1- " ESTABLISHED EDWk LOCAL HEWS III BRIEF FOHII OUE DEAD AfiD TWO INJURED TWO III SERIOUS G0NDITI01I BELATIOIIS UAY BE iSEYERED MARYISERVKBI rTAii n 'nvm fn t a it ic x QBi RATTERS OF INTEREST TO THE YOUNG MAN IN JAIL AWAITING BLOODY FIGHT BETWEEN NOAH AUSTLS I RSHPLYv O : ANCONA I CNTINENTAJU B3JY;VJAN STEP. GliANDiTOfMOPlIpri READERS OF TMHi .rAAHIVl' I " r11iljlJmAKX UHiiUiJLNU VIS BREEDLOVE AND JESSE SWAIM MONDAY. NOTBNOT EXPECTED TO TOWARD POSSIBLE OOIPUIi- - FAR AND NEAJt. CHARGE Ol? MURDER. &EET DEMANDS. SORY SERVICE. 'PUBLISMfeO EVERY MONDAYAN D THURSDAY 4'. tjiiimi Riff Hawk. Mr. C. E. Mar- fLIl" . t 13 As the result of a dispute pver a hawk a few days ago that measured scrape in Welhorn's grocery store and tlirflP feet and seven inches. restaurant, on East Market street, Preaching at Brick Church. 1 he about 1.30 o'clock Saturday morn- Patriot is requested to announce that ing, John Christian, colored, is dead; there will be preaching at Brick Frank Christian (John's brother) church Sunday morning at 11 o clock, and James Nolan, both colored, are The note containing this request seriously wounded, and E. E., Wei failed to state who will preach- born, a young white man 20 years rriiriflv Barbecue. Mr. A. M. old, is in jail facing a murder i 1 A 1 3 n I n Scales yesteraay enieriameu luecuaige. embers of his class of the First The dispute that caused the Presbyterian sunaay scnooi ana a trouoi naa us origin m lae pur- iew specially invited guests at a bar- chase of a package of cigarettes from becue at his home northwest of the. Welborn by an unknown negro. It city J appears that after making the pur- Gave Bond. Clarence Idol and C. chase the unknown negro used some T McLeOu, ine iwu uicu 01- ci j vxuicui, lauguasc auu nicypcu rested near Guilford Battle Ground on the night of the 22nd with an au tomobile load of liquor, waived ex planation when carried, before Jus tic2 of the Peace Collins ior a prelim- back from the counter us if to pre pare himself for the use of some sort of weapon. Thereupon, it is stated, Welborn drew his revolver and be gan firing indiscriminately into the Messrs. Noah- Breedlove and Jesse WashmjrtoH. Dec: 28:--nt)mcial I" ' Grea Britain's, effort to carry on Swaimof the Hilltop community, be- advices rfeiVed herVtca conform the wawithout resort to conscrip came engaged in a personal difficulty ed witn inBmationifim kbroad ;thaj' ::to?:w'-! Monday morning that resulted in the Austria'ai forthcoming reply to th6 aevelopment Dy American serious injury of both men. Mr. ATrtnfl win f Tnt ttiNrar Ptment, because, army pffi- Breedlove, who is about 70 years .dof Hi Hnit States: ar 8a e United Kingdom's sHua- old, is confined to his home near Hill- ltty niM'uL tion touches aiihe root of conditions -ii-'-.T . ; t. ' - :'. A' ----- '": 5V'.V?' -. 0uUCxm6 liuux a uumuer ui uiuws authoritatIvely represented as being received on the head. He has been TOnofl o Krv jn HinmiH. relationS betweett the two countries. ,, , , i vauucut ueieiuyiucuia, ii - v aa emna Ml Kwottn tit- H -v is q TrmiTi or I - v - ; , . y u. man 30 or 35 years of age, is a pa- ag vom an ong 8tep wlll have heen taken to- t L , L JualUy, but none of the count6r-pro- waT.rt thrHmfl wh(Jn 11TliTCrsal Rprvin will be - generally accepted in : the United States as a national necessity th United States faces in carrying out tVe administration army increase program. -- -. v " ' .:: : If Great Britain decides for , con scription, ?;Wgh officials have said, a conscripwntnmomaiQr considered prdbbleif $reBj IterrLphdoi?ispHies:fjs upon-a bili-tbihls eudfticaUS .T --T -V introduced in jthe house , of. cjommoxuii nexi weeK ana - give;, meu gTernxnenfr:, the power to act in "case iot heceslty The cabinet councils -inmiibili nent in t. Leo s nospitai witn a knife wound about six inches long in his abdomen. The condition of both men is reported as serious. It is said that