GnEErJSDono, n, c, thudcsay, : tniiH mo, ESTAb-fMED 1021 LOCAL HEWS IHb? F0RI1 HAIIE DELEGATES TO CHICAGO WILS0I1 CALLS FORSHOWDOWII BOjEER TAKES -POSSESSIOII OF INTEREST TO THE REPUBMOANS SELECT JUDGE W. ASKS CONGRESS FOR. VOTE ON FOITECLOSES . ON BEPPBMCAN tfATTtlW V p.Torp rykitm ANT J . JlOYCTC THE FOREIGN POLICY OP 1 ' PARTY IN NORTH CAROLINA 88 ,o vn vTHAlL TO REPRESENT THEM. ' ADMINISTRATION. ; D im .-.-- E. C. DUNCAN DEPOSED. i at Centenary. A revival, The fifth district Republican con- President Wilson has servea no-icer.; jiarion sutler loreciosea on tne Beinv -V Methodist 1 eressional convention was :" held in on Congress that he will consent to Republican; party of North Carolina meeting . . -..... I --.- nonv oftr. nnt.hlnz less than a record 'vote,-on I at Uhe state convention held in-Ral- church wi the interest may nobh an,d was attended by a large the anti-administration resolution i: yesterday and now must be ac- tinue as TL preaching will be done crowd, probably 400 or 500 men be- to warn Americans ' off the armed cepted as the real leader of the G. shins of I European beiusrerents be I O. IP. forces in, this state. - Butler at- toy the pa&L , .. . -,.: tlltt ' -0l-f0iH (inna!li0r,hiv hv fnTe he eoes on with the German ftaihed. his position of leadership by teoruary . n.aanahnrn fvA nrMOnr."n 'tha Htv of a nn m- submarine negotiations, . ? deposing C. Duncan, who was de- month oi a . her of Renublicans en route to Ral- No compromise proposition, such feated for re-election us national police otnce , i Lvtt Hn Wo atntP .mnvAnHnn J as a vote of confidence in the presi-1 committeeman. John M: Morehead, 91 deieuuAu , . I . ' . ' . . hont'a fm-Aicn nolicv. will be accent- V of PCharlote. iormer congressman Mr. Jonn T. JBenoow, or Winston- " . ... " , ; i. ' u ;is aeiu, uu me uun qisirici, was me xsut- I,,. Municipal court. The fines im . j iisw.fwi hv thfi court ao- soi posed anu - ' J T "T V , might be construed in Berlin as jus- ler;: candidate for national commit vimated $248.30. f:. 1 Waller, of -Burlington,-secretary -of ni DT: ' . i J:,-1.J x.- . tv.t A f! mv.. tliymcr'-tne opinion mai iue .preaf- S"au ueieateu : uuucuu uy a To upera aoon,iitfi(, L .xl dent lacks the support of Congress vote of 761 to 335. Previous to the CnV(pr WI1U w ao v rf . vi uocitciu ttco tuv fawAwvAwu w tut t 7ah able. Such an action, Burlington, , secretary of mi6h ion. The only business tifyil iro a tlia ooloHnn nf yIaIa. dent . . .-o- and 1 hia own uartv in his demands c04vention Morehead had pledged ith the CooK-iewis ruuuu,, gate zo me nauonai conveuuuu tu - . -. ' " HfT i pany, 1 V.i Vxrill AniraerO m I Trrt T .P 4-V,ir r,H-ir anil AilKesDoru, , ' . to afford members of Congress a way -The fallowing were elected dele fmindrv DUSinca. j. n. Joyce, oi neiusvuie, weie cicui- - ... : . i . , - . - .. , ..rtSrnew Plant in.readinessLd delegates, with Mr.-W. E..WhiteJ for nneration. . " ' Building Permits. The report Qf Graham, as alternates. submitted to the city commissioners Something was siid 'about the se- yesterday by the building inspector lection 6f an elector,, but it vv as showed that permits were issued thought better to defer this matter during the month of February for until after. the nomination of a can- tLe erection of new buildings at an didat for president. A , , ; attended and much interest Ve assregate cost of 32,350.