils -Work in manual training powersi.haveagai' protested to and drawing. She usea plasticine in o -GreekgojernmettW which took makings relief maps in connection P'1--?? T? with her geography work, and they determination of Xheentente. allies 111 also make ahimals ot i the eountry j their Balkan, campaign Is shown by Vill6 Spray, Oiici y uui iu w usuip yuaoi uic uciug vico Proximity and White uak. ent. vpets Tomorrow. Th Metnoaisi We i10pe every township in the In opening his address Mr. Bryan declared that the commandment Thou shalt have no other god before me, is tne greatest or ail tne com mandments and tnat it is nust as binding today as when it was given they, are studying. "They also dress dolls to represent the : people of the different countries. :Her children make blotters and scrap books, "al ways following the different seasons and the study of historical days in their work. Tne primary teachers learned a Thanksgiving song, discussed busy work and had a general round table discussion of .things helpful to the teachers. , 1 ctestant Conference of North Car- county will be represented by at to the people of Israel. Mr. Bryan pre olina hi A.vonA In flra.ee M. F. wiv' and con- least ten farmers." .AMirfT onn C-f 111 I mi. J.l1 . IV . - H nr mM v c uiiu w i i - n n t i r 1 n ir u iu iiu ifiuri ki-viiiiiv p in session through the remain- this call. tier of the week. About 200 minis- the confer- ter ana lay mcmu. - -nce will be in attendance, besides a number of visitors. t Want Convention. The Chamber 0f commerce has decided to invite the next Republican state convention to meet in Greensboro. An effort iRn be made to secure for this rtv the next meeting of the national tM labor committee, which will be held some time during the winter or wly next spring. Next Bond Election. The registra nt hooks were opened Saturday for tl e election to be held in Greensboro Dp. ember 14 on the question of is suing $125,000 in bonds for sewer age extension and further street im provements. So far practically no invest has been shown in the elec tion, but doubtless the bonds will be voted. school Bond Election. A meeting of f-e patrons of the South Buffalo public school was held at the school T7w.iHov nijrht. for a discus- DUH X' i o J. G. Frazier, Guilford College; J. A. Hoskins, Summerfield; W. M. Clark, Greensboro; C. M. Pritchett, Greensboro; W. A. Bowman, Julian; D. W. Lindley, Guilford College; C T. Weatherly, Pleasant Garden; C N. Hockett, Pleasant Garden; J. L Hawkins, Brown Summit; T. N. Sel lers, Brown Summit; W. H. Bennett, Julian; J. C. Causey, Liberty; J. A. Starr, Greensboro; D. A. Kirkpatrick, Greensboro; E. M. Dodson, Greens boro; G. W. Dawson, Greensboro; R. W. H. Stone, Greensboro; A. Beis- chel, Greensboro; Z. L. Groome, Greensboro; J. C. Forester, secretary Chamber of Commerce, Greensboro; Charles W. Gold, president Chamber of Commerce, Greensboro; E. H. An derson, farm demonstration agent, Greensboro. discussed briefly nine false gods, di vided into three "classes. The first and highest class, so placed because in the worship of these people some times unintentionally do good for others, included the gods of gold, fashion and fame. In the second class, in which the worship is for. selfish reasons alone, without benefit to any one, he placed the gods of ease, intellect and travel. In the lowest of them all he placed the three was alsofdiscussed. Twenty or more of the teachers present have organ ized nignl schools and "their reports were verV encouraging. Of course there arr many districts in the coun ty who fcjave no Illiterates. Mr. Foust said that we owe a duty to them to help themV- "Many of these people lived in sTtime when there were prac tically no-public schools, and theCivif war lef t maiiy people so poor that they coiild not attend the private schoo!s.Ahd another reason for the moonlight school is that we should make a:strong sentiment for educa tion an make it so strong that it will mike illiteracy uncomfortable in Nortf Carolina. Miss jtiSind,' primary teacher at Po mona, hits made a study of a program for thels schools and she was called upon atid; gave a demonstration of how th first lessons may be taught. Mr. Foust urged the teachers who CHARLES A. HINES ELECTED drink. And the most deadly of them all, -said Mr. Bryan, is the god of drink, the god which makes mentor get the mothers who bore them; that makes husbands forget the vows taken at the marriage altar; that en genders in the child fear of his pa rent, and that leads only to death and destruction. The speaker declared .that there are many false gods besides the nine mentioned, but they are all false and the large, force they are sending to -the Balkans, and news has been re ceived from Rome "that Italy also had decided' "to intervene in" this" region? in .a measure worthy of. her gxeat- ness," and. to give , sufficient support iub jriiisu . ana r renca to assure -a complete triumph. This is sai'd to' have tad some influence on Greece and Rumania. Rumania, however. is -waiting for the developments of the Russian plans. :i -r Meanwhile - the -Anstro-Germans and Bulgarians are advancing slowly In their efforts' to cu off or annihilate the Serbian army, ' These efforts. however, are rowine more difficult. Deeds recording the following as th Serbians now have : ocennied transfers of real estate in the county deiensive positions to the south and have been filed during the past few east Qf .Kralievp and east of Ivagnit- R. L. and Esther D, Michael to left hank" of the southern "Mofeva Viola Teague, a tract of 22 1-2 acres J where heavy fighting is in progress; in Morehead township, adjoining the Big battles also ?are proceeding in lands of J. D. Donnell and others? the snnth between thA T?nlparinnR ami DEEDS RECORDING SALES OF GUILFORD REAL ESTATE. consideration, $2,750. The Real Estate and Trust Com pany to J. L. McCracken, a lot front ing 130 feet on Spring Garden. street, Morehead township! consideration, $10 and other valuable considera tions. J. W. and Mary R. Welborn to R. F. Keerans, a lot 50 by 150 feet on the Anglo-French, but" reports on these are ; conflicting. Outside the Balkans the .most im- portant theater of operations is.no'vg along the. eastern front. In the north the Germans apparently have 'aban doned hope of reaching Riga and Dvinsk, at least until 'the ground freezes, and are falling back or being DEMOCRATIC CHAIRMAN. false gods, worship of which lead to haye a(u illlterates in their district destruction chance, passion and w MWMA mjm a&ai C?USS Dr. j. "A.jLesch, head of . the de- artmrledcaUont College, was present and- made a short talk to the teachers. Dr. Lesch is a very strong speaker and his talk was very much appreciated by the teachers. Among other things he said: "I think we are too modest as to our own powers to do some thing. We need to feel more confi dence in ourselves, so that when we have anything to do that we can do well we can do it with double the Poplar street, in the city of High driven back from the DYlna,''' which Point; consideration, $375. j was Hheir objective. J. W. Welborn and C. C. Muse to in the south General- Iranoff-ha R. F. Keerans, a lot 50 by 141 feet in block-C of the $. M. Sechrest prop-.- repeatedt3ttr erty,; High -Pointttoshipohsj selfishness must be put in the back- A meeting of the Guilford county Democratic executive committee was r i j i Anrinn 11 i ?s nit; uwuvv i nu n in tf: i i n i i 11 i v i iiiini 111 liic i v rii ii ii ii ai ii m iiiri i tkt i i r t r u u vu t- SK'l OT 1 DOllvI. CiCwdv ar j nvv - . w - l o u " xjiwu. m uv f Vi j to .old for the erection of a new COurt house Saturday at noon for the thing else. Wherefore the first com-wiiine- The election, which will purpose of receiving and acting on mandment, "Thou shalt have no the mask for each one is selfishness. The individual god is worshiped for power because of our self confidence. selfish reasons. In the ideal life this The sin of the school teaohpr is thlnir. little of himself or herself. "I hate for my pedagogy to be knocked into pieces so often, but every once in a vwhile something n the question of issuing bonds to the resignation of the chairman, Mr. other god before me," must be obey- comes along that knocks it into a hp n . i n .5 1 1 nunhahlv I T7i r CCU 11 M QVi airill nrasont the amount ot $xu,uuu, m Viwt.-j x. vi. oncnn. uucm" be ordered in the near future. ed his resignation on account of the Want District Nurse. The city fact that his emplyoment in the of- I ners haVe received from flee of the secretary of state at Ral- t- Cuilford County Medical Society eigh keeps him out of Greensboro a resolution expressing the hope that and it wpuld, therefore, be impossi- ariunfrements be made for the em- ble for him to give his personal at- ed first in the attainment of the ideal life. Mr. Bryan termed conversion as simply a voluntary surrender to God. That conversion, to Christianity and right living, "he declared, is just as easly of accomplishment as is the -.yeo. tn wnrt tantlnn r Ho Wnrlr of thft O-OminfiT . . . . - . i pio ment 01 a qisuici uuxo . conversion 01 a law aDiaing man to among Greensboro's colored popula- campaign. The resignation was ac- tion No official action was laneu m ceptea wiui ejs.presoiuu ic6c regard to the matter, bTit it is hardly appreciation on the part of the com urnr,ahlfi that the city will became mittee. The name of Mr. cnar'es a. iines was the only one placed in nomina tion to succeed Mr. Sherrill as chair man, and he was elected by the unan isible for the employment of a respon turse. William G. Holt Dead. Mr. Wil liara G. Holt, an aged an highly es- cocked hat. We have always thought that a little child can learn easier than