the trouble between Messrs. Breedlove and Swaim is of long standing, having had its origin in the purchase of a tract of land by Swaim from Breedlove. There was a dispute over the boundary line, and about two years ago Swaim is said to have moved a fence to establish the boundary according to his contention. posals which it has been ! intimated the Vienna foreign office, might ad vance have been regarded so far as coming within Secretary : Lansing s renewal ! of ' the . demands for dis avowal,: reparation and punishment of the , submarine commander who sunk th Ancoha with the loss of more than a dozen American lives. Now that the ; situation, after, be ing dormant nearly two Weeks, - is If Great Britain, goes on with volun teers, American . officials feel ithat nothing short a great military de feat wold brTg the United States to universal- service. " Entirely; aside from its part, in the European war, officials believe, the question of whether service . with th6 - colors in time of need shall be a; legally recOg- have aroused intense interest: of the rumors of dissension-. amonS". ; come to an 'agreement oh the.nes : tion. ofhow.theBritish Wrmy'lai toll-i,t?ISH-" again beginning to take on- the as- nized duty of citizenship, is of vital Monday morning Mr. Breedlove at. Pects crisis, . the status of the importance on this-side of . the At- temoted to move the fence bark tn it. UBw"1.l.'"M' 'wuDww uyBi lanuc. --. ; rne virtually unanimaus was original location. The fight between BUU1" lwe Wttl opinion oi tne commissioned person- A I . J J - t 1 - inarv hearing. Tney gave Dona in me iurowu oi ao or zv negroes wno were " . i . suito of $1,000 each for their appear- m the store at. the time. ance at the next criminal term of . . rne negro wno was the cause oi court. the shooting-made good his escape Agea womanueau.-m18. 'tt r T. .."0 tw0 i, . y " V men, not Virith Austria alone but with nel of the armv and civil officials of . a i -. TT T iJ iKOTirn I-tt Wa hnvn Ttrit imit vn-t-i-nflr I tnu U1CU lUllUWCU. illlll IIIJIII illl I v, . .1 " . . " . -. . - t- . Braxton, a sister, pi mr. j. van wuu- unu 6Cxx6 : - tne Teutbnic Dowers as allies, is com- b, HWVno kW ley. of Pomona, died suddenly Christ- the contents of any of the chambers " - uiooaies, mandini attention. Z -lv S mas eve at her home near Snow of the pistol. The negro is said to "s oeen stagea in umi- r - - . ;. -r-r- - Alamance county. The fu- have made the remark that they Iora county in some time, it is said - a Bx,Cix luoi onaiu au ut& uis agcu Ucigliuur I ; ; : I . ; several powerful blows over the head conform: to the principle of visit and While Secretary Garrison has made with a stick. Rreedinve Hrow iifa I search before attack, the practices no public i declaration of ..;his own hroTieht 'ii n to thft ": stATi d sir A 'A a essential . to the winning ofL.the-.: waV.';;' But the latest: reports ;of the cabiket meetings, wouldi seem to indicate ijiafec the . ministers have found-a .way... out of the difiicuities confronting ;themi 4 The situation in the BalkaiiSrithe' point of chief interest for the mom6n; - in the.;WarTsJquie and British;hehind their defehsiyev 1 toesat-enikij are repoid; in- dpfphinritish headquarte:tci J birweB, prepared ' f or; anygattaclJ' te r Teuntijfties These imesde scibeaiKiarjft tending. fr?niHh Var.dar river tp tht gnlt 6 Oi1?hah6s andate Stell a sclentific-'efensfcft -vi :t;-Vf??;r, Camp, riPTal and interment took place Sat-, were going to take the place and - i urday afternoon at Center churcrf. 