. i n, . -.., - "Tys PUDLICHED EVEnY. MQWOAVf AND THURSDAY g : QLISHEb:iq2: T 't. n,, - - - - r-." -v. . . . . .-j .- .3.... t -A - .. . .- ,T : v.? . - .-. . - '"""MIMBi LOCAL fflffitf HATTERS OF.WfiQlTHi . . nDDQ np this .' ip jf inttvt Business Hous Sold,--A : two-story brick building owned by. Mr. : Roy W harton and located at r3lV ' South Davie street was spld at auction: yes trday to Mr. E. . P. Wharton for 56,500. . -ly ' Postoifice Banquet. The employes ol the Greensboro postofllce will igive a banquet at the Huffine hotel Satur oav night complimentary to- the retir ing postmaster, Mr. R. Douglas, and the new postmaster, Mr, A. W. Cooke., '; rVv'r''Vl': For Jewish Relief .-r-f Mr. . Ceasar Cone, the local treasurer, ; has Just forwarded to the American Red, Cross Society $2,767.99 for the relief of suffering Jews in the European War1 countries. This amount was raised during the past week, and while a portion of it was sent to Mr. Cone irom other towns, the .greater part of the fund was contributed by GreeuS boro people. . v Randleman Has- Newspaper. The Randolph Progress is the name of a weekly newspaper that has been es tablished at Randleman by Messrs. W. F. Hunsucker and C-0tt:A Scott Th first number is welf flll' wth . . w ""v i IamI 5nH tron'oral Have' tnr), t miatKs,'l iu.u o fiynB.uu'a ic nf ntlior roadlnff -mo-fAw ami evidence of fairly liberal support- in an business men. - : wUy.A - - v:;,-,. ma Fire- in School BuildiMr.lTn Htv I hieh school building on South Snrine I street was slightly damaged by a fire that was discovered shortly after 11 1 o'clock last night. The firemen re- I cpwuuvu (riuuipu; iu on Miarm auu i " M (AClUg UIOUCU. I The damage was not sufficient tn ini. - - 1 . , tprfpro with c ri rr1 vtavV nnu aWiM r a aianeu m a envision wan or tne build- mg ana its cause is unknown. Transfer Made. The transfer of the internal, revenue agent's office at this place was inade Tuesday, when vol. T. H. VandQrf ordr formerly in chae-ofcihel, came agent of the Greensboro divi- - 1 ...... sion, which includes all of Knrth Carolina and portions of Virginia and South Carolina. He succeeds Col. W. H. Chapman, who has been transfer red to San Francisco and whof leaves Greensboro tonight for his new field. Elkin Lady Die$ Here. Mrs. J, W. Dimmette, of Elkin, died early yester day morning a St. Leo's hospital, where she had been a patient for sev eral days. She was returning from Baltimore, where she had been to consult a specialist, when she; was taken ill here and carried to the hos pital. The body was carried to Elkin yesterday afternoon and the funeral will take place at the Baptist church there this afternoon. Mrs. Dimmette is survived by her husband, two sons and two daughters. Tnited States Court. Judge James E. Boyd convened an adjourned term of United States court here Tuesday tor the purpose of hearing a suit brought by the' Waikertown .Chair Company against the Norfolk and Western Railway Company. The Plaintiff is seeking to recover dam ages amounting to between $14,000 and $15,000, the claim being based on the allegation that its plant was de stroyed by fire in 1913 as a' result of sparks from a locbiaotive of the de fendant company starting a blaze near the property. " Convict Escapes.