- The ma jcrity of the permits were for the erection of residences. Daiiy School. The dairy school conducted at Brightwood yesterday -vas well Avas manifested. The tchool . was conducted by representatives of the state agricultural department, in co operation with the county demon stration agent, and the instruction given tfas of a practical nature. Mrs. Blair Recovering. Mrs. H. . The honor of being a delegate seems to have been wished on Judge was hot that of a man who was seek- Afterithe delegates had been elected the- convention, being hungry for a little oratory and knowing Judge Bynum's ability to thrill and enthuse ' Washington, Feb. 29. Results of the new Austrq-Germaii submarine campaign against ' armed merchant ships of the entente allies, beginning at 'midnight,, are awaited by the United States with grave concern; Although under their new instruc tions Teutonic navai commanders are authorized to sink without warn ing all armed enemy merchantmen they encounter, it is understood they have been told to make sure if pos sible 'that no American citizens are aboard any ship attacked.. Further more, iri the latest communication regarding submarine warfare, Ger many has assured the United States that the new orders are 'so formulate ed as to prevent the destruction of enemy liners "on account of their armament unless such armament is proved.", t The altitude of the United States government toward the new policy Of Germany and .Austria has . not been definitely determin ed Presi dent Wilson today discussed the sub ject in a conference with Secretary Lansing and then .laid the German communication before his cabinet. Later it was said that, because the all-important , appendices ,to the Ger-- man memorandum had been delayed Making clear that he considers the dTth Dr Cyrus Thompson, an old- in transit, the state department thus iime war norse oi tne party, pro- far was unable to determine if the , tn-.Krnrth v m.- ''--t,;a TnA-o tor a lull ooservance oi mternauuuai i ?uyyuii, w uuuwui mu yroiaiseu IS prepariUB uc nciu m W"B" , trt ktrmH KV loo of Mebane, and Mr. Heenan Hughes, fre tbe on the straight out Chlf J' J?1 ana Out qUcSLlUll. . : I -?. v vuuuij , i ucmo emu J. J. Britt, of Asheville, and Wi S. President Robinson, of Goldsboro. The alternates are: Clarence Call, of Washingtop, Feb. 29. Wilson decided today that he cannot proceed with the German "submarine negotiations while dissension in Con gress weakens his position before the world, so he called for a show-down on tne pending proposals 10 warn V. . Wilkes: L. L. Wrenn, of Chatham: HS. Williams, of Cabarrus, and John E3. Cameron, of Renoir. The convention was a ' noisy and tuf bulent affair and was marked by Bynum. At any rate, his attitude Americans off merchant ships of thel a splay: of much bitteraess 6RAVM WAITS FOR RESULTS ATTITUDE OF UNITED STATES TOWARD NEW POLICY NOT ' ) FULLY DETERMINED. European belligerents armed for de- When the '..Butler forces were abput to piit E. C. Duncan to his president, and not Congress, charged with the conduct of fore-gn relations of the United States, he wrote a let ter to Representative Pou, acting an audience, sent a committee to wau uu mm ttuu;.w chairman: of the house rules com before the convention. But Judge mlttee. askine him to nrovide nar "M Blair wife of the editor of the Bynum had forgotten all about the iiamentary ! means for bringing the Lth ckrolina Christian Advocate, convention and the committee re- agitation ou into the' open on the ivvji Hi tnrnoH . r rannrt that Vta omiIH nnt who underwent a double operation - floor of the house for full discussion at St. Leo's hospital a month ago c - and a vote,, aa i a sorious condition for a r. joyce, tne otner delegate, was Administration . . j x t t nn I then nressed. into service and msulA letaaHiin fn 7 v av h i i p nas reiurneu. tu nci uuwc vm . 7 .. -: ai.viu; , w . hid taoi. nc-n. oucusii- TTpnd rix street. Her friends will be a speech that evoked much applause, ening their lines and counting on the -lad to know that she is almost fully He was certain that the name of De- support of the Republicans, now are if stored to health. mocracy tnis year is Dem-is and that so sure of their position that' i they CivU-Serice.