V5 - lr : vVvVVv. Vi: rJvfc-. .i.Vt-cr- ' V-SSil - :. . ... !: :--: s - .f t" " - ! 1 , - -. . . i . . PUDLISHCD EVER Yv i M O I 6 i AWD ( THURSDAY in -$?$ss7&& : ' -I "i . - J. r i X ''' M - c " - . T i 1 " ii;. LOCAL HEWS BY GODHTrflOOSE" CASE DECIDED, MATTERS OSl INTlSKiat TITIjE -IS CliBAREli ANB. COtTNTlT-f BBADBRS OP PAf IiEPT .IEE .TO DISPOSE QP FAR AND KJBJAli AS AN EXPERIMENT. THE PROPERTY, V ESTk, SNBT'ES : VASE TO ; i BE" r CAIXED SAYS .THE DISMISSAL. OP TWO PREPAR3NES:.lTJHB'KEl!NOTEp -TDA-NO . : --ATTACTfTOI7 V&ite. who comes to viGrejilisbdro Campbeiisourg, w ww iuc i borate .of Asheboro Street' Baptist I onnday for the tirst time.. In New Home. toi. i nomas i .Muse shose residence on West Lee .treet was almost destroy ea oy nre ipst Saturday, has rented a dwelling ftttW street and will if 'uoy it until lie. rebuilds , .: Hacan-Byrd. -Invitations - nave Ken received, to the approaching 7i,.irriage of Mr. Kenneth rPry- Hagan, oi this city, and Miss -Vejra Byrd, of in rr0ree, S. C, the ceretaony to take t J ' J (J t X 1 ' " F I, Making Progress. aausiactory ' - . . a" 1 down the asphalt surface ph the con- J CTt;IG rotxu. icauiug uui. - o - vw f to Greensboro and it is expected that the-task will 'be , completed before 1 Christmas. 1 Move to Mebane. Rev. and Mrs. y. F. Kennett moved yesterday from Stokesdale to Mebane, where Mr. repair the bridges, except in case of case was here before the county con Kennett becomes pastor of the Meth- washout, and keep the roadbed free tested the validity of the reservation odist Protestant church. He has just concluded, a pastorate of seven years on the Flat Rock charge, this having "been his fourth pastorate on that 1 "Forward" Dinner. The Cham- ber of Commerce is arranging to give what is to be known as a "Forward -I Greensboro" dinner at the Y. M. u. . Monday evening, this-being part of the program for enlarging the membership and otherswise strength- . i r rpt,- I enmg me uuamoei ut vuiuuiciw. ic dinner will be served at the rate of $1 a plate. Mrs. Pitts Dead. Mrs. Emma Pitts died Tuesday morning at her hornet Aear Guilford College, following an nnp nvaleeks. I She wiw 544 IV ears Ola anu IS SUrVlTcU Vj UCl il uo- 1 hand Mr l, L. Pitts, three daugh-1 ters and three sons.. The funeral and interment took place yesterday after noon at Deep River church, the ser vices being conducted by Rev. Albert Pele. Engagement Announced.- The en gagement of Miss Mary Blackburn, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Blackburn, of this city, and Mr. Wil liam Andrew Balsley, of Reidsville, has been announced, the wedding to take place early in January. Mr. Balsley is a son of the late Dr. Tur ner Balsley, of Reidsville, and a ne nhew nf Mr w. o. Ralalev. of this rifv (ii- Return Home. Two young . t 1 I members of lireensooro s ireeK coi- 1 TamM Coutolas and Georee Kfitoda will leave in a day or two for New York, from which place they will sail for their native land to of- ler their services to their king and country in this time of stress. It is said that other Greens in ureensDoro will probably return home soon to pniiot in nir .rmv Had Relatives Here. Cant. Sam- v u.vu. w.,. , uel L Lineberrv a retired railroad rnnrt.,,t, wh v,od mber of rel- tiva in nir.A nnv H.od Sun- I "v., n uuiuuiu .VUUW -Y- d3W n- r ni 0nn Mr ai. - I bert A. Lineberry, in Lexington, with whom he had resided since retiring from the railroad service about 18 months ago. tt w0 ft t.o old I .. j i . -r-r .t, i. i i iua a Drotner OI airs. n. x. uweu auu i Aioe- t a a f Pr onH t a I ' r Lineberry, of this county. Mrs. Hobgood Here. Mrs. F.' P. j Hobgood, Jr., who spent some time hospital in Charlotte following in a her return from Chevenne. Wvo.. where she was taken seriously ill a Glass. A. B. Robinson, Winoeia uay few waaV am hk rAttirned to is. W. P. Lemons, T. Coon, J. J. GrefinShnr and in Rtmmitlir with her sister, Mrs. R. G. I51oan. She has re- covered from her illness, but