31 rs. Braxton was 72 years old and a voman who was greatly beloved in her community. She leaves two sons and two daughters. Free Plavaround. Mr. Ceasar Cone has offered the city the free use of the large vacant lot lying between Summit avenue, Chestnue street and the main line- of the Southern Rail way for a playground for the chil dren of that section of the city. The lot is to be graded and put in proper condition by5 th city. While the lot is offered for temporary use; it has been intimated that the ity might have it permanently for a play ground. Mr. Peeler Leaves T-Re v. Shuford Peeler, who recently resigned the pastorate ot the First Reformed church of this city, after a service of twelve and a half years, preached his farewell sermon to the congregation Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Yes terday he and Mrs. Peeler went to" their new home in Charlotte. The Reformed church has no organized congregation in Charlotte and Mr. Peeler will develop the work as a mission field. Executive Committee. A meeting of the executive committee of the State Normal and Industrial College was held in this city Tuesday, when a number of matters in connection with the routine business of the col lege were considered. The meeting was attended by Dr. J. Y. Joyner, state superintendent- of public in struction; Judge J. D. Murphy, of Asheville; T. M. Bailey,- of Mocks- viiiA. nnd Col. G. W. Hinshaw, of Winston-Salem. show Welborn a few things. It is. understood that even after the strange negro left the store Welborn continued to fire into the crowd, seeming very much excited. It was during this firing, it is stated, that witnessed by several men the nelSnbornood ' f Doubt is, expressed in-. tne wstrtsrmaa British and French at Salpniki on the utL tallies are - merely held In that, posi-t : of Swaim's abdomen. The fight was rlea oniiow oy ner any Austria, ana cniei s spoKesman, nas cieariy- inai: -- -r r-- ri?-? ?t has been charged that the Aus- cated in public utterances adherence Vwv w Hv,c trian submarines are in v some in- o the belief that universal serviced is ly as wBf as hazardous knife and inflicted an uelv wound against iwwcn tne united States so opinion, assistant secretary Bricin- r about six inches long in the left side vigorously contended are being car-rndge, who frequently serves as ght was of the a T i a . -r erAovor,:;;;r,:rBHot n putr Sheriffs Shaw and Hobhs, 0 Oeany an, the oUW-and ,emocratic ie .en-or tte allffi ... . , in resnonse to teienhone r.Qn Wof in others are officered . and manned tion to tne military problem orvtner-r jonn unristian was snot tnrougn r I . , the head and fell to the sidewalk, where he was found apparently more dead than alive upon tti-3 arrival of police officers a few minutes after the shooting- He was removed to St. Leo's hospital, where he died "Tues day afternoon. Frank Christian and young Nolan to the scene of the encounter and Py ine erman navy, aucn a situa- nation, aigns are not lacing uiai f "T" " upon their arrival found Breedlove in tion' "? bing Poihted out, amounts the military committees of Congress a semi-COnsciOUS condition. The a?ed to yrauvicuiiy a. ueieai oi iuci suu- wm ue mrmauj atquamieu wilii mis , . . . r" " . - ' Z : ' i-'.,;.?-: man was hurriedly brought to marine negotiations with Germany. view -at the coming hearings, either i iUIf us uult uiriau.' ; ' Greensboro and given medical atten- i Furt tionr after which he was returned toj Lusit his home. tor in the "situation A JA At r m a -m . I Aiier tne ngnt Tawaim walked sev- It is admitted that the United were carried to their homes and lulsa lu lue nome or a relative States scarcely can require Austria to given medical attention. Their recov- near tne Central Carolina fair conduct submarine warfare in its re- ery is expected. grounds. Later he was carried to St. lation to the rights of neutrals in a In Municipal court yesterday Judge Leo's hospital, where physicians who manner different from that permitted Brown set Welborn's preliminary examined nim resported nis condition to Germany. , germorK' the lmnasse 'lu the HW-WSetwjimseit or oran IZ'rTmimfM: I noweTer, unau 'Wie -separBren,rit-5- men. A Vienna dispatch arriving frP' X NEXPECTED DEATH MONDAY ir.HT OF MRS. J. W. ANGEL. to