-A civil service ex- even in the imperial fiffth district plan to end all agitation with a vote ainination will be held tt the post- JuaJ- t,lcuulftU 13 s" uuwu m. ue- 01 connuence in tne preyldent. office in Greensboro on Tuesday, reat Detore tne Republican candi- This course was decided on after April 4, for positions as deputy col- aate, wnoever .e may be. All this today's cabinet meeting, at which it was discussed, and after a week's quiet, steady work at thy capitol. Prompt action is desired particularly cefeded to tell the members of the claims set forward by per many and convention just what he thought of Austria in justification of their thm in; words that ware red hot. I course were sustained. s you want me itepuDJican party Meanwhile if any American citi- to ,be run from Washington," said he zen is injured during tho attack by a witn great heat, 'gc rtght on as you gubmarir.e on a merchant shin which have started. Let your slogan be ! a naa nnf qyiI Vioa nrt fntantinn nf lie. sutler and Bonds It's fine work ing its armament otherwise than ,de you are aomgL ror tne Democratic fensively, a gr&ve situation "will eaders, working paJty .You are owlinS down a man arie; , . ' ; ':- GERU All VESSELS. ARE SEIZED ITALY -TAKES POSSESSION OP INTERNED STEAlIERS-rIAY LEAD TO WAR. who has given time and money to the Repu-.-i party, whose service has- been j unseinsh and v ntiring and 5s are. r olio w ing , a lea JeisTsir The United States stands at this The announcement that the Ital ian government has seized 34 Ger man steamers interned-in Italian ports is-attracting much attention in official and diplomatic circles, and in some, quarters the belief is express ed that the, seizure was the first of a series of acts which eventually might lead to war between Italy and Ger many. Although diplomatic rela tions. between the two countries have been broken off, they have not been at war. One of the leading explanations advanced for Italy's action was that she proposed ;to answer the new Ger manic submarine campaign by send ing German-owned ships to 'sea to meet the Teutonic submersibles. An other explanation advanced was that Great Britain, short of ocean ships from submarine activities, wanted to- use the ships in Italian ports, -and was urging Italy to war on Germany. :... The ships seized by Italy i are worth millions of dollars. A total of 57 German and Austrian vessels are . in Italian; ports,, the. Austrian ships having been seized when Italy declared war on the dual tnonarchy. The status . of ; the. German vessels until now has been the same as that of German vessels which: remained in American ports after war began, t The . allied nations are short - of ships" and transfer of the German vessels to the flag of Italy and theif use by the entente allies would do much toward' relieving the cong tion of goods oh-. American - docks awaiting shipment to the allied coun tries. Officials explained that ves sels of an enemy country impressed into service are operated by the gov ernment and "rev.enues derived are kept as separate accounts. At the are sustained, hoWever, and it is Cotton Merchant Suicides. lector, inspector and agent in the Pleased the crowd mightily income tax division of '.he internal revenue bureau. The positions pay from $1,400 to ?1,600 at the begin ning, with an opportunity for ad vancement to $7 a day, with an ex pense allowance of $3. Home For Children. The North O. P. Heath, a well known cotton merchant of Charlotte, committed suicide Monday by shooting himself through the head. Bad health and financial reverses are assigned as in the house, where agitation has been most turbulent and where Speaker Clark predicted anti-admin istration resolutions when first intro duced would have passed by a ma jority of two to one. There never Carolina Children's Home Society, which is engaged in the business of the, causev Mr. Heath was 58 years has been any question of the admin- NothinS could have forced me here right . of . Americant.citizens. to travel xiere. nis woras were arownea in ar-vi . v.uui uo ui uuwu iiuiu an pares 01 me house, but he managed to hand out a parting shot as he left the stage, mad clear through. "If you can run the Republican party without