does not exnect to rntiirn t.n Wvomine. where I hpr 1,,,. ie in .nA,ui ork for the United States depart- ment of justice. . Ooiw sfnf tw,h Mi Ava Lee Lyon, a member of the senior Class at th Rt.ta Knrm.il and Indus- trial College, died Tuesday-corning at St. Leo's hospital, following an op- many contagiou aeaBeB eration for appendicitis she under- in -the county, but they have been re went th ta a waaVo HAr mothr ported promptly, and through co-op- bad been at her bedside during .her illness and n RitAr nd an tincle ar- rivAH . rta came, thia WQo .oArt vpV- day to the home of the family $t Lyon, Granville county, for tlie; fu neral and intArmAtit.. Tn WAavftd relative w ,ftW.ra, p J tdent Foust. of the Normal Coll terest transactetl ly tie county com- missioners at their regular . monthly meeting Monday and Tuesday con Mr. John A. Young for keeping the McCpnnell road in repair for ai dist anCe of ' about two-and a half miles J east of the city limits. Accompanied by a delegation rep Association and the Chamber of .Com- merce, Mr. - Young appeared before the board Tuesday and submitted a proposition to reconstruct and . keep repair the McConnell road irom the South Buffalo bridge to, the city .UbO Ub . XsVOV WK W rf.WV V V I mile per: annum. His proposition was couched in., the following Ian- . , - - ' I "That for jan amount not to exceed 1 aw.yci uiuv auuuauj x icvyu- i struct and keep in repair the McCon-' nell road from the South .Buffalo bridge to the city limits, maintaining the road at its original width, keep tip the fills, paint the iron work and I from ruts, and holes. "I. will render a report at the end of each month of actual money spent, charging nothing for .material gotten on mv own rarm ior roaa reoair ana charge. nothing for; my own time." After considerable discussion by the commissioners, Mr. Young and I Ltne delegation accompanying mm or the proposition and , the subject of road repair work generally, the board decided to enter into a contract with AT Vniinn a nai-lnil si'v mnnVia "4c, v xv.nxo. Tt is thought that this will give ample ttwe. inhich. to try out the expert- ment. ; The delegation accompanying Mr. Young and endorsing his. proposition " There is,, no easement .in f nctucu . .. uchciiai . miis ri and 'H.' 'Grantham, ''vepreselitiiigfTln,' or'- restrictions '.'imposed upon, the me Aiercnants. Association, ana u. M. Vanstorv. Garland Djmiftl. H. L. 1.1 Pnhlp I? n Rprnnn TT T Thnrman C. W. Gold and S. M. Bumoass. of the Chamber of Commerce 1 The board vjoted . unanimously to continue the annual appropriation of $500 as the county's share of the ex- pense of maintaining the farm dem- onstration work in Guilford. It was decided to maice an appro- priation of $100 each for the next year to the military companies of Greensboro and High Point. This is an increase of" $25 in the appropria- tion for each company. The annual report of the clerk of 1 0n.j. nx.. of nrtra-n tr ' Vl o I mc ouyciwi wu. t, wcwu6 transactions of the various county of- fices, was submitted and showed the county's affairs to be in line shape. The commissioners will hold a spe- cial meeting December 20 to go over the report in detail and check up the t ho I uuo.ucbo mm. txic uuw v v past 12 months. The following. jurors were drawn I for the civil term of Superior court to convene January 17: D. L. Prit- chett, F. Ri Shepherd, J. C. O'Briant, J. F. Greeson, John Brown, Robert . Staley. John Haynes, J. R. Kumieyi . . v. n . ttt . J u- won, j. 1. vxant, vv.r a. .ree-; son, N.. C. Hanner, J. A. May, J. m. Archer, F. A. Brooks, A. E. Thomas, J. C. Hackett. R. D. Tuttcer, s. jou- f.:xa.BbA.cbb, xw j. uut i .ji . . . . w may k A. w i Ante. ri. i.. iftcijon-i - aid. A. M. Fentress, E. A. McAdoo, J. , . - -. i a -r- tr rr K. wwe. u. . f stone, J. k.. usoorne, . a. owa- man, w. a. Aiirea. j. w. woiwu, o. W. Vickery;K. OotMlf . 1U. J-.