- T. R, Turner, a whne man from High Point, who was serving a sentence -of 12 months on tne roads 'or seUing whiskey, es aped Monday afternoon from the -uiP located near the. fair grounds r xwub. r " . was nr8t convicted in the re- ried ts gh Point car- Suoerinr . -v. "s" ve couvt L vUr an to the SuPrems J oni v " ,,uwu 1 stool o o Auuo- nrivTi haVe been allowed certain dn..Ki vp, wmca, 1U coHiiiiue. 1 -w Firm Cooke & Fentress tne style of a new law firm that egail business in RroanaWA 1S.. vvcuDuutif lues-.i tt " " "-. o ii(iut,-uviiig4v .- tut; r - - . . -7v- t4.' cu J 0 Hit : VIUUCB POStmaster Mr nnV aU I.'..j -squuuug iub yuue& Oil"40 iuurucreu oy an .unsnojwn leT- , vvm.w ,. ueeit . OI a Tn ' . . . I . ' t the need - fa, lUer in his legal business, axid casting about' for some one with ural h nimseir lt .was .nat- a that his choice should tall jciDpn ' rentres Vbo:has;TM lllim tn . . . : . -ng law bottt, ! youag attorney parcel ated in; Greensbord for iuite4, while was discontinued Tuesdav ThA t s clerks who were emnloyed in th a sta tion will remain in the postal service ana win beN assigned to duty asrail way xnait 4erks; ve discbniance of thet station will increase materially ine, jsrprkcf rtheXGreehsbdrov postbf fice force and is exbected to make th employment of additional clerks - nec essary. .;i , , : , Groundhog bay. According to an ancient myth and a superstition on ine part of some people that amounts almost to, a; religious belief, the back- uone ox winter has been broken. Yes terday was groundhog day, and by no sort of a stretch of the imagination can it be evetf feared that his hoe- ship saw; his; shadow at: any moment aunng the dark, rainy day. This be ing the case, of course we can- have no more severe winter weather at sw xnose wno swear by the round- hog say we can't. M Open New Office Mr. Rl D. ir! ias who j retired- iMondav nieht from the office of postmaster of "are An ai bora,' lost Hex time4 In gettine' whnllv -nacK into the legal harness. Tues day morninrtie opened his law office on tne second floor of the Fisher building, adjoining - the office 1 of his sucesscc; Ar-4Wi'ooke.f Mr Douglas did not divorce himself froni - o- uwt. uiiviw xiiuiBcix iron th'o low nr'KflA isU - nmre sci ring as poRT.m apyer InnH nnnr 'ih. I.'1... n . . - . .- ' . to distract his attention, ..will devote HIILTOP PTW Ttthr ! h' : : : BEFORE iWAhts-H A fTTra . The big fight- that; took place rDe cembfir 27 near Hilltop, between Noah o ouu dwao, Hwaim, ; aifled -vv,u WJ VVJIA LlilgtHHJ OI JC1H folks'afid neiehhorst- I w T -r 3 m. wu au ail lin? TlloC-H o . I w -v .-w v v lltes Jv uoiiins and S. S. Mitchell inp otner defendants were: Hurley ana ,Lftndert Breedlove, Everett Wade. Mary; Gibson, Sallie? Swaim and "Hpnry " Westmoreland. ' After cti 1US tne eviaence the magistrates harfw Henry Westmoreland &friiarS onn -f-w. v.rv i . . me present criminal term of Superior court. According to reports at the time and the evidence adduced-at the trial, it was one of the bloodiest' fiehta nuiu Station iDiscon ed off in Guilford county in a long f ' guilty to a charge of retail while. The two principal comba- . and was sentenced to the-? roads tants. Jesse Swaihn anH t love, the latter being a patriarch of 72 years, "fell out" over a boundary " lltCCU I line and started in for an old-fash- lino j. j . nM.fav i inner! fiat-ant-eir.. u . I , w .uu-oa.ull n5ut. neiore tne affray had progressed far some of the relatives had taken a hand in the af fair and deadly weaoons' were caller? into play. The weapons enumerate in the warrants included a ?nn o hammer, an axe handle, a snoke f rhm a buggy wheel, several clubs and sticks, two or three .knives and divers other imnlemento . . . ..ta mention. , . wu uuuieruus err i xjotn areedlove and Swaim , seriously injured by cuts.hrA; contusions, etc., and it seeded jrob able for a while that both: inenould die. .; 'X -Mrs.