men like ; me and Carl Duncan, take it and run it," said he. In the midst of the excitement Mr. Duncan addressed the convention, saying: "T Am 1 ,1 X 3 XI 1 embarrassing situation of my life. time, as it has always done, tor th4 conclusion of peace the revenues re : - - -. . - --" 1 " - y Purse Snatcher , at Work, j . ' Two Greensboro ladies , have been proved conclusively -that a ship up- badly frightened this week by an on which an American may be injur- unknown negro purse natcher at ed use defensive armamont for pur- j least the presumption is that both poses of offense it is considered un-1 offences were committed, by the likely that this government will take j same -man. . Just after she- had any action. alighted from a street car at the cor ner of Spring Garden street and Highland avenue about 5.30 o'clock Monday night and started to -ier home, a few yards distant, Mrs. W. A dispatch from Omaha, Neb., to L- Clement was approached by a ne- NEBRASKA "DRYS" ARE SUSPICIOUS OP BRYAN. except that my honor and integrity are at stake. I am aware that the finding homes for destitute orphan old and is survived by hid widow and hgtration control'of the senate side: children in the state, has rented a j w UUB UL lue Adoption of the Dendine resolu- residence on Lithia street to be used most prominent cotton dealers in the tions practically would amount to state has Deen flooded with printed receiving heme. The children bouth and nad made and lost several congressional repudiation of policies matter a11 assaulting me viciously. as a All 'of this was issued from Marion the Philadelphia Public Ledger I S says : W. J.' Bryan is trying to capture the prohibition sentiment in Nebras ka, and state Prohibitionists are wondering if their efforts are to be utilized to . punish Bryan's enemies A A I . I will be kept there until placed in w V"1?6, -A ACV J"" " w announced and contended for bv permanent homes. Mr. A. M. Scales reputed to have had ?1, 500,000 in President Wilson and Secretary Lan- Butler- ? knew 90 days ago that is president of the society and Mr. cash on deposit in Charlotte; banks. sing all through the submarine na- Butler was coming back to North L. H. Putnam superintendent. About a year ago he suffered astroke gotiations, which more than once I Carolina to attack me with the pur- NcNeely-Hobbs. Mr. Maurice C. of paralysis and the condition of his were in a crisis. With their defeat Pse of winning over the Republi MeNeely, of Mooresville. ; and Miss health had seemed to prey on his and an affirmation by a maioritv of can party and taking charge of the Nina Elizabeth Hebbs, e daughter mllld a ood deal. He did not seem Congress of their confidence in the 8tate l Dald no attention to his as of Mr and Mrs P. P. Hobbs, of tots to mlnd the loss of 'money, but when president's course, Mr. Wilson's sup-. saults, because T thought that surely rv..i wri.v at nnnn his health became impaired he be- nn.n. v.. .,111 t Marldn Butler was so well known in at the Church of the Covenant, the came despondent. to continue tocontend for the nrin- North Carolina that, his attacks ?"to' 30,000 of them, signed the ' i i . i uKMLiuu. oiacea mem on me ami niii- gro who iseize'd her hand hag, which contained her. purse i and- several small articles. Mrs. Ciement held" on to the handbag and screamed and the negro was -frightened away. While returning to her; home on North Elm street; about 8 o'clock and reward Bryan's friends; instead TS day, nAgUt ..P.. A. AusUn:Wo, of to make Nebraska "dry" this fall v A.t the November election Nebraska is to vote, under the initiative and referendum laws, on prohibition measure. ..Thei; Prohibi- f olio wed by. a negro- who, "at the, in tersection -of" North ;Elm and Fisher avenue, seized her hanauag and raa.