-' layior. . a. vYBu,- AurBu Frazler, W. P. OTltn, A. - woruon, I . w , . m tx ntm. tier r a- a. owaim, x. . w., . Herndon, C. M. rown ana w . . Motsinger, ueaitn umcer-s iwpoix. in his monthly report to the com- iibbiuco x. .... .. , - county neaitnmcer, I I . . ' lid 1- .,. il.ai..ltA.n' liaa " ine been no epidemic OI any .cunw5iuuB disease in the county this fall. There eration on tne pari, oi jw physicians and the Health officer they have been kept from spTeading. During the palt month five cases or,typnpia xW -f f ever Wd we reported to tne neaua prawr. t AsWe from his mwmwwu county instittttiOM dunng we monin. The county of Guilford wins in the long drawn-out litigat ion concerning the court house property, the- Su preme court having handed down an opinion; yesterday afternoon to the effect that the easement - claimed by the Porter and Caldwell heirs applies only to the 18-foot alley-way on the western boundary of the court house lot. The court holds that this por tion of the property conveyed to the county by W. C. Porter and W. A. Caldwell nearly 42 years ago must be kept open, but the county is free to- make any. disposition it may see fit of the remainder of the property. - The opinion was written by Chief Wl0bs , ..w . ring to the various conveyances oi real estate to the county ior court - ... .... . . "."It follows from the above state- xci, v,l. wiv v ttvrf . - - .the county owns" within its present square on which there is an easement is that wmcn is marsea irom roner and 'from Caldwell' east of the Bar- ker and Sockwell line. When this of an easement by Porter and Cam well, ana that it ran with the lana. We held against the . county on this but did not pass :upoiu the extent of tne easement, ine easement reserv- ed in these two lots (and there is no reservation In the other conveyances) is very explicitly1 stated, in the deeds x I irom w. u. i-oner ana w. a. iaiu- well to the county, 5 Feb., 1873, i. e., 'The lot herein conveyed shall be I used by the county as a public square, anil it onv Vill J1rHr T ininnaifltoWt tYl ArA- I a.uu . with, shall be erected 'thereon the grantor, his heirs and assigns 'may enter upon the land herein convey- ed and remove any buildings tnereon 1 inconsistent with its use as a puplic ajrwwi.-rvw' ou n v - use 01-tne aajoining square, wnetner 1 already owned or thereafter to be niirohaBoH Viv'tho pniintv So toner ah- I I the county uses these two lots as 'a public square' the easement is in- tact." K. of P. Officers. The following have been elected to serve as officers of Greensboro Lodge No. 80, Knights of Pythias, for the next term: Chan- cellor commander, H. C. Snyder; vice chancellor, H. W. Sinclair; prel- ate, R. H. McLunnen; master of works, C. M. Pritchett; keeper of rec- ords and seal, C. C. McLean; master of finances, F. D. Kerner; master of nnTinniinii. A A TnhnaAn nhonl'atn caucucii wiw , ru, Rev. C. E. White; inner guard, J. B. Pleasants; outer guard, Henry W. Pritchett. Dr. Jones made 11 charity calls, had i disinsections maae, presiaea ai. one nost morten examination, exam- . - - , ined seven insane patients, aenverea 22 lectures and made 11 microscopic examinations. . ur. jones report on tne coun m- stitutions follows. uumc-omvC - i 1 1 An V. Un-ma tutiIB Utt uecu uw lnrl enm o now rrktr T in A instil 11- -, Bv ana tne management everjr i ww.wuw wiwwu.. ""-" ""I I 1 1.AmA in Via 1 n ca n o wani that T uuuic iu u.v " i , , . nope ana expeci. u, w I 4v Va Mn.oronfnn n nanlrn I I In A TT1 RT1 -- 7 V w.v , ":X y - y - - ----- rt.tlo.t to the home. "WorehouseHerethereiOTtdo4 not vary materially from that t)f pre - yfous months. Only twb visits bare been made. "Jail Here conditions are as f ot nrevious months. There are a. cduple of insane cases in jail.. One, a negro woman who has pellagra and for whom application wasmade to the stateHospital, Dut faUed obtain ad, TrS. lM 7 al"wjS nt'to lefrt papers before being sent.to Raleigh. . One negro woman, also insane was ln jail for a few days, but was removed hv friends