-A E; Fordliaxit Dead. Mrs. aV ET Pbrdhlm. mho had heen critically ill following a stroke of paralysis, she suffered several waoItb agodied Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock at her home at Pomona. The fnnni Vas held from -West Market Street oietnodist churcH yesterdav afternin and interment -made in Greene ' Hill cemetery. The services were condnt. ed by Rev. Dr. C: W. Byrd, assisted by .ev? J. H. weaver and Rev. J. H. Bennett. : 1 :. ' - -v' . wuwm uaa oeea aa'actlTft member of WeSt Market Street Meth: odist church during her residence ,f cy ana was especial - -interested in Sunday school and ia aaaiuon . to her mvbuu( ouc ourvireo;i;iier4ed mother, Mrs. M. J. Bail, three sisters ana a erotneri ail except -the-brother uroiiig resiueuis 01 ureenshoro. Ngro Murdered in Alamance. RWIWA WnlTror AnlAj l.. u .j .. '-ew if aiAc. , wwi eu, -who liyeo I ., jiiitmauoii, 1 .jtn 1 .wv, uiwauaYiiis, i I . VCT JJ OU IU1A.UU;WI1 r' 'iinn af mhii. okj; 'i.:. -' son or persons Sundav. nia-ht. "tta I "w w iisiuuuo uuuunj. uiKUl. ; lie I J. .. . ..." 1 j spent Sunday in GibsonTille -andaeft fthat place for his home about ' 8 1 o W in the evening. Monday .morn- tof iiis eact? bod wwvJoiind lying - . . . . w - . . - . . . WORK OF SOTESldR : COURT MURDER CAB& ;ON;PROBApNr-- Tn the. SuneHor-iiOnrt vesterrfavafc. t " 77- - . ternoon Judge Cline passed a unique and rather .unusual sentenceOn a case against Clariince Idol and -S"-Mc4 Leod, two. white boys of Friendship tbwnshin. who were '. charged -' with townshiD. who were chareed "with hayingf in their; possessio'ii 45 gallons or whiskey for sale. The boys, who are about 17 .and IS years " of age : . i -r. rrr-" r." o-'i were arrested between Guilford Bat tie Ground and Guilford College one night a few weeks ago with an anto- mbbile load of llduor. and when 'the case was ' called yesterday both enter?: ea pleas of guijty. - Judge Cline put both Idol and Mc- Leod under probation for. a period j or three years, Sheriif Stafford and Deputy Sheriff Lucian Smith to loot after them and report their behavior to the court. Young McLeod was 6r dered to remain on the farm for thW next 12 months and be . obedient' to tend school regularly ; -d'urine vthe re mainaer of the term, v The; idea of Judge feline, in disposing of . the case in this Jway-is: to give t&e youthful de- ienaants a chance to make, men! of themselves. ' - '""; "' The case against O. C. ilinrman. wno is charged with embezzlement ffrTrif thi T T nS' rm... '' chine Company while manager of the company's Greensboro office, was ennS nn uea unxu ine May term? tI' court. .. i U i. ' !' ' v ,-'." .- .