be critcal in the extreme. Owing to the serious nature of the wounds suffered by the two men, hearing for Friday, January 7. Mr. Charles A. Hine.3, who has been re tained to defend Welborn, announced that his client wa3 ready for trial at any time, but as the evidence of the two wounded negrces is desired by the prosecution, it was thought best BLOCKADE STILL TAKEN Germany has admitted her obliga tions not to sink liners without giv- urge that the vital thins is to put. yr.r orf bt Vi o nrocon t cocointi a o f? Lltl W UM1 Ub.bUV UAUUbUI. UVU . nite statement of military policy and Switzerland says the German impe- create machinery for organization of rial cnanceilor snortly will arrive in a citizen army, volunteers to begin (Vienna with the full conditions under with but based ultimately on univer-iwhich the central powers will accept sal service. peace, and that after a conference army plan, it was learned authorita minister, the conditions will be made they have not yet been placed under for the safety o passengers and ing warning and make provision tivelVt is designed to operate with :known officially to the entente allies arrest crew' either the volunteer or the universal Again the Russians have vigorous- by the court to give them time for re covery. Young Welborn is a native of three older brothers. NEAR HOME OF SHERIFF. providing there was no resistance. I OQT.,0 opcfom Tt woo .amri Wit, ily assumed the offensive on the Bes- So far no agreement has been reached the gwiss system as a model and ;saraDian front, but according to Vien as to the exact meaning of the word ,onto rtTtlv ftT1Q foat.fl i.r,Qf rtTn na'their attacks collapsed under the- 1 . puisui; bci Ywc iw auapi mat. djtb- able to vessels carrying passengers .x, Austrian fire. Except at Hartmans-Weilerkopf, in Those who did not expect Sheriff alone and, plying between certain American needs and conditions ,tbe Vosges mountains, there has been Wilkes county and for several years Stafford and his force to pass through places on regular schedules. The qv, avanta tr, o efR50nt no noteworthy engagement in the the holidays without capturing a state department's view has been that Llin,w mi,intoflrs W4ii t west in which infantry has taken blockade still or making a big blind the term includes any merchant ship U... H5 M part. Elsewhere i ivi n ax u vx uliiv Duuiiicui. uuuci on all the battle a good reputation and the shooting tiger raid are not disappointed. The belonging to a regular steamship line, co a chance in favor of universal ifronts the fighting has been with the affair of Saturday morning is said to still, the biggest one taken in Guil- but no issue has been made of the Lnf, v. artillery, and by sappers and bomb. ford county in quite a while, was cap- differing interpretations because Ger- ,Q iQxir r,. eot io .nnn0nt0i 'some German trenches were captured I I ' I 11 1M VV TT W U1U V11V WAX W1UVU VI 1 Welborn tured Mcnday night on the sheriff's many has undertaken to use such pre- army machinery in motion with little y French old stamping grouna near uaK mage, cautions as may be consistent with delay to establish the citizen army of snenir stanora was at nis uaK tne use of the submarine, to warn j . i 4 i 1 i . 9 . a I . . ITNARTilfi TO "PTTVTSTT MOTHER K.iGge nome ior a iittie Lunstmas re- mercnantmen ana to insure-tne safe i More Boats Torpedoed. The French steamer Ville de la he has been overtaken. will plead self defense. I rv a9c " r-n, a x r . i. I j.i . , 1 the nation on that basi3 Regulations cbntemDlated bv the FOR ABANDONING BABY, creation when he learned that some ty of the passengers and crew, pro- framers .of the plan to put the conti- Ciotat, proceeding from the far East one had set up ana was operating a viaea these are not a part of the mill- nental army project into effect in- for Marseilles with many passengers blockade stsll about two miles north tary