and relatives. Eleven vis its have been made. "Camos The camps have all been visited during the month, 11 visita being made j . XI. .t.i.M..M Catawba kuW; o1 from pitaL Twenty iait to hoapital' V The time of the United States DIb- trlct; court,-which convened Monday, has been-" consumed so far Jh hearing i cases .charging illicit distilling and I .it. Lii - l' J a i w "1 juiuepiuiuur iniracuons oi.iue ieaerai i statutes. It is expected that the most important case of the term the in- jdictnlent bf . Frank Snipes and hit ?5?s'. CHarles and James Snipes, of Porsytte county, for resisting revenue officerswm be called this afternoon, i um sse grows out oi a visit maae I 1 Tl A 1 , , X .1 n I uy .ipuV ouecior xNeeuey ana spe- ciai uuicr jonneon to tne snipes j home recently on a search for block- IT , ' " c the Snipes gang drew guns on the of- ilVjCi wux tucil i rum liltJIU I dnH o rl vionH V q tva n nnm I V M v ww ,A I. W XCViAX Lll I Greensboro, which advice was follow- result of the request for the recall of T " 7 C ed by the officers. .. , the two attaches' on grounds impli- rapt attention' His declaration of a Yesterday the jury returned a verv -eating the embassy, if not the Ger- new Pan-American doctrine was re diet of guilty in a case charging.Ern-man government itself reived with deepest interest. s est and Arlie Vuncanon with illicit Count von Bernstorff insisted that . ut?lde of the main paints of nai distilling. . his government is entitled to have in tional defense and his references tot Julius: Hawkins entered a plea of possession all the facta so that it 4a"n-AinerIcanism the President cov guilty t& a charge of illicit distilling. form an opinion as to .whether c?ed "3 broad x range of subjects." the! ' John Willlamsonl of Montgomery ,th action of the United States con- broadest he ever has in an address tat , county who was indicted for. illicit ' Btituted an unfriendly act, or whether Congress. It included the building ot distilling, .was found not guilty. the banishment of the two men was a ; merchant marine, "the- raising" ofi A Frank Hoots, of Yadkin county, justified or not. .reventie for the defense projects, a submitted to ail indictment for illicit Government Has the Evidence. rural credir law, 'iatelndepend distilling and was fined $100. The following epitome of the situ- ence for Philippines, conservation- PrayeV for judgment was continued in a caiBe charging Tom Patterson, I or KOCKingnam county, with illicit li.illli I am a ... I aisiiinng. ine aeienaant has been in jail live menths awaiting trial. , xuc ui.uw.u5 were, 'cnosen as members of the grand jury i T. P. Rankin, Rockingham, county, fore- man, 1 nomas a. Bailey, Liee C. El- Hott. S. "W. T.oft.Tl- S. M. AlltTI Tyrant I ' r. ' " - i R. Fuller, W. T. Sockwell, William A. Slate. . Jerry M. Mitchell, Will anerman, Jonas w. Norman, Robert laiiey, iester Young, u. J. Mcuade, Lee.H. itiu, a. m. Hancock, Giles C. wieeK; tft N. Hadiey, Bv s. Hurley, Z-- ":'7T " wuummw... - In, begiiining his charge to the grauu jury juage uoya iook occasion ..... . i to give a brief descrfotion of the char- acter and function of the Fcdmi I court. He inveighed against the mis- conception of the tribunal by many who have considered it as a thing apart. It is a court of the people, es- tablished under the Supreme court of the United States, the only tribunal formed by the constitution, declared Judge Boyd. The Federal court is distinct from that of the state, and . . . 