- . The case had previously been con tinued from the November term, The jury was unable to tagree in the case charging ' Edgar Burton, a young white man of High' Point, with abandoning his baby , on a train in Greensboro a few weeks ago and a mistrial was ordered. The iurv stood six for conviction and six for acquit tal. Burton's wife, the mother of the infant, who actually left the hahv r w the train; was discharged by the Mu nicipal courtfor th e reason tti 4. v. , - y v.w iicic is no law in this state under whinh a ""f f10 uuur wnicn a S:. ment. The husband and father was sentenced ten the moHo h... i oman can be punisheCibr. abandon; - ,ui um iuuh an appeal to the Superior court. The se wm remain on the docket for &t the May term of court. pharles Haynes, white, entered a Ior lQrefi months T TT ,. , . f Jo:Holt white youth, entered j ? f gUilty to the charge of gam -w:no,a wnite youth, entered a uniiK dim was rt n &H o cr . lng -"-vi o ana tha COStS. Will Ray, white, suhmitteri charge of forcible trespass and was liueu -paz anfJ tne costg Jim McCauley. white. w guilty of larceny, sentence being re served. Murder Trial in Progress. The grand? jury Tuesday returned J true hill fni Lm' jf-- . . 'I. . - - vi, uuubi u. xj. i Wenorh, a young white man nf oni " "."v, a juuug wmie man oi 204"""OC twu wmie maies,. eignt col VAAl'S' TXrVi r fainlln H 1 a . - I mA1 ' wml -1 - -t rt ' , . - . , ' " ci.axjr uu( ioan vjnn3- uioica auu v uoioreu iemaies. tian, colored, in a grocery store and; There was found on hand 300 bush restaurant on Bast Market street at ls of corn, 100 bushels of peas, 25 an early hour Christmas morning Thfi rasa nras ziall.J 1 ; . - ' - l -w o v&o iiiui nigt i vuiiovi m court Derore i c vuimwa, uusueis oz xrisn the noon recess today. Solicitor Botfyj Potatoes and a considerable supply er annminAorl Vi , , j . ' . Jnf rnnvti m.. 1 - il : . . for a verdict of first degree murder j ; - .(, uc wuma noi tSK-j nere are . a number of wiM to be examined and the hardlyle concluded before tbmpirSw. The dendan who is eprese&d Dy Messrs. Charles A. Hines and Mi D- Broadhurst, entered a plea of not guilty. He does not den v fi Hn tw fatal bullet, but claims that n a acting in self defenses The little store -fiS-whicn the trouble occurred abpttt U o'clock in lu "ruinK -wttS ffllied w1th-a ri of boisterous iieoe-.nri Tw-t d some trouble wittt ot tteinil 1 Bininser, over the sale f-arpats I6 of cigarettes. Welborn. who wii uie BW wniteiman In the place - say there was - talk of a threatening, na4 iure. . wnen . ne believed -he about to be assaulted bybn:pr? uwws ue arew jus 'pistorndr began firing. The negro .who seeing to have precipitated the ronbiej; v" uuuoiuieu, Dili taree tt. y uut jtnree otners v- ujr Duiiets, one OI """f;0 puiiets, one of thett r. .v." ujriug1- - several .days lver; - i . ". ' ." 'Other nuaAJB-w Charlea-mit, vhUe, ' was "fonnd gnilty:?of .retailing. ' - t - . ' Oscar :lunday,- white was.oaad guilty of an : assault with a lewdly s&&-v- mm the charg of cruelty to faffi '4thVta. . -,-r.., tJ;theVcbflta J''Wf -jii . ; ana' were capturea fii 9iariptte Will Phimmer, C. tgbia'a Hugh Martin entered 'rrti it-. J -ii jlie.we sentenced to the ;roads for Itotiir -mAw.' j ' " 'i mokthsJ' f Itigt5Martin ; was V ;alsp - charged ""mvvwauug a. uiacpaue aistmery. We ?niei-eri nwAf n. , witn0perating a blockade distillery. seniened to the' roads for 14 months. Ma?i?i,w,.a8 arrested during the ehristSa . holidays . by - Sheriff Staf fpr4VanC Deputy Benbow at his stili. VhiasVipcated on Mr. J. E. Dil io. farm, near Oak Ridge. : - Jlfe'ennelly, a young: tijayeling" man from New York, who was,arretr: elere jU8t before Chrtetmaiand committed to jail on .a charge! jpf criminal assault preferred by a MrS. Suttle'iDf, Ash evil 1 e WQQ vivan tils Hl'-re woman inthe case f aiu t -ppear when the prisoner .was .ur iriai.