a grown person, but in these moonlight schools the adult can beat the child. You can learn better to day than you ever could. I want to remind you of your increased power to handle things. I want you to get a thier or murderer, it an nappens uv"" uccyc Liiau just uhumub a in a moment, in that mcment when thing and not half believing it. Try a man determines to turn. to let yur confidence go down deep Mr. Brvan arrived in Greensboro enouS to believe in yourself really." frr-m life Vlfm in Wnshi.iet.on vester day morning and was accompanied wrauon agent, announced that by Mrs. Bryan rhetaWwTfe- Perry and wife, three parcels of land, aggregating - 4.43 acres, situated in j Morehead town3hip; consideration, $500. B. C. Young and wife to R. L. Michael, a tract of land in Morehead township, adjoining the lnds of J. D. Donnell and others and contain ing 22 1-2 acres; consideration, $10 and other valuable -considerations. W. R. Robinson and wife to C. H. King, 24 3-4 acres in Monroe tovrn ship; consideration, $500 William F. Ross to A. L. Rankin, 14 acres and 81 poles in Friendship township; consideration, $10. W. F. Ross to A. H. Stone, 14 acres and 132 poles in Friendship town ship; consideration, $450. P. L. Stanley to W. F. Ross, 14 acres "and 81 poles in Friendship township; consideration, $10. N. J. McDuffie and wife to W. A. Lowe and wife, lot 154 of the Me Adoo Heights subdivision, Gilmer township; consideration, 225 risosensv-tn tliei5st-reeat-f. these thrusts the bag totalled 6,000, many of whom were Germans. The Italians keep up their offen sive on both the. Trentino and Ison zo fronts and are making another ef fort to take Goriza, which has with stood them for so long. On the western front heavy artil ery bombardments again are begin ning in Artois, but with the present rain-soaked condition of the ground this can hardly presage another of fensive. teemed citizen of GreenFboro Route imous vote of the committee. Mr. 2 died vesterday at his home near Hines served the party as chairman Stewart's mill. He had neen in iuv- m xvvo aim wuuuwvw , Dv. lid for several years and his death cessful campaign. The largest vote v were conveyed nxt Saturaay, November 20, there to the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. " WUMCia x, vJ, uor.a wpt. entertained court house for the purpose of organ- '"B permanent iarmers orgamza- as not unexpected. He is survived in the history of the party in Guil v.. , . . , j nhniren. The I ford was Dolled that year, the ticket u nis wiQOW auu mice . funprai nd interment took place being elected by the biggest major this afterxoon at 2 o'clock at Holt's ity on record. chapel, the services being conducted while in the city. Soon after his ar rival Mr. Bryan, accompanied by Mr. Brooks, left for Chapel Hill, where he delivered two lectures during the tion ior agricultural improvement. At the meeting farm demonstration work and agricultural improvements hv ho TTnivcrsitv of North Caro- " Ct. mi. n ol in tn Anderson asked the teachers to help lllltb, 1CIUI lllllfe LU vCOUDUW v I Jr-.4.. . .. x. i advertise the meeting. by the pastor, Rev. F. L Townsend. Xegro Night Schools The negroes of Greensboro are showing a, good deal of interest in the moonlight school movement. Arrangements Mr. H. L. Coble will continue to serve the committee in the Capacity of secretary. . . Will Help Two Colleges. The directors of the Chamber of even in e. Mr. Brvan left early this morning for Rock Hill, S. C, to make an address today. He is to speak in Charlotte tonight and Salisbury to morrow night. Mrs. Bryan will remain here on a ruu -::r ei.,e a ,.tlnf-held Friday visit to Mrs. Brooks for a few days, nave been made to conaucL ' , . .7". A ninh he and Mr. Rrvan will . . . ii.'. w wooVfl I nlpht. decided to lend tne assisiaace i aignt scnoois in tne city DA 1 " ' " o to their winter home at Miami, in an effort to eive the adult inner-, oi me organ irvixi w . ate memher of the race the rudi- to secure an adequate auditorium for 1 ia. ment, of a vnnwiede of reading and the State Normal and industrial v,oi- -rit.inK. Teachers in the colored pub- lege. A committee of five will xhake Founcl Dead in Bed. lip nwi0 mijctora and others have a canvass of the situation and report w Brvant was found dead in viiuuio, UllUlO 1.1 " . volunteered as teachers of these at the next monrniy ,meeuujs i bed at-his home in Winston-Salem ni.fflit schools directors of tne unamoer ;ot - Priday morning. He retired Thurs- J. W. White Dead. Mr. James W. merce. day night apparently in good health V;r,to wv, nted ?. tailoring me commutes d heart trouble is supposed to nave wuuuv;iv- I . . ., II A n hAof. nn business sth wim street, died ed to investigate me uCCu ut v""-- caused his death. He was zs years j wii "i." " - I . 