- . I The kandbSLsr cnntaitiftd. nnW nniaa a state-wide I - i T pieces oi emoroiaery. - . . ceremony was performed by Rev R. More Testimony in Branrtiga fe?e. Washington, Feb. 29. rExpIna- . : 7 I a i m. : a , . . v. Mn ii iir i ri i fiMir r i-iJn nn rn v ta t - Mnrnhr Williams. Soon after ; their Vmrnt Tnninr flrhnni & nm. manitv with a nnitoH Wommont i . in oi long ago l received from I r .- . . 4" ' . " . ; I T i mjy -PrAAWJM a a - A I r - O W V X UAUVU V- j v i .'. r- .' I ki,t.j x-i " - I John M. Morehead-a latter ARbine Wia , x. rH"v. wi - ui. wwrw ouuuajr Bcuum wur- wim iue eame iorctj i . . r no WHUom t oA ri.- w in RranAtM MhTMMMia - W support of the movement. The Bry- j tions of the charges against Loxda on a bridal trip to Washington and I ers of the city have organized a as he did before a minority in Con New York and upon their return training school f or , the people of I gress weakened his position more Ihey will be at home in Mooresville. their race, somewhat along the lines I than ail the arguments of the for- Takes New Position. Mr. R. G. of the training school conducted by I eign diplomats with whom he had to Campbell, of Friendship, has been I the white people. The first meeting I contend. employed as superintendent of the for work will be held tonight, when! Dispatches from Berlin and Vienna Kockfish tion that recently purchased ': - . I m. . . ' . I l . .. . ' x a . s .; tline our differences. I answered W a" Taz' DUl are me senate cummjHee, coMiaen that ! could. not have dealings with trying to capture the prohibition J his nomination for tie - Cuprcad a man of Butler's character and mpaiOT ana lurn " to tneIr own conn, oegan wxiay oj wara. j . !. . ,r fl "1 T . "i . . , L . . k standing and wanted no conference aavanuiBe with him. I did not recognize him I W. J. Bryan is a candidate for del- el Mills Company., a corpora- Rev. J. W. Long, secretary of the have pictured How the congresshmall3 a fM tne. Democratic na- recently nurchased: four North Carolina Sunday SchooV As- arftitio from Morehead, tional convention; his. brother, idle cotton mills ' ,at sHope Mills, I sociation. will deliver a lecture. Cumberland county. Arrangements are being made to put the idle plants into operation as early as possible. 34 r. Campbell is a practical cotton mill man of long experience and for a number of years was superintend ent of the Proximity Manufacturing Company. He gave up that position a few years ago and moved to his farm at Friendship. O. Henry Memorial. The com mittee in charge of arrangements for the O. Henry memorial an nounces that a public meeting in the Fire in High Point. Fire in High Point Tuesday night destroyed the machinery building, engine-room and kiln of the Rankin Coffin and Casket Company. The store room, which contained a quantity of man ufactured . goods, was saved. - The loss is in excess of $10,000, with McClenn&n, of Boston, member Brandij-s firm.- ' "'' ' -r -. McClennan Teferring to the charg es that Brandies' had - been employ ed by the New Have railroad to llslp ..: : ' ... .. .-. L.. d-hi. ti. j . I wreck it. declared the officii !i?V demands upon Germany and Austria I purpose oi getting na or sutler, i w mjau auu uis uromer . - - - - t.artyra,d there was immediately a -TO?.. pw i cau on ir. - --"T talo li. hind, Sf-it?-S. BuiiLe ymi.i.vriu.t ana iaav an canal- . dates of the party subscribe to that mute1 Uat his.rm was counsel for dicating that the president, in his 8tattoS that the conference was for Charles W., is a candhjate for gover- stiffenibg of the German determine Morehead to make 8 his promise tion not , to recede from the an nounced purposes of the' new subma rine campaign to sink without warn ing' all armed merchant ships, de spite President Wilson's reiterated vorv little inaiiranrA TVio fir tttayt- ed on the second floor of the machin- conitention that such a practice.wa ery building audits cause is un- irary u, tne principles for which known ' the United tSates had contended with V ' . x ' Germany ever since the sinking of: Policeman Pngh Deiad. Mr. John the Lusitania. interest of the movement will be