-.. i uesaay ana a ContinnancA va . wanj i l Mgyrm of ,cojrt;:' wheh alholie- Proas will doubtless be taken by the FPnn!?uy : was allowed to go on W? rPSUi2anjce. There . was v? jtais ..casej from Hhe. first, and no anrnrispJwn 1 expressed rwhen. the .woman who .pre- JeF? w .cnarge jajieji to appear in f . JeTfpllfdwing constitute the erand lury: g j; A. Hosk;ins, foreman,; T. J. Brooks, J.. W.. Wharton, Charles A. Spiitli; jT A. Barker,. S. A. Kirkman, W.; .."Shoifner, VW, .q..." Crews,' T- R. Coble, )&'. S. Armfield. . S." A. Watkins. WJ U. Burton, Charles L. Shaw, W. A. Watson, W. H. Daniels, Carl Gil- breath and J. C. Bouldin. Grand Jury s Report. The grand, jury finished its work yesterday afternoon, submitted its report to the court and was dis- charged. Seventeen true, bills of indictment r ut ,vws. iiui y u.o uul acted pn.- .. . . . The county offices and institutions and, the convict camps were visited and inspected as required by law. There are 38 inmates of the county home, 18 whites and 20 colored. No complaints were heard of mistreat ment or neglect. The reDort recom mends the erectionof a suitable en closure for the insane ward, to afford the inmates opportunity for exercise. fresh air and sunshine. The county home has on hand about 100 bushels of corn. 15 bush els of oats, 50 bushels of sweet pota toes, and has 25 acres in wheat. 10 acres in oats and two acres . in rye. The stock, cattle, etc., consist of two mules, five cows, one yearling, one brood sow seven shoats and 200 chickens. mi . .' - Anere are zu prisoners at the work- house -two white males, eiirht rr.i bushels of lima beans, 100 bushels of v " v . airaafi 4M - rt l , i ' . wfe iccu. uc tt lesiucx conaisis of three mules. One white male government oris- oher and 11 Colored male countv nris- oners were found in laili v. ; Three ' of tne prisoners are convicts who are under treatment of the county nhy- sician. The grand Jury recommend ed that a more secure; and suitable enclosure be erected: around the . jail The convict camp nearrHigh-Point w VfW vckUApi .nQaiTiiigu 4, uiuit in, charge or Walter C. Ne.lsoi, ;has x prisoners, one w;iute and ,20, col ored. The camP: ha . ninigc. mules. . The camp located southwest of Gyeens bono, near the fair grounds', is in charge of Ector-Stanley and there are nine, colored prisoners; . The camn north of Greensboro.- in charge of C M. Andrews, has 38 pris oners, 17 white and 2 1- colored. There are 18 mules at this camp. - 5 On account of b'ad' weafhe the grand jury did not visit the other two: camps. ' '':-: '.f'V,;- .The offices of the clerk of the court. sheriff register of deeds, treasurer, auditor and sunerintehdent of schools were found in eood condition, the offi- cials doing faithful and efficient work. I4EVEES.; ON "I" TH3E ; : IflSSISSIPPI AND; TJROtJTAltY STREAMS abb breaking: WT. ' . r w . ' r - - Witn the levees on the Mississfnnf : oi trw xueinoaist cnurch last .Thurs .'5" st7am8 "rtlntt dylT- ttight. adJoWd Monday J op-,e.vfrom, th?lr to faeei next Jn Akhcyllle.