1 this fact was emphasized by the Judge. From a discussion of the court's province Judge Boyd proceeded to a delineation of the federal acts thevio- 1ntn V. J , i tanuu ui w mcu supyijr me greater portion of the business of the Dis- trict court. The revenue laws, fram- ed in 1862 and revised from time to time, were described as of prime im- p0rtance. The violations are chiefly of the sections referring to whiskey 0a in i v.i a uaty, caycianj m mi Beunuu, he declared Whi,e Qn this toplc Jud ge Boyd warned aeainst th e brine- I " ing of petty retailing cases before the court undeR actg whIcn contemplate a wider scope of .law-breaking. The smaller cases are best handled in the 1 j state courts, according to the attitude I . . . . ... - j wmcn judge oya nas irom time tot time assumed in his discouragement of the bootlegger detective's activi- i v.o. ties. I . . i -ni , t ., , J s parcel yuouw was uienuonea . w , I ""T boMttrtw of pttkaees from tleir desUnatton, or any calling for i them by the other tha?1 the identity are infractions of Federal IflLW. This tnnfn was rlaolanil Kv n a .. . oilers in contraband bird nnm mft j . -1-- -i,niM.v nd the attendant ' neral use of tne par. eel post. . ThA fntaraMtatAn ui -7-' Mann white slave act was mentioned - i 1 a . , . " "arfB- p-juur-u.- transportation of a woman, of any m0! " 1 -iim 11 h n vn v mifri n n&arann rn om oe sute into Vnfor to- moral Pnose, in either case Is guilty t, Infraction of the law. and the , . ,.J., J ,Mm- aumonties. - . The season caused Judge Boyd ta speak of the federal law which makes 11 ii - ' . 1, j, m ..isi tor qua 10 snippea irom W statewhich has its own wai 1 . .. . . . . 1 amnnr ir -i nia i rAnnrai ana ft tat a 4- Ixtproof of this; the Judge The gravity of the issue between I f. the United States and Germany over I the question of the recall of. Captain J Boy - Ed and Captain von Papen was J ...1 ll.. .i.l. 'J...t wcreaeu fueu uac buiwj uepariuieui, let it be , known that it would refuse 1 the request for the evidence on. which I it demands the removal of the two officers. The request of Germany for thejpathy forthe foreign belligerents: evidence came through' two channels, ueriuau emuassy m w asmagioa i V- T A 1 3 Sl . J I r uc iiuiauur ueuttl ." xi.u. The German ambassador raised he r; .rTi "T.-T . . resentaUdns tohe state department v v cuva jpuoiwuu that flArmftn hnnnr isi nt afgbo na tho w - - " aB.... Aww M W ' ' w u. w - ation is given from the government's "bill of particulars" agamst the two dismissed German attaches: - I i. The government has establish - - e by documentary evidence that the 1 accused attaches and Captain Fran2 von Rintelen together Planned audi partly execnted enterprises involving tens of millions of dollars. ' - ' ' I 2. -These enternrises includwl th I instieation of widespread lah or disnr- ders and Qf a Huerta-directed revolu- tlon in Mexico UNDER AUTOMOBILE. Dr. P. C. Hyatt, the citv health of- r n -. . . . cer, is connnea to nis nome on boutn I Mendenhall street, suffering froin" in- . . . - . I JurieB Bna exposure received Sunday niSbt, when he lay in an unconscious condition under his automobile for ur ume nours. e naa a ciose caI1 for nis life and xt seems almost miraculous that he escaped without Bcnuus jury. Ur. Hyatt was called to Burlington on professional business Sunday af- ternoon and started on his return to trreensboro about 8 o'clock in the evening. As he was approaching Elon College his automobile left the road and turned turtle in a field, pin- f ninET him beneath. - TVr. T-TVAtt Wne rendered unconscious and remained in nat conditin until early Monday came to nimsen was ln great Dain and almost from His cries for help aroused a coloreo man wno lives near the scene of the accident. The neero was nn- 1 , . a Die to release Dr. Hyatt from his Psitlon beneath the automobile and I J 1 1711 tti"uocu aion ouege stu- uculB wuu came 10 nis assistance After he had been released and hisv car ngntea, ur. wyatt continued his I - . . . ' I journey to ureensDoro, reaching his IKmwm v... . -mr. j I """c OUMU'' w " uww muuuay morn-j m- e was accompanied Dy one of ine students who fiad aided in his rescue, ur. xiyati arove . nis car rescue. I a i . j uuuic vtilu. uiuj uue nana, nis oiner i. j , - - nBn? una arm naving been painfully. I inlitMil In mm4a tt . m "2" "." "r i me urara -uwu wb; related the manner of the entangler I ment Of Certain Niortfr HftrnHnft