held M. Pugh, a member of the Greens-1 ; it is known that amone the ele- Saturday night, March 11. The boro police force for the past five jnients leading to the president's acr meeting probably will be held in the years, died at St. Leo's hospital yes- tion were 'repeated declarations of Grand opera house. An address will terday morning at 12.30 .o'clock, fol- Germany's unyielding attitude ex- be delivered by Dr. C. Alphbnso lowing an operation Tor appendicitis pressed in inspired statements" from Smith, of the University of Virginia, last Friday. Mr. Pugh was 58 years Berlin by the highest officials of the yhp is engaged in the 'task. of writ- old and a native clf Chatham county. German government, some pf which ing a biography of O.lHenry, who; His is vSuryiTed fj his widows .five eyen approached intiinaUons of bad; as known and is remembered by sons : and ttwo daughters "5 The fu- faith on the pifesident's part becaus many Greensboro people as William pieral was held frord Spi ing Garden 1 the United States would not accept to me. I demand that he refuse to accept the nomination and take his stand by my side. . " : "Then, fellow Republicans, I de- measure before the primaries held." :' .;-V,.;-.- are the Equitable Life.: Insurance Com pany when Brandies attacked the company in a public speech in 1905. Sidney Porter. It is. probable that Street Methodist church this ihe memorial toi be erected by noon at 3 o'clock and interment Greensboro admirers of the distiri- made in Greene Hill cemetery ';The guished writer will take the form of services were conducted by ' Rev. Z. a tablet to be placed in the public I E. Barnhardt and members of the "brary. , the -view that the Lusitania guaran-t tees applied only to ships carrying no armament whatever. ' -y News pf the ' president's decisioif Ica. t orcaserved i as Court HoTsse 'Burned.' . The; Davie county court house,, at In order to force the party to adopt mand that Marion Butler come into I this plank Mri Bryan is coming to the open and that there be a roll-call Nebraska several weeks before the between me and him. It ia unfair to I primary and will stump the state for Morehead to place him In this em-1 prohibition and, incidentally, for I MocSTlJlefa totIydeatrcyed by barrassing situation and there is no I his own candidacy and that of his I fire Monday night. All the records fight on him. I am willing to fight it brother. j were saTed.. The court hous3 was a out with BuUer himself and if he He, nrron ' wmi. . I new. building and cost 540.000. It wins on a roll-call vote, I will move leader of the pfohibltiontste and call- ls stated tliat there insurance to make It unanimous and turn the ing upon all thedry" voters to get on tne property. The building-was yariy over lO-mm. . I KAliinrl Tnn 1 o The proposition was a stunner and ha nwn demaniT n ,, w,n things were quiet for a brief season, expect his. support shdU declare for during which the leaders , looked prohibition. Instead the demand, in Wank and uneasy. Nobody, had look- its practical effect, has been changed ir .uca ciianeufie. xnen to "Bryah" instead of "prohibition'' Butler 'influence got . to working I DO ,, Ui v-J xi n : '.. .!...- -Ai I - W ana jeering ana nassing sran.- the suppprt of the DtOhioitionistS. eu ana uuncan couia not maae nim- self heard equipped 1 with a ' private "water -; sys- temfor .nse in the event ot fire, but the apparatus refused to work. - -. . . V " , ' . ,r-- r - One of Leefs OfScers. S; Norfolk, Va March l-t-CoL-Wal ter vHTaylorr one, of, the best known men in the South, died arhi3, horaar in tliis cli.fltonighi"iVrTd 3 - : I A . I adjutants to General Le? 4at!m Civil Morehead v . told : . the convention I not reiuse ta accept the position , of I war. He was one of General Lee's that stand he had promised :lIunn to j national committeeman as Dnnean'si adTisera &ndsserfel rinevcry; r-xfsatwitlijli-h-iVfe dld.l suwessoi d. I paijr. withrtirllLierzi c.. :