- The fflS- S W ' OWV8 te.ot >3 prononnbed oieohthe most' acres of rich farm lands; the flood . . :. . . " -, . r situation i, in Arkansas, Mississippi No loss of life has yet been renort- ed. but there is much suser wnere m the affected district. The property damage, will be enormous. wo "uui iuree io ten-ieet in the streets of the town,. The city was practically deserted five thoU - , ... .... - 7 . . sand citizens having fled. . . - All train .service has been stonned -a v,DoV'f v - 7 - ' A break in the Arkansas river levee Purred and more than half of th?at tary, Mrs. G. W. Whitsettj -ToZZ city: is under water. . Public schools spending secretary, Mrs H A Dun were, closed and skiffs wero 'JkL--h iJ,-, ? 5 T8'?'.A' Dan - - v r :r -s.fuaiH, treasurer, jars.-P. N: Peacock rescue-the children -and. -familtA Vri-k.---' . - eacocK, Tiw- ' - Y"-v7-v- - ;t fof n", ? "-hth?neT?r b lore ahd Still rising. Thousands waa 1 i.vrv -w" ia " , . : - .-?-p.r .-s iiJ tte-secttond of the; lake villages by the breaking P' the levee near Red Fork, f Govern. ?ueut; engineers at Vicksbufg .started rctie parties to the -"rfUer. oil huh- vo wy were marponea in sections adjacent to ihat'ritv " ' v "7 4 v -: The levee at McClalien. Ark" broA and five hundred' prsciik.jair',des perate need of help. The wateiiwlll overflow, a hiimber. of surrounding Bman villages, ;it is feared and many acires oT land will be submerged.. Six thousand people are affected, by this break. ReUef of Flood Sufferers, ,, Washington, Feb. 1. A: ?500,0.00 appropriation forv sufferers : from floods . in tthe ; Mississippi valey"y -in 1916,. along -.with1, the authorization to use. war department tents,-blankets and rations for the destitute floofc victims, was proposed in? a joint res olution introduced oda v bv TtonrtL tative JlusseU oX-Missiuri.tRepre- senxative Barkley, of Kentucky, intro aucea a bill, to appropriate $400,000 for a similar purpose. ' TO SPEAK FOR IiAYMEN'S MISSIONARY COXV3ENTION, Addresses in . behalf of the lay men's missionary convention, whir-h is to be held in Greensboro February win be made Sunday by a num ber of men of the city as follows: J. Norman Wills Tabernacle at 11 A. M., Battle Ground at 3 P M. and Oak Ridge at 7.15 P. M. C H Ireland Gibsonville at 11 A. M. and Whitsett at 3 P. M. Dr. J. S. BettsMuir's chapel ..at 11 A. M. and Friendship at 3 P. M. Dr. J. L. Mann Jamestown at 1 1 A. M. and Groometown at. 3 P. M. . T. C. Hoyle Rehobeth at 11 A. M. and -Zion at 3 P. M. Rev. A. C. Bridgman Alamance at 11 A. M., Moriah at 2.30 P. M. and Proximity at night. A. M. Scaleis Buffalo at 11 A, M and Midway at 3 P. M. ; Judge N. L, Eure Holt's chapel at 11 A. M. and Mt. Pleasant at 3 Pi M. Rev. C. E. White is to be at ti1 gah inthe afteiponri-, - . Q-::Monroe;-will address a -ntrtn meeting at Summerfield at 3 P. M. Dr. .u W. Moseley will address a union meeting at Liberty in Ithe affe. I E. J. Davis is to" address meetings noon at Brick church and ml- tt . the Committee has not announced the I -w pours. . ..u69 ttiso oe neia at Hines chapel. Pleasant Ridge and . other churches, . but . the .apointmentav ha not heen marl " - Death of E. Henry. Flasir. M. our riasr, an agea.,-resi-i ..'.7- ""f Juutcai committee dent of the county .'