1 " X I Sauirdv rr,- Qt st T.eo's hospi- ing plant at Bennett college suomit- d leaves a widow and a four- - - 1 . . i, .. tal. follnwinir short illness. He was ted a report, Dut no acuuu waa vearold son. Mr. Bryant was tne son 46 vMr, oih o.h 5e crvived bv his It is expected, however, that the f M and Mrs T. n Bryant, of High : I . i m TTri 1 1 oeeiar in I a i a. i aa v idow and two- daughters. The fu- cnamoer oi oommci t,i point, and moved irom mat piaww . . I ,,Aa fn r the nlant.. About I . , -i.t! 1 4- The next general meeting of the teachers' association will be held on the third Saturday in January. Dr. Lesch spoke at the meeting of the high school department. His talk was helpful and hopeful, a real in spiration to the teachers. He showed the relation of the teacher to the pu pil In sympathy, the opportunity of opening up new possibilities for the child, and the opportunity of in fluencing them to greater things. He told the teachers to know what they are going to do and then to do it. He stated that the noble aspirations of Another Escape From Interned Vessel Norfolk, Va., Nov. 12 Despite the presence of American marine guards around the two interned German cruisers, Prince Eitel Friedrich and Krbnprinz Wilhelm, another German sailor has disappeared. He escaped some time between 9 o'clock Thursday night and 6 o'clock this morning. His name is Thiery and he was a fireman on the Eite Friedrich. His absence was reported to Rear Admiral Beatty, commanding the Norfolk navy yard, at 1 o'clock this afternoon. Admiral Beatty im mediately notified the navy depart ment, the custom officials and the police of Norfolk and Newport News. Admiral Beatty says he believes the man made his escape from the Eitel Friedrich by letting himself down the anchor chain of the ship and dropping into the water. He be lieves he swam considerable distance, got under wharves along the naval yard front until he reached the ex treme end of the yard where he is be lieved to have reached a swamp and Churchill Resigns. Winston Spencer Churchill has given up his portfolio of chancellor of the duchy ofrLancaster in the British cabinet and will join his reg iment at the front. In his resigna tion he expressed the belief that time would vindicate his administration of the admiralty and assign him his share in the responsibilities of prep arations "which secured us command of the seas." Premier Asquith, in acknowledging the resignation, said he was sincere ly grieved that Mr. Churchill felt it his duty to leave the cabinet. the child expire if the education made his way to tne maiPland and ceases at either the grammar or high j escaPea- school, Also that if a person is train ed in only one line new fields are Superior Court. The second week President and Cabinet 3Ieet. Washington, Nov. 12. President Wilson and the cabinet met today for the first time since last July, when the German submarine question was at one of the most serious stages. The sinking of the Italian liner An- cona was the most important foreign question before the cabinet today, but no definite action was expected until full official details were at hand. It was stated at the White House, however, that the cabinet meeting to day was called only because the pres ident wanted to get in touch with his official advisers before the open ing of Congress to discuss his annual message and legislation ' affecting their departments. From now on cabinet meetings will be held regu larly twice a week. neral was held yesterday afternoon from the Huntley-Stockton-Hill Com pany's undertaking establishment and interment made in Greene Hill cemetery. Rev. Dr. C. W Byrd con raising funds for the plant. $2,000 is needed. Winston-Salem last year. r Mr. J. F. Gray, of Guilford Col- i . The Patriot office a brief Mrs. Flavia E. Gorrell has goncn a visit to Chicago and other points Bees Play Ghost 15 Years. York, Pa., Nov. 12. A ghostly buzzing in the walls of the old S. B. Manifold home at Muddy Creek' Forks, heard many times in 15 years, was explained today, when the weathr not open to him, and that the-high of the November civil term of Su- ! erboardmg was torn out in prepara- school teacher comes into contact I nerior court opened this morning. t tion for remodeling. with the child when he is the most with Judge M. H. Justice on the) After a lot of badly stung work- easily influenced or inspired to high-J bench- There are- no cases of im- men had summoned courage to re er things. I portance or public Interest ? on the .turn, .they,,discovered a store of 200 .Mr. E, J.Goltrane, of the James- docket for trial; though 'there -Is pounds. of .honej. . ; A-,hlTe .xf bees town high school; MrtF. L. Foust, I enongn wor to Keep me- eonrx ocsy -wu ww w.w of the Pleasant Garden high school, dttrin& the remainder of th term. tween the l&Aer id, outer walls? ' -V s- V"-- J! ' vs. . - - C- i''OS55 - ducted the services. . - . M 1U..U1C 11 -WW 5,V .-.. a v - .- V