establishment of the enemy. elude the division of the country into aboard, has been torpedoed in . the or nis resiaence ana on lana ownea The demand Qf the United States military divisions corresponding gen- Mediterranean. The loss of life by Mr., j. h. union, tne county jau- upon Austria in connection with the, erally to the present congressional among the passengers and crew is The blockaders having located Acnona is broader than any German districts. Each military district estimated at 80, the survivors being Edgar Burton and wife, of High Point, whose arrest for abandoning their infant on a train in this city was mentioned in last Thursday's - .a "j er. Mrs. J. W. Angel died unexpected ly Monday night at her home xm Mendenhall street, following an ill ness of a few hoursV duration. She went to the Southern, passenger sta tion Monday afternoon to board a train for Belew's Creek on a visit to relatives, but before the train de parted she was seized with a sudden Illness and was removed to-her home. Tt was realized that her condition was critical and she continued to sink j until 8.30 o'clock, when the end came, j Several months ago Mrs: Angel suf fered a stroke of paralysis, but it was thought that she had recowed from this. ; The funeral was held yesterday morning at 11 o'clock at the First Christian church, of which Mrs. Angel was a member, followed by the interment in Greene Hill cemetery. The services were conducted by Rev. Dr. P. H. Fleming. Mrs. Angel was born and reared in Forsyth county, near Belew's Creek and before her marriage was a Miss "Fulton. She is survived by her hus band, Capt. J.NW. Angel, - a well known conductor on the North Caro lina railroad; two sons and a daugh issue of The Patriot, were given a thems elves so conveniently, the sher admission, being based upon the con- would be called upon for 333 recruits Packed up by a British steamer and hearing in Municipal court Thursday.' m couian t resist tne temptation to tention that international law, The annually. In the event that comnul- taken.to Malta. The official announce- It was found that there is no law in pay them a visit. So, accompanied by Hague conventions and the Declara- sory servce were decided unon. it islment of the attack from Paris ays this state under which a woman can his brother, Mr. Bob Stafford, and tion of London all require warning stated, the only action necessary : that the vessel was. sunk without be punished for abandoning her baby, Deputy Murrow Benbow, tne nign before sinking a vessel, and insurance would be to authorize the war de- warning and conseauently the court was sheriff of Guilford meandered over to I Df the safety of the Dassensrers and Uartment in anv vear when the ouota Casualties likewise are believed to forced to allow the mother to go free. the locality Monday night and was crew even when the vessel is of bel- of recruits from any district has not Iiave toecurred in the torpedoing of The father was adjudged euiltv rewarded by finding a atfU .of 55 gal- Ugeftnt ownership and where she been made up voluntarily by a ore- tae Belgian steamer Minlstre Beer- and sentenced tb the county roads for lons capacity running at full blast. does not comply with German ideas determined date to draft the neces- naert two boatloads of the crew of 1 2 months. Burton took an anneal Hugh Martin, colored, wno was found I of the term liner. The Austrian gov- Bary men for that numose from the wnich are said to be unaccounted for. and zave bond in the sum of $300 in charge of the outfit, was placed ornment has not admitted any such portion of the population of the dls- T11 activity of the submarines of ut o.,i .. under arrest and the distillery seiz- Inhiicrntinna onf ronf Avon fa in th I iiokia t miio oArau the Teutonic allies is further evt- When the case was calh d in Mu- ed- Martin was brought to Greens- Mediterranean indicate that her sub- It is an