rloOl- ago. The federal offlcera Iooted in the books of Baltimore game dealers and und credits to Tar Heel per- sons. These clews followed tip re- vealed the fact that the birds left bv L " . . . . Dmxs Ie.It freight shipment In this state a "Kr Pels of drJed aDt)1Iea. of "I ?f appUeS or ni. 1- -mmmm vuuui uacuaa i 1111 if 4 niivn ot iUnerlca a. to Ib'SS "on from most other conntrles.wher ,the sovereignty Is In certain families. who tv .wln. i oofAtv .. !? v? ycupm oesr tne brunt of war In this country the to1 are the people, and they tare Slow to make vnr fnr mKan wa --7 - v - - 't mUaketa anifl gr ttt. fnA Vswt." im.1. j r . .. .u 4 v , , ir l i Washington," D.; ,C Dec , 7.Presi-' " ; dent Wflsoh in his annual address to ; Congress 'today laid down the admin r l istration s, plan for - natidnal defense r j -,ji . . ': .. " - - . iiuia aoia ms nearers it was necessary? for the new and broad doctrine of pan-,; Americanism. j. . 1 with sharp words he . arraigned lAmerican citizens who by their svm-' have endangered the neutrality of the United States. - . - ' "America never witnessed anything like this before," declared the Presi dent with deep feeling.. The President's outHne of the plan for natIonal defense:an(1 the needfor ifcl?Is and a variety of measures lef jover by the last Congress , vnen the President urged merchant ' - -. ?1"1116 eSisiation he was loudly ap-:; PJauded and was forced to stop, and uf saia: "II high time we resumed our (commercial independence on the high seas." X,.T,l; 1 i .. . . . "cjiuuiaiis uiaypea iaeir nan as. vlSrPusly when , he said that "the tak iwi11 be accomplished of building up an adequate merchant. marine, for American private capital would ulti mately undertake and achieve as it ,. unaeiTaKen ana ?cnievea everyv i..-iiiiiti viiror . . A doctrine of piri-Americanlsm ot Till! nnrtnorcWh hafnrun tUn . ' ' " v of tne VVestern Hemisphere in world - affairs was proclaimed by Presi- ia uiim annual aaaress to congress, the theme of which was preparedness by the United States to defend not only its own in dependence, but the rights of those with whom it has made .common cause. The message was read by the Presi- - dent to the -Senate and House assem- . bled in joint session in the chamber of the House. . ' - Every recommendation embodied In the document had to; do with compre-. hensive plans for" strengthening the national defenses.- - The program in cluded the army and navy plans al ready made public by Secretaries Garrison and Daniels,. ; legislation for government owned merchant ships, a . rural credit law, the Philippine, 'and Porto - Rico bills which failed : of ;jfinal passage at the last session, conserva tion legislation, a law giving Federal aid to industrial and vocational edu cation, and the creation of a commis sion to inquire into the transportation problem. The "un-American." r Naturalized and native-born ' Ameri can who, sympathizing with belliger ents -abroad, have plotted and con spired . to violate their own country's neutrality were scathingly denottneed by the President,,, and Congress waa -urged to provide adequate , Federal laws' to deal with such offenders. Internal . taxation, was proposed as tbg means of providing the' money necessary to add to the- naval and military: establishments. ..Sources of were inwmesv oline, naphtha, automobiles and Inter- '- nal explosion' engines fabricated iron ' ate and a stamp taxoa baak 1- a .1 checks.. Extension of the war -revenue bill and cohtmtiaiice1- of the, - present v tariff on sugar, - were recommended, .; and the sale of bonds opposed. . messa V the longest to... wllson W to Con., ! He began Trtth si atatement that since he las! addressed Coneress: . vrnmnrho.oWon J w- ..vuu ..- threatening and Isinlster scopenntll X it has awept into; its flame some or-f r ' tinn iof isvftrT' nnflrter of . the einbteL y - 7 . ti.. vrVnla'f.nS'MMf' i u .. u - . t ww ,,t v &-. -c' I-;.'. err.- ..V V x ' sj.;. 1 . 1 1 1 3a V