. died. .lklondayJ11 ' favorable rertof a.well- morniner at tfi h.ma lu ! I known Jew to fltl im;7iT- .. - wo wi ua bub, ur. . - - ' v r. w. r iagg, at Brown Summit. . He was 79 years.ip-ld and had been in feeble health . for some time. ' Mr. Flagg was a native- of ..Germany,, but rnm tn tho TTnlrat.t.. yng$nd settle. Illinois. Here- lu iuM bibw .tuen ne came to Guilford . county to make his home "with his son.' ' (Mr. Flagg is surrjved 'bf his aged ; P Vf Vnilte'NcMrs. Cyn widow and sixehildren, who a're- ard died Tuesday morning' at IU:-' ReV. Al H-ftwf-AMiimiM'." Iuk pi FTMrown.S a . - f W jfJ j V.ir, SnssIONARY. CNFERExrr: ; Mh clones iriNE session; ; The T annual meeting of the Wch manV Missionary ' Society. - of the Western North Carolina Conference. wucu .convenea 7 in - west Market " 7 f46. Buwcssiui ever. neia in the' history of the society ! - . ' - " . . "r- Uionary work this , year: The fund Iwm 5 . Officers the ensuing year were elected as follows- , - ? l"' i - wovfc, u.a. iiucj xi. . nonprr.. son:, firat ce nrede tj. k i-,. - V ' I oci;uuu ice presiaent, Mrs.. tq xi o .. 'svimipoi.: mission study and PH1'"C,ty- W-R. Warren! suert tc""c BOU service, Mrs VV . a, Newell; superintendeat Mrs.--j . N. Hauss; r distributer -of. 4it- eraturer MrsJw. p frmiat Of woman's nace fn A Hw--r 1-Fir -r . .u.i vuug, H.X0. Harris, !rsVH.B: oyer: and the council.- f Th Uajtrtct&ie werer .Asheville. Mrs.: v-TRf. CharlbtteV '?imZ?Vr. KrPresW ; Greensboro,; Mr- R. Ni Mann "kor gantdn; NMrs Brdobawin; J Mt.; Airy; Mrs. j. L oltz North Wikes borb.ilW.W.'F; "Tfogdoai3rfurJ Mrs- Jj. Shinri; Shelby -Mrs. f). T. Morrirv- totesvilie, sMrs. .' A. War-' lick; Waynesvi.iie, Mrs. M.-D. Cow an ; WinstonMR; Midurtney. NEW 3IEAtT INSPECTION i T. A wvyt m It has 'been decided bv the nitv missibhers Tmake ' ceftitr in ; GreensDorb';meai lkw that will;; in -a -ferge ioeasw-meet the suggestions contained in th -res-. olutions; adopted recently by: adjoint meeting-, of - committees of theT:Guil ford County Farmers vDiiion. the county farm bureau and the Chamber of Commerce,. . The most radical change suggested in the resolutions ebneerned the appointment .of deputy inspectors in the various voting pre cincts where their services should he desired. .. . " . The commissioners have aereed to this and the icity attorn ev nai k1 instructed to rame a new ins'n entr ordinance that shall embrace the dep uty inspector feature) It is under stood that the ordinance will provide mat the . deputy, inspectors shall be appointed by the city ' insnApW w, will instrucf them inltheir duties. ' ii -'-.- . .,. RACEi PBEJt7Di!E .WlIX' - . lSOTDEFEAT BRANDEIS. It now appears 'that the nominator. of Louis DBrandeis asiTmempr of the lTnJted. States Supreme Mxjk wiU be. confirmed, by. the senatJ, unless charges affecting the personal integ rity or JudicUl.eharac.ter and temper ament of the appointee should be made and sustained: - SenatWi. a - Overmani acting chairman , nf ti.. ':- ate judiciary committee; has maie the ioiipwing statement in. regard to the- matter -? - -;. "I have not said how i Vin 'w- on "the nommation "pf : Mr. ' Brandeis, I tried.' as aiMnr " t-.. . . .. - . 1 - vuauuuu oi tne senat judiciary cbminittee. to " - commutee.; I did not nil?0 anyDempcrat on the an Unfavorable ontnfW " "1. . .1. . . -wr.w w. uie uomina. on. mere is no race preiudice ln I the committee against randeis. Twn I . ..wu nuyviiam once J . - v. . . - . - - . .. . I .xVul01- 1 . ' h I "The senate f committee known I tt? t9u" Branded and & trying to' get the truth Tjnless something af-" I fectfnsr imp "RmikIsI.i ..- ,, M.Hdri toaractir and temperament ",vu6cu abu uiamiainea, tne nom- I "alien wm be confirmed:M. ' -; - 7 ' ' " ''"' Mills.6Ial7 "White7 Oak ft e Wi " Tft- andsnved by two iona 1 and twb dauskters. -The- tcljvr .n$rsattie;Stewar were .selected as alterhat Veleg'ats tohifc'-meetiiUr. of a;.; - 1 .