onen secret that the nlan dGnced by4 the fact that within the hicipal court counsel for the defense boro and placed in jail to await a I marine commanders are sinking mer- is regarded by its framers in its pres- last fow they have ser.t to the offered no evidence, merely asking Preliminary nearing, wnicn was Ichantmen without warning and with- ent form as more of a preparatory that the child be returned and the Biven mm before justice or the I out inquiry as to whether they carry measure than anything else, paving bottom British, French and .Belgian shipping amounting to a tonnage of Mr. p. Li. Fields, of Pleasant Gar den, was among the welcome callers at The Patriot office during the holi day season. case dropped, as the mother had seen Peace Jones yesterday. He was held neutral passengers. So far no ex- the way to a decision by the people nearly 18 'P0' the error of her way and still loved for the next criminal term of court pianation beyond that of military at large for universal service, and es- important feature of the the child Judge Brown had different 'under a -bond of $500, in default of necessity has been offered for this tablishing immediately the correct week's war news is the announce- ideas about the matter stating that wnicn ne was remanded to jail. violation of what the state depart- fundamental principles that must W&J- ine inaian arm nas ue- there are thousards of homes with- While. Martin contends that the ment regards as the elementary prin- underlie any proper military system. Parted from France "for another out babies where the little mites of stiU was his, tne officers are inclined ctples of international law and of That conclusion must be reached neia ? a1"011- 11 18 noz Known to humanity are wanted and welcomed. t0 doubt his statement. They believe humane warfare. these officials insist by a process Of wnat field "? tlon the.-army has He refused to order the return of the the atlll; was owned by a white man nn fTnm lhftt reasoning based upon facts, and they ' uuie88 Zv, " "a look to the men who will enter thel,4accB VL lue luu,afl8 IU ranP aT5 government should amount to sud- . v . I been filled by drafts Irom the new M-stmm iiv wttmimAi.i mmm y t waW - i r T . I child to the mother, stating that he and that the negro was only an em did not believe that a mother who Ploye x. a sa vw rrrA Three or tonT white men, who are llOU ucoci i.cu uci ua uj nuuiu i known to tne omcers, saw tne sner- pvpr he an ideal mother. The deserted baby, which had been ff's party aPProaing and made a u NTv,,r. wild break for liberty. The negro den and total severance or aipiomatic . ... - armies raised on the soil of the I tJJ CUO WUR Jl AAUUVIAGUO VI U1UUSOUUO I u : nnartors that the Austrian foreign relations, it is expected in official in the first few years, to carry home Pted Kingdom a practical view of the country's mil- lina Children's Home Society, Miss Grace Schaeffer, home dem onstration agent for Guilford county, been placed in a good heme and le- what happening. gaily adopted. iV. m Lill , . tnattfir ita TtVloH OmCe Will BCCtt. W juowi; . , . ... - . . " 1 . niirlfiol 1M ' VM..AAA.0. xxraa unriAr nrrpQT nPTnrp ne reauzea i jro4iiio ouwyio - 1 r a n I " w " w . . . v a vxeruiau - James W. Foeleman. Of Im-1 JyW iur,nunuo, aCBu.r case that the appearance oi tne . . - umww umJ where she will be engaged for. four J 'Mr. W. Ml Greeson, . of Climax, paid The Patriot a short visit sev eral days ago. irvTnrA a t. nkio strafAo. I marine as. a weapon ol war nas ra-1 . -g. - - v.. I weeks in teaching a special 'course ville, who has been visittag retire h to North Carpiina in 14 in domestic science ana homer econo- ln Alamance county, was In the city 1 justified but demanded a departure this week. from the old rules. years; 1 xnies in the Peabody Normal College. ' -a. '1 T - If ' - . 5 -i ' -J-i ---iV: a v.if i.t x r-i ;& -vr; Iff . . ' 'a. -S